The Republican Radical Who Helped Launch the Gay Rights Movement
Dorr Legg saw the government as homosexuals' enemy.

One winter night in 1924, a 19-year-old named Dorr Legg snuck away to a "charming park," where he had his first sexual experience with another man, something he had been desiring—and studying—for several years.
Born in a large home overlooking the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Legg came from a long line of Republicans: His family had been active in the GOP since its first convention in their state in 1854. Like many Midwestern Republicans, his father deplored Wall Street and the fat-cat bankers of the Northeast, even if they largely belonged to his political party; he taught his son that prosperity grew out of self-reliance and individual endeavor, not collusion and backroom deal-making. As for the Democrats, his father added, they ran corrupt machines in the big northern cities and used violence and intimidation to deny blacks their rights down south.
An autodidact from a young age, Legg had been spending time hidden away in the University of Michigan's library stacks, secretly reading everything he could find on homosexuality in books of medicine, psychiatry, criminology, witchcraft, and Sigmund Freud. The readings showed Legg that he was not alone. They also convinced him that he was the expert on his own condition. When medical doctors deemed homosexuals sick and religious leaders called them sinners, Legg shrugged it off.
But the law, which counted homosexuals as criminals, was another matter: The threat of arrest and imprisonment required that homosexuals live a double life. Sometimes haughty, always self-assured, Legg resented the fact that he couldn't live freely as he pleased. As Legg faced arrest by the police and harassment by the FBI through the years, his general Republican leanings hardened into what one historian called an impassioned "libertarian distrust of government." The government, he believed, was the homosexual's enemy.
In 1928, Legg moved to New York City. He'd just finished a master's degree in landscape architecture, and he arrived just in time for the tail end of the city's boom. The Great Depression meant his design work disappeared, so Legg then found employment with the new public urban planning projects in the city and on Long Island. But the Republican in him could never bring himself to support the New Deal, even if it had kept him above water.
New York was an electrifying place for homosexuals in the 1930s, and Legg dove right in. He met like-minded men at Child's, a restaurant underneath the Paramount Theater that served as a boisterous and freewheeling homosexual hangout. Even in the relative freedom New York afforded, he kept tight control of himself, always dressing in a conservative suit and tie and maintaining a masculine manner. Legg had little patience for the effeminate and flamboyant "queens" who were part of New York's gay underworld. He wouldn't "send up flares," as he described the way some men signaled to each other, and he detested the "unseemly whoops" some groups of homosexuals brashly made as they paraded down the streets. He worried that their shenanigans and gender-subversive behaviors risked detection by law enforcement.
Those concerns didn't keep him from attending a handful of drag balls in Harlem, where he met several black friends and lovers. Their accounts of the prejudice and discrimination they experienced gave Legg new insight into his own condition. "I too was a member of a stigmatized group," he realized.
Legg's careful self-presentation was not enough to keep the eyes of the law off him. When he returned to Michigan in the mid-1940s to care for his ailing father and manage the family business, his public outings with attractive black men drew police attention. The Detroit cops began surveilling Legg, and they finally arrested him on a charge of "gross indecency" two years after Legg's father died in 1947. Legg the libertarian was outraged that the police would spy on a law-abiding citizen and was furious that the government would interfere in his private life. "Did not the 'Don't tread on me,' of the rattlesnake flag," he fumed, "mean anything anymore?"
When the news of his arrest got out, Legg's church suspended him and his landlord threatened to kick him out. Legg didn't wait around to see what else was coming. He packed his bags for Los Angeles, joining hundreds of thousands of Americans who had been moving into Southern California for the previous two decades, drawn by its cheap land and plentiful jobs. Like many of his fellow transplants, Legg looked to California as a place where rugged individualism could flourish. He hoped Los Angeles' tolerant and relaxed reputation meant he would be left alone—by the cops, anyway.
After 1945, L.A.'s already large homosexual population ballooned as thousands of returning gay servicemen and women decided to stay in their port of entry, just as others did farther north in San Francisco. Yet Los Angeles' gay boom coincided with the federal government's crackdown on homosexuals, and Legg soon found that Los Angeles wasn't all that different from Detroit. Nowhere was in the 1950s. L.A.'s new chief of police, "Wild Bill" Parker, directed his department to "clean up" the city's bustling streets. The police department's head criminal psychiatrist provided medical justification for rounding up homosexuals: They were pathological degenerates, he argued, who preyed on anyone, especially children. Los Angeles' police department quickly racked up a list of 10,000 "sex offenders," made up almost entirely of the homosexual men and women who had been arrested during raids of gay bars and public parks or even while just walking down the street. L.A.'s politicians joined in the attack, passing laws meant to shut down the bars, restaurants, and other establishments where homosexuals gathered.
California's Supreme Court would strike down several of the laws—on the grounds that the businesses should be able to operate, not as an endorsement of homosexuals' right to congregate. Either way, the city's robust anti-gay regime had its intended chilling effect, driving gay men and women even further underground.
On the federal level, both major political parties increased the government's power to target homosexuals. In 1950, Harry Truman's Democratic administration began rooting out suspected homosexuals from the federal government. Three years later, Republicans upped the ante: President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10450, which banned homosexuals from working in the federal government, officially codifying the witch hunt into law.
Yet even in this oppressive era, a handful of homosexuals began planting seeds of resistance that would eventually grow into gay liberation. They called their cause the "homophile movement," a term consciously chosen to emphasize the "love of fellow man"; they felt that society used "homosexual" to focus attention on the sexual acts it condemned. These leaders of the early homophile movement came from assorted walks of life and held political philosophies that ranged from libertarianism to communism.
A year after arriving in L.A., where he continued to work as a landscape architect, Legg joined Merton Bird, a black accountant, in creating the Knights of the Clock, an organization that provided counseling, social service support, and legal aid to interracial gay couples. Around the same time, Legg became one of the first members of the Mattachine Society, widely considered the first homophile organization in the United States.
Founded by Harry Hay, a labor activist and Communist Party member who had grown up in a wealthy, conservative Republican family, the Mattachine Society operated as a homosexual secret society modeled on the Communist Party's cell structure, a system that organized members into small groups that remained separated to minimize the risk of a police raid blowing the lid off the whole clandestine operation. Everyone also used made-up names. Legg had no use for Mattachine's Communist leadership—he "found Marxism completely absurd, a ponderously silly utopianism"—but he didn't think it was worth worrying too much about. As it grew, the group soon had more non-Communists than reds, including a number who identified as conservative or libertarian, such as Dale Jennings, a young writer from Colorado.
