The 1619 Project Unrepentantly Pushes Junk History
Nikole Hannah-Jones' new book sidesteps scholarly critics while quietly deleting previous factual errors.

"I too yearn for universal justice," wrote Zora Neale Hurston in her autobiography, Dust Tracks on a Road, "but how to bring it about is another thing." The black novelist's remarks prefaced a passage where she grappled with the historical legacy of slavery in the African-American experience. Perhaps unexpectedly, Hurston informed her readers that she had "no intention of wasting my time beating on old graves with a club."
Hurston did not aim to bury an ugly past but to search for historical understanding. Her 1927 interview with Cudjoe Lewis, among the last living survivors of the 1860 voyage of the slave ship Clotilda, contains an invaluable eyewitness account of the middle passage as told by one of its victims. Yet Hurston saw only absurdity in trying to find justice by bludgeoning the past for its sins. "While I have a handkerchief over my eyes crying over the landing of the first slaves in 1619," she continued, "I might miss something swell that is going on in" the present day.
Hurston's writings present an intriguing foil to The New York Times' 1619 Project, which the newspaper recently expanded into a book-length volume. As its subtitle announces, the book aims to cultivate a "new origin story" of the United States where the turmoil and strife of the past are infused into a living present as tools for attaining a particular vision of justice. Indeed, it restores The 1619 Project's original aim of displacing the "mythology" of 1776 "to reframe the country's history, understanding 1619 as our true founding." This passage was quietly deleted from The New York Times' website in early 2020 just as the embattled journalistic venture was making a bid for a Pulitzer Prize. After a brief foray into self-revisionism in which she denied ever making such a claim, editor Nikole Hannah-Jones has now apparently brought this objective back to the forefront of The 1619 Project.
Vacillating claims about The 1619 Project's purpose have come to typify Hannah-Jones' argumentation. In similar fashion, she selectively describes the project as a work either of journalism or of scholarly history, as needed. Yet as the stealth editing of the "true founding" passage revealed, these pivots are often haphazardly executed. So too is her attempt to claim the mantle of Hurston. In a recent public spat with Andrew Sullivan, Hannah-Jones accused the British political commentator of "ignorance" for suggesting that "Zora Neale Hurston's work sits in opposition to mine." She was apparently unaware that Dust Tracks on a Road anticipated and rejected the premise of The 1619 Project eight decades prior to its publication.
On the surface, The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story (One World) expands the short essays from The New York Times print edition into almost 600 pages of text, augmented by additional chapters and authors. The unmistakable subtext is an opportunity to answer the barrage of controversies that surrounded the project after its publication in August 2019. "We wanted to learn from the discussions that surfaced after the project's publication and address the criticisms some historians offered in good faith," Hannah-Jones announces in the book's introduction, before devoting the majority of her ink to denouncing the blusterous critical pronouncements of the Trump administration after it targeted The 1619 Project in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. Serious scholarly interlocutors of the original project are largely sidestepped, and factual errors in the original text are either glossed over or quietly removed.
While the majority of the public discussion around The 1619 Project has focused on Hannah-Jones' lead essay, its greatest defects appear in the Princeton sociologist Matthew Desmond's essay on "Capitalism." Hannah-Jones' writings provide the framing for the project, but Desmond supplies its ideological core—a political charge to radically reorient the basic structure of the American economy so as to root out an alleged slavery-infused brutality from capitalism.
Hannah-Jones' prescriptive call for slavery reparations flows seamlessly from Desmond's argument, as does her own expanded historical narrative—most recently displayed in a lecture series for MasterClass in which she attempted to explain the causes of the 2008 financial crisis by faulting slavery. "The tendrils of [slavery] can still be seen in modern capitalism," she declared, where banking companies "were repackaging risky bonds and risky notes…in ways [that] none of us really understood." The causal mechanism connecting the two events remained imprecise, save for allusions to "risky slave bonds" and a redesignation of the cotton industry as "too big to fail."
Making what appears to be a muddled reference to the Panic of 1837, she confidently declared that "what happened in 1830 is what happened in 2008." The claimed connection aimed to prove that the "American capitalist system is defined today by the long legacy and shadow of slavery." This racist, brutal system "offers the least protections for workers of all races," she said, and it thus warrants a sweeping overhaul through the political instruments of the state. To this end, Hannah-Jones appends an expanded essay to The 1619 Project book, endorsing a Duke University study's call for a "vast social transformation produced by the adoption of bold national policies."
"At the center of those policies," she declared, "must be reparations."
Uncorrected Errors
What are we to make of The 1619 Project's anti-capitalism in light of the new book's expanded treatment? For context, let's consider how Desmond handles the defects of his original argument.
In his quest to tie modern capitalism to slavery, Desmond began with a genealogical claim. Antebellum plantation owners employed double-entry accounting and record-keeping practices, some of them quite sophisticated. A more careful historian might note that such practices date back to the Italian banking families of the late Middle Ages, or point out that accounting is far from a distinctively capitalist institution. After all, even the central planners of the Soviet Union attempted to meticulously track raw material inputs, labor capacity, and multi-year productivity goals. Does this make the gulags a secret bastion of free market capitalism? Though seemingly absurd, such conclusions are the logical extension of Desmond's argument. "When an accountant depreciates an asset to save on taxes or when a midlevel manager spends an afternoon filling in rows and columns on an Excel spreadsheet," he wrote in the original newspaper edition, "they are repeating business procedures whose roots twist back to slave-labor camps."
Setting aside this unusual leap of logic, the claim rests upon a basic factual error. Desmond attributed this genealogy to the University of California, Berkeley, historian Caitlin Rosenthal's 2018 book on plantation financial record keeping, Accounting for Slavery. Yet Rosenthal warned against using her work as an "origin story" for modern capitalism. She "did not find a simple path," she wrote, by which plantation accounting books "evolved into Microsoft Excel." Desmond, it appears, made a basic reading error.
When I first pointed out this mistake to Jake Silverstein, the editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine, in early 2020, he demurred on making any correction. After consulting with Rosenthal, the Times passed off this inversion of phrasing as an interpretive difference between the two authors. In the new book version of Desmond's essay, the troublesome Microsoft Excel line disappears without any explanation, although Desmond retains anachronistic references to the plantation owners' "spreadsheets." As with other controversies from The 1619 Project, the revisions pair a cover-up of an error with haphazard execution.
This pattern persists and compounds through the meatier parts of Desmond's expanded thesis. His original essay singles out American capitalism as "peculiarly brutal"—an economy characterized by aggressive price competition, consumerism, diminished labor union power, and soaring inequality. This familiar list of progressive grievances draws on its own array of suspect sources. For example, Desmond leans heavily on the empirical work of the U.C. Berkeley economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman to depict a society plagued by the growing concentration of wealth among the "top 1 percent." Data from the Federal Reserve suggest that these two authors exaggerate the rise in wealth concentration since 1990 by almost double the actual number. Desmond's own twist is to causally link this present-day talking point with the economic legacy of slavery.
To do so, he draws upon recent statistical analysis that showed a 400 percent expansion in cotton production from 1800 to 1860. In Desmond's telling, this growth stems from the capitalistic refinement of violence to extract labor out of human chattel. "Plantation owners used a combination of incentives and punishments to squeeze as much as possible out of enslaved workers," he declared—a carefully calibrated and systematized enterprise of torture to maximize production levels. In the original essay, Desmond sourced this thesis to Cornell historian Edward E. Baptist, whose book The Half Has Never Been Told essentially revived the old "King Cotton" thesis of American economic development that the Confederacy embraced on the eve of the Civil War. Baptist's book is a foundational text of the "New History of Capitalism" (NHC) school of historiography. The 1619 Project, in turn, leans almost exclusively on NHC scholars for its economic interpretations.
But Baptist's thesis fared poorly after its publication in 2014, mainly because he misrepresented the source of his cotton growth statistics. The numbers come from a study by the economists Alan L. Olmstead of the University of California, Davis, and Paul W. Rhode, then with the University of Arizona, who empirically demonstrated the 400 percent production increase before the Civil War but then linked it to a very different cause. Cotton output did not grow because of refinements in the calibrated torture of slaves, but rather as a result of improved seed technology that increased the plant's yield. In 2018, Olmstead and Rhode published a damning dissection of the NHC literature that both disproved the torture thesis and documented what appear to be intentional misrepresentations of evidence by Baptist, including his treatment of their own numbers. Olmstead and Rhode in no way dispute the horrific brutality of slavery. They simply show that beatings were not the causal mechanism driving cotton's economic expansion, as the NHC literature claims.
As with Desmond's other errors, I brought these problems to the attention of Silverstein with a request for a factual correction in late 2019. Almost two years later I finally received an answer: Desmond replied that "Baptist made a causal claim linking violence to productivity on cotton plantations," whereas his "article did not make such a casual [sic] claim." I leave the reader to judge the accuracy of this statement against The 1619 Project's original text, including its explicit attribution of the argument to Baptist.
Even more peculiar is how Desmond handled the "calibrated torture" thesis in the book edition. In the paragraph where he previously named Baptist as his source, he now writes that "Alan Olmstead and Paul Rhode found that improved cotton varieties enabled hands to pick more cotton per day." But this is far from a correction. Desmond immediately appends this sentence with an unsubstantiated caveat: "But advanced techniques that improved upon ways to manage land and labor surely played their part as well." In excising Baptist's name, he simply reinserts Baptist's erroneous claim without attribution, proceeding as if it has not meaningfully altered his argument.
In these and other examples, we find the defining characteristics of The 1619 Project's approach to history. Desmond and Hannah-Jones initiate their inquiries by adopting a narrow and heavily ideological narrative about our nation's past. They then enlist evidence as a weapon to support that narrative, or its modern-day political objectives. When that evidence falters under scrutiny, The 1619 Project's narrative does not change or adapt to account for a different set of facts. Instead, its authors simply swap out the discredited claim for another and proceed as if nothing has changed—as if no correction is necessary.
Ignoring the Fact-Checkers
We see the same pattern in how Hannah-Jones handles the most controversial claim in the original 1619 Project. Her opening essay there declared that "one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery." In early 2020, Silverstein begrudgingly amended the passage online to read "some of the colonists" (emphasis added) after Northwestern University historian Leslie M. Harris revealed that she had cautioned Hannah-Jones against making this claim as one of the newspaper's fact-checkers, only to be ignored.
