Across the Globe, Government Health Care Systems Are Failing Us
By restricting private health care choices, the NHS and other beloved single-payer systems were doomed from the start.

In summer 2012, about 27 million Britons tuned in to the London Olympics' opening ceremony, dreamed up by the Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle. Central to the show was an homage to the National Health Service (NHS), the United Kingdom's single-payer health care system, that featured hundreds of volunteer nurses dancing around bedridden children. Transcending political affiliation, support for the NHS may be the strongest uniting force in the United Kingdom. As the Conservative Party politician Nigel Lawson put it in a thinly veiled shot at the Church of England, the NHS is "the closest thing the British have to a religion."
Less than a decade after the London Olympics, the COVID-19 pandemic deeply strained the system's human and financial resources. The number of British doctors considering early retirement doubled over the first year of the pandemic. More than half of the NHS' doctors worked extra shifts, over a quarter of which were unpaid. Total health care spending was 24 percent higher in 2021 than in 2019. And in November 2022, NHS Resolution—the organization that handles NHS patients' claims—allocated £1.3 billion ($1.6 billion) in anticipation of an increased volume of claims related to the pandemic. In December 2022, the U.K.'s top health care leaders warned that the country faced a "prolonged period" of excess deaths due to people not having timely access to care.
Simply put, the NHS is collapsing. Physicians and nurses are leaving the profession at an unprecedented rate, and students are entering other fields. Seven million Britons—more than one in 10—are waiting for treatment. And while COVID certainly accelerated the NHS' decay, it did not cause it. The system had been showing symptoms of an underlying problem for decades. Indeed, the NHS was destined to fail from its very inception.
That's not just true of the NHS. It's true of many of the world's most vaunted government-run health care systems. They have deep flaws built into their very design, and now they're showing signs of severe strain.
Bismarck and Beveridge
Modern medicine was born in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. With technological progress came biological discoveries that made longer, healthier lives attainable. But medical access was expensive, so newly wealthy Western states devised plans to put health care services within the reach of the masses. Those new systems generally followed one of two models: Bismarck or Beveridge.
The Bismarck model originated in the 1880s in Germany, when the conservative statesman Otto von Bismarck envisioned a system where people crowdfund for their health care expenses and receive services from entities that can be privately or publicly owned. Over time, governments began subsidizing low-income citizens' care. Countries with Bismarck-style systems today include Germany, Switzerland, and South Korea. Those countries' health care systems have been experiencing significant cost growth, but they tend to deliver timelier, higher-quality care than the Beveridge countries. That's because, even if they are highly regulated and subsidized, they were designed to use privately owned and operated health care operations rather than stamp them out.
The Beveridge systems came later, and they were predicated on a government-centric model in which private systems were either banned outright or heavily restricted.
In the late 1940s, the progressive economist Lord William Beveridge designed the National Health System in the United Kingdom. Under the Beveridge model, the government is the primary payer and provider of health care services. Citizens finance care through taxes and are entitled to free or heavily subsidized care at the point of delivery. To keep prices down and manage supply, the government was positioned as the central financier of health care. This system would come to be known as "single-payer."
This model's promise of free service relies on coercing medical professionals into providing care on government's terms. What happens when those professionals do not accept the terms? They exit the system, or find ways around it, and so access to services becomes scarce.
Short of brute force, governments have limited options to deal with the inevitable mismatch between supply and demand. Beveridge-style systems can ration care, increase spending and taxation, or simply accept low-quality services. This is the dilemma facing Beveridge systems in the U.K., Sweden, and Canada today, all of which are struggling with some combination of shortages, delays, fiscal shortfalls, and quality-of-service issues that are undermining both the health of their citizens and the egalitarian ideals the systems were built on.
These countries built health care systems under the presumption that the laws of economics simply don't apply to health care—that physicians and nurses have nothing but their patients' well-being in mind and are not interested in making money, that patients aren't smart enough to be able to make choices about their health, and that systems that hide costs from patients won't result in resource-draining, unnecessary care. But reality has been catching up, and citizens of these countries are suffering and even dying as a result.
Hurry Up and Wait
In the wake of World War II, Labour Party M.P. Aneurin Bevan set out to convince his colleagues that the U.K. needed a permanent national health service that would be free at the point of service, accessible to everyone, and funded through general taxation. He quickly realized that the biggest hurdle was provider opposition. The British Medical Association warned that the push for a national health service was national socialism in disguise, and that Bevan was about to take on the role of "medical Führer."
Bevan's solution to providers' complaints? In his own words: "I stuffed their mouths with gold." And it worked. As of 2019, the NHS employed roughly 1.5 million people, making it one of the largest employers in the world, and interacted with 1.5 million patients every day.
But top-down governance comes with tradeoffs. Bureaucrats can't foresee the problems that might arise from even minor errors in design. And once issues materialize, fixing them can take years. This has serious consequences for patients—and it leads to a work force that's so disgruntled it might just quit.
The NHS' problems are perhaps best illustrated by its ongoing "bed-blocking" crisis. As of July 2022, almost 13,000 hospital beds—about one in seven—were used by patients who were well enough to be discharged. Some had been there for nine months. Why? They had nowhere to go.
They're supposed to receive follow-up treatment at home, but there aren't enough personnel for that. That's no surprise considering there are about 165,000 open positions for adult social care in England. One in 10 positions is unfilled.
Consequently, other patients get stranded in ambulances waiting outside hospitals for beds to free up. An October 2022 analysis by the British Heart Foundation found that 230 heart disease patients a week were dying due to ambulance delays and bed blocking—30,000 excess deaths among such patients since the beginning of the pandemic. In August, calls had an average response time of 59 minutes. In one region, the average was 72 minutes, four times the 18-minute target set in the NHS' constitution. This has lethal consequences: Last summer, an estimated 500 British citizens died every week because of the extended wait time to receive emergency services.
Medical professionals already struggle with their workloads. Bed blocking means they receive more patients in dire condition due to the delays. Physicians and nurses are retiring en masse because they aren't able to take proper care of patients; they live in constant fear that they will make the wrong call when prioritizing patients and thus will precipitate a death. One crisis feeds another.
It's not just patients in ambulances who are waiting. Last June, more than 333,000 people were on cardiac waiting lists. That's 8,300 more than the previous month, and the number had been increasing for 24 consecutive months. More than 30 percent of those people had been waiting for over 18 weeks, the NHS' target for treatment.
The NHS is increasingly understaffed. In 2022, less than a third of general practitioners in training were planning to work full-time upon entering the work force. In a survey conducted the previous year, just 6 percent of trainees planned to work full-time for their entire career. One key reason: The work is just too much. Trainees expect four-hour shifts to turn into six or seven hours of work once they account for the time spent on follow-up administrative tasks.
All this comes on top of a perennial problem with single-payer systems: rationed care.
In the 1990s, the Labour Party established the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (quaintly abbreviated to NICE), which was tasked with creating clinical guidelines and public health guidance. But NICE also decides what drugs Britons can access through the NHS by conducting cost-benefit analyses for new drugs and health care technologies. One of NICE's core functions is, in effect, to ration care.
In single-payer systems, clinical decisions are made by a centralized government agency that determines whether a given new drug is worth taxpayers' money. Citizens whose values don't align are out of luck, unless they're wealthy enough to pay out of pocket for private care, as one in 10 did last year. Britons may cherish the NHS, but many are taking leave of the system for private options.

Private and Parallel
Sweden and its Scandinavian neighbors are often portrayed as paragons of progress and equality. Integral to that dream is universal access to health care through a Beveridge-style system. In theory, these are universal; no other system is supposed to be necessary.
Yet over the past 20 years, Sweden has seen a robust private market for health care grow alongside the public system. It's a clear sign the country's public insurance system has failed to live up to its ideals.
Parallel private markets for health care aren't uncommon in developed countries with nationalized health care systems. But given the amount Swedes pay into their system, Sweden's growing private market may be surprising. On average, Swedes pay more than half of their income in taxes. When the government takes such a big slice of residents' money, it had better deliver great services. Yet Swedes are so desperate for better care that they're willing to tap into their scarce post-tax earnings to seek out private options.
The number of Swedes with private insurance has been exploding. In 2000, just 1 percent of Swedish residents had private health insurance. Today, 7 percent do. Sweden's public health care system simply isn't able to provide for everyone. Beveridge systems by definition can't rely on private payment for care; the fact that such a large number of Swedes are going private is a strong indication the system won't survive in its current form.
It's not just patients. Thanks to recent deregulatory efforts aimed at promoting health care competition, providers too have been going private. In the wake of a 2009 law promoting competition, the country saw an 80 percent increase in the number of private health care institutions, such that more than four in 10 providers are now private. In the Stockholm metropolitan area, two-thirds are. Those entities make handsome profits off the taxpayer in addition to collecting payments from privately insured patients, who are able to secure priority access to care.
As with the NHS, long waits plague Sweden's health care system. The taxes that fund Sweden's system, which are primarily collected at the local level, are so high that they're driving businesses out of the country, leaving municipalities in straits. Even still, funding shortfalls have resulted in too few providers to meet demand. That proved to be a challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. In December 2020, Stockholm's intensive care units (ICUs) were at 99 percent capacity, but an even greater concern was the lack of ICU staff. Worker shortages that predated the pandemic were exacerbated by rising rates of resignation. Emergency personnel started demanding pay increases so unusually large that economists feared they'd spark inflation.
Swedes are supposed to have equitable access to care without breaking the bank. In 2005, the "Vårdgaranti"—National Guaranteed Access to Healthcare—imposed legal maximums for wait times through a number series known as 0-7-90-90. That meant zero delay when contacting the health system for advice, seeing a general practitioner within seven days, seeing a specialist within 90 days, and waiting no more than 90 days to receive treatment after being diagnosed.
But bureaucrats couldn't simply mandate improvements into existence.
More than a decade after the wait-time rules were installed, Agence France-Presse reported that a third of patients still waited longer than 90 days to see a specialist or receive treatment. The median wait for prostate cancer surgery lasted 120 days—in some parts of the country, more than 270 days. "Swedes have little confidence that politicians will solve this," a policy analyst at the left-leaning think tank Arena Idé told the wire service in 2018. "There is a risk their faith in the welfare state will be eroded."
