Trump Doubled Down on Authoritarianism by Selecting J.D. Vance
The Ohio senator doesn't want to limit government power. He wants to use it against his political enemies.
In September 2021, Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance—then still a long shot candidate for the Republican Senate nomination in Ohio—made an appearance on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight. In a crisp white button-down and navy blazer, no tie, he laid out a proposal to use the powers of the federal government to punish private universities and nonprofits for promoting "radical left-wing ideology."
"Why are we allowing the companies that are destroying this country to receive tax preferences?" he asked. "Why don't we seize the assets of the Ford Foundation, tax their assets, and give it to the people who've had their lives destroyed by their radical open-borders agenda?"
The questions were part of Vance's effort to endear himself to former President Donald Trump in the only way that seemed available to him at the time: by launching a culture-war offensive against progressives, rule of law be damned. His bet paid off this summer when Trump chose Vance—now a first-term senator from Ohio—as his vice presidential running mate.
Vance was initially a fierce critic of Trump, tweeting in 2016 that the then–presidential candidate "makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible." Responding to the Access Hollywood tape in which Trump bragged about his ability to grab women "by the pussy," Vance lamented: "Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man."
He would delete those tweets, and others critical of the 45th president, while bidding for Trump's endorsement in the 2022 primary. His bid succeeded, and the endorsement helped him secure the GOP nomination and later the Senate seat.
Vance's "America First" economic and foreign policy leanings are assumed to appeal to blue-collar voters in the swing states that have determined the victor in the last two presidential elections. In a post announcing Vance's selection on Truth Social, Trump explicitly declared that his running mate would be "strongly focused on…the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond."
Vance, a U.S. Marine turned venture capitalist, has a troubling history of articulating illiberal views about the use of government power. He argued on the Senate campaign trail that conservatives should "seize the administrative state" and use it "for our own purposes." He then floated the idea that a Republican president could simply ignore court rulings he doesn't like.
Like any good authoritarian, Vance has also fostered enmity toward disfavored subsets of the population—in his case, leftists and members of the coastal elite. In 2021, he told The American Conservative that his supporters "hate the right people." When Reason followed up, a campaign spokesperson reiterated that Vance "strongly believes that the political, financial and Big Tech elites…deserve nothing but our scorn and hatred."
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No mention of America's Authoritarian Emotional Support White Dude, I see. Walz is every bit the authoritarian that Slade claims Vance is. So is Harris, for that matter. Has Vance claimed to fight in a war that he didn't? Has Vance stolen valor from those brave veterans of the Golden Arches?
I think this actually came out before Walz. Doesn't make it any less partisan and stupid, but I'm not sure that this part was announced at the time
Plus Walz offers good authoritarianism, the kind that comforts vulnerable snowflakes, in large part by promising to constrain all those icky people (and mean tweets).
It’s (D)ifferemt with Walz.
This is being published in the October 2024 issue. It hasn't even gone to print yet. Walz has been a known quantity for months, and we have NUMEROUS actual authoritarian actions that he has taken, compared to this one quote that he made extemporaneously on a late night talk show- a quote that has now had more cites in Reason than this site has about Walz.
I actually think Reason has been on the whole a little less biased this election season than in 2020.
But yes. This is absolutely disgusting hackery on Slade's part.
The premise that it is authoritarian to stop giving taxpayer dollars to publicly funded universities and foundations to promote radical left-wing ideologies, is utterly ridiculous.
The woman is a fool.
I even think Vance is in the wrong here. I think what he said was vindictive and bad policy. But he said it once, extemporaneously while on a fucking talk show. Is he going to follow through on such impulses? Think better of it? Who knows, but in the THREE fucking years since he said it, he doesn’t seem to have pushed the idea any further.
But that one quote is pretty much cited as THE evidence that Vance is an authoritarian. It’s weak, when we have actual people in this race who have governed as authoritarians, and locked people up for authoritarian drug policies that they disavow publicly.
Yeah, at this point Reason is just trying to rage bait.
