
12 Colleges that Suck When it Comes to Free Speech. Does Your Alma Mater Make the Grade?


Over at Huffington Post, the head of The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) Greg Lukianoff dishes on the "12 Worst Colleges for Free Speech in 2012." Among the dismal dozen: Harvard, Yale, Michigan State, St. Augustine's, and eight more politically correct institutions. From Lukianoff's write-up:

Many of the 12 are repeat offenders for refusing to undo serious punishments of what should be clearly protected speech on campus, while others are new additions that have shown particular hostility to student criticism and, in one case, limiting free speech to a tiny zone on campus. Also bound to raise a buzz, Yale and Harvard, two of the most iconic colleges in the country, top the list for disappointing but ongoing retrenchment against the principles that are supposed to animate higher education. Also, check out our short video below about the list.

Read the whole piece here.