Mattachine meetings focused on discussing homosexuals' civil rights. Not everyone wanted just to talk. In October 1952, Legg hosted a Mattachine meeting at his apartment. The night's guest speaker was a former member of the Los Angeles Police Department vice squad who had recently quit his job in protest over the underhanded tactics his unit used to lure homosexuals into arrest. The strategies, he explained, included hiring especially handsome men, often aspiring Hollywood actors, to entrap homosexuals in parks, public restrooms, and bars. For most of the 75 men and women in attendance, including Legg, nothing about the officer's talk came as a surprise. Earlier that year, Jennings had been arrested after trying to ignore a suspicious man trailing him on his walk home who then forced his way into Jennings' apartment. There, even as Jennings continued to resist his advances, the man shoved Jennings' hands down his pants before flashing him his police badge. Even in their homes, homosexuals couldn't find sanctuary from the law.
Still, it was something else to hear straight from the horse's mouth how coordinated and even corrupt the police were in their efforts to incriminate homosexuals. The normally civilized Mattachine discussion group turned into a yelling match, all the pent-up frustrations and anger erupting into cacophony. No one could hear a word at first. Eventually, it became clear that half of the attendees wanted to keep talking about what they had just learned and the rest wanted to do something about it. This second group, led by Legg and Jennings, moved to Legg's kitchen. They were joined by Martin Block, a New Yorker who owned a local bookstore and who had already been close to his breaking point with the Mattachine Society for "each and every one of their Communist enthusiasms." The time finally felt right for a split.
Someone proposed forming a separate organization. Someone else proposed starting a magazine. They opted to do both.
They called the new organization ONE, Inc. The name had been inspired by a quotation from the philosopher Thomas Carlyle: "A mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one." The "Inc." denoted their registration as a corporation, but it was also a deliberate move to signal that the group had no connections to communism. ONE would go on to host lectures and discussion groups and to fund research studies on homosexuality. It launched ONE Magazine in January 1953, three months after the group's founding. The magazine was the very first publication in the United States devoted to positive coverage of homosexuality.
Legg quit his lucrative career to work full time as ONE Magazine's business manager and assistant editor. The job paid a paltry $25 a week, but he felt compelled by this new mission. "The simple truth," he wrote, "was that my profession no longer came first. The minority with which I was increasingly identifying myself was rapidly acquiring the nature of an imperative obligation."
Legg approached his work with the entrepreneurial spirit his father had instilled in him. He drove all over Los Angeles selling the magazine to newsstands and traveled to homophile groups around the West Coast to promote the publication. Within a year, ONE Magazine had more than 5,000 subscribers around the country—and a much larger readership, as the copies got quietly passed around.
On the masthead, Legg went by William Lambert. It wasn't exactly a pseudonym: more a variation of his full name, William Dorr Lambert Legg. Under other bylines—Marvin Cutler, Hollister Barnes, W. G. Hamilton, Valentine Richardson, Sidney Rothman—Legg penned articles to fill its pages. Sometimes he wrote as Wendy Lane, since the magazine couldn't get many lesbians to write for it at first. Although Legg used pseudonyms to keep from being detected by legal authorities, the fake names had an added benefit: They kept his readers from realizing how few writers actually contributed to ONE Magazine in its early years.
The magazine debuted as the U.S. Post Office, like the FBI and local police, was clamping down on homosexuals. It tracked men who subscribed to physique magazines, where muscular male models posed wearing almost nothing. Investigators sometimes participated in pen-pal clubs, where they formed connections with men they suspected of being homosexual and then surveilled their mail to determine who in their correspondence might also be gay. Nearly two-thirds of ONE's subscribers shelled out an additional dollar above the annual $2 subscription price to have their copies sent in a plain, sealed envelope with nothing indicating its origins. But a homophile magazine had little chance of going undiscovered. If homosexuals weren't protected from having vice squads barge right into their homes, there was no way their mail wasn't going to get opened too.
The Comstock Act of 1873, still in effect, made it illegal to mail anything lascivious, lewd, or obscene, and ONE's coverage of homosexuality put it in constant jeopardy of being said to violate the law. The Los Angeles post office refused to mail the August 1953 issue due to its cover title: "Homosexual Marriage?"
Legg wasn't going to let the government intimidate his magazine into silence. He hired a young lawyer, Eric Julber, who started hounding the Postal Service. After three weeks, the post office finally released the issue when the solicitor general in Washington, D.C., declared it wasn't obscene. On the magazine's next issue, Legg deliberately poked at the authorities with the headline "ONE Is Not Grateful." A cover note elaborated on Legg's anger. "Your August issue was late," it read, "because the postal authorities in Washington and Los Angeles had it under a microscope."
Los Angeles' postmaster made his next move when he declared that the October 1954 issue included "obscene, lewd, lascivious, and filthy" content and ordered that all the copies be kept from distribution. Legg instructed Julber to sue. Recognizing the case would hinge on whether the magazine's First Amendment rights had been violated, Julber asked the American Civil Liberties Union's L.A. office for help. But the group wasn't interested in a case involving homosexuals.
Local law enforcement regularly came to ONE's shabby offices in downtown Los Angeles. In 1956, the FBI showed up too. The bureau's director, J. Edgar Hoover, was irate over an article that suggested its top officials were homosexuals. For more than a decade, rumors had swirled that Hoover was carrying on an affair with his right-hand man, Clyde Tolson. Incensed, Hoover fired off an angry note to Tolson: "We've got to get these bastards." A day later, FBI agents were pounding at ONE's office door.
Their terrifying presence only reinforced Legg's conviction that the government had too much power over the lives of everyone, especially homosexuals. Gathering his nerve and his unwavering belief that he didn't have to answer to anyone, Legg ignored the agents' questions and ordered them out. "I'm not going to give you any information," Legg declared. "What are your names and numbers? That's all I'm interested in."
Meanwhile, ONE's court case dragged on. Initially, both a district court and a court of appeals sided with the postmaster. But the appeals ruling provided an opening when, citing an article in the confiscated October issue titled "Sappho Remembered," it ruled the magazine was "cheap pornography calculated to promote lesbianism." ONE's lawyer took this language straight to the Supreme Court, asking whether simply being a positive portrayal of homosexuality was enough to make a text obscene, and therefore not covered by the First Amendment. Up until then, the Court had never even considered a case concerning homosexuality, and it found this assertion so novel that, even without hearing oral arguments, it unanimously reversed the lower courts' rulings.