The ensuing litigation of this passage across editorial pages and Twitter threads unintentionally revealed an unsettling defect of the Times' venture. The 1619 Project was not a heterodox challenge to conventional accounts of American history, as its promotional material insinuated. An endeavor of this sort could be commendable, if executed in a scholarly fashion. Instead, the original essays by Hannah-Jones and Desmond betray a deep and pervasive unfamiliarity with their respective subject matters.
When subject-matter experts pointed out that Hannah-Jones exaggerated her arguments about the Revolution, or that Britain was not, in fact, an existential threat to American slavery in 1776 as she strongly suggested (the British Empire would take another 58 years before it emancipated its West Indian colonies), she unleashed a barrage of personally abusive derision toward the critics. Brown University's Gordon S. Wood and other Revolutionary War experts were dismissed as "white historians" for questioning her claims. When Princeton's James M. McPherson, widely considered the dean of living Civil War historians, chimed in, Hannah-Jones lashed out on Twitter: "Who considers him preeminent? I don't."
The 1619 Project did not simply disagree with these subject-matter experts. Its editors and writers had failed to conduct a basic literature review of the scholarship around their contentions, and subsequently stumbled their way into unsupported historical arguments. While some academic historians contributed essays on other subjects, none of The 1619 Project's feature articles on the crucial period from 1776 to 1865 came from experts in American slavery. Journalists such as Hannah-Jones took the lead, while highly specialized topics such as the economics of slavery were assigned to nonexperts like Desmond, whose scholarly résumé contained no prior engagement with that subject.
The book's revised introduction is less a corrective to the defects of the original than a mad scramble to retroactively paint a scholarly veneer over its weakest claims. Hannah-Jones leans heavily on secondary sources to backfill her own narrative with academic footnotes, but the product is more an exercise in cherry-picking than a historiographical analysis.
Consider the book's treatment of Somerset v. Stewart, the landmark 1772 British legal case that freed an enslaved captive aboard a ship in the London docks. Hannah-Jones appeals to the University of Virginia historian Alan Taylor, who wrote that "colonial masters felt shocked by the implication" of the case for the future of slavery in North America. Yet Taylor's elaboration focused narrowly on the case's negative reception in Virginia, while Hannah-Jones generalizes that into a claim that "the colonists took the ruling as an insult, as signaling that they were of inferior status" and threatening their slave property. Curiously missing from her discussion is the not-insignificant reaction of Benjamin Franklin, who complained to his abolitionist friend Anthony Benezet that Somerset had not gone far enough. Britain, he wrote, had indulged a hypocrisy, and "piqued itself on its virtue, love of liberty, and the equity of its courts, in setting free a single negro" while maintaining a "detestable commerce by laws for promoting the Guinea trade" in slaves.
To sustain her contention that a defense of slavery weighed heavily on the Revolutionary cause, Hannah-Jones now latches her essay to the University of South Carolina historian Woody Holton—a familiar secondary source from graduate school seminars who appears to have crossed her path only after the initial controversy. Since its publication, Holton has united his efforts with The 1619 Project, focusing in particular on Lord Dunmore's proclamation of 1775 to argue that the document's promise of emancipation to the slaves of rebellious colonists had a galvanizing effect on the American cause.
Dunmore's decree—which offered freedom to slaves who fought for the crown—came about as a move of desperation to salvage his already-faltering control over the colony of Virginia. Holton and Hannah-Jones alike exaggerate its purpose beyond recognition. Holton has taken to calling it "Dunmore's Emancipation Proclamation," hoping to evoke President Abraham Lincoln's more famous document, and The 1619 Project book repeats the analogy. But all sense of proportion is lost in the comparison. Lincoln's measure, though military in nature, reflected his own longstanding antislavery beliefs. It freed 50,000 people almost immediately, and extended its reach to millions as the war progressed. Dunmore, by contrast, was a slaveowner with a particularly brutal reputation of his own. His decree likely freed no more than 2,000 slaves, primarily out of the hope that it would trigger a broader slave revolt, weaken the rebellion, and allow him to reassert British rule with the plantation system intact. Hannah-Jones also haphazardly pushes her evidence beyond even Holton's misleading claims. "For men like [George] Washington," she writes, "the Dunmore proclamation ignited the turn to independence." This is a curious anachronism, given that Washington assumed command of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775—some five months before Dunmore's order of November 7, 1775.
Fringe Scholars and Ideological Cranks
The same self-defeating pairing of aggressive historical claims and slipshod historical methodology extends into Desmond's expanded essay. Moving its modern-day political aims to the forefront, Desmond peddles a novel theory about the history of the Internal Revenue Service. "Progressive taxation remains among the best ways to limit economic inequality" and to fund an expansive welfare state, he asserts. Yet in Desmond's rendering, again invoking debunked statistical claims from Saez and Zucman, "America's present-day tax system…is regressive and insipid." The reason? He contends that the IRS is still hobbled by slavery—a historical legacy that allegedly deprives the tax collection agency of "adequate financial backing and administrative support."
It is true that slavery forced several compromises during the Constitutional Convention, including measures that constrained the allocation of the federal tax burden across the states. Yet Desmond's rendering of this history borders on incompetence. He declares that the Constitution's original privileging of import tariffs "stunted the bureaucratic infrastructure of the nation"—apparently oblivious to the fact that Alexander Hamilton's Treasury Department set up one of the first true national bureaucracies through the federal customs house system. To Desmond, the United States was a relative latecomer to income taxation because of a reactionary constitutional design that impeded democratic pressures for redistribution in the late 19th century. This too is in error. In fact, comparative analyses of historical tax adoption strongly suggest that less democratic countries with lower levels of enfranchisement were the first movers in the international shift toward income taxation. When the U.S. Congress passed the 16th Amendment in 1909 to establish a federal income tax, the first wave of ratifications came from the states of the old Confederacy, who saw it as a means of transferring the federal tax burden onto the Northeast.
At this point, Desmond's narrative veers from the fringes of academic discourse into ideological crankery. After a misplaced causal attribution of 19th century development to the economic prowess of King Cotton, he turns his attention to what he sees as the true fault of American slavery: It allegedly enabled "capitalists" to leverage race "to divide workers—free from unfree, white from Black—diluting their collective power." This fracture among an otherwise natural class-based alliance is said to have impeded the emergence of a strong and explicitly socialistic labor movement in the United States, leading to "conditions for worker exploitation and inequality that exist to this day."
Desmond's theory makes sense only if one accepts the historical methodology of hardcore Marxist doctrine. History is supposed to progress toward the ascendance of the laboring class; thus, any failure of the proletarian revolution to materialize must arise from some ruling-class imposition. To Desmond, that imposition is slavery: "What should have followed [industrialization], Karl Marx and a long list of other political theorists predicted, was a large-scale labor movement. Factory workers made to log long hours under harsh conditions should have locked arms and risen up against their bosses, gaining political power in the formation of a Labor Party or even ushering in a socialist revolution."
After waxing about the "democratic socialism" of European welfare states, Desmond thus laments that "socialism never flourished here, and a defining feature of American capitalism is the country's relatively low level of labor power." This he considers slavery's legacy for the present day.
This thesis is bizarre, not to mention historically tone-deaf. The 19th century abolitionist rallying cry of "free soil, free labor, free men" reflected an intellectual alliance between free market theory and emancipation. Nowhere was this more succinctly captured than in the words of pro-slavery theorist George Fitzhugh, who declared in 1854 that the doctrine of laissez faire was "at war with all kinds of slavery."
Desmond's historical narrative is not original to The 1619 Project. It revives a line of argument first made in 1906 by the then-Marxist (and later National Socialist) philosopher Werner Sombart. Asking why socialism never took hold in the United States, Sombart offered an answer: "the Negro question has directly removed any class character from each of the two [American political] parties," causing power to allocate on geographic rather than economic lines. Desmond both credits and expands upon Sombart's thesis, writing: "As Northern elites were forging an industrial proletariat of factory workers…Southern elites…began creating an agrarian proletariat." Slavery's greatest economic fault, in this rendering, was not its horrific violation of individual liberty and dignity but its alleged intrusion upon a unified laboring class consciousness.
The great tragedy of the original 1619 Project was its missed opportunity to add detail, nuance, and reflection to our historical understanding of slavery and its legacy. That opportunity was lost not upon publication but in the aftermath, when The New York Times met its scholarly critics with insult and derision. The ensuing controversies, initially confined to Hannah-Jones' and Desmond's essays, came to overshadow the remainder of the project, including its other historical contributions as well as its literary and artistic sections.
The book version continues down this path, obscuring existing errors through textual sleights of hand and compounding them with fringe scholarship. The unifying theme of it all is not historical discovery or retrospection, but the pursuit of political power: less a historical reimagining of slavery's legacy than an activist manual for taxation and redistribution. Here again, Hurston's words offer a fitting warning to those who would rectify the injustices of the past with the politics of the present: "There has been no proof in the world so far that you would be less arrogant if you held the lever of power in your hands."
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The events portrayed in The 1619 Project... Did they happen before or after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
The Germans united against the Termites, I am told, and slayed them (and the Thermians and the Melanocytes) right and left, roughly halfway between the Zactor Migration and the Melosian Shift. Since they all were all located close to the Galactic Axis, at that time, the Termites, Thermians, and Melanocytes had NO hope at ALL!
I thought the Thermians prevailed! You're saying they didn't?
That's not right...
Animal House reference!
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Forget it, he's rolling.
A rolling stoner gathers no moss.
No mas! No mas!
Nor a stoned roller.
The 1619 Project Unrepentantly Pushes...the narrative.
And that's why junk history, lazy "journalism", and race baiting has lead Hannah Jones to fame, fortune, and an untouchable career in "academics" despite her having almost no qualifications or intellect.
But she is the right set of intersectional victimhood, saying the right things. And in the end, that is the only thing that matters.
Mendacious bullshit sells, evidently.
We believe what we want to believe
People don’t understand what propaganda is about, it mainly exists to soften people up, to humiliate them.
And schools unapologetically teach this bullshit. Sullum casually calls this "Controversial" instead of "Insipid lies desperately justifying a political end."
I cannot sufficiently express my disdain for NHJ and everyone involved.
And just a few hours later, Reason has a story up lamenting those damn meddling parents and school boards who don’t want insidious Junk History taught in school
"But she is the right set of intersectional victimhood, saying the right things. And in the end, that is the only thing that matters."
