John Cleese on How Wokeness Smothers Creativity
The Monty Python legend on giving offense and getting laughs

In a career that has spanned seven decades—and included such classic shows and movies as Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, Life of Brian, and A Fish Called Wanda—the comedian John Cleese has relentlessly satirized politics and religion while stretching the boundaries of decorum and good taste.
Now 83, Cleese—who studied law at the University of Cambridge—has set his sights on political correctness, which he says is the enemy not only of humor but of creative thinking in all areas of human activity. "There are people sitting there who are deliberately waiting for the thrill of being offended," he says, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to context, without which irony and sarcasm can't be properly understood.
Reason's Nick Gillespie caught up with Cleese at FreedomFest, an annual July gathering in Las Vegas. Cleese was the keynote speaker, there to discuss creativity, which was the subject of his 2020 book of the same name. It's a myth "that creativity is something you have to be born with," he argues, contending that "you can teach people how to create circumstances in which they will become creative."
In a wide-ranging conversation available on The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie, Cleese discusses the importance of freedom of expression to being creative, the difference between solemnity and seriousness, and why creativity remains necessary for the progress of civilization.
Reason: Do you regret not becoming a lawyer?
Cleese: My favorite joke about lawyers is that the U.S. Postal Service a few years ago issued a commemorative series of stamps commemorating famous American lawyers, but they had to withdraw it within a couple of weeks because people couldn't figure out which side of the stamp to spit on. You heard that before?
That's great. I have your book, Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide. I highly recommend it. Why is creativity so important for a thriving society?
I think the most natural impulse that people have other than curiosity is to figure out: Can we do this better? Whatever it is. I think that's a pretty natural kind of response, but I'm afraid the educational system doesn't encourage it. I mean, it's not as bad as Japan was, for example. I had a friend who studied there and said that the Japanese educational system was specifically designed to stop people thinking for themselves.
You grew up in England at a time when the school system was famous for being rigid and domineering. Has it changed? America is often seen as a place that's not structured enough. Is this a better environment?
It's always a question of balance. Discipline is essential to any kind of learning. It's essential, but at the same time, if you have too much, then you have a Chinese or Japanese system, where they don't want anyone to be creative because they're frightened that they will lose control. All I can tell you is I can only think of one example where my creativity was stifled. We had a very nice teacher and he taught me English, which seemed to me a bit redundant because I spoke it pretty fluently anyway.
He asked us to write an essay on time and I'd already realized it's a very hard thing to write about. You look it up in the dictionary and it says, "duration." Then you look up duration and it says, "time." So I wrote the whole essay about the fact that I'd not had time to write the essay. Now, you giggle at that. It's not bad, is it, for 15?
But he said to me, "Cleese, this isn't a proper essay." He didn't have a go at me. He wasn't nasty. He wasn't particularly critical. He says, "No, we just don't do things this way," and that's how our creativity gets stifled.
I always thought that teachers didn't understand that they needed to explain things. For example, I learned lots about the Protestants and the Catholics and [Oliver] Cromwell and Charles I, but no teacher ever told me what was the difference between them. There was an assumption by adults that you'd know, but the adults never told. So there were lots of faults in it.
It was beneficial that we learned to work, but I'm being quite honest with you when I said, at 18, when I emerged from the English system, I thought that it had taught me willpower, and that is how to work hard at something that I wasn't the slightest bit interested in.
In your book, you argue that you can teach creativity. It's a skill that you can pick up.
I don't think you can teach creativity, but you can teach people how to set themselves up where they have the greatest chance of their own creativity emerging.
And part of that is being set apart—creating a wall around yourself so that you have to contemplate the blank page.
Everyone who writes will tell you that an interruption probably costs you 10 minutes. There have been two research [studies], one said 15, one said 23 minutes. But because you're building something up in your mind—your character's here, he has to do that, she's over there trying to stop him, this has happened, someone else's just come in—and then somebody comes in, and when they leave you have to go back and recreate all this. That's why they're so dangerous.
You've written about collaborating, particularly with Graham Chapman. Can you talk a little bit about your experiences with him, and the role of having somebody to bounce ideas off of?
When you start as a comedian or as a comic writer, the great fear is: Is this funny? Because you don't know. You don't have enough experience. You think: "Well, I think it's funny. Will anyone else?" The extraordinary thing about Chapman was that if he laughed, then I discovered the audience was going to laugh, so the biggest single problem was solved by this. He was the perfect litmus test. If what I said was funny and he laughed, we put it down. That was wonderful. But I was in the engine room driving it forward, and I think in a way, Chapman was creative, but the trouble is I was too critical and analytical and he was so dreamy that he was always off the wall and saying ridiculous things. The combination of us worked well because what some people forget about a team is, you want lots of people with different skills, not lots with the same skills.
Talk a bit, in your creative experiences, about the role of drugs and alcohol, which bedevil creative people, particularly comedians, musicians, and writers. Chapman had a real problem with the bottle, but did that also fuel some of his genius?
I don't think so.
Do you use any performance-enhancing drugs?
Very nice.
I've never been addictive, except the very small things like food. And the awful thing about getting older is food tastes better. It's just wonderful. I eat nothing else now.
I think that a lot of creative people are more in touch with their unconscious, which is where their creativity is coming from. But if your threshold is a little more porous, it may be that unconscious stuff of the more Freudian kind can come up. Maybe that's why wonderful ideas can come up, but they have to come up with the stuff that would be better kept down.
I think the other thing is that creativity is all about getting out of a rut. You see, if you're under any kind of pressure, you will always resort to stereotypical thinking. You'll go back. There was a Canadian psychoneurologist called Donald Hebb, and he said, "Neurons that fire together, wire together." In other words, if you create in thinking a neural pathway and you do that a few more times, it becomes the pathway. It's just like wiring it.
Somebody once said it's a bit like hiring a little house in the summer for a holiday for a month. You go into the house and you think: "Oh, this is great." You go to the back garden and the grass is high, but there's a little shed over there and you think: "I wonder what's in the shed." So you make your way through and you get to the shed. And then when you come back, you don't come back by a different path, do you? Because this is already easier.
You come back by the same path, and whenever you go to the shed, you go by that path. Well, what else is in the grass? You never get to explore it.
So the question is: How do you get out of the rut? How do you get out of the rut and look around in the grass?
Let's talk about the enemies of creativity. You've mentioned the educational system that doesn't facilitate it. Wokeism is an issue that you've talked about. How does that stifle creativity?
Because it's the internal interruption that I was talking about. You think of an idea and you immediately think: "Oooh, is that going to get me into trouble? Well, that person last Thursday got away with it." But all that stuff immediately stops you being creative.
What percentage of your oeuvre do you think would be inadmissible or not permitted now?
Well, it changes unpredictably. I mean, in my day there was an enormous explosion in England, I think it was 196[5], when Kenneth Tynan, who was our best theater critic, deliberately used the word fuck. And, I mean, it was nuclear.
Now I can say fuck, and one or two people might twitch. Most people aren't bothered by it at all, but that was the forbidden word.
I'm a little bit excited, I have to say.
[Laughs] Shut up!
But then there are many other words that…
Well, there's the N-word. Now, just consider this situation: If I actually pronounce the N-word today, which I'm not going to—relax! But if I did, it would be in the papers tomorrow. Now, how useful is that? The woke people, I think, miss something quite badly. The meaning of a word depends on its context. If I use sarcasm, then what I'm meaning is the opposite of the words I'm actually saying. If you don't get irony, then if you take it seriously, you completely misunderstand the intention of the writer or speaker.
Some people said after 9/11 that irony was dead, but it seems like it probably died earlier in people who say that's not funny, no matter what, because they focus on the words rather than the meaning or the context.
That's right: They focus on the words. I actually talk about this in my stage act. I mean, just now I said "shut up" to you.
Inside, I'm crying.
But everybody smiled, because they knew it was done with affection and as a joke. If that was reported tomorrow in The Hollywood Reporter, that I'd said that to you without any giving of context, it would look as though I was being very rude and unpleasant. You see what I mean? My daughter was talking about this when we did a show at the [South by] Southwest festival. I don't know when I've had so much fun on stage. We had a fellow who was Puerto Rican, we had someone who was African American, we had someone who was Jewish, we had a Scot, and an old white Englishman.
They're letting anybody into South by Southwest.
We were teasing each other and saying the most terrible things, and there was an atmosphere, not—I mean this seriously—not just of laughter, but of joy at the freedom of it. And then The Hollywood Reporter went back and quoted a couple of lines without giving any context at all, and then there was about two weeks of criticism. I mean, why? What are they getting out of it? There are people sitting there who are deliberately waiting for the thrill of being offended.
Wokeism is certainly not the only enemy of creativity. You have talked about the suits, the money people running industries. How do they inhibit creativity?
Because everything they want is the opposite of what the creative people want. They want clarity. Business people, by and large, are very stressed because they're trying to control everything, especially things that they can't really control. And if you talk to body workers like therapists or physiotherapists or chiropractors or osteopaths or any of these people, they will tell you that the hardest people to work on are business people, because they're trying to control the process even when they're being massaged, whereas the easiest people to work on are the creative people because they're used to just letting things happen without trying to control them. You see, when you're playing with your imagination, you shouldn't be trying to control it. You're just seeing where it takes you because there's no such thing as a mistake.
It is very, very nice when people say to me, "Thank you for making me laugh." It always makes me feel good, because laughter is good.
I'll tell you when I realized this. I was at the Sarajevo Film Festival and they were talking about the period when [Bosnians] were under siege. The Serbs up in the hills, because Sarajevo's in a valley, were lobbing shells down. They had snipers, telescopic, shooting people crossing the street. And what they did was they found an underground garage and they converted it into a cinema, and when it got dark, they would all go to this cinema and watch comedy films.
