Kate Judson is a lawyer who often deals with crimes that did not occur. As the executive director of the Wisconsin-based Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences (CIFS), her job is to examine ostensible scientific evidence to see whether it backs up prosecutors' claims.
"Some people who died were classified as victims of homicide when they were really the victim of illness, or accident, or suicide, or medical error—that kind of thing," says Judson. "We had a case of a family that lost their child. The caregiver was accused of attacking her. It was later discovered, based on new medical evidence, that the child had been really ill with a disease she was probably born with."
Evidence can't bring a child back, obviously. But it can get an innocent person out of jail. And it can give a grieving family some peace of mind. To learn that your child "was held and comforted in their last moments, instead of attacked," says Judson, "would be important to know."
When the center was founded four years ago, Judson left her job as a public defender to become its first employee. Now a staff of four works to keep bad science out of the courtroom. This includes:
Ballistics: Scientific proof "that you can match a projectile to its weapon is just not there," says Judson. While you can tell if a bullet comes from a particular type of gun— say, a Glock—that doesn't mean you can identify the specific gun that fired the bullet.
In the seminal case United States v. Tibbs, a D.C. Superior Court judge ruled that a ballistics expert could not testify that a gun discarded by Marquette Tibbs near a crime scene was indisputably the source of the casings found there. Why not? Because the ballistics field is really shaky, the judge determined, and lacks "validity."
Hair identification: In 2009, the National Research Council published a report about forensic science "and that really marked a turning point in the birth of the forensic reform movement," says Judson. "It was the first time a big government agency brought together scientific experts and legal experts and said, 'Let's talk about what they're saying in court and whether it passes scientific muster.'"
One big topic was hair samples. A hair with its root can provide actual DNA evidence, says Judson. But other comparisons of color and texture, even examined under the microscope, have led to many wrongful convictions. She points to the case of Santae Tribble, convicted of murder at 17, despite evidence that he had been elsewhere when the crime occurred.
An FBI analyst at his trial testified that there was just a one in 10 million chance that the hair found on a stocking mask at the crime scene belonged to someone other than Tribble.
But after spending over 20 years in prison, Tribble was cleared when the hairs were retested and none of them matched. (At least one was dog hair.)
The Innocence Project, which works closely with the CIFS, got the FBI to admit that "even when hairs seem microscopically indistinguishable," it really couldn't say how unique those similarities are.
Bite marks: "They're not even good at counting the number of teeth," says Judson.
One of the more famous bite mark cases involved a woman raped, beaten, bitten, and stabbed to death in Wisconsin in 1984. A dental scientist named Lowell Thomas Johnson said the marks came from someone missing a tooth. When a neighbor, Robert Stinson, was questioned—and seen missing a tooth—he was charged with murder. The bite marks were the only evidence against him.
He served 23 years. Then the Wisconsin Innocence Project got hold of the DNA of the saliva and blood on the victim's sweater. These didn't belong to Stinson. Instead, they belonged to another prisoner, Moses Price, who was serving 35 years for committing a subsequent murder. Price confessed, and Stinson was exonerated.
Arson: "Have you ever seen, in a campfire, a piece of wood that looks like alligator scales?" asks Judson. "It's called 'alligatoring." Until recently, it was considered an indicator of arson.
Another supposed indicator was "something they used to call 'crazed glass,'" Judson says. "It's a pattern of breakage that they used to say came from arson. But after, again, real scientific experimentation, it turns out that that happens when hot glass gets water poured on it."
Forensic analysts have been able to prove that even when a house burns down inadvertently, there can be evidence of crazed glass and alligatoring.
"They found that fires, whether or not they involve any arson, whether or not they involve any accelerants, can get to the point that it's so hot that the air becomes super-heated and everything ignites at once," she says.
Shaken babies: A theory used to hold that if a baby died, and an autopsy found some specific symptoms—including bleeding behind the eyes—the child had likely been shaken to death.
Then, 10 years ago, physicians Marcus Salvatori and Patrick Lantz had a novel idea: They performed autopsies on four children ages 3 and under who had died from infections. Those infants had evidence of bleeding behind the eyes as well.
At least 30 people have been exonerated after serving years or decades for supposedly shaking a baby to death.
"You don't expect kids to die, but the truth is, some do," says Judson. "And some die with unexplained bleeding."
That can lead to a conviction, even though a crime never occurred.
Maybe the dudes a werewolf.
