Six More Reflections on Oral Arguments in PTO v. (Updated)
Thomas speaks, Breyer pages, Sotomayor mutes, and Blatt snarks.
Thomas speaks, Breyer pages, Sotomayor mutes, and Blatt snarks.
The Court did't wait for the 9th Circuit to hold that the rule is retroactive, or for the 5th Circuit to hold that the rule is not retroactive
The Chief strictly kept time, Justice Thomas asked questions, and I think Justice Sotomayor was on mute
But other courts in the Ninth Circuit have categorically said that such injunctions are unconstitutional—the law remains quite unclear.
An interesting procedural question raised by the Sixth Circuit's decision on worship services closures and the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
More unanticipated consequences from Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee
Liquor stores may be "life-sustaining," but houses of worship are "soul-sustaining."
The court concludes that it likely violates the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Free Exercise Clause, chiefly because the Governor's order has many exceptions for various allowed services.
Further thoughts on the Tucker Act and Federal Question Jurisdiction
A review of Richard Epstein's latest book: The Dubious Morality of Modern Administrative Law
An appeal by the team stands a very good chance of success, as many disputed facts need to be assesed by a jury--including admissions of unequal pay made by U.S. Soccer.
Not a great thing to see in an appellate opinion, if you claimed that reviewing a court order shows that you should win.
The latest in a long series of setbacks to the adminstration's efforts to pressure sanctuary jurisdictions by attaching conditions to federal grants.
One day too late, one good eye, and dead men tell no tales.
Why May Day should be a day to honor victims of an ideology that took tens of millions of lives. But we should also be open to alternative dates if they can attract broader support.
No, the United States is still not able to test all those that it should.
"Even the most dedicated patent lawyer would have difficulty mustering 'hatred' for a computer user who inadvertently violated a patent."
We've filed a friend-of-the-court brief asking the Tennessee Supreme Court to review the case.
SCOTUS amici versus John Harrison
Despite a contrary argument by Prof. Enrique Guerra-Pujol, Kelo doesn't even address the relevant issue.
The case is an important one that could be headed to the Supreme Court.
The NLRB's prosecution of a conservative journalist should be worrisome.
The Chief Justice will go first, then Justice Thomas will waive his time, then Ginsburg, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh
Remember the Iowa Caucus app and
Four justices have signaled they are ready to take a 2nd Amendment case. Are there 5 votes to reverse?
I will be happy to send professors a preview from the Barnett/Blackman 2020 supplement
The court was applying a specific Virginia statute that limited the Governor's emergency powers as to guns.
In NYS Rifle & Pistol, Justice Kavanaugh cited his dissent from Heller II (CADC 2011). And in Ramos he cited his own concurrence.
Congratulations to Jessica Livsey, my research assistant, for her tireless work
Can a plaintiff seek compensation for an unconstitutional taking, without relying on the Tucker Act's jurisdiction? (And a connection to the bumpstock litigation)
The Eighth Circuit lawsuit remains pending.
Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Thomas disagree about the value of separate writings in Georgia v. Public Resource.Org, Inc.
A part-video / part-telephone conference happening this week -- watch or listen to them live or recorded, as you like.
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