A lot of Monty Python, they told me, but a lot of comedy films, and by the end, when they left the cinema, they felt better. Now, nothing had changed, but they felt better. They could cope with it better. I suddenly realized that laughter really helps us. It takes us to a part of our mind where we're probably healthier than we are at any other time, and it's this thing about laughing at yourself. I'm not so sure that the wokes would ever laugh at themselves, no matter how hilarious they are.

Monty Python originally ran from 1969 to '74?
Yes, and then we started making movies.
How was it received? Because that was a tough time for Britain. Did people appreciate it? How many people were outraged because you were making fun of everything great about Britain?
Some people were outraged by it, yeah. I mean, my mother didn't get it and a lot of the BBC executives didn't get it. I'm not kidding you that there was a meeting after four or five of the shows had been transmitted. There was a meeting of the heads of departments—head of drama, head of news, head of documentaries. They all had a meeting, about nine of them, and six or seven of them basically said, "This Python thing isn't any good and we should cancel it." So something like three-quarters of the top program makers in England thought that we should be discontinued.
I've been up against that all my life, because the people in charge don't know what they're doing. They have no idea what they're doing, but they have no idea that they have no idea what they're doing. And that's the dangerous bit.
In Creativity, you quote William Goldman, the screenwriter who wrote Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and All the President's Men, who is famous for saying, in Hollywood, "nobody knows anything," but they all act as if they do.
I now have a speech called "Why There Is No Hope," because when I was writing with this therapist, I got to know him very well and I said to him, "How many people in your profession really know what they're doing?" And he said, "About 10 percent."
I was so intrigued by that. After that, every time I met someone who I suspected was particularly good, I would say to them, "How many people in your…?" The highest I ever got was 20 percent.
Mostly it was 10–15 percent, one or two people who went as low as 5 percent. But why don't the 85 percent get better? Because they don't know they need to. They think they're good already. Do you see what I mean? And if you think you're good enough already, you're not learning.
What was your most memorable Monty Python moment? Did you know that Monty Python and the Holy Grail would have an instant cult following?
No, we had no idea. That's one of the things I have learned: You really never know whether something is going to work or not. Steve Martin once said something to me which reflected my experience. He said, "When you start showing a film, a very strange thing happens. It seems as though the audiences are beginning to like it more and more or less and less." Isn't that weird?
What has been your biggest disappointment? Because you also, in Creativity, talk about how it's not enough to have ideas. You have to test them. You have to put them out in the world.
My daughter once said to me, "Being a comedian is like being a bullfighter," and I said, "What are you talking about?" And she said, "Well, you get such immediate feedback on your performance."
You can go out there on Monday and do a joke you like, and the audience doesn't laugh, and you say, "What a load of ignorant rednecks." Then Tuesday, they don't laugh, and you can still blame the audience. By Wednesday, you've decided it may not be as funny as you thought. So you're always checking it against the audience reaction, because if it doesn't make them laugh and it's intended to, you are getting something wrong, not them.
How would critics and media respond to Life of Brian if it was released today rather than almost 45 years ago?
I don't know. It caused a big, big fuss at the time. When it opened in New York, we were condemned by the liberal Jews and one of the other three Jewish sects, and then we were condemned by the Calvinists, the Catholics, the Lutherans. Altogether, seven churches.
Who all hated each other!
They all told their followers, "Do not go to this film, the central message of which is 'think for yourself.'" But you're right, because [actor] Eric [Idle] said, "We've accomplished something very good. It's the first time in 500 years they've been able to agree on anything."
Is there any way to make politics funny?
You mean funnier? I think the great problem is this: that people—oh, this is going to sound very profound—don't understand the difference between solemnity and seriousness. Now, we can have a perfectly serious chat like we've had now. We're taking things seriously, but it's not been solemn. People think that anything with fun or humor is not serious. No, it's not solemn. You can always have a serious discussion with humor, and because people don't realize the difference, they think that anyone who's a little bit humorous lacks gravity. And I think that's very sad.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
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“We were teasing each other and saying the most terrible things, and there was an atmosphere, not—I mean this seriously—not just of laughter, but of joy at the freedom of it. “
Like babies learning to walk.
I find it very rewarding to share truths demonstrated by correctly applied logic and science that cannot be refuted no matter how much brainwashed bigoted trolls wish it was.
Their pathetic spectacle demonstrates the hypocrisy of their emotional reactions.
It’s great comedy.
You're boring.
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What the matter, Frank? Are the Wolverine and Batman franchises not delivering the royalties? 😉
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Hotsy Totsy, among all the Botsies, what do I spy? A boring Nazi!
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What is comedy is watching you repeat the same bullshit over and over and you thinking that repetition makes it "logic" and "science."
Ol' Joseph Goebbels struck Comedy Gold when he got suckers like you to practice what he preached.
Given it's deep-dish thick stereotyping, I thought Goebbel had created Fran Drescher's The Nanny, but it turns out Goebbels outdid himself when he created you!
Fuck Off, Nazi!
What's funny is watching you repeat the same bullshit over and over and yet you think that repetition makes it "logic" and "science."
Ol' Joseph Goebbels struck Comedy Gold when he created people like you!
Fuck Off, Nazi!
Now, now. I’m afraid we’ve all been remiss. We forgot to wish Herr Misek A VERY HAPPY CHANUKAH!!!!!
As with lighting a Menorah and a toast of Mozel Tov!, I'm sure there's some fire and broken glass involved! 😉
Oh, and here's a doubly degenerate ditty that both Misek and Kanye are sure to love 🙂
Hip Hop Hanukkah
I actually just lit the first candle in the Menorah here at work. I’m the only staff on duty so I was asked to do the honors. I even found a brief Hebrew prayer to intone. Did it promptly after dark as tradition demands but—DOH!—I completely forgot to “honor” Herr Misek with one single solitary thought while doing so!
Although I am not Jewish, nor even a believer in God, as a Libertarian, I do have a soft spot for any holiday that celebrates freedom, whether it's U.S. Independence Day, Mexico's defeat of Maximillien Napoleon III, Hanukkah, Romania's execution of Nicolai and Elena Ceauşescu on Christmas Day, or The Roman Feast of Saturnalia.
A week ago, I got a package of Manichiewitz Potato Latkes to see how well they cook in an air fryer.
Past experiments with a frying pan and inches of vegetable oil were fall-apart disasters, but this time, with some added dry potatoes to thicken the mix, small portions, just a hint of olive oil, and a little cooling afterwards, my Beautiful Brand Air Fryer did the job much better. They held together and go great with Ketchup, sour cream, butter, or strawberry preserves!
It also brings to mind my Judaism class in college where everyone brought items for both the Passover Seder and Hanukkah meals.
One gal cooked both homemade bagels and Kugel. Another brought marinated greens for bitter herbs, another brought corned beef sandwiches, and I brought unlevened Matzohs and a cream cheese/lox spread fresh-made at the local bagelry. A meshuggah time was had by all!
Happy Chanukkah to you and yours and all who celebrate in the Reason Commentariat! 🙂
And notice I didn't think of Misek either. Whether it's part of Chanukkah or not, you're doing fine from my end. ;]
Misek’s “irrefutable” evidence shown to be largely lacking in evidence and refuted where we find some few scraps:
1) “There has been no objective forensic analysis at any supposed site. That means that there is no physical evidence.”
That’s a lie.
Contemporarily, there was ample evidence in carcasses, skeletons, other human remains, mounds of possessions, gold dentures, etc.
Even in 1994, comparisons cyanide ions remaining on the walls of buildings where Zyklon-B was used sparing as a fumigant and the walls of the cellars at Auschwitz shows drastic deltas: Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report (
2) “Any activity that demonstrates and shares evidence to refute the holocaust is a crime in every nation where it allegedly occurred”
3) “The crucial event of the story is the cyanide gassing of millions of Jews. That never happened.”
Lie or possible attempt at sophistry; cyanide is the active ingredient in Zyklon-B.
4) “Jews have published books illustrated with pictures of themselves shirtless dragging piles of gassed bodies from the chambers to cremation ovens.
But cyanide is absorbed through the skin and NOBODY could have survived a single day of such activity much less collecting reparations into their old age reminiscing about it years later.”
Bullshit. It is possible to die from contact, but the primary cause of death from Zyklon-B is ingestion of the gas containing the cyanide.
5) “And so it goes with every bullshit story. The facts prove otherwise.”
Irrelevant attempt to poison the well; not evidence.
6) “Let’s not forget another old timey favourite.The story of Babi Yar is a popular lesson in Jewish schools described as the single largest event of the holocaust.
The lesson is that between 30,000 and 100,000 Jews were taken to a ravine in Ukraine where they were killed.
The story is told by one Jewish survivor, Dina Pronicheva, an actress who testified that she was forced to strip naked and marched to the edge of the ravine. When the firing squad shot, she jumped into the ravine and played dead. After being covered by thousands of bodies and tons of earth she dug herself out, unscathed, when the coast was clear and escaped to tell the story.
She is apparently the only person in history to successfully perform a matrix bullet dodge at a firing squad. The soldier aiming point blank at her never noticed her escape. Never walked a few steps to the edge of the ravine to finish her off.
They were stripped naked to leave no evidence. Naked she had no tools to dig herself out from under 30,000 bodies and tons of dirt.
Only after the deed was done, the nazis realized that so many bullet ridden bodies were evidence. Oops, rookie move. So they brought more Jews and millions of cubic feet of firewood to dig them up, cremate them on gravestones and scatter their ashes in surrounding fields.
There has been no forensic investigation at the site. None of the bullets allegedly burned with the bodies have been recovered. Not one shred of physical evidence of this has ever been found.
There are military aerial photographs of the area at the time but they don’t show any evidence of the narrative, no people, no equipment, no firewood, no moved earth, no tracks of any kind.
Simply stating these facts is a crime in Ukraine where the Babi Yar narrative is taught in school”
To be honest, I haven’t heard of this but as regards its evidence regarding the Holocaust, it says nothing at all; it is totally irrelevant.
