The Afghan Allies Left Behind in the Graveyard of Empires
Thousands of people who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan are still looking for an escape.

"There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States in Afghanistan," argued President Joe Biden in July 2021 as he prepared to end America's 20-year war there. It was "highly unlikely," he claimed, that the Taliban would be "overrunning everything and owning the whole country."
Biden was proven wrong just a month later. That August, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the Afghan forces outmatched.
Desperation engulfed the capital, Kabul. Afghans intent on escaping the impending regime clung to the side of a U.S. military plane leaving Hamid Karzai International Airport, several falling to their deaths. Outside the airport gates, scores of men, women, and children crowded together in the mud and summer heat in hopes of safe passage. More than 160 of them—along with 13 U.S. service members—would die in a suicide bombing carried out by an Islamic State affiliate.
One Afghan man who worked closely with the U.S. military was in Kabul during the fall. He spoke to Reason from his new home in the United States. Out of privacy concerns, he asked to go by the pseudonym Baryalai. (It means "victorious," he explained, adding a smiley-face emoji.)
Back in August 2021, Baryalai was tending to business at the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs when he was urged to take an alternate exit out of the building. "By the time I got out of the ministry, the government vehicles were rushing here and there. I did not know what was happening," he says. "The Taliban were not supposed to enter Kabul. There was supposed to be a transfer of power."
The city had fallen into "a nightmare," he continues. "The president escaped and it looked like a whole army was left without any commander."
Baryalai spent the next two and a half years on the run. Since he had worked with the U.S., the risk of Taliban retribution was high. Interpreters have been hunted down, tortured, and killed since the Taliban took power. "I was living in hiding with my family. From one city to another, changing locations," he says. Eventually, he had to leave the country.
Things weren't supposed to go this way. In return for his service to the U.S., Baryalai was eligible for a sanctioned escape—a visa pathway specifically designed for allies like him, a reward for years of faithful military service. If that pathway wasn't backlogged and addled by bureaucracy, he might have gotten out of Afghanistan far earlier.
Instead of cashing in on a promise made by the U.S. government, Baryalai and thousands of other Afghan allies were forced to fashion their own paths forward. Some now struggle to maintain legal status in neighboring countries. Others have become unwilling nomads in their own country, on the run to avoid detection. The burden has been on them to escape Taliban rule or become invisible in Afghanistan.
They haven't been alone: They've been aided by an impressive civil society movement that organized itself around keeping the promise that the U.S. government broke. Veterans and others have banded together with nonprofits to help allies get out of Afghanistan, complete their visa applications, and build new lives in the United States. They stepped in to pick up the pieces of a yearslong government failure, something that never should have been their job to fix.
Three years after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan allies still depend on civil society to keep their cause alive and keep making progress. But the government could stop that progress in its tracks.
'Faithful and Valuable Service'
Afghanistan has been called the "graveyard of empires," a reference to the string of great powers that have tried and failed to control the country. The U.S. eventually joined that list. But before then, as it attempted to avoid that fate, it relied on a vast network of Afghan helpers who could help American forces navigate uncharted territory.
"There was a huge language barrier, so there's very little we could've gotten done" without interpreters on the ground, says Jim Fenton, an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan for several years. Interpreters were "critical" in "getting that communication going," he explains—everything from translating locals to deciphering radio communications, but also in understanding cultural differences and the dynamics between Afghanistan's different ethnic groups.
During the two-decade war, the International Rescue Committee estimates, some 263,000 Afghan civilians helped the U.S. mission in some way. Afghans who served Western militaries risked infuriating the Taliban. An interpreter who spoke with Reason in 2021 shared that he once found a letter from the Taliban in his yard, threatening to kill him as "a lesson" to other Afghans working with the U.S. military.
A 2020 report by No One Left Behind (NOLB), a nonprofit that supports interpreters and other allies in Afghanistan and elsewhere, "identified over 300 interpreters or their family that were killed in Afghanistan because of their service to the U.S.," explains Andrew Sullivan, the group's director of advocacy. That's an undercount, he adds—it's just what the organization has been able to find. In 2022, another NOLB survey turned up 242 reports of reprisal killings.
These risks prompted Congress to create the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program, which was launched in 2009. The SIV program provides an immigration pathway to certain Afghans who assisted U.S. military forces, framed as a reward for "faithful and valuable service to the U.S. government"—a recognition of the great risk they undertook to facilitate the American mission. Afghan interpreters who worked for the U.S. for at least a year are eligible.
"This is really the lifeline for Afghans who worked for the U.S. government, who fear Taliban reprisal because of that connection," says Amie Kashon, program manager at the Evacuate Our Allies Operations Center at Human Rights First. Unfortunately, she continues, the SIV program and other pathways available to Afghans are "often quite slow, they're often quite bureaucratic, they often take advocacy from outside stakeholders, [and] they're processes that are difficult to navigate as a pro se applicant."
During the intensive 14-step application process, Afghans must detail their record and time of service to the U.S., provide a letter of recommendation from an American supervisor, and describe threats they've received as a result of their employment. They must also attend an in-person interview at an embassy—because there are no U.S. consular services in Afghanistan now, that means visiting an embassy in Pakistan or a third country—and undergo security and medical screenings. Advocates point out the huge logistical and financial risks that applicants must undertake to fulfill those requirements, a process that might involve traveling through hostile territory and attracting unwanted Taliban attention.
The complex, lengthy application process leaves a lot of room for things to go wrong. "Our original senior interpreter" in Afghanistan, Fenton says, "was a week out from his flight and they shut everything down for COVID." By the time the pandemic lockdowns were lifted, his medical materials were outdated. The interpreter and his family had to redo their medical examinations, costing thousands of dollars. The family didn't escape until 2021.