I was going to say "there's no way Slade is that stupid" but then reconsidered. I've known a lot of professional "journalists" and they're often really fucking dumb. But KMW is just trying to say the most ridiculous things so people run to the forum to call her out. There's no other explanation for shit like this in a "libertarian" magazine.
Given the other piece today, maybe we should let Slade choose: malicious or stupid.
Reason supports Harris / Walz because Harris / Walz is against free speech.
Harris / Walz is demanding the removal of First Amendment rights. Reason magazine supports this position because it allows them to shut down people talking that they don't like - People talking about less government control and more freedom.
Reason magazine has become a sort of a North Korean type media organization. They pretend to support freedom.
Calling Reason "Libertarian" like calling The View "Attractive, fit, and intelligent".
Reason magazine is just one of many, many, many brainless mouth pieces for the democrat party.
Meh, I disagree.
If Reason really did want to infringe on free speech, they'd start here in the comments. But they generally do not moderate here, despite a significant amount of criticism that they receive.
No, as EBHS mentions, I think there are easier explanations. This article is just lazy fodder for their dead tree edition. There are a significant amount of readers who don't use the digital version, and so Slade was asked to write a piece that encapsulates "The Narrative" that Reason went with when Vance was first selected.
Of course, it is a terrible article, even though it was just summarizing views from previous works at the magazine. Just as the other Sunday article was terribly lazy and poorly reasoned (natch!), it just shows that KMW is phoning it in on the print version of reason.
I used to keep Reason out on my coffee table as a way to smoke out people in california that weren't crazy commies. It used to be a pretty good way to start a conversation, and then I'd let people take home the magazine. But now, even when I meet other libertarians, they glance at it and talk about how cringe the articles in it are.
To stop giving taxpayer dollars for anything is libertarian, and a step in the right direction, regardless of the reason.
Has Vance set up an anonymous tip line so people can rat out their neighbors?
Hey, Trump could propose that, and then Kamalama could copy him. But only one of them would be serious.
Neighbor TIP lines are not bad. They are just a good liberal way to keep our comrads safe from free-thinking uneducated people.
Indeed. I love an author that totally ignores the totalitarians in the Dem party right now forcing their vision of distopia down America's throats through mandates, rules and executive orders that keep getting stopped by the courts.
The Democrat party has simply removed the liberal/freedom disguise and revealed what they truly are: authoritarian neo-Marxists.
They have been infiltrated and taken over by these creeps.
Did Vance set up a COVID Karen snitch line?
Did Vance let his city burn instead of calling in the National Guard?
Does Vance lie about basically everything?
How did Trump double down?
There's no hint of how Trump has engaged in authoritarianism anywhere in this article. It's pretty much all the same ad hominem shit about Vance that you have been finding on MSDNC for the last few weeks.
I mean, at least pretend to back your assertions. This is just whining about a Vice Presidential candidate.
Oh well, can't wait for Slade's take on Kamala and her VP candidate next.
Strategic joy?
Reluctant, strategic joy
You WILL be joyful or I'll sign and Executive Order on Day 1 forcing Joy down your throat.
No verifiable citations means no news, just editorialization.
(aka propaganda)
the political, financial and Big Tech elites…deserve nothing but our scorn and hatred.
As libertarians, don't we all agree on that?
Yes. Yes we do. Stephanie on the other hand imagines herself as part of the elite.
Hey, if Reason doesn’t defend the “political, financial and Big Tech elites” from deplorable MAGA monsters, who’s going to?
This article is actually the best endorsement for Trump/Vance I’ve read in a mainstream (marginally) publication. But I don’t think that was the writer’s goal. Whoopsies.
Member that 95% of D.C. swampoids vote Team Blue?
Member that 99% of all federal employees donate to Team Blue?
Member that the entire federal apparatus is controlled by Team Blue save for ICE?
Because I ‘member.
But oh my, Heaven forbid that the evil authoritarian JD Vance succeeds at reducing the almost complete stranglehold of The Party over our country by even 1 percent, let alone by anything more than that!!!
You might do well to member that most of the money and power supporting Vance and Trump have little interest in the common person. They see the common person as a tool for gaining power. Offer the common person trinkets in exchange for boosting to their own wealth and power.