When Sick People Become a Public Burden
In 2004, relying on 1.2 million votes from the public, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC) awarded the title of "Greatest Canadian" to Tommy Douglas, the politician credited with designing the country's health system. Like the U.K., Canada employs a single-payer system that enjoys near-unconditional support from its citizens.
That system is supposed to rest on two pillars: fairness, and access to care no matter one's ability to pay. In reality, the system ensures neither. Indeed, it actively undermines attempts at improving access, with devastating effects both for patients and for health care professionals. It does this by exercising a monopoly on the coverage of core services, eliminating the ability to temper demand through cost-sharing, and rationing the supply of medical professionals and devices, just as a pure Beveridge model demands.
Canada's system has long been premised on the idea that the only way to ensure equal and affordable access is for the government to control the health system. Three federal acts all but eliminated private options. The first two, in 1957 and 1966, established federal transfers to the provinces for the provision of care. The third came in 1984, when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) signed the Canada Health Act, which banned private coverage and told the provinces they would lose federal funding if they did not provide universal coverage to all citizens and legal residents.
Meanwhile, the practice of billing patients for the difference between what the provider charges and what the insurer is willing to pay was made illegal. From that point on, providers had little choice but to accept the provincial government's reimbursement rates.
Today, supplemental insurance is allowed in Canada only for services that aren't subject to mandatory coverage, such as private rooms in hospitals. Doctors are allowed to serve cash-paying patients, but only if they opt out of serving the public system. Strict government controls and restrictions over physician training and reimbursement deter many doctors from practicing.
As in the NHS, provider shortages led to delays in accessing care. Canada's ailing system fares worse than other industrialized countries with universal coverage. Among 26 such countries, Canada ranked second to last in 2019 for acute care beds per capita, with only two for every 1,000 citizens. It was among the worst for physicians, MRI scans, and C.T. scans per capita. Over a third of Canadians wait more than four months for surgery. And 30 percent of people who show up to the emergency room wait more than four hours to be seen by a medical team. Over 60 percent of Canadians who are referred to a specialist can't schedule an appointment with them within four weeks.
The private sector remains heavily restricted. In September 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic, when provinces were canceling surgeries due to staffing shortages and overwhelmed hospitals, the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled that there's no constitutional right to purchase medically necessary private health care services when wait times are too long. The 880-page decision, issued after four years of trial, will be challenged before the national Supreme Court, with ramifications for the entire country.
Today, private clinics in Canada are allowed to offer cosmetic procedures and dental surgery—and nothing else. In some provinces, doctors can be fined thousands of dollars if they are ever caught selling a private service to a patient, something that no other country does. Yet markets inevitably produce workarounds: Wealthier patients shell out tens of thousands of dollars on treatment in the United States.
Canada's health care overlords have responded by looking for ways to rein in costs. And since prolonged end-of-life care is one of the biggest drivers of health spending, it's not too surprising they've settled on a system that cuts some of those inconveniently expensive lives short.
In recent years, Canada began offering medically assisted suicide to patients across the country. With few exceptions, Canadian doctors who disagree with the practice aren't allowed to tell their patients no. Most provinces mandate that doctors who won't help patients kill themselves must at least give them a referral to a physician who will.
This isn't simply a matter of respecting freedom of choice; it's a form of rationing. The Canadian Medical Association issued a report in 2017 that said giving adults—and soon perhaps minors—a quick way out could save the country up to $136 million annually. "In a resource-limited health care system, anytime we roll out a large intervention…cost has to be a part of that discussion," an author of the study told the CBC.
Countries like Canada have embraced socialized health care in the name of equality. That means the financial burden of expensive care is socialized as well. People with expensive medical conditions become problems for taxpayers and bureaucrats. Faced with unsustainable cost growth, there is a clear incentive to simply make the problem go away. But in this case, the "problem" is human life.
Even still, costs are growing fast. Independent researchers estimate that, in non-COVID times, Canada spends more on its residents than most developed nations if you adjust by age. Canadian health care authorities might temporarily reduce wait times with even greater spending, but an ever-growing budget for health care spending is plainly unsustainable.
Aging Beveridge systems like Canada's aren't just creaking under financial strain. They're showing the deadly misconception at the heart of government-centric systems that purport to give everyone an equal right to health care. In practice, those systems treat human beings as disposable burdens on society.
The American Exception
The United States doesn't have a totalizing government-run health care system like the ones in Canada and the United Kingdom. But Washington has built several smaller-scale Beveridge-like systems within our borders: Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), TRICARE, and the Indian Health Service (IHS). And those systems have helped produce a health care cost crisis like no other country's.
These fractured, overlapping systems aren't as comprehensive as the NHS. But Medicaid is the largest single-payer system in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with 90 million Americans enrolled as of fall 2022. During the pandemic, the federal government forbade states from removing people from Medicaid rolls even if they were no longer eligible. This increase in the number of beneficiaries wasn't matched with an increase in medical providers—quite the opposite, since one in five health care workers quit their job during the pandemic. Medicaid beneficiaries typically face much longer waits than people covered by private insurance, because low reimbursement rates discourage doctors from accepting patients. And just as in the U.K., some Americans spend months in the hospital because they have nowhere to be discharged to. Post-COVID health care access is bound to be even more constrained for Medicaid beneficiaries.
Likewise, the VHA is infamous for long waits, inadequate care, and decrepit facilities. IHS dysfunction is among the reasons the pandemic had a disproportionate impact on Native Americans, with Natives' life expectancy falling by more than six years from 2019 to 2021.
Medicare doesn't suffer from the same problems. That's partly thanks to its status as the default health care option for seniors, who vote in large numbers. And it's partly due to the fact that almost half of Medicare beneficiaries are on privately run plans that have a semblance of market function.
People often think of American health care as a free market system, but those government programs have blocked market forces. So even though more than half of Americans have private insurance, our single-payer systems end up influencing prices, clinical decisions, and innovation in the private market as well.
One area where public systems' pitfalls are felt acutely is state-of-the-art therapies. The addition of Aduhelm, an expensive new drug against Alzheimer's disease, to Medicare's formulary in 2021 led to a big increase in Medicare premiums. What if multiple top-dollar drugs hit the market the same year? In the U.S., Medicare and Medicaid patients may not be able to use insurance to buy them.
There is a silver lining, though: Patients can choose to spend their own money out of pocket to try them. And they can do that for every health care good and service in America. In Canada, they would have to physically exit the country to be allowed to use their own dollars for such care.
Private health care providers may not inspire Broadway-style Olympic tributes, but squelching them has been disastrous for the citizens of countries stuck with ailing single-payer systems. Extra government spending, rationing, and grisly decisions about end-of-life care can delay the inevitable for such systems, but not forever.
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YouTube pushed this roundtable featuring Reason-adjacent journalist Michael Moynahan discussing the media, defamation and agenda driven reporting.
Also present, Nick Sandmann and a few others who have recently been smeared by completely false stories. Including a former soldier and military contractor who started a business rescuing people from Afghanistan for American and multinational corporations and NGOs. CNN decided that actually getting those non-existent left behind people out was a bridge too far, so they defamed him as a black market smuggler preying on poor Afghani people, destroying his business overnight.
A pretty good overview of the state of the media and the ease with which they destroy people's lives to get a few clicks while driving their agenda.
It is from 4 days ago. I have not been around for a couple of days, so I didn't see if it had already been disected here.
There are some really good cases listed, including a gun rights group interviewed by Katie Couric. I think we talked about it briefly here, but they bring new detail to the discussion. Before the interview. They put everyone in position and said they had to calibrate the sound and to please be silent. So everyone was sitting there with the lights off, quietly waiting for 9 minutes. Heads down, fidgeting nervously, trying to be quiet.
In the broadcast of the interview. They played Katie asking a gotcha question, and then instead of playing their immediate responses, they cut to footage of them sitting there in the dark, looking uncomfortable and ominous. It was not "artistic license." To enhance a story. It was a lie. A lie they had to work very hard to create. A lie they are defending in court.
I'd suggest inviting Katie Couric to an interview, asking her a political question, and then instead of showing the actual response, switching to a deepfake of her felching Sarah Brady, except making that footage might be considered a crime against humanity. And showing it *certainly* would.
Yes, the evil villain Katie Couric, who sabotaged Sarah Palin's VP campaign with "gotcha" questions like which newspaper had she read.
Newspapers are time wasters. Pedophiles may browse them looking for it anyone they traded cp media with had been picked up.
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Yup. Just like arch-villain "The Jacket" asked Snuffy Dave and Baby Orange Hitler gotcha questions--and they admitted that their plans for the Austrian Christian Libertarian Party were the same as Jerry Fallwell's, Sarah Palin's, The Bush Idiots', Mitt Romney's, Sammy Alito's, Long Dong's and Older Orange Hitler's. Thowe interviews were like reruns of Edward G Robinson interrogations in "Confessions of a Nazi Spy."
Dood! You've got so many self-made euphemisms for characters than I can't tell what you are talking about. Clarity beats cleaverness overload every time.
It falls under “Squirrel adjacent”. Anything to take the focus off what is occurring. Like Reason dropping hit piece after hit piece on potential GOP candidates and not spending much time (other than as a vehicle to boaf sidez) on the folks actually in office.
I bet it is a spin-off ChatGPT designed to vomit liberal talking points while attempting to sound clever.
"NutGPT" is the official name of the code fork, I believe.
Do you keep a spreadsheet or something?
Yes. We all do. It's run on a program called "Paying Attention".
Remember when some crazy guy with orange skin declared that the media is the enemy of the people? What a nut!
CNN should be put out of business for that kind of shit. They are not in any way a news organization.
30 years ago a Texas-based free market think tank whose name I forgot held a series of seminars gratis on this subject. I attended, they were very good, and I'm not saying that because the chief speaker was named Goodman (unrelated).
One of the great revelations therein was how much people in the UK underestimated the cost of the NHS. The median guess as to its cost was 10% of its actual cost! They thought they were getting a bargain for their taxes.
There are many other countries where, to a fair approximation as far as most people were concerned, there was no medicine before government medicine, so they had no experience to compare to.
These are things to keep in mind when trying to figure the enormous popularity of socialized medicine worldwide.