7) “Have you ever heard of the Bletchley park decrypts of the famous German enigma machines? It was credited for turning the tide of the war as allies knew what military actions the Germans were planning.
Only released in the 1980s those translated messages included prison camp information, deaths, transfers and requests for medicines to treat illnesses. The numbers of dead don’t support the holocaust narrative of which there was also no mention of”
Cite missing for YOUR claim, but:
“Allied forces knew about Holocaust two years before discovery of concentration camps, secret documents reveal”
“The Allied Powers were aware of the scale of the Jewish Holocaust two-and-a-half years earlier than is generally assumed, and had even prepared war crimes indictments against Adolf Hitler and his top Nazi commanders…”
8) “Are you willingly performing the feeble mental gymnastics required to believe, as the story goes, that Germans were communicating in code about prison camps while talking plainly about their military actions with their top secret enigma machines?”
OK, this goes beyond parody, and this represents the Nazi shit’s level of gullibility.
Simply, yes, the Nazis did NOT want to broadcast to the world that they were engaged in mass-murder, as the post-war interrogations proved. If there’s ‘mental gymnastics’ here, Nazi shit just got a unanimous “1”.
9) “The numbers of dead from German enigma decrypts does align with Red Cross numbers”
Cite missing.
“The Red Cross regularly visited all prison camps. It was their job to report the cause of all deaths. They recorded a grand total of 271,000 among all camps for the entire war. It is a matter of record.
Are you performing the feeble mental gymnastics required to believe that the Red Cross were so incompetent that they were completely unaware of 95% or 5,629,000 deaths?”
Is Nazi shit so gullible as to believe the Nazis would welcome the Red Cross to the death camps? Seems so. Value as “evidence” = zero
10) “Zyklon B is an off the shelf insecticide used among other places in Prison camps to delouse clothing and bedding to save lives by preventing deadly typhus. The system used for years before the war employed heating to release cyanide gas, fans to circulate the gas and more to exhaust the chambers to make the de loused articles safe to handle.
Pictures of this equipment and the small de lousing buildings with clothing racks still exist in Prison camps. But no evidence of any gas delivery system has ever been found in the shower houses where the bullshit holocaust allegedly occurred. In fact, the story has changed to that they just threw the heat activated pellets onto the cold drainless floors in rooms full of people.
Such an inefficient method would have taken too long to kill the required number of Jews. The pellets couldn’t be spread evenly in rooms full of people. The cold drainless floors would have delayed the release of cyanide from the pellets that people would have swept away from themselves. Any dead would have released all their bodily fluids and their bodies covering the pellets. Vomit would have been added to the floor prior to entering such a room.”
Arm-waving; see about for Zyklon-B concentrations. Value as “evidence” = zero
11) “According to Martin Gilbert in his book, Holocaust Journey, the gas chambers at Treblinka utilized carbon monoxide from diesel engines. At the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi war criminals, the American government charged that the Jews were murdered at Treblinka in “steam chambers,” not gas chambers.”
Arm-waving, Value as “evidence” = zero
12) “Gasoline engine exhaust contains about ten times the carbon monoxide than diesel. Diesel exhaust is relatively safe. Even if the Diesel engines were running at their maximum of 500 ppm, death would take several hours. Far too long to support the narrative.”
One approximation, one number many assumptions, no support. Value as “evidence” = zero.
13) “If Germans had used gas engines, death would have been in a few minutes. But in the holocaust narrative for treblinka diesel was used even though they had plenty of gas for their tanks. Nuremberg still recorded that they were “steam chambers”.
Which stupid lie is more believable? You have to perform some feeble mental gymnastics to buy that.”
More arm-waving, weak attempt at well poisoning, zero evidence.
14) “Jews had been publicly claiming a holocaust of 6 million Jews in various nations no less than 166 times between 1900 and 1945. Only to coerce sympathy to raise money. Like the wastes of skin who fake cancer on go fund me pages.
The story of gassing Jews began as British propaganda to turn popular opinion against Germany. It was inspired to draw attention away from Jewish Bolshevik war crimes in Russia because that would work against allied propaganda. It also served global Jewish interests to create undeserved sympathy for Jews who had publicly organized boycotts of Germany to drive Germany to war.”
Anti-sematic rant, followed by idiotic conspiracy theory; not anywhere close to “evidence”.
15) “There is a documented letter from the head of British propaganda to the head of the war office recommending that they cease the “gassing Jews“ propaganda because there was no evidence for it and if found out would work against their propaganda efforts.”
I’ll bet there were all sorts of letters which were embarrassing during WWII. Try finding some evidence
16) “The only thing the bullshit holocaust narrative has in common with WW2 is that they were both the creation of Jews.
These Jewish leaders are admitting it. Are they lying?
“We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany”.
David A Brown, national chairman, united Jewish campaign, 1934.
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany …holy war against Hitlers people”
Chaim Weismann, the Zionist leader, 8 September 1939, Jewish chronicle.
The Toronto evening telegram of 26 February 1940 quoted rabbi Maurice l. Perlzweig of the world Jewish Congress as telling a Canadian audience that” The world Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years”.
Smells strongly of “DID YOU HEAR WHAT TRUMP SAID!!!!!”, but regardless, even if true, it is irrelevant to the question.
Nazi scum responds with further bullshit, claims the above is only a flesh wound:
Stick your head in a gas oven and die, Nazi shit.
Well done, Sevo!
Indeed! +6,000,000 and +5,000,000 more!
+1, Sevo! This should be copied to be reused on any of these dipstick antisemites like Misek.
I was thinking the same thing. This needs to be saved and thrown in the Gaslighting Gauleiter’s face every time he posts his “no one has refuted my ‘evidence’” crap (which he’s guaranteed to keep pulling).
This is the fourth time this troll has re-pasted his pathetic attempt to refute my statements.
Each time I have soundly refuted every every one of his numbered claims, here, which also links to his previous failed attempts.
You stand refuted. Try to keep up.
Here is each of your pathetic attempts soundly refuted, point by point.
You stand refuted.
1) “ Even in 1994, comparisons cyanide ions remaining on the walls of buildings where Zyklon-B was used sparing as a fumigant and the walls of the cellars at Auschwitz shows drastic deltas:”
Do you realize that your quote is refuting the holocaust?
Are you saying that the lecter report was objective forensic analysis? Because it concluded that the holocaust couldn’t have occurred as told. It was written in the US where the holocaust is not alleged to have occurred and it is not a crime to deny it.
The “polish rebuttal” was never peer reviewed and was conducted in and by a nation in which concluding the holocaust never occurred is a crime punishable with imprisonment. Does that sound “objective” even to you?
A summary of this topic, for the brainwashed, is that the iron in zyklon b reacted with the brick turning it blue in the clothing fumigation but not the alleged homicidal gas chambers. That is a fact.
Leuchters report in the US was not allowed in the second trial of Ernst Zündel because the court ruled that it wasn’t forensic. Both trials in Canada in the 1980’s though initially convictions were subsequently overturned. He was eventually deported to Germany where merely denying the holocaust is a crime, and convicted of that.
The polish report simply found trace elements of cyanide in the bricks at the alleged homicidal chambers as would be found in all buildings in any camp using zyklon b for delousing. It never compared the amount differences ignoring the blue fumigation versus gray homicidal bricks as the direct result of repeated exposure to zyklon b in one versus the other.
There has been no objective peer reviewed forensic analysis conducted to resolve this issue because in Poland where the evidence exists, it is still illegal to do so.
What government will allow a government approved report to break a government approved law?
Your vague point (1) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 2)…
2) “irrelevance”
The fact that all evidence that refutes the holocaust is criminal in every nation where it allegedly occurred is relevant if you are accepting any evidence at all from those nations.
Refusing to consider evidence is the definition of bias and your conclusion that bias is irrelevant only demonstrates your disregard for justice and your bigotry.
Your statement (2) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 3)…
3) “ Lie or possible attempt at sophistry; cyanide is the active ingredient in Zyklon-B.”
Zyklon b was used all over Europe for decades before and during WW2 to kill lice that carried typhus. It is not evidence of a holocaust.
You haven’t refuted anything.
Your point (3) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 4)
4) “It is possible to die from contact, but the primary cause of death from Zyklon-B is ingestion of the gas containing the cyanide.”
According to the testimony of the so called survivor, the timing entering the chambers immediately, the details shirtless survivor, piles of bodies with unvented cyanide gas pockets in every space, death from repeated exposure as per testimony would have been necessary, not just possible.
Why don’t you try it?
Your claim (4) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 5)…
5)” Irrelevant attempt to poison the well; not evidence.”
It’s not irrelevant when the facts I’ve presented are irrefutable. It describes what you are currently trying to refute and are failing miserably at.
Your statement (5) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 6)…
6)” To be honest, I haven’t head of this but as regards its evidence regarding the Holocaust, it says nothing at all; it is totally irrelevant.”
If you haven’t heard of it how the fuck can you refute it? Just because you’re ignorant of it, doesn’t make something irrelevant.
We’re starting to see your pattern here.
Your statement (6) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 7)…
7)” Cite missing for YOUR claim, but:
“Allied forces knew about Holocaust two years before discovery of concentration camps, secret documents reveal”
“The Allied Powers were aware of the scale of the Jewish Holocaust two-and-a-half years earlier than is generally assumed, and had even prepared war crimes indictments against Adolf Hitler and his top Nazi commanders…””
Read your own link fuckwit.
It admits that “the world was learning about the holocaust” in 1941 as the result of allied propaganda.
I provided this cite to you years ago and you still haven’t refuted it.
Here it is again dummy.
“Looks like partial cremation retard sevo doesn’t want to try to refute the proof of lying shlomo.
Time to rub your nose in your amateur attempt to refute the proof that Germans were concerned about the lives of the prisoners in Aushwitz.
Here are some actual enigma decrypts from Bletchley park in 1942 when deaths were at their highest.
The link is to many more that share all kinds of Aushwitz details, absolutely no hint of any “extermination plan”.
