Secession Is Back in Style in Texas
Can't Americans all just get along? Maybe we can't—and perhaps we shouldn't have to.

For two weeks in April, the top movie in America explored what would happen if Texas and California seceded from the United States. The answer, as foreshadowed in the title Civil War, was brutal internecine violence leading to probably thousands of grisly deaths.
Director Alex Garland's "powerful vision," opined Variety's Peter Debruge, "leaves us shaken, effectively repeating the question that quelled the L.A. riots: Can we all get along?" With the country's already deep political schisms fracturing further during this presidential election year, Rodney King's famous question suggests a more provocative answer: Maybe we can't all get along—and perhaps we shouldn't have to.
In January, three real deaths became central symbols in an actual fight—so far just in court, not on a domestic battlefield—between state and federal authorities. Victerma de la Sancha Cerros, 33, and her two children, ages 10 and 8, drowned while trying to cross the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas. Such deaths may be tragically routine—895 people died along the southwestern border in 2022, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)—but the circumstances surrounding this case were not. The Border Patrol had been informed by Mexican authorities of the three deaths, and that two other people were still alive and in danger in the water. When the federal agents sought to mount a rescue attempt, Texas Army National Guard troops, on the order of Gov. Greg Abbott (R), blocked their access to the river; according to a DHS account, the Border Patrol would not get the access they wanted "even in emergency situations." (The two migrants in distress who were not yet dead were rescued by Mexican authorities.*)
The Lone Star State has a well-earned reputation for going rogue, beginning with its decadelong prehistory as an independent republic. Abbott, frustrated with the federal government's inability to slow the volume of illegal border crossings, launched Operation Lone Star in 2021 to nab illegal immigrants at a cost of $2 billion per year. Border crossings continued to grow after that—more than 1 million entered Texas in 2022, and then again in 2023. Abbott's administration has since engineered a series of escalating legal and physical standoffs with the feds, who the governor accuses of deliberately evading their duty to secure the border.
Washington has responded by suing Texas over various issues, including Abbott installing floating barriers to block migrants in the Rio Grande (U.S. v. Abbott) and asserting in its S.B. 4 law the power to "regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens" (U.S. v. Texas), a task historically assigned to the federal government.
Abbott counters that it has the authority to protect state territory and keep people out, notwithstanding hoary federal laws and principles. That power, Abbott claims, is embedded in Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which provides, "no state shall, without the Consent of Congress…engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay." The waves of undocumented immigrants and drug smugglers entering Texas from Mexico, he maintains, constitute an invasion.
Both lawsuits are still in process. In U.S. v. Abbott, regarding the river barriers, the feds had won a preliminary injunction against Texas using them in both district court and then with a three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. In July, however, an en banc panel of the 5th Circuit stayed the injunction, though the basic case still awaits trial to more fully settle the question. Judge James C. Ho, on that panel, wrote that as far as he's concerned, if a chief executive thinks he's being invaded, there is nothing a court can or should be able to do to gainsay him.
Courts are conflicted on that question, since Judge David Ezra of the U.S. District Court in Austin had already rejected that part of Abbott's theory of the case. If unwanted immigrants constitute an "invasion," he argues, then that would be an act of war justifying the suspension of habeas corpus. "It is not plausible that the Framers, so cognizant of past abuses of the writ and so careful to protect against future abuses, would have granted states the unquestioned authority to suspend the writ based on the presence of undocumented immigrants," Ezra wrote in February, while granting a preliminary injunction blocking the enforcement of S.B. 4 in U.S. v. Texas.
"The federal government," Abbott charged in a January statement defending his maneuvers, "has broken the compact between the United States and the States" by failing in its "constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now."
Democratic critics immediately cried foul at Abbott's use of "compact" language in the immigration fight, noting its history as a legal rationale for Southern states to secede from the Union. Those words "sound like a call for a 21st century civil war," former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks warned at "The opening sentence alone…would not be out of place among the declarations of secession issued nearly 165 years ago."
As if on cue, two weeks later, Daniel Miller, founder of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), hand-delivered to Abbott's desk a package containing 139,000 signatures of Texans calling for a statewide ballot referendum on going independent.
"This is an issue that transcends partisan divide and is, in fact, an issue of the people of Texas versus an entrenched political establishment," Miller declared at the scene. "In this lifecycle of an independence movement, we're outperforming Brexit, we're outperforming Scottish independence, and we're outperforming Catalan—and we're outperforming everyone at every stage of the process."
Abbott, and the Texas Republican Party, rebuffed the independence petition, barring the issue from consideration on the March primary ballot. But many Americans' sense that this whole perpetual union thing isn't quite working has been bubbling all over the place in this election year.
Meet the Secessionistas
Miller launched the TNM in 2005. Since then, the organization (per its website) has "spearheaded initiatives that educate the public on the benefits of self-governance, fostered community through statewide events, and advocated for legislation that aligns with our mission of independence." The TNM currently has 210,000 Facebook followers, it runs a political action committee, and as of September its website insists the organization has over 623,000 registered supporters.
"We don't have big Daddy Warbucks types flinging money—it's not like that for us. We are 100 percent funded by our members and supporters," says Miller. There are leaders at the district and local level, plus "over 5,000 statewide volunteers" who have combined to host more than 6,000 events. "Our independence movement," he says, "is a massive operation." So far the PAC portion of the operation has gathered only a little over $24,000 as of the end of the second quarter of this year, and by that time hadn't spent any of it.
The TNM solicits politician signatures to the "Texas First Pledge," which "place[s] the interests of Texas and Texans before any other nation, state, political entity, organization, or individual," upholds Texans' right to "alter, reform or abolish their government," supports holding a referendum on independence, and, if such a referendum proves successful, works "toward a fair and expedient separation of Texas from the federal government."
So far, nearly 200 candidates for state-level and (mostly) local office have signed the pledge, though the list of signatories tilts overwhelmingly toward current or former candidates instead of current officeholders.
Miller insists that if you "look at polling numbers for the issue, like a Survey USA poll in 2022, we know that a supermajority of Republicans support this issue, and we've got a majority of both Democrats and Republicans. We know if this gets to a vote, [independence] wins not by a little, but a lot."
This movement for what Miller likes to call "Texit" has a legal argument resting in Article 1, Section 2 of the Texas constitution, which reads in part: "All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit….They have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient." If you oppose giving Texans the chance to have a binding, meaningful vote on secession, Miller believes, you are un-Texan, even un-American, rejecting the core small-r republican principle that government power derives justly from the people and nowhere else.
That logic may play in Texas, but Washington, D.C., is a whole different ball game.
Secession is—of course, of course!—a settled matter nationally, a no-go. The Supreme Court's 1869 decision in Texas v. White put paid to the idea there was some reversible voluntary component to membership in this union of states. That case involved a suit over bonds that had been issued by the government of Texas during its time in the Confederacy. The Court ruled that even in rebellion, Texas for all legal purposes remained a part of the Union and therefore was subject to its laws.
"When Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation," wrote Justice Salmon Chase. "The ordinance of secession…ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null….The State did not cease to be a State, nor her citizens to be citizens of the Union….It is needless to discuss at length the question whether the right of a State to withdraw from the Union for any cause regarded by herself as sufficient is consistent with the Constitution of the United States." Case closed.
Still, Americans have stubbornly continued to "discuss at length" the idea of secession, with varying levels of passion. To which Sanford Levinson, a constitutional scholar at the University of Texas, has a brutal realpolitik rejoinder: "It was decided in the case of Grant v. Lee." That is to say, the military struggle between Ulysses S. and Robert E. settled the question definitively. Whether an exit from the Union actually could happen, Levinson thinks, is less a question of constitutional law and more about political power and facts on the ground at the moment.
Levinson wishes for curiosity's sake as a political scientist—he wants those data!—that the independence referendum had made the March ballot. He sees the idea as having cultural legs, noticing the number of recent scholarly books from across the political spectrum taking seriously the idea of secession during this time of national division and occasional unrest. Many embrace the controversial originalist "compact" theory of the uniting of the states: that the Union was not necessarily meant to last forever, but rather formed of sovereign states who reserve the right to depart it if their citizens so choose.
Abbott was quick during a March 60 Minutes appearance to dispute the "false narrative" that his invocation of "compact" indicated a tilt toward Texan independence. His state GOP, on the other hand, in 2022 inserted in its platform language that "We urge the Texas Legislature to pass bill in its next session requiring a referendum in the 2023 General Election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation." Despite that unambiguous platform support, Republican Party pooh-bahs have thrown up roadblock after roadblock to a vote on independence.
In December 2023, then-state GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi denied the validity of the TNM's 139,000 referendum signatures—even though only 97,709 were needed—partly on the technical grounds that they were allegedly turned in one day late. (The ruling relied on interpreting the requirement of turning in signatures "before" the deadline as meaning the day before, as opposed to before the end of business on deadline day. The day before the deadline day was a Sunday, and the state party's offices were closed.)
The TNM sued to get the question on the ballot, but in January the Texas Supreme Court declined to consider it. "We know the support is there," Miller says, "but we are fighting against an entrenched establishment that does not want the issue to come to a vote."
While Rinaldi stood by his procedural objections (which also included that the majority of names were e-signatures, and therefore invalid under his read of Texas election law, applying the same rules for candidate petitions to this issue petition; Miller insists a section of Texas business and commerce code that allows electronic signatures anywhere a signature is legally required should settle the matter), he also admitted on a Texas talk radio show in January that he thought it was a bad political look to have secession on a primary ballot in 2024. The question, he feared, would attract "people who don't usually vote in the GOP primary…moderate voters motivated to vote against it." Which in turn might have overshadowed or even negatively impacted other key issues, such as school choice, for a Republican Party that is trying to move further right on that and other issues where nonsecessionists might disagree with Rinaldi's preferred positions.
There is another complication on the way to Texit: Texas has no established legal method for holding a voter referendum. The state Legislature would have to create a mechanism. Two different TNM supporters introduced such bills in 2021 and 2023, but neither got as much as a hearing, let alone a vote from the relevant committee. Neither legislator is still in the Texas House. Miller insists he's confident that a bill will be resubmitted in the not-too-distant future, but he doesn't want to tell the press who would introduce it or when, for fear of alerting his political enemies. In May the Texas state GOP elected a new chair and vice chair who are both signed on to the "Texas First" pledge (Rinaldi did not seek reelection), then in June, the state GOP's new 2024 Legislative Priorities and Platform document repeated its support for holding an independence referendum.
Travis County Republican Party Chair Matt Mackowiak, who personally finds secession to be "unpatriotic and fundamentally completely unworkable," argues that Rinaldi's objections to the petition can be read at face value: The state chair truly believed e-signatures should not count. As for the party's unequivocal platform boosting of an independence referendum, Mackowiak hems that while "technically everything in the platform of the Republican Party is something elected officials are duly bound to support," one can't assume every GOP official or officeholder has fully incorporated every sentence into their governing strategies and philosophy. Besides, calling for a referendum to be held does not obligate any Republican to actually vote in favor of secession.
Secession for Everyone
Miller says he gets contacted on a weekly basis by pro-secession activists from other states. Where does the keenest interest come from? The Live Free or Die state of New Hampshire, the statehood latecomers in Alaska, and geographically/politically polarized California. A new group inspired in part by Miller's strategy calling itself the New Hampshire Independence Movement, or NHEXIT, announced its launch in July, run by Free State Project chair Carla Gericke. "We must take back our government and work to guarantee the protection of the rights and basic necessities of New Hampshire residents," Gericke said in a press release announcing NHEXIT's launch; the group is intended to "create a community of pro-independence Granite Staters, and work to secure a self-governed future for New Hampshire."
New Hampshire already saw a bill to create a ballot measure calling for secession via constitutional amendment introduced in the 2022 legislative session; it was debated openly on the floor after a committee deemed it "inexpedient to legislate." Thirteen representatives voted against the committee decision to sideline the proposal.
Two new secession-related bills were introduced in 2024 as well, says Matthew Santonastaso, the legislator who introduced it last time. But "secession in New Hampshire is old news now. No one cares anymore," he said in an April phone interview. The only reason his 2022 effort was allowed to have open floor debate, Santonastaso believes, is that Democrats thought any Republican on record as supporting secession would soon be out of a job.
