How 1990s Libertarians Laid the Groundwork for Cryptocurrency
Economist Friedrich Hayek inspired an early foray into electronic cash.

The Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek wanted to denationalize money. David Chaum, an innovator in the field of cryptography and electronic cash, wanted to shield it from surveillance. Their goals were not the same, but they each inspired the same man.
Max O'Connor grew up in the British city of Bristol in the 1960s and '70s. Telling his life story to Wired in 1994, he explained how he had always dreamed of a future where humanity expanded its potential in science-fictional ways, a world where people would possess X-ray vision, carry disintegrator guns, or walk straight through walls.
By his teenage years, O'Connor had acquired an interest in the occult. He thought the key to realizing superhuman potential could perhaps be found in the same domain as astral projection, dowsing rods, and reincarnation. But he began to realize there was no compelling evidence that any of these mystical practices actually worked. Human progress, he soon decided, was best served not by the supernatural but by science and logic.
He was a keen student, and especially interested in subjects concerning social organization. By age 23, he'd earned his degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from St. Anne's College, Oxford.
The fresh Oxford graduate aspired to be a writer, but the old university town with its wet climate, dark winters, and traditional British values wasn't providing the energy or inspiration he was looking for. It was time to go somewhere new—somewhere exciting. In 1987, he was awarded a fellowship to a Ph.D. program in philosophy at the University of Southern California (USC). He was moving to Los Angeles.
O'Connor immediately felt at home in the Golden State. The sunny L.A. weather was an obvious upgrade from gray Oxford. And in stark contrast to the conservative mindset prevalent in Great Britain, the cultural vibe on America's West Coast encouraged ambition. Californians celebrated achievement, they respected risk taking, and they praised movers and shakers.
Here, O'Connor would start a new life as a new man. To commemorate the fresh start, he decided to change his name; from then on, Max O'Connor would be "Max More."
"It seemed to really encapsulate the essence of what my goal is: always to improve, never to be static," he explained. "I was going to get better at everything, become smarter, fitter, and healthier. It would be a constant reminder to keep moving forward."
In California, unlike staid England, More found that he wasn't alone in his interest in expanding human potential. One of More's colleagues at USC, a Belgian-born Iranian-American author and teacher known originally as Fereidoun M. Esfandiary but now going by the name "FM-2030," had spent the '70s and '80s popularizing a radical futurist vision.
New technologies would allow engineers to dramatically change the world for the better, FM-2030 predicted. He believed that any risks associated with technological innovation would be offset by the rewards: Solar and atomic power would bring energy abundance, people would colonize Mars, robot workers would increase leisure time, and teleworking would allow people to earn a living from the comfort of their homes.
FM-2030 predicted that technology would soon reach the point where it could drastically improve not just human circumstances but human beings themselves. Health standards would advance as more diseases could be cured and as genetic flaws could be corrected; future pharmaceuticals could boost human potential by, for example, enhancing brain activity.
FM-2030 expected that medical science would even "cure" aging, doing away with finite human life spans, gifting us with bionic body parts and other artificial enhancements. By his estimation, humanity would conquer death around his 100th birthday, in the year 2030. (That's what the number in his name referred to.) FM-2030 predicted that we would eventually turn ourselves into synthetic post-biological organisms. "It's just a matter of time before we reconstitute our bodies into something entirely different, something more space-adaptable, something that will be viable across the solar system and beyond," he wrote in 1989.
To most, those sort of predictions sounded fantastical. But when a research affiliate at the MIT Space Systems Laboratory named K. Eric Drexler in the early 1980s described a technique for manufacturing machinery on a molecular level, the fantastical was already starting to sound a little less implausible. Nanotechnology, Drexler believed, could fundamentally change industries including computing, space travel, and any variety of physical production.
Drexler believed that nanotech could revolutionize health care too. Physical disorders are typically caused by misarranged atoms, as he saw it, and he imagined a future where nanobots could enter the human body to fix this damage—in effect restoring the body to full health from within. Nanotechnology would thus be able to cure just about any disease and ultimately extend life itself.
"Aging is fundamentally no different from any other physical disorder," Drexler wrote in his 1986 book Engines of Creation; "it is no magical effect of calendar dates on a mysterious life-force. Brittle bones, wrinkled skin, low enzyme activities, slow wound healing, poor memory, and the rest all result from damaged molecular machinery, chemical imbalances, and mis-arranged structures. By restoring all the cells and tissues of the body to a youthful structure, repair machines will restore youthful health."
For Max More, such ideas weren't just fun speculation. He believed these predictions offered a fresh and necessary perspective on human existence, even on reality itself. As More collected, studied, and thought about the concepts these futurists had been sharing, the Ph.D. candidate formalized them into a new and distinct philosophical framework: transhumanism.
The general idea and term transhumanism had already been used by evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley in the 1950s, but More now used it to denote an updated version of the humanist philosophy. Like humanism, transhumanism respects reason and science while rejecting faith, worship, and supernatural concepts such as an afterlife. But where humanists derive value and meaning from human nature and existing human potential, transhumanists anticipate and advocate transcending humanity's natural limitations.
"Transhumanism," More wrote in 1989, "differs from humanism in recognizing and anticipating the radical alterations in the nature and possibilities of our lives resulting from various sciences and technologies such as neuroscience and neuropharmacology, life extension, nanotechnology, artificial ultra-intelligence, and space habitation, combined with a rational philosophy and value system."
Specifically, More believed in a positive, vital, and dynamic approach to transhumanism; he favored a message of hope, optimism, and progress. But he did not believe that this progress could be forced or even planned. He rejected Star Trek–like visions of the future where humanity settles under a single, all-wise world government to guide the species forward.
Instead, More believed transhumanists could benefit from Hayek's libertarian insights. Technological innovation requires knowledge and resources. As Hayek explained, the former is naturally distributed throughout society, while the latter is best allocated through free market processes that reveal that knowledge and how it matches freely chosen human desires. If people are allowed the liberty to experiment, innovate, and collaborate on their own terms, More figured, technological progress would naturally emerge. In other words, a more prosperous tomorrow was best realized if society could self-organize as a spontaneous order today.
More found an early ally in fellow USC graduate student Tom W. Bell. Like More, Bell adopted the transhumanist philosophy and favored More's joyful and free approach to achieve it. He decided that he would help spread these novel ideas by writing about them under his own new future-looking pseudonym: Tom Morrow.
To encapsulate their vision, Morrow coined the term extropy. An antonym of entropy—the process of degradation, of running down—extropy stood for improvement and growth, even infinite growth. Those who subscribed to this vision were extropians.
More outlined the foundational principles for the extropian movement in a few pages of text in "The Extropian Principles: A Transhumanist Declaration." It included five main principles: boundless expansion, self-transformation, dynamic optimism, intelligent technology, and—as an explicit nod to Hayek—spontaneous order. Abbreviated, the principles formed the acronym B.E.S.T. D.O. I.T. S.O.
"Continuing improvements means challenging natural and traditional limitations on human possibilities," the essay declared. "Science and technology are essential to eradicate constraints on lifespan, intelligence, personal vitality, and freedom. It is absurd to meekly accept 'natural' limits to our life spans. Life is likely to move beyond the confines of the Earth—the cradle of biological intelligence—to inhabit the cosmos."
Like the transhumanist vision that drove it, the extropian future was ambitious and spectacular. Besides life extension, arguably the central pillar of the movement, extropian prospects included a wide array of futurist technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence to space colonization to mind uploading to human cloning to fusion energy.
Importantly, extropianism had to remain rooted in science and technology—even if in often quite speculative forms. Extropians had to consider how to actualize a better future through critical and creative thinking and perpetual learning.
This called for "rational individualism" or "cognitive independence," More wrote. Extropians had to live by their "own judgment, making reflective, informed choices, profiting from both success and shortcoming," which, he explained, in turn required free and open societies where diverse sources of information and differing perspectives are allowed to flourish.
