
I Don't Know Who to Believe Any More!


NASHUA, NH - I've arrived in New Hampshire and the route from the airport to my hotel was a lot… whiter and more powdery than it was in June, the last time I was here. Those plentiful, home-stenciled "Ron Paul 2008" and "Google Ron Paul" signs are submerged under a not-too-high pile of snow. But Operation Live Free or Die—the ad hoc Ron Paul group that's way outpacing the official campaign's work—has found a workaround. Last night volunteers piled into a park in Exeter and spent four hours building Ron Paul snowmen. (I should have pics up later.)

I switched Boston's WKRO for the drive and heard Rush Limbaugh lacing into Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani: Jonathan Martin recounts the show here. What Martin didn't hear (he's in Iowa) was the ad at the second hour break for… Mike Huckabee, who I'm informed is "a proven leader and an authentic conservative." Does coverage like that turn any of Limbaugh's listeners against his take? Whose dulcet tones do they believe: the Huckster or El Rushbo? (This is one of Huck's weaker states, so probably the latter.)

Also: Wondering where all of Ron Paul's money is going? As I was typing this post, at 2:46, Paul's "stop illegal immigration" ad ran on CNN.