Another of Fenton's interpreters is still trying to leave the region. A member of Afghanistan's Hazara ethnic minority, the interpreter served in the Afghan army until he began to experience beatings due to his background. He quit—something that Fenton knew about, but it raised the hackles of visa adjudicators.
"He put in for an SIV and kept getting denied because it had this derogatory file that said that he was not trustworthy," says Fenton. "Granted, I had a stack of probably 25 certificates from colonels and majors and one-star generals for the work that he did." The interpreter's application was denied repeatedly but with little clarity offered beyond form letter responses.
"We must've done…I think two or three full applications, trying to narrow down, 'What is the thing that is kicking this back?'" Fenton recounts. Eventually, all was resolved and the application could progress, but the interpreter was now at the end of the queue. "Even though his first SIV case he started in probably 2017, 2018, his approved one is 2023," says Fenton. "They're priority evacuating 2021 right now." The interpreter—like so many others—has spent the intervening years on the run, spending time in Pakistan before returning to Afghanistan, unable to find work or secure legal status.
Congress mandates that SIV applications be adjudicated within nine months, but processing times have usually defied that time frame. As of 2021, someone applying for an SIV could expect the process to take three to six years, according to a report by Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Slow processing times in turn caused a huge backlog. By May 2021, there were 18,000 pending SIV applications, not including family members. (According to an October 2023 State Department report, more than 135,000 applicants were in just the earliest stages of the process.)
Thousands of Afghan allies and their family members made clear well before the Taliban takeover that they wanted to leave the country. But the U.S. government prepared poorly for the coming storm. During the August 2021 airlift, the U.S. relocated about 76,000 Afghans, many of whom never served the U.S. mission. A February 2022 report by the Association of Wartime Allies (AWA) estimated that 78,000 of the 81,000 SIV applicants in Afghanistan as of the Taliban takeover—96 percent—were left behind.
'The Most American Thing'
"I know there are concerns about why we did not begin evacuating Afghan civilians sooner," said Biden in August 2021. "Part of the answer," he claimed, was that some Afghans simply "did not want to leave earlier." He also said that "the Afghan government and its supporters discouraged us from organizing a mass exodus to avoid triggering, as they said, a crisis of confidence."
Publicly, the Biden administration had its excuses. Privately, many SIV advocates worried that there could be a slaughter ahead.
The White House had been "meeting with folks who still believed that the standing government in Afghanistan would hold, who still believed that the U.S. would have a [diplomatic] presence there," says Kim Staffieri, co-founder and executive director of the AWA. Evacuating SIV applicants quickly would have "played into a different narrative," she argues. But she knew things were heading south: "We did not have faith that the Afghan government would hold….We saw the army just falling to pieces."
The U.S. government's chaotic withdrawal in August 2021 helped jumpstart the nongovernmental effort.
"When Kabul fell, this cross-section of American society—people that served in Afghanistan and didn't—saw the images. They said, 'What the fuck? This does not comport with our American values,'" says Shawn VanDiver, a Navy veteran who chairs #AfghanEvac, a coalition of organizations that helps Afghan allies. "All of these people stood up, and what we did very effectively was get them all rowing in the same direction."
Humanitarian efforts have taken many forms. At Staffieri's AWA, the work has involved providing SIV applicants with educational advice, helping them understand translations, and conveying the application requirements in nonlawyer language. At Kashon's Evacuate Our Allies, it has involved refugee program referrals and coordination between different humanitarian organizations. At VanDiver's #AfghanEvac and Sullivan's NOLB, it has involved coordination with U.S. politicians and policy makers and relocating Afghan allies from dangerous territory.
Congress had years to fix the dysfunctional SIV program, but reform fell to the wayside for the usual reasons. One of the advocates' main jobs—on top of the more immediate work of advising or relocating Afghans—has been to keep the plight of Afghan helpers a live issue. "The role of civil society in this really has been in agitating the federal government to make sure this is a priority," says Kashon. "They had no choice but to listen," VanDiver explains. "We surrounded them."
A major advantage that the nongovernmental actors have over their government counterparts is their ability to work quickly, largely unhampered by bureaucracy and politics. "We bring ground truth from Kabul or ground truth from various sites where people are processing…to the highest levels of government," says VanDiver. "It's not filtered by the bureaucratic morass in the middle. We get real information to decision makers."
That advantage, along with advocates' strong grasp of the situation on the ground, has enabled them to propose novel, better-targeted policy changes. VanDiver rattles off a list of successes from the past few years: #AfghanEvac has helped the government reduce timelines for Afghan refugee processing; it has prodded the National Security Council to ensure that communications to and about Afghans are consistent, reducing confusion; it has helped get a family reunification mechanism established.
Behind the scenes, several organizations have been working to get Afghan helpers out of the region. "Last year, we helped 2,400 Afghans get to safety out of Afghanistan," Sullivan says, describing a collaboration with the State Department and other nonprofits. "This year we have a goal of 7,000 and we actually already hit 1,000 this calendar year [as of late March], so we're still full steam ahead on trying to move people to safety."
The relocations provide a lifeline not just for Afghans trapped in Afghanistan but for those who fled to nearby countries that haven't necessarily been accommodating. United Nations agencies estimate that at least 600,000 of Pakistan's 2 million undocumented Afghans moved there after the 2021 Taliban takeover of Afghanistan; it has been difficult for them to attain or maintain legal status there. "I applied for a Pakistan visa thrice," shares Baryalai. "Thrice my visa was rejected and every time it took me two to three months." The Pakistani government has announced plans to deport many Afghan refugees, citing security concerns.
The civil society actors are often motivated by their personal connections to Afghanistan and the helpers trapped there. As the general public and government officials pivot to other conflicts and policy battles, it's been on advocates to get "people to realize that the mission did not end when we left in August of 2021," Sullivan says. Many veterans have taken it upon themselves to keep promises to the interpreters they served alongside.
