Civil Liberties

3D-Printed AK Magazine Unveiled by Defense Distributed


Feinstein AK magazine
Defense Distributed

I'm an AK owner myself, so I admit that Defense Distributed's latest little offering appeals directly to me. The thought of printing high-capacity magazines in the privacy of my own home for my rugged, politically incorrect "assault weapon" just … sits very right. I'm not the only one, I'm sure. So sit back and behold the (drumroll, please) Feinstein! Yes, the latest high-capacity magazine from Defense Distributed, soon to come to a 3D printer near you, is named after California's jolly ol' elf of a senator, Dianne Feinstein, who has done so much to encourage firearms sales and innovations in gun-related homebrew solutions.

Rock on, Defense Distributed. And Dianne? Could you see fit to try to ban, or at least severely restrict, pinot noir? I really look forward to a creative technical solution that lets me pour the stuff from my kitchen taps. A little nudge from you seems to go an awfully long way …

When the plans for the Feinstein are available ("coming soon," promises Defense Distributed), you'll be able to download them from