In 2020, Teachers Unions and Police Unions Showed Their True Colors
It's time for the left and the right to take a hard look at their favorite public-sector unions.

From the spread of COVID-19 and the wave of state-imposed closures that followed to the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the unrest that ensued, 2020 was a year in which American institutions flailed and failed. And few failures were bigger or more apparent than those of public-sector unions.
By pushing to keep schools closed even as evidence mounted that in-person classes were relatively low-risk and remote learning was ineffective, teachers unions failed students and parents. By pushing to protect bad cops in the wake of multiple scandals, police unions failed the public they were sworn to protect. And in the process, America got a glimpse of what public-sector unions, regardless of the profession they represent, really do.
Unions that represent government employees seek to maintain an image of themselves as protectors of common institutions that can be relied upon to serve the public interest. But the upheavals of 2020 made clear that the priority for public-sector unions is the opposite: to protect the interests of taxpayer-funded employees, especially when those interests diverge from those of the public they nominally serve.
Yet the politics of public-sector unions have left reforms in limbo. Culturally and politically, police have long been linked with the American right. Teachers, in contrast, are a core constituency of the Democratic Party and some of its loudest supporters and biggest donors.
Public-sector union reform should be a bipartisan issue. Instead, it has stalled or inched along, with each side protect-ing its own.
Teachers vs. Children and Parents
Of all the missteps and public policy failures of 2020, few were more egregious than the failure to reopen public schools for young children. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools were shuttered across the nation out of fear that they would become vectors of viral spread. But by mid-summer, evidence from other countries that had reopened their schools, combined with data on how often and how severely children contract the disease, pointed to a clear conclusion: Schools—especially for younger students—were relatively safe. "School districts should prioritize reopening schools full time, especially for grades K-5 and students with special needs," declared a press release describing a July report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Some states, many with Republican governors, chose to bring children back to classrooms in some fashion. But others did not, preferring hastily cobbled-together forms of virtual education. According to one tracker, 62 percent of public schools began the fall semester online only. The dire effects were plain to see. Young children of all demographics fared badly in virtual school, unable to focus effectively on screen-based education from home. The negative effects were most pronounced among poor and minority students, who often lacked consistent access to computers or internet connections and whose chaotic home lives often made learning even more difficult.
A November report from the NWEA, a nonprofit education research organization, examined test scores from more than 4.4 million students and found that kids in third to eighth grade performed 5–10 points worse, on average, than a year prior. Black and Hispanic students, as well as those who attended schools in low-income areas, saw significant declines in reading test scores. The analysis concluded that "the impacts of COVID-19 on achievement for the most vulnerable students may be underestimated."
The decision to close schools also hurt the careers of working mothers. By September 2020, about 1.1 million adults had dropped out of the U.S. workforce; 865,000 were women, according to the National Women's Law Center.
There was little good-faith dispute about the merits of in-person instruction, the consequences of closure, and the safety of reopening. Although many prominent public health experts initially were cautious, by fall even they had come around. "The default position should be to try as best as possible, within reason, to keep the children in school, to get them back to school," said Anthony Fauci, a White House health adviser and the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in November.
The decision to keep so many schools closed was egregious because it was avoidable. It was egregious because its consequences were easy to predict. And it was egregious because it was largely the product of an organized fear campaign by a self-righteous, self-interested political faction that has for years been pursuing its own interests in direct opposition to the betterment of the families and children it is supposed to serve.
Across the country, teachers unions did everything they could to stop reopening. In July, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten threatened "protests," "grievances or lawsuits," and even "safety strikes." The following month in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot reversed a plan to partially reopen schools two days after the Chicago Teachers Union—which went on strike in 2019—marched against resuming in-person instruction.
The unions' rhetoric emphasized the question of whether reopening schools was safe. Teachers in Washington, D.C., lined up body bags outside school system offices. Weingarten's opposition was premised on teacher and student safety. During the summer, the Florida Education Association filed a lawsuit seeking to block the state's reopening plan on the grounds that it "arbitrarily disregards safety."
But there was little sound reason to believe that schools were particularly unsafe. Children represented a tiny fraction of recorded COVID-19 cases, even in areas with significant outbreaks, and an even tinier share of deaths from the disease. Research in other countries found that virus transmission among schoolchildren, or between them and staff, was rare.
