Oregon Will Require People To Wear Masks Outdoors Even if They're Vaccinated
The government "strongly recommends" masking at private outdoor gatherings as well.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, has instituted a new mask mandate: People must now wear masks, even outdoors, and even if they are vaccinated.
The rule covers large public gatherings, though the government "strongly recommends" that people wear masks during small, outdoor social events on their own property as well.
"The Delta variant is spreading fast and wide, throwing our state into a level of crisis we have not yet seen in the pandemic," said Brown in a statement. "Cases and hospitalizations are at a record high. Masks are a quick and simple tool we can immediately deploy to protect ourselves and our families, and quickly help stop further spread of COVID-19."
Of course, the quicker, simpler, and vastly more effective tool is vaccination. Vaccinated individuals are significantly protected from negative health outcomes related to COVID-19, and though the delta variant is vastly more infectious than the original strain, the vaccines still make transmission somewhat less likely.
At this point in the pandemic, forcing vaccinated people to wear masks outside is an unjustifiable act of overreach on the part of government officials. It's also contrary to existing guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which holds that masks are generally not necessary in outdoor settings. The CDC does state that people may wish to voluntarily wear masks during particularly crowded outdoor gatherings out of an abundance of caution, but we know that confirmed outdoor superspreader events are so rare as to be practically nonexistent.
A recent outbreak at Oregon's Pendleton Whisky Music Fest seems to have spooked local authorities; 66 of the 12,000 attendees later tested positive for COVID-19, according to Oregon Live. However, it's far from clear that the infections occurred during the outdoor portions of the event, and 61 of the 66 infected individuals were unvaccinated. It does not make much sense to require all people to wear masks outdoors when only the unvaccinated are at significant risk of being hospitalized with or dying from COVID-19.
But for some health experts, there's no such thing as being too cautious. Oregon Live quotes a University of Washington epidemiologist who puts on a mask before crossing paths with another person while hiking on nature trails near Seattle. "Outdoors we need to use common sense, meaning, 'I'm far enough away from you so I don't get infected,'" Ali Mokdad, the epidemiologist, told the news site.
Indeed, even though the CDC granted vaccinated individuals full permission to drop their masks while outdoors several weeks ago, outdoor masking is still extremely common on the streets of Washington, D.C., where I live.
On the streets of DC, it is still common for somewhere between 20-40% (!) of people to wear masks outdoors. It baffles me that this many people are doing something completely pointless and contrary to health guidance.
— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) August 23, 2021
People have the right to take whatever additional precautions they want. But outdoor transmission—even of the delta variant—still appears to be rare among vaccinated people. The risk of contracting the virus via brief, incidental outdoor contact is extremely low. Mandating masks in such circumstances is a farce, and one unique to the U.S.: European countries do not generally have outdoor mask mandates, even in areas where coronavirus spread is higher than it is here. If the government can make people wear masks under conditions where the threat of illness is negligible, there is no real limit on its pandemic authority whatsoever.
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This is the same state that recently decided you don't have to show proficiency with STEM subjects or anything else to get your high school diplomacy, because racism.
No, you've got it all wrong. It's because you can't expect "those people" to perform as well as white students. So that's totally not racism.
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EXACTLY! It's the subtle racism of low expectations.
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That's funny
If Black and Brown students fail an exam at a higher rate than white students, the exam is by definition racist and must be abolished.
I mean, this is Critical Race Theory 101. I shouldn't have to explain it to you. chemjeff is absolutely right that you should have been taught this in public school.
If Black and Brown students fail an exam at a higher rate than white students, the exam is by definition racist and must be abolished.
Now people, observe, this is how it's done.
It truly was a thing of beauty. The snark level is amazing, but you can still imagine this very sentence emanating from a lefties mouth.
Ze is a true artist.
That's why the newbies take OBL seriously.
You'll hear same out of your local Pols mouth in about a month or so. The Babylon Bee can't keep up
Good one OBL.
But seriously, I've always wondered why Native Americans--perhaps the one group of people who, as a people, experienced the worst that American had to offer for centuries and who, as a people, can point to their near genocide as being on the same level as black slavery in America--why Native Americans are able to outperform black and brown on tests like the SAT (Native Americans top black by about 50 points on SAT, and various "brown" ethnicities by 25 points).
Because their performance has nothin to do with skin color. It does have to do with culture and in the end brains.
That’s pretty egregious, but also not all that accurate a statement of what actually happened. This article has more details:
Fuck off, ENB. That's exactly what went down.