Somehow they ignored all available data that govt pretty much always does things slower, shittier, and at a cost premium.
Remember how much the CA govt saved by building that high speed train? Remember how great of a deal social security would be?
I dont know how many more examples the plebs need that govt, due to its nature, just cannot do things efficiently, cheaply, or with competence.
"the enormous popularity of socialized medicine worldwide."
Turns out, "free shit", still a popular election issue. What the adults in the room need to figure out is whether the "free" healthcare is worth having a shittier system. When it gets put to a popular vote, its always going to win. Too few people can see beyond "oh sweet the govt takes care of it for me" to actually look at unintended consequences
I ran some comparisons on my pay and SSA deductions. There is no actual SSA account balance, and the SSA payout is fixed and barely related to this fictitious balance. Nevertheless, I calculated what account balances I would have had from investing the same yearly SSA deductions into accounts which blindly tracked the Dow Jones and S&P 500 indices. 5% yearly withdrawals from the Dow Jones and S&P 500 accounts would have been 2.15 and 4.37 times as high as the SSA payout, and most years, the indices gained more than 5%.
Claiming the discipline to manage savings, simple investing, and spending is racist.
You might as well run the same analysis on all those home fire insurance premiums everyone has paid even though most people have never had claim. Social Security is an insurance program. It’s just a really badly run one.
Which means that SS was a good deal for the government and that claims of its impending doom as costing the US too much must be bullshit. You can't have a pension system that simultaneously offers a poor return to people paying in and costs the fund too much.
Really? Cite? Good deal for politicians/ government does in no way result in a good deal for citizens. You continue in your dumbass ways.
Fuckwit, it's basic financial maths. If SS was a bad deal for recipients it was a good deal for the government. Hence if someone argues that SS costs the government too much and is a bad investment for those paying into it, they're FOS.
It's no different in principle from a bond issue - if the issue is cheap for the borrower, it's expensive for the lender, and vice versa.
Lefty asshole,
Fuck off and die.
Just because you're too stupid to understand finance doesn't mean that those of us who do are leftists.
And honestly, this scares me. It’s impossible to campaign on the idea that you’re to stop giving away free shit. Republicans want to cut the budget but aren’t going to touch Medicare, which is a money pit. Don’t event mention Social Security!
So even if there’s resistance to increasing government control, it only has to happen once. Every notch that gets cranked up can’t be undone, it’s political suicide to run on turning off the taps. Once the money starts going out, you can’t stop it. No matter how bad socialized systems get, people in those countries vehemently defend them. There’s never going to be a point where self awareness sinks in.
Eventually, the US is going to end up in a single payer system. The dial only works one way. Even it cranks up very slowly, that’s the only direction it goes.
In an ideal world, we’d educate the populace against the evils of socialized medicine. But we don’t live in a censorship free world. The people with the biggest megaphones and the ability to censor your speech love government controlled stuff. They love central planning. They will punish people who speak out. We have to follow the science, after all.
Eventually, the US is going to end up in a single payer system.
I disagree. Why? Thank Medicare.
Older voters will never allow Medicare to be compromised so that younger people are covered. Younger workers subsidize the old via payroll taxes. The beneficiaries won't give that up.
Shrike Likes Tikes
SPB2 = Shrike Porks Boys 2.
Speculation? How about the LP resets to its original platform? Women voters then return us our 12% annual vote growth to defeat nazi fanatics and cowardly straddlers. The Kleptocracy, alarmed that votes are bleeding to the LP faster than money is printed, throw televangelists, mystical brainwashers, centralizing communists and violent girl-bulliers under the bus to extend their time at the trough The Dems become "left" libertarians and God's Own Prohibitionists revert to a cult of 1972 George Wallace Teatalitarians led by a senile girl-bullier we can safely ignore. Q.E.D.
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I honestly couldn't figure out what Hank was trying to tell the pedophile, here.
Maybe that LP success comes from women voters somehow?
It's like listening to someone with Global Aphasia. You can recognize the words but their arrangement is nonsensical. Can someone translate our "libertarian" translator's post for us? Any guesses as to what he's trying to say?
I think he's saying that pro-abort women will stay voting LP cause Roe (ultra-omegalul).
Republicans bad.
And Women only vote for Democrats because of abortion.
To stop those Gee-oh-pee mystical girl bulliers.
I think silomim416 had the most logical response.
All I got when I ran it through the decoder was "orange rampant sunshine horse and the other one is a little bit of a good thing to do with the Ruiner and the other one is a little bit of a lot of people behind that one on my phone and I don't know what to do" so either the decoder is broken or he is.
"...It’s like listening to someone with Global Aphasia..."
Or perhaps a false-flag libertarian attempting to be 'cute'.
You know who else benefited greatly from women voters?
(famous mass revolt by Teabaggers circa 2010)
That's true. Or as written in the Federalist Papers, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition." Sometimes you can play off interest groups against each other to a stalemate. Other times, though, they roll logs.
Hey Shrike, do you have any evidence that the Tea Partiers were passionate about keeping medicare, or are you just making shit up again as usual?
Once they got co-opted by the GOPe, he saw a couple signs on Fox News.,%202011%20USA%20Poll%20Tables.pdf
The vast majority of Tea Party supporters – 70% – oppose cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
page 17
You really think that I won't read your links, don't you?
"Question Wording: Do you support or oppose doing each of the following to deal with the federal budget deficit: Cut Medicare and Medicaid?"
Oppose Liberal: 90%
Oppose Moderate: 88%
Oppose Tea-Party: 70%
Support Liberal: 8%
Support Moderate: 11%
Support Tea-Party: 28%
Literally the opposite of your inference that the Tea Party was more supportive of Medicare and Medicaid than the general population. And you're self-identified tribe was actually overwhelmingly in opposition to cuts at 90%. 20 points higher than the tea-party folks you were trying to shit on.
Always read Buttplug citations, folks, because he rarely ever gets past the headline. And whenever he actually does, he lies about the contents.
Retards gotta retard.
He spends his research efforts on other topics.
Pluggo really needs to learn to fully read his links someday.
He knows we have an aversion to clicking on things he posts. For obvious reasons.
"No matter how bad socialized systems get, people in those countries vehemently defend them. "
And see again, social security. A program which has been a massive failure. A program which takes money from all, invest it poorly, then spends it on other shit anyways, then in the end returns back to you a fraction of the amount you would have gotten if you would have just taken care of your own retirement.
This perfectly parallels socialized medicine and frankly all govt controlled programs. The money goes to bureaucrats, overhead, grifters, and by the time it gets back to the taxpayer they have waited in a line 10 times as long for a product that is crappier.
But ask any old person around, and they wouldn't even think about touching the program.
Part of the issue is the govt and also a large amount of the general public that are in the "just do something!" crowd. Because they cant comprehend that doing nothing is an option. Even though, especially in medicine, it is so often the correct answer. Take the common cold for example. I cant tell you how many family doctors will overprescribe antibiotics and steroids for colds because the patients request them, and if you dont write the script the patient will tell their friends (who got scripts from their doctor) that you are a quack who doesn't know what you're doing, and business is lost due to this. So what does the doc do? SOMETHING (aka the wrong thing). Even a lot of lower level healthcare professionals (nurses and below) ask for scripts for upper resp infections EVERY DAY, and you cant tell them enough that they are taking unnecessary drugs and causing antibiotic resistance.
The same people were the problem with COVID, clearly. Double masking outside and 4-5 boosters when natural immunity (which was inevitable) is superior to all of the above. These sorts of people are the ones who would charge into no-mans-land rather than staying in the trench despite all evidence that they would get killed because the trench is stressful
But ask any old person around, and they wouldn’t even think about touching the program.
Sunk Cost Fallacy
It's not a fallacy in this case. They'd like to recoup their losses at someone else's expense.
The core problem, like always, is that the democrats and their media surrogates will shred anyone who dares propose changes. So likely nothing will happen until the democrat party is destroyed. This is a refrain with most issues.
Get rid of the democrats and things can finally change.
We have had privatizations of many government enterprises in many countries. But the key difference is that as far as I know, they were never run as "free shit". That is, where government ran telecom or electricity, they still billed for the service.
Maybe somewhere there was a government water supply or garbage disposal service or public road that went directly from flat tax to privatized; please inform us because it'd give hope.
So handing a smiling politician and his thug bodyguards a loaded gun and qualified immunity from prosecution for violent crimes sounds good. Then, in real life, those incentives result in the thug beating you while the politician ransacks purse and pockets for cash. What a surprise! How could such a thing be possible--especially after it JUST HAPPENNED in Russia, China, East Germany, etc... with death rates rising sharply. Surely there's nothing wrong with altruism and coercion, right?
Was that the IC² Institute? Part of the UTexas campus?
Are those people similar to Americans of a certain political party who, when polled, inflated COVID deaths by a factor of ten, and COVID risks by at least a factor of ten?
I just thought of who it was: National Center for Policy Analysis. Wikipedia says they shut down in 2017.
I find it humorous when Canadians I know say something like, “I broke my finger, got an X-ray and a splint, and no bill!”
A well-trained Boy Scout troop could provide that level of care.
Boy scout troops do X-rays?
Also, I'm pretty sure that no Canadian you know has ever told you that.
There was that boy scout that built his own neutron generator. His name was David Hahn.
You know who else likes well-trained Boy Scouts?
Pluggo wants to issue the “Don’t Tell Your Parents About This” merit badge.
My favorite personal story about Canadian healthcare is I broke my wrist while skiing in Whistler, BC. I got an X-Ray, a splint and then I got a bill. Apparently the Canadians believe in borders when it comes to their welfare state.
By the way, my comment is another example of exaggeration. So I feel I need to correct the record.
I wasn't skiing in Whistler, BC. I was snowboarding.
Accuracy is important.
Well, then you desired it.
I broke my ribs at Whistler in ‘06. Went to ER a couple days later in Vancouver.
Before they wound even let me fill out the paperwork to be seen, I had to pay $400 cash up front.
Then waited an absurd amount of time for a doc to walk in, push on my ribs a couple times, then write a script for pain meds and I was out the door. No X-rays or anything.
It wasn’t much better in the US where, a day after getting back home, I went to the ER again because I was in an unbelievable amount of pain.