Firstly the number of dead for the month are nowhere near what is necessary to support the holocaust narrative.
Secondly, notable is the concern over typhus deaths and the requests for medical supplies to treat.
GPDD No’s.:- 194/199, 201/203, 205, 218, 219, 222/3, 226,
233, 236, 239, 240/2, 247.
Covering the period 3rd Aug. 1942 – 25th Sept. 1942
further examination is made of Concentration Camp figures;
deaths from typhus have reached a very high figure in
A suspected case of typhus is reported from
AUSCHWITZ (223b/42). It is probable that on the 6th August
Nachschubkdtr. Russland Mitte requests typhus vaccine for
50 men and spottenfever serum for 20
For the first time returns are given for deaths of
prisoners (223b/14,24,43,50): the figures for August are:
NIEDERHAGEN 21, AUSCHWITZ 6829 (or 6889) men, 1525 women;.
Your point (7) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 8)…
8) “OK, this goes beyond parody, and this represents the Nazi shit’s level of gullibility.
Simply, yes, the Nazis did NOT want to broadcast to the world that they were engaged in mass-murder, as the post-war interrogations proved. If there’s ‘mental gymnastics’ here, Nazi shit just got a unanimous “1”.”
Yeah thanks for admitting that you think that Germany intentionally lost WW2 to cover up the holocaust. Just go with that next time. Hahaha
Nothing to refute here folks. That was easy. Moving on to 9)…
9)a)”Cite missing.”
Cite provided above. That was easy. Moving on to 9)b)…
9)b)”Is Nazi shit so gullible as to believe the Nazis would welcome the Red Cross to the death camps? Seems so. Value as “evidence” = zero”
The Red Criss kept records of their visits to all prison camps. Including Aushwitz.
Here is a summary of all recorded deaths. My point remains.
From: International
Red Cross, Arolsen
West Germany
Your point (9) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 10)…
10)”Arm-waving; see about for Zyklon-B concentrations. Value as “evidence” = zero”
You have not attempted to refute my statement.
Your rhetoric (10) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 11)…
11)”Arm-waving, Value as “evidence” = zero”
It clearly demonstrates that the liars who concocted and told the holocaust story can’t get their lies straight. It is irrefutable evidence of Contradiction = lie.
Now you’re just being lazy.
Your feeble attempt 11) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 12)…
12)”One approximation, one number many assumptions, no support. Value as “evidence” = zero.”
One more fact that you haven’t refuted.
We all can see that you’re not even trying to refute what you deny.
Your pathetic attempt 12) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 13)…
13)”More arm-waving, weak attempt at well poisoning, zero evidence.”
More logic that you can’t/won’t refute.
Your pathetic attempt 13) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 14)…
14)”Anti-sematic rant, followed by idiotic conspiracy theory; not anywhere close to “evidence”.”
It’s a fact that demonstrates that Jews have a long history of falsely claiming holocausts and logically questions the statistical likelihood that this time after 166 lies that actually 6 million Jews did die.
That’s relevant.
Your pathetic attempt 14) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 15)…
15)”I’ll bet there were all sorts of letters which were embarrassing during WWII. Try finding some evidence”
Again, you aren’t refuting my statement. People have found the evidence. I’m sharing it. You’re denying but not refuting it.
Cite provided again.
Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), Victor Cavendish-Bentick in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943,
“We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.”
Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’.
Your vague doubt (15) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to 16)…
16)”Smells strongly of “DID YOU HEAR WHAT TRUMP SAID!!!!!”, but regardless, even if true, it is irrelevant to the question.”
They are properly referenced quotes from Jewish leaders demonstrating that they had intended to create and force Germany into WW2.
That kind of evil is absolutely relevant when considering the character required to lie to the world about a holocaust for the 167 th time.
Yeah, it stinks. But it’s coming from you.
Your pathetic attempt 16) has been refuted. That was easy. Moving on to… that’s it you’re done.
I’ve demonstrated that you haven’t refuted any of my points.
I like feeding the irrefutable evidence of truth to bigots like you and laughing every time you choke.
Yes, I’m weeping. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Hahaha.
"I’ve demonstrated that you haven’t refuted any of my points."
You've demonstrated you are too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence"
and relevance. Further, that you're too stupid to understand you've been handed your hat.
Fuck off and die, Nazi shit-bag.
Remember when Misek opined that lying should be a crime and liars jailed? Turn yourself in, Herr Misek. And don’t forget to light the first Chanukah candle in your Menorah just after sunset this evening!
People who aren’t bigots can see what has been refuted and what hasn’t.
I’m pleased with the optics.
I also said that when lying is criminalized, you’re going to need a new religion, Kol Nidre boy.
Happy Hanukkah, Misek, you lying fuck.
Misek, do the honorable thing, commit suicide. Just like your Fuhrer.
I keep telling him this, but no dice.
I guess it's kinda hard to turn yourself in when no court of law shares your view of jurisprudence. He's like a reverse "Sovereign Citizen" who's trying to get into prison. 🙂
I think Herr Misek would enjoy prison. He could finally ge the sex he secretly wants, and there are plenty of Nazis there for him to spout his phony Holocaust denials.
Also the Babi Yar massacre is very well documented, by WAY more than one witness!
Name one.
Take the L.
And the only “camps” the Red Cross ever saw were Potemkin Village deceptions like the Terezin camp in Theresienstadt , north of Prague.
The Gaslighting Gauleiter has no shame, no decency or other redeeming human qualities. Who the hell are you to look down on Jews or any other actual humans, you mendacious Hitlerite scum!
Well, it is His Struggle.
Sein Kampf mit der Wahrheit
Für Misek, ist Nein Kampf mit "sein Wahrheit.". Amirite? 😉
Hahaha. What makes you believe that to be true?
The Red Cross recorded the total deaths from all camps to be 271,000.
They kept meticulous records at among others, Aushwitz, which was recorded at 52,000 for the first entire war.
The Red Cross was founded in 1863 with the purpose of protecting the interests of victims of conflicts.
The holocaust fairytale requires us to believe that they were so unaware of what might happen that they completely missed 95% of the victims in prison camps.
AND that they had not so much as an inkling that a holocaust was going on right under their noses. Because there is no evidence of any Red Cross document suggesting they did.
So your number of dead is acceptable?
Here’s what the International Committee of the Red Cross THEMSELVES have to say about The Holocaust and their own handling of the situation “27 January is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in 1945. For the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), it also marks a failure, the failure to help and protect the millions of people who were exterminated in the death camps. The ICRC has publicly expressed its regret regarding its impotence and the mistakes it made in dealing with Nazi persecution and genocide.” ICRC has shame and remorse—key human qualities which you, Herr Misek, sorely lack. Read the ENTIRE page and the links. A wealth of details contained therein.
271000 total deaths of people of all religions in prison camps during an entire world war and typhus epidemic is not the six million Jewish murders holocaust Jews falsely claimed 166 times between the years 1900 and 1945. Over a million Americans died of COVID complications over the last few years.
The Red Cross made their “apology” in 2005 under pressure from the holocaust fairytale purveyors on the 60th anniversary of their often repeated lie.
NOTHING from the Red Cross before then. Even though allied psy ops, propaganda office had broadcast the story of gassing jews throughout the war, the Red Cross never mentioned anything that would lead to an inkling of a holocaust in ANY report. Even though thousands of Jewish fuckwitnesses “survived the holocaust” nobody ever mentioned anything to the Red Cross who visited all camps regularly.
It was EXACTLY what the Red Cross was tasked to look for but they were completely oblivious to 95% of prison camp deaths even after being warned about it by the propaganda offices.
Then 60 years later during the cherished bogeyman celebrations they apologized for it. No explanation of how they could have completely failed their mandate. NO FORENSIC ANALYSIS of what they did wrong was ever done or even requested.
Because forensic analysis is the LAST THING purveyors of the holocaust fairytale want. They’ve made it illegal to do in EVERY nation where the tale allegedly occurred.
That empty apology from the Red Cross after 60 years of silence defies logic and isn’t worth the paper it was written on.
For Misek, any amount of murder is acceptable for his ideal Utopia as long he doesn't have to acknowledge it exists.
Did he even read it? I can’t believe the indecent insult to the memory of the victims of Babi Yar! Some people truly have no decency!!!!!
Nothing about Misek truly surprises me anymore. I'm waiting for him to spout off about either a Flat or a Hollow Earth. And either way, it would be made of ice.
Because that you could refute. Hahaha
I’ll believe that when I believe all the Woo that site promotes about “8 Natural Remedies for Eczema.”
Sooo…Does Zyklon-B cure the heartbreak of Psoriasis? Christ! You don’t know the meaning of heartache, Misek!
Fuck Off, Nazi!
Exceptional, Sevo. I think many of us will benefit from you efforts, except of course the one who most needs to hear it...
YOU are a vicious bigot. You lie and spew antisemitic venom here every day.
Suicide is your best option. Just like your Fuhrer.
You trolls obviously have strong feelings for me.
Much to your chagrin they have no effect on me. It’s on you.
I would be inconsolable if you ever refuted anything I said though.
I enjoy feeding the trolls evidence of correctly applied logic and science that they will never refute and laughing at you every time you choke. Hahaha
Yes, it’s called hatred. You’re a literal nazi. You want to exterminate the Jews, while saying you never killed any Jews.
You’re lying again Kol Nidre boy.
You can’t refute what you deny, prove what you claim or accept reality demonstrated by correctly applied logic and science.
So you have no choice but to stew in your own insignificant bigotry, hatred and ignorance.
You do you. It has no impact on me. Hahaha
Sevo already slapped your bullshit down. So now you are the proven liar. There is only one way out for you, nazi.
Commit suicide.
FOLLOW YOUR FUHRER Herr Misek!! SHAME ON YOU for what you wrote about Babi Yar!!! SHAME ПОЗОР SHAME!!!!