Democrats indeed held a hearing later in which they tried to get all 13 booted off ballots for being insurrectionists. "But the public was not phased," Santonastato says. "They have mixed opinions, some favorable, but it didn't hurt me at all. Nor did it benefit me much. There were not too many secession voters out there."
Having the threat of secession available as a tool for dissident politicians and citizens can be important in and of itself, argues F.H. Buckley, a law professor at George Mason University and the author of the 2020 book American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup. A Canadian familiar with the independence politics of Quebec, Buckley believes that raising the possibility can be a significant bargaining chip, a way for states to make it very clear that serious issues need to be settled with the feds, even if actual secession is very unlikely to materialize.
It's also possible, though, that in the current American partisan context a federal government run by one party would be highly unlikely to show any respect for the independence-threatening complaints of a state run by the other. As Buckley mused in an April phone interview, "Trump or any Republican looking at California and what the electoral map would be like without California might just say, 'That works for me.'"
As the state-level growth of first medical and then recreational marijuana shows, states can, if they really want to, depart from federal rules without departing from the Union. And in a narrowly divided country, partisan control over the federal government can and will change hands with some frequency, rendering some secession-fueling policy disputes (such as immigration in Texas) potentially moot.
Miller for his part insists that a GOP presidential victory in 2024 would not slow the TNM's progress. "When it was evident Trump was going to be president [in 2016], media outlets and pundits predicted it would be the death of us. We literally grew at the same rate during Trump as we did during Obama," he says. "Texas has been very clear we want a strong border and sane immigration policy, and neither one of those will ever be provided by the federal government."
Miller says he does not want to repeat the mistakes of Scottish independence activists, who he says saddled the question of independence with overly specific visions of what paths the newly freed political entity would pursue. Secessionists merely "start with the realization that the federal government is unfixable," he says. "We don't get to vote for 2 and a half million unelected bureaucrats, or unaccountable federal judges. We don't get to vote on the senators from New York or California or Pennsylvania."
While Miller is careful to not make his secession movement seem explicitly right-wing, many of the issues inflaming a feeling that red staters just don't belong in a blue-dominated nation are coded as conservative. Gender transitions—or even just the display through clothing and deportment of a different gender than one's genitals would indicate—gets some Texans hot.
While the Biden administration wants to ensure there is no discrimination in health care based on gender identification, Abbott wants anyone who has anything to do with a minor seeking any "gender-affirming care" to face criminal child abuse charges, wants to bar any Texas teacher from wearing clothes not traditionally associated with their assigned gender at birth, and cheers state universities for banning drag shows on campus. Abbott's Texas passed a law that, while not naming drag shows explicitly, barred "sexual gesticulations using accessories or prosthetics that exaggerate male or female sexual characteristics" around kids, which many activists saw as a disguised drag show ban. That law in 2023 had its enforcement blocked by, wouldn't you know it, a federal judge. Many Texans are not down with the Biden administration's generally pro-transgender attitudes and actions—and for those who care passionately about them, these sort of culture issues can truly energize feelings of not wanting to tolerate conationals on the other side.
Secession and the Libertarians
Under the rebrand of "national divorce," the concept of secession has been endorsed by a handful of congressional backbenchers, such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R–Ga.), and also the current management of the Libertarian Party.
Certain strains of American libertarianism—particularly those associated with the Mises Institute, which sponsored a prescient 1995 conference on the matter that led to the 1998 essay collection Secession, State and Liberty—have long been fascinated by secession as a tool for chipping away at massive centralized power. They offer national divorce as a comparatively painless way to resolve angry and seemingly intractable ideological and cultural disputes, allowing people to opt out of each other's political decisions.
But this approach treats individual residents of a given state as a lumpen mass, while giving too much consideration to the alleged interests of the states that constitute the Union—those still-massive centralized powers with a monopoly on force and wealth extraction. American states are as riven internally as they are in relation to the federal government or to other states. (Indeed, some of Abbott's border-control measures happened in a city whose own mayor was against them.) It is flatly impossible that everyone in a given state is going to affirmatively want to leave the U.S., or that the losing minority in any breakaway is going to accept forced denaturalization without some sort of a fight.
Using the crude yardstick of the 2020 presidential election, voters in 42 of the 50 states supported both major-party candidates by at least one-third. If the five states with the largest Donald Trump majorities (Wyoming, West Virginia, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Idaho) had seceded after Joe Biden was sworn in, over a million voters combined even in these small states would be effectively disenfranchised from their home country.
Secession at the level of the state as a political unit inherently ignores the choices and interests of the individual. State-level secession doesn't come anywhere close to solving the underlying problem of America's political (or affective) polarization. But an important question, especially for libertarians, remains: What are the chances that a seceded state will be more free?
Consider Texas. The Lone Star State would likely aim to lower taxes, but its government may be strapped for cash once cut off from federal subsidies. A Texas Monthly report from February estimated that, after accounting for such benefits as Social Security, Medicaid, and the state university system, Texas receives net benefit from the federal government of about $45 billion a year.
Texas would be far more likely to allow parents to make choices about how their education money is spent than the U.S. writ large, even though the state has yet to pass full school choice. But Abbott's administration also wants to restrict citizens' online privacy, free speech on campus, and ability to move about freely without fear of being suspected of breaking a border-related law (especially for non-Anglos) much more than large-population competitors such as California and New York.
An independent Texas would have at least initial physical possession of all the choppers, tanks, and other materiel currently stored at major Army depots at Red River and Corpus Christi, though how nominal physical possessions of the federal government within Texas' border, which also includes big chunks of the space program, will be divvied or moved is one of the many practical details no one involved in the TNM has tried to game out much in public. As Britain's post-Brexit experience with the European Union has illustrated, being in the junior negotiating position on such massive deliberations is expensive and fraught.
A Peaceful Secession?
Would the federal government, à la 1861, simply block secession by force? Miller contends that this would be untenably impractical—and hypocritical.
U.S. foreign policy has for decades been based on the moral and aspirational notion that the right of self-determination is something "to fight and die for," he argued in an April podcast on the Civil War movie. "For the federal government to use force to the contrary right in its own backyard…would smack of hypocrisy to the greatest degree to the international community." A federal government that suppresses democratic independence, Miller says, is one that, according to the logic of the U.S. government from the 1990s Serbian conflict on, "deserves to be bombed."
At minimum, a U.S.-Texas war would engender "outright disobedience from the highest levels of the military all the way down to the enlisted ranks by at least 42 percent of the military, if not all," the TNM website asserts. "Texas might be the first to leave but, if the federal government used the military to suppress the result, it certainly would not be the last."
Miller can reel out various polls to prove that the American people want their states to have the power to leave the Union. But American Secession author Buckley doesn't believe those kind of polls provide much information we can rely on in any state's possible forthcoming attempt to secede.
"It's really easy to say you hate those people in Alabama," or to otherwise express your pique with fellow Americans by telling a pollster that your state should have the power to leave, Buckley says. "But an actual vote on secession would be serious, it would have consequences, you would think more seriously before you agree to that." Are we really, he asks, "going to have secession over drag queen story hour?"
*Clarification: The story as originally posted misstated the full timeline and complications of the deaths and aborted rescue attempt on the part of the Border Patrol.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Texit, Stage Right."
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Victerma de la Sancha Cerros, 33, and her two children, ages 10 and 8, drowned while trying to cross the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas.
You misspelled invade the united states
"Smuggling more fentanyl than they could swim with"
Isn't the Rio Grande like 3 feet deep at Eagle Pass?
They were very short... Trump hates hobbits.
Trump Tower was modeled after Barad Dur. True story.
Tucker Carlson is the Witch-king of Angmar and Chief Nazgûl, and Glenn Greenwald is second-in-command, the Shadow of
the EastBrazil. Elon Musk is Saruman.Now a forgetful Bilbo Biden has passed control of the evil constitution on to Kamala Baggins, who with the help of her trusty servant, Timwalz Gamgee, will throw it into the fires of Mount Doom.
Rivendell is a sanctuary city, as evidenced by its peace, cleanliness, lack of crime (and possibly cats).
Damned Haitians!
Mexicans drown in the very shallow, slow moving salt river east of Phoenix all the time, and they’re not even sneaking into the country there, just trying to cool off.
It’s the damndest thing.
Same thing happens in my state. Drowning victims in the public parks are almost always Hispanic.
And to be clear, they died an hour or more before the feds were on site. The only "rescue effort" in question was to help the Mexican government recover their bodies, not to save their lives -- and this is well established fact, not that you would know it from what the execrable Brian Doherty wrote. Texas and Mexico agree that Mexico was able to recover the bodies.
But that's good misinformation!
What kind of idiot parent drags their kids across a river for a $2k/mo. allowance, a free house, free travel, free food, free healthcare... never mind.
Basically, Harris and Biden murdered these people.
No, it was Trump’s dangerous xenophobic scapegoating weird rhetoric.
JD Vance was wrong.
Yes, Trump’s dangerous xenophobic rhetoric forced Harris and Biden to kill that poor ‘undocumented’ family.
Poor, sad, butthurt crybaby MAGAt. Sana sana culito de rana.
However did you become so witty and erudite, Hank?
A head injury on the ski slopes? Or a bunch of bad trips in the Seventies?
It seems like every year, we see articles about State X (not just TX, CA has a movement too) wanting to secede, or somehow exempt itself. Same old, same old.
Unless there is another civil war, no state is seceding, period. That question was answered 160 years ago.
The more likely scenario is internal collapse of the US, as individual states refuse to help the Feds in executing their actions. IOW, the states passively resist the Feds, become a stumbling block, and force a collapse internally. That seems a more likely scenario, to me.
The red border states shipping illegal aliens to all the blue states is a perfect example of passive resistance.
The internal collapse scenario is much more dangerous to average Americans, in BOTH red and blue states. Just saying.
If California were to seced from the rest of the US there would be tremendous support from most of the rest of the country. Of course, there would be a start on a border wall immediately to keep the citizens inside the Progressive utopia.
East Berlin 2.0
♪♫ They took paradise and made it a pooping lot ♩♬
It would be better to force the democrats to leave, or else. Fuck allowing them to secede. They aren’t even real Americans to begin with.
I'd say in the case of Texas, they have every reason to consider the federal goverment an enemy state since they are facilitating an invasion of the state's borders.
That's just your bias talking.
The Civil War took place in a much different time; any State wishing to secede from the Union today would undoubtedly make its case within the political sphere, rather than a military one.
If Texas wants to leave the US, that should be for Texans to decide. I doubt a large number of citizens of the other states would strenuously object, anyway. Hopefully, they wouldn't do it as stupidly as the Brits did when they left the EU...
If unwanted immigrants constitute an "invasion," he argues, then that would be an act of war justifying the suspension of habeas corpus.
Yes, it is. We are at war. We just haven't started fighting back yet.
the presence of undocumented immigrants
Define for us the difference, Judge Ezra, between a concerted and coordinated onslaught of millions of people entering the US illegally, and an "invasion". Does an invasion not count so long as the invaders are irregulars not in uniform?
If we face swap illegal immigrants with Russians, and Americans with Ukrainians...
That's (D)ifferent!
Did America spend 7+ years engaging in genocide against Mexicans living in a region of the US that DC had signed an agreement with Mexico to allow additional autonomy but later reneged on that?
May have to ask JewFree. Haven't figured out his line for genocide other than "did it involve a Jew?"
What is it with democrats and their anti semitism?
Did America spend 7+ years engaging in genocide against Mexicans
No, but maybe that's something we should consider.
The Russians are armed. When the illegal immigrants arrive carrying military rifles, it's an invasion.
Anyone seriously suggesting that illegal immigration is an “invasion” in the constitutional sense should just be ignored.
Words have meaning; you don't get to make up your own definitions and expect to be taken seriously.
And yet you wonder why no one takes you Leftists seriously.
you don’t get to make up your own definitions
No self-awareness.
Please quote the definition of "invasion" you find in the Constitution.
Invasion is when a military force enters another country with the intention of controlling its territory.
Says who?
Are we really, he asks, "going to have secession over drag queen story hour?"