Shirley that is more likely than an FBI agent being wrong
It’s funny I read “Hair Sample That Put a Man in Prison Turned Out to Be Dog Hair” and thought “Oh, here we go! Someone was wrongly convicted so overturn the last 50 yrs. of molecular biology!”
Then I though, nah, I’m wrong, they just did a morphology comparison and even though dog hair is hollow and human hair is solid, someone screwed up and Liberteen Beat is calling for an overturn of all of science based on it….
Then I read:
And I thought, Holy Fuck! This is even more dishonest as the *one* dog hair wasn’t necessarily even tested or relevant. Why would you be this obviously deceptive unless your job depended on a narrative every bit as much as any cops?
From your own source:
which, ironically, links to this “Whoops! 404 Error!” page. So, the issue isn’t whether the science is sound or not, it’s that someone acting as an authority lied about it. Much the same way someone saying, “Hair Sample That Put a Man in Prison Turned Out to Be Dog Hair” is lying.
I mean, WTF? Cops can’t collect hair samples unless they can guarantee they aren’t contaminated? Go fuck yourself you jurinalistic SJW shitbags. You aren’t fixing anything you’re just replacing their The Science! with your The Science!
Look, all I know is that it's being "populist" to not trust the science.
The science surrounding the 2023 Nashville School Shooting is junk science. Also, sonograms.
recent overtly loud analysis has entertained.
Tibble was convicted of murder by jury
“35 defendants [who] received the death penalty, 33 of which were the subject of false FBI testimony. Nine of the prisoners were executed and five died from other causes on death row.”
And, again, we aren't talking about petty theft that probably didn't get a second look and the only thing they found and convicted on was a hair sample. There is still a dead body there that *someone* actually killed, probably a murder weapon, maybe some DNA, maybe a few eye witnesses, maybe books showing somebody owed somebody else money. Again, to wit, fuck your "They found a dog hair at the scene, ergo he must be innocent!" B.S.
>>someone acting as an authority lied about it.
at very least no death penalty should exist
Tibble wasn't up for the death penalty. And, again, the evidence is pretty clear that, despite your intentions, fewer government-facilitated/performed extrajudicial killings (to say nothing about private citizens left to their own devices are abso-fucking-lutely murdering the fuck out of each other just because they *think* somebody did something) don't take place simply because you wish some of the most carefully examined, but still flawed, murders into the cornfield.
more in general - nobody should die because lying liars and the lies they tell.
And, more in general, your "no death penalty" policy doesn't advance the aim of "nobody should die because lying liars and the lies they tell". Rather, in a very real and opposite way, is itself a lie told by lying liars that causes people do die.
maybe some DNA
"However, subsequent DNA testing on the hair and on other evidence excluded Tribble as the source."
When an innocent person gets convicted of murder, someone else gets away with murder.
As long as the FBI agent has been sent to prison for lying, I think balance has been found.
When an innocent person gets convicted of murder, someone else gets away with murder.
And is your problem with the person, the crime, the punishment, or the finding of guilt/innocence?
If it's the latter, why would you obfuscate in the name of the former. That is, let's say the "primary" murder clearance rate is 30% with, and I'll be generous to your position, a 5% false conviction rate. Do you assume the "secondary" murder clearance rate is 90% with a 0.1% false conviction rate? Why? To wit, if you're really so concerned about people not dying or the finding of truth, why do you look past the initial 30% and 5% number to the punishment, which has (or shouldn't) nothing to do with the numbers?
Again, consistently and at all levels, "no death penalty" zealots continue to signal that their personal SJW virtues that don't really care about the truth or the total amount of deaths or the direct cause of deaths as much as they care about being seen as virtuous or righteous on this one issue. If corroding the due process of finding of guilt/innocence in order to avoid the death penalty means we wind up trying Kyle Rittenhouse for murder and Trump for, uh, appraising his own property... and letting Alec Baldwin and Hunter Biden go free, so be it. As long as we aren't killing anyone whose hair was(n't) found at a murder scene, it's OK that we're letting mostly peaceful protesters out, en masse and justice is being served.
Just like the abortion crowd, I could get your POV 5 decades ago, but it's not 5 decades ago and the problem with our justice system and the number of people it kills, extrajudicially or not, or the number of guilty people it fails to apprehend has nothing to do with the death penalty and you'd have to be utterly dishonest to pretend it does.