You posted a link to propaganda, which I’ve refuted with correctly applied logic and science.
You lied by referring to “WAY” more witnesses than the one whose credibility I destroyed. You cut and run when i challenged you to prove your claim.
The shame of lying, ignorance, bigotry and hatred is on you.
I’m pleased with the optics that show what I’ve said hasn’t been refuted.
Herr Misek, the Gaslighting Gaileiter , didn’t read the links I offered.Bad faith lying…typical of a Hitlerite liar! Everyone keep this thread.
Herr Misek, you lack human decency!!
Little Miss Doxxer herself, the woman who doxxed a lot people but tried to keep her own life totally private, the woman who campaigned to ban Libs of Tik Tok, Taylor Lorenz, has found her own account suspended on Twitter.
Now that's good comedy. Almost as funny as Taylor Lorenz calling herself a journalist. She's a clown just like most "journalists", only fit for a job at CNN or MSNBC.
She tried ban evasion, but failed miserably.
Glinda knows best, dear!
Or Reason. She and Lizzie the Lezzie would undoubtedly enjoy giving each other woman on woman 69.
It must really suck being on the other end of the ban stick, Tay Tay.
Taylor Lorenz responds to getting the ban hammer:
They think they're people (they're not). Not taking it well...,_2022_Twitter_suspensions
On December 15, 2022, nine journalists had their accounts suspended from Twitter for violating a policy on doxxing, in an event dubbed the "Thursday Night Massacre".
Journalists are the most fragile of babies.
And need the most protection from speech.
Lol. Massacre.
Right!?! Massacre. Insurrection. White Supremacy. Journalist sure do struggle with the definition of words.
Ooooh! Echoes of Nixon! Scary scary BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!!!
Didn't she also try to claim she went to inner city public schools when it turns out that she's a rich white bitch from Connecticut who went to a $25k/yr private school?
Sometimes it's hard to search on her past lies because her uncle owns the wayback machine.
How do you know when TL is lying? Her mouth is moving or she's typing anything. Pathological liar.
Think it was 50 or 70k.
And it was with great sadistic pleasure to watch that near literate excuse for journalism suffer a near breakdown, if only I could have watched mascara run down her face much like Tammy Faye Baker.
I know it's not a proper thing to do to make light of someone's discomfort but in Lorenz's case I'll make an exceptions.
I hope things end very badly for her.
What was nick doing at freedom fest? Spying?
There are people sitting there who are deliberately waiting for the thrill of being offended.
No, they didn't.
Okay, that one was funny.
The same thing mainstream journalists do at CPAC or the Republican National Convention. Keeping an eye on the other side.
We’ve reached the “of course it was always happening and it’s good that is was” stage of the gaslighting cycle
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Didn’t realize they had a Twitter page. Used to follow them on Facebook when i had an account.
Thread fail. Meant as a response to the I, Hypocrite tweet.
Remember when Reason promoted this clown?
Did they stop promoting her?
No idea, the name was just familiar and I couldn't figure out why, then remembered there were Reason articles pimping her. Don't remember how recently
Quite a few. I couldn't really understand why, as it was a stretch to call peddling your ass on the internet particularly libertarian.
[joke censored by user]
The neopronoun “ze” has now been added to and
I mean, some people might consider it cruel to let someone who thinks they're Napoleon Bonaparte go on insisting that people call them Napoleon. But really who am I to say that Trans people shouldn't be able to embarrass and harm themselves equally with their ebonics moment?
But in the spirit of comedy it does give us more to laugh at.
I don't care much what other people want to be called. Alice's caterpillar, I think, had something to say about that -- what is your name, what do people call you.
But names are only useful to get someone's attention, or as third parties, in contracts or news stories. I don't use names face to face, few do.
Personal pronouns are bullshit. They are for third parties, thus the person being discussed is not part of the conversation, and the only purpose of the pronoun is to refer to the third party. Gender is seldom a useful part of the pronoun. Shakespeare used "they" and "their" as singular pronouns because the only gender neutral pronoun, "it", is considered wrong.
I refuse to use custom pronouns. I have enough trouble associating faces and names; I am not going to throw pronouns into the mix, especially when they can change at will.
If anyone upbraids me for not knowing their personal pronouns, I upbraid them right back for not knowing mine. They have no answer except to ask me mine, and I either tell them it's none of their business or make up nonsense (xbg/4th monkey) which I don't remember.
I think everyone’s new pronoun should be your screen name. That would quite literally shut a lot of them up!
I think that screen name also counted as the safe word in Eurotrip.
Personal pronouns are bullshit. They are for third parties, thus the person being discussed is not part of the conversation, and the only purpose of the pronoun is to refer to the third party.
And worse than Ebonics, this isn't correct. Ebonics was, wittingly or not, working within the confines of an existing linguistic or grammatical construct and, arguably, trying to make it more functional. Transtardonics isn't. 'I', 'you', 'we', 'they', 'me', 'us', 'them', and (per Shakespeare) 'thee' are all personal pronouns as well. Further, 'who', 'whom', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how', 'which', 'this', and 'that' are pronouns as well, just not personal. 'Myself', 'yourself', 'ourselves', 'himself', 'herself', 'itself' and 'themselves' are pronouns as well, but not personal pronouns. Ebonics, for all its faults, recognized or abided this intrinsically.
Transtardonics, specifically disregards this. Frequently, unworkably and to its own fault, 'Latino' isn't a pronoun. Hell, even Gungan Basic 'Meesa', 'you', and 'my (me)' disregards it, but in a still largely functional manner. The linguistic aspects of transgenderism are like a venereal disease for language. Someone who thinks they're Napoleon Bonaparte insisting that everyone's 3rd-person personal pronouns be 'he/him/his royal highness' would both make more sense *and* do more to eliminate gender identity as a component of a/the language. The further they go, the more obvious it becomes that it's an idea generated and propagated by people who don't understand 3rd grade grammar... in any language.
I’ll agree. If someone wants to be referred to as he, she, or even they, I will respect it because those are real words, and the request is reasonable. I will not call someone “it” because that is genuinely insulting.
Asking someone to use made-up words is not reasonable.
If you want to call yourself 'Napoleon', fine, whatever, weirdo.
If you want ME to call you 'Napoleon', fuck the fuck right off, asshole.
If you want the STATE to FORCE me to call you 'Napoleon' based on your delusions, not only can you fuck right off, so can the state. I will not comply.
But what if was Napoleon Dynamite? GOSH!
Or Napoleon Solo.
You misspelled "non-pronoun".
I did NOT need to know this!
Ron DeSantis is the man of the moment in American politics. The Republican governor of Florida first gained a national profile in 2020 for defying Covid lockdown orthodoxy and later for his battles against woke. His smashing re-election victory in the Midterms this November – defeating his Democratic opponent by almost 20 percentage points – has propelled DeSantis to new heights. According to a recent poll, Republicans now prefer DeSantis over Trump to be the party’s presidential candidate in 2024 by a huge 23-point margin. The New York Post has declared him ‘DeFuture’. And he already leads Biden in one early election survey.
Reason staff both frightened and excited.
Gee what a shock. The website around here that many commenters continually refer to as "more libertarian" than Reason, can find only the weakest of libertarian criticism of Team Red Hero, Ron DeSantis. Their only criticism they can find is that the "Stop WOKE Act" shouldn't have applied to universities. That's it. Heck they even PRAISE his government spending on "environmental programs" in Florida, or his political fight with Disney.
They are not libertarian, they are right-wing culture warriors pushing populist conservatism. (Just like Ron Paul was!)
And I can only conclude that the people around here who promote Spiked Online as "libertarian" are also themselves right-wing culture warriors pushing populist conservatism.
Gee, what a shock: CollectivistJeff is not very libertarian.
Film at 11.
I hope they used a wide angle lens.
Imagine being so stuck up to call Ron FREAKING Paul a rightwing culture warrior.
He's not stuck up, he's got Ron Paul dead to rights.
Right, the guy who made it his mission to #EndTheFed (to a meme level) and whose 2008 presidental run highlight was to all but call Rick Santorum a Christian Nationalist was 100% a right wing culture warrior.
Do you left-tarians uncritically accept whatever the corporate press tells you, or do you actually believe the BS you peddle.
You dont understand lefty thought. To them it is a religion. All bad is right wing. If they disagree with something it is right wing. It is nothing more than evangelical puritanism.
Even when their ideas failed, it was the evil right wing. And they will do it again just harder.
You see this behavior in jeff and all of shrikes socks like above.
Anastasia Beaverhausen’s another Shrike sock and we all know he’s paid to post DNC talking points
Did Podesta throw a few extra bucks Shrike’s way so he would post kiddie porn links here? Or was that just Shrike showcasing his paraphilia?
Ron Paul was indeed a libertarian - wrt the Federal government. WRT states, not so much.
So he wasn't an anarchist. Libertarianism is not anarchy.
I’ve seen you post some stupid shit, but goddamn.
On what social issues does Ron Paul disagree with mainstream social conservatism?
is opposed to same-sex marriage
is opposed to legal same-sex adoption
is opposed to abortion
thinks prayer should be in public schools
thinks flag burning should be illegal
thinks Lawrence v. Texas was wrongly decided and that states have the just authority to ban sodomy
thinks global warming is a "hoax"
To his credit he is opposed to the death penalty.
But on issue after issue it's hard to find much daylight between him and your bog-standard right-wing conservative.
Go to and you will find article after article repeating the exact same right-wing talking points on cultural issues that conservatives use.
So yes, he's a right-wing culture warrior.
No, he’s not. But you’re a Marxist shitweasel.
Just own it. You have more in common with Santorum than with von Mises.
Hay Fatfuck, in your dull little mind does that pass for a burn?
And for the record, it is a proven fact that I’m far closer to being a proper libertarian than you could ever imagine in your hardwired little leftist mind.
Reason promotes Jared Polis as "libertarian". So yeah, bowf sidez.