Governments, in the extropian view, could only hinder progress. Taxes deprive people of the resources to produce and build; borders and other travel restrictions could prevent people from being where they are of most value to the global society; regulations limit people's ability to experiment and innovate. "Centralized command of behavior constrains exploration, diversity, and dissenting opinion," More concluded.
The Subculture
In the fall of 1988, More and Morrow published the first edition of a new journal called Extropy, marking the de facto launch of the extropian movement. Though they had printed only 50 copies of this first edition, its subscribers soon included computer scientists, rocket engineers, neurosurgeons, chemists, and more. Among them were notable names, such as the pioneering cryptographer Ralph Merkle and the Nobel Prize–winning theoretical physicist Richard Feynman.
More believed that religion was irrational, but he also thought it served the important purpose of imbuing humans with a sense of meaning. Extropianism, he argued, had to provide a replacement for that. "The Extropian philosophy does not look outside us to a superior alien force for inspiration," he wrote in 1989. "Instead it looks inside us and beyond us, projecting forward to a brilliant vision of our future. Our goal is not God, it is the continuation of the process of improvement and transformation of ourselves into ever higher forms. We will outgrow our current interests, bodies, minds, and forms of social organization. This process of expansion and transcendence is the fountainhead of meaningfulness."
The extropian perspective on life would over the next couple of years manifest itself as a small and local Californian subculture with distinct habits and rituals. The extropians had their own logo (five arrows spiraling outward from the center, suggesting growth in every direction), and they congregated at an unofficial clubhouse (or "nerd house") called Nextropia. They developed their own handshakes (shooting their hands with intertwined fingers upward to only let go when their arms stretched all the way up—the sky's the limit!), they organized events (where some of them wore extropian-themed costumes, such as dressing up as space colonists), and a number changed their names. There was an MP-Infinity and an R.U. Sirius.
As the extropian community grew from a few dozen to a couple hundred people, More and Morrow in 1990 launched the Extropy Institute, with FM-2030 as its third founding member. The nonprofit educational organization would produce a bimonthly newsletter, organize extropian conferences, and—cutting-edge for its time—host an email list to facilitate online discussion. While email was still a niche technology, the tech-savvy and future-oriented extropians generally knew how to navigate the newly emerging internet.
High-Tech Hayekians
Drexler had joined the extropian community shortly after it was established, as had several of his friends—fellow technologists who worked on some of the most innovative and challenging projects of the day. One of them was Mark S. Miller, at the time the main architect of Xanadu, an ambitious early hypertext project. Founded in 1960, Xanadu was still a work in progress 30 years later.
As part of the project, Drexler and Miller had throughout the 1980s published several papers on allocating processing power across computer networks. Computers, they proposed, could essentially "rent out" spare CPU cycles to the highest bidder. Self-interested computers would allocate their resources across the network through virtual markets to maximize efficiency, all without the need for a central operator. This would allow computing power to be used wherever it was most valued while encouraging investment in more hardware if there was sufficient demand for it.
Drexler and Miller were using Hayek's free market insights to design computer networks. They had studied Hayek's work on the advice of another Xanadu contributor, their mutual friend Phil Salin. A futurist with degrees from UCLA and Stanford University, Salin liked to merge free market insights with cutting-edge technology. Most notably, he had by the mid-1980s concluded that the time was right for a private space transportation industry and launched one of the decade's most ambitious startups, the private space launch company Starstruck. The three of them—Drexler, Miller, and Salin—had in 1990 been dubbed the "high-tech Hayekians" by the economics journal Market Process, a nickname the trio accepted with pride.
AMIX and Cryonics
Though it successfully managed suborbital launch in1984, Starstruck ended up a commercial failure. Salin found that the U.S. government made it practically impossible to operate a space transportation business, since the taxpayer-subsidized space shuttle was undercutting the market.
But that wasn't Salin's only project. Besides advising Drexler and Miller, he'd also been publishing papers and essays about the economic effects of the computer revolution. These became the basis for yet another ambitious endeavor: Salin would create an online marketplace for buying and selling information. Although not as spectacular as launching rockets, he believed this project could change the world in an even bigger way.
Called the American Information Exchange (AMIX), this marketplace could sell any information people were willing to pay for. It could include advice from a mechanic on how to get an old car running again, or a few lines of computer code to automate the accounting at a dentist's office, or a blueprint design for a new vacation home in the Florida Keys. If it was information, it could be sold on AMIX.
Salin believed AMIX's greatest benefit would be a sharp reduction of transaction costs—that is, the costs associated with making a purchase, including opportunity costs (the "cost" of having to miss out on other things). A transaction cost could, for example, be the opportunity cost of doing market research to find out which insurance provider offers the best deal, or the cost of calling different liquor stores to find out which one sells a specific brand of wine. On AMIX, people could instead pay someone else to find the best insurance option for them, or purchase information about liquor stores and their inventories. If anyone on the information market offered these services for less money than it would have effectively cost the prospective buyers to find the information themselves, trading for it over AMIX would decrease the transaction cost of the purchases, making insurance, wine, and many other goods and services cheaper.
Society would benefit tremendously from such an efficiency gain, Salin believed, because lower transaction costs would make certain trades worthwhile that otherwise wouldn't have been. More trade means a better allocation of resources across the economy via spontaneous order.
AMIX was a visionary concept. But it was also way ahead of its time. When AMIX went live in 1984, Salin and his small team had built the marketplace from scratch. The reputation system they developed was the first of its kind, as was their dispute resolution tool. Since no online payment processors were operational, they had to implement that themselves as well. Even websites didn't exist yet, which meant that AMIX users had to establish their own network—a network they had to access via dial-up modems, since there was no broadband internet yet. Unsurprisingly, the project was off to a slow start.
Sadly, Salin didn't get to develop AMIX much further: Shortly after the project's launch, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He sold AMIX to the software company Autodesk in 1988, and it shut down the project in 1992—just after the high-tech Hayekian had passed away at the age of 41.
But for extropians, there is always hope, even in death. If indefinite life spans are really within reach for mankind, as extropians believe, dying just before this transhuman breakthrough adds a bitter layer to the tragedy. To stumble with the finish line in sight—perhaps just a few decades early—would mean the difference between death and eternal life. So extropians adopted a fallback plan: an escape route to bridge the gap. The extropians embraced cryonics.
Today, five facilities across the U.S., China, and Europe cryopreserve a couple hundred bodies and heads of dead people. Those people signed up to be frozen (in whole or in part) as soon as possible after clinical death, to be stored in subzero temperatures. Over a thousand more people have signed up to have their bodies or heads thus preserved.
Although clinically dead, the people kept in biostasis are essentially waiting for science to advance to the point where they can be unfrozen, resurrected, and cured from whatever ills had gotten the best of them. They would wake up a few decades into the future in good health, all set to participate in the transhuman future.
So goes the theory. There is, of course, no guarantee that such resurrections will ever be possible. With today's technology, it certainly isn't. But with tomorrow's technology, who knows? Even if one estimates that the chance of success is (very) slim, the odds of eventual revival may reasonably be estimated as greater than zero, and that's a bet Salin and other extropians were willing to make.
Digital Cash
The extropian movement, like More himself, was naturally at home in California. Silicon Valley had become a global hot spot for innovation, attracting some of the most ambitious technologists, scientists, and entrepreneurs to the West Coast.
But there was a notable exception. By the early 1990s, some extropians had become convinced that a small startup halfway across the globe was developing a particularly important technology: electronic cash. And David Chaum, who had launched a company called DigiCash in 1989, appeared to be holding all the cards.
For at least one extropian, a computer scientist named Nick Szabo, that was reason enough to head to Amsterdam and work for DigiCash. Meanwhile, the game developer Hal Finney was advocating the importance of digital cash to his fellow extropians in hopes of getting more of them involved. Spread across seven pages in the 10th issue of Extropy, published in early 1993, Finney detailed the inner workings of Chaum's digital cash system, and—tapping into the group's libertarian ethos—explained why extropians should care.