I don't care much about the death penalty. My concern is when innocent people are prosecuted by corrupt actors of the state. I think bad actors would rather pursue a conviction rather than the truth.
My mistaken rush to judgement. I absolutely agree.
But, to the point of "dog hair wrongfully put a man in prison", replacing the old set of lying, bad actors with the new set of lying, bad actors specifically does not resolve the issue.
Yes, I agree with your gripe about the dog hair.
The justice system is corrupt AF. Debunking bad sceince is good. Sorry you are so upset the sensational headline is not as accurate as you want. But you clicked and see the bad corrupt science.
And unfortunately the dozens of CSI style shows on TV have brainwashed the public into thinking forensics is infallible.
You know who else thinks scientism is infallible?
Robert Reich?
96% of the population in 2020?
And unfortunately the dozens of CSI style
"When I became a police officer, I was convinced everything was covered in semen!"
Have you shined a UV light in a hotel room (or limo back seat)?
Bleach shines brightly also.
You were supposed to wait for him to come back with "There's semen in my laundry detergent!" so we could all have a good laugh before telling him.
Look, if a bunch of earnest looking pretty people on TV can't prove the validity of science, who can?
Well, it's about time! And only sixty years too late to right the wrongs of uncountable numbers of innocent convicts. The way law enforcement operates in America: first round up the usual suspect; then collect all the evidence, real or imagined, that might convince the suspect to confess or at least convince a jury to convict; then develop tunnel vision, ignoring any exculpatory evidence that might intrude on your smug satisfaction at a job well done; don't forget to lie to the suspect and keep unhelpful evidence away from their lawyer; go home at the end of the day and beat your spouse; repeat daily until you retire.
Instead, they belonged to another prisoner, Moses Price, who was serving 35 years for committing a subsequent murder. Price confessed, and Stinson was exonerated.
Any word on whether Moses Price was missing teeth or are we just supposed assume you retards are the experts here?
And, Holy fuck even if you people cared, which you don't, what the fuck sense does this make?
He hid a murder for 20 yrs. and only confessed when approached with irrefutable evidence so he gets less than a third of the sentence the guy they wrongly convicted because he's a changed man? I mean Holy Fuck what is wrong with you people?
Holy fuck. This makes 15 pieces on Reason today. Is it employee of the month selection time?
Oh, so now they're cancelling hair of the dog?
Now your messin with a son of a bitch
But we're still supposed to believe that Trump's COVID Shot is safe and effective. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
Geez, first they challenged public health science. Now they want to tear down LE forensic science. If they keep this up, what kind of official government science will be left to believe in?
See my quote about Moses Price above.
(Murdered someone else + Kept it a secret for 20 yrs. + confessed only when confronted with evidence – good behavior - 1)^1984 < 1/3 of the guy we wrongly convicted.
The "-1" is due to the maximum sentence limit theorem that says if you've already arrested somebody for murdering someone else, you can't give them the full sentence for the second murder.
It’s not all one big mass of “science” it’s bad science here, good science there. The main problem is that most people don’t know the difference between good science and bad science; can’t be bothered to learn even the basics of what distinguishes good science from bad science; and couldn’t care less as long as the bad science confirms their preconceived notions. And the biased media are quite happy to abandon any hint of responsibility to do that job for the people as long as reporting bad science helps them push their social justice agenda. "Back the Blue" vs. "Black Lives Matter" redux ...
Nor are DAs and judges - Daubert etc notwithstanding - minded to worry too much about bad science in the courtroom.
Well said
Hardly surprising - - -
DNA can't even tell a man from a woman these days.
LOL, so true!
We finally got video of the cop who drove into the gay bar arresting the owner
Trying to make gay the new "most important thing"? Angling for a job at Reason?
Science affirms my social/political narrative! Trust the science!
Science doesn't affirm my social/political narrative. The science is flawed!
Can we maybe just leave the narratives out of it for a change? Please?
And can we leave science out of matters of principles, morals, and ethics?
Um, no - probably not.
We've seen firsthand - a lot lately - how that goes immediately awry (and dangerously so) when we ignore science in matters of principle, morals, and ethics.
When you're actively working against that - driving your narrative for an agenda contrary to principles, morals, and ethics - that's when science actually does matter. And it's when unprincipled, immoral, unethical people do their best to deny it.
Well I certainly glad there is an entity out there willing to take the time and effort to get to the bottom of it.
More police corruption. Nothing new here.
The justice system is corrupt AF.