"We have the trust of Afghans, which the U.S. government squandered and is rebuilding now," says VanDiver. "But we act as expanding capacity, and it's all volunteer and it's the best example of civic engagement."
"This is the most American thing I've ever been a part of," he continues. "And I served in the Navy for 12 years."
'It Shouldn't Have Been Our Job'
For all the progress that civil society actors are making (and for all the ways they've pushed the government to be more effective), they're working within a system that can be ambivalent or outright hostile to helping the Afghans.
Congress authorized only a certain number of SIVs when it established the program. By spring 2024, "we'd gotten down to the point where there were probably less than 7,000 visas available, while still having over 130,000 applicants," Sullivan says. Without action, it looked like the program would run out of visas by August or September 2024.
That would obviously impact the effort to relocate Afghans from overseas, eliminating one of their main visa options. But it would also impact Afghans already living in the United States. Thousands of the Afghans brought to the U.S. in August 2021 came here on a temporary status called parole, which allows certain people to stay in the country without a visa for "urgent humanitarian reasons." Parolees don't automatically receive a pathway to lawful permanent resident status. They need to adjust to a different status—for the Afghans, usually asylum or the SIV program.
Every domestic SIV adjustment removes a visa from the general SIV count. In other words, every domestic adjustment limits prospects for overseas Afghans, and every relocated SIV limits the status prospects for stateside Afghans. If the U.S. runs out of SIVs, VanDiver says, "nobody who's here on parole [could] adjust their status" and Afghan helpers still in Kabul wouldn't "be able to leave."
Congress and the White House took a welcome step to address the visa shortage in March. A compromise deal tacked an additional 12,000 SIVs onto a bipartisan funding bill and extended the SIV program through 2025. "We're thankful that we got those visas authorized," Sullivan says, but he argues that it doesn't make sense to have "this artificial cap" on the number of SIVs that can be issued. "The idea that…it's going to be the first 58,500 through the door, and if you don't get through in time, too bad—I don't think people will agree with that."
Lawmakers are considering two bills that would provide more relief. The Afghan Allies Protection Act, introduced by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D–N.H.) and Roger Wicker (R–Miss.), calls for 20,000 additional SIVs and would extend various application deadlines. It would also extend eligibility to people who couldn't otherwise fulfill employment requirements due to injuries sustained as a result of their work. The Afghan Adjustment Act, sponsored by Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D–Minn.), Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.), and 15 other senators, would provide green cards to thousands of Afghans who supported the American mission and now live in the U.S. without lawful permanent resident status. This would help ensure that available SIVs can go to Afghan helpers still stuck overseas.
Despite the bipartisan nature of the bills, they've languished for years. An effort to include the Afghan Adjustment Act in an omnibus spending bill in December 2022 failed. The Hill reported that it's been blocked twice by Sen. Tom Cotton (R–Ark.), including in August 2023. A sprawling border bill introduced in early 2024 would have enacted much of what the Afghan Adjustment Act calls for, but that bill was quickly abandoned. The Afghan Allies Protection Act faces even longer odds.
"This is meant to be an entitlement. These people served alongside us. They took up arms in our name," VanDiver says. "These folks have done incredible work and…Congress made it so hard for them."
Beyond Congress, advocates have seen some wins. "It's a testament to the value of civic engagement, the impact, but it's also a testament to the Biden administration's willingness to engage these folks," says VanDiver. For all its faults during the August 2021 withdrawal, he argues, the administration has "done extraordinary work to try to make it easier for [SIVs]." Kashon notes that "we're seeing pretty significant improvements in approval timing" for certain Afghan asylum applications, "especially compared to other asylum applicants." A re-parole process rolled out in mid-2023 has generally worked well, she adds.
But policies implemented through executive discretion and at the agency level can be easily reversed by future administrations. Some presidents simply haven't treated the program as a priority, letting it fall into disrepair. Then there was the Trump administration, which took a machete to the nation's immigration infrastructure. "The last administration purposefully set this up for [the Biden administration] to fail," says VanDiver. "They deconstructed the resettlement and refugee systems, fully broke them. And broke them in ways that we're still discovering." Without congressional reform, a future administration—under Trump or another restrictionist—could scrap the progress that's been made.
Hostile circumstances encouraged—or perhaps forced—the civil society effort to take root. "It shouldn't have been our job to do this," says VanDiver, "but we did." And it may very well continue to be their job if congressional foot draggers and executive saboteurs have their way.
Promises Made, Kept, and Broken
"I arrived in the U.S. on February 6," Baryalai says. By the time all was said and done, the process took him about five years and brought him across many borders, from Afghanistan to Pakistan to Qatar and finally to the United States.
"After almost three years of living in hiding, I could say who I was to everyone," he explains. "I felt the real freedom here. Finally, I felt I was home."
NOLB was instrumental in getting Baryalai to safety. In its 10 years of operation, it has evacuated more than 5,500 Afghans. The U.S. "left tens of thousands—when you look at family members, probably hundreds of thousands—of Afghan allies behind," says Sullivan. Though the March authorization of 12,000 additional visas is "just a start," he explains, "it means that 12,000 allies—and then also their family members, who aren't counted against that 12,000—they're going to be safe." It means that the work of relocation and resettlement can continue for now.
It's difficult to keep public attention on Afghanistan as other overseas conflicts and domestic policy disputes dominate the news cycle. Foreign policy officials have turned their attention to Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Hamas; immigration officials have set their sights on the Mexican border. It's been three years since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, and there are thousands of Afghans still waiting for the U.S. to hold up its end of the bargain, to reward the risk they undertook. "It's a damn shame how difficult it is for us to remember the promises that we made," says Fenton.
The civil society effort hasn't faltered. "Hundreds and hundreds of organizations [are] still pushing for this, almost three years later," says Staffieri. "No one takes their foot off the gas. No one releases the pressure on the U.S. and Department of State to live up to these promises."
