How the Fair Housing Act Gave Us Emotional Support Parrots
The right to a reasonable accommodation has produced some absurd results.

The first two parrots merely annoyed the neighbors. But after the third arrived, the U.S. Department of Justice got involved—on the side of the parrots.
In 2024, a New York woman teamed up with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to squeeze a six-figure settlement out of her former co-op building. The building's transgression? Violating her right to keep not one, not two, but three emotional support parrots in her home.
It's a colorful case, but it isn't atypical.
A stampede of emotional support dogs, cats, llamas, peacocks, ducks, miniature horses, and more are showing up in America's airports, businesses, and apartment complexes. This has produced no shortage of conflict, particularly in the housing context.
Across the nation, landlords have been feuding with tenants over whether a federal law designed to protect disabled people's access to housing also guarantees renters' right to keep fauna of nearly all shapes and sizes in their homes, "no pet" policies be damned. Small pigs, very large dogs, various lizards, and at least one emu have been caught up in these skirmishes.
The New York woman's name was Meril Lesser. For nearly two decades, she kept two parrots in her home at a ritzy co-op building in Manhattan's Gramercy Park neighborhood.
The birds' noise provoked occasional complaints from other residents of the building, named The Rutherford. When Lesser acquired a third bird in 2015, the conflict escalated.
Within months, her neighbors filed dozens of noise complaints with the city. The building's management company sent Lesser letters citing the bird's excessive squawking.
In response, Lesser took measures to soundproof her home, promised to add additional soundproofing, and noted that the city's inspectors had failed to formally cite her for noise violations. This did little to mollify the neighbors. In 2016, the co-op board moved to evict Lesser.
The case dragged on for years in Manhattan civil court, the standard venue for such private housing disputes. Then, in 2021, The Rutherford was hit with a countersuit over its attempted eviction—not from Lesser, but from the federal government. The Department of Justice (DOJ) got involved because Lesser claimed her parrots were "emotional support animals," and that she required them to soothe her depression and anxiety. Therefore, she argued, the Fair Housing Act entitled her to keep them.
She won the argument. In August 2024, The Rutherford agreed to a settlement requiring it to pay Lesser $185,000 in damages and to purchase her apartment at the above-market rate of $585,000. It's the largest recovery the DOJ has ever obtained in an assistance animal case.
Pet Issues
Americans love their pets. Some 90 million households have at least one dog or cat. A few million more keep fish, birds, rodents, or reptiles. Owners collectively spend $150 billion a year on their well-being.
Less enamored with Fifi and Fido are America's landlords, who often try to guard against the noise, damage, mess, and menace that pets can create by charging pet fees, enforcing breed restrictions, and adopting no-pet policies. Inevitably, this results in conflicts with pet owners.
The landlords might seem to have the upper hand: In every state, their right to exclude pets is a legally protected property right. But since the 1990s, America's animal lovers have discovered a powerful trump card in the Fair Housing Act's requirement that landlords provide reasonable exceptions to their policies and practices for the disabled.
The Fair Housing Act was passed in the 1960s with the primary intention of ending racial discrimination in real estate. Subsequent decades have seen the law's scope expand to cover more categories of discrimination; this happens occasionally through congressional amendments, but more often through court decisions or regulatory guidance.
The result: A landlord who turns away a tenant with an animal or who charges a pet fee could be found guilty of disability discrimination if that animal, like Lesser's third parrot, is deemed a legitimate emotional support animal.
Fair housing lawyers argue that protections for emotional support animals are a faithful, sensible interpretation of the law's protections for the disabled. Property owners contend the rules are vague, easy to exploit, and a source of legal liability when they try to exercise their right to restrict pets on their property.
Online businesses have arisen promising the opportunity to register pets as emotional support animals with just a few clicks and the payment of a small fee. Federal regulators and state lawmakers have tried to establish clear definitions of emotional support animals and to crack down on the most scam-ridden emotional support animal paperwork mills.
Call it a game of cat and mouse—either of which could, in theory, count as an emotional support animal in a court of law.
'Reasonable Accommodation'
The text of the Fair Housing Act never mentions emotional support animals. Their protection under the statute comes from court rulings fleshing out the law's requirement that disabled people be given "reasonable accommodations."
That guarantee first appeared in 1988, when the Fair Housing Act's antidiscrimination protections were expanded to cover people with a mental or physical "handicap," a term later superseded by "disability." This change was a pet cause of Rep. Hamilton Fish IV (R–N.Y.); it received wide bipartisan support in Congress and was backed by the National Association of Realtors.
In addition to not discriminating openly against the disabled, housing providers must make whatever "reasonable accommodations" are "necessary to afford a [disabled person] equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling."
The law also beefed up tenants' ability to have federal officials investigate discrimination claims and sue alleged violators.
The 1988 amendment's definition of reasonable accommodation was purposefully vague. It exists to give disabled people a general right to ask for individualized exceptions to their landlords' policies to accommodate their individualized needs. In turn, the law is supposed to protect landlords from having to provide accommodations that would be unreasonably expensive, unsafe, or impractical.
In 1989, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—which along with the DOJ is tasked with enforcing the Fair Housing Act—issued regulations that spelled out some archetypal examples of reasonable accommodation. They included making an exception to a no-pet policy for a blind tenant's seeing eye dog.
Protections for emotional support animals arrived soon after.
In 1993, Beatrice Exelberth of New York filed a complaint with HUD alleging that her co-op building illegally discriminated by fining, and later evicting, her for keeping a terrier in violation of the building's no-pet policy.
Exelberth had a long, documented history of depression. In her HUD complaint, she argued that keeping her terrier in the house helped ease her mental distress and that therefore she should be entitled to keep the dog as a reasonable accommodation.
Exelberth's building was clearly willing to accommodate its disabled residents. It permitted a seeing eye dog, and it widened doorways and entrances to make them wheelchair accessible. But the building drew the line at an emotional support animal, reasoning that all animals provide some sort of emotional support and that allowing one as a reasonable accommodation would effectively nullify its no-pet policy.
A HUD administrative law judge disagreed.
Even though Exelberth's building "asserts that the soothing benefit of dogs can be enjoyed by all, it fails to acknowledge the terrier's special benefit" to her, the judge wrote in 1994. "The dog gives Ms. Exelberth the same freedom that a wheelchair provides a physically disabled person."
Exelberth's case helped establish the principle that accommodations for animals that provide some emotional benefit to a tenant with a mental disability were to be treated much the same as accommodations and building alterations that would allow a disabled tenant to physically access housing.
Subsequent court decisions over the next two decades have expanded what counts as a required accommodation. Accommodations for emotional support animals have been held to preempt landlords' restrictions on certain types of animals, weight limits, breed limits, the number of animals a tenant can keep, and more.
Critics argue these rulings have gone well beyond the initial intent and meaning of the Fair Housing Act.
Jim Burling, vice president of legal affairs at the Pacific Legal Foundation, stresses that he loves his dogs. But the law, he says, "has gotten hijacked by the emotional support animal stuff. I think it's a general trend in government that you have a set of regulators who want to achieve some progressive good and you can do that by stretching the law."
Defenders of the rulings argue this case law falls within the original intent of the Fair Housing Act. "The concept of an emotional support animal is not fundamentally different in housing than in the case of a seeing eye dog," says Michael Allen, a partner at the fair housing firm Relman Colfax who has litigated emotional support animal cases. He wrote one of the earliest briefs on fair housing and emotional support animals, and he says that landlords misunderstand "what accommodation was all about. It's a very individualized process. The fact that a person with a disability can get a service animal doesn't mean you and I could get Rover the pet who performs no services."
As court decisions expanding the reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals have grown, so too have conflicts over these animals.
According to a 2020 HUD regulatory guidance document, "complaints concerning denial of reasonable accommodations and disability access comprise almost 60% of all FHA complaints and those involving requests for reasonable accommodations for assistance animals are significantly increasing."
In recent years, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, responsible for prosecuting federal crimes in the country's largest city and its largest financial center, has found the time to charge 10 separate property owners with failing to accommodate an emotional support animal.
Faced with these legal consequences, many landlords are allowing animals even when they'd be within their rights to turn them away.