The Supreme Court issued no written opinion, and The New York Times gave only one sentence to the case about "a magazine dealing with homosexuality." But Legg and his colleagues knew they had won a landmark decision in ONE, Inc. v. Olesen (1958). The nation's highest legal authority had cleared the way for ONE and the two other homophile publications, Mattachine Review and The Ladder, to freely operate—the first national victory for the fledgling movement. Legg also took pleasure in knowing that he had helped push back an overbearing, invasive government. "We took on the whole federal government for a period of four years," Legg enthused, "and they spent big money, with top lawyers from Washington, to squash us. And they didn't! We won."
Eight months later, Legg wrote an article for ONE titled "I Am Glad I Am Homosexual." It voiced his frustration that most homosexuals continued to see their homosexuality as inherently wrong, an attitude that led them to live secret lives of shame while accepting society's judgments of them as sick, sinful, and criminal. While the fact that Legg had written the piece under a pseudonym indicated he still was taking steps to conceal his own identity, the article also showed he had little patience with homophile organizations who felt they "should cooperate to the fullest extent with 'public authorities.'" Instead, Legg counted himself among the small group of "admitted homosexuals" who "are actively, resiliently proud of their homosexuality, glad for it." These homosexuals believed they should have "the same legal and social privileges as others, no more, but also, no less."
Although ONE, Inc. had been created as a breakaway group from the Mattachine Society, it continued to work closely with Mattachine and with the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB), a lesbian organization out of San Francisco. "We had to stand shoulder to shoulder because the movement was so small," Legg has explained. But by 1958, the loose bonds that connected the small homophile movement were beginning to fray. The irony was that it was Legg the Republican, and not the generally more left-leaning members of the DOB and Mattachine, who insisted that homosexuals were a minority group deserving of equal standing under the law.
Legg's view that homosexuals should be able to live free of government interference also put him in conflict with his own political party in the 1950s. Republicans in Washington, such as Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy, had become eager to root out homosexuals who worked for the government and to curtail the civil liberties of gay men and women everywhere. Legg detested McCarthy. "True conservatives," he would say, "are libertarians. They believe in limiting the hand of government."
Legg thought the homophile movement should spell out homosexuals' basic civil liberties, among them the right to be free of government surveillance and discriminatory laws. He suggested that the 1961 ONE Midwinter Institute, an annual convening of the three homophile groups, could be focused on outlining a "Homosexual Bill of Rights." Legg didn't imagine any of this as controversial, at least not among homophile activists. Indeed, what he was advocating was an early example of the identity politics that gay liberationists would heartily embrace more than a decade later.
But in 1961, Legg's proposal was virtually dead on arrival, because of disagreements over politics and political strategy. An early planning meeting for the conference almost fell apart when no one could agree over what words like "liberty, rights, freedom, [and] free-will" even meant, the very words that had been Legg's guiding principles all his life. In the DOB's magazine The Ladder, Del Martin argued that publishing a bill of rights would generate a backlash that was "likely to set the homophile movement back into oblivion" by making political demands that would never be granted. When the 1961 Midwinter Institute finally did meet, Jaye Bell, the DOB's president, delivered a crushing blow at the banquet event. A Homosexual Bill of Rights, she told the gathering, would "be potentially an extremely dangerous act to the work which has been done and is being done to change public opinion." Bell stressed a gradual approach of continuous education to change common perceptions about homosexuals, rather than the radical act of demanding rights. "Either these are rights we already have, or they are rights which cannot be asked, because to do so would be to demand that people have the attitudes we prescribe for them," she argued. "One cannot demand or legislate attitudes."
There would be no Homosexual Bill of Rights. Legg was furious, lashing out at "brain-washed" lesbians who, "by virtue of their own infrequent personal contact with the brutal realities of the denial of rights the male homosexual so continuously experiences, were but a small step ahead of heterosexuals in their comprehensions of what the problems are."
Legg's comments betrayed both an ignorance of and an indifference to lesbian concerns: In fact, police raided lesbian bars all the time. But lesbians didn't usually cruise in the ways that gay men did, and that made them less vulnerable to the practices by which law enforcement regularly surveilled and entrapped homosexual men, which Legg had experienced.
An editorial likely written by Legg and Don Slater, the head editor of ONE and also a Republican, expressed dismay that the majority who had opposed the Homosexual Bill of Rights had acted as if "the lot of the homosexual is not so bad after all." It was the view of ONE, on the other hand, that the homosexual was a "second-class citizen" who required the "safeguarding of individual liberty from [the] tyranny of the majority."
The language of personal freedom signaled Legg's libertarian views. His demand for action marked him as a militant. These were reinforcing rather than contradictory positions, originating together from Legg's firm conviction that government's powers had to be restrained in order for anyone, especially the homosexual, to have real freedom. Those politics and that temperament made him an outlier in the homophile movement.
For a decade, that hadn't mattered much. But the fallout over the Homosexual Bill of Rights—ONE and the DOB would have little connection going forward, and things with Mattachine also grew increasingly strained—foreshadowed the alienation Legg would soon feel. In a short time, the growing successes of the New Left and the Civil Rights Movement led leaders of the DOB, Mattachine, and a new umbrella group, the East Coast Homophile Organizations, to change their tactics. The once apolitical movement became politically active, even going so far as to use public demonstrations to protest discrimination, and now spoke in the language of minority rights by the mid-1960s. From there it grew into the decidedly left-leaning gay rights movement of the 1970s.
Meanwhile, another group of gay men and lesbians started founding what they called "gay Republican clubs" to make their presence known to the GOP. In 1977, Legg became one of them, as a founding member of the Lincoln Republicans of Southern California. The group would soon rename itself the Log Cabin Club. By the mid-1980s, the Los Angeles organization would be the largest and most powerful gay Republican club in the nation. In the early 1990s, it linked up with other gay Republican groups to form the national Log Cabin Republicans organization.
Legg would grumble about the "1969ing [of] everything." By this he meant how so many saw that year's Stonewall Rebellion as the moment that launched the gay rights movement, failing to recognize the "twenty years before [of] a hell of a lot of hard work by hundreds and hundreds of dedicated people who put their lives and their jobs and everything else on the line." Some of this was just the understandable response of a cantankerous man in his 70s annoyed by younger generations who didn't know or appreciate the risks and sacrifices that had led to their moment. But it also reflected Legg's opposition to where the gay rights movement was going as it aligned with the issues and organizations of the left.