The government should have acted with urgency years earlier. It should have looked at the giant application backlogs and the many reports of Taliban retribution against Afghan allies and realized that the visa program meant to provide relief was instead leaving people in danger. Much of the harm done to those helpers can never be undone.
But advocates decided to forge a better path forward. "This is about the people. It's about thousands of people across the country who stood up, said, 'I'm going to do what I can do. I'm going to communicate with Afghans, because the federal government won't or can't—they don't have the capacity, they don't have the staff, or they don't have the inclination,'" says VanDiver.
"We made them," he says. "We made them do this."
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Left in the Graveyard of Empires."
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"There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States in Afghanistan," argued President Joe Biden in July 2021 as he prepared to end America's 20-year war there. It was "highly unlikely," he claimed, that the Taliban would be "overrunning everything and owning the whole country."
This is essentially what happened, because Joe Biden is a complete dolt, and was never Presidential material.
Trump would have run away so much better.
We have no idea how Trump would have done it, because millions of other dolts elected a sock puppet as President.
Realistically traitors to their countries aiding foreign occupiers wars of aggression.
“The Ukraine war,” he continued, “began in 2014 when US agencies
overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installed
a hand-picked pro-Western government that launched a deadly civil war
against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. “
RFK August 23 2024
One acronym says it all, WMD.
RFK Jr. is absolutely correct.
bathouse Barry Soetoro sent Victoria Nudelman to Ukraine with her box of cookies for the Azov bunch and before long the democratically elected president was run out of the country only to be replaced by a corrupt idiot.
The rest as they say, is history.
No one should trust America.
This is one of the better recordings of the smoking gun telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt coordinating the coup in Ukraine
Nice. I see you decided to see how much Russian propaganda and conspiracy nonsense can you put in one comment.
Except it’s true.
Conspiracy nonsense? The statement is 100 percent accurate and the proof is in the public record.
That doesn’t matter to a democrat.
“rUsSiaN pRopAgaNdA ConSpiRacY tHeORy”
Because you can’t actually refute it because it's actually true, right? All you can do is call names and smear.
MAGA Soviets love them some strongman like Vlad.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Suck more neocon ass, shrike.
He’s too busy with prepubescent boys.
Time for a name change, warpig. How about "Liz Cheney's Buttplug"?
But what about the Jooooz?
About zelensky
“These people Mr. Biden is cutting checks to in Ukraine aren’t being labeled fascists the way the term is thrown around on Twitter. They are full-on, jackbooted, stiff-armed, “Heil Hitler,” cheering-at-Nuremberg Rallies Nazis — and they’re proud of it.”
Those checks are from US taxpayers to a Jew who is signing them over to Nazis.
Does that make Zelensky a good Jew?
What would he say?
Kill yourself.
So, are you a neo Nazi, or an Islamist?
No, we have a pretty good idea: It would have been just as bad, but he'd have found a way to blame someone else for everything that went wrong.
No, he would have stuck to the timeline already agreed upon and gotten everything out before fighting season.
It's pointless to argue hypotheticals unless you're more concerned with tribal politics than results.
The bottom line is Biden said one thing despite it being pretty obvious to most people in the West that it was never going to go down like that.
Either Biden was lying to us, or he was an idiot that really thought it would go well. Trump may or may not have done the same thing, but the fact of the matter is he wasn't President when it happened and Biden didn't follow the plan that was already laid out. Even if that plan was shit, which seems probable, he still came up with a worse one and followed that instead.
It’s not a hypothetical. There was an agreement, and a plan. It involved getting out before fighting season.
Fighting season in Afghanistan has been documented since Alexander The Great. The Taliban would not have been able to sweep across the country at the time Trump’s plan had us withdrawing.
and Biden didn’t follow the plan that was already laid out. Even if that plan was shit, which seems probable, he still came up with a worse one and followed that instead.
What was the plan that was already laid out as of Jan. 21, 2021? It seems that we'd need to know what that was before judging that Biden's plan was worse.
I see you fell directly into the tribal politics angle I mention in my first post, and you don't get any points for being entirely ignorant of the plans in question.
An honest person would simply note Biden bungled the withdrawal and perhaps note that no plan was going to work, but that his was a particularly grim failure that he literally promised wasn't going to happen.
If Trump had been reelected, and it was a disaster like Biden was (Hint: It almost certainly wouldn't have been a disaster too), I'd be just as critical of him. Since he wasn't in office, and his plan wasn't followed anyway, it seems moot yes?
If Trump had been reelected, and it was a disaster like Biden was (Hint: It almost certainly wouldn’t have been a disaster too), I’d be just as critical of him.
It’s pointless to argue hypotheticals unless you’re more concerned with tribal politics than results.
If you really want to know how the withdrawal was "bungled", then you'd want to understand everything about the situation leading up to that. Pretending that nothing prior to Jan. 21, 2021 matters as to how the withdrawal went wrong is ridiculous and is clearly only something you're arguing because of who the President was prior to that date.
No one tries to understand history by starting at some arbitrary date and only looking forward from there.
Since he wasn’t in office, and his plan wasn’t followed anyway, it seems moot yes?
If Trump plan (whatever it was) is moot, then the bungled withdrawal is moot for the present as well, right? No, it is always worth knowing what happened and what was planned so we can learn from it for the benefit of the future.
Yet your party continues to argue Biden didn't fail since Trump would have as well.
Trumps plan was public. Not details but the overview.
Trump had no plan whatsoever. He ordered no one in the Pentagon to do anything to prepare a plan. He did nothing beyond signing the agreement with the Taliban and then moving on to something else attention grabbing after that particular photo op.
