Poll: Just 33 Percent Support Mandated Health Coverage Requirments
Most realize "one size fits all" is a bad idea
Poll: Americans More Opposed to Intervening Abroad Than At Any Other Time In the Last Half Century
But global trade still gets a nod.
Young Voters the Most Ignorant About Obamacare
37 percent under 30 say they are unfamiliar with the law
Poll: NYC Tax Hike on the Rich Has Support Across New York
Supported by 63 percent of voters as a whole, 58 percent of Republicans
Trust in Dems to Manage Health Care Drops
GOP pulls ahead, 43 percent to 39 percent in new poll
The Persistent—But Fading—Appeal of JFK Conspiracy Stories
Explaining two trends in public opinion
Catholic Church Surveys Members' Opinions on Sex Issues
Such as contraception and same-sex marriage
61 Percent of Americans Believe JFK's Assassination Was Product of a Conspiracy
Lowest in almost 50 years
Democrats Losing Ground to GOP in Congressional Candidate Polls
Thanks to Obamacare disaster
How Many Americans Believe a Conspiracy Killed JFK?
How about Bobby Kennedy? Martin Luther King? Vince Foster?
Obama Approaching All-Time Low in Gallup Approval Rating Poll
Latest poll shows 39 percent disapprove
Poll: Obesity on the Rise Among All US Demographics
Those aged between 45 and 64 experiencing the biggest increase
Negative Opinions of Obamacare Up Again
53 percent have negative opinion of Affordable Care Act
Only 35 Percent of Voters Think US Elections Are Fair
Only 1-in-10 believe members of Congress are re-elected on merit
Support for Death Penalty in US Lowest in 40 Years
Still a majority -- 60 percent -- favor it for convicted murderers
Poll: Government Shutdown Has Done Major Damage To the GOP's Image
Two in three Republicans or Republican-leaning independents view the recent fiscal stalemate negatively
32 Percent of Voters Believe American Society is Not Fair
Tying highest level in over six years
51 Percent Say Government Shutdown Personally Affected Them
But only 11 percent say it had a major impact
Poll: 63 Percent of Americans Want Boehner Out as Speaker
Contrasts what some Republicans think of him
Poll: More Than Half of Americans Believe GOP-Controlled House is Bad For the Country
Up 11 points in December
Poll: Many Working Americans Over 50 Think it's Likely They'll Work For Pay in Retirement
Financial crisis not helping