Not that he was all that happy with where his Republican Party seemed headed either. Another group of Republicans was putting the GOP on a collision course with the likes of Legg, and with any gay Republicans who believed that their party stood for limited government, personal privacy, and the freedom to live their lives as they saw fit.
This article has been adapted from Coming Out Republican: A History of the Gay Right by permission of The University of Chicago Press.
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And after the gay got the right to marry they stopped and didn't continue to push for the sexualization or mutilation of children, laumch lawfare attacks against catholics, push to make pedofilia a sexual orientation, and demand extra legal protections not afforded to everyone else.
It turns out the 90s school moms were right on this one. Take the L
To be fair, most gays I know did stop there. However, the advocacy organizations they started did not stop there. They did not say, "Woot! We won. Let's close down and go home." No, like Mothers Against Drunk Driving after they got the drinking age to 21, after the victory celebration cleared, most people went home but the true zealots remained.
These ever more extreme stances on sexual "rights" are the result of billions of dollars of advocacy funding looking for a cause. And they have found it in "Trans Rights".
"looking for a cause" - is probably a consequence of a welfare state.
More a consequence of tax laws that encourage charitable giving.
Nope, just ordinary bureaucracies. They grow just as all organizations tend to grow, with the difference that bureaucrats have no measure of success except how many people they supervise, how big their budgets are, and how many regulations they pass.
That’s why government is so evil. It is nothing but a bureaucracy, and a monopoly to boot, so it has no competition to keep it in check, no fear of bankruptcy.
Yeah, it's human nature. And the nature of organizations themselves.
Your organization becomes your cause celebre, everyone you know is giving you kudos, you have like minded people around you, and you have power. Either big social power or the small social power of being important within a heirarchy, doesn't matter.
Power corrupts, and people self define. If the organization quits they have no identity, and they have nobody to boss around. Maybe they even feel beholden to their peers, if they quit then all these people will be out of a job.
So organizations metastasize and morph into something new. So do the people running them.
Thanks. I'm so used to repeating my formula, that's a good different take.
No, the problem predates both the welfare state and those tax laws. It's the same fundamental problem that leads to cy pres. Once an institution is set up, it becomes self-perpetuating, even after it's original purpose is met.
Arguably, it can be traced all the way back to the Roman invention of bureaucracy.
Yup. When a goal is attained the careerists running the lobbying operations don't necessarily want to reeducate and go job hunting, when they can just shift the goalposts and keep going.
Another factor was turning sexual preference into an identity, and then a ideology, and then a cult. A preference for sex with other men does not mean that you have anything with other people with same sex preferences, but the whole cult is predicated on the idea that you're a culture and a race.
The LGBTQQI+ is a religious movement masquerading as an identity group.
What really annoys me is that Gorsuch played into the activists calling arguments fallacies when pointed out they wouldn't just stop at small asks when he called gender identity disparate rules based on sex.
Wonder if he regrets his decision now.
They shift not just the goalposts but also the rhetoric. If we believe them, the crisis has worsened even as the issue has largely been resolved. I agree that some professional activists are mercenary, but I suggest a bigger driver comes from the political utility of NOT solving the issue, at least in public perception.
It’s probably a combination of continuing the grift plus the political expediency of never truly solving the problem.
For the extreme die hards, it’s just another way for them to use Marxist tactics to try and usher in their preferred order.
Cram your revisionist history sideways. You can see it in the news then and now, in the social and scientific literature, and in the history. The pederasty/pedophilia and gender obliteration, and the infighting surrounding it, has been part of the LGTBQIA+ movement since before Stonewall. Many of the older Trans Rights organizations predate many of the larger gay rights organizations by decades. Kinsey was doing sexual research on children under the premise that they were naturally sexual creatures from birth since the 40s. Money established the Johns Hopkins Gender Clinic in 1965. Hirschfeld’s similar barbarism dates back to the Weimar.
You don’t get to have it both/all ways. Either it’s a latent part of human behavior tacitly associated with opulence, vice, various neuroses and poor moral/logical thought back to Rome (and probably before) or it’s some immaculately-conceived, divinely-inspired modern thing that sprang into being but that, (un)like John Smith and Mormonism or L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology or Torquemada and the Inquisition, has not yet meaningfully distinguished or cannot conspicuously distinguish itself from the above.
Edit: And to be clear about "poor moral/logical thought" in the same vein, redundantly, you can't simultaneously say 'a disproportionate number of gay and trans individuals are psychologically and socially maladapted because of sexual abuse as children...' and then turn around and say '... and "pederasty" is a good thing!'.
Like MADD, or earlier, The March of Dimes. It was founded to combat polio – but after it financed the development and production of the Salk injectable vaccine (starting in 1955), it opposed the approval of the Sabin oral vaccine. It was an effective and safe vaccine, but it took several years to inject all the children, and tens of millions of adults remained unvaccinated six years later. By that time, a hundred million people in other countries had received the Salk vaccine – but between the MOD protecting its turf and bureaucrats at the FDA, the Salk vaccine had to be proven again in trials in the USA.
The Salk vaccine was finally approved over the March of Dimes opposition in 1961, and two years later _everyone_ in my home town could line up for a free dose. They didn’t ask about previous shots, because so much of the Salk vaccine had been produced that it was easier to just hand it out to everyone. I remember the elation of the adults on that day – in spite of the MOD-supported Sabin shots being approved for 7 years already, they weren’t sure the polio epidemic was over until everyone got a sugar cube soaked with the Salk oral vaccine.
So the MOD's mission was accomplished, in spite of their efforts - but they never closed.
So the MOD’s mission was accomplished, in spite of their efforts – but they never closed.
Even at that, though. "Vaccinate all humanity against polio." or "Eradicate polio." are close-ended goals or end states. "Secure gay rights"? It's, arguably deliberately, vague and open-ended.
If you look at the national stats on people arrested for child sex abuse each week, few or none are drag queens or trans people. A majority of them usually have "Rev." in front of their names.
Also "child sexual mutilation" -- i.e. sexual reassignment surgery for minors -- is so rare as to be virtually nonexistent. It's one of those things that right-wing cranks scream about, like "post-birth abortion" and "illegal aliens collecting Social Security," that they just made up to be butthurt about. Minors may get puberty blockers, which have no permanent effect once they're discontinued.
You should go back to melting down over some totally real and legitimate issue instead, like 15-minute city ankle bracelets and being forced to eat bugs.