I don't really blame Trump uniquely for that. It is a fucking plague among pols and other people who spend their time preening for the media. The media never gives a shit about the plans. The American public no longer gives a shit about any plans because conscripts are not at risk. So the pols don't give a shit once the cameras turn off and the news cycle moves on.
Jfree from the dumpster with more ignorance. Lol.
The person who would be charged with executing any plan to withdraw – the acting SecDef Chris Miller – says any plan to withdraw was a ruse – an attempt to convince the Ghani government to step aside or share power in a junior role with a Taliban government which would keep 800 US troops in Afghanistan to do counterterrorism. Which admittedly is a lot lower than the existing 8000 troops in Afghanistan then but holy hell.
But perhaps you have better access to the real info than the acting SecDef.
"Trump had no plan whatsoever."
It was public and detailed, you utter fucking idiot. The US even got to keep leasing Bagram from the Afghan government. There was even a power sharing agreement between the government and the Taliban.
First Liz Cheney and the House Democrats tried to stall the withdrawal, and then the Biden Administration puppeteers cancelled it completely.
And then once the plan was tossed, the administration just up and bailed catching even allies like the Dutch and the UK by surprise, let alone the Afghans.
It was such a colossal fuckup that for it Biden is the first American president in hundreds of years to be officially held in contempt by the UK parliament after a vote.
You knew all this but you're such a incredible bien pensant you deliberately shut it out of your brain when they told you to. You're the literal incarnation of 1984's Tom Parsons.
The US even got to keep leasing Bagram from the Afghan government. There was even a power sharing agreement between the government and the Taliban.
There was no Afghan government once it fled and there was no leasing agreement with the Taliban. There was no power sharing agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The US Taliban deal did not even include the Afghan government. The fighting between them ramped up hugely the day after that deal – so that the summer of 2020 was the bloodiest in Afghanistan in 18 years. Because the US-Taliban deal ensured that we would no longer support the govt as long as the Taliban didn’t attack the US forces. So they didn’t attack US/Nato forces. They attacked the Afghan government.
The R yapping about Bagram came during the clusterfuck at Kabul Airport. The notion that that should have taken place at Bagram instead. Which may well have been better – but it conflates both any second guessing about the complete withdrawal process – AND the opposition/resistance within the DC crowd to ANY withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Jfree is an idiotic liar, and a rabid jew hater. This by his own admission.
"The notion that that should have taken place at Bagram instead. Which may well have been better"
Have you ever looked at maps of the 2 places?
Biden bungled the withdrawal for reasons that were almost identical to the reasons Trump would have bungled the withdrawal.
Trump did not do one damn thing to order anyone in the Pentagon to plan/prepare for a withdrawal - from the time of the agreement (one year ahead of negotiated withdrawal) to either the election (six months ahead) or the time he left office (two-three months) .
Biden didn't do one damn thing to plan/prepare for a withdrawal until after he finally ordered the Pentagon to do so in March 2021 or so. And six months is not sufficient to do that right.
Both Trump and Biden failed because they had zero mgmt experience and zero ability/interest in overcoming the resistance of the Pentagon and Deep State types to withdraw. Civilian control of the military means - control the military.
Going with pure ignorance? Interesting approach.
If you know what the plan was, then would it have been much harder to type a couple of longer sentences summarizing it than it was to type a short two-sentence snarky response?
Until they release classified planning docs, Trump would have failed just like Biden.
Did I summarize your argument?
The broad outlined are public. But not good enough for you.
Even the timeliness change passed off Al Queda. Scheduling it for 9/11 was just retarded. Leaving thr military bases first extra dumb.
I already mentioned an important part of the plan. You ignored it because you’re too stupid to understand what I was talking about.
R Mac,
Looking it up, "fighting season" in Afghanistan starts in April, from what I could see. (basically, it is Spring and Summer) So, Biden was supposed to take over on Jan 21, after Trump had not allowed for any significant transition process, and get everyone out before April when the original deadline was May 1? Bullshit. If the goal was really to get people out before 'fighting season', then there would have needed to be substantial planning before Trump left office. And, by the way, the deal was not predicated on a complete collapse of the Afghan army and government.
Of course, the Biden admin botched the withdrawal, but you still aren't presenting anything that absolves Trump's administration. Nor Obama and George W. Bush, for that matter.
Did I summarize your argument?
No, you continue to make shit up instead of engaging with what I am actually writing, just like you always do.
There are certain facts that don't depend on the party involved. Leaving prior to the start of the fighting season gives you time to fuck up and recover as well as time between departure and the Taliban takeover in fact for optics. Leaving during the height of the fighting season gives you a chaotic mess to manage and the appearance of a fighting retreat.
Leaving at any time still requires a lot of advance notification to all the people around Afghanistan who will be evacuated. And the planning and logistics to get them to a single point to evacuate them
Leaving prior to the start of the fighting season gives you time to fuck up and recover as well as time between departure and the Taliban takeover in fact for optics.
Like R Mac, this argument about fighting season (~April-October in Afghanistan) is really a red herring. I don't see how Biden's administration was supposed to plan a withdrawal from scratch in two months. Not to mention that I haven't seen any expectation that there was supposed to be a total Taliban takeover at all in the Trump-Taliban deal.
Are you really this ignorant? ‘Fighting season’ is absolutely a thing, and there was a plan. Biden shot on it to drag things out to September so he could have his big photo op on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Just stop with your endless democrat propagandizing. No one is buying it and you diminish yourself. And you didn’t start off great anyway.
Could not have been worse.
And the plan Trump sponsored, including strategic timing, had a better chance.
"Trump would have run away so much better."
Stuff your TDS up your ass, shitstain:
Ya, Kash Patel, the poundshop Vivek Ramaswamy, agrees with me!
It's true that the Biden decision to withdraw on the symbolic date of September 11 was inane and indefensible, but it was just the rotten topping on a shitty pie at that point.