From your own link:
"Rashelle Chase, founder of Mxm Bloc, an advocacy group led by Black women and focused on education and other social justice issues, said certain children struggle with exams and had been hurt by the testing requirements."
The writers and staff at reason don’t care what you backwards rubes think.
“Under the best of circumstances, in totally normal times with no pandemic, there are a number of children who don’t test well,” Chase said, including children of color, those in need of special education, low-income students and early language learners. She added that it’s “not a deficit on the part of those children.”
Sounds like she's singling out brown kids and lumping them in with the short-bussers. Like the Daniel Tosh bit: "I'm a bad test taker." "Oh, you mean you're stupid."
"If the government can make people wear masks under conditions where the threat of illness is negligible, there is no real limit on its pandemic authority whatsoever."
But now that we Koch / Reason libertarians got the Democratic government we wanted, we're guaranteed not to see the one pandemic policy we'd find most problematic — immigration restrictions.
Right? Thank god the crazy Orange Man Bad isn't tweeting from the White House! Now we can all relax and watch Uncle Joe deftly disentangle us from foreign wars.
Thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines and the State Dept is laser-focused on diversity and gender identity
Ironically, athletes AND people in the Army know better than most than good people can be found across all races and religions, and so can assholes.
Oregon Will Require People To Wear Masks Outdoors
Antifa hardest hit.
I thought the only thing ANTIFA did correctly was wear masks.
Right? Fucking cowards only "punch a nazi" when their victim is outnumbered or old, while they hide their faces.
But now they will have a hard time telling friend from foe.
I'm sure there will a "mostly peaceful protest" exception.
The people of Oregon, especially Portland, are Trailblazers.
That’s not great, but it’s an improvement over you d word jokes
West coast governors have a knack of making life hard for their citizens for no reason at all.
Click on Oregon and you see:
73% of beds are being used, leaving 27% empty.
14% of beds are being taken by covid patients.
The number of covid patients could double they would STILL have plenty of room left over. And of course, that's 'people in the hospital positive for covid' and not 'people in the hospital because of covid'.
On the plus side, putting the mask rules in right before the winter spike will show (again) that they do nothing.
On an entirely different note, Oregon has a statewide positive test rate of 13.8%
Now I'm not a genius, but if there's a bug going through 14% of your population, wouldn't you expect 14% of the people in the hospital to have the virus, even if it has nothing to do with why they are there?
Those percentages aren't comparable since people with symptoms are vastly more likely to be tested.
Maybe in April 2020, not today. Most people who are tested are those doing it for work or travel.
The state is running 20k+ tests EVERY SINGLE DAY.
To date, they have had 13,871 hospitalizations.
Less than 1,000 covid patients currently in the hospital.
What's justifying 150,000 tests a week?
Oregon population is 4.2 million.
If 13% have COVID, that would be 546,000 people.
When the numbers fail common sense, check the numbers.
If we PCR tested everybody in the state tomorrow we'd see numbers very close to that, I'm sure.
Although it's reasonable to think some of those tests are 'known positives' and are EXPECTED to come back positive. They shouldn't really be included in the new numbers or the overall positive rate. Of course, asking government to separate those numbers is like talking to a wall.
A number of those hospitalization result from lengthy IV treatments using drugs like Remdesivir. A friend of mine was hospitalized under those circumstances, even though her case wasn’t that severe. The reason was that she couldn’t self administer her IV at home. If less complicated treatment were offered, KungFlu related hospital admissions would decline.
Because their religion requires it. Science!
In truth if you do this you're a slave and you deserve it.
People love being slaves.
What the fuck is wrong with people? Even if masks were great, this should be seen as an intolerable imposition.
Australia and New Zealand beg to differ.
This is a state where it's illegal to pump your own gas.
Don’t conclude there’s anything wrong with people until you see that they are actually complying with the unreasonable law.
Cry me a river over this slight inconvenience. Do you cover your face when you sneeze, or are people's expectations that you do that also a violation of your freedoms? This is being made mandatory for the same reason restaurant employees are required by law to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Otherwise, many simply would not do it. This pandemic has shown us that at least a quarter of the population are inconsiderate fuckheads who only understand the heavy hand of the law.
And if mask mandates worked, you might have a case to argue.
But see California, 2020.
restaurant employees are required by law to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Otherwise, many simply would not do it.
Lol. Please tell me your the type of person who sends food back to the kitchen.
Routine masking outdoors makes no sense unless you are closer to others than a few feet for 10 to 15 minutes.