Good to know that when the complainers around here demand that Reason be more "libertarian", what they seem to really want is Ron DeSantis's social agenda, but perhaps with 5-10% more liberty.
Go kill yourself you groomer fatfuck.
So compelled speech is libertarian? Polis' state is pretty big on that.
Let’s check in on 'democracy'
Seems like justice to me. -Tony and the other progressive trolls
Crickets - Reason
Hey, if we can't have language police then why have any police at all?
When people say “the left used to be about free speech” this is what the left always meant by free speech
A cynical exploitation of principle used as a shield while they destroy their enemies
Lorenz was a professional doxxer who made a living destroying lives
She did so because she had every incentive to do so and no consequence
They will stop when the incentives are removed and the consequences are overwhelming
They will not stop one second before
“Scratch a liberal, and you’ll find a fascist, every time”.
Utah senator proposes bill to ban internet porn in US
Lee’s proposed legislation, the Interstate Obscenity Definition Act, would use federal free speech guidelines to make content that “taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion” or “depicts, describes, or represents actual or simulated sexual acts with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person,” or when “taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value,” as obscene.
The great free speech proponents Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner, and George Carlin hated conservative moral police-state assholes like Mike Lee.
But who will fight for free speech now?
You do realize that child porn is illegal under any and all contexts. It fits well with your own ban from here of your original “Sarah Palin’s Buttplug” handle for posting it to Reason.
You QAnon liars are entitled to free speech too.
You’re the fan of Alex Jones and Jerry Falwell.
SCOTUS did Larry Flynt right with the “Falwell fucked his mom in their outhouse” bit.
I will always side with Larry Flynt, Hef, and George Carlin.
In fact, Hustler Magazine’s “Asshole of the Month” was among the most libertarian columns ever printed. Bipartisan too – about 90% Republican and 10% Democrat.
In a unanimous 8-0 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hustler Magazine, defending its right to parody public figures under the First Amendment. Despite the decision, the court would describe the ad as “doubtless gross and repugnant in the eyes of most.”
“Everyone was shocked at our victory — and no one more so than Falwell, who on the day of the decision called me a ‘sleaze merchant’ hiding behind the First Amendment. Still, over time, Falwell was forced to publicly come to grips with the reality that this is America, where you can make fun of anyone you want,” Flynt wrote.
So you're arguing that the child porn InsaneTrollLogic just mentioned is speech a la Hustler; and you're just like Hugh Hefner and George Carlin because you masturbate to children being attacked?
Well, that's one for the books.
I don't recall ever reading anything concerning George Carlin regarding child pornography.
On the other hand he was arrested for saying the famous seven dirty words you're not supposed to say.
"I don’t recall ever reading anything concerning George Carlin regarding child pornography."
Well you have now. Buttplug just compared himself and his kiddie porn fetish to Carlin, Flynt and Hefner's fight against censorship.
He’s doing it for the kids.
You should turn yourself in for your crimes against children.
You don’t know me at all, Fuckplug.
The pedophilic Marxist is raving again. Let’s hope he does soon.
It’s a shame the cops haven’t caught him yet. I would love to see Shrike in a maximum security prison and put in gen pop. I’ll bet they would torture the shit out of him.
Yup, trying to ban porn is way worse that acting to ban unapproved political speech.
Twitter can "ban" any goddamn thing they want to.
You just bitched below about movie theatres doing that. You're not even keeping tabs on your own rhetoric in this thread.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a TDS-addled asshole, a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Let me rephrase that. A government official whining about porn is way worse than government officials providing weekly censorship lists.
"conservative moral police-state assholes"
Remind me again how the lefty's that actually banned porn in Iceland and censored it in the UK are "conservative".
Or leftists making it a crime to understand human biology. Bake the cake. Etc.
Morality to pedophiles like shrike is allowing him to groom kids.
Norwegian actress Tonje Gjevjon faces up to three years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians, but Buttplug insists that the real problem is “conservative moral police-state assholes”.
Yeah. Read that. It is unreal. And just had a judge rule this week that men taking away women's records in school sports wasn't a cognizant harm. He basically gutted title IX.
"Last year, Gjevjon confronted Anette Trettebergstuen, Norway’s minister of culture and reality"
Culture and reality? Wow. Reality itself is regulated in Norway.
Andrew Zhdanov would be sooo jealous
"The words they use are strong.
They make reality..."
--Wang Chung.
It's like these politicians don't actually understand their constituents at all.
You mean noted rapist Hefner?
The impetus for this was scumbag pedophiles posting hardcore child porn links on websites like this one.
It would be a lot easier to execute everyone like you Shrike.
The left is trying to make physics into a social field.
Those who can, do. Those who can't do, teach. Those who don't have a fucking clue treat life like a 3 year old girl putting on a tea party.
Lol, stealing this one.
I've had the pleasure of working with some of those kinds of people.
If you have nothing better to do, look up the CV's of the people involved. You'll notice that they usually have lots of awards for diversity initiatives, and bloody few for actual physics.
You'll also notice they're attached to any number of prestigious projects, but what they actually contributed to them is information you'll search for in vain.
Prior to a Maricopa County press conference with Board of Supervisors Chair Bill Gates and Recorder Stephen Richer on Nov. 10, Richer sent an email to Elections Director Scott Jarrett, Gates and others about a significant discrepancy between the county’s estimated remaining ballot totals and the number reported by the secretary of state’s office.
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was also the Democratic nominee for governor in the Nov. 8 election. . “Unable to currently reconcile SOS listing with our estimates from yesterday,” Richer wrote, showing that Maricopa County estimated having 392,000 ballots left to be counted, while the secretary of state’s website said there were 407,664 ballots left. . “So there’s a 15,000 difference somewhere,” Richer said, although the discrepancy cited was closer to16,000.
So nearly the exact amount she won by magically showed up on the SoS website while the actual election officials didn’t know where the votes came from.
Hope Richter is put away for questioning election integrity.
The very first check on fraudulent elections is knowing the number of votes counted. Then the validity of those votes.
It's almost like they dragged the slow vote counting along, determined how many votes they needed, then manufactured just enough votes. And, the did just enough to push past the auto-recount threshold.
But don't pay attention to ballot printing issues across 20-30% of voting stations. Ignore exit polls. Ignore every pre-election poll showing Lake with comfortable lead.
Bidens WH is mulling using executive privilege to shield all emails or work papers involving Burisma while he was VP.
I am sure the FBI will find them in a closet when they raid Biden's home some day.
Remember all those glowing job reports shrike was pushing from Team Biden to show how great the economy was?
The Philadelphia Fed’s new assessment shows that employment numbers in 29 states and the District of Columbia were significantly lower than the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for the March-through-June period.
The BLS, a division of the Department of Labor, estimated net job growth of 1,047,000 jobs in the second quarter. The Philadelphia Fed now says its data shows that 10,500 net jobs were created in that period.
Just off by a million jobs.
I remember citing a recent Fed forecast of a weak .5% GDP growth forecast for 2023.
Less than 1% for the full year. That's weak.
I am data driven. I use data. And the economic data from 01-2017-01-2021 was not good.
You’re a liar that fools no one.
You don’t use Jack shit.
What!?! A federal agency making a mistake in favor of the Democrats to help with mid-terms? This is my shocked face.
Unexpected deaths of adults have doubled since vaccine mandates were pushed in Germany.
#1 cause of coincidences.
There is a study going on regarding the absurd surge in injuries in the NFL after they required vaccines as well. The more that this is studied the more we will see the harm of the safest vaccine ever.
100% safe and effective with no downsides!
“The Decolonizing Light project explores ways and approaches to decolonize science, such as revitalizing and restoring Indigenous knowledges, and capacity building,” the website for the project states. “The project aims to developing a culture of critical reflection and investigation of the relation of science and colonialism.”
Established in 2021, the project is led by Tanja Tajmel, a special equity, diversity, and inclusion advisor to the dean of Concordia University and an Associate Professor at the university’s Centre for Engineering in Society.”
People like this should be beaten when they speak.
A Fast-Growing Network of Conservative Groups Is Fueling a Surge in Book Bans
Explain how those are "bans", Pluggo.
Oh, and keep us appraised when they start holding book burnings like your lot.
More than 4,700 books were removed from library shelves at 30 schools, and they have since been destroyed or are in the process of being recycled
"“We bury the ashes of racism, discrimination and stereotypes in the hope that we will grow up in an inclusive country where all can live in prosperity and security,” says a video prepared for students about the book burning"
Shrikes 2 favorite past times are child porn and rationalizing his defense of the left.
From a pure policy standpoint Bernie Sanders is WORSE than Trump.
I've always said that.
I don't defend the left. I do correct lies.
I give Biden an "F" on the economy (Trump too) but Biden did NOT cause worldwide inflation.
"I do correct lies"
This may be the biggest lie Shrike has ever told.
Him not posting child porn or being a leftist soros fan boy are bigger.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental. If he includes numbers they are either out-right lies or cherry picked such that, if used by an honest person, they would prove the opposite of what turd is claiming
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
“I do correct lies.”
I don’t recall you ever correcting yourself.
Stolen from someone else:
"Definition of a "centrist":
The one who is willing to surrender to whichever extremist is most determined and violent."
How about someone who thinks that both major US political parties are run by and for assholes?
Doesn't change the reality of it.
So, we're either with you or against you?
No, you're just waiting for the greater evil to take power.
So, you're a Centrist with regards to Putin, amirite? 🙂
Google pay 200$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12000 for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it outit.. ???? AND GOOD LUCK.:)
Speaking of Monty Python - Life of Brian was originally titled Brian of Nazareth until conservatives led several successful bans on the film and forced the distributors into a title change.
Of those "Free Speech" loving conservatives!
Are you deliberately being retarded in order to troll?
If your anecdote is true (and with you that's a rare thing), they protested to effect change, they didn't forcibly change the title themselves.
The fact you don't even understand what "free speech" means, explains a lot about what you post here.