A Chilling Effect
About a month after Eric Dillenberger rented out a newly constructed apartment he owns in Manhattan, his new tenant asked him to come over to address some minor issue with the unit. When Dillenberger arrived, he was greeted by the tenant's dog, a giant Caucasian shepherd.
Caucasian shepherds have been used to hunt bears and guard prisons. They can weigh nearly 200 pounds. The American Kennel Club describes them as a "serious guardian breed" that "should never be taken lightly." The Caucasian shepherd dog in Dillenberger's apartment ended up there after washing out of an Israel Defense Forces K-9 unit.
"When I say they look like a small lion, I'm not exaggerating," Dillenberger says. "The dog is looking at me like I'm a milk biscuit and he's following me around everywhere and growling at me."
While Dillenberger allowed pets on his property, his insurance also placed limits on certain large breeds. Caucasian shepherd dogs are rare in the U.S. and were not one of the explicitly named exceptions.
Any conversation about whether such a large, menacing dog was appropriate for the building was quickly short-circuited by Dillenberger's tenant's claim that the canine was his emotional support animal.
It's impossible to tell whether an animal is a pet or a federally protected emotional support animal just by looking at it. Unlike service animals, whose breed types and training requirements are spelled out in federal law, the particular features of emotional support animals are rather fuzzy.
The same animal would be rightly considered a pet if owned by one person and an emotional support animal if owned by another. The distinction lies in just how much an animal's owner reportedly needs the emotional support it provides.
In 2020, HUD released a 19-page regulatory guidance document that lays out some general principles for establishing when an animal warrants a reasonable accommodation.
Cats, dogs, birds, Guinea pigs, and other animals commonly kept in households can generally be assumed to qualify as emotional support animals. Kangaroos and monkeys can generally be assumed to not qualify.
Tenants requesting accommodations must also have a document from a health care provider saying they need their emotional support animals. That health care provider is supposed to have personal knowledge of the patient and the patient's need for an animal.
This HUD guidance is supposed to put some outer bounds on emotional support animal protections. Landlords complain it's done little to clarify things.
"It's continued to muddy the waters," says Charles Tassell, chief operating officer of the National Real Estate Investors Association. "It's left exceptions in there that say 'a lizard or turtle probably not' unless your health care provider says otherwise."
Health care providers asked to provide these letters are also often ignorant of what counts as a legally legitimate emotional support animal. It is, after all, a regulatory category, not a clinical one.
Providers and mental health care professionals fielding requests for emotional support animal letters will often just issue them without too many questions asked.
"Many therapists, who are very well-intentioned, they'll say, 'Oh yeah, you're really stressed about not being able to take your pet to college' or 'The only apartment you can afford doesn't allow pets, let me write this letter for you,'" says Sarah Clark, a therapist who works primarily with physically disabled patients and trains other therapists to do the same.
She estimates that "99.9 percent" of requests for emotional support animal documents that therapists receive would fall short of the regulatory requirements.
The psychiatric research on emotional support animals is mixed on whether they provide appreciable, clinical benefits. The same research and professional guidance to psychiatrists cautions mental health care providers from writing these letters in the first place.
This guidance has sway only over therapists who are interested in studiously following the law. It has done little to curb the cottage industry of online services that connect pet owners with health care professionals willing to dash off an emotional support animal letter to anyone willing to pay a fee.
Feeling Anxious About Pet Fees?
"Bypass rental fees or breed restrictions. It's fast, simple, and you can save thousands," blares an online video ad from the service Pettable.
The company offers emotional support animal letters to anyone who completes a short quiz, does a 15-minute online consultation with a therapist, and pays a $169 fee. Its website says Pettable has helped register 250,000 emotional support animals.
That's one of maybe a dozen online companies that explicitly offer their services to people looking to avoid pet deposits and no-pet policies. Some make a greater show of hewing to HUD requirements around emotional support animals than others. None can be said to be operating in the spirit of the regulations.
"If you have an IQ over the level of a bowl of Jell-O and you're capable of a certain amount of deception," Burling says, it's not hard to obtain a letter from one of these services.
This reporter managed to clear that low bar. Within a few minutes of completing the Pettable quiz asking whether I'd felt anxiety in the past week, I got an email from a social worker telling me I was a "great candidate" for an emotional support animal letter and that I "won't have to worry about extra pet fees, deposits, or restrictions."
Once one has an emotional support letter in hand, particularly if it's endorsed by a licensed health care provider, few landlords are willing to challenge it.
"We get them every day. We get them from the same social worker in Hawaii. It's the same letter every time. You know she's just pumping these out to make some money. But it's very hard to push back," says Jeffrey Turk, a Massachusetts-based lawyer who's represented landlords for 30 years. For most landlords, "it's not worth the risk."
Lawyers who represent tenants seeking reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals also tend to find these services reprehensible.
"It does make my job more difficult. I think it makes landlords more skeptical, because people have taken advantage of the law," says Marcy LaHart, a Florida-based lawyer who has sued on behalf of a number of clients requesting accommodation for their emotional support animals.
She says she used one of these online services to get a service dog ID for her pet Cuban tree frog named Hop Sing. For a small fee, she got a plastic badge with a picture of her frog declaring it a service dog.
Recent joint HUD-DOJ guidance on assistance animals cautions against these online services, saying that "documentation from the internet is not, by itself, sufficient to reliably establish that an individual has a non-observable disability or disability-related need for an assistance animal."
Turk says this guidance has helped guard against the most scam-ridden and exploitative websites. But those businesses that go through the motions of connecting a customer with a signed letter from a licensed health care provider are still going strong.
When The New York Times reported on these services in 2019, it noted that the National Service Animal Registry—the same operation that registered LaHart's tree frog as a service dog—listed 2,400 animals in 2011. By 2019, that number had grown to "nearly 200,000." Today, it has 250,866.
Emotional Support Property Rights?
As complaints about these letter mills have grown, some legislatures have tried to push back.
In 2020, Florida lawmakers incorporated the HUD regulatory guidance requiring health care providers to have "personal knowledge" of someone's disability before issuing an emotional support animal letter into state law. Kentucky has created criminal penalties for letter signers who fail that standard.
The hope among proponents of these laws is that they'll clarify the requirements for legitimate emotional support animals for people who need them while cracking down on the people and services cynically trying to get around pet fees.
Meanwhile, fair housing law is evolving to protect people with emotional support animals not just from landlords but from local zoning officials as well.
LaHart says she's represented several clients who've had county code enforcement called on their emotional support minipigs.
In 2023, retired bitcoin miner Nicholas Olenik was cited by Virginia Beach code enforcement for keeping Nimbus, his emotional support emu. He was accused of violating the city's restrictions on raising livestock in residential neighborhoods.
A Virginia circuit court judge eventually ruled in Olenik's favor. The decision ended up turning on the distinction in Virginia law between livestock and companion animals, not federal fair housing law. But Olenik's therapist-signed letter declaring Nimbus an emotional support emu helped him establish that the bird was a permissible pet under the city's zoning code.
"I read the law, and I already had everything nationally backing me. Whatever happened to being in the freest country in the world?" Olenik says.
The right to an emotional support animal, be it dog, emu, or parrot, is a case study in regulatory creep, bureaucratic overreach, and expansive interpretation of the law. Over time, the reasonable-sounding premise that landlords should not discriminate based on race, gender, or disability produced a legal absurdity and a costly ambiguity.
The costs and potential penalties landlords face if they object to an alleged emotional support animal have left many property owners nervous about asserting their rights. Cynical letter mills have made this chilling effect even worse. More precise line drawing from courts, federal regulators, and state governments can do only so much to erect guardrails around the abuse of emotional support animal protections.
In a country that purports to love both pets and property rights, conflicts like these will probably persist for years. Whether or not parrots are involved, the legal contortions that made those disputes possible are for the birds.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "You Can't Evict Polly."
Rent Free is a weekly newsletter from Christian Britschgi on urbanism and the fight for less regulation, more housing, more property rights, and more freedom in America's cities.