Are you really going to close with absurd strawman-bashing?
There is so much bad out of Washington DC, I am hoping my state stands up to them and joins with Texas away from them.
Also Musk successfully caught his booster and also reached orbit. I like to think it is an appropriate FU to the FAA.
"There is so much bad out of Washington DC, I am hoping my state stands up to them and joins with Texas away from them. "
dido to that... I'd be horrified if my state joined the [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s]; in fact I'd move to Texas.
Also Musk successfully caught his booster and also reached orbit.
I don't think a lot of people outside the engineering community understand how important and paradigm breaking what happened this morning was.
Some her have caught multiple boosters.
His absurd question identifies as serious.
'Are we really, he asks, “going to have secession over drag queen story hour?”'
Given that drag queen story hour is just one of the more visible facets of the progressive post-modern Neo-socialist freak show, then maybe yes.
He had to finish quickly to get back to his favorite new song:
How about over the executive imposing a contentious ideology through regulatory fiat by saying that a word like "sex" means something entirely different than it did when the authorizing legislation was passed? That because of this women are required to share showers and prison cells with males?
"Drag Queen story hour" is just one manifestation of that ideology, and while one of more visible, not necessarily the most egregious. You currently have college women's volleyball players in one conference revolting from having to play against a team with a male player. This has been ignored from what I can see here.
How about the executive bragging about arresting 1400 political prisoners, 1000 non violent.
It's such a smug and snotty comment. As if _that's_ the big problem.
Federalism is under serious threat, and it's not unreasonable for States to be very concerned about holding onto what little autonomy they have left.
A Texas Monthly report from February estimated that, after accounting for such benefits as Social Security, Medicaid, and the state university system, Texas receives net benefit from the federal government of about $45 billion a year.
Let Texas secede and save the $45 billion a year for us Constitution supporting patriots.
Texas would soon become the Saudi Arabia of North America – deeply conservative, oil-rich, and supportive of Christo-Sharia law. Then Governor Gimp and his fellow Christo-Fascists can finally jail all the Trannie-Dancers ruining his state.
Why couldn't you [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] just keep your Nazi-policies within your own like-minded idiots by starting a "Free-Ponies" membership-cult.
There is absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Stopping those big plans from existing in a non-government based entity. Goes right along with why didn't Bernie Sanders implement his Universal Healthcare at the State Level... WHY? Seriously WHY???????? Common tell us WHY????
Made more sense than your morning troll, kleagle.
Did Andres Oppenheimer have another amazing opinion piece for us today?
I checked the response from my link to his essay and saw you were so bereft of counter-argument you went straight for the 'ad hominem' attack.
Which of his arguments do you want me to counter buddy?
You probably didn't read it and didn't see it as the spaghetti thrown against the wall for what it is. So let's do it.
Which argument do you want me to counter?
I checked the response from my link to his essay and saw you were so bereft of counter-argument you went straight for the ‘ad hominem’ attack.
Jesse had no argument and instead went on the attack? Must be a day that ends in 'y'.
Maybe you can answer for shrike buddy. Which argument do you want me to refute from yesterday? I can tell you didn’t even click on his link.
Unlike you I cite my arguments. Weird that isn’t it?
So are you blindly just defending your leftist team member or will you white knight for him and take up the offer I gave to him? Difficulty you may have to clock his link then realize how ridiculous it was.
By the way. What you are doing is pure projection. Yet again.
Look at that attack. Let's check. Yup. Sunday ends in 'y'.
Look at your first comment in this exchange you fucking retard.
How much of a hypocritical dumbass are you?
Now. Are you just too chicken shit to click his link to see what I should refute?
So as usual, Sarc is a coward, and has nothing.
Get the Hell out of here Sarc. Maybe Shrike and Jeffy will give you booze if you dress up like a toddler and let them spitroast you.
He is just embarrassing himself today. Probably why he is such an alcoholic.
He'll need to be chemically castrated and on puberty blockers before Shrike and Jeff can get it up.
Jesse had no argument and instead went on the attack?
You’re such a fucking idiot, Sarkles. You were even there and you still don’t realize that Buttplug is making shit up?
I’ll bet you two Hasselhoff posters that Sarckles does know that the pedo did fabricate his statement but Sarckles ignored that and used it as an opportunity to attack someone that he thinks is tall, well-groomed, and looks like a cop.
Sarckles - did you believe the pedophile’s statement or was it that you didn’t and just wanted to take a run at Jesse?
I’ve never seen Jesse make an argument that wasn’t an attack on the person he is arguing with. Either this was the very first time he argued against point instead of a person, or you guys are just defending him and attacking SPB. I'll go with the latter.
You can literally see that in this thread or virtually any round up thread. Or basically any thread.
What you are doing here is lying. Something you’re not even good at.
In fact in this very thread you've provided nothing of any tangible substance. Lol.
Jesse: Hey look! Up there! Way up there! In a conversation you were not part of! Yeah, I made a comment that wasn't an attack! See? I did it! That means I always counter arguments with arguments instead of attacks!
Bitch. Stop. You’re just wasting everyone’s time, and embarrassing yourself.
What? Did this make sense to you?
To be fair Jesse, it's 3:30 on a Sunday afternoon, so I'm surprised he can still see his keyboard.
You can literally see that in this thread or virtually any round up thread. Or basically any thread.
Okay Jesse, start here:
When you complain about "$150 billion spent on illegal immigrants", you fail to acknowledge that about 1/3 of that figure is the cost of border enforcement itself, which your team completely supports and in fact demands that it be higher. So your complaints here are insincere and misleading. Why is that?
When you claim "51% of immigrants are on welfare", you fail to note that this study drastically overcounts the number of people "on welfare", and includes "welfare" that US citizens receive as counted against immigrants, if that citizen resides in a household headed by an immigrant. So your statistic is completely misleading. Why is that?
When you claim "Illegal immigrants in Arizona have a much higher violent crime rate than native born citizens", you fail to note that in this study, the authors deliberately overcounted the number of people that they claimed to be illegal immigrants, so as to pad the numbers and make the statistic look larger than it really is. Why is that?
So, Jesse, why don't you respond to these criticisms of these arguments and studies that you routinely cite. But instead I predict that you will respond by, yet again, calling me a Marxist or progressive or some other epithet, doing exactly as sarcasmic claimed that you do - respond to criticism with insults and ad hominems.
you fail to acknowledge that about 1/3 of that figure is the cost of border enforcement itself
The border enforcement budget is 4.9 billion in 2024.
You know people here double-check your shinola, so I don’t get why you still do it.
“and includes “welfare” that US citizens receive as counted against immigrants”
Where’s your citation and evidence of this, Jeff? I just spent 20 minutes looking and didn’t see anything to back this up.
This is where the "$150 billion" figure comes from. In this study, they count ALL enforcement costs as counted against the migrants.
"Federal Justice Enforcement Expenditures" = $25.1 billion
"State Administration of Justice Expenditures" = $21.8 billion
So about $50 billion, as I claimed. Time for you to apologize.
Where’s your citation and evidence of this, Jeff?
This is where your team's "51% of immigrants are on welfare" statistic comes from:
Furthermore, in this study, they include school lunch program as "welfare":
So if one member of a household uses any of those welfare programs, *even if that member is a US citizen*, that entire household as counted as "on welfare" for the purposes of this study. It is very often the case that the child of immigrants is a US citizen since that child was born on US soil. So if the child of immigrants - a US citizen - goes to school and uses a school lunch program, the entire household, headed by an immigrant, is counted as "an immigrant household on welfare".
So, now it's your turn.
You keep claiming that the illegal vermin filth scum are receiving $2,000 in cash, free housing, free transportation, etc., from the government. What is your source for this claim for these benefits that they are allegedly receiving?
You want to let child molesters into the country, fat boy. Shut the fuck up with your "poor immigrants" act.
This is RRWP's standard MO: when his team has lost the argument and refuses to acknowledge it, he will instead dredge up a three-year-old discussion, misrepresent it, and hurl some insults.
This is how I know I've won, when he pulls tactics like this.
This is RRWP’s standard MO: when his team has lost the argument and refuses to acknowledge it, he will instead dredge up a three-year-old discussion, misrepresent it, and hurl some insults.
What argument, that open borders has no costs to it whatsoever?
Well, in this particular discussion, the argument is about the details of the studies that I linked to. I am right, ML is wrong, and here you come with your insults to deflect away from me being right. Because you will never admit that I am right about anything, because your objection to me is personal.
“This is where the “$150 billion” figure comes from. In this study, they count ALL enforcement costs as counted against the migrants.
“Federal Justice Enforcement Expenditures” = $25.1 billion
“State Administration of Justice Expenditures” = $21.8 billion”
Neither of which would be necessary, you deceitful fuck, if, and I quote, “that figure is the cost of border enforcement itself”, because both of those are due to the LACK of border enforcement.
Did you just forget your original statement, or were you trying to move goalposts again?
“So if one member of a household uses any of those welfare programs, *even if that member is a US citizen*, that entire household as counted as “on welfare” for the purposes of this study.”
Yes, you mendacious fuck, because they don’t give welfare to someone who’s spouse is earning good money. So if the household is getting welfare the household is getting welfare. In fact 'household' is how most welfare programs refer to clients.
Did Media Matters only teach you how to trick little little kids, because grown-ups aren’t going to fall for the stunts you pull.
Jeff... answer me this question. State already admitted that they fund NGOs that tell illegals how to make false amnesty claims. The claims out them into the system that includes judicial, tracking, legal, etc. These costs are born due to the illegal immigrants, yes or no? Those costs exist purely because someone tried to enter outside normal legal processes yes or no? Would those costs exist if they didn't try to enter, yes or no?
So yes these costs are DUE to the illegal immigrants you retarded fuck. If they weren't here those costs would not exist.
Now to your second blatant ignorance. Even if the child is a citizen, the benefits recieved also pertain to the household. Food stamps get used by the parents, not the children. And if you were actually interested you'd see the food stamps go to the number in the household, not just the number of legal citizens.
You really are a lying mendacious shit weasel aren't you Jeff. You continue to defend 150B a year because someone who is not a citizen made the active choice to come here. They weren't asked to come here. Their action caused the costs you defend. It is literally due to their actions.
But you're such a shit weasel and so ignorant you refuse to admit this.
Because you will never admit that I am right about anything, because your objection to me is personal.
Yes, I hate people who simp for child molesters.
You really are a lying mendacious shit weasel aren’t you Jeff.
You always go way too easy on Jeff, because he’s worse than that
Bullshitting made up figures about border enforcement, and then claiming that law enforcement issues that sprang from a lack of border enforcement, were border enforcement. Then he goes on to lie about the nature of how welfare is disbursed even though everyone knows that it’s apportioned to the household.
It’s the fact that he imagines he can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes with tricks that wouldn’t fool a baby, that’s the most irritating.
"Because you will never admit that I am right about anything, because your objection to me is personal."
Everyone here's objection to you is personal, Jeff, because you're the most pathologically dishonest person we've ever had the misfortune to encounter.
The pedophile has chosen not to post any of the individual arguments for Jesse to address after Jesse specifically asked the pedophile to do that. Maybe the pedophile will do that later.
What has happened multiple times in these comments is that the pedophile has made a statement and provided a link to a backing reference. When the reference is checked, it does not corroborate the pedophile’s statement and often refutes what the pedophile has said. Hence the reluctance by some to accept any statement by the pedophile.
The times I do look at links posted by the pedophile, I want until others have as evidenced by statements regarding how the pedophile did not read his own link. I want to make sure that he hasn’t posted an Eliot Cutler type link to cp material again.
Jesse does not counter arguments. He regurgitates Team Red propaganda and then 'declares victory'. To actually write a counter-argument requires thought and critical thinking skills, which Jesse lacks.
No. That’s all you. Not Jesse, you fifty-centing horseshit artist.
Reminder: ML is a self-admitted Trump shill and tried to claim that Trump did not lie even once during his first debate.
If anyone is a fifty-center around here, it's you.
Reminder: chemfat is a pederast who admitted he wants to let child molesters claim asylum here.
The more you insult, the more you admit defeat.
