
The Socialists Are Coming! Or Are They?: Podcast

Democratic mega-proposals, GOP budgetary fictions, prostitution decriminalization surprises, and Zardoz moments galore


The new Editors' Roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast (featuring Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, and me), starts off, as so much policy discussion does nowadays, with a quote from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.). From there we get into polling data about the youths and their socialisms, concrete mega-proposals from 2020 presidential candidates, and garbage tweets like this:

Also broached during this podcast: President Donald Trump's practically fictional budget request, the surprising emergence of decriminalized prostitution as at least a side issue in the 2020 Democratic primary, Captain Marvel's too-obvious '90s references (as if such a thing were possible), and Nick Gillespie's eternal Zardoz moments.

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Audio production by Ian Keyser.

'IMF' by DOt is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 30

Relevant links from the show:

"Large Majority of Millennials and Gen Z Support Private Health Insurance While Nearly Half Say They Want Socialism," by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

"Why Are We Still Debating the 'Merits' of Socialism?" by Steven Greenhut

"The Rise of the Low-Tax Socialists," by Peter Suderman

"'Everyone' Here Is a Socialist Except Most Americans," by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

"White House Budget Calls for Domestic Spending Cuts, Military Spending Hikes, $8 Billion for Border Wall, Extension of Tax Cuts," by Eric Boehm

"Kamala Harris Won't Denounce Federal Law That Harms Sex Workers, but May Support Decriminalizing Prostitution," by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

"Captain Marvel Is a Message Movie Without a Message," by Peter Suderman

And, of course,

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What are we consuming this week?

Matt Welch

  • Mike Lacey and James Larson from Backpage Panel at Reason Weekend

Katherine Mangu-Ward

Nick Gillespie

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