In New York City, where reopening was especially chaotic, labor representatives negotiated an agreement with Mayor Bill de Blasio to close schools if the city's COVID-19 test positivity rate reached a seven-day average of more than 3 percent. But that threshold had no scientific justification. De Blasio defended it as a "social contract," which sounded suspiciously like a way to avoid admitting it was pulled out of thin air.
There was never any attempt to justify the 3 percent trigger with evidence. "We don't know what the science was behind it," observes Daniel DiSalvo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a professor of political science in the Colin Powell School at the City College of New York. The basic idea, he says, was "let's make it low."
Yet in November, as COVID-19 cases once again began to spike in New York, the never-justified standard resulted in the abrupt closure of city schools (a decision that de Blasio later partially reversed). That result made no scientific sense. "If you look at the data, the spread among children and from children is not very big at all," Fauci noted in November.
Teachers unions were "absolutely central players" in the battle over New York's schools, says DiSalvo. "The coronavirus has shown a spotlight on the ways in which teachers unions' interests and kids' and parents' interests are not aligned." A similar misalignment is clear from the behavior of police unions.
Police Jobs vs. Lives
On May 25, Minneapolis police arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, following a 911 call reporting that he had used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. Less than 20 minutes after police arrived on the scene in response to that call, Floyd was dead.
An officer named Derek Chauvin had kneeled on Floyd's neck for well over seven minutes, disregarding his repeated complaints that he could not breathe and keeping him pinned for minutes after he fell silent and lost consciousness. Two other officers helped restrain Floyd, while a fourth stood by as Floyd died under Chauvin's knee. The incident was captured in a shocking cellphone video.
The following day, all four officers were fired. Chauvin was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter; his colleagues were charged with aiding and abetting those crimes. Their trial is set to begin in March 2021. In the weeks after Floyd's death, cities across America saw massive protests against the police brutality that had cost his life.
The four officers' conduct drew criticism from nearly all quarters. Politicians, pundits, and protesters held up the cops' brutal indifference as a symbol of bad policing. Chauvin and his fellow officers nonetheless enjoyed a vociferous defense from the local police union.
Bob Kroll, president of the Police Officers Union of Minneapolis, wrote a letter to union members blasting the officers' dismissal, saying they were "terminated without due process." There was no mention of whether George Floyd had received due process before he was choked to death on the street. Instead, Kroll complained that the news media were refusing to air Floyd's "violent criminal history." He said he was in contact with criminal defense lawyers for the officers and was working "with our labor attorneys to fight for their jobs."
Chauvin had unceremoniously killed a man accused of using a phony $20 bill. In his last moments, Floyd fought for his life. Kroll and the police union responded by fighting for Chauvin's job.
More than anything else, police unions exist to defend the employment prerogatives of their members—especially when they perform badly or abuse the public trust. Police may exist to protect the people. But police unions exist to protect the police.
Sometimes, as in Chauvin's case, this imperative manifests itself in high-profile demonstrations of loyalty to cops whose actions or inactions have proven dangerous or deadly. After Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Brian Miller was fired for neglect of duty because he hid behind his car while a gunman murdered 17 students at a Parkland, Florida, high school in 2018, the local police union backed a two-year arbitration process that last summer resulted in Miller's reinstatement with full back pay. The students had lost their lives. Miller had lost his job. But with the union's support, he got it back, along with his taxpayer-funded annual salary of $138,000.
Sometimes police unions' protective efforts are less visible. A signature demand of police unions is that their contract negotiations be hidden from public view. In June, following the national outcry over Floyd's death, Philadelphia Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson sponsored a bill allowing city residents to comment on police contract proposals before they are submitted to the union. The bill, which the city council approved in September, maintained a longtime prohibition of public input on final approval of contracts. "This legislation seeks to mandate public transparency and accountability in a process that has been shrouded in secrecy for too long," Richardson said.
In October, the local Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) responded with a lawsuit seeking to block the reform. "We had to do something in order to put an end to what they're doing, demonizing police officers in the city of Philadelphia," FOP President John McNesby argued at a press conference. Letting the public see and comment on the contract process was akin to "demonizing police officers." It had to be stopped.
When those contracts do become public, it's clear why police unions want them shrouded in secrecy. They routinely include provisions that single out police for special treatment, giving them legal protections that no ordinary citizen could expect, much less demand as part of a compensation package.
Those protections became a point of controversy in Louisville, Kentucky, following the March 13, 2020, police shooting of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black woman. City police used a battering ram to knock down Taylor's door in the middle of the night while serving a search warrant based on the unsubstantiated suspicion that she was participating in a former boyfriend's drug trafficking operation.