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started in 2020 here
By the time I was in my teens I had dispatched untold mountains of nuisance animals, disease vectors, game animals, research animals, and livestock. When I went to school and subsequently moved to the suburbs in my 20s more than 20 yrs. ago, this whole 'emotional support animal' policy was already pretty rampant.
People called them 'pets', but pets sleep in the doghouse, kennel, garage, or barn outside where they can run around, defend territory, develop their predatory/hunting skills, etc. These people were bathing them daily, following after them picking up their poop, sleeping with them in the bed because, apparently, they didn't have enough things to dote over or that they could force into affirming their affections like the abominable snowman from Looney Tunes.
I blame Paris Hilton. It was definitely a thing before that but not nearly so normalized and rampant.
Feel free to buy your own house and let your emotional support emu shit all over it, asshole.
Uh...if you read the article, that's what his case concerns.
True. But also, feel free to buy a house in an area that does allow LIVESTOCK, which is what this part-time bitcoin farmer and full-time retard actually owns.
Livestock are animals that are regarded as an asset and generally tended to for the express purpose of being slaughtered for food; harvested for other useful materials (e.g. wool, milk, eggs, etcetera), purposes, or services; or preserved/protected. Pets are animals kept as companions.
Properly understood, puppies at a breeder are livestock until they are purchased to be pets. If purchased for and put into service as a guard dog, drug dog, or seeing eye dog, then they remain livestock.
What species or breed the animal is has little bearing on whether it is livestock or pet. Its purpose and use defines those designations.
Housing might be Biden's most blatant disaster
I see 3 things that were stupid and wasteful
1) Penalizing buyers with good credit scores.
Biden Uses Credit Scores to Punish Americans
2) Using money to 'help' first time home-buyers (which actually raises the cost of homes !!!!!)
Here is Kamala seconding this disastrous move
Harris to propose up to $25K in down-payment support for 1st-time homebuyers
The mainline economic warning on this is: If you give people money to do X(house-buying, tuition) the sellers of X will know you have extra money and the price GOES UP. Imagine a $50 /month bread help. What do you think happens QUICKLY to the cost of bread ???
3) utterly stupidest of all (and seemingly concurred in by equally dumb Pete Buttigieg) -- I let Joel Kotkin savage it :
" President Biden’s administration seems determined to push rent-focused California-style densification across the US. The president’s plans include such things as forcing racial diversity on suburbs, even though 96% of all suburban growth in the last decade was from non-white people. He also has chosen to spend massively on rail, buses and transit rather than on roads, which are used by the vast majority of Americans. One might be inclined to ask why, if transit constitutes less than 1% of passenger travel in the US, does it represent 28% of the funds Biden proposes to spend on transportation? The answer is clear: to make it easier for people to live in deep blue, high density areas. "
AN UTTER UTTER FOOL, Biden and Harris, the both.
Why do "administrative law judges" even exist? Where in the Constitution are they authorized? Don't we have three branches of government?
Why do "administrative law judges" even exist?
To circumvent the Judicial branch and get predetermined outcomes.
Where in the Constitution are they authorized?
Nowhere because they aren't.
Don't we have three branches of government?
Technically, yes. Madison imagined the branches jealously guarding their powers and being a check on each other. He never imagined Congress delegating its powers to the Executive or the Judicial rubber stamping blatantly unconstitutional laws. So as a practical matter, no we don't. They've colluded to become one.
Wow, nice sober comment.
That is the one for the year.
He will be back defending the deep state and calling any firings of them authoritarian as soon as the liquor store opens.
Much agreed. Good one, Sarc (honestly).
Oh, man. Sarc's account got hacked by a cogent libertarian. Since there are only a handful of those left, I feel confident we can find the culprit.
Given the apparent love affair with shrike below, guessing they are gay. So could be Chase.
I'm not sure what Chase has to do with cogent libertarianism.
They are hearing officers employed by administrative agencies and generally have no power to issue final binding decisions. They only issue recommended findings of fact and conclusions of law. Calling them “administrative law judges” allowed them to demand higher pay and pretend to be fair and unbiased.
In New Jersey at least, the ALJs are employed by a stand-alone department separate from the agencies whose cases they hear, so there is some minimal amount of check and balance. Not so on the federal level.
I am surprised that the Biden Administration didn’t ban Caucasian Shepherds as a White Supremacy breed.
Well past time to go back to locking up the crazy people.
Or at least return to NOT putting them in charge.
Yeah, but who put them in charge? I say we lock those people up, too.
Thanks for a good survey of an issue few of us knew much about. The only thing missing is comparison with the legalities in other countries.
I'm afraid this one's going to be intractable for the foreseeable future, because there's too much sentiment on both sides and too many edge cases for detailed principles to emerge in the space between them. And I'm glad the article pointed out the interaction, which I hadn't thought of, between the jurisprudence in private property cases and that between owners and muncipalities or other units of government; a win for liberty in one case becomes precedent for defeat in the other.
It's going to matter for awhile because housing is not being built.
Well this is on you and others like you for your reluctant and strategic voting for feelings over reality.
Unprovoked Trumpian trade wars of choice are "reality"? My desires for free trade, free markets, and low tariff-taxes are mere "feelings"?
Your Trump-worshittings are mere "feelings", too, then!
Also, if mere animals can get special exceptions ass "support animals", then WHY can I not get special exceptions for MY "emotional support illegal sub-humans" in my house, and in my town, and when I hire? Animals now out-rank humans? WTF?!?!?
Trump's flock of emotional support parrots is a model of diversity and inclusion, with Lesser Carlson Cockatoos squawking in harmony with Breitbart Budgerigars and the mighty Hegseth Military Macaw
Fake vvebsite.
Trump's flock of emotional support parrots has NOTHONG, snot a single thong, on Trump's flock of emotional support Harems of Spermy Daniels-s!!!!
Ha. But do you want to compare the Trump vs Harris voting diversity?
It seems quite unbelievable that anyone pays you to write your drivel.
Parrot Lives Matter
No, this has been going on a long time with bipartisan support, and I'm guessing in many other countries as well.
There's broad agreement that landlords should not be able to pick and choose between tenants on certain characteristics such as race. There's also broad agreement that some redistribution of wealth, in the form of sacrifice of some utility by rental property owners to people unfortunately having damaged bodies, is a worthy object of public policy. The disagreement is over a fairly small ground of distinctions regarding mental disabilities.
Being an emotional basket case or narcissist isn't among the characteristics in that, and I don't care if theft is a broadly agreed upon good thing by losers. So fuck off with the conflation of seeing eye dogs with the proliferation of emotional support animals.
"I read the law, and I already had everything nationally backing me. Whatever happened to being in the freest country in the world?" Olenik says.
Someone should feel free to punch that millennial half-a-tard in the face.
Newsweek out with a story today about the redemption of a piece of shit who raped an 11 year old and her mother while robbing them, setting them on fire after, finding happiness in trans ideology.
Joshua Rhett Miller
EXCLUSIVE: Nearly 18 years after killing Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two young daughters during a home invasion in Connecticut, the murderer formerly known as Steven Joseph Hayes says she's now at peace — though still haunted by the killings she regrets.
Bleeding hearts gonna bleed. (But only figuratively--actual blood loss is for others.)
Newsweek out with a story today about the redemption of a piece of shit who raped an 11 year old and her mother while robbing them, setting them on fire after, finding happiness in trans ideology.
Sounds like somebody's gunning for 14 Oscar nominations.
Hayes — now Linda Mai Lee after finalizing a name change this month — said her former anger had been fueled by the question of her gender identity. Now, 61, she said she finally felt comfortable living as a woman in the Oregon State Penitentiary.
She said, she finally, as a woman. Fuck you you fucking cunts.
*LOL snort* MAGA always going on about how trans is a mental illness...
*a few moments later*
[he's] now seeking breast augmentation and hair replacement therapy since male pattern baldness drastically enhances [his] gender dysphoria.
It's a real mental condition that requires healthcare!
Post Script: At the taxpayer dime, he's seeking that shit.
Was funny watching all the DNC chair candidates blame racism and misogyny for Kamalas loss, then electing two white males (including Hogg) to chair the DNC.
Democrats did it first, so it’s ok.
Hogg is the surprise to me. What a loser! No talent, can't even be a figurehead for a pillow factory, and his next best aspiration is DNC chair. Not even a good grifter.