But it is the same argument you use to malign Twitter pre-Elon.
You mean the just-following-FBI-orders Twitter? Then totes the same as a commercial company changing a movie title to sell more tickets.
Now this just proves you don't understand what free speech is.
Explain how the FBI, CIA, DHS and Whitehouse telling Twitter to censor speech and ban individuals, is the same as a movie theater placating protesters.
I don’t want Shrike to explain anything. I want Shrike to be executed, or commit suicide.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
The anecdote is not true.
First time I've heard of this.
However, the religious right did have a major melt down over the movie.
I suspect that 99% of them never saw it and the ones who did obviously enjoyed it.
That's OK. I remember meltdowns on the left and right about the Passion of the Christ.
John Cleese wants the government to censor media because Jeremy Clarkson vehemently dislikes Meghan Markle.
Tell me more about the free speech bona fides of Monty Python.
Cite? He says it right there: "regulate the press" to prevent Clarkson from insulting Markle. In another tweet, he retweets a call for criminal libel prosecutions.
"emphasizing the importance of paying attention to context, without which irony and sarcasm can't be properly understood."
It's not like the Wokies don't understand context, it's that it suits their purpose to ignore the context.
They're bullies, who abuse and defame others to advance their own social positions.
The whole point of Wokianity is about using misery and injustice to enhance the perception of your virtue, without actually doing anything practical to alleviate those conditions other than rhetoric.
Why would such horrible people care if the target of their opprobrium is legitimate or not?
Marxists just lie.
They don't believe in shared truth. They use words as weapons.
I am amused, and a bit concerned, by the successful weaponization of victim culture by the woke. If I understand their logic, they say "I am weaker and more dysfunctional than you, therefore I win." And I guess I am equally amused and concerned by the number of normies who say "OK".
The whole point of Wokianity is about using misery and injustice to enhance the perception of your virtue, without actually doing anything practical to alleviate those conditions other than rhetoric.
Funny, you've also just described the conservative victimhood complex.
No I haven't, you lying fuck.
Maybe explain to us how Team Jeffy siccing the IRS on Obama's political adversaries;
or employing the Director of the FBI, the Deputy Director of the FBI, the Chief of the Counterespionage Section of the FBI, the Director of the CIA, the Director of National Intelligence, and members of the Justice Department and the State Department to gather dirt on members of the opposition political party in an effort your candidate wins the Presidency;
or having the DoJ target harmless, nonviolent pro-life groups while instructing the FBI to ignore 420 acts of violence against 397 separate churches in the last four years;
or having the FBI, CIA and DHS plant a phony Russian spy narrative against a political opponent;
or having the Whitehouse, FBI, CIA and DHS dictate censorship and bans in social media against political adversaries; is just "coNseRVativE vICtiMhoOd cOmPLeX".
That’s, just, like them exercising their first amendment rights, or something.
No I haven’t
...while you demonstrate your own definition of "Wokianity" as applied to the conservative victimhood complex
"but but but we really ARE the victims though!!!!!"
He provided concrete examples.
You, as usual, did not.
Shorter Pedo Fatfuck: “but, but CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!” Whenever confronted with marxist (democrat) evil.
So... if Argentina beats France to win the world cup, doesn't that prove nationalism is superior to open borders, Reason?
But which team is more brown?
In 2022? France, of course. Half the French team is probably Argentinian.
Nationalists win.
I thought Argentina was mostly peopled by the descendants of former Nazis who escaped Germany after WWII.
Um, they are, ahem, Swiss.
There it is- nationalism beats open borders and globalism!
Viva Argentina
no matter who wins today, @FIFAcom has already lost
You will wear the ribbon!
That article aged so poorly when it was posted, and now has aged worse as result of todays match.
Eric will pretend he never wrote it.
BREAKING: The European Union just introduced the first step of a personal carbon credit system.
Every citizen will have to start paying for their carbon emissions in an effort to cut emissions by 55% by 2030.
Do you see now why banks & airlines etc were already tracking it?
We should encourage Putin to skip Eastern Europe and just take the western half.
But don't worry, when the US Fed government wants a gun registry, there is no future plan to confiscate your guns. Governments are always trustworthy and holy.
Don't worry folks, it's only the dirty proles who have to pay the Jizya.
Corporate jets to escape EU’s ‘green’ aviation fuel tax
The tax on fuel is already a tax on carbon. This is just about control. Fuckers.
New Zealand Intelligence booklets have been released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing government policies, including COVID measures, they should be reported as they are a terrorist.
Some people should just kill themselves.
Thank you. I’ve been saying that for decades. And I’ve put some effort into counseling several of the more execrable commenters here (like Shreek and Pedo Fatfuck) in that direction.
Jacinda Ardern is an evil person.
She really is.
Liberal democracy is dead. But the biggest threat to liberty is populism according to Reason.
Dude, don’t get Encog worked up.
Dude, I never brighten the door of any house of worship, I would never want to stoke any believer's martyrdom complex, and I practice NAP/NIFF without any Supernatural Being watching over me.
So you can and should look elsewhere for the perpetrators of these crimes. And if I see something, I'll say something and break 'em off something too. I'm just that kind of guy, again, without any invisible training wheels.
And as with other "hate crime" incidents, you may want to watch for "inside jobs" too.
Reason is against anything that encourages a national identity, patriotism, national pride, family values, common decency, sanity, science, individual freedom, an infant’s right to survive, safety for children from being raped or sexually mutilated, and sovereign borders.
Just to name a few things. There’s so much more.
Ted doesn't realize that he's saying conservatives and their arguments are overwhelmingly more popular than leftists, in light of the facts we now know for certain
The misleading “Twitter Files” cherry picks examples. But anecdotes do not constitute data.
When you look at data across Twitter in 2020, what did it show? That Twitter favors conservative accounts.
@mtaibbi @bariweiss and @elonmusk are gaslighting you.
"cherry picks examples"
Cherry pickx examples of the FBI violating the 1st Amendment.
Imagine being such a tool that you believe Twitter in 2020 favors conservatives. Wow.
It also indicates that he was aware of the FBI's actions and said nothing about it.
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It's not just comedy. It's impossible to be creative when one operates under a philosophy that gives instant knee-jerk answers to everything. Wokism, Puritanism (but I repeat myself), etc.
Creativity involves thought, and one does not think when the brain is wired to produce autonomic response answers to everything.
You often give woke knee jerk answers here. See your irrational hatred of the MC where you can never list an operative disagreement, you just know they are bad.
Not being for open borders means you’re a racist. What’s more thoughtful than that?
Well, I for one definitely want to keep all those goddamn icebacks form sneaking through our northern border. Flapping headed, beady eyed fuckers.
Censorship and Taboo doesn’t stifle creativity. Just ask Dmitri Dimitriyevich Shostakovich, greatest composer of the 20th century, who smuggled experimentalism into his works and still managed to win the Stalin prize on multiple occasions. Censure challenges the writer to think up ways to express the same idea with something that can get by the cultural commissars and blue stockings. The word ‘fart’ is vulgar and in many contexts is prohibited, although less so now than previously. Euphemism to the rescue, and is often funnier than the original:
Air biscuit Air tulip Anal audio Anal exhale Anal salute Anus applause Answering the call of the wild burrito Ass acoustics Ass flapper Back draft Back-end blowout Back blast Baking brownies Bark Barking spider Barn burner Beef Beep your horn Belching clown Benchwarmer Blast Blat Blurp Blurt Bomber Boom-boom Booty bomb Booty cough Bottom blast Bottom burp Booty belch Break wind Brown cloud Brown haze Brown thunder Bubbler Bull snort Bumsen burner Bung blast Burner Burp out the wrong end Bust ass Butt bazooka Butt bongos Butt cheek screech Butt dumpling Butt sneeze Butt trumpet Butt tuba Butt yodeling Cheek squeak Cheeser Colon bowlin’ Cornhole clap Cornhole tremor Crack concert Crack splitters Crap call Cut one Cut the cheese Drifter Droppin’ stink bombs Duck call Exercise the meat nozzle Exhume the dinner corpse Fanny beep Fanny frog Fecal fume Fire in the hole Fizzler Flatus Floater Fluffy Free speech Frump Gas Get out and walk Donald Great brown cloud Grundle rumble Grunt Gurgler Heinie hiccup Hisser Honker Horton hears a poo Hot wind Hottie Human hydrogen Bomb Insane in the methane Lay an egg Let Polly out of jail Mouse on a motorcycle Nasty cough O-ring oboe One-man salute Orchestra practice Panty burp Peter Pewie Pi p Poof Poop gopher Pootsa Pop tart Power puff Puffer Putt-putt Quack Quaker Raspberry Rattler Rectal turbulence Ripass Ripper R oar from the rear Rump ripper Rump roar Silly cyanide Slider Sphincter siren Sphincter whistle Spitter Split the seam Squeaker Stale wind Steam-press your Calvins Steamer Step on a duck Step on a frog Stink it up Stinker Stinky Taint tickle Tear ass Testing in the Levi wind tunnel Thunder from down under Thurp Toot your own horn Tootsie Trouser cough Trouser trumpet Trunk bunk Turd tremors Turtle burp Tushy tickler Under thunder Wallop Whiff Whoopee Whopper
Yeah, but how many words for penis?
I just Googled "laptop penis" and got one Hunter Biden mention in the top ten.
I take it the other nine were all Sarah Palin’s Buttplug 2 commenting on “laptop penis”?
This is what trueman sees a "creative", which pretty much explains trueman.
Most leftists have tiny minds.
"If I can make the President of The United States use my gender neutral pronouns" really says it all
If your religion can force the most powerful people in the world to deny reality it grants you status and power that would be otherwise unimaginable
"If your religion can force the most powerful people"
It's more a very mild form of sex magick than religion. Pronouns are kid stuff. Forcing POTUS to eat a biscuit soaked in menstrual blood, semen and vaginal fluids, now that's worth a tweet!