There is NO supporting experimental data that say otherwise.
but hey you can shroom and only worry about the masks not jail ruining your trip
Your honor, I thought my fuzz was a mask.
"Masks are a quick and simple tool we can immediately deploy"
"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." -- H. L. Mencken
“Masks are a quick and simple tool we can immediately deploy”
So is a hammer.
And Newsom immediately re-deployed lockdowns as a tool last November when case counts started spiking despite the ongoing mask mandate. And the case counts continued their seasonal rise before declining in February.
Hopefully he'll be gone, same time next month
It does not make much sense to require all people to wear masks outdoors when only the unvaccinated are at significant risk of being hospitalized with or dying from COVID-19.
Perhaps it depends on what the real reason for the requirement is?
There is no evidence that masks prevent airborne viral infection among the general public, and ventilation (like being outdoors...) is the leading measure for reducing infection. I used to have a massive list of like every study ever conducted, but I've narrowed it down to the two big ones - see ‘Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers’ and ‘Mask Use and Ventilation Improvements to Reduce COVID-19 Incidence in Elementary Schools — Georgia, November 16–December 11, 2020’. That's the best RCT and observation study, respectively. And of course vaccinated people are still getting hospitalized and dying in Israel, so Robby has chosen a sloppy way to frame this subject. Surprise surprise.
Rico is not for the wearing of masks outdoors, so there is that. And, hardly any surprise, since there is no good data, only fear and bias showing that a mask will do anything that distance and ventilation won't do better. On that note, Ali Mokdad seems like a pretty dim epidemiologist, more of a human cowering machine than reasoning person.
"more of a human cowering machine than reasoning person"
Most of the people I have ever known fit into one of these two groups now, and more the former than later 🙁
We learned this in 1918 with the Spanish Flu. New York apartment buildings have such powerful radiant heaters because they had to be able to warm up the building in the dead of winter with the windows wide open. Because fresh air is good for you.
The CDC's recent data suggests that mask mandates might be responsible for a 0.5% reduction of COVID infections relative to places without mask mandates. Which is it say, that if you might get 1000 infections without a mask mandate, you might get *only* 995 infections with a mandate in place.
And even the unvaccinated aren't at significant risk of being hospitalized or dying from covid19, but Reason shows us how you do controlled opposition.
No kidding. I have been so incredibly disappointed with this publication the last few years. What the hell happened? It has turned into that weird beltway "libertarianism" where they have a few loosely connected talking points, yet the best solutions they can ever recommend are essentially gentle tyranny. Half the time they are missing the most important stories, so often we find ourselves in discussions that are barely relevant. It is really sad to watch Reason waste away.
Most are from D.c. or NY. They are corrupted at this point. They need social validation from societies 80% far left.
Reason's main concern now appears to be protecting corporations from the worst excesses of Progressive collectivism, not protecting the freedom of individuals from the state and its minions.
Or proposing "solutions" that will benefit corporations (like daily testing and contact tracing) in the name of "doing something".
My complaint is that all the mandates, lockdowns, etc. were never even considered for influenza. As recently as 2017/18 flu season estimated number of flu deaths range between 60k and 90k (estimates vary widely since flu deaths are not required to be reported to the CDC).
Not one Karen trying to shame people about murdering grandma ever thought to wear a mask in 2017 in case they might transmit the flu to someone who might die from it. Not one person saying we have a debt to society to safeguard others, that our individual rights must be discarded for the grater good ever supported mandatory flu vaccines, either by government or employers.
Perhaps it depends on what the real reason for the requirement is?
Pretty sure it's because "fuck you, that's why."
More like "on your knees bitch!"
Or when the virus is highly unlikely to spread outdoors.
Or when fresh air is good for you.
Or when mask mandates have yet to be proven to show any effectiveness at all.
Hey, the CDC says 0.5% efficacy is nothing to sneeze at.
Unbelievable, almost. Washington public school makes unvaccinated teens wear ankle monitors. I sincerely hope there's a big lawsuit in this and a parent as brave as Nicole Solas to push it.
Meanwhile in Texas........
A16-year-old football player from Memphis, Tennessee, who was vaccinated against COVID-19 died from the virus over the weekend, his mother told local news.
Quintina Bucker said her son Azorean Tatum—who went by the name of Zo—had asthma and was vaccinated, Memphis-based station WREG-TV reported.
Same answer as before: take your kids out of their schools.
Out of an abundance of caution, close all the schools and return all the funding to the taxpayers, so they can afford a good modern PC and a good high speed internet connection to enable effective virtual learning from the best instructors worldwide.