I can't imagine ever sinking so low in life. If he hadn't had the luck to be able to frame himself as a school shooting "survivor", what would he be, some county clerk processing zoning requests? Didn't he get some sort of full-boat scholarship to Harvard or something? Hasn't been long enough to finish that, I don't think. Perfect political hack, especially the DNC.
The chair was an aide to Waltz. Sadly he is somehow worse than Hogg.
And yeah, he apparently rly wasn't even at the high school at the time of the shooting. His grades and SATs were below Harvard requirements, and he got a full ride. One of the kids who didn't join Anytown had grades and SATs that would have got him in, but believe he was denied because he didn't jump on the gun banning wagon.
See: virtue-signal circle jerk.
Yeah. Normally if Harvard granted someone a scholarship because, e.g., their family died in a plane crash or their school bus was struck by lightning and veered off a bridge, it would rightly be seen as a, borderline insulting if not cruel, pity move.
But because guns were involved and the recipient, even if he was at the scene, didn't do anything other than merely survive, it's somehow heroic to offer him a gift/gifts that he's completely unqualified for. Makes the practice of electing the kids with Down Syndrome to prom King/Queen seem legit.
Hogg is despised by most males. Bring it up at bar or club and see.
Great choice to accelerate the decline and maybe the end of the democrats.
We can hope.
Hogg is the surprise to me. What a loser!
Hogg can be your whipping boy for two years until Dems take the House in 2026.
(not that they will deserve it but Trump will trash the country hard)
Unfortunately I think you're right. Trump is doing is best to trash the economy and raise prices, and when that happens the party in power tends to be swept away.
I wish Republicans would step up and legislatively cut the federal government by getting rid of laws, as opposed to all these executive orders that will be rescinded by the next Democratic administration. All those regulations he's getting rid of will come back as well, unless the legislation that authorized people to write them is repealed.
We have a government of laws, not men. Getting rid of men won't shrink government. Need to get rid of laws so there's no need for men to enforce them.
Wouldn't a Dem majority simply reinstate the repealed laws? Things will never change until a firm majority believes in and demands less federal government.
Wouldn't a Dem majority simply reinstate the repealed laws?
Maybe, I don't know. I kind of doubt it considering how dysfunctional Congress is.
But the fact remains that laws are the cause, and bureaucracies are the effect. So firing bureaucrats without repealing the laws that create the bureaucracies will have no long term effect.
They're trying to get new blood. The problem is that the new people have nothing to show for it.
Couldn’t work for a pillow factory at all. He would spend all his time biting the pillows.
Personally, I hope Democrats keep veering into the progressive woke victim delusion. That will keep them out of office until more reasonable people take back party control.
Ain't gonna happen as long as Trump is on the scene. Look at the house -- a 3 vote R majority! I don't believe it's the public enjoying wokism and DEI and inflation, and the only alternative is hating Trump.
It's too soon to make any predictions about 2026 except that midterms usually swing against the President's party. That 3 vote majority is pathetic. On the other hand, if Trump can pull even a few rabbits out of his hat, perhaps people will see he's not the Nazi insurrectionist the Dems have tarred him with, and the midterm traditional swing will not materialize. Recent polls show the public happier with Trump than is usually the case.
On the gripping hand, he's an economic ignoramus, and 25% tariffs on the
NAFTAUSMTC trading partners is pretty damn stupid from an economic point of view. Will it scare Mexico and Canada into reforming as he demands? Will Trudeau's departure change things? No way of telling. No way of even making educated guesses with Trump. He's pulled off some crazy stuff before, maybe he can do it again.The House is probably the worst example to point to. The census chief under Biden stepped down out of gear of being investigated, the guy who counted illegals and somehow biased the count to blue states and districts. 20 states are already suing over it. This is most effected in the House.
The odds of any resolution from that affecting 2026 elections is nil.
Will it scare Mexico and Canada into reforming as he demands?
He didn't make any demands. Nothing specific or possible at least. His means are his ends.
He's talked about reducing illegal immigrants and drugs. With Mexico alone, it might have made sense. Throwing Canada into the mix is nonsense, unless he thinks that will make Trudeau's successor look good by dropping the tariffs.
He's basically said they've got to win the war on drugs before he'll drip the tariffs. That's an impossible bar and Trump knows it. That means he's lying when he says the tariffs are a negotiating tool. That was just a ruse to get people to vote for him and defend his taxes.
Where did he specifically say they must “won the war on drugs”?
He talked about it, yes, but there's no milestones, no ultimatum no goals. It's just an excuse to execute his emergency power to tariff. His inclusion of Canada removes all doubt that it's not about the border or fentanyl.
Indeed, the recent case of a semitrailer of some drugs intercepted going into Canada after coming from Mexico makes one wonder why Canada hasn't used that to justify their own retaliatory tariffs. Or maybe they have, I haven't paid attention.
Trump's economic illiteracy didn't stop him before, it won't stop him now. You can color me surprised the day he realizes his glee over foreign investment in the US is directly opposed to his desire to reduce the trade deficit.
How do you know that he didn’t specify any metrics during his meetings with leaders of those countries?
In democracies, demands are basically useless if hidden from the constituents. So even if he did (which has been reported nowhere, so he didn't), he failed to share his demands with those who need to know them.
The issue of the north has been growing increasingly worse.
Does Hogg really count as male?
To spinster cat ladies, yes.
Only a biologist could be certain.
Before leaving office, Biden apparently tly transferred billions to citibank to manage funds so Trump couldn't cut them.
Solar for All is one of three programs under the 2022 climate law’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. It’s the only one that still has funds at the U.S. Treasury. The money for the other two programs, totaling nearly $20 billion, has been deposited at Citibank under a financial agent agreement with Treasury.
Did the deal include the usual 10% for the big guy?
And interest percentages for citibank.
It's 25% now.
Bar tab inflation.
Probably the dumbest fucking talking point to ever be posted here.
US orders airstrikes against ISIS targets in Somalia
Fighters from the USS Harry S. Truman in the Red Sea carried out the strikes.
Fatass Donnie stroking his war boner.
Reminds me of 'John' aka Red Tony, the stupid Bushpig lover who claimed that Obama had started a war in Libya that was "worse than Iraq". John was the equivalent of a Trump Cultist today. Dubya could do no wrong in his eyes. And Obama was worse in every way.
John was the equivalent of a Trump Cultist today.
I dunno. John was a devout Republican, but he was also a pretty smart guy who didn't hold grudges. He made lawyerly arguments to defend Republicans, not attacks to defend a man. I figure he had too much intelligence and not enough hate to fit in with our resident Trump defenders. They'd have dogpiled him.
Oh, and congrats to Trump. Didn't take him a fortnight to start killing people. That might be a peacetime record.
John and I clashed constantly. Usually when he defended Dubya after my attack on his sorry-ass presidency. Dubya was immediately disowned by the GOP when he wasn't even invited to the 2012 GOP convention.
Maybe John left here out of embarrassment.
I clashed with him all the time too. But he was a gentleman about it, not an ass. I would have gladly had lunch with him. As opposed to the resident Trump defenders who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.
Were you fucking. Hi,dream and jacking it to kiddie porn back then too?
Don't worry. They’re libertarian missiles.
FAFO, Trump style.
It’s gross how obsessed you are with Trump’s body in general, and his penis more specifically.
Jan 6 Rioter Pardoned by Trump Faces Child Sex Charges
January 6 rioter pardoned by Donald Trump is facing child sex charges, which he was arrested for prior to his presidential pardon.
David Daniel, who was set free from prison after assaulting a police officer on January 6 by the president, is now facing child sexual assault and child pornography charges involving two young girls in his family, one prepubescent and one under the age of 12.
He is not the only freed Capitol rioter with a child sex crime charge. Andrew Taake, who was also pardoned after pleading guilty to assaulting a police officer with a deadly weapon, is currently on the run from Texas police. He is wanted for charges of online solicitation of a minor, which allegedly occurred in 2016.
Fatass Donnie pardons multiple child raping "patriots".
These Denny Hastert conservatives are the first to call others "groomers". Of course they are the real child predators.