Magnificent circular reasoning. Like your argument that child molesters should be able to claim asylum because they're being oppressed.
"I'm rubber, you're glue..."
Grow up you piece of garbage.
“ML is a self-admitted Trump shill”
Self-declared, not “sELf-aDmiTteD”. Because unlike you I’m not paid to try to hide my views in order to trick Media Matters' marks.
“and tried to claim that Trump did not lie even once during his first debate.”
I didn’t “tRy tO cLaiM”, I DID claim that Trump did not lie even once during his first debate… Because… wait for it… he didn’t.
This is demonstrated by the fact that despite being challenged dozens of times, you have still failed to produce a single example of an actual lie.
As an obvious leftist, your claim of chemfree projects to being heavily laden on chemicals. How else do you explain your lack of critical thinking skills? I suppose you could just be stupid. Or both chemical dependent and stupid. Dumbass.
He is a post modernist. Of course he is stupid.
Even post modernists with their "personal truths" aren't as dishonest as Jeff.
He is a particularly gluttonous one. See Jared from Subway for similar.
You are saying that Texas is one third of an illegal alien?
Fascism – The belief that the prosperity of a nation depends on a unified polity that put the *group’s welfare above the individual’s*.
Why don’t you make a list of all the Christian Fascist laws so we Christians can’t make an effort to eliminate them??
Then make a list of Democrats “groups welfare” above the “Individual's” laws.
Just because you hate Christians doesn’t mean you’re not fascist; In fact hating and blaming a specific religion without specifically addressing any fascist legislation from that group *is* part of every fascist movement ever to exist.
^How the leftard self-projects.
Doesn't it always. For the 5 decades that I've been paying attention, the leftists have always accused their enemies of the behavior they are guilty of themselves.
So they're just like rightists in that regard...
(Most libertarians already know that, but thanks.)
More like. "Republicans didn't STOP us so it's all their fault!"
The 'ideas' of fascist legislation is a good 90% coming from leftists.
Texas would soon become the Saudi Arabia of North America – deeply conservative, oil-rich, and supportive of Christo-Sharia law. Then Governor Gimp and his fellow Christo-Fascists can finally jail all the Trannie-Dancers ruining his state.
Fist thing they'd have to do is purge Austin.
The secession itself might take care of that. During ACW 1.0, some southern Unionists headed north and supported the yankees including joining the army. Probably not applicable here since Austin is tiny and not bordering a state, northwestern counties in Virginia seceded from Virginia/Confederacy and remained in the Union becoming the state of West Virginia. Those leaving Texas could claim to be Haitian immigrants and would likely get white glove service as a result.
So what we need to do is elect Trump, let him create a system capable of rounding up political scapegoats by the millions, continue to stoke partisan hatred, and then pass that power onto the next Democratic president. What could possibly go wrong?
No. We should vote for Kamala because she is smart, articulate, coherent, nails interviews in just a few takes with editing, has a proven track record such as her 3.5 year tenure as Border Czar welcoming in millions of illegals to be used for political reasons while some of them rape, murder, ostensibly vote, and cost an additional $150B/yr on top of the exorbitant amount of spending by Biden-Harris. Coupled with Tampon Tim’s love for the Bill of Rights, Columbia will shine.
Those Austin residents loyal to the DC regime would likely exit from Texit (or have an exodus from Texodus). I imagine some productive folks would migrate to Texas. PBS could film Austin City Limits 2.0 in Springfield perhaps bring back Charlie Rose to host it to put his personal touch on the production.
Nah. Vote for Trump so he can round up all those illegals and put them into
concentration campswellness facilities. Then hand that power over the Democrats and see who they round up. I’m sure anyone with a bare knowledge of history knows how that will turn out.Like the January 6 trespassers? You act as if the Democrats need a change in the rules to persecute political opponents.
You really are a dumbass.
No. I mean dragging people out of their homes by the millions and taking them to some holding facility where who knows what will happen. The legal infrastructure to give that many
peoplevermin due process does not exist. So it will have to be expedited somehow. That’s what Trump promises to do with illegals.That’s the power you want to give to Democrats once Trump is gone.
Oh, you meant the ones that didn't show up for their court date so their asylum case could be adjudicated.
No change in the rules necessary to toss out illegal aliens.
Now, where's the Mute This Fool button...
Put history on mute while you're at it. Oh, never mind. I can tell you already did.
You lying about shit isn't "history", trollboy.
What history sarc? Back up your argument for the first time ever.
The law already allows that.
Trump want local police storming houses and dragging out illegal vermin, kicking and screaming, without any worry of facing legal or civil consequences. So no, the law does not already allow that. Nor does the infrastructure exist to handle the volume of vermin Trump wants to punish.
Trump want local police storming houses and dragging out illegal vermin, kicking and screaming
Sounds good to me.
Tell me Sarckles, what other lawbreakers do you think should be exempt from justice. Drunk drivers? Wife beaters? Men who "put their hands on a child in a concerning way?
Post Trumps quote sarc. With link.
Tell us, ML, which other alleged lawbreakers should be immune from due process?
But tell us, Lying Jeffy, why should illegal aliens be immune from due process?
why should illegal aliens be immune from due process
Maybe you should ask the guy who wrote this:
ML would love nothing more than a nation-wide purge of Democrats. He's like to see the population of the country reduced by a good 40% overnight.
ML would love nothing more than a nation-wide purge of Democrats
Well, the party itself anyway.
But thanks, drunky, for again giving me the opportunity to again say why your party should be destroyed:
I’m anti-Democrat, because over its long history, until right-fucking-now it, has been consistently the second most evil political party in the Western world, with the second worst record of genocide and enslavement.
Worse than anyone other than the German NSDAP, easily beating out Mussolini’s Fascists, the French Revolution’s Jacobins, the Spanish Falangists and any Eastern European Communist party.
The Democratic party singlehandedly fought to enslave and preserve slavery culminating in a bloody civil war that killed over a million people.
And when that was foiled they created their own paramilitary, the Klu Klux Klan, so they could continue to terrorize Blacks, lynching them on the slightest excuse. The Democratic Party’s very own Brownshirts terrorizing millions of Americans for over half a century.
And then to really get revenge on their former victims they enacted and enforced Jim Crow, then resegregated the civil service and fired thousands of black professionals.
And none of this was perpetrated by any other party. It was all Democrats. The Republican party was expressly formed as anti-slavery.
It’s no wonder that Ida B. Wells said in 1885, “I am not a Democrat, because the Democrats considered me a chattel and possibly might have always so considered me, because their record from the beginning has been inimical to my interests.”
But then they continued. Filibustering the Civil Rights act, the 1956 Southern Manifesto, bombing black churches, and when that game was over they blamed it on others and claimed the Southern Democrats “switched sides”.
Even though the Record of Congress shows that only one single, solitary Southern Democrat, a man with a black daughter, “switched” parties. The hundreds of others stayed Democrats until the day they died. Some, like KKK Kleagle Robert Byrd, feted and honored into the 2000s.
And still they carried on, stuffing Blacks into projects and putting the vast majority of abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods, so that they’re being aborted at rates of 4:1 over whites.
Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger explicitly said she was targeting blacks for eugenics, and Democrats have proudly carried that up till today, ensuring billions gets funneled into PP eugenics factories.
And it wasn’t just Blacks. With the Indian Wars the Democrats genocided Native Americans, killing entire tribes right down to the babies.
With the Indian Removal Act Democrats kicked the “Five Civilized Tribes” out of their own cities and off their own farms and into the wilderness in an ethnic cleansing so brutal that it is called the Trail of Tears.
All Democratic Party initiative BTW, the other parties opposed it, and Jackson and Van Buren carried it out.
Not content with two ethnic cleansings, the Democrats rounded up thousands of patriotic Americans into camps for the crime of having Japanese Ancestors.
And it wasn’t just about race. The Democrats enacted prohibition, ferociously opposed universal suffrage and got the US mired in Vietnam, wiping out villages there and shooting kids.
I can hear Sarckles sputtering that it doesn’t count because that was a million years ago, so let’s look at now.
We are now finally witnessing the logical fruition of their centuries long radical utopian vision: Censorship, electronic surveillance, internal spying, illegally using the CIA and FBI to spy on the opposition candidates and on journalists and civilians, political monopolies and cartels, weaponization of the intelligence agencies, turning the FBI into their own Stasi, pouring billions of dollars into campaigns, changing voting laws by fiat, a woke revolutionary military, book banning, bleeding the First Amendment, canceling careers, blacklisting, separate-but-equal racial segregation and separatism, castrating children, arresting the political opposition and operating kangaroo courts.
You know what it did instead of apologizing? In an act of monumental gaslighting it blamed it all on the party that had actually opposed those acts.
But Sarc and Jeff want to say that it should all be left in the past. It should be forgotten until the next time we need to inflame a series of BLM riots in the country and then we’ll blame our innocent opponents again.
Blah blah sins of the fathers...
Politics isn't genetic. The parties are corporations that trade issues like cards to keep voters 50/50. Because either way, one of them wins. The duopoly is the problem.
You mean you and Rachel Maddows fantasy? When the most they've talked about is retainers for illegal criminals.
You really are a lying leftist shit weasel at this point.
Nope. I support Kamala. With her we can have even more of these super legal immigrant doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Thousands of these doctors have performed abortions on clumps of cells that managed to escape past the magical birth canal, thousands more have engineered means to provide hands on sex education to the xenophobic deplorable racist scapegoaters, and many more are so entrepreneurial they are breaking through the glass
ceilingwindow by contributing $150B/yr to the economy!I’m confident that Conservative and Conservative Leaning Libertarians (CACLLs) will support Cackles.
Note that White Mike coined the term CACLL.
His crowning achievement here.
Communists Undercover Cosplaying Leftist Libertines (CUCLL).
CUCLLs for Cackles
We already have that system.
If a system existed capable of handling millions and millions of illegals existed, then asylum seekers wouldn't be waiting as long as five years for a court date. No, we don't have that system.
Does the system improve letting 2-3M more in every year? Funding NGOs with federal funds to teach them how to make false asylum claims? Using government funds on housing, food, cash, legal services?
This is the broken system you continue to defend. Calling everyone racist who wants to cut off all welfare for illegals which would reduce crossings.
Oh look, Jesse is trying to invalidate my statement by attacking me for defending the status quo, which I have never done. As always he has no argument, just attacks based upon lies. One day he attacks me for supporting the current system, the next he attacks me for wanting no border checks at all. He just can't make up his mind which lies to argue against.
It is amazing watching you consistently lie day in and day out. You have never defined a system. The closest you have come is saying let everyone in who wants in because jobs will magically appear and then on the next post call people racist who point out the costs and the criminals.
You're a retarded piece of leftist shit sarc. It is why you will never make a factual argument or even cite your arguments. You flow from narrative to narrative without thought.
You just confirmed what I said by admitting that the immigration strawmen you argue against are not what I actually say. A rare bit of honesty that I must assume was purely accidental.
Also you show off your willful ignorance of economics by once again claiming the job market is a zero-sum game.
Now would be a good time to tell us how Adam Smith didn't know what he was talking about, and how protectionism and mercantilism lead to national wealth.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
You just confirmed what I said by admitting that the immigration strawmen you argue against are not what I actually say.
No he didn't, retard. You're too drunk and stupid to notice that everyone can still read the previous comments here.
He says this despite him cheering on the DoH arresting over 1000 non violent j6 protestors and charging them with felonies to multi year sentences. Amazing.
Oh look. Jesse is trying to invalidate my statement by attacking me for something I never said nor did. I other news, water is still wet.
Now watch as he pulls out cherry-picked ancient comments, deliberately misinterprets what was said, and hides the context by not providing links.
And here we have sarc lying again.
sarcasmic 2 years ago
Flag Comment
Mute User
Charges of trespassing, vandalism and interfering with government business are sufficient. No need to add political crimes to the list.
This is after he was told multiple times this was the 20 year felony charge the USSC invalidated.
Want me to keep going? Maybe some saint babbit. Maybe some feet on desk? Maybe defense of Garland and the 1000+ J6ers arrested?
What’s funny is you know I have these fucking links and you continue to fucking lie about them.
