Lawmakers: Sudden Attack Revealed in Benghazi Video
Definitely not a demonstration
Would Syria be any different?
It was bureaucratic inertia what done it
So why was the consulate not provided a modicum of protection?
Say she should have known her comments about the Benghazi consulate attacks were not true
Pick a story and stick to it
We're led by people of questionable competence, miserable judgment and a flexible relationship with the truth.
Were administration mouthpieces lying or just wildly confused?
Say it was an effort to protect sources
45-minute video includes images from unmanned drone over consulate
He's not really backing the administration's version of events
Still trying to figure out exactly what happened
Just stupidity, not horrible incompetence, he says
Your story ... it doesn't make sense
No keen observer could believe the government's Pollyanna version of these events.
After Benghazi responses, don't want Susan Rice as Secretary of State
Fiscal Cliff, Benghazi, tax cuts, and Petraeus affair all expected to be addressed
Set to appear before Senate Intelligence Committee on Friday
He just might have something interesting to say on the matter
She doesn't have the administration's back
The Obama administration's shoddy response to the consulate attack in Libya
Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi is accused of "committing prejudicial acts against the security of the state and financial crimes"
Hmmmmm ... no longer testifying at those Benghazi hearings, eh?
In the case of Benghazi, the cover-up may be the crime and the distraction
Some outlets knew the two Navy SEALs were working for the CIA
Say CIA team went to help 25 minutes after the attack began
Papers still in place where they were left by Stevens and others
Just a little longer ...
Storm into hall while new president is detailing his choices
Retired Adm. James A. Lyons is a little bent out of shape with the administration
The blowback from the Libyan intervention continues in North and West Africa
At least three officers reportedly headed from the CIA annex to the consulate anyway