Law of averages. In any large enough crowd there'll be some of these.
No no. Arguments like "law of averages" only apply to Team Red. It can never be applied to anyone else though. If some migrant somewhere kills a cute blond coed, he is not just one guy, but instead he represents all migrants everywhere as violent thugs.
Oh, fuck off. Your precious illegals are getting the boot as we speak. Amd your child molester illegal friends are going to be tossed in GitMo for the rest of their lives.
So please, whine and whine all you want, you fat bitch. It’s Trumpin’ time!
What does one have to do with the other? Trump didn't pardon them for the sex charges, did he?
Yeah, it wasn't a blanket Biden pardon after all.
Canada strikes back. Bans imports of liquor distilled in red states. Lol.
He went on to announce that Canada would impose a 25% tariff on beer, bourbon, wine, fruit, vegetables, perfume, clothing, and shoes—totaling $155 billion in U.S. goods over 30 days.
Ex Sarcasmic (fallacy): "Well, if you won't support my drop-shipping scheme and stealing your stuff and pawning it for half price, then I'm going to stop buying and drinking your liquor!"
The irony is Canadian liquor is more expensive to buy there than it is here due to their own alcohol taxes. Used to visit friends up there and they always asked me to bring some for them.
When did we start down this path that gives legal standing to emotional distress? How did we decide that your unhappiness, and some implied "right to happiness", gives you a claim on others? How much of this can we blame on the 19th amendment?
Seemed to ramp up after Obama made mental health care a core part of ACA.
Which has done fuck all for the homeless problem, one might note.
But gave people a cheap and "free" way to proce they were heroes overcoming mental illness. I truly think it helped lead to a lot of the entitlement we see now.
You are so right. It is much better for society to treat mental illness as just some made-up delusion in your head, and to demand that those people who claim they are 'depressed' or something to just 'snap out of it'.
You all really need to get your talking points straight.
Team Red: No such thing as transgenderism! They are just mentally ill!
Also Team Red: Mental illness is just hogwash! Just get over it!
Team Blue: let's wallow in depression and anxiety, and elevate dysfunctional people to hero status, and let them tell us what to do.
Now, which is actually worse for society as a whole? And which is worse for most people who do need some help?
And by "wallow", you mean "actually talk about mental health issues instead of sweeping them under the rug".
We know we know, people who "claim" to be suffering from "depression" should just tough it out. Plus, they should repent before Jesus, because being depressed is their own fault for their wickedness and immorality.
Well guess what, not only is repentance free, it has a very long track record of working.
You’re really bad at this.
To whit, neither Jesse’s nor Earth-based’s comments said (or to my knowledge have ever implied) mental illness isn’t real.
So, how exactly did you get there from “Seemed to ramp up after Obama made mental health care a core part of ACA.” (A horrible law) or “How did we decide that your unhappiness, and some implied "right to happiness", gives you a claim on others?” (As the article shows people pushing)?
Look at Lying Jeffy just make up a bunch of bullshit.
You poor fat bastard, have they emailed you a single talking point since the election? Just flailing pathetically.
This had nothing to do with Obamacare.
You must be someone who benefits from subsidized anti-depressants.
Notice, the real problem is that me is never put in the balance with anyone else for abortion, homosexuality, trans even no-fault divorce. It appears to be all going over the cliff. I don't and can't rejoice even over just suffering but then again it is the only cure for what the Bible calls FOLLY
I think Biden will die as depressed as a human can be. And he earned with 50 years of inflicting his sub-sub-mediocrity on the world. Lazy, can't speak well, dumb, a liar (not sure what motivates the lying, but for how many years can you repeat "I used to drive an 18-wheeler" )
Red Hank?
Is that like Red Hulk?
It's complicated. Much of it is secular and Universalist reaction to religious blaming of mental and physical problems on a fault of the sinner. So if you didn't do this to yourself, then God or society must have done it to you. We can't command God to fix it — either God exists and makes us subservient rather than vice versa, or God doesn't exist so such a command is useless — so society must make it up to you. Women voting I don't think influenced this pushback much, if at all.
It's in the article.
A bipartisan expansion of government. Wotta surprise.
"Rights" has been bastardized to the point that many Americans believe that if something is a "right", they are entitled to it at no expense of their own. To answer your question directly, enter the Declaration of Independence (with added emphasis), "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Most Americans conveniently forget "the pursuit of" and simply believe they have a right to Happiness and if they are not happy then their rights are being deprived.
Trudeau hits back at the U.S. with big tariffs after Trump launches a trade war
To start, Canada will slap 25 per cent tariffs on $30 billion worth of American goods coming into Canada as of Tuesday. The tariffs will then be applied to another $125 billion worth of American imports in three weeks' time.
Donnie Hoover pulls a Smoot move. 1929 = 2025. Short stocks Peanuts. The two year bull market has ended.
How is that possible? I thought Canukistan was supposed to cheerfully bend to his will, and stop the flow of drugs and vermin. Not respond with retaliatory tariffs and boycotts that will harm domestic exporters. You must have gotten that wrong.
I thought of Smoot too but I think you are on the wrong track there. This is a freedom-based imposition of tariffs. yes, scary, but with fools in Canada and Mexico and major belches of the societal lowest coming across the border.
YOU do remember the story I hope
‘Border czar’ Kamala Harris panned for wearing reported $62K necklace to southern border: ‘You look ridiculous’
Sleepy Joe's biggest lie = "Kammy was the best decision I made".
The costs born to help pay for illegals and the costs associated with drugs dwarf thr costs of these tariffs.
Asking other countries to do their jobs and not allow expenses to flow to the US is not an onerous ask.
Smoot is what resulted in the powers that Trump is using. While Smoot was being written, everyone in Congress wanted to put tariffs on products on behalf of their constituents. It included at tariff on pet goldfish of all things. And the result was a worldwide economic downturn. So to prevent the legislative sausage factory from doing that again, they delegated to the president the power to apply tariffs to targeted goods (what Trump did during his first term) or in the case of national emergencies, like war, apply tariff to everything from a targeted country (what he is doing now). Though I doubt they figured on a president making up emergencies as an excuse to wield those powers.
It was just four years ago that Fatass was touting his new USMCA as the "greatest trade deal ever" - a big lie of course.
Now he wants to heavily tariff the other two parties.
I shorted a bunch of stock Friday to hedge any losses if the market tanks on Monday.
Yeah, I don’t know where this is going, but I just don’t see it ending well. I remember when this was all a “negotiating tactic,” and Trump was just putting his policies in place. Now it’s just a mercantilist style trade war. We’re back into 19th century style economics.
I'd been saying that he wants tariffs for tariff's sake for months now.
I even cited him praising tariffs way back in the 80s. What was the response? It's a negotiating tactic you leftist! They're going to be temporary you leftist!
Looks like you guys fell for the old bait-and-switcharoo. As you guys like to say, you voted for this. Eat it and smile.
It is a negotiating tactic, you fucking retard.
All Trudeau has to do is stop shipping illegals and fentanyl into the United States. Tariff over.
But what the Trump administration didn't realize at the outset is that Trudeau will never do it because he wants the upcoming election fought on Trump's tariffs instead of the Liberals horrific record. Trudeau will be more than happy to let the entire country collapse (that's sort of been his goal, anyway), on the off chance his party isn't reduced to one seat and loses official party status.
I don't think Trump realized that he was dealing with Canada's first self-declared post national PM. A Canadian leader who cares less about Canada and Canadians than Trump does.
You can say this to him in every comment section, for every article, every day here. He will ignore it and same the same retarded, discredited shit anyway. Pedo Jeffy does the same thing.
It is a negotiating tactic, you fucking retard.
All Trudeau has to do is stop shipping illegals and fentanyl into the United States. Tariff over.
What is the limit of illegals and fentanyl needed to end the tariff? How are they measuring? If all illegals and fentanyl stopped tomorrow, how long would it be before we knew and ended the tariff? What are the demands and milestones?
The same level of fear mongering tried under the shut downs under Obama. Then when the people didn't see the "hurt", he laughably shut down open air parks.
When you don't see any actual hit to your wallet from this, are you still going to freak out? Will you be happy when Canada actually stops some of the border crossings they've enabled with their system?
