Vegas, Baby, Vegas


Los Angeles City Council members, whose salaries are the highest in the country (in excess of $130,000 a year), have just voted unanimously to ban lap dancing from the porn capital of the world. The law, expected to be signed by Mayor James Hahn, "requires state-licensed security guards to be on duty [at strip clubs] at all times," according to Reuters. "Violators face up to six months in jail and as much as $2,500 in fines." Besides driving still more businesses out of L.A. (and depriving future Courtney Loves of an important revenue source), this gobsmackingly idiotic decision will serve as further workfare for the lefty Council's favorite charity: the LAPD rank and file. Hahn already caved to the police union by delivering a three-day workweek (over the strenuous objections to LAPD management) just after taking office, thereby making it much easier for our cops to moonlight as bodyguards for Death Row records and such.