Taylor and her current boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, were in bed at the time. After hearing the tumult at the door, Walker grabbed a handgun and fired once at the intruders, striking an officer in the leg. Walker later said he believed he was defending himself and Taylor against dangerous criminals.
Three officers responded to the shot fired by Walker with a hail of 32 bullets, killing Taylor. The police found no drugs or any other evidence that Taylor was involved in criminal activity.
After Taylor's death, Louisville's interim police chief, Robert Schroeder, concluded that Detective Brett Hankison, one of the officers involved in the raid, "displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life" when he "wantonly and blindly fired 10 rounds" into Taylor's apartment. Noting that some of those bullets entered a neighboring apartment, Schroeder said Hankison's recklessness posed a "substantial danger of death and serious injury" to the public.
"I find your conduct a shock to the conscience," Schroeder wrote in a letter announcing his intent to terminate Hankinson's employment. "I am alarmed and stunned you used deadly force in this fashion."
But before he could fire Hankison, Schroeder had to go through the police union. The termination procedures in the police contract guaranteed a "pre-termination hearing" with legal counsel present, a right to make a case for less severe punishment, and a right to appeal to the Police Merit Board, which could overturn the chief's decision if it decided termination was excessive.
Hankison, who in September was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment, was fired in June 2020. But in stark contrast with the unusually rapid dismissal of the officers involved in Floyd's killing, it took three months—and a loud public outcry linking Taylor's death to Floyd's—to get Hankison off the force. He has filed an appeal to the merit board to be heard following the conclusion of the criminal case.
In the months after Taylor's killing, meanwhile, the city of Louisville began renegotiating its contract with the police department. Those negotiations provoked an intense debate about reforms intended to mitigate police abuse. The main obstacle? The local police union.
In November, the city council approved a new contract that included additional benefits and multiple protections for police, among them a provision allowing some disciplinary records to be destroyed after specified lengths of time. "What is largely missing from it are just fundamental accountability requirements that allow the department to sufficiently discipline officers who commit misconduct," Brandon Coan, the most outspoken critic of the police union on the council, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Among the provisions the union defended most aggressively: a ban on officer layoffs.
Public-Sector Privilege
More than anything else, what connects police and teachers unions is the determination to guarantee their members' jobs.
In theory, this emphasis on employment protection represents a contractual safeguard against politically motivated firings, unfair judgments, personal vendettas, or unexpected budget cuts. Public-sector workers, whose salaries are paid with tax dollars, face a different kind of scrutiny than many of their private peers. These protections ostensibly represent an attempt to guarantee fairness in the face of unique pressure.
In practice, however, public-sector unions exert a disproportionate amount of effort defending their worst members—not just the ones whose performance is subpar but the ones who are actively malign. Unions show their unwavering dedication to protecting their members' jobs by making sure it's very difficult—sometimes nearly impossible—to fire a union member, no matter what that person has done. It's not the easy cases where the unions demonstrate the strength of their commitment; it's the hard ones.
For police, that means violent and otherwise abusive officers, those whose actions have harmed people or cost them their lives. For teachers, it means educators who are worse than incompetent—those who have been accused of abuse, or worse.
In a 2009 story for The New Yorker, journalist Steven Brill explored New York City's "rubber rooms"—holding pens for hundreds of teachers who had been taken off the job pending disciplinary action or review but were still receiving their full salaries. A school principal quoted in the story said AFT's Weingarten would "protect a dead body in the classroom." It didn't matter what the teachers had done. It mattered that they kept their paychecks.
The following year, the teachers union agreed to a deal that was supposed to eliminate what were euphemistically called "reassignment centers." But six years later, the New York Post found they were still in use, still holding hundreds of teachers, often for years at a time, who were earning full salaries on the public's dime to nap and play board games. "They're just letting me sit here," one unnamed reassigned teacher told the Post. He had been accused of physically abusing students, which he denied. He said he made about $70,000 a year.
The determination to protect the jobs of poor performers can even trump the desire to increase compensation. More than a decade ago, when Michelle Rhee first became chancellor of the Washington, D.C., school system, she proposed a system in which teachers could choose to weaken seniority and tenure protections in exchange for substantially increased salaries. Essentially, her plan was to reward high performers while making it easier to part ways with those who didn't pass muster. A union-commissioned poll found that teachers opposed the proposal by a 3–1 ratio. Months later, when Rhee pushed forward with firing teachers found to be ineffective, The New York Times reported that the president of the Washington Teachers' Union "responded by promising that the union would help teachers use all procedures available to protect their jobs."