Trump waits until after he loses the November 2020 election to plan the pullout? WTF? Indeed, he did, and the way he got there was utterly bizarre, as this account claims:
It's a slightly different take on the matter than "K$H" had suggested in your link. Patel believes he had created the "perfect" pullout plan (why wouldn't it be--he had so much relevant experience!), which was then completely and inexplicably ignored by the incoming Biden team. But, you ask, who is this Kash Patel? This should help:
"During his CPAC appearance, Patel left no doubt about the depth of his loyalty to Trump.
“We’re blessed by God to have Donald Trump be our juggernaut of justice, to be our leader, to be our continued warrior in the arena,” Patel said.
After 10 minutes of praising the former president and blasting the media, intelligence community and Democrats, Patel left the stage and traded his blazer for a Revere Payments hoodie. He went to Bannon’s booth for a live episode of “War Room” to discuss the Christian merchant services platform he’s marketing.
The notoriously unkempt Bannon, a former Trump adviser who is influential in right-wing politics, joked about Patel’s informal attire.
“I’ve got to, you know, get my stuff out there,” Patel replied.
After the interview Patel hustled to the vendor floor, where he whipped off the hoodie and his handlers scrambled to remove flecks of fuzz before putting his blazer back on. Then he was ready — to pose for pictures with fans in front of a booth for a cellphone service he’s promoting."
“Ya, Kash Patel, the poundshop Vivek Ramaswamy, agrees with me!”
So besides being a complete dipshit you’re also a racist. Not surprising.
All the liberaltarians here are.
If I can't criticize DeAngelo and Kendi without being a racist, so be it.
The democrat party was founded on bigotry. That hasn’t changed.
"Trump waits until after he loses the November 2020 election to plan the pullout? WTF? Indeed, he did, and the way he got there was utterly bizarre, as this account claims:"
Oh! Oh! An inane comment followed by abc news link.
FOAD, asshole.
Instead we got a dozen US soldiers killed and Afghanis falling off airplanes 30,000 feet in the air
How about we just hire all the applicants on the list to help guard the southern border?
I support it. Work visas and Spanish language training and run with it.
No chance. We only allow the mass importation of brown people who are guaranteed to vote Democrat. Pretty sure these people hate Biden, Kackles and the rest of the party nearly as much as they should.
Why don't they move to Germany?
I hear the Germans love the rag head so much they have festivals in their honor
Always a bloody good time at them.
Just give them space when spontaneous folk knife dancing breaks out.
That's a rather pointed comment.
Jeffs video game industry.
The aggressively advertised game features a cast of queer activist "punk rock" characters that set out on a road trip across an America controlled by "conservative oppressors" that are really uncool. Set in North America in 2030, The American Republic is under the iron fist of "Justice" and The Puritans, a fascist police force presided over by President Samuel Ward. California has gained independence and is now Pacifica, a corporatocracy ruled by the wealthy few. Texas has seceded, rebranding itself as the libertarian Columbia.
Hilariously, players fight the fascist government by using the "power of words" to gain allies and divide their enemies. Characters can also build up their "trigger meter" to really punch the patriarchy.
The videos are hilarious. Launch numbers even funnier.
If anything, it will be the opposite, that is, an iron fist of Marxist rule.
Can I play as a member of "Justice," hunting down dirty queer troublemakers?
If someone made a mod yo do that it would probably sell way better.
It could hardly do worse.
$2000 per player. Wowsers! Another Stupid Government Trick.
I love how the EU is paying for anti-American propaganda.
That's just the government funding portion. Concord is also out (gay/trans Overwatch clone) now to just under 700 concurrent players and is estimated to have cost almost $250k per player. This is the "modern audience" that they're chasing.
That absolutely cannot be true.
No way in hell did a game cost three quarters of a billion dollars to produce. 250K * 700 -- and that's concurrent players, not the total player base.
Do you get points for every kid "rescued" from an oppressor family? And bonus points for queering the kid?
Special trophies for jerking off on kids without going to jail. - Jeff
And flashing kids in your front window as they walk by.
Surprised you had time to even take a look at this game. I would have thought you'd be spending all your time playing this video game.
Evidently, in this game, you play a character who just so happens to look like Alex Jones on steroids, and your character must kill gay rainbow frogs, kill black homeless people and rescue white babies, and the final boss is - spoiler alert - Hillary Clinton.
I mean, this review says the game lasts 43 minutes, but I imagine you probably had a hard time getting past the gay frogs level. Keep at it, you'll fight the final end boss eventually!
LOL @ arguing about lame video games.
Oh was it funded by the EU too?
Poor Lying Jeffy.
Haha so mad. Look at you goaltending a worthless video game.
But but but he has no tribe. except libertarianism.
It’s funny how easy he is.
Omegalul Kotaku.
Never change, Jeffy.
Hey buddy. You and sarc were all over the Trump is literally Hitler hype train because he used the words vermin and blood. Why are you not on the Harris Waltz is using a nazi campaign hype train?
Using screen shot since wiki is likely to change this today.
Poor poor Jesse. Couldn't get past the gay frog level, could you?
Not even you seriously believe that Kamamalama's use of the word 'joy' is somehow related to this Nazi tourism industry "Strength Through Joy". It's just your team straining to find a false equivalence.
Let me know when KamKam wants to set up a state-funded tourism industry that has the word "Joy" in the name. Then maybe we can talk about Nazi equivalences.
On the other hand, Trump, just like Hitler, really did compare his scapegoated villains to "vermin". It doesn't mean Trump is "literal Hitler", that is your typical strawman, but it does mean he doesn't mind using the Hitler style guide when writing his speeches.
Oh, and by the way, most of the commenters here, when pressed on the appropriateness of Trump's comments, agreed with him and defended Trump's comparison of fellow citizens to "vermin". (Naturally, these same people were no doubt outraged when Hillary called fellow citizens "deplorables".)