I’ll link them all if you admit you’re an invenerate liar without shame. Deal?
Jesse says that comment equates to cheering. Like I said, deliberately misinterprets what I say so he can argue against a strawman. Every time.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
What a farce! The guy was nothing but a peaceful tourist! Everyone puts their feet on her desk! Besides, what about the summer rioters, huh? Why aren’t they being prosecuted, huh? It’s all political! They’re political prisoners! It’s just like East Germany!
Yeah. Sounds like you are really concerned and not cheering.
Are you fucking retarded sarc?
I have over a dozen of these if you want to keep lying about it. You've applauded or defended every single J6 related arrest. Even disparaging a grandmother who never entered the building trying to impress Jeff.
You're a state loving leftist piece of shit buddy =)
So oblivious.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
Fuck off, Sarckles. Everyone here can see that you're lying your ass off. You're not tricking anyone.
By the way, interrupting the certification of the election and causing members of Congress to evacuate, many of the legitimately fearing for their lives because they're Democrats (Do you honestly think Pelosi would have survived if the mob had gotten their hands on her? I don't.), fits the definition of interfering with government business pretty nicely. That's the law, bub, like it or not. Funny how you feel laws don't matter when they're applied to your team, but when unjust laws are applied to people you hate you do cheer. Then you project that onto me. So once again you accuse me of doing what you are doing. Only this time not at the moment you are doing it. Which is somewhat unusual.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
And here Jesse proves yet again how he favors a two-tiered system of justice: one tier in which him and his team escape legal consequences by using endless excuses and rationalizations for their behavior, and another tier in which the harshest punishments are meted out to those who transgress the law, even if unintentionally.
Yet another reason why he would have gone far as a police officer.
Did Jesse actually say he wanted to be a police officer?
When sarc was ogling over Jesse, his emoting included that he believed Jesse looks like a cop. Sarc also stated his belief/desire for Jesse to be tall and well-groomed. It was the same time sarc expressed his hope that someone would dox Jesse.
Jeff always pretends only his enemies are bad. He will ignore all the links and threats from his side. He applauds legal lawfare. He defends antifa arson, deaths, and violence. He accuses others of threats when o have I have 6 from sarc saved, Jeff never has a criticism for sarc.
Jeff is basically By Any Means Necessary. For his team. But don't you dare criticize his side, his sides rapes, etc.
Jeff is an authoritarian Marxist who will justify all bad acts from his team. While screaming to think of the rapists and murderers he thinks he is savior of.
Psarc doesnt subscribe to phistory.
Or psobriety.
And which party invented and imposed all those federal benefits? If you want to even the federal largesse between Red and Blue states, just end the programs. Or is that too libertarian for you?
The issue *is* … The United States doesn’t find any need to follow its Supreme Law of the Land (US Constitution)
…so under what kind of BS delusion would the States be required to follow the lawlessness of the Union of States and violate their own sworn oath of office?
Article IV; Section 4.
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion”
There is no provision that makes the very definition of the USA void just because Democrats scream ‘democracy’. The USA
———-IS———— ————NOT——————— a Democratic [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire.
It is a *Constitutional* Republic.
A trillion-dollar question is, if all 50 states secede, WHO owns the federal debt? This is a GIANT tar-baby!!!
Also, as Ukraine has showed us, if you split up, do NOT give your nukes back to the central power!!!
The collectors who will probably put you into their labor camps.
Pro-rate it among the states by population.
That is to say, the military struggle between Ulysses S. and Robert E. settled the question definitively.
Our rights (and non-rights) are determined by the nine Black Robed ones.
^The [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] direct contempt for the US Constitution.
And spouts contradictory cover using "[Our] rights".
Good grief. Where the F do think [Individual] rights come from?
[WE] mobs RULES!???? /s
His real issue is the robes are black.
I thought his real issue is that the ones with black skin ignore massa's orders.
Our rights also don't come from the king, the leviathan, or Obama.
What part of "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" do people not understand?
The part that puts it in the Constitution?
"Are we really, he asks, “going to have secession over {my latest depredation against your children}?”"
Er ... maybe?
Biden-Harris treat Ukrainian nazis and Haitian gate jumpers better than productive Texans. It is unfortunate Texas didn’t have a better prenup.
I don't see Tim Walz name mentioned in the article. Walz of course recently demanded we get rid of the Electoral College and switch to a national popular vote for President. Democrats have also demanded proportional representation in the Senate.
Just in case anyone was looking for realistic secession scenarios.
Fuck Tim Walz.
Please don't. He would enjoy it too much.
JD Vance is wrong about weird Tampon Tim’s campaign against the Constitution.
The NY times interview with Vance was something else.
First the reporter refuses to actually listen to his answer as she asks 5 times did Trump lose the 2020 election, she ignores the answers about irregularities and censorship and demands yes or no.
Then switches topics to illegal immigration where she seems bereft of facts. Doesn't realize 7M working age males are no longer actively looking for work, assumes the roughly 30k illegals working in construction can't be replaced, and doesn't understand bringing in 25M immigrants effects the housing market.
Almost like she had an agenda and narrative.
Next Roundup, no longer good Liz may reference that interview as Vance evading.
If she does, she would be correct. He did evade. How is this not obvious?
He answered baiting questions with truth versus following an incomplete narrative that attempts to further a flawed agenda.
"Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?"
How is this a "baiting question"?
Attempting to steer the interview away from the many current problems facing the nation under the Biden-Harris leadership. Vance did fine without a teleprompter, having pre reviewed questions, special earrings, or friendly editing afterwards.
So Vance is entitled to evade questions. Got it.
Vance stayed on topic where NYT attempted to do er for Harris’ poor performance. Kamala can’t even answer the question regarding Bidenflation and NYTed to some gibberish about neighbors proud of their lawns.
Why you so hung up on the past?
So he can ignore the present and more importantly the terrible outcomes of what he advocates for.
following an incomplete narrative that attempts to further a flawed agenda.
So if Vance were to have answered honestly, i.e., "Yes, Donald Trump lost the 2020 election", this would be furthering a "flawed agenda"? What exactly is the agenda that his answer would have furthered, and why is it flawed?
The flawed agenda of shifting focus away from the many problems facing the nation under the Biden-Harris administration.
And here I thought it was the interviewer who set the agenda for the interview.
So Vance refusing to answer the interviewer’s question was just fine, because the interviewer didn’t ask the “right question”, and you know it wasn’t the “right question” because you said so.
So not only did Vance not evade the question, Vance steered the interview into the direction that the interviewer should have taken it, because it’s really Vance who was in charge, not the interviewer.
Do I have that right?
I’ll remember this next time Kamamalama dodges an interview question. Clearly, it wasn’t a ‘dodge’, it was just KamKam seizing control of the interview and directing it in the ‘proper’ direction. Right?
America wants to hear what the candidate has to say, not some cuckold, thinly veiled apparatus of the failed regime that can’t currently provide any answers to the problems they have caused. The double digit IQ crowd may want to lap up media simping, but Vance properly stayed on the message of America. That shows leadership such future visits to unfriendly nations where he can demonstrate focus.
No, you don’t have it right. Just like your position on adult men having sexual relations with underage boys.
No, the interviewer DOES NOT set the agenda.
Interviewers are journalists and they are SUPPOSED to be reporting on things that their audience wants to know.
The US media is under the impression they have full control over who wins elections. They even think their own reporting constitutes official vote counts. They control your truth and even if you know they are lying, you can’t do squat about it.
JD Vance handled that entire exchange well. Good clip.
So he refused to answer her question.
He engaged in the same slimy debate tactics that you all engage in here on a daily basis: deflecting, shifting the burden of proof, trying to distract and mislead and smuggle in his own talking points without answering her question.
It is very illuminating that your team thinks the question, "Did Donald Trump Lose the 2020 Election?", to be some kind of "gotcha" question.
It is very illuminating that your team thinks the question, “Did Donald Trump Lose the 2020 Election?”, to be some kind of “gotcha” question.
That question is no different than when terrorists ask recruits questions about the Quran.
Proof of faith.
politics is a religion for sarc.
Mohammedans, like Evangelical Revelationists, Landover Baptists, Lutheran Jew-Baiters et ilkii are all spinoffs from the early Jesus cults. Except that Mohammedan writings actually were current, and not made up over 100 years after their guru was pronounced dead. MAGAts want to copy Nicaragua, El Salvador and Poland, Mohammedan satrapies and girl-bullying African dictatorships. Yet they do not move there. People fleeing their prohibition laws flee to America.
There's nothing inherently wrong with a democracy selecting its president based on the popular vote.
Indeed, Republicans only oppose it because they know they would always lose such an election.
But changing that would require a constitutional amendment, which is probably unlikely.
The problem would be a few group-think Cities having complete control of the entire US landmass. The USA is not the “United People of NYC & LA”; it is the “United *STATES*”.
You'd also have to restructure the House of Representatives and it's duties and the Senate and it's State-Representation duties unless of course the idea is just a big scam to cheat the US Constitution and resort to a [WE] mob gangland RULES society.
'The Lone Star State has a well-earned reputation for going rogue, beginning with its decadelong prehistory as an independent republic.'
So, when Texas tries to hold onto traditional American principles, they are rogues. But when California enacts hyper-progressive ideals, they are team players.
Fuck you, Reason.
So long as you keep coming back, I doubt Reason much cares how upset you get.
I’m here for one reason and one reason only.
Reason hasn’t censored me yet like all the leftard-rags did.
For using CURSE-WORDS like US Constitution & Individual Liberty.
I really have to wonder how many US patriots were out there before media turned into leftard echo chambers and all the patriots were censored.
Secession is back in style because…
Democrats have had a big master-plan to build “[WE] Identify-as Gangs RULE” to democratically conquer and destroy the USA (defined by the Supreme Law of the Land) and bring back a “[WE] Identify-as Supremacy” slave nation under the disguise of “[WE] mob RULES” democracy.
Making endless illegal “New Deals” about WHO will be enslaved (taxed) and WHO will be the Supremacists (subsidized) benefiting from that slavery (i.e. Centrally planned labor camps). Excusing their slavery by calling it end-sum equality.
Or summoned up by the governing ideology of [Na]tional So[zi]al[ism] … No. That’s not my masterful abbreviation trick. That is literally where the [Na][zi]-word originated in Germany.
“The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (German: **Nationalsozialistische**)
Hey, kids, gather round for a story. Sorry, no drag queens today.
Once upon a time a bunch of people formed a new country. Most of them already lived in mini-countries, with local governments and different ideas about how to live. But they agreed on some fundamental principles about freedom and liberty, and so decided they could bond together into a bigger country. But to protect local differences, they decided that the big government had to be limited, and share power with the local governments. That way, most people could be happy--except for those that wanted to force their ideals on everyone else.
But then those unhappy idealists would not give up. Over hundreds of years, in steps big and small, they kept pushing for more power for the big government, taken from the local governments, and from the people. By the time it was over, we had a super-big government in charge of everything, with no choice for any local group to choose their own way.
Now you might get in trouble with your Obama Youth troop leader for listening to me, so best not to tell them about this story.
It was so important for the states to manage their own affairs, outside of the few big concepts they all agreed on, the Feds were given a short list of specifically enumerated powers.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The Constitution has been memory-holed! Do you want to get these kids into real trouble?
You can never "just get along" with communists. They will never leave you alone.
Half the country is voting for a communist takeover and complete control of every inch of our lives from top to bottom. You cannot "get along" with those people. You have to defeat them, or separate from them.
Agreed. When progressives tell me I need to compromise with their socialist plans, and give up some of my freedom and wealth, I tell them they should compromise with a rapist.
The really sad thing is that some of them will do that.
More than half. More like 90%.
Half of those want a communist style takeover of the economy so as to dictate your economic decisions to you.
The other half want a communist style takeover of private property so as to dictate who you may or may not let onto your property.
Yes, chemfat, we realize you think national borders shouldn't exist.
Harboring pedophiles, murderers, non-pedophilic sexual assaulters, other violent offenders ≠ letting someone onto your property. Sounds like wanting to host a convention of practicing members of international chapters of NAMBLA.
He is still mad his pedo MAP camp was canceled across from the school.
Am guessing that MAPedo camp wanted to pounce.
