The Volokh Conspiracy
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Upcoming speaking engagements on "Democracy and Political Ignorance"
Over the next few months, I will be doing a number of speaking engagements about the just-published second edition of my book Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter, in addition to ones I have previously done at the Cato Institute (video here) and various universities in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.
Each of the events listed below will be open to the public. I am happy to meet any Volokh Conspiracy readers who decide to come!
Sept. 8, 2016, noon: University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY (sponsored by the University of Kentucky Federalist Society).
Sept. 13, 2016, noon: University of Pennsylvania Law School. Philadelphia, PA. Sponsored by the UPenn Federalist Society.
Sept. 20, 2016, noon: University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA. With commentary by University of Virginia Prof. Daniel Ortiz. Sponsored by the University of Virginia Federalist Society (and possibly also the American Constitution Society).
Oct. 25, 2016, noon (tentative time): Harvard University Institute Politics (panel with Georgetown Prof. Jason Brennan and others).
I will also be setting up additional events related to the book. If your university, research institute, think tank, or other similar organization is interested in having me speak about the book, please contact me. Sadly, the topic of the book is particularly relevant right now, in light of developments in this year's presidential election, and the debate over the role of political ignorance in the Brexit referendum, among other events.
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