They did the X-ray thing, but only after sitting in ER for 10 hours before I was seen. I was given exactly 1 day of pain meds after that, because dRuG sEeKeRs!!!1!!!
A few years before that, my father was in The Vancouver area when he had a heart attack. He spent eight days in a hospital there. Barely saw a doctor, and received almost no actual care. Even though it was dangerous for him to go home, he finally did. When he made it back to Spokane, he was in the cath lab within hours for a much needed angioplasty.
He described the hospital as something from the dark ages. Basically, the Canadians may have free coverage, but they have jack shit for any kind of timely treatment for serious medical problems. That’s why Canadians often take medical vacations to the US for things like heart operations, and cancer treatment. Democrats want to destroy that, or course.
Even if government supplied healthcare was a good idea, you'd have to be mental to think the US government would be up to the task of creating a decent solution. The US government solves all problems by loading a pneumatic cannon with $1000 bills and shooting it into the air. It wasn't long ago the Dems had a blank slate to create any healthcare system they wanted. Obamacare was their solution. Somehow, my premium tripling the next year was "affordable".
Remember: they will tell you universal health care is great and private has to go, they will tell you its the best, they will tell you its much better than US / private healthcare
And the second they need a serious procedure they will either:
- use influence in their country to be seen ahead (skip the line) and pick out the cream of the crop doctors
- go have surgery in the US
while leaving the general public to wait for >1hour for an ambulance or for months to years to get basic procedures.
Socialism ALWAYS gives shittier results than a private market, even if its a private market that has a slew of issues. We have seen this so many times throughout history it is bizarre that we keep trying it
But it’s “free” doncha know.
And more Equity!-ish.
I'd love to see what a truly free market healthcare system could do, without the level of cartelization we have here.
It still has the problem of medicine being socialized across the globe. The US subsidizes the costs of medicines because most countries prevent drug companies from recouping their costs in research and development. Drugs in our free market, if it was free, would still be much higher than they should be if there were other free markets in the world.
Any country which had a truly free market health care system, even if it subsidized the poor with general cash payments, would boom, and foreign medical tourists would be a big part of that; I would not be surprised if some countries sent their most expensive patients to that country for those expensive procedures.
Do you realize that medical tourism is huge?
Singapore, Thailand, Costa Rica, Eastern Europe for cosmetic.
And btw - Richard de Vos got his heart transplant from the NHS. Bypassed all waiting lists for a rather measly $60,000
Do you realize how silly your hindsight sounds?
Does JFree realize much of any facts at all?
I’m expecting health insurance companies to start promoting medical tourism. As in Kaiser will pay 20% more of a surgery’s cost if you get it done in Singapore or something.
Why would they pay more?
If the surgery in Singapore is 2% of the cost in the US, then adding 20% on top of the 2% represents a huge savings.
The reason insurance companies will never promote medial tourism is because of liability--or more importantly, the lack of it. Good luck suing that doctor in Butit Batok because he botched the hysterectomy on your trans daughter.
I agree, but it'd still be better than what we have now.
More Americans have surgery outside the US than foreigners travel to the US for surgery. Far more. Medical tourism to the US is generally only a) Canadians who don’t want to stand in line and b) tertiary care – specialists who are referred from other specialists. Everything else – from pregnancy complications to bypass surgery to knee replacement etc – it’s better to go elsewhere. What’s interesting is that our comparative advantage in tertiary care is a consequence of how our medical system was created and it creates the serious access problems we have.
Our medical system was created by Rockefeller and Carnegie when they hit their 70’s. They didn’t need GP’s then – unlike everyone else younger than that. They DID want the best of the best specialists – cost was no constraint. They were perfectly happy paying for hospitals and covering 100% of those costs so that specialists could hone their craft on rats and peasants. So they could then pick through the best with the most experience. That is the system of medical training they created. And that particular supply pipeline is what drives our system today.
People with money will always get the better stuff.
Of course. But that is precisely why they shouldn't be the ones who design the system for everyone else.
"Of course. But that is precisely why they shouldn’t be the ones who design the system for everyone else.
The steaming pile of lefty shit JFree thinks someone should 'design' medical care services.
Fuck off and die, asshole.
So you don't count the undocumented tourists crossing the Mexico borders bankrupting US hospitals?
Indeed, the NHS was destined to fail from its very inception
I'm sure it will work this time.
Government healthcare systems are primarily about control and the optics of providing some level of service. The prohibitions on alternatives, rationing of services and end of life care are the ugliness that is behind the curtain.
Your health is your personal responsibility. Keep the government out of it.
What continually astonishes me is how people cannot see the importance of matching accountability and authority. When authority exceeds accountability, you have corruption; the reverse leads to scapegoats. It ought to be obvious; it is found by every GAO and IG report, and shows in every Congressional hearing. Yet people refuse to connect the dots.
That's why tax subsidies always make problems worse. The people who pay, the taxpayers, are disconnected to the people who get the service, the patients; and neither is connected to the people who run the system.
I guess you overlook that the dominant human thought process is emotional reasoning driven by blind tribalism and wishful thinking.
BEFORE WW2 the U.S copied Christian National Socialism and called it the New Deal. Brits took longer to install that Coercive Planned Economy the fanatical prohibition of drugs simply had to converge on. Superstitious madmen attack women's clinics with automatic rifles because God (and televangelists) tell them to. This same preference for ignorant force over voluntary choice lies at the heart of all the ills pointed up in the article. Solution: use additional violence of law to censor all criticism as deadly disinformation, because no political party has ever admitted error.
Show us on the doll where the evil x-tians touched you, Hank.
It was on the brain. The seventh lobotomy was probably a slice too far.
He got ass blasted by some priest cosplayer and has never been able to let it go.
It was that dirty old man Grover Cleveland!
Hank, drugs are bad if taken out of moderation, mmmm’kay.
Hank, why don’t you go back to serially jacking it to Kermit Gosnell’s late term abortion videos?
This is Bastiat's Unseen Costs, except reversed as Unseen Benefits.
When you look at it, a world where people must pay for life-saving (or more likely, life-improving) healthcare seems terribly unfair, and brutal. But the unseen benefit of this world is the constant reduction of prices and innovation. When people MUST choose between competing treatments; when price IS a factor in these decisions; when providers know they must show value to get a check- when these things happen, you get a robust and less expensive health care system.
Every time our government steps in to "help" pay for shit, the result is higher prices. Housing. College. Healthcare. The only thing going in our favor is that we have a direct shot at the socialists. Democrats passed ACA less than 20 years ago, and it has been a fucking catastrophe. They passed the bill they wanted. They compromised only among themselves. They did nothing to bring the GOP along. They built ACA and EVERYTHING they promised was a lie. It did not bend down the cost curve, it accelerated it higher. It did not protect access, it made it shakier. We did not keep our doctors.
Do not get lost in wonky BS. They need to own this, and anyone who tells you that "This time" the left's very smart Top Men will get it right should be laughed out of polite company.
and of course they will fire back with the standard no true scotsman that it would have REALLY worked if you let them have true universal single payer govt controlled healthcare. The only reason it didnt work was because the icky R’s insisted on keeping private insurance
But how do you counter the millions of Americans who are certain the ACA is a brilliant success, and certain because they (1) want it to be true and (2) are Democrats?
High volume woodchippers.
It'll allow for some wonderful topsoil replenishment.
Like this?
Don't forget insidious third reason: If you think the ACA is a horrible failure, you're a racist because it was Obama's major policy. Criticism of the ACA is criticism of Obama which only a racist would do.
But according to the wokies, as I have white skin, it's literally impossible for me to *not* be a racist anyway, so at this point I don't even bother trying.
Yes nothing is better than the "ACA Was Perfect and that's why we need to ditch it for Universal Health Care" angle.
Enrollment on is up!!!1!1!1! - shrike
I can understand why they didn't swap Health and Care and use the full abbreviation NICHE. Close call! Kudos to the burrocrat who skipped using Health.
N.I.C.E is also the acronym of the Satanic government agency in C. S. Lewis' dystopian novel That Hideous Strength.
(the novel might be better known if Orwell and Huxley hadn't sucked the dystopian oxygen out of the room)
The space trilogy is his best work
IMDB doesn't mention a movie adaptation, not even in development. The C. S. Lewis Institute doesn't seem to know of anything.
IMDB mentions a podcast.
Some guy on Youtube is trying to crowdsource some funding, but I won't link to it because I don't know anything about that project or its viability.
This book has everything - (SPOILERS) evil government/corporate conspirators, demonically-possessed human heads, evil dominatrices, Merlin. Yes, it has some Christianity in it, but the movie people might be willing to swallow even that - they did with Narnia.
“Former spy chief claims scared Putin using body doubles over assassination fears”
“Putin, you look like the piss boy!”
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Damn you are late. Putin's doubles have been stories for years. They ramped up a few months ago too; do you think this is really news? No, it's olds.
Any resolution come to the Biden body double ear lobe mystery?
Dee is always late….
I heard Russia's army is going to collapse any day now because they got stuck in some mud. Of course I heard this months ago but I'm sure within days it'll come true.
Anyway I'm a progressive Democrat who used to oppose the military / industrial complex and laugh at the idea that Russia was a threat. But ever since my #Resistance media masters told me Russia made Clinton lose to a game show host I'm basically an early 2000s neocon on foreign policy.
Time to rummage through your kitchen junk drawer and rehang that little Ukraine flag in the window.
You are truly a treasure. 😀
Mike is laughable.
Mike thinks that the US should put troops into Ukraine.
I'd be surprised if Biden's handlers are dumb enough to think they could get away with that.
Wish I shared your optimism.
I'm talking about "boots on the ground" in the sense of American soldiers dying on the battlefield. Yeah, I still think that's unlikely.
I've often mentioned my belief that Presidents running for reelection typically have incumbent advantage. Well, I've never denied the two major things that can decrease the incumbent's chances are a bad economy (which of course Presidents don't fully control) and starting an unpopular war.
Purely for the sake of Biden's / Harris' / whoever's chances in 2024, sending Americans to die in Ukraine is a terrible strategy.