If jobs, regardless of performance, are the first thing unions seek to protect, benefits are the second. Public-sector unions repeatedly have fought for hefty benefits packages, including retirement and health plans, that add considerably to their compensation. And no benefit is more important to public-sector unions than pensions.
Long before the economic meltdown of 2020, public pensions were a huge drag on state budgets. At the beginning of the year, states already carried $1.2 trillion in pension debt.
At times, this enormous fiscal obligation overwhelmed other public priorities—including education and policing. The share of state education funding devoted to pensions doubled between 2001 and 2018, from 7.5 percent to 14.4 percent, according to an April 2020 report from the nonprofit Equable, representing a "hidden cut" to education funding. Those cuts, the report said, tended to affect poorer school districts the most.
Public-sector pensions are often legally protected in ways that make reforms difficult. The details vary by state, but the police retirement plan in Austin, Texas, offers a useful example.
In 2018, the Austin Police Retirement System had about $582 million in liabilities, an increase of more than $175 million from just a year earlier. As a result of this fiscal burden, Moody's Investors Service downgraded the city's bond rating, which was apt to increase the city's borrowing costs. Over the summer, the city council responded by approving a cut of more than $150 million from the police budget. But the city didn't touch the pension fund, because in Texas it's constitutionally protected. And even after the budget cuts, pension obligations were projected to continue rising. Effectively, the city chopped spending on day-to-day policing to help offset the cost of continuing to pay officers who were long off the job.
Unthinkable and Intolerable
Public-sector unions have always been controversial. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt warned that "the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service." Although he was a staunch supporter of private-sector unionism, Roosevelt believed the costs were different in public-sector work. A "strike of public employees," he said, "manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to obstruct the operations of government until their demands are satisfied. Such action looking toward the paralysis of government by those who have sworn to support it is unthinkable and intolerable."
At the close of 2020, Roosevelt's warnings felt especially prophetic. While teachers did not technically go on strike, they explicitly threatened to do so, and in many cities and states educators, backed by unions, successfully argued their way into remote-teaching arrangements that did deep damage to the nation's youth. In November, teachers in the Washington, D.C., school system staged a "sick-out" that caused city officials to cancel reopening plans for especially needy elementary school students. Because of union opposition, Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee said, the system simply wouldn't have enough teachers available to staff the schools.
Police did not officially walk off the job either. But following the Floyd killing, there were multiple reports of "blue flu," which amounts to a soft strike in which officers call in sick.
In Atlanta, 170 officers called in sick in June after two officers were charged in a shooting. In July, the Los Angeles Times reported that an unsigned letter circulating among officers was encouraging them to "send a clear message" by calling in sick in response to nationwide protests against police abuse. The letter warned that a laundry list of union priorities were threatened. "They succeeded in defunding the police; what do you think is next? Our pay? Our benefits? Our pensions?" the letter said. "You're God Damn right all those things are in jeopardy now." Last summer, murders spiked in cities across the country. Although multiple factors were involved, including agitation from the pandemic and associated lockdowns, there was enough speculation that police had intentionally reduced their presence that The Christian Science Monitor published a piece noting the crime spike and wondering if "police, in at least some cases, [had] partially ceded the streets."
Public opinion also seemed to shift, with clear majorities supporting reform of police unions. According to an August 2020 Cato Institute/YouGov poll, 84 percent of Americans, including majorities of both Democrats and Republicans, opposed police union contracts that require officer misconduct records to be erased after a specified period of time. The poll also found that 62 percent of respondents believed police unions should be prohibited from collectively bargaining over methods used to hold officers accountable for misconduct.
The split on the latter question was more partisan, with Democrats substantially more likely to oppose such contract provisions. A Gallup poll conducted during the summer likewise found that while 89 percent of Democrats said major changes were needed to American policing, just 14 percent of Republicans agreed.
Regarding teachers unions, an August poll from Rasmussen found that 39 percent of respondents thought it was a good thing that most teachers belong to unions, down from 45 percent in 2019. An Education Next survey published in August found that majorities of both Republicans and Democrats supported school choice policies such as giving low-income parents tax credits to pay for private school tuition. But even in the midst of the most visible public education crisis in decades, teachers and local schools remained quite popular, with Democrats substantially more likely to support increased funding for public education.