"We are on a path today which, if nothing changes, will lead to a world with the potential for greater government power, intrusion, and control," Finney warned. "We can change this; these [digital cash] technologies can revolutionize the relationship between individuals and organizations, putting them both on an equal footing for the first time. Cryptography can make possible a world in which people have control over information about themselves, not because government has granted them that control, but because only they possess the cryptographic keys to reveal that information."
Other extropians generally came to share Finney's concerns, and they understood why electronic cash offered an important part of the solution. Moreover, as they learned about cryptographically secured money, some extropians started toying with the idea that electronic cash had huge benefits even beyond privacy.
Where Chaum had mainly been concerned with the anonymous features of digital currency, these extropians began to consider what it would mean for government monopolies on monetary policy. By 1995, a special Extropy issue was devoted to digital cash. The cover prominently featured a blue-reddish mock-up currency bill where instead of some head of state, Hayek's portrait appeared. "Fifteen Hayeks," the denomination read. It was supposedly issued by the "Virtual Bank of Extropolis."
Competing Free Market Currencies
In one article inside the issue—"Introduction to Digital Cash"—the software engineer Mark Grant speculated that digital money could be used to establish local currencies. He also suggested one particularly spicy way of backing Chaumian cash.
"Just as the personal computer and laser printer have made it possible for anyone to become a publisher, digital cash makes it possible for anyone to become a bank, whether they are a major corporation or a street-corner drug dealer with a laptop and a cellular telephone," Grant explained. "Indeed, as national debts continue to increase, many people might see an advantage in using cash backed with, say, cocaine instead of cash backed solely by a government's ability to collect taxes."
Another contributor, the web engineer Eric Watt Forste, wrote a rave review of the economist George Selgin's The Theory of Free Banking. The book, which offers an elaborate account of how banking infrastructure could develop in an unregulated, denationalized environment, could offer a blueprint for the digital domain as well, Forste suggested: "While crypto mavens are busy explaining how these banks could function technologically, the theory of free banking explains how they could function economically."
Lawrence White, Selgin's closest ideological ally in the free banking movement, contributed an article to the journal as well. Although it mostly offered a technical comparison between electronic cash schemes and existing payment solutions, White slipped in a hint of how digital currency could dramatically upset international banking dynamics: "One major potential advantage of electronic funds transfer via personal computer is that it may give ordinary consumers affordable access to off-shore banking."
Perhaps most notable of all, More took it upon himself to summarize and present Hayek's seminal 1976 book on competing currencies, The Denationalisation of Money. Hayek's work had shaped extropianism. The Austrian's insights regarding distributed knowledge, free markets, and spontaneous order had been a core source of inspiration when More formulated the movement's organizational principles. Now, More asked his fellow extropians to consider one of Hayek's more radical proposals, an idea that had until then gained limited traction. Inflation is caused by government expansion of the money supply, More explained. The central bank's interest rate manipulations cause economic instability. And "the monetary system enabled undisciplined state expenditure," he wrote. "Raising taxes generates little enthusiasm, so governments often turn to another means of finance: Borrowing and expanding the money supply."
Each of these ills hampered economic growth, and that curtailed human progress. But those ills could be remedied, More argued, if we followed Hayek's advice and left money to the free market. If the state monopoly on money could be abolished, competition would give private currency issuers an incentive to offer more desirable forms of money.
More knew that this wouldn't come easily. Since governments benefit from their monopoly the most, they had no incentive to abolish it and every reason not to. Yet More saw that technological innovation could fast-forward positive change. Hayek's vision could be realized by leveraging the recent interest and innovation around electronic cash.
It was trivial for governments to enforce a money monopoly when banks were easy to locate, regulate, tax, penalize, and shut down. But when banks can be hosted on personal computers on the other side of the world and operate with anonymous digital currency, the dynamic would change dramatically. Governments wouldn't formally abolish the money monopoly, More figured, but the right set of technologies could make this monopoly much harder to enforce.
And so the founding father of the movement called on extropians to consider transactional privacy and currency competition in tandem.
"Competing currencies will trump the present system by controlling inflation, maximizing the stability of dynamic market economies, restraining the size of government, and by recognizing the absurdity of the nation-state," More wrote. "Pairing this reform with the introduction of anonymous digital money would provide a potent one-two punch to the existing order—digital cash making it harder for governments to control and tax transactions."
More concluded: "I deeply regret Hayek's recent death….Not having been placed into biostasis, Hayek will never return to see the days of electronic cash and competing private currencies that his thinking may help bring about. If we are to remain the vanguard of the future, let's see what we can do to hasten these crucial developments. Perhaps we will yet see a private currency bearing Hayek's name."
These seemingly outlandish ideas in small-circulation zines in the early to mid-1990s finally came to fruition in a world-changing way by the end of the next decade, when bitcoin emerged as Satoshi Nakamoto's brainchild and made free market money something the world's biggest financiers and bankers could no longer ignore.
This article is adapted from The Genesis Book: The Story of the People and Projects That Inspired Bitcoin by permission of Bitcoin Magazine Books.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "The 1990s Visionaries Who Saw the Digital Future."
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'He rejected Star Trek–like visions of the future where humanity settles under a single, all-wise world government to guide the species forward.'
So More is just another seditious MAGA freak, who defies the righteous DNC-WEF-MSNBC master plan.
MAGA isn't about individualism. MAGA is about conforming to the Christo-American State.
“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists,”
Marg T Greene - MAGA spokeswoman
Now that the a-word is no longer front and center, single-issue evangelicals and fundamentalists now have a choice (pun intended) between parties. So the GOP no can no longer claim ownership of those voters.
And yet just a half dozen comments down you're bitching about the spending bill MTG opposed (and weirdly trying to pin it on her).
"MAGA is about conforming to the Christo-American State."
What the fuck does that even mean? The opposite of a Pagan-Globalist State?
"Christian Nationalists" never removed their political opponents from a ballot. You did.
"Christian Nationalists" never used the Government or lawfare against their opponents. You did.
"Christian Nationalists" never censored speech. You did.
Standard projection from the leftists. Shrike is the guy pretending the economy is amazing to protect Joe. Sarc is just an ignorant fuck. Useful idiots to defend the state.
“The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church,” she (Boebert) said at a church two days before her primary election (and victory) in late June. “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.” And as CNN has reported, public opinion polling shows that support for Christian nationalism is growing among Christians.
Christo-Fascism, pal. MAGA has become Christo-Fascism. The individual is a ward of the Christo-Nation and subject to Biblical Law.
Like I said. A useful idiot.
The 1a doesn't protect from religion. It protects from the establishment of a state religion and allows free practice of any religion.
Your quote is just you being ignorant lol.
Neo-pagan Nazi statists like Shrike always like to drop the "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" when invoking the establishment clause as an excuse for their censorship.
Unmasked trunk bears are a bigger threat than Christian nationalists, you moron.
What does your paranoid fantasy even look like? Everyone has to convert to Christianity? Go to church?
"Christo-Fascism, pal"
Atheistic-Globalism, pal.
"The League of Militant Atheists aided the Soviet government in killing clergy and committed believers.[66] The League also made it a priority to remove religious icons from the homes of believers.[67] Under the slogan, "the Storming of Heaven," the League of Militant Atheists pressed for "resolute action against religious peasants" leading to the mass arrest and exile of many believers, especially village priests. By 1940, "over 100 bishops, tens of thousands of Orthodox clergy, and thousands of monks and lay believers had been killed or had died in Soviet prisons and the Gulag."[68]
The LMG had reduced the number of religious communities of all faiths from 50,000 in 1930 to 30,000 by 1938 and 8,000 by 1941. The last figure includes, however, 7,000 communities in the annexed western territories (so that only 1,000 actually remained in the rest of the country).[69]
The killing you clowns did in the 20th century exceeded every single religious war ever 100 fold in death toll, and yet here you are, pretending to freak out because MTG is big on America and Jesus.