Every war is popular in the beginning. Everybody (except me apparently) rallies around the flag. HW and GW had like 98% approval when they started dropping bombs on the towel heads. The only good press Trump ever got was when he dropped a bomb on Syria. Boots on the ground are all volunteers by design. If my granddaughter isn't getting drafted why would I give a shit. Go team go!
In the case of Biden, Harris or any democrat winning from now on Magic 8 ball says;
● It is certain
● It is decidedly so
● Without a doubt
● Yes definitely
● You may rely on it
● As I see it, yes
● Most likely
● Outlook good
● Yes
● Signs point to yes
What does VoteGPT say?
The same
^unfortunately this (i fear)^ the dems have worked hard for many years ensuring everything is in place to assure the 'proper fortified' election results
I've said it here a hundred times, the Republicans (or anyone else) will never win another election unless mail in/drop box voting is eliminated. Arguments about policy or the quality of the candidates are utterly meaningless without a change back.
The four "P's", purple fingers, paper ballots, public counting and presenting ID are the only way Americans will ever get their democracy back.
I’m not. They’re batshit stupid.
Which is good, as I could use some humor in my life.
At some point, “Former intelligence expert” will stop being used to introduce stories, for the sake of credibility.
Fetterman Think Tank
AOC/Harris Brain Trust.
White Mike university
It's good to see Christopher Steele is still finding work.
"Central to the show was an homage to the National Health Service (NHS), the United Kingdom's single-payer health care system, that featured hundreds of volunteer nurses dancing around bedridden children."
If this happened today, all the children would be recovering from trans surgeries.
The US, however, has its own, unique, highly corrupt system.
During their mostly healthy years, people are insured by private insurers and treated by private providers, protected by a draconian system of government-created monopolies and used as a tax dodge for large corporations.
Then, during their sick years, when most health care costs accrue, the government picks up the tab and pays even more money to private providers and government created monopolies.
And since everybody other than the taxpayer wins the sicker people get and the less affordable healthcare gets, people get sicker and medical costs keep spiraling out of control.
That's why it's so important to regulate it.
"Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau)"
So you say...
Strange how he looks nothing like his Dad, but everything like that famous Cuban politician his parents used to swing with.
Give the man a cigar!
A Cuban Grandes? Like Maggie got?
So does Luke Wilson.
All you need to know is that patients have better outcomes than we do under socialized medicine. Therefore, we should abolish for profit healthcare. QED. It doesn’t get any simpler.
But they don’t actually have better outcomes under NHS.
What if I told you that government incompetence just caused the equivalent of a major chemical weapons attack in the center of the United States, and none of the newspapers, tv channels, or blogs are reporting g it.
Oh. I thought that was about the water in Flint.
I'd best check that I'm not downwind of that...
Hrm, nope. I'm fucked. Alas.
Ohio: Dead fish and cattle being reported as far as 100 miles away from the site.
Journalists covering the story have been arrested.
What the HELL is going on?
My favorite true-believer argument for national health care in the US is that we spend more per patient and get bottom tier results, at least compared to the righteous Euro-socialists.
Ignoring the fallacies in their statement, I like to ask how they think our public education system compares, on the same metrics. (Spoiler alert: we spend more per student and get bottom tier results.)
it is almost the 1 year anniversary of the rape fetish subreddit going on strike for Ukraine
Good for them. Should make their "strike" permanent.
You might notice I’ve been quiet about the ongoing balloon/UFO op.
The MSM and governments are making an effort to let us know about it, indicating that it benefits them to let us know about it.
I don’t claim to know what’s going on, but I detect deception/misdirection.
Trudeau is boasting that he ordered American F-22's to shoot down an object in northern Canada, which makes zero sense.
There were Canadian CF-18's near enough to do it. Why use American pilots to "defend" Canadian territory instead?
This is so fucking weird.
I don’t know the details on this specifically but as you likely know, Canada and the US have joint defense agreements including NORAD. It was ostensibly originated to address Soviet bombers and later ICBMs flying over the top of the globe to North America. The CAF planes may not have been armed with something appropriate for balloons.
I am willing to believe that Canadian weaponry is inadequate to pop balloons.
My understanding of China Balloon 1.0 was that the F22 was using a missile that targeted using something other than heat. Canadian planes may have been carrying heat-seeking missiles. That may not be effective against a balloon.
The aircraft Canada had in the area were CF-18's equipped with Sidewinder Block II missiles and an M61A1 Vulcan nose mounted 6-barrel rotary cannon.
This is the gun:
Canadian weaponry has been exclusively American weaponry ever since Diefenbaker (who signed NORAD) halted Avro Arrow development for shiny new Bomarc nuclear-tipped anti-aircraft missiles. Canada never took delivery of the Bomarcs (although we did pay for them) but Diefenbaker personally got a nice fat cheque from Boeing so I’m sure he was fine with that.
Since then Canada’s been strictly “Buy American”, spurning our own industry and not even looking at British, French or Swedish stuff. That our procurement officials have been in Boeing, Raytheon, McDonnell Douglas, ect. pocket for years is an open secret.
US forces must leaf Canadian territory immediately!
Service ceiling:
CF-18: 50,000 ft
F-22: 65,000 ft
The F-22 could get much closer to the balloon.
I think it's pretty clear what's going on: Biden has egg on his face over the Chinese spy balloon, a political and intelligence failure of monumental proportions.
So, they are shooting down weather balloons to distract from it and say "see, this sort of thing happens all the time".
^ this is spot on
I have a friend who's an aviation nut and has some weird software that tracks all the flights in the US. A U2 took off this morning and was flying up and down the east coast off the Atlantic. It had NASA tailnumber, not DOD.
Does it mean anything? No idea. He's calling it a coincidence... like a healthy soccer player dying of a heart attack on the pitch.
NASA flies the ER-2, a modified U-2 for high altitude research. It could be coincidental.
You friend's software probably tracks military, if they're transponding (they don't always do that).
There is similar website for tracking maritime shipping worldwide - vesseltracker.
Purim’s balloon animals are no match for the mighty USAF, now that it’s led by Joe Biden!
"Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau)"
Yeah I'm gonna need to see the DNA match there.
You are not the father.
Thank God for that. No way I could support little Justin in the manner he has become accustomed to.
What if you and all the other capitalists send in, say, 10% of your wealth every year?
Just saw something claiming that the F22's gun is only operational below 52,000 feet, explaining why they needed to down the balloon with a missile. What I can't figure out is why the gun has an operational ceiling.
The actual explanation seems to be that shooting bullet holes in a balloon at high altitude just results in a very slowly leaking balloon.
Which is worse than an unexploded missile headed who knows where?
That would be an issue of logistics in not shooting down the balloon. If the F22 gun has an 'operational ceiling' of 52,000', then that suggests the gun won't work above 52,000' no matter the application.
Without googling this, my sense is that it has something to do with air density and the expansion of gases from a conventional bullet powder... but I admit I'm stretching more than Stretch Armstrong in a yoga class.
A former F14 pilot weighed in on this. The reasons given for using a missile instead of a ballon were (1) the cannon needed a close range, perhaps 1,000 feet where there were pilot and aircraft safety concerns since the balloon is in effect stationary compared with the jet and (2) it would have required many shots from the cannon versus one missile - it was stated that the belief was less damage to components would occur due to one missile as opposed to many rounds of 20 mm. They wanted to recover as much as possible. The first point makes sense; am skeptical of the second argument but that is not in my lane.
The other thing that doesn't make a lot of sense is that they used a Sidewinder, which is a heat-seeker. What heat source is there on a helium balloon?
The undercarriage?
Sarc is thinking what they aren’t saying is the real story.
The living quarters.
The AIM-9X Sidewinder links to the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System. From wiki:
Utilizing the JHMCS, a pilot can point the AIM-9X missile's seeker and "lock on" by simply looking at a target, thereby increasing air combat effectiveness
They used an advanced version that is not targeting heat.
Inside an Australian Quarantine Camp
A great read from a REAL libertarian outfit,
I found the organization's "about" page, and several of the people involved were vocal critics of Trump's policies. Especially on economics and immigration. You know, the same stuff Reason complained about.
That makes it a leftist outfit, not a libertarian one. Because true libertarians support Trump.
The issue isnt just reason’s TDS
Its that for every ridiculous premise the left starts an argument from, reason also uses this as the basis for an article / conversation rather than doing what an actual libertarian (or critical thinker) would do, and challenge the ridiculous premise. How many times has the “dont say gay” bill been mentioned by reason?
The fact that this usually goes one way, that they keep finding themselves skeptical of conservatives while always starting from and agreeing with ridiculous premises that are clearly formulated by openly partisan hacks on the left…that’s what makes them leftist.
The TDS is just the icing on the cake
You just described writing for a mainstream audience.
No, it's writing for a leftist audience since they start with their premises and unspoken assumptions. Leftists aren't mainstream even as much as they pretend they are.
Writing for a mainstream audience would require examining all the basic and underlying assumptions, on both sides, and not just accepting them on their face.
"No, it’s writing for a leftist audience"
Mike's from San Francisco and claims to live now in Oregon. For him a leftist audience is a mainstream audience.
You think writing for a mainstream audience means purposefully misrepresenting the content of a bill with intent to mislead the public on the bills contents, to push a left wing agenda?
I mean, that completely makes sense. Its just good to see you acknowledge it
Always love it when commenters here tell me what I think.
Have you notice that when Reason calls it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, they put the “Don’t Say Gay” part in quotes. As in, they are acknowledging a common nickname people have given the bill.
It's an inaccurate descriptor clearly designed to mislead people about what the bill does, and repeating it is repeating the propaganda. It's dishonesty all the way down and it deserves to be called out. We get lied to all the fucking time and we're tired of it.
If so, why are you spending time at Reason?
If Libertarianism is a mainstream audience, then I just realized what the problem with libertarianism is.
Huh? Re-read the thread. Somehow you walked away parsing it 180 degrees out of sync with what I said.
Communication requires shared understanding of what is being said. The parties need to speak the same language. For example I had a conversation with a progressive woman who was all for school choice when she thought it meant nurses giving abortions. Shared premises facilitate communication.
They do. So let's agree to walk away from the petty culture war issues, and never call it the "don't say gay" bill again.
“ How many times has the ‘dont say gay’ bill been mentioned by reason?”
The answer is twice. Also, two times by Volokh.
