
Holder Visits Tower of London, Talks About 21st-Century Torture


United States Attorney General Eric Holder visited the Tower of London during a European swing through three cities during which he's "seeking allies' help to close Guantanamo Bay, fight terrorism, and catch cyber-criminals."

The attorney general did not say how much longer he thought it would take to relocate the Guantanamo [Bay] detainees. Before officials can meet President Barack Obama's January deadline, the U.S. must first decide which detainees to put on trial and which to release to the U.S. or other countries.

Holder said the first step is to decide how many total detainees will be freed.

"We're doing these all on a rolling basis," he said. "I think we're probably relatively close to making some calls."

Whole story here.

Below, Glenn Greenwald waterboards Obama's iffy stance on civil liberties. And here, Reason.tv's Michael C. Moynihnan asking whether the president's statements about reversing Bush admin detention policies are just a "head fake":