To these nitwits, racism is the only reason anyone would disagree with a non-white person.
Come the Restoration, I look forward to locking arms with my Chinese and Russian brothers to knock the woke out of America one beating at a time.
It makes more sense when, like Howard Zinn's book, you view it not as a true history book, but as a religious text for the left
I bought a copy of Zinn's book to find hints of history that mainstream history glosses over; but knowing those hints to be unreliable and only useful as things to look up and learn about from others. Turned out it screeches and preaches so much that it's not worth even that.
Everything I have read about the 1619 Project says it's far worse, starting from such a blatant rejiggering of history. I'd put it as even worse than that gun control history by (Bellis.... something) which fabricated so many of its references out of thin air to claim that guns were uncommon in early America; at least that was easily refuted. This author seems to have learned from Bellis.... something) and Goebbels and just gone straight for the big lie.
The problem is that she's decided the scientific method is racist. You use a variation of it when you do historical research-you start with a hypothesis and then you dig through all the evidence to see whether the hypothesis, the premise, actually holds up. Hers does not.
What she did was start with a narrative and cherry-picked a few examples to support it. Her examples are actually bullshit, though-some of them are completely apocryphal, most of them are outright misunderstood with context. There's a few concrete examples showing how slavery was protected at various points, but things like that are so blatant that many other historians beat her to the punch so she's not added anything new.
She's a charlatan.
She never addresses real complaints either, just calls them systemic racism, because history is racist, truth is racist, etc.
When you start with the conclusion... just work your way back.
Modern leftist theology isn't about facts or consistency. It is about feeling what is true through a subjective lens to accomplish a political goal.
Yes. This is why there are many progs, to this day, that say racism is worse now than its ever been in this country.
And they really feel that is an objective truth.
If it is not an objective truth yet, they are working as hard as they can to make it so.
That's the sad part. These people really want to make everyone miserable.
Someone starts with the premise that a trip to a theme park is not fun. Complains about the lines, complains about the expense, complains about food, complains that it is always too hot, complains that it might rain, complains that the costumes the performers wear are not realistic, or culturally inappropriate, or.... whatever. Tells everyone, all the time. THey EXPECT it to be the worst and want everyone else to see it in the worst light, even if they've never experienced these bad things themselves.
Suddenly, the happiest place on earth is just a miserable experience. They're so busy looking for shit on the path they never look up to see the parade and the fireworks.
You know what's not fun? Everything when you're so primed for the shit that you never bother to enjoy the good parts.
Somehow they've made an industry out of being that guy who ruins things by constantly bitching, even things that went wrong to someone else when they visited half a century ago.
A recent favorite is how public lands tourism and the recreational industry foster "inequity".
I don't think these people realize that you're never going to get to an "equitable" mix of racial pieces in a given space when the national population of one of those pieces has basically been stuck at less than 13% for decades, even with the recent inclusion of mixed-race identifiers and the popular promotion of black eugenics theory from academics like Francis Cress Wellsing in the late 80s and early 90s. Especially now that they're being rapidly outpaced by Hispanics demographically, which has no doubt played a role in the sudden designation of the "white Hispanic" pejorative amongst the Twitterati class and certain media figures (not just George Zimmerman, but recent scare pieces on Hispanics joining white nationalist movements, and idiots like Charles Blow pontificating about how light-skinned Hispanics need to check their privilege on how they supposedly have it so much better than their dark-skinned cousins.)
> I don't think these people realize that you're never going to get to an "equitable" mix of racial pieces in a given space
I think a lot of them do realize. They're counting on it, thus the change from equality to equity. It'll never happen, therefore they will always have a grievance, and they are as much an industry of grievance as Facebook is an industry of narcissism.
Once something becomes your entire raison d'etre it's really hard to let it go. It's religious at that point.
Because if it's not, their whole worldview collapses and they'd have to get a real job other than leftist political activism.
That was the whole point of Marcuse and the neomarxists claiming that anyone who wasn't constantly agitating for socialism and to destroy capitalism, so that the groundwork could be laid for the inevitable communism utopia, was operating under a "false consciousness" rather than a "critical consciousness." Marcuse and his acolytes simply replaced economic marxism with gender and race marxism because those were easier avenues to radicalize the American middle class.
The economic failure of Marxism could no longer be glossed over. So reset to climate and race lies.
And part of the problem is while we have examples of communisms colossal economic and moral (what with the mass murdering) failings, we dont have the congruent examples from forced diversity/equity (yet) as its yet to be tried (just like real socialism, amirite?!)
But the same thing will happen. When you are rewarding a person breaking their back and physically laboring, the same as a person inventing groundbreaking tech, the same as a lazy person sitting on the couch, human nature kicks in and the former 2 decide they will be content to also sit on the couch rather than work hard in some way for the same outcome. It pits people against the human nature innate in us to climb. You own nothing, you have nothing, the govt gives you a check big enough to live on. Everyone gets poorer and the govt has to kill the unhappy revolting people.
We just havent seen the eventual (inevitable) failure of forced equity. You can claim all day long that everyone is equal and has the same abilities, and that we have to make 1000x more black women engineers because there are too many cis gendered asian males in the profession. But do it enough and your bridges dont stand, because despite all the voodoo you teach in academia, black women are not in fact, asian men. They just arent, and wont ever be. Everyone has a different skillset, and those fall into bell curve distributions within gender and race (so of course some black women will be excellent at math/physics and can be engineers). Thats just how it is. You cant feelings your way into overcoming results (which is why the big push for elimination of standardized testing btw...we are all the same if you never test anyone).
In the end it comes down to the govt forcing equal results among unequal people. Thats what economic marxism did with actual goods / currency and class, and thats what diversity/equity/race Marxism aims to do, with race being the denominator instead of class. But it really is no different otherwise.
We kind of HAVE seen this, though.
I mean, not specifically race based, but every time someone advocates for non-merit based anything it goes badly. See Venezuela's oil industry.
1. Oil companies are pumping from the largest reserves on earth
2. Government says those (foreign, capitalist, white, etc...) are exploiting what belongs to the People and are not representative of venezuelans.
3. Government puts correct people in place
3. a. of course correct also means politically favored, because that is how it works
4. No new oil starts occur, oil production sags, equipment falls into disrepair, output remains flat for 10 years
5. Whole economy falls apart after a decade and oil production declines to less than 1/3 what it was before the evil people who were taking all the good jobs were driven from their places on high
Someone should write a book about what happens when the people who really know how to do important tasks stop doing them in favor of people without appropriate training or experience.
You can't question someone's "lived experience".
Even if it's their imagined lived experience of the distant past.
Are you saying past lives aren’t science?
That’s a joke btw.
Past lives matter.
In the phrase "Setting aside this unusual leap of logic" (paragraph 11), the author inexplicably substitutes "unusual leap of logic" for "complete non sequitur".
"The unifying theme of it all is not historical discovery or retrospection, but the pursuit of political power: less a historical reimagining of slavery's legacy than an activist manual for taxation and redistribution."
So essentially Hannah-Jones and her acolytes are Marxists.
And like all good communists, they need to get their story [propaganda] straight.
Shorter: deranged Marxists on the left are full of shit.
Why are we even talking about this pile of drivel? It's been known since the beginning of this bullshit that the entire endeavor is a fact-free search for racist unicorns.
I'm glad they are covering it. I'm probably not going to read it, but a lot of people do think it is valid history, so it's good to know something about it.
Amen! Gotta rebut trash talk every time, or the gullible accept it.
..and dialogue with trolls.
I get the need to refute, but I personally prefer to just mute them; if they don't get fed they shrivel and die.
It's not the trolls but the people in the real world I'm concerned about.
Because it hasn't gone away. It's continuing to gain more exposure and is being taught in schools. You don't ignore the steamroller actively seeking to demolish everything you value, you staunchly oppose it. You repeatedly speak the truth.
Agreed - if the liars are the only ones speaking, it becomes unchallenged fact for many.
Pretty much any adjective attached to "justice" is just another form of cultural marxism.
That is why they must silence opposition. Liars are always trying to silence the truth, those who speak the truth have no need to silence the liars, because the truth will overcome a lie.
Ugh. You're all right, but it's disgusting that this crap still has to be refuted over and over, only to see it return with a piece of punctuation changed.
Remember, not allowing schools to teach this bullshit is suppressing speech and silencing differing voices.
Not teaching creationism is NOT that...but not teaching this shit IS.
Refusing to put her book on the curriculum list is literally book burning, according to the left.
It gets so tedious:
Progressive: "I know you think we have a wonderful country, but, do you know the, well, bad things that have happened? And what they really mean?"
Find new schtick, ya' boring cunts.
I wonder about all of the fury against CRT in schools and little against The 1619 Project
That Venn diagram is a circle.
yeah, I thought teaching 1619 was one of the CRT examples.
The fact that it's not explicitly labeled CRT is how the twitterati say "No we aren't teaching CRT". But if it looks like a duck...
It's true that they aren't teaching CRT in elementary schools. They are using a CRT worldview to shape their pedagogy. Which is probably even worse because CRT itself is boring and weird.
In a recent public spat with Andrew Sullivan, Hannah-Jones accused the British political commentator of "ignorance" for suggesting that "Zora Neale Hurston's work sits in opposition to mine." She was apparently unaware that Dust Tracks on a Road anticipated and rejected the premise of The 1619 Project eight decades prior to its publication.
That's because Hurston was unique in that she deliberately avoided steeping herself in the toxic brew of volkmythological identity and marxist economics that DuBois latched on to when he studied in Germany, and later applied to the idea of black ethnonationalism that's become the de facto socio-political philosophy of most black Americans, of which Nickole-Jones is just the latest promoter.
You can see a similar mindset within 2nd and 3rd-generation American Arabs, particularly Palestinians who are mostly outright neo-marxist ethnonationalists.
One of my favorite reading assignments in my American Literature class was "Their Eyes Were Watching God." Hurston was actually insightful and constructive without needing to preach or condemn. It was an uplifting story-characters grew out of their horrible circumstances and were able to let go of bitterness and anger and find their own peace.
Hurston's works were about self-actualization and forgiveness. Dubois' works were about self-aggrandization and vengeance. That the latter became the "godfather" of African-American intellectualism is basically how we got to where we are today.