The other half want a communist style takeover of private property so as to dictate who you may or may not let onto your property.
this literally makes no sense. Wtf are you talking about
He’s playing the anarchists game; nobody ‘owns’ land to push for a US invasion with a topping of contradiction that a nations government is the very entity that ensures ‘private’ land ownership.
I promise I won't stop you from leaving.
"Love it or leave it", as they (well, you) say!
Trump is ‘fascist to the core,’ Milley says in Woodward book
The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says Trump is “the most dangerous person to this country,” echoing dire warnings of others in national security circles.
WaPost (paywalled)
The military despises the Con Man.
The same military that fought two wars in Iraq for reasons, that fought a 20-year war in Afghanistan that it lost and had to leave due to DJT formalizing the exit, that is now funneling materiel to a nazi-adjacent genocidal dictator in Kiev, and tried to start WW3 in former Yugoslavia?
You’re Dick’s mouthpiece on this. Maybe you and Cheney can go after some upland game afterwards.
watch how quickly all the tankie libs start talking about secession once trump wins.
Or fleeing to Canada. I hope a few more actually do it, compared to 2016.
Why do you hate ML? They could all immigrate to Haiti.
The general who said he would defy a presidential order and warn China of any attacks?
He may be supporting Act Blue donors in this election. It may not go well for him if Trump gets sworn in.
Forwarded from Bellum Acta:
Mark Milley "fears being court-martialled" if Trump wins - The Guardian.
How can we make the republic more banana unless some of our generals defy the President?
If there is corroborating evidence to support Woodward's claims, Milley should be court-martialed.
§903a. Art. 103a. Espionage
(a)(1) Any person subject to this chapter who, with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation, communicates, delivers, or transmits, or attempts to communicate, deliver, or transmit, to any entity described in paragraph (2), either directly or indirectly, anything described in paragraph (3) shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, except that if the accused is found guilty of an offense that directly concerns (A) nuclear weaponry, military spacecraft or satellites, early warning systems, or other means of defense or retaliation against large scale attack, (B) war plans, (C) communications intelligence or cryptographic information, or (D) any other major weapons system or major element of defense strategy, the accused shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.
(2) An entity referred to in paragraph (1) is-
(A) a foreign government;
(B) a faction or party or military or naval force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States; or
(C) a representative, officer, agent, employee, subject, or citizen of such a government, faction, party, or force.
(3) A thing referred to in paragraph (1) is a document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, instrument, appliance, or information relating to the national defense.
(b)(1) No person may be sentenced by court-martial to suffer death for an offense under this section (article) unless-
(A) the members of the court-martial unanimously find at least one of the aggravating factors set out in subsection (c); and
(B) the members unanimously determine that any extenuating or mitigating circumstances are substantially outweighed by any aggravating circumstances, including the aggravating factors set out in subsection (c).
(2) Findings under this subsection may be based on-
(A) evidence introduced on the issue of guilt or innocence;
(B) evidence introduced during the sentencing proceeding; or
(C) all such evidence.
(3) The accused shall be given broad latitude to present matters in extenuation and mitigation.
(c) A sentence of death may be adjudged by a court-martial for an offense under this section (article) only if the members unanimously find, beyond a reasonable doubt, one or more of the following aggravating factors:
(1) The accused has been convicted of another offense involving espionage or treason for which either a sentence of death or imprisonment for life was authorized by statute.
(2) In the commission of the offense, the accused knowingly created a grave risk of substantial damage to the national security.
(3) In the commission of the offense, the accused knowingly created a grave risk of death to another person.
(4) Any other factor that may be prescribed by the President by regulations under section 836 of this title (article 36).
That would fuck with his pension.
He would get room, board, and a meal plan.
Woodward also accused Milley of treason.
Here was what my longtime usenet ally, Christopher Charles Morton, wrote about it.,%23108,-Deanimator
If Milley won't be punished for TREASON, why should he be punished for telling the truth? The UCMJ has simply ceased to exist by way of its blatantly arbitrary, discriminatory and partisan application. The "leadership" of the U.S. military has forfeited all respect, and the destruction of respect for military law was merely collateral damage. As long as Milly's not stretching a rope, the UCMJ is an utter nullity.
The founding fathers werent perfect and they made a handful of mistakes. One of the biggest was failing to specify a process for a state to leave the union. Even the WORRY of driving a state to leave would have kept the federal gov in check all these years.
"It is needless to discuss at length the question whether the right of a State to withdraw from the Union for any cause regarded by herself as sufficient is consistent with the Constitution of the United States." Case closed."
The law of the land when a union was formed amongst the several states did not prohibit secession. But the court found that irrelevant and unworthy of discussion. This is some pretty impressive activist judging. But we're supposed to accept that the law of the court supersedes the law of the land. And barring that we have to accept that the question was settled by Grant v. Lee. If another secession were ever to be attempted it's pretty clear it would require another civil war. If the secessionists prevail, that would finally settle the question.
Don't flatter yourself. It's the 21st Century. If Texas or California or New Hampshire really wants to leave the US, nobody is going to take up arms to stop them.
If states cannot leave, then they are not sovereign.
And if they aren't sovereign, then any and all laws they have or pass mean nothing. They should be repealed on this basis only. And, of course, this applies to all entities below the state level as well.
Congratulations, you've destroyed local rule.
Found another jeffsarc source.
Brian Stelter
Everyone who paid attention in high school history class knows that Trump's anti-immigration language is the language of fascists and white supremacists throughout history.
Now do Bill Clinton lol. these people. They literally have no knowledge of even recent history. History for them started last week.
And then do all indigenous people everywhere, but especially in the Americas. We have thousands of years of invasion, conquest, slavery, and lethal resistance to immigration, all before Columbus set sail.
They don't know history at all. It is a blue bubble of retards who repeat the same talking points. The original tik tok, corporate journalists.
Looks who didn't pay attention in high school history.
Brian Stelter? I believe it. Journalists are some of the least scholarly people out there, and Mr. Potato Head is among the worst.
hurr durr
Lol. And sarc runs into agree with Stelter. Fucking hilarious. Grade A buddy.
I am agreeing with the statement, not the person. Not that you can understand the difference. You never argue against what a person says. You always argue against the person who said it.
It is a binary fallacy. Either oppose his consideration of Trump’s position or you are a fascist, white supremacist that didn’t pay attention in HS history.
It is merely an appeal to masses (argumentum ad populum) wrapped in an either-or veneer from an irrelevant authority.
What he said was true. Trump indeed uses dehumanizing and scapegoating language when talking about illegal immigrants, language that is strikingly similar to that used by fascists and other murderous haters throughout history.
His defenders hear that criticism, take it personally, and have an emotional reaction. They then go on the attack, screaming things like “You said Trump is Hitler!” and “I’m not a fascist, you’re a fascist!”
I think it’s because many of those people are like Jesse in that they can’t differentiate between a person and what a person says. Therefore they hear “Trump is using the same language to describe illegals that Hitler used to describe Jews” and their broken brains register “Trump is Hitler”.
They can’t separate statements from the person. Apparently you can’t either. I thought you were smarter than that.
Or maybe, just maybe, and I think this is the case for several people in these comments, they really do think that Trump will pull a Hitler on illegals, they want it to happen, they will never admit it, so they relentlessly attack.
You and Jeff have used dehumanizing language. Are you two hitler?
You and Jeff have associated Trump and Hitler multiple times dumbass. Because it is you who think it is a good association to demean your opponents.
You and Jeff continue to link fascism to Trump. But look at you pretend others are the ones doing so. You’re fucking projecting again.
How are you such a lying retard?
Even here you continue to associate the recognition of negative externalities of your policies that Trump calls out. Remember you multi month retardation of Trump saying blood?
There is zero difference in your attacks from Maddow or any other MSNBC talking head. You're too dumb to realize it.
Shorter Jesse: Tu Quoque! Tu Quoque! Tu Quoque!
Now watch him try to gaslight by saying I don't know what tu quoque means.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
Not what a tu qouque is.
Please for the love of God learn what a fallacy is if you want to try to use them to excuse your own behaviors.
Tu quoque is an appeal to hypocrisy. It's basically all you do in these comments. You go around trying to discount what people say by calling them a hypocrite based upon deliberate misinterpretations of what they say, cherry picked comments out of context, and downright lies. You are the personification of the term.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
Irrelevant authority.
The murders are currently being committed by illegals that Kamala allowed to walz across the border and who are now being housed, fed, and provided with other amenities by folks forced into funding the mechanism to facilitate that. There was also an Act Blue donor that committed murder so there is an outlier.
How can’t I differentiate? I pointed out three flaws in Stelter’s brief statement.
Do you think these other people like Jesse are also tall, well groomed, and look like a cop?
Which people do you think believe Trump will pull a national socialist leader on illegals? Post the list.
Nothing in your comment follows from anything I said. Have you been guzzling the Allen's and milk again?
Sidestepping questions about statements then projection. You having a rough one today buddy?
Deny. Deflect. Lie. Be retarded.
The summation of sarcs arguments today.
Jesse accuses others of doing what he is doing while he is doing it. Shameless.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
What is the basis for your blind agreement buddy? Is it also blind ignorance? A blind use of a correlation you use to justify your leftist narratives.
Let me try.
Musollini imported tens of thousands of farm workers from India to work fields to end dependence on foreign food sources. Sounds like a lot of your defense for mass migration. Are you a fascist?
USSR saw a lot of migration into the interior from places like kyrgyzstan after the take over by Stalin. Mass immigration… your stance… are you a fascist now?
But I’m sure you can link us to your sources for your agreements with Stelter lol.
By the way. How is agreeing with his statement different from agreeing with Stelter? Are you fucking retarded?
Now. Try to intelligently explain your stance and the importance of the statement you agree with.
It’s not blind agreement, retard. Anyone who passed high school history understands that guy’s comment. And I never said it was important.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
I notice no actual links or evidence. Are you admitting your entire historical knowledge is based on short summaries in a high school text book? Explains a lot.
His entire point was that nobody who passed high school history needs and links or evidence to defend what is common knowledge among people who passed that class. Obviously you are not one of them. Or you're lying. Probably lying. Or both.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
By the way. How is agreeing with his statement different from agreeing with Stelter?
I don’t know what else he has said. I don’t know anything about the guy. So I can’t say that I agree with him, since I don’t know what he stands for. That’s why I said I agree with that statement, not with him.
You want to insist that I agree with him as a person so you can attack me for agreeing with other things the guy has said, whatever they might be, in order to distract from the statement that I said I agreed with. It’s how you roll. Always attack the person.
Disclaimer: Failure to address other lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
That is what he said retard.
But thank you for admitting the summation of your entire historical knowledge is a HS text book and you have no intellectual curiosity to go beyond that to see if your narratives are valid.
Notice how you skipped right over the 2 examples I gave you above. History you're ignorant too.
The basis of virtually all your knowledge is ignorance. Lol.
His online test said he was wicked smaht.
It is just an amazing assertion to defend one’s beliefs with the statement they’ve learned nothing since High School lol.
And this was the period where he became a drugged up fry cook. So you know he didn't actually learn much.
Disclaimer: Failure to address lies and false premises in Jesse’s comment is not intended to be tacit approval of or agreement with those lies and false premises.
He’a been a victim far before he joined Reason comments or contracted a raging case of TDS.
Nothing is ever his fault. Everyone is out to get him.
USSR saw a lot of migration into the interior from places like kyrgyzstan after the take over by Stalin.
And here, Jesse tries to defend his policy on illegal immigration by appealing to... forced migration by a totalitarian regime.
So I guess that makes Jesse a communist, since he's now defended Stalin.
Jesse, like Stalin, is promoting using government resources to fund the relocation of people to a place that aren’t culturally linked to it causing some issues as a result. But in Stalin’s case, they were all CCCP citizens that had been paying into the coffers used to fund the relocation. They were not foreign nationals illegally crossing into Soviet territory looking for a handout. To a lesser extent, it was newer territory that Moscow was looking to consolidate. Both versions of central planning have been bad.
These grade-school dropouts mostly look like grey rectangles to me.
He's not wrong.