What a hypocritical freak you are.
You MAGA types hate Ayn Rand capitalists like myself.
I get it.
You've never read Any Rand lol.
Soros would have been a villain in her novels for fucks sake. Lol.
He's a James Taggart Randian
You wouldn't recognize an Ayn Rand idea if it teabagged you, and you're an anti-free market corporatist, not a capitalist.
There's a big difference
To Christians, the “church” is people that believe in Christ, so YES - the church DOES get to influence politics in a democracy because the people get a say and we get to weigh in with our values, our morals, and our wisdom that is influenced by our beliefs.
Secularists and non-religiosos do not get to have full sway over the government when they share the country with religious people. You’ll have to kill us to keep us from influencing government.
Don’t recognize your handle so I’ll assume you’re new. Here’s an FYI: you’re talking to leftists that want to castrate and fuck kids.
I know. I’m mostly a lurker until I miraculously remember my password.
Note that Jesse, ML and the other Team Red apologists cannot bring themselves to condemn Christian nationalism or to condemn the mixing of religion and state. When confronted with direct quotes from their own team professing support for Christian nationalism, they just distract and deflect and bring up 1930's Soviets or something.
They would absolutely vote for Christian nationalism.
They would vote for requiring Christian prayer in public schools.
They would vote for making the Bible required reading in public schools.
Perhaps they are tired of it being okay for all other religions to be honored, protected and celebrated but any mention of adhering to a Christian standard is met with accusations of Christian Nationalism and Christo-Facsicm.
Hindus can make a cow sacred, Muslims can cover and stone their women and throw gays from the rooftops and also pray in school if they like, Buddhist have their path, Atheists let everyone know they don't believe in a greater something, even the mocking diety of the great spaghetti colander in the sky is cool but those darn Christians, those facsist are always up to no good.
They would absolutely vote for Christian nationalism.
They would vote for requiring Christian prayer in public schools.
They would vote for making the Bible required reading in public schools.
And this is the same thing you and your supporters always accuse the other side of doing, presenting ideas and behavior they have not done. Strange from an individualist to want so much conformity.
Yeah, Lying Jeffy is all in on leftist ideology being taught in schools.
Perhaps they are tired of it being okay for all other religions to be honored, protected and celebrated but any mention of adhering to a Christian standard is met with accusations of Christian Nationalism and Christo-Facsicm.
Dude, Christianity is so thoroughly normalized in our society that it just seems normal. Christian ideas and thought are the *DEFAULT BEHAVIOR* for our entire culture. Christianity is INHERENTLY "honored, protected and celebrated". WTF are you even talking about? No one gives it a second thought that "Under God" is on our currency, or that Sunday is considered a "day of rest", or that Christmas is a holiday to be celebrated (even if there is no Jesus involved in the celebration). What more do you want?
WTF are you even talking about? No one gives it a second thought that “Under God” is on our currency, or that Sunday is considered a “day of rest”, or that Christmas is a holiday to be celebrated (even if there is no Jesus involved in the celebration). What more do you want?
Under God on our currency does not make Christianity the Default for our culture. It does show historically where our US culture began. It is certainly not reflected in culture today. Sunday as a day of rest? That is laughable. Everything is open and lots of people are working. I would say the Jewish Sabbath keeps a far better tradition than we do with a Sunday rest day. Yes, it is the traditional day people who celebrate go to church. No, no one makes you nor is it the default behavior for our culture. We also celebrate many more holidays than just Christmas. Don't like it, don't celebrate.
Go with Festivus, you are regularly in need of airing your grievances anyway.
Yes, if you completely ignore the privileged status that Christianity has in our culture, then Christians aren’t given due respect.
“Under God” is on our currency. Not “Under Allah”, “Under Jehovah”, “Under Vishnu”, not any other deity. Why?
Christmas is an official government holiday. Not Ramadan. Not Passover. Why?
Yes, lots of people celebrate lots of holidays. But among religious-based holidays, it's the Christian ones that are shoved in our faces. Right now, Congress is on break. Why? Easter. Has Congress ever taken a break for Ramadan?
What actions specifically are you talking about?
I find it ironic you want people to condemn something that’s not actually happening, while you were celebrating Peter Navarro getting put in prison for doing the same thing Hunter Biden just did with no consequences.
Jeffy is the worst. You can tell the bad ones by how loudly they proclaim not to take sides, and he is one of the loudest. People who engage in honest discussion don't need to proclaim a side.
I don’t call him Lying Jeffy for nothing.
"I find it ironic you want people to condemn something that’s not actually happening, while you were celebrating Peter Navarro getting put in prison for doing the same thing Hunter Biden just did with no consequences."
I'm convinced Lying Jeffy's hypocrisy is purposefully blatant. Some sort of high-tier trolling technique.
I’m agnostic. If Christians actually started imposing their beliefs on me in any way I’d be a vocal critic against them. But they’re not. And the idea that they’re in any position to do so is complete nonsense.
It’s another boogeyman created by leftists against people that don’t worship the state to give the state more power. And the usual leftists here cheer it on.
If Christians actually started imposing their beliefs on me in any way I’d be a vocal critic against them.
have you read your currency lately?
why is December 25 an official holiday again?
Lol. Are cash and Christmas being imposed on you, Jeff?
God damn dude, take a break. You sound ridiculous.
Lying Jeffy’s political enemies are being thrown in cages and he’s talking about words on the dollar bill.
I’m beyond just calling him a liar. He’s an evil fascist.
The only fascists around here are you and your team who are content to see authoritarian bullshit run rampant as long as you "pwn the libs". I predict that there is literally nothing Trump or Republicans could do or say that would cause you to not vote for them in the fall.
You so genuinely believe that the other team is so horribly evil that they must be stopped. And Trump is your vehicle to stop them. And it literally does not matter what he does or says.
Lmao, Christmas is violating my rights? Actually, as a small business owner I’m free to work on Christmas. I actually have some years for a few hours when I was behind on work. Nobody from the government showed up to stop me.
You’re a fucking clown.
And you still haven’t responded to my question about whether people should go to prison for ignoring congressional subpoenas. It’s a simple question. All you have to do is have a principle. But you don’t.
Christmas is violating my rights?
That is you being a dishonest shithead, because that wasn't what you said originally. What you said originally was:
If Christians actually started imposing their beliefs on me in any way
They impose their beliefs on EVERYONE when they mandate that "Under God" gets put on the currency that we all use, and they mandate that Christmas is a holiday where no official government business may be conducted. Frankly the entire month of December can be considered "Christian Pride Month". The Christian religion is so thoroughly steeped into our culture that it seems just normal. Why is Sunday considered a "day of rest"? Why not Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath? Because of Christianity. It is everywhere. We can't escape it. It isn't all bad, but it isn't religiously neutral either.
"They would absolutely vote for Christian nationalism.
They would vote for requiring Christian prayer in public schools.
They would vote for making the Bible required reading in public schools."
While there's a pile of cheap smears couched in kreemjeffs horseshit demands to "condemn" something that hasn't done anything worth condemning.
Let's see if the fraud will even attempt to defend his smears.
1. Crumbjeff, define "Christian Nationalism". What is it's philosophy, what actions does it espouse, what makes it different from an average plebian patriotic Christian?
2. Do you think working-class patriotic Christians (a majority of the population) are a "threat"?
3. What have your so-called "Christian Nationalists" done, or have advocated for, that is more egregious than anything that the Democratic Party fringe has done in the last five years?
4. Did you forget that I'm a Canadian who loves America but never plans to be one? I will never vote in a US election. But back to the topic, what the fuck does your smear "voting for Christian nationalism" even mean?
5. Getting back to your Christophobic hate and rage, what have I ever said that makes your "They would vote for requiring Christian prayer in public schools" smear plausible?
I'm not even asking for a link or direct quote, just an example from your medacious ass.