There is a reason Trudeau is the one freaking out. At his press conference when a reporter asked him if he was worried about Trump escalating, Trudeau didn't even know Trump started tariffs at 10% with escalators only if Canada retaliated. That's the level of idiocy being dealt with.
Initially the only seemingly hit is the cost of gas in the midwest regions. And it's expected to have a price impact less than even the recent gas tax increases weve seen the last few years.
Where do you actually see a harm starting?
Some will point to the cost of lumber, but easily mitigated by opening up logging in the US instead of giving into activists.
I'm actually curious as to what danger you see.
All current cost estimates are less than a tenth of the current taxpayer costs born by the issues being addressed.
I'm sure professional economists with the time to crunch numbers will point out the harms. They won't miss a chance for this real-life case study.
I'm also sure that you'll dismiss them first with attacks on the messenger, then with attacks on their character, politics, motivation, and whatever else you can think of, while completely and totally ignoring anything they say.
Meanwhile politicians will point to businesses they protected and jobs that they saved, and you'll go right along with it. Concentrated benefits and dispersed costs are a politician's wet dream.
Trump started tariffs at 10% with escalators only if Canada retaliated. That's the level of idiocy being dealt with.
What are you talking about?
ADDRESSING AN EMERGENCY SITUATION: The extraordinary threat posed by illegal aliens and drugs, including deadly fentanyl, constitutes a national emergency under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).
Until the crisis is alleviated, President Donald J. Trump is implementing a 25% additional tariff on imports from Canada and Mexico...
Jesse lied? Must be a day that ends in 'y'.
No you silly twat, you’re thinking of YOU. The booze is confusing you, and shrinking your deficiencient little brain even further.
I think Jesse read the one line that said, "Energy resources
from Canada will have a lower 10% tariff," without reading the rest of it.
Trump didn't cut other taxes to implement this, this is just a big tax in addition to all the other taxes we're paying. I don't get how actual Republicans can be fans of this, much less libertarians.
I expect prices on a wide variety of goods to go up unless these are removed within a month.
I don't get how actual Republicans can be fans of this, much less libertarians.
"Actual Republicans" who don't support tariffs are derided as GOPe and RINOs, and any libertarian who supports tariffs is lying about being a libertarian.
Why do you join into the bullshit from shrike and sarc and mike?
I called our the specific part of an interview where they were discussing the energy portions which is what the 10% refers to. They were specifically discussing the energy portions WITH escalators. The three retards only know what MSNBC tells them. Notice that interview is where I used a number. That is one of their primary exports to us.
Yes i read the rest of it.
But feel free to join in the retard crew who find a small little quibble to attack with lol.
As for the one honest part of your post... because unlike the 3 retards above we have also seen him talking about regulatory decrease, a cost, energy exploration, supply increase and other offsets, etc.
But if you've chosen to ignore it all to join the retard msnbc freak out, you do you.
Jesse said something stupid and now he goes on the attack. Must be a day that ends in 'y'.
You already used that above you imbecilic hobo bottom.
we have also seen him talking about regulatory decrease, a cost, energy exploration, supply increase and other offsets, etc.
That has been addressed. Some of it anyway. Regulatory decreases will be short lived unless the laws that created the regulatory agencies are repealed. Not sure what "a cost" means. As far as energy exploration goes, there's currently something like 89,000 oil wells on federal land, which account for around 25% of energy being produced. Opening up land for leases, of which there are currently around 23,000, is not going to make much of a difference. How many more do you expect? Not only that, but opening land doesn't mean anyone's going to drill on it. Not sure what "supply increase" means, and it would be better for everyone if there was nothing to offset.
Your arguments are all bunk.
They were specifically discussing the energy portions WITH escalators.
I'm not surprised that Trudeau didn't know about the escalations that only exist in your lie.
I called our the specific part of an interview where they were discussing the energy portions which is what the 10% refers to. They were specifically discussing the energy portions WITH escalators.
This is just blatantly not true. You mentioned 10% tariffs in response to MY comment about Trump tariffs, with nothing said in the thread about it regarding energy portions. You were then linked the fact that it's a 25% tariff on all goods from Canada and Mexico, EXCEPT the 10% tariff on energy resources from Canada.
Of course, Canada retaliated, so we'll see those escalators kick in as well.
The link shared didn't come from any media source at all, much less MSNBC, it was a literal white house press statement.
History lesson time: This type of trade war is what brought down Napoleon.
In 1806, the French fleet was soundly defeated, and the British armada was able to essentially blockade trade going into French ports. This wasn't actually a devastating blow to France because France was able to trade with the rest of the continent, and they were still able to operate their merchant fleets. The British fleet wasn't trying to stop all overseas trade for all of Europe, that would have stretched the Royal Navy too thin and been an exorbitant expense. They didn't even deny Spain, basically France's closest ally at the time, international trade.
Britain was still actively trading with the continent. So what Napoleon could have done, and indeed should have done, was create a continental free trade zone where he greatly LOWERED tariffs at the borders, meaning he'd still be able to buy all the good the British were seizing, just third hand instead of via international trade. Lowering import taxes and encouraging more trade with his neighbors would have kept the costs down on these goods. In fact, a lot of these goods were still reaching French merchants through smugglers and the black market anyway.
And if the British had tried to deny shipping and merchant trade with the conflict, what they risked doing was bring more nations into the conflict on the side of the French, instead of creating allies in Europe. That eventually did come to pass in 1812, when the British Navy's seizure of American goods heading to France and impressment of American sailors led to the United States declaring war against the United Kingdom.
What Napoleon did instead was institute the Continetal System, an attempt to create a continent-wide embargo with Britain, denying them trading partners. This was never going to work, denying trade to the world's pre-eminent international naval power and trade empire. Unsurprisingly it caused a meteoric expansion of smuggling and black-market trade. It became a great propaganda tool for Britain as well as Napoleon was trying to dictate basic economic activity for an entire continent, causing deprivation. It didn't work at all, and Napoleon thought he needed to flex French power to enforce it. So that led him to the two most ill-advised conflicts of the Napoleonic Wars-he staged a coup in Spain, kickstarting the Peninsular Wars that stretched his resources to the limit, and then assembled the biggest army the world had ever seen to take into Russia. Both of these resulted because Napoleon was trying to enforce the Continental System was angered that British shipping was landing in Spain, Portugal, and Russia.
If not for this, Spain and Russia could have remained essentially French allies. The British blockade would eventually have to end due to being ineffective because the French were still able to buy goods seized by British ships third-hand through their trading partners. Putting trade barriers up, this mercantilist style of thinking that you have to maximize exports in order to shrink a trade deficit, is economically destructive.
So you're comparing a blockade and embargos to tariffs.
I think I see your problem.
You do you though. Freak out with the other 3 above. Lol.
Tariffs are a self-imposed blockade you idiot.
Lmao. You guys are really struggling today.
Not the blockade, that was just military strategy. It was worth doing. The problem is that it wouldn't have had any effect if Europe had been a free trade zone because they couldn't blockade the whole continent.
Starting a trade war with tariffs that leads to retaliatory tariffs is on par with an embargo, yes. It's an attempt to punish by restricting trade and to advance your own industry. It comes from the same place, politically, and 25% tariffs are quite severe.
“In 1806, the French fleet was soundly defeated, and the British armada was able to essentially blockade trade going into French ports”
Maybe don’t start your long drawn out analogy with a situation that is not analogous whatsoever?
Translation: It's okay for the US government to be total assholes to our neighbors, as long as Americans don't pay any financial cost.
How about a little humility instead? Anyone with two brain cells knows that the war on drugs and vermin cannot be won. So Trump is instead outsourcing the problem to everyone else. He is essentially saying, "We can't stop drugs and vermin from entering the US, so now it's your job to do it for us, and if you can't do it we will use 'economic force' against you."
That is what imperialists and mercantilists do, it is not what free people do.
I disagree. I think Trump knows that the wars against drugs and vermin are unwinnable. He's putting impossible conditions on the tariffs because he has no intention of dropping them. He just love tariffs for tariff's sake.
