
3 Takeaways from the South Carolina Primary


In the wake of Newt Gingrich's commanding win over Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul, Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics lays out Three Takeaways:

According to the exit polls, Romney lost among every major category of voter. The demographic groups he managed to win include those with postgraduate degrees (18 percent of the electorate), people earning $200,000 or more (5 percent), moderates (23 percent), non-evangelicals (35 percent), and pro-choicers (34 percent). None of the leads over Gingrich in these groups were particularly large….

This vote was an utter repudiation of Romney, and it absolutely will be repeated in state after state if something doesn't change the basic dynamic of the race. It is true that Gingrich doesn't have funds or organization, but he gets a ton of free media from the debates, and he has an electorate that simply wants someone other than Romney.

What do you think, kind readers?

Whole thing here.