So it's not just Trump, it's a good swath of Team Red who has no problem dehumanizing and villainizing fellow citizens who are guilty of nothing but wrongthink.
He called Nazis, Socialists, and Marxists vermin. Do you not think those horrible, murderous ideologies are trash that deserve to burn on the scrap heap of history?
Oh, and by the way, Democrats have been demonizing the most milquetoast Republicans for pretty much all my life (even going so far as to call them vermin) so are they “Hitler like” too?
And Jesse, I've come to realize that you are the Black Knight:
"You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you!"
No matter how many time I or others show you to be wrong, you just come back for more. You don't know when to quit. I'm completely amused that yesterday you tried to start a pissing match with me over chemistry. Did my nick not give away the idea that I do happen to know something about chemistry? But you don't care, you'll continue to fight and fight until your only weapon left is to bleed on people.
Can the players form an antifa club, or is it more of an idea?
Reminder: any time you signal against fascism, use it as a pejorative, you're helping advance totalitarian communism.
Denials and intent don't change reality in effect.
The U.S. government's chaotic withdrawal in August 2021 helped jumpstart the nongovernmental effort.
T'was a sloppy pullout - no question.
You've embarrassed yourself so much over the past few years going to bat for this failed President, it would be difficult to assemble all your "greatest hits" in a single post.
But any such collection would have to include your SLOPPY PULLOUT spamming. You tried to spin that bodies-falling-from-planes catastrophe as no big deal. You went at it for weeks, even though it was clear it permanently discredited Dementia Joe's aura of competence.
Then what did you do? You decided it was a big deal after all ....... but it was Trump's fault! Because Juan Cole told you so.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
How long before you bemoan Benghazi?
You were banned for posting a link to child porn.
Guess Colonel West is next on trashing the “democracy” the DNC is protecting.
The Associated Press
Cornel West can’t be on Pennsylvania’s presidential ballot, court decides
Even Gavin Newsome is getting in on it.
“Now, we went through a very open process, a very inclusive process,” Newsom said, shifting the tone of his voice and prompting laughter from the hosts of Pod Save America, which is managed by several former Obama staffers.
“It was bottom-up, I don’t know if you know that,” he said. “That’s what I’ve been told to say.”
The Bulwark is trying to push Trump as the incumbent, not Kamala. This seems to be a desperation of the media to memory hole Kamalas successful run as VP the last 4 years.
David Daleiden reminds everyone how Kamala invited his offices to seize undercover videos of Planned Parenthood baby parts harvesting.
David Daleiden
Lol, homegirl is so “unburdened by what has been” in 2016.
Let me remind you,
As a citizen journalist, I had my home raided, work product seized at gunpoint, and spent an afternoon behind bars because of your fealty to
as CA Attorney General.
A mostly peaceful police state.
As long as the child sacrifice continues unabated.
Donnie Doomed:
Yes, this summer when the public was faced with the choice between the Democrats’ unpopular, probably senile, octogenarian Joe Biden and the Republicans’ unpopular, definitely nuts, septuagenarian Donald Trump, it seemed like the American people would reluctantly go with Trump.
But at the same time, American voters for two years running had loudly and repeatedly told both parties, pollsters, and anyone who would listen that they preferred a different set of choices. The dominant emotion that most Americans felt about the coming election was dread. And then, in a remarkable turn of events, the Democratic Party gave Americans another option: Kamala Harris.
National Review
Notice no link. Notice he isn't a Democrat.
Everyone knows you Repubs have National Review bookmarked. Anyway here is the money shot:
Trump isn’t losing because Kamala Harris is being hyped by the press and fluffed up to kingdom come. He isn’t losing because the press is being unfair to him. He’s losing because he’s a weak, unpopular, undisciplined candidate running at the head of a weak, minority electoral coalition. That’s the truth, whether anyone wants to hear it or not.
The question for Republicans is: Are they ready to stop whining and complaining about the press and work to build a true majority coalition — like the ones they used to form — topped by young, charismatic, winsome candidates and built to win big, crushing majorities that turn blue states purple and purple states red? Because if they are, I’m not seeing any evidence for it. Are you?
Yes, youth and inexperience are the answer.
Don't forget the lying and incompetence.
Notice still no links. Notice still not a Democrat.
Everyone knows you Repubs have National Review bookmarked.
Speak for your retarded self. I stopped going there in 2013.
Whining and complaining is all they have. They aren’t for anything except victimhood and hatred.
Poor Jeff. More projection.
Glad to see you don't mind when Kamala sends police to raid a journo outfit though. Just whining and complaining.
Jesse is attacking the voices in his head again.
This wasn’t your post regarding someone whining and complaining police raided his offices and home?
sarcasmic 3 hours ago
Flag Comment
Mute User
Whining and complaining is all they have. They aren’t for anything except victimhood and hatred.
Seriously. How black out drunk do you get when you can’t even see a few posts up?
If you’re going to connect dots make them in sight of each other.
You poor victim.
But you said this correct?
It is all there is. Whining and complaining. Those are your words correct. All they have is conclusive is it not?
You really need to take remedial reading classes when you go back to night school.
So angry. So emotional. So adamant. So forceful.
You care about this. A lot.
So much crying and projection.
These comments are nothing.
You. Are. Nothing.
Get a life.
Holy lack of self reflection Batman!
You don’t think we should complain when the government raids journalists homes and seize their documents?
Or do you just not consider them journalists?
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Rope-A-dope, Kammy. Rope-a-dope.
So you missed the opening paragraph admitting to the captured press manipulating idiots pretending not to be democrats
Author is also one of the NR never trumpers who didn’t jump to NYT or Bulwark. Or were you ignorant to this fact of the NR stance?
turd, the TDS-addled ass-wipe of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
turd, the shitstain of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
The weird thing is that those same voters had loudly and repeatedly told pollsters that Kamala Harris was even less popular than Joe Biden. And now suddenly she isn't.
