
LA Rally: Don't Believe What Teachers Tell You


Teachers unions say California must not roll back annual increases in public school spending. And they're not too careful about facts when they make that case. Teachers frequently claim, for example, that California is in either 49th or 50th place among the 50 states in per-pupil spending. In fact, the Golden State is 31st in per-pupil spending. Teachers also say the Golden State could solve its chronic budget shortfalls by raising tax rates on the rich. But California is already unusually dependent on taxes collected from high earners. This is why revenue collections can drop sharply during recession, while spending -- which has increased 37 percent since 2001 -- continues to grow at rates exceeding inflation and population growth. Last Friday, May 13, teachers all over Los Angeles left school early to attend a Downtown rally. Reason TV tagged along to find out what other whoppers teachers are telling (outside the classroom, that is). Approximately 4:16 minutes. Filmed by Zach Weissmueller and Paul Detrick; Edited by Detrick.

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