A recent outbreak at Oregon's Pendleton Whisky Music Fest seems to have spooked local authorities; 66 of the 12,000 attendees later tested positive for COVID-19, according to Oregon Live. However, it's far from clear that the infections occurred during the outdoor portions of the event, and 61 of the 66 infected individuals were unvaccinated. It does not make much sense to require all people to wear masks outdoors when only the unvaccinated are at significant risk of being hospitalized with or dying from COVID-19.
Did anyone who contracted COVID at the concert get hospitalized or die of the disease? Seems weird to talk about the significant risk of death to a subpopulation when the overall risk of contracting the infection, regardless of vaccination, was <1%.
Might as well talk about the disparate impact of lightning strikes on men. Like, literally, the lifetime odds of being struck by lightning are something like 1 in 13,500 and men are more than twice as likely to be struck and 5X more likely to die.
To escape the madness of covid lockdowns and lies, I've been riding bicycle about 75 miles per week (on old railroad trails).
Last week, I got caught in a storm while riding, and a bolt of lightning struck within 100 yards in front of me, then on both sides and behind me. It was very sobering and scary.
You should've brought an umbrella.
He should have worn a mask.
He should have brought more alcohol.
So you literally were more likely to get struck by lightning than to catch COVID while exercising outside.
Wow, 66 out of 12,000 attendees later tested positive. That's over half a percent! They must have caught it there! For some reason the other 11,934 people didn't.
"It does not make much sense to require all people to wear masks outdoors when only the unvaccinated are at significant risk of being hospitalized with or dying from COVID-19."
No one is at "significant risk" of being hospitalize or dying from COVID. A COVID infection is 99.7% survived, except among the octagenarian+ crowd, where it is only 92.5% survived. Infections requiring hospitalization are similarly small as a percentage of infected.
It seems that the more significant risk in being infected is never knowing you were infected because you presented no symptoms.
" A COVID infection is 99.7% survived, "
Where did you get that number from. It is certainly at odds with the CFR from Delta in the US which is between 2% and 3%.
Left wingers want nothing more than the ability to identify their enemies.
I recently noticed many/most people where I live (in Pittsburgh's most Democrat and most woke ward) routinely wear masks (outdoors on sidewalks and indoors in stores, some of which once again require or encourage everyone to wear a mask).
But when I drive 5 miles of the city in any/every direction (where Republicans outnumber Dems), very few people wear masks indoors or outdoors.
Mask mandates do nothing to prevent transmission of covid, but rather are totalitarian policies that are intended to deny individual liberty and to control the new slaves).
I wore a mask just once since Gov Wolf's dictatorial indoor mask mandate ended earlier this year, just last week to file a motion in an adjacent county courthouse, which imposed a mask mandate to enter the building two weeks ago.
Once inside the courthouse, I noticed that nobody who worked there was wearing a mask. When I asked the clerk why nobody else was wearing a mask, she told me that she could put one on if I wanted her to, to which I replied that I didn't care if she wore a mask, but rather was curious why none of the county employees were complying with the county's new mask mandate.
Masks are a collar to remind you that you don't own yourself
"was curious why none of the county employees were complying with the county’s new mask mandate."
They don't mask because they have no need to signal. You socially signal to people in order to gain power- to symbolize you are part of the mob (if a citizen) or to help your mob know what they need to look like (if a politician). These guys in the court house already have all the power they want. They don't care what you think.
I noticed this here in california- the people who go outside wearing their masks, and then the second they are with people they know, those masks come off because there is no need to signal to people you already know.
But when I drive 5 miles of the city in any/every direction (where Republicans outnumber Dems), very few people wear masks indoors or outdoors.
How is there anyone left alive in those districts?
Oh, for fuck's sake.
The head of the [Wisconson] Department of Natural Resources is telling employees to wear face masks on teleconferences — even when they’re not around others and at no risk of spreading the coronavirus.
Natural Resources Secretary Preston Cole reminded employees in a July 31 email that Gov. Tony Evers’ mask order was going into effect the next day. That means every DNR employee must wear a mask while in a DNR facility, noted Cole, an appointee of the Democratic governor.
“Also, wear your mask, even if you are home, to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen — such as on Zoom or another video-conferencing platform — by non-DNR staff,” Cole told his employees. “Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”
66. Out of 12,000.
*bangs head on wall*
But for ___________________ it would be worse.
Look, clearly you don't get it and you are just selfish. Let me be clear - either we're all safe, OR NO ONE IS.
