
Drew, a Lesson


Writing in yesterday's Wall Street Journal, addiction psychologist (and occasional  reason contributor) Stanton Peele, whose latest book is Addiction Proof Your Child, counters "bad advice for Lindsay Lohan," including "never drink again," "lock yourself up," and "get out of show business." He suggests a role model:

Another young Hollywood star who was branded an addict was Drew Barrymore. Remember when she appeared on the cover of People magazine at age 13 as America's youngest addict? Ms. Barrymore had many substance abusing relatives, including her parents, and so experts concluded she would be addicted her entire life.

But, almost 20 years later, in 2007, Ms. Barrymore was on the cover of People again—this time as the world's most beautiful person! No one thinks of her as an addict any longer. Young people often ultimately outgrow youthful problems, sometimes quite serious ones, including drinking and drug addiction.