6. Further with your Christophobic hate and rage, what have I ever said that makes your "They would vote for making the Bible required reading in public schools" smear plausible?
I'm not even asking for a link or direct quote, just an example from your medacious ass.
7. You want pornographic illustrations of kids masturbating and giving blowjobs to adults (Yes, I saved those links) made freely available in schools, but you're against students studying historical texts like the Tanakh, New Testament, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, or the Pali Canon.
Those texts have influenced virtually every aspect of human science and culture, but you are ferociously against them being studied by students even in a secular manner. Your quasi-religious LGBTQ and trans philosophy and sexual technique on the other hand you think should be mandatory. Why?
lol of course you would vote for Christian Nationalists because you have said here over and over again that the Democratic Party is the second worst party in all of human existence, only the Nazis were worse. To you, the Democrats are worse than the Soviets, worse than the Maoists, worse than the Khmer Rouge. So, with the exception of Zombie Hitler, you will vote for ANYONE against the Democrats. Even if it's the Marjorie Taylor Greene-Lauren Boebert ticket (whom you all praise as "real Republicans", and not those Uniparty/GOPe/Sellouts like Mike fkn' Johnson), you know the ones who explicitly say "yeah I'm a Christian Nationalist" and "yeah I'm tired of the separation of church and state".
Because you view Democrats as so evil, you are literally compelled to vote for anyone else to defeat them, even people who are pretty damn awful themselves.
“Democratic Party is the second worst party in all of human existence, only the Nazis were worse. To you, the Democrats are worse than the Soviets, worse than the Maoists, worse than the Khmer Rouge.”
They’re the same Lefty Jeffy. And you would have supported all of them.
sure whatever, Democrats are the same as the Soviets.
you all really are delusional
The totally not democrat defending democrats.
For saying they are not Soviets?
Is it defending Trump to say he is not Hitler?
They are both just factually wrong.
1. Crumbjeff, define “Christian Nationalism”. What is it’s philosophy, what actions does it espouse, what makes it different from an average plebian patriotic Christian?
google it yourself, asshole
2. Do you think working-class patriotic Christians (a majority of the population) are a “threat”?
oh look at you trying to bait me and not-so-subtly deliberately conflate Christianity with Christian Nationalism. they're not the same, you know that, and you are being a mendacious cunt again.
3. What have your so-called “Christian Nationalists” done, or have advocated for, that is more egregious than anything that the Democratic Party fringe has done in the last five years?
here you go: trying to shift the goalposts from an evaluation of christian nationalism on absolute terms, to trying to judge it in relative terms. just another lame attempt at a whataboutism. fuck you.
4. Did you forget that I’m a Canadian who loves America but never plans to be one? I will never vote in a US election. But back to the topic, what the fuck does your smear “voting for Christian nationalism” even mean?
oh you'd vote for Canadian Christian Nationalists if you got the chance.
5. Getting back to your Christophobic hate and rage, what have I ever said that makes your “They would vote for requiring Christian prayer in public schools” smear plausible?
I’m not even asking for a link or direct quote, just an example from your medacious ass.
"christophobic": lie
and since you have said over and over again that Democrats are the second worst political party ever to have existed, only the Nazis were worse, you are compelled to vote for anyone standing against them. that includes the christian nationalists.
6. Further with your Christophobic hate and rage, what have I ever said that makes your “They would vote for making the Bible required reading in public schools” smear plausible?
I’m not even asking for a link or direct quote, just an example from your medacious ass.
more "christophobic" nonsense. if you keep repeating the lie, does it make it true? lol
you would absolutely support a candidate that supported making the Bible mandatory reading in public school if it meant defeating the Democrats.
7. You want pornographic illustrations of kids masturbating and giving blowjobs to adults (Yes, I saved those links) made freely available in schools, but you’re against students studying historical texts like the Tanakh, New Testament, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, or the Pali Canon.
Those texts have influenced virtually every aspect of human science and culture, but you are ferociously against them being studied by students even in a secular manner. Your quasi-religious LGBTQ and trans philosophy and sexual technique on the other hand you think should be mandatory. Why?
this entire question is a giant lie. it doesn't deserve an answer. fuck you.
1. Crumbjeff, define “Christian Nationalism”. What is it’s philosophy, what actions does it espouse, what makes it different from an average plebian patriotic Christian?
google it yourself, asshole
No Lying Jeffy, if it’s such a threat you tell us why. I’m not a Christian and I don’t see how they’re a threat to my freedom.
fuck off, asshole.
Haha, I own your ass so much.
Seriously though, tell us what actual act by government you’re concerned with enacted by Christian nationalists?
Seriously though, tell us why you come here just to stir up shit and "own" people?
here is your reference:
That didn’t explain how Christian Nationalism is a threat.
It’s almost like you’re completely full of shit.
You only come here to stir up shit. About 90% of your comments are picking fights and calling people names. You are not entitled to any serious answer to any of your questions.
So just so everyone is clear, Lying Jeffy can’t name a single thing the boogeymen Christian Nationalists are actually doing, but we should denounce them just the same. Because he doesn’t like them.
From the man that brought is bears in trunks, we get the Christmas holiday is Christian Nationalism oppression.
TL; DR...Bur will.
Meanwhile, Congress passed the $1.2 trillion spending bill, just in time to keep spending, with no real changes in what they are spending on.
Dude, you can't say that! That means Republicans in the House are responsible since they hold the purse strings. No, you say Democrats in the Senate just passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill. True libertarians always shield Republicans and blame Democrats. Shit, man. People are going to start thinking you're a leftist.
That means Republicans in the House are responsible since they hold the purse strings.
Correct. These $2 trillion deficits are all on the Republican Party!
No, no, no, no, NO! They were forced into it by Democrats. Just as Democrats forced Trump to sign emergency spending bills.
Which is a stupid defense because while it shifts blame to Democrats, by claiming Republicans aren't responsible for what happens when they're in power, they’re basically saying their team has no balls.
You're both so shit at trolling. Maybe try drinking less.
Senate passes $1.2 trillion spending bill, averting government shutdown
The House had passed the measure, the product of an agreement between Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), on Friday morning.
But the vote there succeeded on a jarringly slim margin for Johnson and the House GOP leadership and ignited a rebellion among far-right extremists in the lower chamber, testing the speaker’s tenuous grip on his conference.
So the Republicans who passed the bill weren’t true Republicans, making Democrats responsible for the spending. Understood.
"So the Republicans who passed the bill weren’t true Republicans,"
Hey drunky. Are you still sober enough to read the Washington Post article on MSN link I gave you, or not?
Hey retard, you've been told about the uniparty neocons for years. The very people you want back in federal government.
How are you incapable of fucking learning or comprehending an argument?
You sure know a lot about the “uniparty.” Is this the same “uniparty” that was trying to impeach Biden? But according to you most Republicans support Biden, so why would they try to impeach him?
Did you hear that from one of the “standard group of libertarians?” Was it the failed comedian with a modest YouTube following? Or was it the young man with the twitter handle “Charles G Koch” who you thought was THE Charles Koch despite him obviously being a young douche?
So Red Rocks gets his talking points from Tucker. ML from convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza. And you get yours from the “standard group of libertarians” which is just a bunch of dildos on YouTube that normal Americans have never heard of.
Is this the same “uniparty” that was trying to impeach Biden? But according to you most Republicans support Biden, so why would they try to impeach him?
Are you fully retarded? The uniparty is the one trying to ensure it never gets to impeachment despite having 10x the evidence as any Trump impeachment. You are so dumb you ruined your own argument lol.
No the Uniparty is still trying to impeach Biden. Even after their main witness turned out to be a liar.
They have the majority in the House retard. Those refusing to advance are the squish knee taking to dems GOP.
Again. Youre ruining your own fucking argument. Lol.
In this thread we find out that KAR doesn't know what the word "Uniparty" means.
"ThE DC uNipArtY aRE MAGA aNd thE dEmoCRatS, nO wAiT"
Why can't we have argumentative lefties who at least know what words mean.