Teachers unions remain closely linked with the Democratic Party. "Since 1990, the AFT and the [National Education Association] have regularly been among the top 10 contributors to federal electoral campaigns," according to another Education Next report. It noted that Democrats receive "the vast majority of [the two unions'] hard-money campaign contributions as well as in-kind contributions for get-out-the-vote operations."
Those partisan differences could help explain why what might have been a moment of bipartisan reflection instead became a moment of retreat to predictable political corners.
Yes, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on police reform in June, just before Sen. Tim Scott (R–S.C.) unveiled a bill that would encourage local departments to ban chokeholds and modestly increase police accountability by creating a national database of misconduct.
And yes, San Francisco Mayor London Breed issued a strongly worded statement slamming teachers for dithering about renaming schools while most of them remained closed. "While many private schools are open today, our public schools have still not yet made a firm plan to open," she wrote in October. "Parents are frustrated and looking for answers. The achievement gap is widening as our public schools [sic] kids are falling further behind every single day….In the midst of this once in a century challenge, to hear that the District is focusing energy and resources on renaming schools—schools that they haven't even opened—is offensive."
But these were half measures at best. Both Trump's order and Scott's bill represented minimal efforts, more symbolic than meaningful. Notably, most Republicans remained firmly opposed to making any changes to qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that shields government employees from civil liability even for egregious misconduct. Trump spent the summer tweeting constantly in support of police. In one case, after a Buffalo, New York, police officer was caught on camera pushing a 75-year-old protester to the ground, Trump speculated in a tweet that the elderly gentleman might have been an "ANTIFA provocateur" who faked a hard fall as part of a "setup."
The first bullet-pointed item in Joe Biden's education plan was not a program to help students or to reopen closed schools. It was "support our educators by giving them the pay and the dignity they deserve." Biden's plan was to pay and praise teachers more. In early December, after he named Connecticut Chief of Schools Miguel A. Cardona secretary of education, Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, pointed to Cardona's former AFT membership and praised his "deep respect for educators and their unions." Biden's preferred choice for health and human services secretary, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, was initially blocked by unions "because of her record on pension changes," according to The New York Times. Biden later tapped her for Commerce Secretary, but her work on Rhode Island's public pension demonstrates the difficulty of even modest reform.
As the state's treasurer in the early 2010s, Raimondo, a Rhodes scholar who studied economics at Harvard, spearheaded a series of changes to the state's pension program, cutting cost-of-living adjustments for retirees and moving current workers to a hybrid pension/savings plan. "A big part of the reason we were not having enough money for public buses and playgrounds and libraries and after-school sports is because the pension liability was gobbling up an increasingly large percent of the budget," she told Roll Call in 2016.
The state's finances improved, but in 2016 its public pensions were still underfunded, covering 57 percent of total obligations for teachers and 59 percent for other public workers (up from 49 percent in 2010). A coalition of public employees neverthe-less sued to block Raimondo's overhaul, eventually settling out of court. By 2019, the share of obligations covered by the state's pension funds had shrunk to 55 percent for teachers and 53 percent for other employees.
The lesson for public-sector reformers is clear: Even relatively small changes are likely to provoke significant political pushback.
Institutional Failure
What do schools and police represent? What is their role in society? They are publicly funded programs, and they are employers. But they are also institutions that represent broad-based public values: the care and education of children; public safety and order. Yet police and teachers unions have consistently treated these institutions as employment fiefdoms—as entitlements for a class of privileged workers—rather than public trusts. They have behaved in ways contrary to the values those institutions are intended to uphold.
In the process, they have failed the public they are supposed to serve. In Roosevelt's words, they have contributed to "the paralysis of government."
Yet politically, that paralysis turned out to be neither unthinkable nor intolerable. Instead, it was largely business as usual, with public-sector unions proceeding as they always have and, without reform, always will. The multiple calamities of 2020 did not cause public-sector unions to fail. They showed us all the ways they already had.
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"...the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the unrest that ensued..."
But, despite the billions of dollars of damage to both public and private property, and the 30 or so deaths, not an insurrection.
I can see the argument for calling the rioting over police reform an insurrection(s), just as long as you don’t go around saying there is no way the storming of the Capitol can be called an insurrection.
Still wondering what it took to get banned from Reason?