Lying Jeffy code for “I’m going to lie about your position. Because I’m a liar, it’s what I do.”
freedom-based imposition
Well said
So as a final “fuck you” to the people of Canada, Trudeau raises their taxes on the way out? Sounds about right for him.
Tulsi faces questions about her pro-Soviet past
Tulsi Gabbard faces heated questions on Russian invasion at confirmation
Tulsi Gabbard faced tense questioning about Russia at her confirmation hearing for director of national intelligence.
Just two weeks into Fat Donnie's term and he is already stepping on his micro-mushroom.
The CIA and Pluggo really don't want Tulsi looking into who they've actually been funding.
Farmers will get reamed on Canadian potash - main ingredient for fertilizer:
Potash: Tariffs on Canadian Imports Likely to Be Paid by US Farmers, Leaving Producers Unaffected
Shares in Nutrien and Mosaic declined in response to the news, but we maintain our fair value estimates of both stocks.
Multiple financial media outlets reported that US President Donald Trump plans to place a 25% tariff on Canadian imports effective Feb. 1. Shares in potash producers Nutrien NTR and Mosaic MOS declined in response to the news.
Why it matters: The United States is Canada’s largest potash export market. The US also produces very little potash, accounting for less than 10% of its need, and instead imports the vast majority from Canada. Should the tariff apply to potash, it would likely send US prices higher.
Saskatchewan and Alberta aren't participating in Trudeau's counter sanctions, and Saskatchewan has 99% of Canada's potash production, so no.
The only reason Trudeau isn't stopping illegals and fentanyl at the border is because he wants to fight the election on Trump instead of his horrific fucking record as the worst prime minister in Canadian history.
As Canadians west of the Sault hate Trudeau more than cancer, their premiers would be stupid to play along.
Also, are you seriously posting articles here from a communist newspaper?
First Sarc writes a pean to big government socialism and now Pluggo is posting communist links. Our progs have really dropped the mask, lately.
I don't know if it was in the Fair Housing Act or not but I graduated from UGA and was hired in Atlanta for my first real job. I went to a "no-children" apartment complex because they had more hot chicks. And soon after those rules were made illegal - pissing me off.
That's probably a lie. I'll wager you got kicked out of the complex with kids as you made the sex offender list.
Man. The democrats on this site are out in force today. Must have gotten an alert from Act Blue.
The greatest Progressive evil imaginable: Republicans are coming for their cats.
I was surprised it wasn't the Haitians they were worried about.
They’re banking on the tariffs and counter-tariffs leaving Trump with a bloody nose. It’s the only thing they’ve got right now after weeks of losing, So they’re going all in.
legitimate emotional support animals
You keep using this term. It's like social justice, female-reproductive care, or gender-affirming care, it's not a real thing. It's a term invented by sociopathic narcissists to force other people to bend the knee to their whims.
A blind person doesn't use a seeing eye dog because it makes them feel better. It doesn't, they're still blind. It facilitates them functionally. Similarly, a person in a wheelchair is still crippled even if they're in a wheelchair. Giving the research into emotional support animals more validity than it is due, an emotional person with an emotional support animal is no more emotional or emotionless with or without the animal one way or the other.
Unlike the blind person who's more capable of their own accord with a seeing eye dog, the emotional support animal owner is only more capable at extorting privilege from others which, from a libertarian perspective, is never legitimate.
I very much appreciate you calling this out. Surrendering language to the insane, academic left is one of the main drivers that got us where we are.
And while this scam is one of my pet (sorry) causes, I don't entirely agree that a tiny percentage of these people aren't facilitated functionally by true support animals. e.g. A rape victim who couldn't possibly feel safe leaving the house without her substantial, fully trained dog. I would be very happy to make accommodations for that woman.
But like so many things of late, it has gone so far in the wrong direction that it would be much easier to say, "Fuck em all." And I don't really blame you.
This response is so on-brand for Team Red. In the same response, WB calls out The Left for abusing the language behind 'emotional support animals', and then DEFENDS the very same thing for HIS idea of who ought to get one, i.e., a traumatized rape victim.
This isn't The Left abusing language. This is The Right which is offended that anyone else besides them might have some reasonable ideas that they disagree with. They don't disagree with emotional support animals. They only disagree when OTHER PEOPLE use 'emotional support animals' in a way that THEY disagree with.
Time and again, The Right thinks that they are entitled to serve as THE normative standard against which everyone else should be judged. They think they are the "normal people" and everyone else is 'deviant' in some way.
You mean he thinks we should evaluate each case on an individual basis and said he was personally willing to accommodate an example? The absolute horror.
This isn't The Left abusing language.
It's certainly you abusing language and lying about what he said, though whether your fascist narratives count as far-left or far-right continues to be debated.
A rape victim who couldn't possibly feel safe leaving the house without her substantial, fully trained dog.
Still exceptionally wary, 3 things:
1. These people will demonstrably seek out false professionals to diagnose them sight unseen. Women lie about rape strictly for reputation or self-perception purposes. Lying about rape to get a support animal dog practically seems like a foregone conclusion.
2, Women (and men) get over being raped without 'support animals' all the time. Not to deny anyone a dog, of course, but it's entirely possible, if not likely, that installing a security system or hiring a door man or security guard or any similar security or even security theater would be equally effective and, further, nor any neuroses assuaged otherwise.
3. We're quite a bit outside of any ability to litigate or repeal litigation and/or people accommodate each other otherwise. That is, you're generally allowed to have dogs in public and publicly accessible places of the owner's volition without regulation. Many of the places you aren't, again unlike the blind or crippled your feelings don't matter to the issue one way or the other, and, unless you were raped in the specific store or whatever, are immaterial anyway.
Again, I wouldn't deny anyone their own pet in their own property or home. I wouldn't make a proprietor or merchant ban animals in their own establishments de facto. But, quid pro quo, if I'm asked to leave my guns or knife or dog at the door, their house, their rules, I'm free to go elsewhere (and probably should).
Some of the indications:
* Blind people are discouraged from letting strangers pet their cute doggie. They may be a pet in the house, but out in a world of crowded sidewalks and traffic, they are strictly utilitarian.
* I bet seeing eye robots are not far off, and will be far superior.
It's a term invented by sociopathic narcissists to force other people to bend the knee to their whims.
Trump has a emotional support animal?
I'd say Trump is your emotional support animal. You're just like Harris, lost without him.
Sure buddy, whatever you say. How's that cognitive dissonance treating you? Must give you a splitting headache to be a Trump defender who understands economics. If you had any integrity you'd have opposed both Trump and Harris like I did, instead of attacking Trump's critics.
I'd say Bernie Sanders is his emotional support animal. You should see what he posted yesterday and today. He claims a large regulatory state won't run smoothly without a huge bureaucracy and that it's somehow a bad thing to fire government employees, and if regulations need to be cut you have to wait for congress to do it.
Trump is his hump pillow.
Sarc bitterly masturbates to an 8x10” glossy of Trump.
This is going to be "fun", like reining in religious exemptions by investigating whether a particular belief system or practice is a real religion.
What the feds should do is establish a religion...
It's kinda interesting that, apparently in Roberta's universe, being blind or crippled, is as indistinguishable from a religious experience as being magically healed of them. The last 3,000 yrs. of Western Medicine has really been more of a cult movement than an objective improvement in health or health-related outcomes.
The science isn't clear on talking pre-teens into life-altering cosmetic surgery and sterilization.
I never go anywhere without my emotional support gerbil.
Neither does Richard Gere.
No, Richard Gere goes nowhere without his emotional support gerbil.
In your butt?
"Emotional support parrots?"
Just when you thought NY couldn't get more stupid...
Let me get a pass for my emotional support Browning Hi-Power, please.
And my emotional support Johnnie Walker Black.
Unprovoked Trumpian trade wars of choice are "reality"? My desires for free trade, free markets, and low tariff-taxes are mere "feelings"?
Your Trump-worshittings are mere "feelings", too, then!
Also, if mere animals can get special exceptions ass "support animals", then WHY can I not get special exceptions for MY "emotional support illegal sub-humans" in my house, and in my town, and when I hire? Animals now out-rank humans? WTF?!?!?
Accidental double-post, partly I think a goof by the software... Sorry...