I'm sure you can link your statistics for us.
Try this;
From JAMA, June 27, 2024, "Prevalence of Gender-Affirming Surgical Procedures Among Minors and Adults in the US"
Dannie Dai, BS1; Brittany M. Charlton, ScD2; Elizabeth R. Boskey, PhD3; et al
"The rate of undergoing a gender-affirming surgery with a TGD-related diagnosis was 5.3 per 100 000 total adults compared with 2.1 per 100 000 minors aged 15 to 17 years, 0.1 per 100 000 minors aged 13 to 14 years, and 0 procedures among minors aged 12 years or younger."
The same study noted that gender affirming surgeries for minors were more common in cisgendered individuals such as breast reduction in cis-males to correct for gynecomastia.
These are only the numbers paid for by insurance. Very few companies pay for it. Apparently 2022-2024 numbers are significantly higher.
2019-2021 children ages 13-17 given a mastectomy with a prior “gender dysphoria” diagnosis: 776
2019-2021 children ages 13-17 given genital surgeries with a prior “gender dysphoria” diagnosis: 56
Not one of those kids needed those butcheries. The remedy for suicidal tendencies isn't beheading, the remedy for self harm cutters isn't a stabbing, the remedy for gender dysphoria isn't castration and mastectomies.
It is like you guys ignore the Cass report.
You also forgot the overwhelming number if pedophiles being reverands.
Ah, I see it. To
PrRegressives, a 24 year old is a child when citing gun deaths, but a 13 year old is not a child when talking about sex change surgery.Minors may get puberty blockers, which have no permanent effect once they’re discontinued.
Why would discontinue critical medical care?
They don’t. That’s why they can’t back up their assertion that delaying normal puberty has no harmful effects. In almost all cases, teens who start on puberty blockers end up proceeding to medical and surgical transitioning, so we have little information on what happens to those who discontinue puberty blockers and are then allowed to mature naturally.
There is quite a lot of long term studies on it. Osteoporosis and other maladies. Also you can't just restart puberty. There is almost always some down side.
There is quite a lot of long term studies on it.
Yeah. The idea that there are no long term studies on it is like saying there are no long term studies on people taking viagra to grow hair. The subjects' desire or lack of desire for any particular effect is (supposed to be) largely immaterial to the designed/intended effect designated in the study. The drugs have been in use for almost 50 yrs. The side effects on primary and secondary sex characteristics are well understood even for people who are/were taking them to legitimately delay 'precocious' puberty and people, well past puberty, who are taking them for other medical reasons.
To say nothing about the myriad of issues and facts wove into the statement "There is four decades more research on puberty blockers than there is/was on mRNA vaccines."
you can’t just restart puberty.
No, you can't. The body and brain continue to develop during the time normal puberty is being blocked—the blockers don't simply freeze you at age 11 until they're stopped. The outcome is therefore substantially different when "puberty" is allowed to happen later. But as I said, this is usually masked by the fact that most users of puberty blockers then proceed to use hormones and surgery to "transition", and so what would have been the "normal" outcome of their development is never known.
puberty blockers, which have no permanent effect once they’re discontinued.
Fuck you. Known and documented asshat. Intrinsically and at the mechanistic level.
The fact that you want to trick people into harming themselves in order to indulge your stupidity and others' delusions is repugnantly immoral. To the point that any reasonable social or political movement who aspires to be perceived as reaasonable and/or moral would do well to kick you to the curb, forcefully and with prejudice.
Learn how to read.
And after the gay got the right to marry
There is no right to marry. There is a right to free association and/or peaceable assembly. All the other 111 or whatever privileges that gay rights activists went combing through common law to identify or invent are as indicated, at best mere privileges, at worst handouts and compulsory knee bending. Knee bending and privilege that, in the name of equality and the genders, avoiding the oppression of women, may make sense but, otherwise, makes none.
It turns out the 90s school moms were right on this one.
The schadenfreudiest thing about it is, it's not clear if the school moms were right, or if a large portion of the community/movement, intentionally or not, lived down to some of their lowest expectations.
“Homophile” makes about as much (or as little) sense as “homophobe” – it’s not “sameness” that people either loved or feared. Frankly, I’m surprised to see that a word based on that same kind of confusion was used in the 1920s. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. That also goes for
Like many Midwestern Republicans, his father deplored Wall Street and the fat-cat bankers of the Northeast, even if they largely belonged to his political party
I didn’t know Neil Young wrote for Reason <g>. OK, it’s Neil J. Young. Why does adding a middle initial of J. seem like a common way of distinguishing someone from another person of the same name? Like with Hugh J. Grant Circle (here in the Bronx)?
Why does adding a middle initial of J. seem like a common way of distinguishing someone from another person of the same name?
Do you have a better suggestion? Like a serial number or something?
Neil Young (formally known as a musician, wait this is the other one) would suffice. Works for TwitterX.
Modern media. Just say Neil Young is a homophile and let it run. He’s a public figure, he can handle it. Especially if Sandmann and Rittenhouse can handle “He’s a racist kid who…".
Because why not? It's not like truth or morals or any of it means anything or does any harm to anyone.
Neil Young #J-248
tattoo on the wrist maybe?
Michale j fox
Homer j simpson
Dr j
Dr j
Carl Jung?
All be… There was a few select places where poking poopy butt-holes was illegal 100+ years ago. Learn something new all the time.
Well it’s good the 4th Amendment got upheld (right to privacy) and that should’ve been the end of it. Demanding a government status symbol (marriage) for poopy-butthole obsession is too far. Then again; Government defining such private matters is too far. Power-madness is a human plague it appears.
One thing becoming apparent is most Individual Rights are being upheld by Republicans (probably not 'Radical'). While the left just uses them as leverage for their [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire building. Never really ensuring any of them. ( Point & Case: RvW )
You should get together with Sevo to talk poop.
It was neither just "a few select places" nor only "100+ years ago". A hundred years ago, "sodomy" was outlawed in nearly all the states*, and the Supreme Court upheld these laws (and by implication, other laws interfering with private sexual activity between consenting adults) in Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986. Some states repealed these laws and many stopped enforcing them, but several states continued to enforce such laws until Lawrence v Texas in 2003, when the Supreme Court overturned Bowers v. Hardwick.
*American laws weren't the worst; in Lawrence v Texas the penalty was a fine, unlike the British homosexuals Oscar Wilde who spent two years in prison or Alan Turing who was chemically castrated. In the Roman Republic and in Prussia the legal penalty for homosexuality was death, although this was rarely enforced and many prominent Romans and at least two Kings of Prussia were suspected of homosexuality. But in Imperial Germany in 1902, Friedrich Alfred Krupp, the head of the vast Krupp steel and armaments company, was caught in a relationship with a young Italian man, and neither his huge fortune nor his buddy the Kaiser could cover it up; Krupp apparently committed suicide rather than face trial and years at hard labor.
Several? Even the last-stand you exemplify was tossed by State Court in 1998 "though the statute had already been struck down by the Georgia Supreme Court in 1998"
Bowers v. Hardwick
Humorously upheld by a Democrat justice…
“The majority opinion, by Justice Byron White (JFK nominee), reasoned that the U.S. Constitution did not confer ‘a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy'”.
And dissent by Republican justice…
“The senior dissent, by Justice Harry Blackmun (Nixon nominee), framed the issue as revolving around the right to privacy.”
Reminds me of how the left entirely propagandized the Right as being the slavers when all along it was the left. Doing the same thing here.
he taught his son that prosperity grew out of self-reliance and individual endeavor, not collusion and backroom deal-making.
Wow. Was he ever wrong, as the oligarchs running the show now amply demonstrate.
As for the Democrats, his father added, they ran corrupt machines in the big northern cities and used violence and intimidation to deny blacks their rights down south.
Still do, as everyone from Clarence Thomas to Bill Cosby can attest.
Pretty good look into how failed scientists turned essayists became the leading "experts" that jeffsarc and jfree turned to during covid.
Another example of why you can’t have chicks in charge.
Unfortunately, the human animal operates mostly using feelz and faith. Actual science is supposed to be the opposite of that, and people who say they value science would have to overcome their innate tendencies. How likely is that?
Slight disagreement. Science and potentially even just cognition operates on its own dose of faith. Feelz is right, though.
Long thread on the judges giving British citizens 2+ years to citizens screaming at cops or posting online and how the same judges handled cases of pedophilia.
The theme seems to be pedophiles showed regret so no jail. But don't you dare criticize government.
“The theme seems to be pedophiles showed regret so no jail.”
This was the same argument for leniency Jeff gave for the child gang rapists who didn’t penetrate but “merely” ejaculated on the child.
Well jeff is a pedophilic monster.
Lol do you think that if you repeat it enough that it will become true?
That is how your right-wing bubble world works but that is not how reality works.
DoJ finally realizes that maybe hunter was using his dads position to make money for the family while Joe was VP.
How long before the entire Biden clan gets memory-holed?
A few days after F. Joe resigns.
Hey, remember when someone shot Donald Trump? Crazy how that happened, right? It's surprising how quickly it's fallen out of the conversation.
Well the soft coup against the sitting president kind of stole the thunder.
What's amazing to me is how millions of CNN watching Boomer midwits are just accepting it all like normal.
You can excuse the Millennials and Gen-Z who were raised in a pseudo nanny-state by helicopter parents, but the Boomers were raised by parents who actually fought fascism and they cut their teeth on civil rights and free speech.
the soft coup against the sitting president
God you lot are both thick and desperate. Biden is still president so no coup of any kind. And do you really think that the Democrats should have let Biden run, given his age and cognitive deficiencies? “Biden is too old and is senile” “We finally agree, so we’re replacing him” “Noooooooo!”
Well the soft coup against the sitting president kind of stole the thunder.
You mean the most recent soft coup against the most recent sitting president.
And yeah, Gen X raised on near-constant skater punk/grunge, second-generation 'damn the man', Rage Against the Machine, 'the news is completely manipulated', sloganeering to each other deserve a good kick to the groin in this regard too.
The news is completely manipulated. That’s one of the few things they were right about. Just in the wrong way.
I think all the dystopia was a heady mix of knee jerk commie assumptions from the 60s/70s coming home to roost in ex-hippies kids, mixed with 80s movie magic derangement. Then in the early 90s you could totally sell depression, dejection, and disappointment and make a fortune. But yes, we deserve our own bollocking for sure.
Lefty-Media couldn't figure out a way to make it all Trumps fault so it wasn't news-worthy.
I heard there was a popping noise. Maybe he got cut by a teleprompter that shattered or something. The FBI wanted to talk to him, I remember a headline he finally agreed to talk to them, so what was he hiding? Oh my god EVERYONE LOVES KAMALA don't they?
This month has been the weirdest propaganda news cycle in a while. And that's saying something.
The secret service pulled him off the stage after he fell.
A federal judge has ordered the Justice Department to “answer” charges in a $30 million wrongful death suit on behalf of Ashli Babbitt
DOJ is trying to move the case to DC. Wonder why.
Yeah. It isnlretry sickening. And reminder, the killer got a medal.
She was trespassing. TRESPASSING!
The cop couldn't see! He had good intentions! The US was almost destroyed!!
The gun discharged!
Babbitt was probably drunk!
And definitely MAGA.
Right, attacking the Capitol is speech!!!!
Looks more like speech than BLM looting.
And if cops had shot and killed an unarmed protestor at a BLM riot, I mean mostly peaceful protest, how many additional cities would have burned down?
Kamala Harris is using black curtains to cover up empty seats at her rallies
Her huge crowd at the tarmac obvious photos hop has me laughing my ass off. The usual media and idiots are saying it is real. Snipes refuses to say it it obvious photoshop.
The reflections on the jet show an empty tarmac.
The Soviets did this with their early propaganda though, and the point wasn't to convince people, but rather to find out who would play along and who wouldn't.
Good point. A chance for a profession of faith from the brethren, and a test of support from the mercenaries.
And also an expression of delusion from the party of the "my truth" view of reality.
Just hit the Drudge Report. Good site to see what the current DNC propaganda is and the big headlines are "Trump claims crowd is AI" saying his statement is false, and "Hers is bigger than his" with the doctored pic of the tarmac full of people.
They've been running on drudge and MSNBC and others with headlines "Trump scared of Kamala's crowds" and the like for a week.
Also, where the fuck do they allow thousands of people on the runway tarmac of an active airport? And, why aren't the cell phones of everyone in the crowd showing, you know, the rest of the crowd? I wouldn't put it past a Kamala supporter to try and take a terrible cell phone video from the back of a huge crowd, or so I'd guess as I've never met anyone who actually likes Kamala.
Watching the news through the mainstream media is definitely being on the other side of the looking glass.
Got a link? I like good laughs.
Sums it up pretty well.
Here is the original talking about snopes.
Be fair. Our official state media propaganda machine is doing their best to support the narrative that their readers demand.
Hahah! zoom in on the engine. There’s like 3 people and a building in the reflection.
Total nonsense fake.
Plus, crowds wouldn’t be allowed on the tarmac at an airport.
Thanks. I also got a kick out of the guy holding up the campaign sign backwards, message behind him to the camera. If I wanted the camera to see a sign I was holding, I'd turn and face the camera to make sure I was pointing it at them.
The Harris campaign knows how stupid her followers are. It is just amazing how they openly do this shit knowing their followers are dumb.
Don't confuse stupid with faith.
What the hell, go right ahead.
The one is even pretty clearly AI-generated. You have people just holding up squares of white light effectively pointed at the tail of the plane with their hands over where the lens of their phone camera would be directly in front of other disembodied, half-melted arms just holding phones.
Compared to other recent photos, it almost feels like a bizarre 'The Matrix is about to reset itself.' situation.
I see an empty seat,
and I want it curtained black
The Democratic Party's American Kristallnacht is running much longer than the original German version.
Assailant yells "free Palestine" before stabbing Jew in New York
This of course is being whipped up by new Der Stürmers like CNN who gaslight the Sarcs and JFrees with front page headlines about 90 Palestinians being killed in an Israeli strike on a school.
Then revising it down to 40 when the story is no longer on the front page, then 20, while refusing to mention that the strike was at 5 AM, in the summer, and the school was being used as a Hamas HQ and weapons depot by fighters.
And at the same time CNN is telling us that X is full of dangerous "misinformation".
5 AM is legit stupid, but don't rely on summer. Lots of places have different school schedules, some are year round, etc.
IDF confirmed the identity of the 19 killed in the attack. All terrorists with lengthy backgrounds.
Palestine doesn’t strike me as a place that actually sends their kids to school, let alone year round.
Unless they’re using them as shields.
Here, lemme help you.
Yes, despite having summers 'off', my kids go to summer classes at their schools and have sports and orientation activities there, especially now, that's not the point.
C-SPAN clip.
Tim Walz implies he suffers from PTSD after serving in Afghanistan…….something he never did.
"I was one of those people who came back... and they showed us the Horse Whisperer and sent us on our way..."
Is Walz a pathological liar?
He’s a Democrat and a politician, so yes.
Did he say Biden was "fit to serve," even after the debate?
When even the chaplain calls you a coward.
Chaplain of Tim Walz’s National Guard battalion calls VP pick ‘cowardly’ for abandoning unit
But remember that it was okay to call orangemanbad a coward because army doctors classified him 4-F, but calling out a guy who abandons his unit is harassment.
He would not be welcome in today's GOP, that's for damn sure.
Explain how you’re not a Democrat again? Why wouldn’t he be welcome? Do Log Cabin Republicans not exist? Brandon Straka is fake? Richard Grennell doesn’t exist?
This didn't happen just a month ago?
Did Jen Psaki tell you this narrative?
^This is what mental illness looks like.^
You're arguing with the voices in your head again.
Can’t stand behind your statement I see.
This response doesn’t even make sense. You literally made a retarded bald assertion that you are now seemingly denying making.
Do you have yourself muted or something?
That's not me, it's Tulpa.
Tulpa has two accounts now. Please mute the one above me. Another sock.
“Shoot us both Spock!”
No. He's arguing with what YOU said.
Has he gotten even more retarded?
Late-stage whole weekend bender.
Is that when he runs out of cheap vodka and switches to Listerine?
The key is to cut it in gradually.
You literally said he wouldn’t be welcome in the current GOP….
Unless one of these is the spoofer.
Representatives of the GOP in these comments equate being gay with pedophilia, talk about the “gay agenda”, and worship a candidate who supports “traditional family values” which is code for opposing same sex marriage. That’s why I said the subject of the article wouldn’t be welcome in their club.
I say Jesse is mentally ill because he equates criticism of his beloved GOP and pointing out his hatred for gays (which he revealed in his attacks in Chase) with being a Democrat.
So you defend your bald assertion with strawman arguments. Ignore the link given to you just above. Talk about “code”, ie dog whistles. Then reassert your retarded bald assertion.
Never once providing a single ounce of evidence.
Relying on the liberal idententarian narratives to attack your enemies. Are you sure you’re not a Democrat?
What attacks on Chase sarc? Youre so full of fucking shit. Every one of my comments on Chase is about his fucking words and platforms. Go pull up the Chase article you ridiculous lying fuck.
Only you and Jeff make comments about him being gay.
Youre such a pathalogical liar.
Just show one fucking example of my hatred of gays you leftist lying fucktard.
I’ve got a life and you are incredibly unimportant. So no. I will not be a loser like you and bookmark comments or go on some stupid search for comments. Especially because you’ll just lie about it like you lie about everything else. Your obsession with this comments section is pathetic and shows serious mental instability as well as a total lack of friends. Get a fucking life. Seriously.
Poor sarc
Youre a pathstlogical liar who has gone full leftist and chooses identitarian attacks instead of any form of intellectual argument retard.
Do a search in reason for Chase Oliver. Find one fucking example. Prove you aren’t pathalogical.
He hates Chase for being gay? Where did he say that? I’d love to take him to task for it.
Beyond that, I don’t think they are representatives of the GOP any more than you or Jeff are representatives of the DNC. More Conservative/Liberal sure (I know I lean more conservative in my thinking), but they aren’t synonymous to the parties.
I don’t bookmark nor search for comments.
I’m not a friendless loser like the members of my hate club.
You're a drunk and a troll, your ex-wife hates you and you had a messy divorce, your daughter reported you to CPS and won't talk to you, even here on a bloody comments section everyone, except maybe Jeff and Shrike, hate you or find you offensive.
But somehow we're supposed to believe you're not a friendless loser.
No. You simply push lies seeking approval from jeff. Lol.
You've both used this attack multiple times without evidence because you can't help but lie.
Both of the replies to Jesse's post starting with "This response" are the spoofer. I can tell because I had sarcasmic on mute before the spoofer showed up.
They don’t care. They argue with the voices in their heads, not me. So as long as they see my name attached to a comment it’s an excuse to launch rehearsed arguments against their imagination.
Poor sarc
They don’t care.
I'm old enough to remember a week and a half ago when Sarckles was rubbing himself off with glee that I was being spoofed.
Have you ever thought of not being a huge hypocrite?