Illegal immigrants, to your team, are what the Jews were in 1930s Germany. Scapegoats for all the nation's problems, and responsible for everything bad.
The only question remaining is what kind of 'final solution' your team has in store for them.
My "final solution" for you is to make you run laps until your enlarged, fat-infused heart bursts.
I know I'm hitting the mark when you devolve into puerile insults.
Weren't you one of the people around here who was totally fine with the idea of using machine guns against migrants trying to cross the border?
I know I’m hitting the mark when you devolve into puerile insults.
You're not hitting any mark. You're simply arguing for open borders and don't like it when that argument is resisted.
Weren’t you one of the people around here who was totally fine with the idea of using machine guns against migrants trying to cross the border?
No, but you are on record wanting to give child molesters asylum.
So you choose to resist my argument with... juvenile insults? What do you think that will accomplish?
Really? Huh. Well why not? It certainly isn't because you recognize the humanity and dignity of the migrants. Maybe you think it would be too expensive in terms of ammunition?
you are on record wanting to give child molesters asylum
One more time:
Asylum is, or should be, about offering sanctuary to individuals who are being oppressed. To determine if someone is being oppressed, one should examine what the oppressors are doing to the victims. It should NOT be about the moral status of the victim.
Clearly, you think oppression of "bad people" is okay because they somehow deserve it. I don't.
I know you are going to continually and dishonestly bring this up, because that is the only thing you have left when you cannot argue successfully against my position. I know you have previously said that you are going to oppose me no matter what because you don't really object to my arguments per se, you object to me personally. So it doesn't matter what I say or do, you are going to argue against it *even if I am correct* and so your only option left, when I am correct, is to dish out juvenile stupid insults, and/or to bring up irrelevant distractions. That is how I know I am winning.
Really? Huh. Well why not? It certainly isn’t because you recognize the humanity and dignity of the migrants. Maybe you think it would be too expensive in terms of ammunition?
Sorry your wishful thinking fell flat, you fat sack of shit.
One more time:
Save it. You want child molesters to be able to claim asylum based on bullshit oppression claims.
So it doesn’t matter what I say or do, you are going to argue against it *even if I am correct* and so your only option left, when I am correct, is to dish out juvenile stupid insults, and/or to bring up irrelevant distractions. That is how I know I am winning.
LOL, it's the fucking internet. No one cares if you're "winning" an argument here other than you. What a sad fucking life you lead.
That was me, dumbass.
And, as I've said before, if the worst thing the Nazi's did was to expel Jews from Germany, nobody would care about it today.
Thankfully Trump is an inept politician who doesn’t play well with others, doesn’t take advice, and doesn’t play by the rules.
So he will likely be as effective at fulfilling campaign promises in his second term as he was in his first.
Now if he were to win, get a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, play nice, take advice, follow the rules, and try to get things done legislatively instead of thinking he's a dictator, then there’s a good chance he could implement his plan to cleanse the blood of the nation of illegal vermin.
Then again I might win Powerball without a ticket.
I don't know, I think he is more or less pot committed when it comes to the immigration issue. He made a big deal out of it in 2016, he has made an even bigger deal out of it this time. He has basically staked his entire campaign on blaming illegals for everything. He can't really back down from that now.
I didn’t say he’s going to back down. I’m saying he’s completely ineffective as a politician. He will certainly try to empower local cops to enforce federal law with federal immunity. I predict he’ll try and try with presidential diktat, like Biden with student loans, and ultimately fail. What he will not do is work with Congress, and especially with Democrats, to accomplish his goals. In other words he will bluster like the buffoon he is, and get very little done.
God's Own Prohibitionists, like the Dems, do whatever is in the platform, and are free to lie about anything they can get illiterate suckers to believe in exchange for that sucker's vote. Both looter parties want bad things, but the Republicans look, sound, act and believe the same things Germany's Christian National Socialists read and loved in Hitler's 1920 platform. Many planks are very similar.
A Texas politician cobbled together the Nye Committee to help boost White Stupremacy and National Socialist sympathizers in the 1930s. This was the template for the House Un-American Activities Committee after Hitler and Stalin broke off their intimate relationship.
Actually, what the left does to white men is actually far more in keeping with how NAZI Germany treated Jews. And Ashkenazi Jews were not illegal immigrants. They were largely hundreds of years old members of the society. And they were targeted because of their SUCCESS and a desire to control their wealth that was believed to belong to the REAL Germans.
That is exactly how the left talks about white men - they are invaders (who are in truth actual legitimate members of the society they exist in) whose wealth and success isn’t really theirs, but belongs to other people and they should have it taken from them because they are oppressors responsible for all the ills in the society.
Illegal immigrants, by definition, are not valid members of the society they exist in. All the arguments we have over their positives or negatives is legitimate debate because our government is to protect the rights of its citizenry, not the rights of foreign nationals. The problem with the Jews-Nazi correlation is that Jews WERE citizens who should have been protected by their government and were not.
I suppose it is my fault for expecting actual journalism from Reason...
"Instead of allowing federal Border Patrol agents to mount a rescue attempt...", is total bullshit. The Mexican "authorities" watched the whole thing and made no attempt to rescue this family even though they were in Mexican waters and had not reached the US side.
As I was reading that, I was certain it was bullshit. I knew nothing of the story, but the description did not ring remotely true. Shock of shocks, it wasn't. I googled and even Mother Jones didn't describe it that way. So yes Reason is now left of Mother Jones.
As bad, if not worse. This Doherty douche, at the very least.
Don't forget that our progressive media also castigated the noble Border Patrol for horse-whipping poor defenseless immigrants in the same area--which also proved false.
And besides, there are in herent dangers in swimming in natrual waterways.
Here is another example of people drowning while swimming in natural waterways.
Poor anonymous ku-klux Krybaby! Did that big bad Reason reporter kick sand in its widdle pink face? Somebody fetch Buffalo Baby here some Dr Trump Butthurt Salve!
So, you are in favor of “reporters” not merely deliberately lying, but twisting the story 180 degrees from the truth to blame the blameless and absolve the guilty
The goal is single party control of the US government. Someone explain how the fucking Democrats’ wide open border with cradle to grave welfare waiting for “migrants” doesn’t support the plan. Such a novel political strategy: free shit for votes.
Many states will be delighted by the prospect of single party control by team blue. Some are clearly fucking not. “Are we going to have secession over drag Queen story hour” is as evil a misdirection as I’ve heard.
As long as they traffic them to swing states (hello, Springfield!) then they won't need many more to have a permanent uniparty system at the Federal level.
Doherty should be tops of the "downsizing" list when Reason has to trim overhead costs.
What a fake Libertarian douche.
Nah. Once Reason Plus(TM) kicks in everybody gets a raise and a pension.
JD Vance is wrong about Reason Plus
Poor dissatisfied Landover Baptist girl-bullying mystic is out to wheedle pity. Have some schadenfreude!
The democrats and republicans would never tolerate a secession because that would eliminate their gravy train of our taxes they can embezzle.
Just imagine, allowing, say twelve states to leave our corrupted Union, and those wealthy states were to include TX, CA, FL, and a few others.
The tax base would be permanently altered against the grifters in DC.
That's the real reason the uni-party establishment does not want a justifiable secession.
If California alone seceded, the US would look very different politically. Take away the California popular vote and Electoral vote and any Democrat would have difficulty winning either.
I don't know if it's accurate, but the article above says the US would save about $45bn/year if Texas seceded. If Texas were somehow supporting the rest of the deadbeat US states, you might have had an argument, but if even mighty Texas is a net recipient, it doesn't look that way.
Unarmed civilian migrants do not constitute an "invasion" as that term is used in the Constitution. Period. Blocking attempts to rescue drowning people is unconscionable.
But there was a time i wish Texas authorities had been more aggressive in confronting Federal authorities. It was decades ago, though, when JFK was shot. The law in Texas said his body could not be removed from the county where the death occurred until examined by the local coroner, but the FBI refused to accept that, and the local authorities eventually backed down. They shouldn't have.
You should have read the comments right above yours to save yourself embarrassment. Nobody blocked them from being rescued.
"Blocking attempts to rescue drowning people is unconscionable."
It sure is. But contrary to the above article, that's not what happened in this case.
Reason is free to have an opinion on whatever they like, even if it isn't remotely libertarian. But the above warrants a retraction. The claim that a rescue attempt was interfered with is false.
Unarmed civilian migrants do not constitute an “invasion” as that term is used in the Constitution.
Why not?
Because English.
Very few of them are English.
Gender transitions—or even just the display through clothing and deportment of a different gender than one's genitals would indicate—gets some Texans hot
During the 1970's, National Lampoon had a lengthy story about trans athletes and sports. Or at least a cover.
Methinks that cover wouldn't be allowed now.
Not in Tim Walz’s (D) Minnesota if it was DeepFaked and pertained to an election. I believe Newsome’s (D) Cali too. As John Kerry (D) said, it is difficult to govern with the First Amendment being a major block in the ability to hammer disinformation out of existence. Calling a man a woman is disinformation. Shouldn’t be banned, hammered, or tased like that guy wanting to speak at a John Kerry event (Don’t tase me bro) but just ridiculed.
Live how you choose, but please don't display your junk through clothing. Cover it up.
Biden Protecting Someone’s Borders
CENTCOM: At the direction of the President, Secretary Austin authorized the deployment of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery and associated crew of U.S. military personnel to Israel to help bolster Israel's air defenses following Iran's unprecedented attacks against Israel on April 13 and again on October 1.
-Qvinta Aetas
Do you think deploying THAAD at the Mexican border would be a useful allocation of resources?
The Founding Fathers sold the constitution as "an experiment" that was subject to nullification by any state or individual. Lincoln's use of violence to deny the right to life, liberty did not erase rights. The Southern states continued to fight after the official surrender.
Secession would have been successful if no violence was used, just refusal to comply with Lincoln's dictates.
Diplomacy worked for Canada, India against The British Empire.
Firing on Sumter compelled Lincoln to act. Calling forth an army of American volunteers to march through America to attack other Americans didn’t sit well with some including the Virginian secessionists who had been in a minority before things got kinetic. It was this that compelled RE Lee to turn down leading Union troops. Lincoln apparently had been keen on a pre ACW 13th Amendment that would have codified slavery ad infitinitum to help coax the cotton states back into the Union. War broke out and it never became law (in its original version).
Lincoln could have chosen to negotiate the peaceful transfer of Ft. Sumter and other federal properties in the territory of the newly-formed CSA, instead of reinforcing them. By the standards of 2020, the Ft. Sumter dispute was a mostly peaceful protest, with one Union soldier killed and one wounded, not in the actual battle but when firing a 100-gun salute as allowed to before abandoning the fort.
It didn't even reach fiery but mostly peaceful levels.
South Cackalacky attacking the federal fort was dumb. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union. The South was hoping for European backing/recognition (the myth of King Cotton) and the copperheads in the north pulling the dogs of war back.
It was a mostly peaceful shelling of the fort.
No one was killed by the bombardment. No reported suicides either.
So it is ok to bombard a place if there are no deaths? Can I bombard your house if I don’t kill anyone?
It was dumb because Lincoln formed an army in response. The north had more people and industry. If things were to get kinetic, they’d have the numbers advantage.
Lincoln didn't need to do anything. The southerners shouldn't have been stupid enough to open hostilities and give him the reason.
The US Army was already in disarray from desertions and commission resignations. Its hold on territories like New Mexico and Utah was tenuous, at best. All the South (at the time) had to do was consolidate what they had, negotiate with states and territories on the fence to join them, and exercise diplomacy with Europe, and they might have actually been able to even get foreign military aid if the US decided to attack them first. But they had a bunch of dipshit fire-eaters in South Carolina that were chomping at the bit to be the first to fire on the US, and gave Lincoln the excuse he needed to force them back into the fold.
Maybe in 150 years you'll have an equally accurate understanding of what's happening in the US now...
So you're saying all my side has to do is split off from you faggots, consolidate what we have, appeal to the places that don't want to be a part of coastal globohomo, and it's all good?