Ironically, Hurston promoted learning from the past without being shackled to it, while Dubois argued that the past was the most critical, active piece of social and racial identity--something that's been replicated in the concept of "generational trauma," all while conservatives are mocked for not "being with the times, maaaaaaaaaaaan."
the de facto socio-political philosophy of most black Americans, of which Nickole-Jones is just the latest promoter.
While I hear what you're saying, I think this is not an accurate statement. I don't believe most black Americans subscribe to the neo-Marxist interpretation of race-as-class. I believe you have this small but intensely paid-attention-to group of black academics whom are heavily promoted by white elites. Hannah Jones is the product of... ironically, a predominantly white Marxist dogmatic educational system. For all the anti-racist bluster of people like Hannah Jones, she's essentially riding on the coattails of dead white men like Herbert Marcuse.
As Glenn Loury describes this situation perfectly.
I don't believe most black Americans subscribe to the neo-Marxist interpretation of race-as-class. I believe you have this small but intensely paid-attention-to group of black academics whom are heavily promoted by white elites.
The academics are simply the vessel by which the philosophy is legitimized. The voting patterns of black Americans didn't follow this pattern in the early 20th century, but since 1964 they've voted for Democrats at a greater than 80 percent clip, with black women in particular going 90 percent or higher. And much of that is due to the promotion of early-mid 20th century black nationalists in secondary schools--I hadn't even heard of Hurston, for example, until after I graduated high school. But I knew about DuBois and Marcus Garvey.
Once the Democrats had firmly failed to stop the Republican Civil Rights Act, of which 1964 was the last of several since the end of the civil war, they started pushing the "party switch" myth to claim the current Democratic Party was really the old Republican Party and thus they were the party that was responsible for ending slavery. There's even a school with a plaque with Abraham Lincoln on it, labeled a Democrat. They've been so successful at this lie that people believe that Republicans were responsible for "Jim Crow" segregation laws and refuse to believe the 1964 Civil Rights Act was Republican legislation the Democratic Party was solidly against.
They do not even need to do that. Sadly, blacks voted Democrat heavily in the 1930's and afterwards even while the party was laden with Klansmen.
Cannot figure out why people lynching them was not a disqualifying factor in that vote, but those are the numbers.
Yup. The American worker has done so very well for the last 100 years that the Progressives had to find a new schtick. They saw the phrase 'those that can't do, teach' as a rallying cry and doubled down on the concept to create a whole new branch of academia: Education. The first Ed. D. was awarded by Harvard in 1921 to cement the stranglehold of the elite on the future of education.
"The first Ed. D. was awarded by Harvard in 1921 to cement the stranglehold of the elite on the future of education."
It was some 30 years later that Harvard and other colleges founded departments dedicated to the study of ceramics and metallurgy. Even furthering their elite hold on education.
Because specialization and generalization are the exact same? Go fuck yourself.
Academia is almost exclusively run by Education majors. They have weaponized bureaucracy and administration to indoctrinate the next generation. Just like the Proggies had wanted to do with labor but ran into the problem of being in the most prosperous nation on the planet during an explosion of labor-saving technology.
"They have weaponized bureaucracy and administration to indoctrinate the next generation. "
Like it or not, you can't run a school without administrators. Who better than those who best understand education?
Like it or not, you can't run an indoctrination facility without administrators. Who better than those who best understand propaganda?
Like it or not, you can run a prison without administrators. Who better than those who best understand criminal behavior.
Like it or not, you can't test rats in a maze without administrators. Who better than those who behave like rats.
"Like it or not, you can't test rats in a maze without administrators."
You can indeed test rats in a maze without administrators. Running an institution like a school, hospital, military, prison etc is another kettle of fish. Pause a while and think this through.
You can indeed test rats in a maze without administrators.
What am I missing here? The rats don't put themselves in the maze.
Wait a minute...
that's just like...
just like the kids don't choose the school...
holy shit...
the administrators... put the kids in a maze... like rats...
you just blew my mind, dude. Your cynicism is clearly much deeper than mine.
"What am I missing here? "
Where to begin? Maybe looking up the word administrator in a reputable dictionary.
"One who administers, especially one who works as a manager in a business, government agency, or school"
Nothing to do with rats or mazes or introducing one to the other.
So, your experience is that rats get introduced to mazes? I am imagining wine at the beginning, cheese at the end? Whatever happens in the maze stays in the maze?
Mine is that tests are administered. "One who administers" is called... ?
CTSP. Snarky is literally my middle name, dude. I can do this all day.
Next new word for you, obtuse.
Like it or not, you can't run a school without administrators. Who better than those who best understand education?
"A rotten tree produces rotten fruit" comes to mind here.
You get what you pay for.
Education majors have had the lowest SAT scores for generations. That doesn't have anything to do with money.
You don't think that capable people go where the money is?
And don't put too much stock in SAT scores. Empathy and patience and an ability to motivate people make a teacher a good teacher. These qualities are not reflected in SAT scores. Think about your own experience with teachers, if any, you've admired.
"You don't think that capable people go where the money is?"
Dealing with kids whose parents think they are always in the right and the absurd red tape admins thrust you is not much fun. And the theory that teachers are underpaid for working, literally, half a year is still pounded into people's heads and lots of folks do not have the desire to actually do the math to see how little they legitimately work.
I could ask the same question about why so few conservatives are professors. We're always told "Well, they do not want to be" or "they are not smart enough" which seems odd that they are the one group that this is apparently true for.
"Empathy and patience and an ability to motivate people make a teacher a good teacher."
Teachers are piss-poor motivators and actually knowing what you're teaching is a bit vital.
I had several classes in college with football players, including one who had a 10+ yr career in the NFL. They ALSO thought ed majors were fucking morons.
Ed majors are the dumbest people on college campuses. It's fairly universal.
There also should not BE a four year degree in education. It should be a minor or cognate to an ACTUAL discipline.
"Ed majors are the dumbest people on college campuses. It's fairly universal."
I already told you, it's not that important. A teacher needs to be patient, empathetic and motivational.
"There also should not BE a four year degree in education. It should be a minor or cognate to an ACTUAL discipline."
Sounds like you missed your calling. You would have made an excellent college administrator.
"I could ask the same question about why so few conservatives are professors."
Working with young people seems to be something communists want to do. It could be the pedophilia. Conservatives, even young ones, are old farts at heart. They avoid young people and flock to 'think tanks' like the American Enterprise Institute. I really doubt you'd find a communist within a country mile of such a place.
Obviously not, we have been paying through the nose for education, and it just keeps getting shittier and the new crop of high school graduates are stupid as hell. I guess you are referring to the indoctrination, in that case, yeah, we get what we are paying for.
"Obviously not, we have been paying through the nose for education,"
Obviously not enough. You can earn a heck of a lot more wearing an Italian suit talking on the phone all day high above Wall Street. If you want the best minds, they come at a price.
We have been paying a high premium on education. What you don't seem to understand is, that money has not produced any results. We already tried it your way, it didn't work. I can figure my grocery bill in my head faster than a high school graduate can on the register if, they don't screw that up. Throwing money at a problem does not fix the problem, especially if that problem is waste or corruption. That will only feed the fire.
"Like it or not, you can't run a school without administrators. "
They can be run quite well with about 75% fewer of them, however. At this point, a huge chunk of what schools do now is to justify the employment of admins.
"They can be run quite well with about 75% fewer of them"
Schools could be run much much weller if we could only eliminate 100% of the students.
At least the book is consistent with most elementary school history, ignoring the fact that Spain reached a few of the USA's states long before England.
Wow, Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts founded by the Pilgrims in 1620. St. Augustine, Florida was founded in 1565.
Wow, the Lousiana Purchase in 1803 and the Oregon Trail in 1811. Spain was setting up shop in California in 1769.
Columbus arrived in Haiti in 1492. The Vikings arrived about 500 years before that. And aboriginal Americans arrived perhaps 50000 years before that.
aboriginal Americans arrived perhaps 50000 years before that
First In First Out. They are right! Accounting is sooooo racist.
The matter of who arrived and when they arrived is interesting. Sometimes the answers are not clear and are subject to debate.
More like 10,000 to 15,000 years ago.
"Plantation owners used a combination of incentives and punishments to squeeze as much as possible out of enslaved workers," he declared—a carefully calibrated and systematized enterprise of torture to maximize production levels. "
This must have been true. To get people to engage in ever increasing amounts of work without compensation, threats and punishments are required to coerce them. The notion that they provided the work willingly doesn't accord with human nature. And of course the punishments must have been carefully calibrated. Too little and the slave just continues in his/her lazy, uncooperative ways. Too much and physical damage takes its toll.
a political charge to radically reorient the basic structure of the American economy so as to root out an alleged slavery-infused brutality from capitalism.
This can't be correct. I've been told, repeatedly that CRT is merely a method of teaching children about slavery. This sounds almost like "scholarship as activism"...
" I've been told, repeatedly that CRT is merely a method of teaching children about slavery. This sounds almost like "scholarship as activism"
It's a polemical effort to reframe history. The article says as much.
Blaming something that happened over 400 years ago for problems today is a stretch.
The past is never dead. It's not even past.
Many uniformed students (based on my lecturing to high school class) seem to think that, in 1619, some British Colonist snapped his fingers and said to his fellow colonists "You know, here's a great new idea. Let's go kidnap some Africans, bring them to the American colonies, and enslave them to farm our plantations. I know slavery's never been done in the history of the world, but I think we can make it work."
"You know, here's a great new idea."
The great new idea was the Enlightenment and Imperialism. The idea of slavery had been around for a long time, but never practiced with the intensity that it was in the new world. England had serfs to do all the unpleasant work, so slaves were never an integral part of the economy.
Nonsense. Slavery was "practiced with intensity" in most pre-modern societies. Ancient Greece and particularly Rome were built on it. Vikings and Arabs went on slaving raids all over Europe. Arabs also bought slaves from sub-Saharan Africans. And medieval England too had slaves, as well as freeborn serfs.
"Slavery was "practiced with intensity" in most pre-modern societies."
Not with the numbers wracked up post Enlightenment.
"Vikings and Arabs went on slaving raids all over Europe. Arabs also bought slaves from sub-Saharan Africans."
Again, not with the numbers which post Enlightenment used slaves.
"And medieval England too had slaves, as well as freeborn serfs."
Not many. Slavery was never big in England until the Enlightenment.
If these kids were to learn that non-Africans were buying labor from African slavers, the whole narrative would crumble.