Don’t you remember all those votes she got in the last two primaries?
This is what it means to be conquered. There’s no reason to accept this as legitimate.
"Teaching our children to see their own non-existence as a good thing. When the backlash finally occurs, all of the participants in this type of activity need to be put on trial. If the laws aren't suitable, then retroactive legislation will be needed."
retroactive legislation is, very specifically, prohibited in the constitution. For very good reasons.
The poster is British. Here in the US, we'll have to fall back on lynching.
They fucked up. They trusted us.
Things don't go well for people who are regarded as traitors by their own countrymen. They should have thought of that.
Afghanistan can be added to the long list of Washington's foreign policy failures and disasters. These decisions are based more of profits for the MIC rather than any notion of defending democracy or nation building, both of which are outright lies.
Very soon Ukraine will be added to that list and Washington will once again wash its hands of any involvement, claiming it was all Russia's fault.
America needs real leadership not toadies who spend their political careers enriching themselves and their cronies.
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel take note, we don't need scumbags like you. The same for the Bushs, the Clintons the Obamas and the Bidens.
Parents, do everything to keep your children out of the military even if it means sending them off to another country.
Yeah, who wants more "suckers" and "losers"?
who wants to die so that a few enrich themselves at the expense of American blood.
Who wants to die for Pissrael?
We'll have good old-fashioned draft riots again if they try to send conscripts to Kamala's foreign wars. On the other hand, using draftees to defend the border might win widespread popular support.
OK, Fiona has finally come up with a group that deserves immigration support. And not because they face hardships in their native country, but because they assisted a US effort (misguided or not), taking personal risks while doing so, and with at least an implied agreement of rescue if things went bad.
I'm reminded of the great philosopher Mr Pink. Why should I care the is gov fucks over everyone, why are they special? You want me to sign something to tell the gov to stop fucking people I'm for it.
Never trust a traitor. There's no reason to think that people who betrayed their own country won't betray any other country that lets them in.
From their point of view, the Taliban supporters betrayed their own country.
But let's be realistic. Fiona would like everyone else to be able to leave Afghanistan and move to the US.
Which they will eventually do, when the Taliban runs the country into the ground, then they will start leaving for Europe and the US, to set up the same system there.
GOP election shenanigans:
The National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) has cited the infamous 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, which stated that enslaved people weren’t citizens, to argue that Vice President Kamala Harris is ineligible to run for president according to the Constitution.
They're technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
Do find it funny that Kamala is the only politician you don’t use minstrel tropes for.
That’s (D)ifferent and I think you know why.
I guess it's not surprising that Biden had a sloppy pullout from the presidential race too.
Learn something new everyday. Turns out it was Kamalas brother in law that started the sue and settle practice yo fund left wing organizations through unaccountable DoJ settlements even for cases the government would easily win. A practice ended under Trump and restarted under Biden. They don't even know the total amount given away from taxpayers per the IG but it is well into the billions.
Obviously the Harris family is just as crooked and corrupt as the Bidens.
Kamala Harris is NOT a natural born American citizen, she is therefore ineligible to run for the Office.
P/S neither was Barry.
We don't know who Barry's father is and can't be certain where he was born, so you're speculating about him.
Burn baby, burn
It's a nice step, but it seems impossible at this point that sanity could be returned to high ed, when the inmates have been allowed to run the asylum for so long. Unless schools start actively rooting out left-wing idiocy, the metastisization will never be cleaned up.
They can't possibly actively root out left wing idiocy. They WON'T. It's too integral to modern academia.
That'd be like you actively trying to remove your own heart.
They didn't just let this element in, the invited it, gave it free room and board and a key to the liquor cabinet.
Election 2024: First ballots will go out in just two weeks | AP News
Well well. Colorado Republicans vote to remove state chairman
The vote was 161.66 to 12. Not sure how you get 2/3rds of a vote. Must have been the hacked voting machines from Venezuela.
The chair advocated for burning Pride flags and called gays "godless groomers". So, a typical Reason commenter then. Oh and he also was accused of some financial shenanigans with party money. Oh and he lost in the Republican Congressional primary. So, just a loser all around.
Predictably, the chair lashed out at the people who voted against him, calling them "weak establishment Republicans". Well yes I suppose - the people who are not assholes are typically the ones invited to the famous cocktail parties.
Sounds like they did the right thing. What are you complaining about?
“The chair advocated for burning Pride flags and called gays “godless groomers”. So, a typical Reason commenter then.”
Where do y’all get such wonderful straw?
The chair advocated for burning Pride flags and called gays “godless groomers”.
So a passionate free speech advocate.
“Not sure how you get 2/3rds of a vote. Must have been the hacked voting machines from Venezuela.”
Poor Lying Jeffy, so bad at this.
Meanwhile, in Liberal Propaganda Media Land, this from the Austin American-Statesman: "On the anniversary of US withdrawal in Afghanistan, President Biden made the right call" ... "Despite this horrific attack, there is no evidence that the withdrawal Biden and Harris settled on was too fast or too comprehensive." While Biden is sunning himself at the beach and Kamala is MIA, Trump was at Arlington National Cemetery laying a wreath for the betrayed military killed during the withdrawal. No one sane is saying that the withdrawal was too fast or too comprehensive. If anything it was way too slow and too long delayed. I suppose after admitting that Biden's withdrawal was botched there's not much else the socialist press can do but erect straw men, but this should be beneath even the worst press standards. Of course Donnie deserves some of the blame too - he "negotiated" the withdrawal with the Taliban and then left it for Biden to try to meet the deadlines, knowing that he would fail. Or maybe he thought that he would remain in the White House to take care of it himself? For shame!