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Judge Sykes on Justice Gorsuch
In recent remarks, the Seventh Circuit judge assessed the newest Justice's early work on the Court.
Next week will mark the one-year anniversary of Neil Gorsuch's swearing in as a Supreme Court justice. As a consequence, we'll soon be treated to a flurry of articules evlauating his first year on the court.
It may be particularly interesting to consider howother jursits evaluate Justice Gorsuch. As it happens, Justice Gorsuch's record was the subject of a lecture by the Honorable Diane Sykes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law earlier this spring. In these remarks, Judge Sykes comments on Justice Gorsuch's concern for text and legal process.
The Sykes lecture was this year's Sumner Canary lecture at CWRU. Incidentally, then-Judge Gorsuch delivered the Sumner Canary lecture in 2016. Video of the Gorsuch lecture is here, and a published version of his remarks from the Case Western Reserve Law Review is available here. Judge Sykes' lecture will also be published later this year.
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