I know I'm into conspiracy territory here, but that MIGHT be why it is never mentioned that blacks were selling blacks to willing buyers.
I know I'm into conspiracy territory here, but that MIGHT be why it is never mentioned that blacks were selling blacks to willing buyers.
Chris Rock is actually descended from an African tribe that was routinely attacked and chased in to the mountains by other nearby tribes. That's how his ancestors ended up here to begin with.
This history is why a lot of Africans actually look down on and mock black Americans--because those are the people whose ancestors had the shit kicked out of them by the Africans' ancestors.
why it is never mentioned that blacks were selling blacks to willing buyers
Reparations from the Congo!
Reparations from the Congo?
Their bank account is a little shy this century.
Nor is it mentioned that there were black slave owners.
Or Great Britan's role in the trade triangle (tobacco, sugar, and slaves.) Ya know, the East India Trading Co.
According to these rabid prog lunatics, it was all merica's fault. Merica is the only place ever to have slaves or to have anything to do with slavery.
A more careful historian might note that such practices date back to the Italian banking families of the late Middle Ages, or point out that accounting is far from a distinctively capitalist institution.
A significantly less careful and exceedingly less meticulous historian might note that capital, ledgers, and trade balances, and any/all associated chattel slavery date back to the earliest recorded history, multiple times across multiple civilizations. The Code of Hammurabi (1760 B.C. for the completely historically illiterate) unequivocally prescribed death for anyone who helped a slave escape. The Servile Wars and economics of slavery in the Roman Republic is well documented and slavery is known to have constituted around a 25% of the population. The wars themselves arguably representing a level at the verge of economic instability. Still, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Amerindians in later eras sustained similar slave populations well before Europeans started trading with them.
The idea that bookkeeping originated with slavery is two simultaneous insults to multiple cultures throughout history. First, to assert that they were insulted by being enslaved, rather than fighting and enslaving on equal footing and, second, to assert that, without Western slave owners, they wouldn't have developed capitalist economics and bookkeeping. Anybody selling the story is striving to perpetuate a favorable narrative of slavery.
A significantly less careful and exceedingly less meticulous historian might note that capital, ledgers, and trade balances, and any/all associated chattel slavery date back to the earliest recorded history, multiple times across multiple civilizations.
Let's just ignore the Ottoman empire because we're all friends here.
The Servile Wars and economics of slavery in the Roman Republic is well documented and slavery is known to have constituted around a 25% of the population. The wars themselves arguably representing a level at the verge of economic instability.
It's also tied in to the rise of the Populares, as the Optimates were establishing massive estates farmed by slaves captured from various military campaigns, while the veterans of these same wars were forced to move to the cities to find work.
Amerindian slavery (at least in North America) was its own odd construct. Most raiding for slaves was tied to sustaining tribal populations and proving combat prowess--slavery as they practiced it consisted of kidnapping women and children, then hazing them until they finally reached a point where they could be fully adopted as members of that tribe (Quanah Parker's mother Cynthia being the most well-known example, but others like Mickey Free show a similar pattern).
Riding on horseback hurts a woman's capacity to bear children. That was a factor for the Comanche nation, I believe.
"A significantly less careful and exceedingly less meticulous historian might note that capital, ledgers, and trade balances, and any/all associated chattel slavery date back to the earliest recorded history, multiple times across multiple civilizations."
Throughout history, slavery has been largely a matter of prisoners of war entering into the condition to have their lives spared. That's how it was in England where Romans and Vikings and others subjugated captives. The tools of accountancy didn't enter into it. In Africa it did. Those delivered into American slavery were often debt pawns or their relatives and were seen as a balancing of the books.
Wrong. Romans and others enslaved entire populations. Examples would include Corinth and Carthage. Viking raiders killed the men and carried off women and children to be sold as slaves. The Mongols did the same, on a larger scale.
"The Mongols did the same, on a larger scale."
Post Enlightenment slavery was larger still. You can check the numbers in sources you trust if you doubt me.
"The slave population [of Rome] was at least equal to that of freedmen (non citizens), and has been estimated at anywhere from 25 to 40% of the population of the city as a whole."
"At the height of the Roman Empire in the mid second century AD, some have estimated that the total slave population may have approached 10 million people, or approximately 1/6 of the population as a whole."
"How many slaves were there in ancient Greece? The number of slaves is estimated to be 80,000 to 100,000. With the total population of 2,50,000 between 450 and 320 B.C.this means approximately one in four of the people in Athens were slaves."
Your turn.
As I say, Post Enlightenment slavery was larger still. England was never much of a home to slavery until that period. You must have checked the number of slaves in that period yourself in your investigation of slavery in Mongolia, Vikings, Greece and Rome. What is it you are trying to prove?
"At the center of those policies," she declared, "must be reparations."
I don't plan to read the book, but does she give an exact figure for the amount Egypt owes Israel?
Image the compounded interest on that debt! On the other hand, wouldn't the Israelites owe compensation to all the folks descended from the people kicked out/murdered in the Promised Land?
Refugees and corpses are not slaves - - - - - - - -
*hammers out hieroglyphs*
My calculations, with interest, comes out to 30,000 sphinxes, 5,000 pyramids, and a couple dozen obelisks as change.
Desmond and Hannah-Jones initiate their inquiries by adopting a narrow and heavily ideological narrative about our nation's past. They then enlist evidence as a weapon to support that narrative, or its modern-day political objectives. When that evidence falters under scrutiny, The 1619 Project's narrative does not change or adapt to account for a different set of facts. Instead, its authors simply swap out the discredited claim for another and proceed as if nothing has changed—as if no correction is necessary.
How is this different from conspiracy theorizing? The only answer is that it originates within academia and is supported by the establishment.
This comparison should help us understand who we're dealing with and their level of seriousness. Further it proves how corrupt academia is by noting what a tiny fraction of it resists such obviously insane mythmaking masquerading as scholarship.
How is this different from conspiracy theorizing? The only answer is that it originates within academia and is supported by the establishment.
It is exactly what you describe. A conspiracy theory supported by highly credentialed people which is widely accepted by an establishment elite.
"How is this different from conspiracy theorizing? "
It's called cognitive dissonance. How people deal with new ideas and information which conflict with those already held. A conspiracy theory is a theory about a secret plan to do something illegal. (Breathing together is the meaning of the Latin root.)
A conspiracy theory is a theory about a secret plan to do something illegal.
Like a revolution secretly justified by their support for slavery? Which do we suppose is not true? Was the revolution not against the law? Or is their justification not secret? Again we see leftists so committed to denying the obvious they prove their own inability to think.
Here's the real definition:
A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.
"Here's the real definition:"
That's the definition employed by the corporate press and others to discredit ideas that run counter to the official narrative. Kennedy was shot by more than one man working together is therefore a conspiracy theory. The official narrative is outlined in the report of the Warren Commission, complete with your 'more probable' magic bullet.
Cognitive dissonance on the other hand is how we deal with new information that contradicts our beliefs and ideas. It comes from the world of psychology, and exactly fits what is described in the passage you quote.
Revealingly he ignores that the facts meet his own definition of conspiracy theorizing even though he tried to alter the definition so they didn't.
They'll argue anything even when they are obviously wrong by their own standards. this is because they will never question the conclusions other people gave them.
Cognitive dissonance comes from psychology. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it. You may find it interesting.
A theory about a conspiracy is a different thing altogether as you should know by now.
The world has an abundance of history books, espousing any number of views on people and points in history and yet some on the right have set their eye on the 1619 Project to attack. This attempt to look at history from the perspective of the African American simply bring outrage. The fact is this is not a question of factual errors but rather point of view.
I would not suggest the 1619 Project as the sole source for American History but it is a part for those looking for a more complete understanding of our history. Slavery is not just a small part of American history, it is woven into the fabric of our history and can not be simple dismissed as, yes it happen and it was wrong.
This attempt to look at history from the perspective of the African American simply bring outrage. The fact is this is not a question of factual errors but rather point of view.
This is completely and obviously false. Perspective does not change facts. Plus this comment shows that left wingers will say anything to protect their mythology. Truth and reality are simply not relevant to their commentary.
Perspective don't change facts, but they can decide how you interpret those facts. Which facts you set aside or minimize to support your argument. I saw nothing in this article to suggest that facts were wrong, but rather a prospective that the fact were not interpreted as some would like.
I saw nothing in this article to suggest that facts were wrong,
Of course. Like all leftists you've trained yourself to refuse to even consider any fact which would conflict with your predetermined conclusion. The reality though is that none of the evidence used to link slavery to the America Revolution or to capitalism is compelling. The presentations are lies, not matters of "perspective", which the far left supports not because they have any relationship to truth or reality but solely because the assertions are valuable to a political goal they support. This is what the left is.
"Perspective" as used here simply means "what they wish were true".
You have read this article, but have you read the essays in question in the 1619 Project. I have and they do a good job of making the case for their viewpoint.
Is there definitive writing that the colonist broke from England to preserve slavery, no. But it is true that England was changing it view on slavery and it is not unreasonable to think this may have influenced some states. Even back when I studied history in late 1960's and early 70's we discussed the efforts of some states to insure the continuation of slavery. It is not unreasonable to consider some of that zeal extended back to the revolution.
As for capitalism, it does not exist in a vacuum. Capitalism has always been shaped by laws and it is not hard to see that before our Civil Wars, those laws supported slavery as an element of the American capitalist system. This article author acknowledges that slavery shaped parts of the Constitution but does acknowledge slavery continuing influence.
This is Scott Alexander's Motte and Bailey argumentation. The actual claim is that accounting comes from slave plantations and so our use of spreadsheets is due to slavery. When challenged the retreat to "slavery influenced society".
This is the tactic of particularly dishonest propagandists.
I have and they do a good job of making the case for their viewpoint.
Only to those who are politically committed to their movement. Anyone in touch with reality recognizes their arguments are juvenile and mendacious. They might was well claim using hammers came from slavery because they were used on plantations.
But it is true that England was changing it view on slavery
As was America. Not only does this cite not prove what was alleged, but unspoken is the fact that Britain's abolition movement was behind America's and only gained political support because it was useful against America economically. If the revolution had failed Britain's abolition movement would have been set back decades.
Even back when I studied history in late 1960's and early 70's we discussed the efforts of some states to insure the continuation of slavery. It is not unreasonable to consider some of that zeal extended back to the revolution.