How can a parrot give you emotional support when it's pining for the fjords?
"Arr, so this be my emotional support parrot, we are inseparable, and I'm askin' ye...what do ye think ye can do about it, landlubber?"
I say if she commits to the bit, we let her keep them. But it'll cost her an eye and a leg.
Next time Sarc tries to tell you he's a libertarian folks, spit in his eye.
Here's some of his posts from the other thread today. He's an outright fucking socialist, he argues that a large regulatory state won't run smoothly without a big enough bureaucracy and that it's somehow a bad thing to fire government employees , and if regulations need to be cut you have to wait for congress to get around to it or it doesn't count:
sarcasmic 13 hours ago
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What good are the firings? The federal payroll is something like a half a percent of the budget. So firings aren't going to save money. The laws are the same, and it's the duty of the executive to execute them. Fewer people means the things that already take years, costing us time or lives, will take longer. Things like approval for construction projects or pharmaceuticals will take even more years with fewer people to process them.
I'm all for shrinking government, and we have a government of laws, not men.
So shrinking government means getting rid of laws, not men.
sarcasmic 7 hours ago
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Let's cut the staff of the Forest Service. Then all the national parks close.
Let's fire a bunch of people at the EPA. Now they no longer issue permits.
Let's get rid of those idiots at the FDA. Now new drugs no longer get approved.
Let's sack a bunch of employees at the Social Security Administration. Now grandma doesn't get a check.
Let's empty some offices that administer Medicare. Now grandma's surgery never gets approved.
At least she won't care about parks being closed, because she's dead.
If you really want to cut back those agencies, you need to get rid of the laws that create the jobs. Not the people who fill them.
However you're too fucking stupid to see that laws are the cause and bureaucracy is the effect. Because of you have no reasoning skills, you think cutting the bureaucracy is the fix.
It's not.
sarcasmic 22 hours ago
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Shrinking government doesn't mean firing people who work in alphabet agencies. The laws that give that agencies power are still on the books. Shrinking government means repealing laws, and I've heard zero talk about that.
I think what's really going on, and Vance basically admitted it, is that they're purging the workforce to create job openings for loyalists who will execute laws Trump's way, without question.
They're not shrinking government. Not at all. That's a blatant falsehood. They're keeping all the laws, so he can weaponize the power they give, and "be your retribution" just like he promised.
And you-know-who did it first to him. So that makes it ok.
sarcasmic 10 hours ago
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Mute User
Regulations aren't laws. And he can't get rid of agencies without getting rid of the laws that created them. So as long as those agencies exist, those regulations are going to come back with the next Democratic administration. Everything he is doing is in vain unless the laws change.
You'll be seeing plenty of reposts of these two poorly thought out comments of yours in the next two weeks.
Good. Maybe someone with intelligence will respond.
sarcasmic 7 hours ago
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Please do. It will show how stupid, ignorant and dishonest you are.
Here's the thing you lack the mental capacity to understand. I want to see government cut back to bare bones. But a president can't do that alone. Everything one president does can be undone by the next.
To cut government, laws need to be repealed.
Those bureaucratic jobs exist to administer laws written by Congress. Firing the people in those positions doesn't eliminate the positions. The jobs still exist as long as the law exists. To get rid of the bureaucracy, the laws they administer must be eliminated. Then the jobs will no longer exist.
Fucking retard.
sarcasmic is correct and Ye are PervFectly wrong ass usual, Moose-Mammary Necrophiliac! Trump goes after fame and glory for trimming a few leaves off of the weeds, and making ass many loud noises about shit ass possible, never even STINKING about yanking out some roots!
he argues that a large regulatory state won't run smoothly without a big enough bureaucracy and that it's somehow a bad thing to fire government employees , and if regulations need to be cut you have to wait for congress to get around to it or it doesn't count:
He has some points worth thinking about. Its true that reducing the federal workforce will only make a small dent in the deficit. He's right that it's the laws/regulations that need to be addressed.
As for whether or not random reductions in the federal workforce will just be more wasteful due to delays is debatable. In a private company an accross the board staff cut forces some restructuring. Remaining employees must take on new duties. But I'm not sure that works in bureaucracy.
The voluntary buyout will not remove those people who are happy to do nothing all day with no other prospects, but will remove the otherwise employable workers. Removing DEI types is just cutting out dead wood though, so there's sure to be a gain there.
I've been through a few cost cutting layoffs. Dept. heads decide who gets the axe and the result is removing the worst employees first. Is this what's happening in the federal government firings?
Unless this argument was about the high up Biden leftover people Trump is firing. They gotta go for sure.
"He has some points worth thinking about."
No. Not really. Aside from pointing out the obvious that bad laws need to be tossed, he fails to note that EOs can do that just as effectively. Also, that Trump lost his case on revoking Obamas executive orders so his whole narrative that the Democrats can just revoke them 12 years later is moot.
But what he really ignores is the biggest targets for firings, like Education, the FDA and the ATF are the agencies they are talking about eliminating.
“United States citizenship, to become white and delightsome, the respect of his colleagues!”
“What are the three things Mother’s Lament wants most but will never have?”
Power, power, and MORE power!!!
Do you have power, Shillsy? Do you exercise it by hiding the meds under your tongue when the nurse checks?
I have three powers, yes I do! '1) Love of my fellow beings & the Universe & the future of the same, '2) Humility, and '3) Self-discipline. I can wait for the good stuff later, & do SNOT demand immediate gratification and GREEDification, unlike some people that I could mention.
These things and more are a foreign language to Ye, Oh PervFected One... But me and mine (the meek) will eventually rule, while Ye and Yours drool!
The intelligent, well-informed, and benevolent members of tribes have ALWAYS been feared and resented by those who are made to look relatively worse (often FAR worse), as compared to the advanced ones. Especially when the advanced ones denigrate tribalism. The advanced ones DARE to openly mock “MY Tribe’s lies leading to violence against your tribe GOOD! Your tribe’s lies leading to violence against MY Tribe BAD! VERY bad!” And then that’s when the Jesus-killers, Mahatma Gandhi-killers, Martin Luther King Jr.-killers, etc., unsheath their long knives!
“Do-gooder derogation” (look it up) is a socio-biologically programmed instinct. SOME of us are ethically advanced enough to overcome it, using benevolence and free will! For details, see and .
At the 19th century style insane asylum where SQRLSY is committed, the hospital orderlies should shoot him with dangerous levels of Thorazine. In between his hourly electroshock treatments.
Sure… All of those who disagree with MEEEE are… Mentally ILL!!! YES, this! Good authoritarians KNOW this already!
All of the GOOD totalitarians KNOW that those who oppose totalitarianism are mentally ill, for sure!!!
>The right to an emotional support animal, be it dog, emu, or parrot, is a case study in regulatory creep, bureaucratic overreach, and expansive interpretation of the law.
Yeah, none of it is the fault of manipulative narcissististic egomaniacs like Olenik, Lesser, and Exelberth.
Pressure works.
The same animal would be rightly considered a pet if owned by one person and an emotional support animal if owned by another. The distinction lies in just how much an animal's owner reportedly needs the emotional support it provides.
Obviously the solution is to ban both "pets" and "emotional support animals", since they are sentient beings in effect kept as slaves.
Of course, then we'll just move on to "emotional support cars", say, or "emotional support nudity".
America's animal lovers have discovered a powerful trump card in the Fair Housing Act's requirement that landlords provide reasonable exceptions to their policies and practices for the disabled.
Which, for anyone and everyone who has ever done that, proved without a doubt that they are a garbage human being that we'd be better off letting burn to death than wasting our piss to put them out.
It's like parking in a handicapped space and faking a limp. Or, worse, parking in it and claiming that you have "anxiety" or some nonsense.
It's an overt abuse of something intended to help the less fortunate and the more vulnerable. Takes a real scumbag to do that. And it's why we can't have nice things in this country.
"Emotional Support Animal" claimers are grifters. Each and every single one of them. They are scum, and America cannot be rid of them soon enough.
We have a specific video at Walmart for when people bring their emotional support horses in the store.
So what happens when my emotional support Bobcat starts eating her emotional support parrots?