He said without evidence.
That is fucking hilarious. Do you really think people will fall for your bullshit?
I challenge you. Find some average non-partisan people, and ask them which party and ticket now manipulates people in the quest for power, especially by offering them free shit.
The solution is to send some free shit to Dear Leader The Donald!!! NOW!!!
MyPillow Guy Punts Timeline for Trump Retaking Power as Conspiracy Theories Get Wackier
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us as scheduled, but the Second Coming is now re-scheduled. You can TRUST us THIS time, for sure!
The Lord Trump DID return to us faithful ones, but He did it in an invisible way! Hold strong in your Faith in Him!
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us yet, this is true! It only did NOT happen because YOU were not faithful enough, and didn’t send Him enough donations!
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us yet, but He DID miraculously protect us all from the VERY worst forces of Evil, which is Der BidenFuhrer! Hold fast in your Faith… Lord Trump will come back VERY soon now! Especially if you send Him more money!
The Lord Trump moves in Mysterious Ways! All will be revealed SOON! Especially if you have Enough Faith to DONATE till it HURTS!
Find some average non-partisan people, and ask them which party and ticket now manipulates people in the quest for power, especially by telling them others are to blame.
You just described your democrats. Funny how you can never back up a single one of your bullshit claims.
But that’s why you’re so thoroughly discredited here. You’re just a buffoon.
I absolutely guarantee every single non-partisan with two brain cells to rub together would say the Democrats.
In fact its beyond obvious, even to your fellow Democrats, which is why you guys are all railing against free speech right now.
More grade A bullshit.
Blaming situations on others? Arguing from the "virtue" of victimhood? Sure both parties indulge since this is a root human behavior. But only one party supports academic research and college degrees (and then hires professionals) in this trait.
A De-Regulation Committee = A quest for power????
Is it you leftards self-obsession that allows you to self-project to no end in sight or what?
“Vance and Trump have little interest in the common person.”
How so?
Vance was born in a trailer park to a drug addicted mother and raised by his grandma, and Trump has always been regarded as a parvenu. Even 40 years ago the media was treating him as an arriviste because he has the style sense of a rapper.
They are "common people", hoi polloi, vulgar plebs, base canaille.
So doubly deplorable: non-elite and non-progressive.
Fucking billionaires donating all that money to the RNC. Oh wait….
How much money is Suck-A-Turd going to donate to Trump's campaign?
Will he match Elon's donation?
I doubt they do have my interest at heart. But, I know the managerial technocracy that Harris-Walz is a front for, not only doesn’t have my interest at heart, but actively seeks to undermine and suppress my interests. Trump or Vance or their backers aren’t seeking a censorship regime or pushing forced urbanization or taking away my ability to provide for myself or flooding the country with Third Worlders. They aren’t doing so because they love me, but because our interests coincide.
“Offer the common person”
^THAT is exactly what is wrong with you [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s].
You believe “Offers” of ‘armed-theft’ (crime) is suppose to build a peaceful and functional society. Does it ever strike that pea-brain that sacrificing others “Offerings” presents the biggest stains on human history? Or are you leftards just so selfish and greedy you don’t care?
Some people grow up in difficult circumstances and look back to change and make the world better. Some people grow up in difficult circumstances, forget the past and never look back. Holding their past and people with past like them in contempt. JD Vance seem like the later. He has worked hard and done well for himself and no empathy for those that have not been able to do the same.
What do you do specifically to make the world better for those unwilling to better themselves? At some point even a dumbass like yourself might realize that giving aid to assuage your conscience is not a good substitute for setting a better example and relying on others to be as responsible for themselves. You will never be able to afford, or force others in your case, to support all those unwilling to work for themselves.
Makes you a big loser here.
You don't give up on people. Some you may never help but you keep the eyes open for those that you can. In the story of the prodigal son the man never gave up on his son and he welcomed him back when he came.
You can do whatever you want.
Now tell us what kind of libertarian philosophy supports state programs to provide material and emotional support.
Is the libertarian philosophy that you don't help people or rather that you focus help for those truly in need?