We can see how ahistorical this is. Americans who supported slavery had no compunction with stating so publicly. This was obviously true throughout America's history to the Civil War. So even though supporters of slavery are open about it no one talks about it publicly or even cites it in their private correspondence or memoirs? Absurd, but indicative of how the left simply invents what it wishes were true and then does anything it can to defend it. These are not honest evaluators of evidence, they are propagandists.
The actual claim is that accounting comes from slave plantations and so our use of spreadsheets is due to slavery.
It's also grossly inaccurate. The whole concept of "accounting" is rooted in Puritan devotional practices. Every month, they were supposed to do a material and spiritual "accounting," related to the belief that the elect were given success in this life by the Lord, in order to square yourself with the Almighty.
But it is true that England was changing it view on slavery and it is not unreasonable to think this may have influenced some states.
I've read this same insinuation by academics in regards to the Texas Revolution. Oddly enough, they can't produce any actual statements from the rebel leaders themselves stating that it was one of the key factors.
And they would have had few problems admitting it if it were. I've read the CSA constitution and it certainly was not shy about it.
"Is there definitive writing that the colonist broke from England to preserve slavery, no. But it is true that England was changing it view on slavery and it is not unreasonable to think this may have influenced some states."
Mind-reading is not a recitation of facts.
Considering the 1619 Project has already been marked by numerous professional historians--people who are politically aligned with Hannah-Jones to begin with--as poor history, using examples of such, your assertion that it's not the facts but the interpretation shouldn't really be taken seriously.
This argument you proffer isn't any different than that moron who used Wikipedia to determine which of the San Francisco school names to change.
I saw nothing in this article to suggest that facts were wrong
"Which facts you set aside or minimize to support your argument"
1619's issue is that ESCHEWS facts.
Slavery is not just a small part of American history, it is woven into the fabric of our history and can not be simple dismissed as, yes it happen and it was wrong.
Who has even suggested it should be dismissed?
There is a long running attempt to dismiss slavery. To suggest it was a limited thing and not to see its impacts extending even into today. Less than a week ago Senator Mike Braun of Indiana suggested that interracial marriages be regulated by states. Is this not a hold over from idea that races are different and holding people of African origins as property is acceptable.
Less than a week ago Senator Mike Braun of Indiana suggested that interracial marriages be regulated by states.
I call bullshit. Put up a quote or you are a fucking liar.
Is this not a hold over from idea that races are different and holding people of African origins as property is acceptable.
No. You are astoundingly obtuse.
March 22, 2022 the Washington Post reported that
"Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said Tuesday that he would be open to the Supreme Court overturning its 1967 ruling that legalized interracial marriage nationwide to allow states to independently decide the issue."
The Senator has since clarified the issue saying that interracial marriages are constitutional, but he did initially step in it.
You didn't provide the quote. You provided someone else's interpretation of his quote. What was his exact quote, and don't put ellipses in at either end of the quote if the ellipses cut something out that changes the meaning or context of the quote.
I have to say, that this already smells a lot like the bullshit accusation against Tom Cotton where it was said (and Reason repeated this trope) that Cotton said "slavery was a necessary evil" where he said no such thing.
That is not a quote.
the Washington Post reported
Now I see your problem.
I read through the links, and while they quote Braun's own words at length, they do not quote the question he was asked or his actual response where he identified Loving v. Virginia. Instead, they give us:
They then include this bit of pure speculation without any justification whatsoever:
When what he actually said was:
""Let me be clear on that issue — there is no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race, that is not something that is even up for debate, and I condemn racism in any form, at all levels and by any states, entities or individuals," Braun said."
"Less than a week ago Senator Mike Braun of Indiana suggested that interracial marriages be regulated by states"
And? Arguing that an over-arching federal government regulating everything is a bad idea, even in pursuit of "good aims", is a decidedly libertarian belief.
"Is this not a hold over from idea that races are different and holding people of African origins as property is acceptable."
If you wish to make specious arguments, sure. I could argue 1619 is a book that is only possible because the author is too ignorant to know much of anything.
Who has even suggested it should be dismissed?
Quite the opposite. Many who wish to move on would prefer to remember historical chattel slavery objectively so that, going forward, we don't ignore contemporary forms of slavery by obfuscating it with the memories of the past.
"This attempt to look at history from the perspective of the African American simply bring outrage. The fact is this is not a question of factual errors but rather point of view."
It has been laughed at by almost everyone with an ounce of integrity and knowledge of history. Those bending over backwards to see it as anything but historical fiction are those that are clinging to the new religion: adherence to insane magical fiction over reality despite plenty of evidence.
You are in a cult, sorry, but someone needs to tell you.
"The fact is this is not a question of factual errors but rather point of view."
But it is laden with factual errors. Perhaps that is irrelevant to you in a HISTORY book, but it is not irrelevant to most others.
And perhaps all the praise lavished on 1619 is why so many people are commenting on how terrible it actually is?
"I would not suggest the 1619 Project as the sole source for American History but it is a part for those looking for a more complete understanding of our history."
The fact that is is laden with errors is not disqualifying for you? Seriously?
"Slavery is not just a small part of American history, it is woven into the fabric of our history and can not be simple dismissed as, yes it happen and it was wrong."
Feel free to explain, FACTUALLY, how it is "woven into the fabric of our history".
The 1619 Project overstates realities that were not all it claims, but the unchallengeable fact is that post-Reconstruction, blacks in America were brutalized in ways as bad as slavery and for many in the south, still subject to it. The practice of better off farmers and business owners getting free labor from the sheriff in the form of black prisoners "paying back" social debt from often trumped up charges or minor ones like drunkeness persisted into the 1940s and even 1950s, while many black women were forced into being a rich man's mistress to avoid abuse to themselves or their families. This horror was only reversed in the lifetime of many of us through the Civil Rights laws of the 1960's.
We can discard the 1619 Project as political and often wrong, but we should take little solace in that given the reality which persisted into recent memory.
This part of US history is already taught. We don’t need leftist propaganda added on top of it.
Well, if you know anything about CRT, it was exactly that propaganda that the proponents of CRT explicitly said was needed, given how they perceived the civil rights movement had petered out by the 1980s. It needed a jolt, a shot in the arm, if you will. So CRT was born.
On the contrary Vexatious, it is not taught in all it's horrors, and thus the fantasy that the results of 340 years of slavery and racism is now erased in 3 generations and while the grandparents are still alive. Yes, great strides have been made - contrary to what many 1619 believers claim - and we have become a nation that is rightly proud of our diverse background and the contributions now evident from a wealth of cultures which much of the rest of the world tries to emulate, but many blacks still struggle from the damage done. Expecting that all to be healed with a new equal start for everyone is the most naive - and self serving - fantasy. We'll be paying for this as a nation for awhile.
On the contrary Vexatious, it is not taught in all it's horrors, and thus the fantasy that the results of 340 years of slavery and racism is now erased in 3 generations and while the grandparents are still alive.
LOL, are you fucking kidding? I realize it's been about 90 years since you were in school, but "slavery in all its horrors" was a standard feature of every American History class I took from middle school all the way up to AP US History my senior year.
Nor was it ever taught that it was "erased," you strawman-erecting motherfucker. If you're going to make an argument, try something other than the question-begging fantasia you and your neomarxist brethren have been claiming for the last 50 years.
As I noted, post reconstruction was a horror which lasted until mid 20th century Red Rocks, it didn't end with slavery. Sorry to challenge your self serving fantasy that white people are the real victims in America now, a popular claim on this MAGA board..
Note how "slavery was erased" became "white people are the real victims".
Motte and Bailey.
Must be code. Anyone buy the ring?
Must be code.
Tactical ignorance is a staple on the left. Literally the first google item:
"Motte and Bailey."
Its hilarious to me that this it one of the most used tactics by the CRT crowd and they actually have no idea what its called
As I noted, Joe, you're strawman-erecting motherfucker making counter-arguments against claims no one made. Sorry to challenge your self-serving fantasy that white people are evil, the popular neomarxist claim.
White guilt really needs to be classified as a mental illness.
Unfortunately due to the people writing the DSM nowadays (woke women have taken over psychology), white fragility is more likely to get an official designation
Cry harder.
Go fuck yourself "Winnie", you lying racist.
the contributions now evident from a wealth of cultures which much of the rest of the world tries to emulate
Jesus Christ, this isn't even factual. No, much of the rest of the world is not actually trying to emulate our radical cultural diversity. In fact, anywhere that such diversity gets introduced tends to get quickly balkanized or rejected outright, even in supposedly "tolerant" western nations.
Expecting that all to be healed with a new equal start for everyone is the most naive - and self serving - fantasy. We'll be paying for this as a nation for awhile.
That's the whole point of the argument for "equity," you stupid fuck. In fact, the whole point of the assertion that we supposedly need to "pay" for this is that the bill will never, ever be satisfied in the minds of those who promote it.
Red Rocks pretends that American culture and leadership in the arts and sciences - brought to you by people of all nationalities and races - is not the aspiration of those around the world. They may not want the turmoil and friction, but we - especially our young - have earned pride for the result. You want to know what the world wants? America.
Expecting that all to be healed with a new equal start for everyone is the most naïve - and self serving - fantasy. We'll be paying for this (340 years of slavery and racism, which was only made illegal 60 years ago) as a nation for awhile. Sorry you can't handle the truth.
Joe Friday pretends that American racial and cultural diversity is an aspiration to those around the world.
We'll be paying for this (340 years of slavery and racism, which was only made illegal 60 years ago) as a nation for awhile. Sorry you can't handle the truth.
Slavery was made illegal over 150 years ago, you simpleton, and racism was never made "illegal"--in fact, you and your fellow travelers practice it frequently. Sorry you can't handle the truth.
In Nichol Hanna-Jones introduces the work by talking about her interest in history and as a young person being a large consumer of history books. She noted that there was little history available for the black experience in our history. If there was plenty of black perspective the 1619 Project would not have been written.
If there was plenty of black perspective the 1619 Project would not have been written.
Talk about begging the question. She's 45 years old, which means there were plenty of books by black authors she could have researched and investigated, not to mention the numerous African-American studies departments across the country that were in existence by the time she reached college.
She was born in 1976.
By that time John Hope Franklin had published plenty of books on black American history - not just scholarly books but one for Time-Life.
W. E. B. DuBois had written his histories and sociological studies long before.
Carter Woodson had not only written books about black American history but had set up a journal.