*firmly pats baton in palm*
In SF, you have to have 'papiers' to eat inside a restaurant and the most recent infection rate shown in the Chron claime 11.8/100,000.
The mayor is not anyone from whom you would seek medical advice; her major life achievement was moving from public housing to a rent-controlled apartment.
That's actually a pretty low infection rate in California right now. It's over 25 most places... though it is really peaking. Two weeks ago, locally, it was over 30, last week was flat or a slight decline and yesterday's numbers point to back in the upper 20s here. Hospital numbers are not rising rapidly like in January, though, because most vulnerable are vaccinated.
Delta went up super fast, likely to go down super fast.
However, papers to eat out... that's nothing for San Fransisco. Those assholes LOVE to live in fear. When we were "allowed" to take masks off in June the SF Chronicle had heaps of articles with people scared to death to socialize, even outdoors, demanding people wear masks anyway.
I sit on meetings with these people daily. It is like I dialed into some alternate dimension where I was talking to people riding out the apocalypse in their fallout bunkers.
So, roughly the same percentage as the entire population?
This is an article in the LA Times.
Why Newsom is focusing on ANY opponents is a bit of a mystery, but Elder has got his attention.
As a CA resident, this is one of the few times my vote for a candidate might matter, so they're all getting a look.
D's, Greens and self-proclaimed lefty assholes knocked about half the field out, but it would be nice to figure out which has some chance of affecting the CA state gov't. to even the slightest degree.
Unlike Brandyshit, I'm not looking for a father-figure, so mean tweets are acceptable.
He's focusing on Elder because he needs a demon. His governorship is shit, so he can't run on his record, which means he needs to declare someone the successor then make people scared to death for that person to be in charge. Democrat campaigning 101.
Of course, all the mainstream Democrat media outlets are on board. Now Elder is a wife beater and a white supremecist and I'm sure we'll learn more unsubstantiated horrible things that he just might have been for the next 2 weeks. Probably used to organize gang rape parties when he was in a prep school 40 years ago or whatever.
And the Dems stupidly didn't put up any well known politicians as a failsafe in case Newsom lost (which he will). And even more stupidly, many Dems are declining to vote on the second question (who will replace Newsom if he loses), or even writing in Newsom (who is legally ineligible if he is recalled).
"many Dems are declining to vote on the second question "
That is the height of stupidity, because if Newson is recalled, one of those "hundred" folks will become governor.
Maybe it will be Angelyne the Billboard Queen
Elder said he'd drop mask and jab rules immediately.
The funny thing is that this is one of the first times in California that the commercials are actually going with honestly talking about these peoples' views. It says a lot that the opposition to Elder thinks "He is campaigning on dropping all mask and vaccine mandates" is a winner. Sadly, I think they are right.
Newsom will lose. He peaked at 48% support. The other 17% who voted for him before discovered that he was a hypocrite not following his own mandates, or they lost their job or their small business or their tenants stopped paying them rent.
And Elder only needs 15 or 20 percent of the voters to think, "hey, dropping all these stupid mandates sounds good" to win in a crowded field of 46 candidates. And the Dems are helping to get his message out, thinking it will scare 51% of the people.
Hey Sevo:
As secretary of the Republican Party of San Francisco {can I join? That’s gotta be fun!} I’m wondering who you are endorsing: the guy touring around with a live bear, the guy who used to be a man, but is now a WTF, or the guy who pulled a gun on his bitch girlfriend. I’m interested in what the crank/geezer/closet case/Proud Boy(maybe see closet case) coalition is recommending. You guys have an interesting life for sure.
Sevo will make sure you get to meet the bear.
the guy who used to be a man, but is now a WTF
Transphobic much?
It seemed clear to me that Sevo's voting for the black guy. Why do you hate black people?
Leftists are huge racists. If a black man escapes the democrat plantation, they hunt him down and destroy him.
AmSoc would be the first one to burn a cross on a black republican’s lawn.
Hey, I voted for Caitlyn Jenner to support our LGBTQXYZ community in CA. Veto any new taxes by our 1-party legislature sounded good to me.
They're all better than Newsom, so what does it matter?
usually with a lot of taunting and toddler-like name-calling of his ideological enemies in the process.
They would certainly know all about that, wouldn't they.
Column: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned
When will people learn that Democrats hate us all equally?
There is a reason Democrats rely on young voters.
I filled out my recall ballot today. This is going to be so hilarious.
And despite how insane Oregon's government is being, you know the police will enforce it. The left takes no prisoners.
Holy shit, buckleup manages TWO sentences over here?
Something in the water?
