If you ever wanted to live in a world of endlessly fascinating conversations about the arts, science, and philosophy, you're going to love today's guest—Anna Gát. She's the person behind a platform* called Interintellect, which hosts hundreds of online salons a year. While some of them feature superstars like Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, relationship guru Esther Perel, and economist Tyler Cowen, all of the salons are built around civil yet engaging discussions on interesting cultural ideas.
Interintellect's stated ambition is to reinvent French salon culture for the 21st century, and the platform is increasingly hosting in-person events too. Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with Gát about why she started Interintellect, how it grew to have tens of thousands of participants all over the world, and how her new podcast, The Hope Axis, fits into her vision of a future marked by optimism (guests on the podcast have included economist Noah Smith, online-culture analyst Katherine Dee, and Quillette founder Claire Lehmann). They also talk about how her early years in post-communist Hungary shaped her worldview and ambitions.
*CORRECTION: The original text implied that Interintellect requires a membership to participate in events. While there is a membership tier, virtually all Interintellect events are open to the public.
1:29— Interintellect : a public marketplace for intellectual salons
3:31— Gát's background & vision
14:05— Interintellect's scope of events
19:05— A perpetual festival with multiple paths for participation
23:38—Ad: Bank On Yourself
25:30— An apolitical self-moderating cultural community
27:52— Interintellect's global reach
31:39— "The Hope Axis" podcast
37:07— Why is 'doomerism' so appealing to millennials?
42:32— Using the hope axis to defeat "no way out" mentality
45:55— Gát's intellectual heroes
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- The Reason Speakeasy. The Reason Speakeasy is a monthly, unscripted conversation in New York City with outspoken defenders of free thinking and heterodoxy that doubles as a live taping of The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie. The next event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, and features Fox News' Kat Timpf, whose new book is I Used To Like You Until…(How Binary Thinking Divides Us). Tickets are $15 and include beer, wine, soft drinks, and food. Go here for details.
OMG how fucking dumb. There are only two political homes. You support Trump or you're a leftist. That's it.
You are literally the only one that is bringing up Trump.
He’ll die thinking of Trump.
If Trump didn't exist, Democrats would have to invent him.
Was gonna come in and say to charge a dollar a month to keep you out. Apparently you are self deselecting.
Someone's trying to have some nice things? Guess we need to head over there and fix it.
Those LIPS!
Newsflash: people not fond of the current major parties are not "politically homeless". More like we are less ideologically partisan and emotional, and perhaps more sane.
If we are going to build "homes" I suggest we put the crazy people in them.
Sorry Nick, Between the accent and the horrid audio I cannot listen to this episode, impossible to understand enough to even consider what She is going on about. There should be some kind of sound check and or level that is required for this. Maybe don’t let guests use their speaker phones is rule #1. The fact She also talks over you every time doesn't help either.
The fact She also talks over you every time doesn’t help either.
How to sell me on Anna Gat without selling me on Anna Gat.
"The founder of Interintellect, a global online community for intellectual salons, advocates for a truly free and self-moderating market of ideas in the age of political polarization."
Will this site allow real free speech, or is it for Marxist turds only?
Isn't this just a clone of TED talks that is more brazenly elitist in its presentation?
Answer: NO
what is more elitist than claiming to be superior to elitists ?
"uhhh, yeah, like I follow TED talks but they are elitist and people like me who both follow these things and know they are elitist, we are like a vanishlingly small group of ultra-humans"
I’m thinking “wrongthink “ is banned there.
Well, it's promising that Pinker is involved, so that's evidence of 100% canceled professors who can define what a woman is.
I am still interested but Asimov is a loser and Pinker is a mindless self-loving close-minded bigot.
Rick, there are tens (hundreds?) of millions who can define what a woman is. IF YOU need an MIT prof to tell you that, the probleim is :YOU 🙂
>>Politically Homeless
I am me. The parties can suck it. I'll leave Ms. Gat out of it though lol
Well, everyone likes to think of themselves as elite (in some way.)
25:30— An apolitical self-moderating cultural community
In my lifetime I've seen political isolation as almost entirely do to religious isolation. Look at abortion and homosexuality. Any time you express an independent demurrer on either you are labeled as giving a religious or moral opinion, whatever that is. And relatedly, I find many with strong opinions on either and who have become religious did so because they already thought abortion is destroying a human life or homosexuality is a perversion --and then finding Judaism or Christianity having said this for centuries they are drawn to the religion.
SO that is 3 grievous errors
1( as with say an Atheist asking for conscientous objection (and SCOTUS supported this) : Conscience is not equatable to religion
2) You really can't be intelligent and hold a strong 'moral' stance and yet have no views on the ultimates,the things that constitute religion
3) The real discriminator is what you believe and not in why. If you say " I belive all men are created equal until shown otherwise" then you do not beieve, not by any rational standard .
Beliefs are where you start from. That is the basis for our American Founding. You can reject them of course but you can't reject them and say I am an American. And that means American Conservative or American Liberal. You just aren't American.