Firing on Sumter was not a great idea, but it wouldn't have mattered in the long run. Lincoln wasn't going to negotiate the repurchase of the fort by South Carolina, and he wasn't going to allow them to secede. Leaving it in their harbor until the Union could reinforce it was just going to make secession harder. Lincoln had already announced his intention to continue to collect taxes as though SC was still part of the U.S.
Andrew Jackson sent a message to his fellow southern Dems explaining the meaning of "to create a more perfect Union". He offered to regretfully string up the Statehouse strutters who signed the nullification ordnances, and they caved. When protective tariff pushers elected Lincoln in the middle of a British-Chinese opium war, Texas was one of the first states to seize federal arsenals, cutters and forts in treasonous revolt. They got whipped. Once there are no looter dictatorships anywhere, secession might become workable.
Self-government is a basic human right, as so eloquently expressed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. If the people of any state, county, or city vote to secede and form their own government, by what right would anyone stop them? Just because Lincoln crushed the rights of those who voted to secede in 1861 doesn't mean the right is permanently extinguished.
The US backed Kosovo leaving Serbia so they should also support Texodus if that is the desire of the locals.
Milosevic's biggest mistake was trying to recreate the old Kingdom of Serbia, instead of just taking control over the majority Serb areas and inviting them to settle in those places.
Belgrade didn’t want the nation to dissolve. They did get screwed on Republika Srpska but they wanted it all. Milosevic was no Tito and couldn’t strong arm the various Slavs into unity in an era of revolution.
There’s a bit of rumblings from area regarding what was reported versus what all went on. May get back to the area and travel around some. Still need to visit Sarajevo. The Latin Bridge.
I strongly suspect that the CIA and State Department ran a color revolution in the area because the last thing they wanted was a united nation in the Balkans. A region that’s been united under a common banner for decades and gets divided along ethno-religious lines is much easier to control, and so they spent time fomenting those divisions (sound familiar?).
It’s a big reason why the US supported Kosovar separatism, and it’s definitely what Victoria Nuland along with Kaganites in State wanted to do with Russia. It’s why they ran similar color revolutions in Ukraine to get it out of Russia’s orbit.
That said, Milosevic trying to make it a Serb-centric nation was a huge mistake. Tito was a Croat, and knew that one ethnic group couldn't become dominant in a country like that.
As I've said previously, a national divorce is far preferable to what we'd see if a civil war broke out. At some point, people in a nation need to realize when they've reached a point that their visions of what the country are and what it needs to be are completely incompatible, and go their own way.
"It was already settled in Lee vs. Grant" doesn't mean shit when compared to the history of human societies and civilizations. Nations form and fall apart all the time, and if they're to fall apart, it's best to do it as amicably as possible.
For two weeks in April, the top movie in America explored what would happen if Texas and California seceded from the United States.
A movie that was absolutely terrible... on par for the worst movie of the year-- by the metric that it had pretty big stars, good actors and high production values, but had the story-telling, writing and plot construction of a high-school film project.
It wasn't bad because of its so-called politics, it was bad because its politics (whatever they were) were presented so poorly, while trying to come off as 'deep and nuanced'.
Poor misunderstood BAYBEEE! Sana sana, culito de rana.
Gender transitions—or even just the display through clothing and deportment of a different gender than one's genitals would indicate—gets some Texans hot.
Oh horseshit, Doherty. That's it, keep making it about pronouns and bathrooms and not the castration and sterilization of healthy children.
“We don’t hate all illegal immigrants, just the rapists and murderers. And they’re all rapists and murderers!”
“We don’t hate all Floyd protestors, just the violent rioters. And they’re all violent rioters!”***
“We don’t hate all gays and trannies, just the pedophiles. And they’re all pedophiles!”
“We’re don’t hate all who pander to pronouns and bathrooms, just the ones who castrate and sterilize children. And they all castrate and sterilize children!”
*** Don't you DARE apply that same standard to the peaceful J6 tourists.
You know, Drag Queens were quietly tolerated or even seen as valid entertainment as long as they remained in the lane of adult entertainment. No one cared until they decided their entertainment was family friendly and led a shaming campaign against parents who disagreed with that assessment and held reasonable protest against family friendly establishments using them as “family friendly” entertainment.
Claiming bigotry is involved is itself a kind of bigotry.
Kamala is for they/them, not you.
Abbott's Texas passed a law that, while not naming drag shows explicitly, barred "sexual gesticulations using accessories or prosthetics that exaggerate male or female sexual characteristics" around kids, which many activists saw as a disguised drag show ban.
Disguised? If I'm not comfortable with dudes in thongs having them stuffed with dollar bills from the fingers of 9 yr olds, my lack of comfort of watching dudes with thongs having them stuffed with dollar bills from the fingers of 9 yr olds isn't "disguised".
See? Mencken explained this mentality. Brainwashees claiming revealed faith demand that the First Amendment give them unqualified immunity for the initiation of deadly force because Jesus. The Libertarian Party and the Internet were bolide impact extinction events to such truculent fantasies. The folks in Dresden cheered and saluted the Fuhrer's biblical homilies and thanks to Providence and The Nazarene. That changed on 03FEB1945. The unequal yet apposite Second Amendment reprisal force made itself felt. Rickie here is a textbook example.
"It's really easy to say you hate those people in Alabama," or to otherwise express your pique with fellow Americans by telling a pollster that your state should have the power to leave, Buckley says. "But an actual vote on secession would be serious, it would have consequences, you would think more seriously before you agree to that." Are we really, he asks, "going to have secession over drag queen story hour?"
Yeah, that's what it's all about. Secession over drag queen story hour. That's it. In totality. That's what it's all about. Jesus H Fucking Christ on a cracker.
what level of ignorance is required to think that the whole issue comes from drag queen story hour at the library? these people are living in a bubble.
I suspect they'll be strategically and reluctantly voting in November...
When do you think the editors release who is voting for whom and why?
I suspect it'll be a pretty straight (ha!) Chase Oliver ticket this time around. I have a hard time believing that anyone except maybe ENB could possibly vote for Harris. And what a quintessential beltway Libertarian move: Voting for the guy in the rainbow n95 mask! Because it ain't just a talisman!
Not unlike the GOPe getting Romney the nomination in the wake of Obamacare and the Tea Party gains, after the jellyfish has spent his time in Massachusetts getting Romneycare passed.
States do have the power to repel invasions, and a child chasing a butterfly across the border is an invasion. But the problem here is the same as in 1925 Dayton Tennessee, 1962 Mississippi and 1968 Alabama: ignorant bigoted racial collectivism and the revealed faith belief that Demonic possession follows from plant leaves. These States spend (and rob) billions in doomed efforts to force other political States to ban plant leaves by deadly force just as Tennessee did with Evolution. Banning production and trade wrecks those economies, so refugees exodus northward. Voting Libertarian says STOP sending thugs to wreck their economies and drive refugees hither. See Mencken: "A Religious Orgy In Tennessee"
Dayton Tennessee, 1962 Mississippi and 1968 Alabama: ignorant bigoted racial collectivism and the revealed faith
Indeed, good sir, indeed!
This True Libertarian wasn't having it though!
The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing Americans that the Supreme Court gets to decide who has a right to self governance, that you can check into the hotel USA, but you can never leave. Just ignore that whole Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Well, you could say that the Declaration was superseded by the Constitution...
But on a more practical level, as we have seen on a number of occasions just within the last couple of decades, the Supreme Court is never legally precluded from changing its mind. Nothing is "settled" forever.
Or you could say the US Constitution is that "instituted new Government" ... "Form of Government" the Declaration of Independence speaks of and the Declaration of Independence is just that ........ A Declaration of Independence from the British Monarchy.
Democrats love preaching phrases from the Constitutions Preamble and Declaration of Independence in-an attempt to VOID that "new instituted form of government" (US Constitution) pretending they have a blank-canvas (VOIDING the USA) of a nation so they can fill-in a [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire in it's place.
But it wasnt just that. It was the reason for independence, from any tyranny. Its a statement of truth, and how that truth specifically applied to Britain.
"a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
People are free to govern themselves, Britain is tyrannical. Peace out.
Sic Semper Tyranis
"People are free to govern themselves"
Indeed ... The concept of Individualism & LIMITED - government.
Thus the very 'declare the causes' in the US Constitution that LIMITED 'democracy' (i.e. [WE] gang RULES governing) to very specific enumerated powers and that prided itself on Individual Liberty and Justice for all.
Inherent rights are settled forever. Nothing supercedes them.
We should have listened to Jefferson. He was emphatic that the Constitution gave too much power to judges.
Judges aren’t suppose to do anything but translate the law concerning a case. Supreme Justices aren’t suppose to do anything but translate relevant (including) the Supreme Law (US Constitution) concerning bills of Congress. Without SCOTUS the US Constitution would be nothing but a ‘suggestion’ without a single branch of government trying to enforce it.
Not to discount the obvious Liberal Justices attack on the US Constitution by rubber-stamping treasonous Socialist bills or Alito’s “moral standards”. Once upon a time Non-Liberal Justices upheld the 4A & 13A without trashing them on “morality” opinions but at least Alito and current Justices aren’t rubber-stamping treasonous [Na]tional So[zi]alist bills as much.
And ^THAT^ is how the USA got conquered. Justices who refused to do their JOB and played fiddlesticks with the US Constitution.
Also; not to discount the treason taking place by Presidents and Congressmen who SWORE to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land.
So the 49% of Texans who are or lean Democratic have no say in the matter? Or should they all leave, including the million of Hispanic farm workers that form the backbone of Texas agriculture? Do you ever bother to think things through?
I would suggest mass suicide, except for the farm workers.
Do you think the USA got Independence from Great Britain by just 'say-so'?
Yes; If you're simply [WE] gangland politically 'Democratic' w/o any respect for the Supreme Law of the Land you can get your Independence (say-so governing) the same way the USA did - A REVOLUTIONARY WAR else "get the F-Out" and go find a nation without a US Constitution.
That would have to be resolved, but their consent is not required for others to be free. I imagine hispanic workers would still be welcome, if there is a demand for their labor. Maybe some lazy texans would be incentivized to do some farming instead of living off welfare.
I guess it's okay when we forced secession on Yugoslavia though.
If white Texans ever start ethnic cleansing of Blacks and Hispanics, I'm sure we can force secession and partition on Texas. Thanks for contributing!
...and Leftards somehow dilute themselves that they're not the racist bunch.
Self-projection day-in and day-out.
I was born in Texas. I learned to speak something akin to English in the Piney Woods. But, I was mostly raised on the left coast by a very Texas Mama. You know, for such a bunch of strutting, muy-muy macho-macho folks, the Texans who stayed sure do whine a lot. It just reinforces that Texas is a great place to be FROM.
This is actually a great idea. Without Texas's 40 electoral votes, there would never again be a Republican President of the United States. Woo-hoo!!!! You go, Texit!!!!
There already will never be another Republican president. We'll never have a real election and peaceful transfer of power again.
Why the F are you here if you don't want a *Constitutional* Republic?
To conquer the USA?
It's great seeing the gray boxes that say "Comment hidden because this user is muted." Keep responding to my comments, mutees, because I like gray.
The funny part is; every reader but you and your censoring ilk can read those reply comments so really your ilk is just talking to yourselves and proving just how stupid, ignorant and bigoted your kind is.
I suppose Texas would have to break up internally into city-states: Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas. There is a different outlook between rural communities and the major cities. The growth in the major cities is turning Texas purple. Now a Texit would indeed be another fiasco like Brexit where things have turned south. The fishermen no longer fish. Cut off from labor sources in the EU their farmers are screwed. For example, they have to ship cattle to the EU to be slaughtered and then shipped back. High inflation, nontariff barriers. I wonder what Texas would do without the $45 billion we ship her way. And, Texas will have to constitute an army, navy, and foreign service. She certainly would be a high taxed state.
It would be very difficult for Texas to provide food for its texiteers when most of the immigrants leave or are deported.
Lessee, pay off your share of the national debt, buy the Federal lands in your jurisdiction, build your wall. We will dump your mail and SS checks at the border. Print up your passports.
Wonder if you will miss the FEMA support, Interstate highway dollars, SSDI, oh yeah, and border money, 105 billion in various finds give or take.
Have a good time.
Of course you can apply for US foreign aid like all the other 3rd world countries....