Where was the corporate media when the journalist at @Project_Veritas had their homes raided by the FBI over a story they didn’t want getting out there about creepy Joe?
Now you want our outrage over Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter suspension?
Kick rocks, scrubs.
"Now you want our outrage over Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter suspension?"
It's your clicks we want. Thanks for obliging.
It really is a lowpoint in America when PV was raided and the rest of the journalistic community said nothing. They really lost it then. At this point, no one should take the MSM seriously
John Clees was excellent in his row with Malcolm Muggeridge and The Bishop of Southwark!
Life of Brian 1979 Debate Part 1/4 (With the other parts on the same channel)
It might be interesting to note that The Life of Brian was almost not made as they could not find anyone who would fund such a movie.
As Cleese describes it, he was on the set of another movie when the call came in from Eric Idle, that the movie was on. When he asked where the money came from Eric told him from George Harrison, because he wanted to see the movie.
Thank you George!
the more I read about John and Paul, the more I like George and Ringo better.
Shame on Gillespie for buying into (and using) the Republican dog-whistle term "woke". We Libertarians need to remain above that sort of thing,.
The phrase "dog whistle" here is doing all the work, allowing Shrike to describe somebody as advocating a position at odds with what is actually proposed.
Basically allowing him to misrepresent (lie) about their position. A common linguistic tic found in bad faith arguments.
"You ain't talkin' your way outta this shit..."
Um, no. Wrong. Woke was YOUR term. Woke was a word that you started. Just like "fake news". What happened is, liberalism caught on to it and started using it against the self-described woke. Now the woke are running from the term. If was your Buzzfeed culture that proudly repeated the term.
Now that the term has a stench to it, you want to claim it's a "conservative-invented" slur.
No, you invented it, now wear it like a scarlet letter.
Shame on lefty shit-pile here for stinking up the site.
Fuck off and die, asshole.
ok I found its breaking point
[Chatgpt screenshot]
It's been fifty years since Monty Python and they continue to remain relevant. Most of it was just silly, as Cleese explained it once, but great silliness it was as who could find anything sillier than the Ministry of Silly Walks.
If you have never seen one of their live shows you should watch this one: Live At The Hollywood Bowl or as Bruce from the University of Wallamaloo, would say Hollywood Bowel. "Drinking American beer is like making love in a canoe, f****** close to water."
50? The Meaning of Life will have it’s 30th anniversary next year.
Cleese's class really comes through here, because it's so obvious that he understands the person he is speaking with is a total moron, but he doesn't let that stop him from treating Nick respectfully.
This piece is, really, such a perfect encapsulation of Reason's main page: a contributor, interviewing a storied humorist, purports to tell him what his book is about, only to be flatly contradicted; a throwaway comment halfway through the interview is elevated to the headline for its click-baity effect; meanwhile the comments are a cesspool of trolls and bots.
Cleese's comments about "wokeism" follow from his broader views on what creativity is and what it needs to thrive; but what he overlooks here is also how wokeism provides material for the humorist. After all, where does Monty Python itself derive much of its humor, if not from the various taboos and social expectations it silly-walks over? With wokeism, it'll just be the same - it is a target worthy of parody.
Or it could be, if the anti-woke nuts could just get over the high-stakes culture-war missives they continue to launch over the topic, like it's the death of civilization itself. It's not. Some kids got a bit silly. Most of us on their "side" are no less tired of it. It'll get tired and tossed out just as soon as it seems like there's some space to mock it that isn't primarily occupied by people like Dave Chapelle and J.K. Rowling.
"...Most of us on their “side” are no less tired of it..."
"Elon Musk Skewered For Tweet Complaining About Pronouns In Bios"
"Telsa founder Elon Musk was widely panned on social media Wednesday after he appeared to complain that displaying pronouns in online bios is not visually appealing...."
Yeah, all those people that lost their careers because of the woke mob should just get over it already.
Fucking clown.
"like it’s the death of civilization itself. It’s not."
In this thread we have a link to a lesbian being threatened with prison for saying men can't be lesbians. We have a link showing 420 acts of violence against 397 separate churches with the FBI refusing to investigate and instead harassing nonviolent pro-life groups on Merrick Garlands orders. Then there's parents being put on FBI watch lists for complaining about the rape of a child to a school board. We have the entire country of Canada being forced to cancel a national holiday and have a day of repentance over residential school mass graves that turned out to be tree roots. We have gaslighting mainstream media articles telling us that White Supremacy is a multi-ethnic problem with Blacks and Hispanics being the worst offenders. We have California swearing it will pay billions in reperations to blacks, even though most of the slaves in California were Native American... I could go on for hours.
The point is, the fuck Wokianity isn't civilization ending.
I am not going to read, let alone separately evaluate, each and every garbage link dropped in the comments here. I am too familiar with the usual fake news story - a kernel of truth, buried under layers of insinuation and falsehoods.
That being the case, I am also similarly going to assume that you're just the usual Reason troll, ready with a whole ream of falsehoods and various spurious "links" to make some kind of point, but none of this can reasonably be expected to turn up anything truthful.
BTW, Simon, please make the word a better place; fuck off and die.
Or….. we could just get rid of the wokie warriors in a war I know we will win. Wokies aren’t exactly tough guys.
FWIW probably the best political talk - not speech - I ever heard was from John Cleese at the Liberal Democrat annual conference at Blackpool in 1990. He just spoke intelligently and rationally without trying to stir up the mob or make preposterous claims.
Right, and those kinds of discussions now stir up the mob.
Barbarella saves the world.
Only in September, Jane Fonda was asked how her new climate-focused political action committee “will be able to deliver on a fully de-carbonized America.”
Instead of presenting any science, Fonda replied: “There would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no misogyny,” adding that “we need to take a good look at” America’s free market economic system. “All of the experts, and I’m not one, say this will force us and this will be an opportunity to restructure the way humanity lives on the planet. … Between now and 2030, we could cut fossil fuels in half, but then we have to do a whole lot of other things.”
Real communism’s never been tried.
From your article,
"a fusion-powered economy is a few decades away and will solve climate change and all the other energy problems they can concoct."
Fusion could be a necessary part of puzzle but there's also the stuff Fonda is on about, racism and misogyny, they too come down to energy problems. A good technological revolution invites an equally earthshaking social revolution.
As for this quote, it seems especially wrongheaded:
"We can be sure that in the coming years Democrats will invent obstacles to private research on nuclear fusion, and that “Big Fusion” will replace Big Oil as the new demons of capitalism."
Big Oil has long been very tight with the Republicans and this will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Democrats will certainly embrace fusion, as they are already pushing electrics in general. It's not as if they will be spending their own money. There's the public purse and all that money controlled by the finance sector they can channel.
mtrueman|8.30.17 @ 1:42PM|#
"Spouting nonsense is an end in itself."
We can be sure that trueman is full of shit, smug and proud of it.
Spouting nonsense is what Trueman does best.
A fusion-powered economy is at least half a century away, if it will ever happen. It also has no significant benefits over a fusion powered economy: it still generates nuclear waste and still requires special isotopes.
If we want carbon-neutral energy, nuclear fission is widely available
"If we want carbon-neutral energy"
Most Americans want a carbon neutral, zero plutonium energy regime. Plutonium is far more toxic than carbon. As for your idea that Democrats won't get behind fusion, it's so absurd that I'm shocked that I repeatedly have to refute it to the tribalistic morons here.
"A fusion-powered economy is at least half a century away"
50 years isn't so long. A lot of private industry is putting money into it. They do so expecting a quicker returns than 50 years, presumably.
Most Americans are greedy, entitled fools.
Luckily, nuclear fission reactors burn up plutonium. And Thorium reactors never even generate plutonium.
Yeah, "tribalistic morons" like you who conjure up statements about "Democrats" out of nothing: I didn't mention Democrats, nor did I refer to them indirectly.
But since you bring it up, Democrats are fully behind fusion: they love wasting hundreds of billions of taxpayer money on research into useless technologies.
She’d have done us all a favor if she had taken up permanent residence in North Vietnam back in the 60s and dropped out of sight there.
….say this will force us….
That’s where you lost me.
Men thinking with their little heads is still better than big breasted bimbos thinking with their boobs.
1.THREAD: Twitter Files Supplemental
2.In July of 2020, San Francisco FBI agent Elvis Chan tells Twitter executive Yoel Roth to expect written questions from the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), the inter-agency group that deals with cyber threats.
3.The questionnaire authors seem displeased with Twitter for implying, in a July 20th “DHS/ODNI/FBI/Industry briefing,” that “you indicated you had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors on your platform.”
Meh, just FBI agents exorcising their first amendment rights and asking questions.
— Lefty Jeffy
They’re exorcising the First Amendment all right – “depart from Uncle Sam and do not return!”
Everything known about Elvis Chan, the FBI agent who helped coordinate Twitter censorship, should be organized into a thread
Hundreds of comments. None of them about Cleese.
Go buggering twit!
I've been privately pining for the fiords. Maybe I should have mentioned that.
“My daughter once said to me, “Being a comedian is like being a bullfighter,” and I said, “What are you talking about?” And she said, “Well, you get such immediate feedback on your performance.””
The only part I laughed at- and laughed vigorously. Technically, I suppose, I was laughing at Cleese at one remove, since his daughter would probably have gotten her sense of humor from him.
I suppose by now his daughter is older than he was in the Monty Python show and movies.
Looks like Mr. Cleese has abruptly gone woke himself, wanting to regular the press from saying bad things about the royals in exile
Reading his twitter is basically indistinguishable from any left wing celebrity, sadly.
Well, damn! More proof that true friends of Liberty are few and far between.
Cleese's management videos were really funny too. Kudos to my old manager for recognizing the power of humor.
Sorry, John, you made some nice movies and TV shows, but you're irrelevant now. Nobody gives a f*ck anymore what you have to say.
Enough already....this parrot is dead!
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