Holy shit. Fib of the year? I found at least 23 examples of it in a cursory search.
To be fair, he meant "today"
Yes, you are correct. I am wrong. I searched for "'Don't Say Gay' Bill", but if I search for "Don't Say Gay" I get more hits.
And I'll overlook that you accused me of fibbing.
“Yes, you are correct. I am wrong. I searched for “‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill”, but if I search for “Don’t Say Gay” ”
Ill file that under “things that definitely didnt happen”
And also, believing it was not mentioned hardly at all (2 times) would mean that while I have seen you in the comments most days for the last few months, you either have some sort of blinder where you cant see the words “dont say gay”, you can actualy read but you somehow forgot about the dozens of times (im being generous, its probably more) its been mentioned in articles and the round up (and I feel like you have commented in the conversations that happen around it?), or you are blatantly lying.
Its not quite on the level of saying something like “ENB never mentions abortion” because that is of course the highest bar, but its definitely in that neighborhood
Its almost certainly the last
Not being a solider in the culture war, I’m not obsessed with “Don’t Say Gay” laws like you are. I have little interest in whether such laws pass or not so I tend to skim over any mention.
I am not sitting around tallying how many times this or that topic is mentioned in Reason, as several commenters here apparently do.
You just tried to do that very thing just above.
But you did take the time to answer even though it ostensibly isn’t important to you and knowing you’d likely get it wrong given your stated lack of your interest.
How magnanimous of you to pretend you weren't full of shit when you said something so obviously false. I don't care if you acknowledge that you're a liar or not, but I would recommend that you stop lying to yourself.
I would recommend that you start living up to your label of “Thinking Mind” because you spend much more time as an “Emoting Mind”.
Being critical of Trump's policies doesn't mean an outfit is suffering from TDS.
Your and Reason's unthinking, knee-jerk idiocy is TDS.
Mikey is the arbiter of which policy constitutes a "real libertarian".
And how would a GWB neocon like you know what the hell a libertarian is, Shrike?
Interesting, I was just going to say, "how is it that I haven't heard about this, and why hasn't Reason covered it". Now I know why.
So has anything else come out of the Seymore Hersh story since it broke? Is he being called before Congress, or any other witnesses being called to testify? He has one anonymous source and I'm very untrusting of stories based on "I heard it from an anonymous source in Washington," but if it's true, it's possible the biggest story about backdoor warmongering since Iran/Contra.
I was looking for any new developments this morning. There doesn’t seem to be anything new.
It is being suppressed just like the "Pfizer invented COVID" fake story is.
How’s your conspiracy theory that the Project Veritas Pfizer executive story is a hoax turning out, Shrike?
Still sticking with it?
It does seem to be being suppressed.
The story is very detailed and passes my smell test. That doesn't mean it's accurate only that it connects all of the dots. I'm inclined to be a believer at this point. But I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
I'm more concerned about the fact that this should have consequences. If it's true, the US committed an act of war against not only Russia, but also our European allies-remember, companies in Europe had 49% ownership over the pipeline. Whether or not it's true, it bears some investigation. If it's true, there needs to be consequences. We had lots of discussion about what's an impeachable offense during the Trump administration, but this HAS to qualify. This is the government, completely independent of any possible input from the people, taking hostile actions against more than one nuclear power.
I know it conforms to my pre-judged beliefs, but my prejudice isn't really relevant. I don't have any evidence but it bears an investigation. I'm skeptical of the claim because the implications of it are outrageous, and I'd like something deeper than blanket self-serving denials.
Remember this was all debunked at the time. On this site. Someone had a great theory about methane buildup in pipelines freezing and exploding at startup. This happens all the time.
clinical decisions are made by a centralized government agency that determines whether a given new drug is worth taxpayers’ money.
Same thing happens in the US with both public and private payers. How else could it be with a third party payer?
The American Exception
The United States doesn't have a totalizing government-run health care system like the ones in Canada and the United Kingdom.
Back during the Obama administration wingnuts said that we experienced a total federal takeover of the healthcare system.
Why didn't Reason get the message?
The UK and Canada also don't have totalizing government-run health care systems. There are still tiny, remote corners of it which are for-profit-- or at minimum, the patients directly shoulder the costs.
I look forward to the Death Panels kicking in.
Still waiting.
They've already existed, and will exist again once you have a totalizing or near-totalizing healthcare system.
Any time you have a limited resource for a life-saving procedure, defined by "more people need the resource than there is supply of the resource" someone is going to make a decision as to who gets it and who doesn't.
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil."
Jivin' Sista Sarah Palin - Half Term Governor of Alaska
I look forward to the Death Panels kicking in.
Still waiting.
Wait no longer, all your dreams have come true, you twisted, evil fuck.
Euthanasia the sixth leading cause of death in Canada
Canada performing more organ transplants from MAID donors than any country in the world
How poverty, not pain, is driving Canadians with disabilities to consider medically-assisted death
‘Put to death’: Canada’s euthanasia laws devaluing disabled people’s lives
United Nations raises concerns with Canada’s government about the euthanasia policy.
Why is Canada euthanising the poor?
Ontario and Quebec explicitly instruct doctors not to indicate on death certificates if people died from euthanasia.
Canada’s Euthanasia Policies Under Scrutiny As Reports Surface Of Euthanizing A Man For “Hearing Loss”
Canadian veteran suffering from PTSD and a traumatic brain injury was offered euthanasia when he called Veteran Affairs Canada hotline for help
We all know turd lies, some assume it’s because turd is evil. While that’s not in doubt, my guess is that is that he is so fucking stupid that dealing with facts and the truth are simply not part of his thought processes. You and me may consider a proposition before making a claim regarding that and find no correspondence to what we know as truth and reject that claim Not so turd. turd is simply stupid enough to assume that medical care can be provided at no cost infinitely; that rationing such provision is not required. turd is a fucking lying, lefty, ignoramus.
Nowadays, free market capitalism is political suicide.
I expect Britain and the U.S. will establish the Canadian euthanasia program.
Or- we can let only net taxpayers vote- ha ha
Does that apply within a married couple?
Children are being groomed to believe they are "unsafe" with their parents if their parents set and enforce any boundaries or if there are any consequences for any actions, and it needs to stop.
This practice also has its roots in Maoist Communism. The goal is to radicalize the youth to cancel their parents. In China during the Cultural Revolution, it went to severe violence. It America today, it's sold through the therapeutic ideology of safetyism.
In human psychology, threats to identity are perceived as deep and foundational and difficult to resolve easily. By making parental acceptance of identity a location of fear and harm, they're not only doing (sometimes irreversible) damage, they're creating a dangerous situation.
Logic has a very hard time penetrating into identity conflicts and disorders because they're so profound and have a thick emotional layer above them. This means such damage is deep and such conflicts are emotional, irrational, and can easily turn violent or relationship-ending.
Watch, “Félicien Kabuga: The Financer of the Genocide in Rwanda.”
Pay attention to how media dehumanized the Tutsi.
These same pre-genocide language patterns are occurring in the U.S., directed against certain Americans.
This is not an accident.
Genocide is their goal.
Guess we're all supposed to believe Biden is tough and our military competent now
JUST IN - U.S. military shot down an unidentified flying object over Lake Huron moments ago — NBC
WWIII will make Covid look like an old Disney flick. War time rationing and powers. Everyone here over 50 had a good run, I suspect.
China makes 90 percent of the world’s antibiotics- so there’s that. Will libertarians promote the philosophy airspace, like land borders, are a social construct and should be considered open?
Apparently US airspace is being violated by an unprecedented number of shiny objects.
Pennies From Heaven?
What’s the government’s next step, a landing zone near Devil’s Tower?
Seriously. The only reason we know about Biden's classified documents is because somebody wants us to know. The only reason we know about balloons flying over Canada is because somebody wants us to know. We're being set up. Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.
Nothing that costs money and can be consumed is a right, it is a commodity. Food is a commodity, housing is a commodity, and yes, healthcare is a commodity.
If the vast majority of Americans feel that no one should be without healthcare, then perhaps "giving" (redistributing) some amount per person to purchase whatever healthcare that person wants would be one solution.
Quit using scare quotes. If people want to be compassionate and give to people they see as needy, let them use their own money. Fuck everyone who wants to indulge their compassionate urges with my money.
Sweet! A black national anthem!
What says we are moving forward as one nation, united, loving and strong, than separate anthems and holidays for you based on your skin color. Why stop there, why dont we throw in an indigenous people’s anthem and a land acknowledgement as well, with a quick drag performance to start off the festivities?
We should figure out some kind of way to refer to this policy. Separate but equal?
Baby steps. We will not have social justice until we have different laws and maybe Constitutions for different groups, with any conflict between laws and individuals adjudicated via intersectionality scores.
and maybe different races would have not only their own laws, but also various amounts of rights?
Maybe we can get a constitutional amendment installing a department of antiracism to facilitate?
These progressives really know how to move us forward (?) as humans
Regression is the new Progress.
Skin color is the most important thing
Silly rabbits; Gov ---> *GUNS* doesn't !-actually-! create healthcare.
The very vain idea behind greedy, selfish and criminal socialist minds that so easily dismissing that very tool (and only tool) in 'governments' toolbox (legal GUNS). Just because the almighty Gov-Gods of 'government' are doing armed-theft, slavery and dictation doesn't mean it's not criminal and a violation of people's human rights. GUNS only asset to civil society is to ensure everyone Individual Liberty and uphold Justice for all. That is measured by FAIR trades (money + property) not by pretending GUNS make free sh*t.
Let's see, government bureacrats playing with other peoples' money, or competing private providers trying to turn a profit by pleasing their customers, providing high quality care while keeping costs down? Which would you expect to provide better care, lower prices, more options, and gradual improvement over time?
In the world of legal armed-theft of those icky (anyone that one decides to mark as rich and greedy) people ...
price is never factor because it's not the consumers *earned* money ...
It's just a free-for-all raid of those icky people. Predictably the icky people are always the one's who create human resources and not those icky (rich and greedy) gods in government ... because at the end of all the BS-propaganda the underlying motive is to just steal human resources others don't want to *earn*.
“Strict government controls and restrictions over physician training and reimbursement deter many doctors from practicing”
I work at a primary care office affiliated with a local hospital system. Each year we host family care/general practitioner Residents finishing up their training. Seven of the past nine have been Canadians who chose to go to med school and practice in the US instead of Canada. That's just in my small office.
Their reasons are along the lines of in Canada their income is restricted to whatever the government wants to pay and they have no control over hours, working conditions, and workload.
Government control of healthcare is never about healthcare, but rather about control.
Central planning is always inferior to a free market.
Gov ----> GUNS aren't healthy?
Now who could've guessed that? /s 🙂
Central planning is always inferior to a free market.
Almost invariably, though not axiomatically, true. But that doesn't mean that these are the only two alternatives.
There's also a fundamental fallacy at work here which is the assumption that if giovernment/centralised health systems don't work, free market systems will.
There is no reason to suppose that there is any good - acceptable - solution to the problem of providing healthcare.
For example, I have seen it claimed that, in the US, much of a person's lifetime healthcare costs are spent in the last two months of their life. Suppose for sake of argument that this is true. An insurance company - or the government - can easily say, okay, we'll cover you for all your medical costs up to the point we expect you to have two months to live, at which point, we cut off all treatment. From a hypothetical perspective this is fine. Major savings to the insureds throughout their lifetime. Politically, it's impossible. Note the effectiveness of the "death panel" lie in the discussion over the ACA bill. (FWIW there was an irony in that Texas did actually have, and may still have, FAIK - limited - death panels.)
People want coverage that may simply be economically unaffordable whether government or free-market supplied. There are staggeringly expensive drugs for some treatments - e.g., biologics for RA. There are amazing but expensive diagnostics and associated treatments. Price all those up, and allow for the distribution of risk and the insurance cost may be too high for anyone on an average income.
Humorously; You haven't even brought free-market into your analysis.
Try the 1800s when doctors came to your house with a bag and did healthcare for the price of a pizza. Or for that matter; just compare it to the semi still free-market today of dentistry.
Amusingly, you don't appear capable of basic comprehension.
"...Central planning is always inferior to a free market.
Almost invariably, though not axiomatically, true..."
Yes, axiomatically true, except for special cases like defense.
The problem is that these healthcare systems were developed and designed during an era of explicit socialism. Post-war Europe was very socialist, openly socialist. Bernie loves his Scandanavia nations because he thinks they are still socialist, but it hasn't been since the seventies. Ditto for England. Etc.
And so you have these systems which are based in socialism in capitalist nations. The government owns the means of production. Hospitals are government owned. Doctors are government employees. Usually implicit but sometimes explicitly so. It's like school teachers, they are government employees but people pretend they are not.
So if you want the government to take care of the poor and disadvantaged with regard to healthcare, do so in the same way we take care of the poor and disadvantaged with regards to food, clothing, and shelter.
Government didn't need to nationalize all farms and grocery stores in order to provide food for the poor. It didn't try to nationalize housing to solve poverty (and even the Left nowadays admits that local public housing projects were all a disaster). And there are no nationalized clothing stores to clothe the poor.
So just provide healthcare vouchers, similar to how we provide food stamps. Government doesn't own the hospitals and clinics and doctors or even the insurance companies. It just pays the insurance premiums for those who qualify for assistance. The rest of the system can return to the private sector.
+1000000; i.e. Please visit your LOCAL welfare office if you need welfare instead of turning the entire USA into a socialism h*llhole.
As a person who grew up in the Charles Terrace public housing project in Detroit (in other words, someone with actual knowledge and facts), I can assure you that the projects were an excellent steppingstone for my family on our way to a single family home in the suburbs. Please stop making stuff up.
"As a person who grew up in the Charles Terrace public housing project in Detroit (in other words, someone with actual knowledge and facts), I can assure you that the projects were an excellent steppingstone for my family on our way to a single family home in the suburbs. Please stop making stuff up."
You're welcome, ed's parents; want to thank us and admit you are one of the few?
Or admit you're bullshitting, slaver?
Only fools bet on the government for useful innovation.
Yeah, you are SO right. Just look at all those fools that bet on the Erie Canal, Transcontinental Railroad, national telegraph system, Panama Canal, Interstate Highway System, and Internet. Suckers!!
Just gotta love how d*pshits always pander to the LOCAL highway system every-time there *national* communist utopian god gets threatened. KEEP it in YOUR city/county.
That's "D* shits"
The authors of this type of opinion piece are seemingly all in robust health and haven't visited a doctor in the United States in many years, if ever. It routinely takes weeks to get in to see a primary care doctor (the waiting list for my wife's PCP is currently 4 months) and months to see a specialist. It often takes 6 or more weeks to get an MRI or medical test. The US system is failing and is hardly worth holding up as an exemplar of better health care.
Lefty asshole.
Let's go further here:
"...It routinely takes weeks to get in to see a primary care doctor (the waiting list for my wife’s PCP is currently 4 months)..."
Because I'm picky about interrupting my activities, it takes sometimes a week or two. If it is 'serious', it takes a day at most.
You are either full of shit, of have bought the cheapest possible insurance you can find and are getting what you paid for.
Fuck off and die, slaver.
The USA isn't a free market system. The number of students entering medical school is limited. Many state governments limit the number of hospitals, number of beds, and the services offered via "certificates of need". Tax policies strongly encourage buying insurance through a third party such as your employer rather than shopping for insurance that actually suits you, and then paying for medicines and medical services via the insurance, rather than paying directly. This limits your choice of doctors and prevents you from knowing what your treatment costs when you choose it.
But it's still not as messed up as government systems. E.g. the Swedish "0-7-90-90" guarantee allows up to 187 days before treatment starts - and they can't even meet that requirement!
Canada has a second-rate public health system that treats patients like cattle. Been telling you dumbass lefties to stay AWAY from Canadian-style 'public health'.
Wanna wait 18 hours to see a woke doctor with no ethics? Or months just to see a specialist?
Thought so.
Pure garbage. But don't tell Canadians that. They get hyper-sensitive about their little universal care racket. They're clueless about the fact it consistently ranks among the worst systems in the OECD.
But Justin - that cockwombling buffoon - has it all figured out. Since it's all the fault of the unvaccinated and climate change he's gonna tax the shit out of everything and digitalize everyone.
Bunch of cunts.
The real premise here is if citizens want to be nannied by the government from womb to tomb, then by all means include government-provided healthcare another duty mommy government needs to provide. After all, she is your mother and mommy takes care of all of her babies. But don't start to complain when mommy government who has been taking your hard earned labor in the form of taxes makes your medical care rationed, lackluster, sub-standard, with long waits, expensive medicines, and inattentive staff. After all, mommy government can only do so much, so she might need more of your wealth to help things along.
Now run along in traffic dear. Mommy doesn't want to see you in one of her facilities. Ta.
"The real premise here is if citizens want to be nannied by the government from womb to tomb, then by all means include government-provided healthcare another duty mommy government needs to provide...."
Ask TDS-addled shit-piles why they don't like Trump; the responses have nothing to do with his policies:
'He wasn't a warm and comforting daddy figure!!!!!'
14.2.23 REASON. FROM UK. We cannot put the 1000 pp evidence we are holding because the site wont cope with it. You need to realise that all Govt wrongdoing is caused by public selfishness and disociationand failing to act as one. One of the factors is 'Affinity Groups' The situation is a 1000 times worse than depicted on here. The people on here need waking up.The other problem is there is no co operation tween people writing stuff here. its written one day and a few days later theres abother box to fill. Heres an extract from our 1000 pp evidence gathered whilst traipsing Cent london looking for help for the Victims accompanying us The most frequent reponse from a clueless public was-'Its Nothing To do With Me' The response from estal was mostly aggression and even deth threats. The US embassy offered violence. We had to take on board bodyguards to save our own lives. The issues- Health. Law Welfare.Charities Funding Media
TO. (No Reply) Corruption.this site packed with funded corrupt inept orgs. No reply re me being left for dead screaming every nite with extreme pain hoping for death. No reply from any
health org in uk.incl 100 Councillors. 50 Parish Councils. 20 Universities. 20 Police Areas. 10 Surgerys. All Pals Units. CCGs.Dept Health 17 Universities claiming to be 'Health Experts'. etc.
Today 3.5.16 Found out that the failure to reply by the giant Southern Health is a cover up. They are invalved with a Charity but the name of it is erased from all info. They have done that to
prevent us exposing it. We had asked Southern Health to provide name of one Mental Health Expert. they failed to do that. The Charity is Mal funded by among others the drug companies and Camelot Lottery, behind that is as wornan who is on the board at Manchester university which acts as a PR organization for the NHS and the GMC and A Judge who is involved with the House Commons hence no replies from MPs.. its where the M-h deception is hatched helped by
the Manchester Evening News which is owned by Tritity Mirror who wont respond. and the idea or intention is, it keeps the Health System protected. They are also like Age UK (part of that
University). involved in drugging the elderly. We also suspect the whole thing is assoc with Police who camr here and used violence on us on behalf of a religion. They wiped the plates off our laps then told us if we pick up thr food we would be arrested. they then said that the 1000pp evidence gathered initially Cent London must not be read by public. They added- The public must not be warned if in danger and theres no such thing as natural talent theres only what your teacher teaches you. (thats what killed the millions Native Americans)
There is at first glance 7 pretend HM MPs fer East Hants UK which is riddled with corruption and of course the EastHants District Council wont reply or answer questions. A Hospital in the region was visited and we found the place infested with leaflets and posters supporting known corrupt services and orgs incl "Pals" etc. When we went in search of the "Chief Exec" nobody knew where his office is. A large office in the grounds was approached and they said this- "We don't have anything to do with anything". On the wall was a notice displaying this- ''Zero Tolerance". When we asked Zero
Tolerance of what they would not reply. Every UK Hosp we've visited told us this- " The Public Have Ne Rights Here". No member of any "Health Committee" has responded nor have 40 Councillors in Bucks. Nor has 15 Parish Councils in Hants. Facebook has deleted lots of accounts and blocked 1000s mails.