Careful, Buckle, someone has a little crush on you...
Why? Did the addition of a second sentence confuse you?
The books queen gravitates to are without words but instead only contain pictures of animals that one colors in with crayons.
The Left does take prisoners, but then the DA drops the charges.
"On the streets of DC, it is still common for somewhere between 20-40% (!) of people to wear masks outdoors. It baffles me that this many people are doing something completely pointless and contrary to health guidance."
"Of course, the quicker, simpler, and vastly more effective tool is vaccination."
Lol, you can't make this shit up.
of course it would be far simpler for people to get vaccinated. the problem is in the conservative rural counties the residents refuse to because of freedoms or liberty or fear of the vaccine. the state ran a multi-layered lottery already. is the author implying that the state round up the unvaccinated and force them to be vaccinated at gunpoint?
if personal liberty and freedom is paramount, and the culturally backwards county residents want to risk disease, then the medical system ought have the right to deny treatment when capacity is overstretched. And if that is unpalatable, then at least bill the unvaccinated for the national guard costs that were needed to shore up hospital staffing.
Unfortunately, we won't see any of that because reasons. The f@!$ing unvaxxed are selfish backwards pr@#$ demanding to be served when unworthy, and begging prayers for their evil ways.
Now do fatties and drug users.
when fatties and drug users are swarming hospitals all at the same time, dying of asphyxiation, clogging up the works, and passing fatness and addiction as contagion to 5 to 8 other people, come back to me and we can talk.
So no medical care for gays with HIV or STDs either, right? You medical-nazis are fucking retarded.
Also if you smoke or are overweight, no medical care
when smokers and overweight people are swarming hospitals all at the same time, dying of asphyxiation, clogging up the works, and passing smoking addition and overweightness to 5 to 8 other people via airborne transmission, come back to me and we can talk.
when gays, HIV+, and STD patients are swarming hospitals all at the same time, dying of asphyxiation, clogging up the works, and passing gayness, HIV+ and STDs 5 to 8 other people via the air, come back to me and we can talk.
yeah, it's the rural areas. check again.
All the deep dark red counties are rural. the two counties with lower transmission rates have small populations, 1400 and 7800 people.
The jab doesn't stop transmission. It's a 100% selfish act. Now fuck off.
Maybe we should withhold welfare benefits from people who won't get jabbed.
good idea!
"At this point in the pandemic, forcing vaccinated people to wear masks outside is an unjustifiable act of overreach on the part of government officials."
Oh, at THIS point in the pandemic. Good. Right. Gotcha, Soave.
...Oh...just one more thing...
If you think any of this stuff- lockdown for 2 weeks, lockdown for a year, wear a mask, wear two masks, indoors, outdoors all days, close the schools, get a jab, get two jabs, wear a mask and get another jab, don't evict- if you thought ANY of it was not a massive overreach of government power, then you are not a libertarian.
There is absolutely ZERO libertarian case for the government mandating any of the shit they did. And for Soave to decide now that it is a bridge to far says way more about the state of Reason and libertarianism than it says about the government of Oregon.
Now do a private business, moron.
Fuck off shit for brains.
Yup exactly the response I expected. Thanks derp.
You are incredibly stupid.
But you’re still not as dumb as shrike.
And the President's personal spokesperson asking Facebook to deplatform 12 specific accounts is just a friendly suggestion. Those anti-trust hearings are a separate matter altogether.
It's totally a coincidence that when Biden said the lab leak was plausible, the 'experts' at Facebook came to the exact same conclusion instead of adding tags to his posts.
Let us know when the baker won't be forced to make the cake?
I can't find where the author said vaccines should be mandated.
I did see the author try to persuade readers to take the vaccine.
What's wrong with that?
We understand. You think it is unconscionable that someone would dare make their own choices of their own risks. You prefer to keep beating a dead horse and brow beating them into compliance. Youre the type of asshole who fucks up steaks because someone ordered them counter to how you prefer them.
You honestly are too dense to understand the conversation you already had with Overt on this subject all of yesterday. And I still find it I Trigun you still can't criticize the democrats even in this fucking thread despite saying...
August.24.2021 at 3:39 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
Also, it’s kinda sad seeing you sucking up to the conservative trolls
Whoops. Wrong cut paste. Here.
August.23.2021 at 1:21 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
Except that I’m not supporting or ignoring the other. People like you just glaze over posts where I’m critical of Dems because it doesn’t fit your cognitive biases.
Who are you talking to? The voices in your head? Brow beating? Reallh?