Hey at least I know how Canada’s government works. You’re a parliamentary democracy. Popular vote doesn’t matter. Liberals and NDP won the most seats YOU FUCKING RETARD!
Though it goes against my principles, I wouldn’t mind seeing Justin do what his dad did and invoke the war measures act to dispose of undesirables like you.
Why don’t you worry about your own country before encouraging traitors in ours. It’s not our fault there’s no women in Fort Nelson who want to fuck you.
How do you tell if someone is uniparty. Do they wear unitards?
Hint. You and shrike are cheering for them below. Shrike listed them for you dumdum. Your state is included.
"How do you tell if someone is uniparty."
That sweet, sweet bipartisanship you love so very much.
The "uniparty"/"GOPe" are just convenient devices to evade responsibility for the Republicans' failures. It is a No True Scotsman fallacy. It is so they can pretend the "Real Republicans" are always right, and when Republicans vote "incorrectly", well, they were never "Real Republicans" in the first place.
You see, Real Republicans are always correct and always pure. That is how Mike Johnson, who was as staunch conservative as they come, can now be "Uniparty" because he voted for big spending bills. Not because Republicans as a group aren't opposed to big spending - oh no no no - but because all the Republicans who do are Uniparty traitors.
Evidently there are only like 2 or 3 Real Republicans in all of Congress or something.
That sweet, sweet bipartisanship you love so very much.
It was a joke you fucking retard.
The “uniparty”/”GOPe” are just convenient devices to evade responsibility for the Republicans’ failures. It is a No True Scotsman fallacy.
I’ve noticed that. Remember when I’d joke about Tony fellating fallacies? Well these guys make him look like an amature who hasn’t learned to control their gag reflex.
And Jeff and sarc again show their lying narratives. The uniparty is constantly attacked by those you two hate here. You two often raise them up as examples of the "good" conservatives. Lol.
In this thread you are attacking solely the GOP that joined the Dems and now trying to stop criticism of that very same group being called the uniparty despite their consistent actions.
It is fucking hilarious.
kkkemjeff: The “uniparty”/”GOPe” are just convenient devices to evade responsibility for the Republicans’ failures. It is a No True Scotsman fallacy.
Sarckles: I’ve noticed that.
How do you keep falling for such obvious horseshit from Jeff and Shrike, Sarc. You've been burned by them a thousand times but somehow one thousand and one will be different.
Shrike even gave you a list of 25 GOPe who abandoned the rest of the party to go vote with the Democrats in this very thread, and yet you forget it as soon as Nazijeff hands you a fresh new lie, and you don't even notice the conflict.
Those 25 Republicans who voted to pass the budget are the majority of the Republicans in the Senate.
Only 4 Republicans voted against the COVID spending. The rest voted for it.
Trump himself, you know the leader of your party, supported the huge COVID spending, signed all the budgets presented to him, and wanted BIGGER stimulus checks than the ones that the Democrats supported.
And let's not even start with how the Republicans have completely given up on any serious entitlement reform.
Those 25 Senators didn't "abandon" the party. THEY ARE THE PARTY. Over and over and over and over again the Republicans vote for bigger and bigger spending and you shills keep pretending that "no they aren't the real Republicans". Your small tiny minority of cranks and morons whom you claim are the "real Republicans" are actually the RINOs.
If you don’t know who’s part of the uniparty you should admit you’re either dumb as fuck or a statist.
I’m actually amazed this conversation is even happening on a so called libertarian website. You leftists aren’t even pretending anymore.
Yes Lying Jeffy, the establishment of the Republican Party is the majority.
Why do you hate the minority freedom caucus?
The "uniparty" is like the "deep state", just a rhetorical device used to explain away inconvenient behavior. It is so you can continue to pretend to believe in your team without ever having to offer any criticism of its real faults.
So whenever Trump was stymied in trying to implement any of his policies, it wasn't because Trump is a poor leader or Trump failed to hire the right people to implement his policies - no no, it was this shadowy "deep state" which no one can concretely define or name, that thwarted Trump. By invoking "deep state", you transfer blame from Trump to them (whoever they are) and can continue to pretend that Trump is way better than he really is.
Same idea with the whole "uniparty" stuff. When the "Real Republicans" can't get their way, it isn't because their policy ideas are stupid or that they don't enjoy popular support - no, it is because the "uniparty" (which again, no one can concretely define or name) that is thwarting the will of the Real Republicans. By invoking "uniparty", you can pretend that the "Real Republican" ideas are still pure and noble and never have to do any internal reflection on what compromises might be necessary in order to see change occur. No no, it's always the external bogeyman holding them down.
Why do you hate the minority freedom caucus?
Why do YOU hate them? Take Ken Buck for example. Is he a part of the "Uniparty" or is he one of the "Real Republicans"? How about Liz Cheney? How about Mike Johnson?
All of those people have conservative principles that are impeccable yet they are variously called "RINOs" and "Uniparty" only because they are disloyal to what the very vocal minority "Real Republicans" want.
You cannot govern by just shouting and blaming everyone else when you don't get your way and then crying that you're a poor poor victim of the Uniparty.
Notice how Mother Lament pulls out the nuance on today's vote.
Back in 2020 when Donnie begged for big spending (that ML blames on Democrats in the House) - how many "principled" conservatives opposed it?
The quartet of Republicans who cast no votes — Reps. Thomas Massie (Ky.), plus three leaders of the Freedom Caucus, Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Ken Buck (Colo.) and Jody Hice (Ga.) — are all conservatives who have raised concerns about government spending and rising debt.
Four. Yes, only four (4).
But it was all Democrats fault! Don't blame Donnie!
"No! Ignore my failure at pinning a spending bill on the group that is being criticized for vociferously opposing it.
Look back at 2020, it's the Covid debacle and Trump's accepting Pelosi's bill!"
Wanting a balanced budget = far right extremist now
Sarc rushes to deflect from dems. Those who voted against the spending are the members of congress he attacks. Meanwhile he tries to pretend those of us who attack the uniparty constantly are defending the yes votes. It is amazing to see.
MAGA rule #1 - Always blame Democrats and always defend Republicans.
I saw a MAGA clip where a young Trump-tard aksed - "Think about it.
Why did Barack Obama allow 9/11 to happen?"
#1 Buttplug rule - Fuck children
#2 Buttplug rule - Shitpost and troll for the Democrats. Accuse "MAGA" of shit they are currently being condemned by the mainstream media for opposing.
This is why Open Society fired you, Plugly.
Mother Lament
1- Truth hurts
2- go directly to lies and ad hominem.
So are you claiming the MAGA wing of the Republicans aren't the only faction in the House and Senate that opposed this spending bill and voted against it?
Come on, clowntits, yes or no?
Pretty much. You know you've got your finger on the truth when they start spouting insults and attacks like a fountain of diarrhea.
You and shrike started the fallacious arguments retard. Lol.
So are you claiming the MAGA wing of the Republicans aren’t the only faction in the House and Senate that opposed this spending bill and voted against it?
Come on, liquorpig, yes or no?
Sarc claims to not be a leftist yet him and shrike have devolved to using the exact same arguments lol.
What the fuck are you two DNC parrots trying to pull today? Did you miss the last several months of fighting the Democrats and the GOPe on spending?
I know you're both drunk and trying to troll, but for fucks sake.
Did you miss all the times you placed all the blame for spending on Democrats when they controlled the House, even when the Republican president enthusiastically signed the legislation?
What’s your defense now? The party in control of the House aren’t true Republicans, so the real GOP is not to blame?
Hey retard, right fucking now the "far-right, MAGA, QAnon, rethuglikkkans" are rebelling against the GOPe on this. Kind of wrecks your narrative, huh?
I’m not pushing a narrative. That’s you guys. I’m just trying to define your narrative in a honest fashion. Being that you’re saying “GOPe” that implies you don’t believe they are true Republicans, while the “far-right, MAGA, QAnon, rethuglikkkans” who defend Trump are the real GOP.
So thanks. You confirmed my description of your narrative. Democrats are to blame and Republicans still aren’t at fault because the “GOPe” who control the party aren’t real Republicans.
The GOPe would have never got the spending bill passed without every single Democrat voting for it, because the MAGA Republicans rebelled and voted against it.
But here you are, retardedly trying to pin it on the only faction that opposed it.
"I’m not pushing a narrative."
You’re the one trying to pin things on people.
The entire point of your narrative is to blame Democrats for what Republicans do when they’re in power. It’s your mission in these comments.
I’m just mocking your implication that since Republicans aren’t responsible when they’re in power, that Democrats have all the power, then Republicans must be powerless pussies with moobs and no testicles. You’re the one implying that, not me. I think it’s funny.
Sarc. Who fucking voted for it? Hint. The democrats you rush to defend and the neocons you pine for.
The only bullshit narrative here is yours lol.
This is the same group we have been hitching about for years as you defend them and attack those voting no.
This is amazing your delusion.
"You’re the one trying to pin things on people."
Literally you in this very fucking thread, pisstank:
"Did you miss all the times you placed all the blame for spending on Democrats when they controlled the House, even when the Republican president enthusiastically signed the legislation?"
Literally your very dear pal Shrike in this very thread starting this shit:
"Correct. These $2 trillion deficits are all on the Republican Party! #Jesse/MotherLament-Logic"
If you're going to troll and shitpost Sarckles, at least have the good sense to remember what you're posting.
Why can’t you haters of Democrats actually admit that Trump signed those spending bills with enthusiasm, instead of blaming it on a veto-proof majority?
You always defend him, or come up with some bullshit like his signature only matters if the House is controlled by the same party.
Fuck that. Put the blame where it belongs – on the guy who wanted his name on the fucking checks!
Instead it’s Democrats this and Democrats that, blah blah blah.
Just be honest for one fleeting moment.
And here we see sarc pushing the lie. He threatened veto on each bill after the first. But they passed with veto proof majorities. You can see his signing statements. But you dont care.
"Why can’t you haters of Democrats actually admit that Trump signed those spending bills with enthusiasm"
Woah, you and the pedo were just bawling us out for MAGA voting for the spending bill, even though the opposite actually happened, and all of a sudden you're pretending you were talking about 2020 and Covid spending.
That! Young Sarckles, is called 'moving the goalposts'.
"Instead it’s Democrats this and Democrats that, blah blah blah."
Because it really fucking was. You inebriated abominations were retardedly accusing MAGA of voting for a bill that the Democrats all voted for and MAGA ferociously opposed.
Do you understand what an enourmous shill it takes to do that?
Because it really fucking was.
Do you even acknowledge this?
Did Democrats control his mind or something?
Do you even acknowledge this?
Did Democrats control his mind or something?
All the defenses to those questions that I’ve seen contain the word “you” several times, and are usually accompanied by some form of “you don’t know what ad hominem means” to put a twist of gaslighting on top.
(someone will no doubt now say I don't know what gaslighting means, which is doubly ironic)
"Do you even acknowledge this?
Did Democrats control his mind or something?"
Mighty neighborly of you to help Sarckles move his goalposts, Creamjeff, but until Sarc started relocating them right now, we were all talking about the recent budget approval. Not the Covid fiasco four years ago.
Try to keep up. Those Media Matters paychecks won't keep coming your way if you don't.
nope, you won't acknowledge.
Everything Is The Democrats' Fault
I suppose the Democrats used their Jewish space lasers to change Trump's thoughts so he would support higher stimulus checks?
What bullshit.
It amazes me how someone can write their argument in crayon for you and you still don't fucking get it. Meanwhike your shut posting is done to protect democrats and the uniparty neocons of the GOP.
Hey retard, here are the votes by party.
The final vote was 286-134 with 185 Democrats and 101 Republicans voting in favor of the measure in the House.
Don't blame democrats!!!
In the senate:
Twenty-two Republicans voted against the bill, along with Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., who protested the lack of Ukraine aid, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who sought funding for Palestinian aid.
But don't you dare blame democrats at all!!
He’s just being retarded on purpose again.
Poor sarc. So boring.
Abolish the House.
Hell no. More impediments to legislation the better. Heck, if I was king I'd add another chamber to Congress with the sole power of repealing legislation. Let people run for office based upon what they will undo, and give them the power to do it.
Sarc wants to be an authoritarian. He is Hitler!!!
America’s Intellectual “Bloodbath”
If a censored tree falls in the forest, do we still have to misquote it?
Intangible currency is still a scam, just a better disguised one.
Hours after dems and neocons ram through spending, the DoJ announces a central database for red flag gun control. Thank God Joe recognizes the constitution right sarc?
“The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.
"The Center will, of course, also work to prevent such individuals from driving, purchasing gasoline, possessing knives, and especially from voting."
Pretty sure the FBI just got smacked down over their no fly list. So this is even more amazing.
I would kiss Mitch McConnell squarely in the center of his old hairy ass given the opportunity. He saved us from Merrick Garland.
“The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland."
"Sorry citizen, any post criticizing the Party poses a potential threat to its members safety. We are confiscating your firearms."
Weird sarc, shrike and Jeff ignore this.
Waiting on talking points fellas?
The list of Republican who crossed the aisle to join the majority of their Democratic colleagues is as follows:
John Boozman of Arkansas
Katie Britt of Alabama
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Susan Collins of Maine
John Cornyn of Texas
Tom Cotton of Arkansas
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota
Joni Ernst of Iowa
Deb Fischer of Nebraska
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
John Hoeven of North Dakota
Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Jerry Moran of Kansas
Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Mitt Romney of Utah
Mike Rounds of South Dakota
Dan Sullivan of Alaska
John Thune of South Dakota
Thom Tillis of North Carolina
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
Todd Young of Indiana
Every Democrat voted for it! Why aren’t you criticizing them? You should be naming them, not Republicans! What? Democrats don’t have the majority? Who cares? They all voted for it, and you’re not criticizing them by name! That’s the same as praising them! Not criticizing is praising! You’re praising Democrats who voted for the bill while attacking Republicans who did the same thing!
You’re a hypocrite! You’re spinning a narrative! You're parroting MSNBC! You watch CNN! You’re a leftist! Leftist! Leeeft-iiiist!
/JA, ML, Dlam, ICP, Big Mac, Chucky, etc…
Did you two leftists notice who is on that list? The uniparty members you guys all rave about. Lol.
He's way too smashed right now to even read it, let alone think about it's implications.
Maybe if he were sober he'd ponder the wisdom of pointing out that only 25 Republicans out of a couple of hundred crossed the aisle, but sobriety and Sarcasmic aren't acquaintances.
Fuckstain’s on mute. Or didn’t you notice I’m not replying to his diarrhea.
I know. You hate actually having your precious narratives easily dismissed with these weird things called facts and evidence. Then run around misusing cries of fallacies. It is fucking hilarious.
You're a dick but you don't play the false premise game the way he does. To respond to his arguments without first refuting the false premises (lies) is to concede those lies. It's a dishonest rhetorical trick that Jesse uses in all his replies to me. I'm not going to conceded his lies, which makes responding to him a lot of work. Better to just let is dingleberries dangle like the little pieces of shit that they are by putting him on mute and removing the temptation to defend myself.
Fuck you, you self-pitying drunk.
Jesse wasn't trolling. You were.
Jesse wasn't making false premises. You were.
Go read your own shit in this very thread. Fucking hypocrite.
That's kind of funny, considering you inserting these false premises a little below
And I can’t believe you’re trying to pretend that this democracy ending fascism is legitimate.
You have no business even pretending to be libertarian if you support these Soros prosecutor’s actions.
because I think it's stupid and foolish to direct all GOP donations to one of the richest men in the world, instead of helping candidates around the country.
Fuck off.
Master of projection. Failure at intelligent debate. Always ignorant.
Sarc, when was the last time you made an intelligent argument?
What lies have I told? I literally listed the votes by party as you and shrike tried to attack the party with the vast majority of no votes. Lol.
"these false premises a little below"
How are they false premises, you little Nazi wannabe.
Which charge do you think isn't fraudulent, which one do you imagine is legitimate, which one was ever leveled for the same type of offense in the entirety of American history?
Your questions do not follow from anything I said.
Instead of divvying up donations to candidates who might win with some more campaign cash, the GOP is giving all that money to Trump. Contributing to Republicans is now contributing to Trump. He has become the party. I don't think that's right, or wise.
Your defense is to accuse me of praising Trump's prosecution?
I suppose next you're going to say I don't know what an ad hominem argument is. Shameless.
“Instead of divvying up donations to candidates who might win with some more campaign cash, the GOP is giving all that money to Trump.”
NO. They are giving money to Trump’s legal defense AND they are giving money to the other congressional and senate candidates. Trump already has the nomination. Why the fuck would they give money to Christie now?
And if any of those other congressional and senate candidates are targeted by the Democrats lawfare to interfere with their campaigns, the party will pay towards their legal bills too.
That’s the party’s job.
"I suppose next you’re going to say I don’t know what an ad hominem argument is. Shameless."
You might, but if you do then you're always getting it wrong deliberately.
Or you just might be retarded.
Hey pedo, do you two shills like proving my point or what?
25 GOPe crossed the floor to vote with the Democrats and the rest of the Republicans (249) did not.
"Susan Collins of Maine
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Mitt Romney of Utah"
Say look, it's all of Buttplug's "principled" Republicans.
But hey! You still managed to trick Sarcasmic again.
That's the hilarious part. The only conservatives that shrike and sarc applaud are the ones that join the dems.
The sclera is white like a humans which gives the impression of humanity.
With the exception of some dogs, most animals have dark sclera, and for those that have light sclera it's almost never visible like that.
Con Man with hat in hand siphoning money from RNC
PAC that pays Trump’s legal bills gets priority over donations to RNC at upcoming high-dollar fundraiser
The joint fundraising agreement that Donald Trump has inked with the Republican National Committee and state parties first sends donors’ money to his campaign committee and then to the leadership PAC that pays his legal bills before the national party gets its share, an invitation to an upcoming fundraiser shows.
Giving all GOP donations to The Donald is a great way to weed out the faithless infidel fake-Republicans, because presumably they won't contribute to the Party if they know all their money is going to one man.
Bookmarking this as shrike and sarc date.
Jeepers, giving funds to the party's presidential candidate to help fight against anti-democratic lawfare by the opposition candidate's own Justice Department.
hOW WieRd!!!
You never seem to think about the stuff Shrike is feeding you. If you were sixty years younger you'd be tied up in the back of his van right now.
Normally that money would go to help candidates in contested districts so the GOP could win/keep more seats in Congress.
Instead it's going to pay the bills for one of the richest men in the world.
You're defending that?
Normally the opposition party doesn’t invent nonsensical charges and try to bankrupt and imprison the candidate.
Of course they’re going to try and stop it, you fucking idiot. Trump’s rich but he’s being assaulted because he’s the Republican candidate. No other reason.
And I can’t believe you’re trying to pretend that this democracy ending fascism is legitimate.
You have no business even pretending to be libertarian if you support these Soros prosecutor's actions.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I'm not pretending anything. Just pointing out that the GOP finances are all being sent to one of the richest men in the world, and you're defending it. I'm not defending anything at all. I'm keeping it really simple. People who donate to the GOP are not helping candidates who are struggling against better financed opponents. No, it's all being funneled to help The Donald. I think that's stupid strategy for the party overall. They're likely going to lose seats in the House and Senate as a result, in addition to losing donations from people who don't want to finance one man. They're shooting themselves in the dick over one man.
Professor of economics here thinks Trump has 600M just sitting in his account in order to justify the democrats attacks against him. Noticr can't bring himself to criticize the practices of the democrat AGs and lawyers. Lol. Instead he goes after the victim.
His personal wealth is irrelevant. He’s being attacked illegally solely for being the opposition candidate. End of story.
That’s why the party pays, and should be doing it for any party member who is attacked for being a Republican candidate, because if they don’t the Democrats will harrass and arrest every single person who runs for the party, ruining their lives and bankrupting them with legal bills.
This is middle school stuff, Sarc.
He’s being attacked illegally solely for being the opposition candidate. End of story.
No, he's not. He's being attacked because he's a polarizing figure and because he's done some arguably illegal/criminal shit.
That’s why the party pays, and should be doing it for any party member who is attacked for being a Republican candidate, because if they don’t the Democrats will harrass and arrest every single person who runs for the party, ruining their lives and bankrupting them with legal bills.
That's.... uh.... wow. You really believe that? Let me scroll up here for a sec.
So Red Rocks gets his talking points from Tucker. ML from convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza.
I'll have to look that guy up.
Nope. There’s no way you get your talking points from a brown person.
Look. An ignorant liberal narrative. He is joining shrike lol.
Welcome to the racist liberals group sarc.
Shrike is hands down and away the most racist commenter here Sarcasmic and that's who you're getting your opinions from.
You also forget I'm Metis which is technically brown.
It is like Musk offering to pay the legal bills for anyone fired due to a Twitter post.
Trump’s rich but he’s being assaulted because he’s the Republican candidate. No other reason.
Oh my God, you really believe that? You think they'd be doing this to Cruz or Rubio? Get a grip, man.
Do you want the list of other people Bidens DoJ has gone after?
Proud Boys.
Abortion protestors.
Parents attending school board meetings.
I can keep going. But please justify this lawfare as only pertaining to the one person you hate most. Great justification.
Sarc’s always been a dipshit, but now he’s a full on authoritarian. Hate is an amazing tool.
He is just an insecure retard who will float to whoever side gives him validation. Jeff and shrike put up with his shit to gain an ally. So shrike goes along with it. All 3 useful idiots of statist and leftists.
This. Sarc's authoritarianism comes straight from Mike, Jeff and Buttplug.
Sarc's like that kid in highschool who will either be a skinhead or a wigger depending on who he's hanging out with.
Yes we know. When Republicans break the law, holding them accountable is "lawfare" and should be resisted.
I see from a lot of postings here that some of us will never reach The Singularity. So much sqabbling over scraps.
Oh well, more pig kidneys, vat meat, GM veggies, prostheses, seasteads, sexbots, and neural network space for me!
Sarcasmic is truly amazing. It must take years of practice to get a Buttplug that far his throat without choking to death. And he was at ii for hours today. Such dedication to the craft.
You know who else was expert at deep throat?
Amazing what Sarcasmic will do to try and get a friend.
Glass houses Chuck
Crypto does not meet the economic requirements for cash:
1) accepted in the market in which you trade for goods
2) holds value overtime
Now, currently the American dollar doesn’t meet #2, either… but crypto still isn’t at cash/money status.
And I think that who schtick about proving nation states bunk is a wee bit behind the times. Nations are proving to be the best and only way to advocate for your personal values. Individuals don’t win elections. Groups do.
LOL! Who thought calling this "Climate expert" in was a great idea?
Yeah, that was pretty good.
But does it matter? I mean, a teenaged girl with downs syndrome who was very obviously parroting what her handlers told her to say became some sort of international "expert" to the media. Nobody that age is an expert at anything, she had no accomplishments, no credentials, nothing at all to establish her as someone the world should listen to. And she was lionized by the international press.
Biff here -- who looks like one of the hockey players from Letterkenny, and sounds as dumb -- is at least as good an expert.
Wow, that was like an SNL sketch from the 80's. Matlock interrogates Jeff Spicoli.
LOL The bestest and brightest. Hope we see more of this guy soon.
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Just wanted to throw in my bit here as commenting wasn't available when I first read this last month.
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