C. Vann Woodward had published his *Strange Career of Jim Crow,* which (just to be clear) was anti-Jim-Crow.
It's not as if these prominent scholarly figures were unique:
Looking at NHJ's introduction, it seems she's discussing gaps in her *textbooks* and the local *museums,* not in all available history, but even then, some of the available history she could get even in her backward racist school.
On the popular level, when NHJ was one year old white Americans started watching a drama about generations of a slave family, so much so that "I watched *Roots*" became a punch line about earnest white people.
When NHJ was 8 years old, "Solomon Northrup's Odyssey" (based on 12 Years a Slave) came on PBS. Some schools even showed it to their students.
What were you saying, again?
"W. E. B. DuBois had written his histories and sociological studies long before."
I thought the anecdote about DuBois' visit to the Soviet Union was amusing. The Bolsheviks mistakenly called him Colonel DuBois because his American passport recorded his name as W E B DuBois (Col.)
And all these books were in the high school library at Waterloo, IO for her use? My kids went to high school in 2010 to 2020 and I don't recall any of these texts being part of their study of history.
Better hurry and write your own interpretation of history then, rather than using, oh ILL services or the internet.
But I'm not a librarian, so I can't be sure.
I realize you leftist fucks think anyone living outside big city is residing in a shack with nothing but old Sears catalogs to read, but Waterloo does have a sizeable public library.
My kids went to high school in 2010 to 2020 and I don't recall any of these texts being part of their study of history.
Let me guess--another white guilt proprietor who loves diversity at a distance, but lives in a suburban whiteopia because it's where the "good schools" are.
^ this describes, most likely, all the progs here at reason
White mike, chem jeff, m4e, Joe Friday, mtrueman
They all wreak of it
I doubt most of them have kids. Except Shrike, but in his case, ‘having kids’ has a completely different connotation.
Just to highlight the left's absurdity: he now pretends to know every book available in his kids' school libraries. Sure. The thought process is:
Step 1: Ask what argument helps me win the debate.
Step 2: Asset answer from step 1.
Considering whether it is true just isn't relevant.
But you can see his affinity to NHJ: they both just make it up as they go along.
I don't see how it's Cal Cetin's fault that you raised/educated your kids to be racists/revisionist white historians.
"And all these books were in the high school library at Waterloo, IO for her use?"
NONE were? That is your argument now?
"My kids went to high school in 2010 to 2020 and I don't recall any of these texts being part of their study of history."
Perhaps you need more involvement in your kids' education?
Everybody loves fiction, M4E.
You're aware that a lack of availability has little correlation with what is printed, right?
Cry harder.
"The 1619 Project overstates realities that were not all it claims, but the unchallengeable fact is that post-Reconstruction, blacks in America were brutalized in ways as bad as slavery and for many in the south, still subject to it."
Odd that as bad as the South is, in your opinion, the major problems with "brutality" towards black folks occur...not in the South. Weird, huh?
Wow. You really put a lot of effort into this. I appreciate that.
But I could sum it up a lot easier:
The 1619 project is a piece of a larger effort to recreate a racist American society, explicitly for partisan political purposes.
There. Done.
It is really that simple. Once a "post racial society" was announced with the election of Obama, Democrats realized that their number one political weapon was neutered. They were in real danger of losing that stranglehold on the black vote that Johnson crowed about.
So they set out to destroy the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Talk to BLM representatives, and they will tell you directly... A colorblind society is not only not an objective, it is racist to the core.
So, good job. But you need not delve so deep. They were pretty open about it from the beginning. Even the NYT said it was all about getting rid of Trump.
"Once a 'post racial society' was announced with the election of Obama, Democrats realized that their number one political weapon was neutered."
Precisely. A quiet panic ensued, and we got white privilege, systemic racism, intersectionality [ok that was a 20+ year old academic notion that got dusted off], and voila; the definition changed and the goal posts were effectively moved.
And millions of fucking idiots bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
Guilt and shame are powerful weapons.
Not particularly powerful. They are, however, often the only weapons available to the weak and downtrodden.
Once a "post racial society" was announced with the election of Obama, Democrats realized that their number one political weapon was neutered.
The groundwork was laid for this in the universities long before Obama came along. The whole point of things like "whiteness studies," and the concept of "white privilege," which are decades old now, were created explicitly to silo white people into being marked as an oppressor class, while various gender identies were crafted for the same white people to become "allies" as part of an oppressed class.
It isn't any different than what the Maoists did during the Cultural Revolution, with the "red" and "black" designations of who was considered good and bad. Not coincidentally, much of leftism after the 1960s took their cues from this event and created a secular pseudo-religion around it.
No one made that claim Red Rocks and certainly not Obama. As usual, you all here view history as one conspiracy after another, with yourself as the perpetual victim.
Grow up.
Back on your 50 cent payroll I see.
From Quo's link:
"NPR Senior News Analyst Daniel Schorr .... wonders whether the U.S. is entering a new, "post-racial" political era."
Powerful stuff there Quo.
Daniel Schorr of NPR was depersoned swiftly.
Barack Obama also seemed to think there was a lot of discussion that his election marked a post-racial era, though OrangeManBad brought it back.
"After my election, there was talk of a post-racial America. Such a vision, however well-intended, was never realistic. For race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society." -B.O.
Thanks for the Obama quote proving my point Salted.
WTF are you talking about Daniel Schorr?
Obama certainly did a great job dividing America using race.
"you all here view history as one conspiracy after another"
No just the far-left wing version of history and the racist and sexist promotion by the far-left wing of hatred towards white males.
justa, indeed, us poor poor white males in America.
Give me a break.
Bizarre that you subscribe to a theory that has Oprah Winfrey as oppressed and a white homeless veteran as an oppressor.
I guess logic is not really needed.
Literally nothing you wrote here refuted what I said, Joe,
Stop being such an intellectually lazy fucker and learn about the philosophical foundation of what you unthinkingly spew.
Unlike you Red Rocks, I can chew gum and ride a bike. My "philosophical foundation" is the life I've led - which includes growing up in the segregated deep south - and the history I've witnessed. No, I don't subscribe to 1619 and said so above and I don't agree that America is poisoned by the experience to the point that we haven't escaped the reality of that horror. That doesn't mean it hasn't left a scar not yet healed, and that we don't have laws in place outlawing that bullshit. Too nuanced for you? Go fuck yourself you simpleton.
Unlike you Red Rocks, I can chew gum and ride a bike
Bitch, you can't even wipe your own shit-stained ass without the government providing you with an instruction manual.
My "philosophical foundation" is the life I've led - which includes growing up in the segregated deep south - and the history I've witnessed.
A philosophy based entirely on solipsism, then.
Too nuanced for you? Go fuck yourself you simpleton.
Right back at you, you old-assed fossil. With any luck, you'll get knifed by a homeless man.
Are most of you MAGA jerks coprophiliacs like Red and Sevo?
If your kind are going to come here, show some fucking deference and civility.
Now apologize to Red.
As usual, Joe demonstrates the Iron Law of Woke Projection in his reponse.
I'm not woke you twit, but you are MAGA.
I'm not woke you twit, but you are MAGA.
The neomarxist doth protest too much.
You’re not woke? Ok, we believe you.
Yeah, I thought the guy pushing the story that America was founded on racism as being the speaker of truths among perpetual-victim conspiracy nuts was pretty naked projection.
not following mad.
Joe Fuckface demonstrating his tactical ignorance again.
not following mad.
I generally assume this. I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one. Feel free not to let the rest of us know that you can't keep up.
Many times you could use an editor to help you shape your ideas into a coherent form. People get tongue tied. Nothing to be ashamed of. My advice is that you read what you've written before posting, and do so objectively, as though you were a part of the audience the comment was aimed at, rather than the author. A tricky business, I know.
Many times you could use an editor to help you shape your ideas into a coherent form.
Pretty rich coming from someone who parroted the Dee Brown thesis of the American West without realizing where it came from.
mad.casual is free to ignore my advice especially if clarity and coherence are not important considerations. mad.casual seems to expect his comments to be misunderstood. This doesn't have to be the case. Again, an editor, or more time spent objectively rereading comments would be helpful. It's a skill though, and takes time and commitment to master.
mad.casual is free to ignore my advice especially if clarity and coherence are not important considerations.
What exactly about the post was unclear or incoherent?
"What exactly about the post was unclear or incoherent?"
Its meaning. Punctuation was lacking, also. Spelling was excellent, however.
"not following mad"
It's called a run on sentence. Subject verb object is the rule of the game. Hat's off for the spelling, though, which is typically impeccable.
"The 1619 project is a piece of a larger effort to recreate a racist American society, explicitly for partisan political purposes."
Recreate? Those behind the project wouldn't agree that racist American society was ever uncreated. They would probably tell you it's been racist since 1619, as the name implies. When do you think it was uncreated?
If it's a partisan issue, that's because one of the parties wants to minimize the role of slavery and racism in America, the other doesn't.
What a load of shit. You don’t want to teach history, you want to teach leftist sociology, rooted deeply in racism.
Why should you care whether I want to teach leftist sociology or anything else?
And what's this recreate business? When was racism never a part of history in America? The whole point of the project is that it's a thread running unbroken since 1619.
You can teach whatever you want. Just keep that leftist racial grievance shit out of our schools. You keep phrasing things like our real history is hidden from students. It is not. Slavery, the civil war, reconstruction, the Klan, Jim Crow, civil rights,etc. is all taught in schools already.
None of that is what you want. You want the kind of garbage Marxist professors teach in sociology departments as a means to indoctrinate American children. As your bullshit doesn’t work as well with adults.
"You can teach whatever you want."
Thank you, but generous as it is, I don't need your permission.
"You keep phrasing things like our real history is hidden from students."
I'm not saying that at all. The project is not about history per se, but an effort to put slavery at the heart of the American project. It's polemical, a one sided argument against a particular position, rather than a historical investigation. The particular position here is the idea that America is founded on individual liberty, freedom and all those other ideals that were engendered by the Enlightenment.
If you leftists continue to push, you’re going to find out just how much your continued existence hinges on the tolerance of Americans. Just keep your race bait8mg bullshit out of our schools.
" Just keep your race bait8mg bullshit out of our schools."
Children can benefit from looking at history from another vantage point. That's the whole point of the project. Black people aren't interested in your tolerating them. They want at least equal standing.
"Those behind the project wouldn't agree that racist American society was ever uncreated."