Here is the thread.
Whats funny is sarc was accusing me just yesterday of being the sock.
I truly do think he is just running 2 accounts to attempt plausible deniability when he next claims he was hacked.
I have one of the spoofers on mute already, wasn’t sure if there was a second one.
Strange thing to announce three months before an election.
Pennsylvania announces election results won't be available on election night.
If I recall, a leftist judge extended ballot returns there in violation of law because the USPS may be slow.
How are they supposed to announce the results before they know how many votes they need?
Liberals are freaking out some states require a pre count of ballots recieved as they come in to compare to the totals after the election.
And yet this and many other things don't signal to Reason that there is known corruption and fraud in our elections.
But if you are in the DNC inner circle, you can see the election results now.
They are never able to contain their excitement and glee, so somebody is going leak the plans sooner than later.
Must be some of that "joy" stuff.
I thought they were going to announce how many net Harris votes they had in advance, like they did for Biden in 2020 when no network called Pennsylvania for Trump, despite his insurmountable* lead on Election night.
*insurmountable, based on mail-in vote percentage compared to in-person vote percentage in the other 56 states.
Fortification is more of an art, not a science.
Mrs. Casual and I got our permanent mail-in ballot registrations this week. That is, if you're a
corpseshut-in and you want to vote without ever leaving your house for anyone being able to verify if you even exist, you can helpfully have your ballot mailed to your house for anyone in your house, or the neighbor who picks up the mail's house, to fill out and vote for you, in perpetuity or, maybe, until you're purged from the voter rolls.Fortunately, the Secretary signed his name at the bottom of the polite note letting us know why these all went out, unsolicited to people who weren't expecting them and sitting in private mailboxes for anyone who knew they were there to take. So we know at least one person to vote out of their position.
Progressives are spinning President Trump’s moment from his Rally in Bozeman, Montana where he paused his rally for several minutes for a medical team to care for a woman that had a medical emergency and saying he froze due to cognitive decline
Remember when it was wrong-speak to talk about diminished capacity of old guys?
Schadenfreudiest part is, in a bit of an inverse of the awareness about the photoshopping above, and unlike Biden's freezes in front of cheering crowds, no less than 3 other people behind Trump less than half his age 'freeze' for pretty much the same time and in the same way he does/did. Even breaking out of their freeze and 'reacting' at the same time. Almost like they were all watching the exact same thing happen and reacting to it at the same time.
Let's have some fun.
'Like many Midwestern Republicans, his father deplored Wall Street and the fat-cat bankers of the Northeast, even if they largely belonged to his political party'
OK, the Democrats adopted this view.
'he taught his son that prosperity grew out of self-reliance and individual endeavor, not collusion and backroom deal-making'
But not this view.
'As for the Democrats, his father added, they ran corrupt machines in the big northern cities and used violence and intimidation to deny blacks their rights down south'
I guess this one is split.
Great moments in oligarchical government and corporate media Chemjeffery. Far-right is now a euphemism for the poors:
Far-right violence focused on areas that suffer from high levels of deprivation
So Kamala has now stolen Trump's no tax on tips proposal. Will Reason publish another piece warning about the fiscal Armageddon that's sure to follow? Or is it cool when their endorsed candidate (2020) does it. Tune in Monday.
In the future, everyone will work for tips.
Pretty much worked that way before the dubiously ratified 16th and the payroll tax. Looks like we've come full circle.
If they don’t it’s because they’re leftist. If they do it won’t be mean enough to Democrats, proving that they’re leftists. Heads you win, tails they lose.
In more Kamala news, here's some footage she locked down 10 years ago as CA AG. Warning this is some stomach wrenching shit.
‘Pull Off A Leg Or Two’: Planned Parenthood Staff Discuss Harvesting Baby Parts In Unsealed Footage
Man, these shrill bitches were LITERALLY shouting their abortions.
As someone who frequently gets derided for having the cruel, inhumane objectivity to make such an inversion: Imagine if Anthony Fauci were on camera talking about pulling the legs off of 3 mo. old (or whatever) beagles and selling them.
One winter night in 1924, a 19-year-old named Dorr Legg snuck away to a "charming park," where he had his first sexual experience with another man, something he had been desiring—and studying—for several years.
The fact that this is now called "being in the 3rd grade" is a testament to how far we've come.
These people were always saboteurs. Infiltrate and destroy from within.
There should have never been a “gay rights movement” in the first place. That should have been stamped out with quick and brutal efficiency, the same way the LGBT's nazism that it’s now become was done before.
The fact of the matter is, there is no place in a civil, ordered, and moral society for a homosexual. Sorry. (Not not sorry, just… kinda sorry. But not really that much.) The deviance has proven itself incapable of being contained for free and harmless exercise.
Our problem was tolerance. Even Christians are guilty of this. The whole “live and let live” thing got way out of hand, and once it was there was no way to reign it back. And now it’s anarchy. And, unfortunately, the only way it’s going to be brought to heel is by force.
Luckily, the pedos and the child mutilators that pride under your rainbow are warming everyone up to that real fast.
Funny that you mention Nazism. Famously, both Nazism and Communist regarded homosexuality with abhorrence - indeed, it is virtually a hallmark of authoritarian regimes at both ends of the spectrum. I guess you're in "good" company.
Yea, it’s weird right? Like homosexuality usurped Nazism and Communism and made it their own, as they strive further and further into absurdity with their authoritarian zeal.
Amazing how quick, “what happens in the privacy of our bedroom” revealed itself to actually be “trans your kids and subject them to pedophiles, or go to jail.”
Dear Reason: You used to be a publication that wrote about libertarians. Now all you do is obsess about the legacy duopoly. Perhaps you could try to be libertarian again, and actually write about gays & lesbians in the early Libertarian Party? That would be helpful, instead of writing about someone who helped create Log Cabin Republicans, which has become one of the most reprehensible organizations around.
"One winter night in 1924, a 19-year-old named Dorr Legg snuck away to a `charming park,' where he had his first sexual experience with another man, something he had been desiring—and studying—for several years."
What a heartwarming love story.
I mean, sure, it's no "Prince Charming fell in love with her beauty, gave her a kiss to wake her up, and they lived happily ever after..." but it's better for society as a whole because Conservative men could (finally!) fight for equal sexual rights without women involved.
"a handful of homosexuals began planting seeds"
You don't say.
"Jaye Bell, the DOB's president, delivered a crushing blow at the banquet event"
I am sure he did.