Emergency Room Visits Continue to Rise Under Obamacare
The health law was supposed to reduce pressure on emergency care facilities. It hasn't.
The health law was supposed to reduce pressure on emergency care facilities. It hasn't.
Botched forms suggest the complexity of the law, even for those trying to implement it.
Health insurance does not grow wild and abundant in nature or fall from the sky like manna.
The Obamacare insurance portal is struggling to manage costs.
The health law's allies are trying to distance themselves from the economist's remarks about the deception involved in passing the law. But they're only proving him right.
As the midterm election approaches, promises to campaign on the Affordable Care Act remain unfulfilled.
Up to 310,000 people affected
New EEOC guidelines on the rights of pregnant employees could allow women without contraceptive coverage to file an employment discrimination complaint.
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