They have money to make so, no, they would never admit it."
"If it's a partisan issue, that's because one of the parties wants to minimize the role of slavery and racism in America, the other doesn't."
One party always opposed it and the other, when it was an actually relevant issue, was gung-ho for it.
I'm sure she believes that once reparations are paid, we're finally done and can stop the race apologia, and black Americans will finally be whole.
Pay them "reparations" and they will have blown every penny on crack--or worse--within a month and then we're on to round two
I think I shall block you. I don't know why I feel obliged to mention this, except that it might be a reason you don't get all the responses you may have expected.
Oh no please don't--I don't think I could bare it if I thought we could no longer be friends.
Well duh. It's another product of borderline retarded virulently racist grifting affirmative action pieces of dog manure.
Quelle Surprise.
Gimme your stuff.
Cause slavery.
Like "defunding police", "crt", "transgender woman in competitive sports", 1619 is not what most democratic pols and voters believe or even know about, though you fools believe what the GOP alleges. Of course. You're MAGA, not libertarians.
PS Reparations is not on any Democratic platform and never will be.
You all remember platforms? The GOP used to have them until 2020 when it was replaced with "Whatever Fatso says"
Democrats do have platforms.
Platforms are the shoes they wear.
It's soooooo '70's!
"PS Reparations is not on any Democratic platform and never will be."
California specifically is considering it. Even passed resolutions to investigate it.
Tell me more. I bet it was those CA GOP members who really have all the power there behind it, right?
Define the police wasn’t real? Hahaha!!!!! You do realize there are shitloads of statements from your fellow travelers in the democrat party that says otherwise, right? You’re really committed to this con.
No. Joe Friday is really that dumb. He once claimed that the Soviets broke the back of the Axis.
Either that or an FBI plant trying to incite people to issue death threats.
Sure Chuck, Stalingrad never happened.
"80 percent of all German military casualties occurred on the Eastern Front.",fought%20returned%20after%20the%20war.
PS I didn't say "Axis" I said Germany.
By the way, we lost about 1/4 of those who died of Covid in WWII. Russia lost between 15 and 25 million (records not good - it got a little crazy there.).
Vexatious, I said "not what most democratic pols and voters believe". You get the difference between most of something and some of the same group, right?
By the way it's the Democratic Party., or are you in the Republicanist Party?
No, it’s the democrat party. It isn’t really ‘democratic’. Just a Marxist group seeking to impose a hard left authoritarian regime on Americans. Everything else is just decoration.
Crack. It's a hella of a drug, huh Joe?
"The 1619 Project Unrepentantly Pushes Junk History."
So what?
The proggies have been pushing junk in all facets of academia for decades.
Just look at global cooling, the population bomb, global warming, etc., and that's just science.
One cringes at the bullshit they put in other academic disciplines.
Oh, and by the way, in case you haven't heard, math is now racist according the proggies in academia.
The 1619 crowd undoubtedly is inspired by the Holocaust Tradition. Now, if they could just carve out a country for themselves (preferably inhabited by non-persons such as Arabs) somewhere and acquire an arsenal of nuclear weapons, I'd say they have a chance. Many countries are waiting to add 1619 to the Holocaust on their list of it's-a-crime-to-dispute-it subjects. And many more are eager to establish such lists.
As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list, I've got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed, they never would be missed!
There's weightlifters, bodybuilders, people of that sort
Bank robbers who retire to Spain the minute they get caught
Bishops who don't believe in god, chief constables who do
Or people who host chat shows and the guests what's on them too
And customs men who fumbling through your underwear insist
They'd none of them be missed, They'd none of them be missed!
CHORUS: He's got them on the list, He's got them on the list
And they'll none of them be missed, They'll none of them be missed.
There's the people with pretentious names like Justin, Trish and Rolfe
And the gynecologist, I've got him on the list!
All muggers, joggers, buggers, floggers, people who play golf
They never would be missed, They never would be missed!
All waitresses who make you wait, accountants of all kinds
And actresses who kiss and tell and wiggle their behinds
And poncey little singers who to entertain us try
By dressing up like women and by singing far too high
And who on close observance must be either stoned or pissed
I don't think they'd be missed, I'm sure they'd not be missed!
CHORUS: He's got them on the list, He's got them on the list
And they'll none of them be missed, They'll none of them be missed.
There's the beggars who write letters from the Inland Revenue
And the gossip columnist, I've got him on the list!
All critics, and comedians and opera singers too
They'd none of 'em be missed, They'd none of 'em be missed.
All traffic wardens, bankers, men who sell Venetian blinds
All advertising chappies, and Australians of all kinds
And nasty little editors whose papers are the pits
Who fill their rags with gossip and with huge and floppy... writs
And girls who sell the stories of the Tories they have kissed
But you must have got the gist
They'd none of them be missed, They'd none of them be missed!
CHORUS: You may put them on the list, You may put them on the list
And they'll none of them be missed, they'll none of them be missed!
White bad
That this is still even considered as a valid historical statement says much about those who do. And it is not complimentary.
The historical record is pretty clear that in the aftermath of the Somerset Decision, southerners were concerned that the newly-supreme Parliament of the UK would attempt to modify the Common Law in order to thwart the American colonies' unity in resisting the Intolerable Acts.
Whether that fear was universal or fragmented seems to be the only sticking point, and a minor technicality at that. Hannah-Jones's rhetorical excesses are not an indictment of her work.
It is worth noting, too, that the the fundamental dispute whether sovereign colonies should individually remain in charge of the formal decision to permit or prohibit slavery pitted colonies against the central government in exactly the same manner that it later pitted states against the central government.
I submit for your consideration that given the flimsy basis for the claims authors of The 1619 Project assert, and the indefensible positions they take that the narrative they are telling us is behind it is smokescreen for something much different. These are cunning and sophisticated people who often use rhetoric and linguistic trickery to misdirect examination of their true intentions. I submit to you that the true aims of The 1619 Project is something that exceeds racial injustice in America and the world that participated in the African slave trade. I submit to you that this is the true target of The 1619 Project:
Rene Descartes. The beginning of our Modern World. The Age of Reason. From which the flames for individual freedom and liberty grew to become the raison d'etre for the founding of the United States of America. Reason. To question everything. To apply the scientific method to all things. To discover truth. Truth that could prove or disprove the basis of edicts of rulers and authoritarians. Science. The separation of natural sciences from the social sciences. It was only four years before the dreams of Descartes that Galileo was brought before the Inquisition for daring to say the earth rotates and orbits the sun. Heresy to a Church that proclaimed the earth as the center of the universe.
It is my belief that The 1619 Project is a Marxist reimagining of the United States, and by proxy, democracy, individual liberty and freedom, self-rule, the repudiation of these ideas and ideals with the goal of promoting collectivist authoritarianism as superior to dangerous and selfish individual freedom. Remember,
Marx and Engels wrote:
"We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist. The history of nature, called natural science, does not concern us here; but we will have to examine the history of men, since almost the whole ideology amounts either to a distorted conception of this history or to a complete abstraction from it. Ideology is itself only one of the aspects of this history."
No difference, no distinction can be made between the social and the natural sciences. For if the natural sciences contradict the social science-based public policies of authorities then men will not obey. Much as Marxism views separate religious systems of belief, man mustn't be allowed to contradict authorities when God's law contradicts their public policies.
"Follow the science." Has become an oft-repeated mantra these past two years. Science that has been contradicted by the natural sciences repeatedly. Yet it remains steadfast in the assertions of those saying they are, "following the best science," despite the mountains of evidence in the natural sciences to the contrary. Science that has applied the scientific method of Rene Descartes' inspired by his dream in 1619 has been Ignored. Because it contradicts the social science-based public policies of central authorities. Across all spectrums, from Covid to gender to climate, you name it. Social science masquerading as natural science. Because there can be only one science.
Rene Descartes, a contemporary among many at the dawn of the Age of Reason. As much a father to it as any. As much a grandfather to individual liberty and freedom and the founding of the United States of America as any. And I submit to you the true target of The 1619 Project. Casting democracy and individual liberty and freedom onto the trash heap of history and a return to rule by central authority figures. A continuation of the story of mankind since the dawn of civilization.
Sen Collins announced she was voting for Jackson, so that issue is over. Smart move for Republicans to follow suit unless they want to further cement their reputation as the white people's party. Fl Gov DeSantis is trying to gerrymander Florida's congressional districts to eliminate 2 black districts, so he clearly doesn't want any black votes.
Another false, distorted view. Where would you be without your daily talking points from the likes of Media Matters?
How are Founders' aims in seceding from Britain even relevant to race-based slavery reparations? African Americans, as equal Americans, equally inherit the nation's debts alongside all other Americans. Demanding reparations for crimes to which you're an equal heir seems incongruous. Conversely, if you disclaim your equal share of the country's founding debt, how can you call yourself an equal citizen?
Forget 1619 and 1776.
NHJ wants to fast forward 1793 to 2022 so she and David Brooks can cosplay Madame Lafarge and Robspierre when she gets to his SNL.
"To do so, he draws upon recent statistical analysis that showed a 400 percent expansion in cotton production from 1800 to 1860. In Desmond's telling, this growth stems from the capitalistic refinement of violence to extract labor out of human chattel."
I think it's worth noting that during the timespan in question the slave population expanded by about 440%.
Haha, you don't unerstand... This book is not made to gain any academical respect.
It's made to be given to relativly illiterate people that will read few other books about the subject.
I agree. If it were meant to be a serious work of history, it would have been more focused on primary sources. And likely would have made for extremely tedious reading. It's aimed at a layman who reads the New York Times, so a relatively literate audience, I beg to differ,
Typical Phil Magness. It's as deep as it gets. But it is very good.
"What are we to make of The 1619 Project's anti-capitalism..."
The same thing of the capitalist culture that creates the scheming mortgage backed securities, the too big to fail companies, TIF's etc., etc., etc.
There's no such thing as "junk history"--it's either historically factual, and in context, or it's not history at all.
So, thanks, Reason staff for being part of this insanity. Keep voting for democrats until we are back to the stone age, because mean tweets you know (are you happy now?).
Keep voting for progressives (read: commies) and may STEVE SMITH visit you in your sleep.
"The invention of the cotton gin caused massive growth in the production of cotton in the United States, concentrated mostly in the South. Cotton production expanded from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850."
Oh, and Eli Whitney patented his cotton gin in 1794.