And yeah, if I was cooking broiler when you ordered yours MW, I'd find the fattiest, gristliest piece I could find and burn the shit out of it. Nothing personal, but if you want to ruin meat, you won't ruin good meat on my watch.
Agreed. Youre a piece of shit who takes offense to people making their own choices. We have established this. And are you such a drunk you already forgot about yesterday's roundup thread. Seek help man. It was barely 30 hours ago.
You understand your cries of common courtesy are worth 2 shits when you admit you fuck peoples food up right? Or are you such a hypocrite you don't understand that?
I mean, you still think asking asymptomatic non infected people to wear a mask is an act of courtesy. It is anti science and simply ignorant. Yet you greely admit to fucking up peoples food. Youre literally a hypocritical piece of shit.
I really don't understand how "It'd be great if you.." is read as "I want to force you..."
Accuse me of defending Reason and being an employee and whatever else nonsense makes you happy. Fact is that nothing in that article said vaccines should be mandatory. Yet your comments accuse the author of exactly that.
Are you dishonest? Conservative virtue signaling? Retarded?
August.23.2021 at 1:21 pm
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Except that I’m not supporting or ignoring the other. People like you just glaze over posts where I’m critical of Dems because it doesn’t fit your cognitive biases.
Jesse 10000000, Screetch nothing.
“ Fact is that nothing in that article said vaccines should be mandatory.”
Neither did Overt’s post.
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
(eighty) two weeks to flatten the curve.
(eighty) two weeks to flatten the populace - - - - - - -
Well, that is how long it will take them to complete their first 5 year plan... optimistically speaking
Too weak to question authority.
It's been discussed before (way back when "flatten the curve" was a new thing) that flattening the curve does not change the area under the curve. We're not saving anyone, we're just delaying their inevitable infection and potential death from COVID.
Now, vaccines may in fact save some people, but prior to the jab...and masks, lockdowns, etc. don't do anything except possibly delay the inevitable.
I told you before, you are confusing the virus with an incompressible fluid.
The real fakery was the notion that one could crush the curve
Indeed, even though the CDC granted vaccinated individuals full permission to drop their masks while outdoors several weeks ago.
Did I really read that correctly?
I need permission from the CDC to not wear a mask? I don't think so Mr. Soave.
You need a permission slip not to wear a mask. <- coming in 2022
Note: I do NOT approve of this mandate!
My wife just read the law, and the "outdoor events" listed include things like attending crowded sporting events and the like, where one is unable to "socially distance" AND where one is going to spend considerable time "rubbing elbows," so to speak, with other folks. Passing folks on the street, or even talking to them for a few minutes, does not qualify as a "hazardous" situation. And, even if you were at a picnic, as long as you aren't dancing cheek-to-cheek, it doesn't necessarily apply. THE MANDATE SUCKS ANYWAY.
And, of course, since government agents will be the ones ultimately determining what is "safe," what is "acceptable" may be hard to predict.
Actually no, they don't. According the CDC's own data from April, hospitalizations and deaths are the same in breakthrough cases as in the general population. (10% and 2% respectively). The CDC's solution was to stop counting breakthrough cases May 1st.
OSHA also stopped counting negative outcomes as a result of employer-mandated vaccines (in contradiction to the law requiring such reporting). "OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts."
If we don't require anyone to report them, we can't count them, so the numbers can't be used against us or the narrative.
Try enforcing this outside of woke portland and eugene..ha ha
The bolshevik gov should be chased from office back to whatever eastern european country of her commie roots.
So we began pulling troops out of Afghanistan (again) today.
Administration is sticking to the 8/31 deadline, apparently undercutting G7 allies (GB, France, Germany) who'd wanted to lobby the Taliban for more time utilizing a united front. Administration is worried about potential attacks on US soldiers/the airport.
So far, only 10-15% of those evacuated by the US have been Americans. The majority are completely unvetted Afghans who were simply able to push their way to the front of the line, with no knowledge of how they got through Taliban checkpoints to the airport. Administration/State has told NGOs to prepare for at least 50,000 "refugees" to be settled in the US.
Some number of Americans will probably be left behind.
Seems like something Reason should be covering, but nothing so far...
“It’s another hostage. Should I say you’re not here?” [pic]
Thank you for sharing this information.
What a little bitch.
Getting dragged in the comments, except for those child molesters at Bulwark.
Perhaps rightwing populist MAGA types should try harder to disguise their open admiration for the Taliban
Twitter is politically savvy but I’m going to post this anyway.