You have no real objective criticism, so you attempt to spew this pseudo philosophy in a desperate flailing attempt to smear Vance. Admit it, you don’t know anything really wrong with him, you’re just filled with hatred towards him for defying democrat hegemony.
Good challenge!
...we're waiting.....
Reason magazine is supporting Harris / Walz.
Reason supports Harris / Walz because Harris / Walz is slowly and quietly helping to herd the Jewish folks into the ovens.
Coaxing Jewish people into ovens (Oct. 7th) is very important if you want to get rid of free markets, Individual Rights, and the U.S. constitution.
“filled with hatred towards him for defying democrat hegemony”
This also describes Jeff, Brandy and Shrike. Never an actual or coherent argument against him, it just always break down in the end to complaints about style and personality.
Sarckles is different in that he hates him because the people he hates here like him.
Also describes Stephanie Slade while we're at it.
My libertarian philosophy allows and even encourages me to help people, as I see fit and according to my other principles. In other words, by voluntary choice.
Tell us how ANY state-mandated "help" does not violate core liberties, either for the "donor" or the receiver.
The libertarian philosophy is that YOU can do whatever philanthropic fancy enters your little heart.
Emphasis on you, because the second someone says “the government should help”, they aren’t talking about something moral, no matter their good intentions.
The father also reassured his elder son of his inheritance. People often forget or willfully ignore that.
This is very true, the father points out that it is not necessary for the man's brother to fail for he himself to succeed.
Also the prodigal son was his son, not the guy down the street.
Every human society ever, from paleolithic hunter gatherers to Manhattanites have argued you have a special duty to your children that you don’t have to any other aspect of society.
And, Mod seems to be ignoring the fact that libertarians support charity. It’s integral to the philosophy. But voluntary charity freely given, not compelled by government through taxation.
We’ve given up on you. You should have your DNC owners take you to the vet to be put down.
In the story of the prodigal son, the father was god, Jesus was the good son, and the rest of humanity was the fuckup.
Do people not understand what all of his parables were about?
Based on...what?
I suppose based on Vance's idea that there is an enervating culture that holds people back by encouraging self pity, indulgence in despair that results in bad habits, rather than blaming the larger society for their woes.
Do-gooder libertarian?
"But, but, but Officer; I had to rob the people's bank because I haven't worked hard and done well for myself!!!", Moderation4ever.
Criminal Mentality Case #21457329 of leftards.
Society must Empathize with their 'armed-theft' crimes against their fellow man.
"Why don't we seize the assets of the Ford Foundation, tax their assets, and give it to the people
Found the real communist of the election.
The Ford Foundation?
No, the guy who wants to seize private assets. Lenin would be proud of his disciple.
You mean you? You’re a Marxist. Along with your pedophile pal Shrike.
“No, the guy who wants to seize private assets.”
The government grant money given to universities isn’t private assets, idiot.
And although government grants to foundations are relatively rare, they do exist, and while the Ford Foundation doesn’t receive government money directly, its projects certainly do.
But he didn't say some of the projects the Ford Foundation supports, he said the assets of The Ford Foundation itself. This would be no different than the idiots cheering on Kamalalala Ding Dong wanting to tax unrealized capitol gains. Fictitious money that doesn't really exist unless the underlying asset is sold. Pure Communist seizing of assets for redistribution mostly within the party apparatus itself.
Yes; JD Vance is entirely wrong on that approach.
The Ford Foundation wouldn't be a threat if the US Constitution was honored by SCOTUS the way it's suppose to be. Course you Democrats threw that away; so you're really getting exactly what you started.
WTF? Because Vance (and Trump) might pander to a few protectionist groups and fuck around with tariffs, they are authoritarian? Or is it that they might fuck around with the current government-NGO-corporate establishment? You know, the one with progressive tendencies.
Stephanie, go write for Vox.
Vox? Or may be Jacobin?
Yeah, it's not the guys who are illegally spying on citizens and political opponents, weaponizing government agencies against their political opponents, weaponizing the courts against their political opponents, screwing around with election rules, and trying to end free speech on the internet who are the problem.
Its their political opponents trying to figure out a way to stop that who are the problem.
Slade is a fucking idiot.
A fucking useful idiot, or a useful fucking idiot?
The Ohio senator doesn't want to limit government power. He wants to use it against his political enemies
The folx whose plans include the proletariat eating bugs aren’t just the enemy of JD Vance, dingbat.
Modern Woxist double-speak:
People who oppose our authoritarian plans are authoritarians.
Nice summary! I approve that message.
Should be no surprise, we have been hearing this type of trash from Dems for years ramping up in the last couple with Branden holding Palpitine Speeches drenched in red and signing unconstitutional executive orders by the buckets while his administrative state hammers down on people with no oversight or regard. Did everyone miss Haaland just decreeing 28,000,000 more acres of public land off limit to drilling?
Trump and Vance do have an authoritarian streak about them
But it pales in comparison to Harris and Walz. They have plans for reducing liberty in just about every aspect of our lives. They are the biggest threat in this election. And it aint close
^This guy gets it.
Plus Trump and Vance are, well, clumsy. And would have to fight the establishment.
Harris and Walz front a well-practiced authoritarian machine, backed up by academia, media, entertainment, tech, and 90% of the federal government system.
Democrats are worse so that makes it ok.
Tot paraphrase Sarc: “Trump/Vance aren’t textbook libertarians, so vote for the neo Marxist democrats instead”.
Hey, Sarc, tell us which actions by our current federal government you find at least somewhat authoritarian, and then which party is mostly responsible.
Hey dipshit. Criticism of one party can simply be that: criticism of the party. People like you who take personal offense when someone criticizes your party, and then go on and attack that person for defending the other party, are the reason why political debate is so toxic. No one outside the tribe is allowed to criticize Republicans or Trump, because if they do they get set upon by a pack of rabid attack dogs who honestly believe the person just said Democrats are better. Your ears hear or your eyes see “Republicans did this bad thing” and your brain registers “Democrats are better” and you attack them for praising Democrats. You’ve got a mental illness. You really do. You and the rest of your Trump cult.
"political debate is so toxic" because Democratic [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] have put politics EVERY-F'EN-WHERE.
Democrats are worse.
Exactly. It's the same nonsense pushed 50 years ago that only the right can be authoritarian. Stalin, Mao, Kim il Sung, Castro were all voices of the people. By comparison, Goldwater was an authoritarian.
Summary of the comments: "Criticism of Republicans equals praise for Democrats."
No, that isn’t even close to accurate you, drunken leftist shill. If you weren’t such a drunken TDS rageaholic you would recognize that the criticism of Vance is disproportionately high versus his faults versus Walz. Who is a raging neo Marxist authoritarian, as proven by his horrid record in Congress and his disastrous far left tenure as governor of Minnesota. Who is treated with kid gloves by Reason.
But it all comes down to you backing Marxists as a means to stoke your hatred of Trump.
“No, that isn’t even close to accurate you, drunken leftist shill.”
For a guy who can’t recognize a strawman even if it’s teabagging him, Sarcasmic sure is prolific at making them for his trolls.
Even his brother is warning the country about Tampon Tim.
For You it is always: "Criticism of Democrats equals praise for Republicans."
You spout that line of thought over and over and over again so really all you're doing is self-projecting your own thoughts onto everyone else.....
Do you see anyone here praising JD Vance for saying he'd seize all the Ford Foundation assets????? NO. You're just self-projecting your own faults.
Complete bullshit from a regime bot. The author has the reasoning skills of a toddler.
Who amongst us didn’t at some point in their youth argue for government to step in and correct things?
Vance is only 39 and suffered brain damage by Yale Law, so cut him some slack.
"Trump Doubled Down on Authoritarianism by Selecting J.D. Vance."
Whereas Harris doubled down on stupidity by selecting Tampon Tim.
"The Ohio senator doesn't want to limit government power. He wants to use it against his political enemies."
Yeah, sort of like what Biden did these past three and a half years.
Sometimes you have to pull the pendulum back to equilibrium if the establishment has rigged a ratchet mechanism to the damn thing that only goes one way.
"In 2021, he told The American Conservative that his supporters "hate the right people." When Reason followed up, a campaign spokesperson reiterated that Vance "strongly believes that the political, financial and Big Tech elites…deserve nothing but our scorn and hatred.""
So, he's a Democrat, right?
Well Vance seems to be suggesting that politicized NGOs should not be getting federal subsidies or tax breaks. Sounds kinda libertarian to me.
I would definitely support that idea.
There is certainly lots to scratch our heads about with Vance. Ms Slade has absolutely nothing interesting to add to that discussion. This article does a terrible job of supporting its headline that Vance is some sort of outright Authoritarian...but given KMW probably wrote that headline, it should be no surprise.
For what must be the 40th time in this Magazine, Ms Slade trots out a quote said during a passionate extemporaneous exchange on an evening talk show. If it is more than an idle example of him mouthing off, Vance has done nothing to reenforce that position. He has made no policy proposal, and these views have not made it into the Trump platform. But that does not stop Slade from using that ONE piece of evidence to indict Vance.
In addition to this one evergreen quote, Reason has continued to insist that Vance favors tax incentives for having children. While hardly a libertarian position, it is not at all a departure from standard government taxation schemes that have been floated by both parties over the past years. And if it is "Authoritarian" then essentially any government position is Authoritarian and the term loses all meaning.
Meanwhile, his counterpart, Walz is as authoritarian as they come- ordering lockdowns aplenty and setting police with paintball guns loose to fire on people sitting on their porches. He is to be the 2nd in command of a party whose voters overwhelmingly support the very authoritarian notion that the Government should identify and remove misinformation even if it infringes on the first amendment; who support the various alphabet soup agencies and believe they should manage the order of our country. Those people are authoritarian, and the evidence of it is thus endless.
Vance certainly has changed his positions vis a vis Trump, and he certainly is not offering a lot of libertarian thoughts lately.
That said, I have contacts with several Silicon Valley elites and it is clear that there was a major groundshift there in the last 10 years. The likes of Musk and Theil who tended towards more libertarian ideals used to actively disdain republicans for all of their social conservatism. But now they are increasingly backing conservatives and it is because they have come to the conclusion that it is the only way they can stop the marxist takeover of this country.
If Vance does ultimately become VP, or if Trump loses and he ascends to be the head of the party, I give it a 80% chance that the Republican party eventually becomes much more libertarian than we have seen in the past. I think Vance has adopted the populist mantle largely because he knows that is the only thing that will win the nomination. I do not actually think he has shifted in his core as much as he or his detractors would have you believe.
That does not make it right- I do wish our population actually wanted libertarians in power- but there you go.
Again a better analysis from a commenter than a libertarian Reason editor could even conceive of. Slade is distinguishing herself as an elitist authoritarian while advertising herself as the exact opposite. The same gaslighting strategy currently being employed by the real authoritarians in the Democratic party and their sycophants in the media.
No head scratching required.
Do you prefer what happened to this country during the Trump administration to what happened to this country during the (alleged) Biden-Harris administration?
Vote accordingly.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
For you I guess but I don't scratch my head about Vance anymore than I do about Trump. Both pretty much will tell you what they think about things unlike Harris who I still have no idea what she want's to do to our country as she won't put a platform up on her website or do an actual interview and tell us.
"Joy" is not a platform, it's something you write on a blackboard for kindergarteners.
Not at all surprised that most commenters would prefer to be reading the press release section of the campaign website. Imagine if that had comment enabled
We were dragged across the line in 2014, when we failed to disbar Michael McCrum for indicting Rick Perry.
Chuck Schumer advocates packing the Supreme Court to do things that are blatantly unconstitutional- Slade’s Response “Crickets”
Schumer promises to void the filibuster to force through legislation that will cripple industry and crush small businesses – Slade’s Response – Crickets.
Schumer advocates adding DC as a state, something the Founders didn’t do to prevent the seat of government becoming it’s own polity – Slade’s Response – Crickets
Harris advocates the Green New Deal depriving Americans of energy and transportation – Slade’s Response – Crickets.
Biden allows (supported?) the creation of a government censorship bureau in the name of “Disinformation” – Slade’s Response – Crickets.
Anyone on this forum could add a hundred more attempts to empower the government to control the citizenry by left-Democrats, but we can count on one thing, Slade won't find a problem with any of them.
Reason magazine has abandoned individualism and now supports anything that keeps dissident voices from power.
Reason - Get the hell out of Washington DC. You've been corrupted by proximity to the seat of power, just as Acton predicted would happen to those who seek favor of the powerful.
The Ohio senator doesn't want to limit government power. He wants to use it against his political enemies.
Will he be wielding this political power from the same prison cell as Trump or a separate one?
Just for the record:
The cell where Jefferson Davis was imprisoned became a museum.
Good point.
When the democrats throw their political opposition (Trump) in prison… any reaction to that?
If Trump is imprisoned, there will be a civil war.
The least charitable take on Vance here is that he wants to turn the powers of the federal leviathan on its current champions and agents. The obvious question for anyone who isn’t an abject imbecile or fraudulent hack is, if this makes Vance an authoritarian, what the living hell does that make its current champions and agents?! Vance (again, worst case) isn’t advocating an expansion of the federal retributive state, just a change in targets. And yet, Slade would have us believe that we don’t live under an authoritarian regime.
If you wish to see what the democrats will bring to America if the duo of Harris/Walz is elected just consider how other democrats treated their own. Newsom and his democrat pals have damaged California beyond repair. San Francisco, a democrat run city will never recover. Oakland is a hell hole. L.A. is ruined. The state has seen business after business leave and lost hundreds of thousands of middle class wage earners.
New York under Hochul has suffered business and population loses, N.Y. City is riddled with crime and Venezuelan gang bangers. Th mayor is a low IQ clown. Chicago, the same another low IQ clown, with 418 homicides so far this year. Another city on its way to the dumpster.
Michigan has suffered immensely under the tyrannical control of the three witches, Whitmer, Bensen and Nessel. Lockdowns have destroyed small businesses, Whitmer acted more like a dictator than a governor. Bensen wants a snitch line to report anyone who dares question the election, Nessel is a communist who wants to imprison conservatives.
And Tim Walz, aka Nero who fiddled while Minneapolis burned, set up snitch lines so people could report their neighbors. Walz, a known communist ,liar, fraud and as sleazy as they come.
Every democrat run city and state is being deliberately ruined. Just ask the people of Aurora, Colorado how well Polis and the mayor are running things.
In short, every state, every city run by democrats is being ruined in the name of equity. Overrun by savage third world criminal
I remember that ditz CA House member who told Musk he wasn't wanted or something like that and Musk replied "Noted" then moved Tesla out of California. That same numbnuts then complained about people leaving the state. Same type of thing happened in NY. Hochul told Republicans and Conservatives they were not wanted in her state so they up and started leaving. Now she is screeching that tax revenues aren't enough to fund her agenda.
Exactly! Two good examples of liberal/ leftist failures.
I think Vance has adopted the populist mantle largely because he knows that is the only thing that will win the nomination.
I agree with your prognosis, but I don't quite think it's quite that. I think guys like Vance or Ramaswamy realize that libertarianism (if it is to be anything more than hipper circuses and artisanal small-batch bread for the dole) and populism are going to have to be intimately bound together. The managerial-technocratic elites in charge of this country are, or have become, fundamentally authoritarian. Liberty and decentralization are becoming the only practical means of returning power to the people. And a libertarianism that doesn't fundamentally challenge the power of the authoritarian elites is a libertarianism doomed to being about little more than a cosmetic overlay on the coercive grip of the elites. If libertarianism means you can toke up in your pod and get your daily dose of bugs from an immigrant-run "food" truck on your way to your weekly appointment with your indeterminate sex-worker, I really can't blame a lot of people for not being all that interested. Unfortunately, that really does seem to be the vision being pushed by Reason.
Worst VP pick ever (except for Harris and Walz).
All the mean tweets, but none of the charisma of Trump.
I guess he does provide impeachment insurance.