There was re a stabbing at the giant Hosp whose clients were coming to us im desperation. That's the place where when we complained about the state of the clients the Psych said-Competence
In Mental Health Has No value In other words she killed people. this was confirmed by the staff
who said the cover ups were conducted by Local Press. Police. HM Coroners at Horseferry Road etc and the local press Newsquest (High Wycombe Head Office) and Dimbleby. plus of course
Courts. They were protecting their jobs. Although we were working on clients from that Hosp, if we went near the place the police would offer violence. Saville molester of kidswas welcome there. he was no
threat to the Mngt The clients we saw had recd between six and 22 yrs of useless HM Psychiatry We were told they were 'incurable'They needecd tween three and six hours work. One of them was a dancer at Covent gdn she had been going for help to the NHS and private systems, the result was we had to break the door open as she was lying semi conscious on a settee, her Doctor bf had abandoned here. We spent three hours on her and she suddenly got up went to a cupboard and tipped about six bottles drink down the sink. She went back to work. We were told by NHS that they had no one with our skills and that we had to accept £160.000. Within two months the system cut off comms and phones hung up. We were told not to do the work because we were affecting jobs within the system We then found out there was a scheme to use vulnerable people as cheap labour. We also found out that the Private Med insurance firms had a policy of using incompetent clinicians to appease the Govt but, it took us ten yrs to find out that behind the scam was 17 universties aligned with drug companies. We began to experience Police attacks and death threats. Our cars had windows smashed and they sent funeral services round. We circumvented it by pretending to be religious. This convinced the police that we were corrupt like them which meant that we would not 'blab re the deaths caused there. We went to a public meeting at the Hosp and found a Councillor sitting on the board. he knew nothing about M-H so was ideal as a committeemember. We were very alarmed at the meeting because they were whispering in order to stop us hearing so we moved our chairs right up beside the chairman and that caused them to lower the volume even more. At that place Chubb security was employed and the utterly alarming highly funded PR firm charity Mind was used to provide housing and a facade fer the drug disabled
victims of the Mentally ill Psychs there. We got onto Mind and their response was -'we cant talk because we are doing a launch We pursued the Psych but they beat us by putting her in
Broadmocr. so we cant get at her. Mind you she may well be a patient in which case it will take them about a year to find out she has 'a personality disorder. Then having labelled her they wont
be able to resolve her issues because they have similar ones. This is not the whole story because we experienced lots of attacks. We recd anonymous calls telling us not to open the door to any visitor because there was a gang people going round with the Police gagging people and forcibly putting them in the killer Hospital. We then realised that 1000s deaths had been covered up by the HM Coroner, HM Court, HM Psychiatry, Local Govt, Media rings. Probably about 12 000 over 35 yrs. When we went to the press they told us that nothing that we have ever found can appear in print in UK.
Theres another 999 pp of this. Dont attempt to read it as a seed catalogue and dont scan it hoping to find a mistake you can use in order to attempt to ridicule the writers.
Socialized medicine is already a fact in the US. The only thing that sets the US system apart from other socialized medical systems is that it is an even bigger crony capitalist scheme to enrich politically connected monopolies and interest groups.
From Bad To Worse
Speaking as a physician, I say with some authority American Medicine has been going from bad to worse. The decline began in the 1950's with the governmental hoax of a shortage of physicians, allowing a torrent of foreign medical graduates into these United States from the world over. Then came Medicare/Medicaid sponsored by the reprehensible LBJ; which contrary to its charter has assumed control over Medicine and, in doing so, bankrupted the country to win votes from the old. .
Politicians, bureaucrats, profiteers, and lawyers are pounding physicians into the ground. Who suffers most? Patients.
"Yes, we can give you an appointment with Dr. Nurse in a month."
"No, I want to see a real doctor!"
"Well, in that case I can squeeze you in to see Doctor Doctor in three months."
Upon arrival three months later, a technician takes your history and vital signs. Half an hour later, Doctor Doctor, a graduate of a "medical school" in Uganda, enters and, according to a study, spends 19-seconds discussing your Chief Complaint with his/hers/its back turned to you while entering your data into a computer. Then, he/she/it asks a few more questions while facing the screen. Finally, Doctor Doctor looks at you briefly before telling you the medications to be prescribed. Visit over.
14.2.23 REASON. FROM UK. The situation is a 1000 times worse than depicted on here. The people on here need waking up.The other problem is there is no co operation tween people writing stuff here. its written one day and a few days later theres abother box to fill. Heres an extract from our 1000 pp evidence gathered whilst traipsing Cent london looking for help for the Victims accompanying us The most frequent reponse from a clueless public was-'Its Nothing To do With Me' The response from estal was mostly aggression and even deth threats. The US embassy offered violence. We had to take on board bodyguards to save our own lives. The issues- Health. Law Welfare.Charities Funding Media
TO. (No Reply) Corruption.this site packed with funded corrupt inept orgs. No reply re me being left for dead screaming every nite with extreme pain hoping for death. No reply from any
health org in uk.incl 100 Councillors. 50 Parish Councils. 20 Universities. 20 Police Areas. 10 Surgerys. All Pals Units. CCGs.Dept Health 17 Universities claiming to be 'Health Experts'. etc.
Today 3.5.16 Found out that the failure to reply by the giant Southern Health is a cover up. They are invalved with a Charity but the name of it is erased from all info. They have done that to
prevent us exposing it. We had asked Southern Health to provide name of one Mental Health Expert. they failed to do that. The Charity is Mal funded by among others the drug companies and Camelot Lottery, behind that is as wornan who is on the board at Manchester university which acts as a PR organization for the NHS and the GMC and A Judge who is involved with the House Commons hence no replies from MPs.. its where the M-h deception is hatched helped by
the Manchester Evening News which is owned by Tritity Mirror who wont respond. and the idea or intention is, it keeps the Health System protected. They are also like Age UK (part of that
University). involved in drugging the elderly. We also suspect the whole thing is assoc with Police who camr here and used violence on us on behalf of a religion. They wiped the plates off our laps then told us if we pick up thr food we would be arrested. they then said that the 1000pp evidence gathered initially Cent London must not be read by public. They added- The public must not be warned if in danger and theres no such thing as natural talent theres only what your teacher teaches you. (thats what killed the millions Native Americans)
There is at first glance 7 pretend HM MPs fer East Hants UK which is riddled with corruption and of course the EastHants District Council wont reply or answer questions. A Hospital in the region was visited and we found the place infested with leaflets and posters supporting known corrupt services and orgs incl "Pals" etc. When we went in search of the "Chief Exec" nobody knew where his office is. A large office in the grounds was approached and they said this- "We don't have anything to do with anything". On the wall was a notice displaying this- ''Zero Tolerance". When we asked Zero
Tolerance of what they would not reply. Every UK Hosp we've visited told us this- " The Public Have Ne Rights Here". No member of any "Health Committee" has responded nor have 40 Councillors in Bucks. Nor has 15 Parish Councils in Hants. Facebook has deleted lots of accounts and blocked 1000s mails.
There was re a stabbing at the giant Hosp whose clients were coming to us im desperation. That's the place where when we complained about the state of the clients the Psych said-Competence
In Mental Health Has No value In other words she killed people. this was confirmed by the staff
who said the cover ups were conducted by Local Press. Police. HM Coroners at Horseferry Road etc and the local press Newsquest (High Wycombe Head Office) and Dimbleby. plus of course
Courts. They were protecting their jobs. Although we were working on clients from that Hosp, if we went near the place the police would offer violence. Saville molester of kidswas welcome there. he was no
threat to the Mngt The clients we saw had recd between six and 22 yrs of useless HM Psychiatry We were told they were 'incurable'They needecd tween three and six hours work. One of them was a dancer at Covent gdn she had been going for help to the NHS and private systems, the result was we had to break the door open as she was lying semi conscious on a settee, her Doctor bf had abandoned here. We spent three hours on her and she suddenly got up went to a cupboard and tipped about six bottles drink down the sink. She went back to work. We were told by NHS that they had no one with our skills and that we had to accept £160.000. Within two months the system cut off comms and phones hung up. We were told not to do the work because we were affecting jobs within the system We then found out there was a scheme to use vulnerable people as cheap labour. We also found out that the Private Med insurance firms had a policy of using incompetent clinicians to appease the Govt but, it took us ten yrs to find out that behind the scam was 17 universties aligned with drug companies. We began to experience Police attacks and death threats. Our cars had windows smashed and they sent funeral services round. We circumvented it by pretending to be religious. This convinced the police that we were corrupt like them which meant that we would not 'blab re the deaths caused there. We went to a public meeting at the Hosp and found a Councillor sitting on the board. he knew nothing about M-H so was ideal as a committeemember. We were very alarmed at the meeting because they were whispering in order to stop us hearing so we moved our chairs right up beside the chairman and that caused them to lower the volume even more. At that place Chubb security was employed and the utterly alarming highly funded PR firm charity Mind was used to provide housing and a facade fer the drug disabled
victims of the Mentally ill Psychs there. We got onto Mind and their response was -'we cant talk because we are doing a launch We pursued the Psych but they beat us by putting her in
Broadmocr. so we cant get at her. Mind you she may well be a patient in which case it will take them about a year to find out she has 'a personality disorder. Then having labelled her they wont
be able to resolve her issues because they have similar ones. This is not the whole story because we experienced lots of attacks. We recd anonymous calls telling us not to open the door to any visitor because there was a gang people going round with the Police gagging people and forcibly putting them in the killer Hospital. We then realised that 1000s deaths had been covered up by the HM Coroner, HM Court, HM Psychiatry, Local Govt, Media rings. Probably about 12 000 over 35 yrs. When we went to the press they told us that nothing that we have ever found can appear in print in UK.
Theres another 999 pp of this. Dont attempt to read it as a seed catalogue and dont scan it hoping to find a mistake you can use in order to attempt to ridicule the writers.
Hank's in the ninth circle.
Not needing to see Hank's explosive verbal diarrhea is a significant benefit of the mute feature.
When Dee does it, it is called a cawnard
Another subtext which I was initially reluctant to get into was that I learned how systemically racist Canada was during my ordeal. They had the gall to ask me for ID to give me an x-ray and a splint. I mean, jeez, it's not like I'm trying to cast a vote here.
Shrike College specializes in parents returning to school to earn a degree. They have a hands-on daycare program.
Is Tony one of the professors there?
Shrike’s Daycare: you leave ‘em, he loves ‘em