The district attorney of San Francisco Chesa Boudin was raised by two NY far-left extremists after his parents, different far-left extremists, were arrested and imprisoned for murder when he was 14 months-old. …..
His mother was released from prison and is now a professor at Columbia. lol Cuomo granted his father clemency and he’ll probably get out.
My point is we’re constantly told how far-right extremism is the biggest threat facing the nation when far-left extremists …..
are lawyers, AGs. DAs, SPLC, ADL, professors,etc. It’s a fucking joke. There are exactly ZERO far-right extremists in positions of power in the country. The left has 100% of the institutions and most of media.
Chesa’s family ties wouldn’t matter except that he is also a far-left extremist currently destroying San Francisco with out of control crime and misery.
The far-left communists played the long game. They were very smart. Got into positions of power both on the federal level but more importantly on state and local level. They’re on school boards and everything else. How do we get out of this? One step is to run for election.
We hope that the Corona virus will be eradicated as soon as possible.
We have made it possible for people to decorate their homes at the lowest prices when facing the Corona virus.our website is:
Because of course they will. Even though there was never any point in wearing a mask outside, even before the vaccines.
Maybe it is just her attempt to motivate the vaccinated to get vaccinated!!!! (sarc)
Again, the virus in in Antarctica, the least human populated place on Earth. It has been found deep in the Amazon jungle, and on isolated Pacific islands. It has been found in wild animals in the forests. Why would this policy change anything?
Maybe it is just her attempt to motivate the unvaccinated to get vaccinated!!!! (sarc)
Again, the virus in in Antarctica, the least human populated place on Earth. It has been found deep in the Amazon jungle, and on isolated Pacific islands. It has been found in wild animals in the forests. Why would this policy change anything?
Oregon governor to be photographed at large outdoor event without mask in 3...2...1...
Oregon will require your pets (dogs and cats) to wear masks in case they are capable of passing the Covid virus along. The state is currently deciding whether the rule will also apply to goldfish and tropical fish.
Goldfish, of COURSE yes. But tropical fish? No way. that would be RAY CYST
So Ms. Brown's claim to fame is she hooked up with a women in college and is a soccer mom..yes the kind of woke morons who dominate school boards..all PTA moms who get their friends to elected them hoping for preferential treatment when little Jackie gets caught smoking pot behind the school.
The reason govt has latched on to masks is it allows them to provide assurance/security/certainty to the mindless idiots in society who voted for them (they can't say "well we honestly don't have all the answers.." less they get voted out) and to distract them by creating a scapegoat...i.e. maskless folks.
There really is a cabal of govt elites, big tech, ngos, and the media to keep these bolsheviks in power...and it all needs to end...
quote: "Of course, the quicker, simpler, and vastly more effective tool is vaccination. Vaccinated individuals are significantly protected from negative health outcomes related to COVID-19"
B B B Bb b buttt. iF the whacksine really WORKS as claimed, I am alreadyt prpotected.... so no mask is necessary. The ONLY reason the mug nappie would be beneficial is if the poke in the arm DOESN"T WORK as claimed.
Me, I've not worn the stupid thing accross my mug yet, been around close to half a dozen KNOWN cases, never got symptom one.
These numbers from the misuc event.. of TWELVE THOUSAND folks ttenidng, only SIXTY SIX "got the disease"? That's nuthin' That is less than pint zero zero five PERCENT. My chances of being hit by linghgint are far higher, and my chances of getting killed or seriously injured in a car prangup are infitnietly higher than that. Yes, I wear my seatbelts. Neveryet NEEDED them, in two and a half million miles of highway driving. Everything from a Honda Fifty to a tractor and trailer big rig.
Day gonna haffta invent sumthin a bit more convincing than this to get ME to slap that rag accross my muzzle. My big beard prevents the stupid things from doing anything anyway.
"Though the delta variant is vastly more infectious than the original strain, the vaccines still make transmission somewhat less likely."
Complete, total and utter bullshit. Read the pre-print Oxford study in the Lancet [1] of vaccinated Vietnam healthcare workers. I quote: "Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020". The higher the viral load, the higher the chance of spreading the disease. So no, Robby. Try again.
Read this [2] for a breakdown of the paper.
[1] https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3897733
[2] https://z3news.com/w/study-fully-vaccinated-healthcare-workers-carry-251-times-viral-load-pose-threat-to-unvaccinated-patients-co-workers/
Biopharmaceutical Process
Biopharmaceutical products are synthesized by living cells, and hence during the purification process the substrates for growth, host cell components and product variants must be removed. These impurities include: