There Were Blanks in That Gun! I Didn't Even Point the Gun at Him!
The University of Nevada system is going to let teachers carry firearms:
The tragedy of Virginia Tech is still fresh in the minds of many in the collegiate world and campus police departments from Reno to Las Vegas are trying to find a better solution. But students are dumbfounded by the plan to arm teachers.
"So there would be no reason for a teachers to run around, just try to play hero with a gun," said Chris James, junior.
Still the Board of Regents plan would allow faculty take a 21-week course in Carson City. That class would cost more than $3,000 per person and the universities would pick up the tab. But it would use a legal loophole to essentially deputize the employee. That way they wouldn't break the law.
It's a brief article, but note how all the fears about the new plan involve teachers going all Travis Bickle and not any likely problems.
Read more reason on gun rights here.
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