His remarks are too close to the Reason party line to be the cause of banning.
and yet he still got banned Brandybuck
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Yeah, Republican here. Don't like any union protections. At all. So's assumption that I have a favorite public sector union is bullshit. So, can fuck itself to death.
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It's at least plausible that the Capitol Building attack was a one-off event, even accidental when they discovered there were so few police about.
It's in no way plausible that the continued riots all sprint, summer, and fall, the looting, burning, and murdering, the autonomous zones set up with explicit government support, the arrests dismissed, the rejection of federal support when the looters tried to burn down occupied buildings -- none of that was just accidental or spur of the moment.
If you cannot tell the difference -- if you are one of those condemning the Capitol Building occupation while turning a blind eye to the continual Antifa/BLM/Democratic rioting -- then fuck off, slaver.
Dee’s a left wing shill pretending to be a libertarian.
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Baloney. It’s totally possible the riots were all spur of the moment.
Some incident happens with the police, people in the area riot for the next few nights. That doesn’t require a lot of organization or explanation.
Fucking idiot.
Well, of course. When I say “spontaneous”, I’m not saying that doesn’t include use of the Internet to work up a crowd of fellow rioters.
Need a hand with those goal posts?
I would if JesseAz’ attempt to define “spontaneous” as not including communication on the Internet was reasonable. I never agreed to his goal post.
Those are your posts, not his, that you're taking out for a drive.
That's funny, because I never mentioned social media one way or the other.
Not my goal posts. JesseAz's.
That doesn't even qualify as a mixed metaphor, by the way.
Of course not, because it's not a mixed metaphor, you illiterate idiot.
Of course not, because it’s not a mixed metaphor, you illiterate idiot.
Dee’s obvious embarrassment continues into nigh 2.
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So you don’t know what spontaneous means. Are you autistic?
An autistic person would know what spontaneous means. WK is just stupid. Which fits, as he supports Biden.
Good point. I thought about an autistic person understanding what spontaneous means after I posted this. There’s still something wrong with Dee though. Can’t quite put my finger on it
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Riots, burning, looting, night after night, months on end.
Spontaneous my ass.
OK, fine, if we are talking about Portland, it isn't spontaneous anymore. But there's no reason to think there is some big, shadowy secret organizer behind a bunch of millennials with too much time on their hands spending all their nights stirring up trouble.
How about the DC riots in May, or the ones at the White House in June, and the ones there in August?
I'm not that up on the details of those, so I can't argue about them.
They also don't fit into the topic being discussed, which was "riots, burning, looting, night after night, months on end."
"I’m not that up on the details of those, so I can’t argue about them"
Funny, because they were all over the news last year and received dozens of articles here, which you pontificated on in the comments.
Why are you lying?
"They also don’t fit into the topic being discussed, which was “riots, burning, looting, night after night, months on end.”"
Doesn't fit my ass. That's exactly what happened in all those examples. They set up a "war camp" across from the White House for fuck's sake.
Do you have the memory of a goldfish or are you just lying again?
I condemn both sets of rioters.
You have never denounced the BLM riots. Is this your first baby step?
I denounce rioters.
If there was ever a riot that was organized by Black Lives Matter, I would condemn their organizing it. But none of you have ever shown and example of Black Lives Matter organizing a riot.
Your life does not matter
He denounces them retroactively now that his narrative has forced him into a corner.
Never change WK, your hypocrisy makes it too easy for us.
Lol. Came back after the beat down yesterday.
Most insurrection are armed and don't stop after 30 minutes sweetie.
That’s your convenient definition. A Capitol police officer was killed, some of the rioters were armed.
"A Capitol police officer was killed,.."
"US Capitol Police officer on life support dies after suffering stroke following riots, union chair says"
"...some of the rioters were armed..."
Yeah, with broomsticks
Stuff it up your ass, you steaming pile of lefty shit.
You are glossing over the little detail of his being attacked by the crowd.
“Boothe didn’t kill Lincoln. Lincoln didn’t even die AT Ford’s Theater. QED.”
"You are glossing over the little detail of his being attacked by the crowd."
You're glossing over the fact that he died of a stroke, you lying piece of lefty shit.
Let’s see. What is a stroke again? Oh, yeah, broken blood vessels in the brain.
Where was he hit with the fire extinguisher? In the head.
You cannot make this one go away with casuistry.
Suddenly White Excrement is defending cops.
Cite required.
"Boothe didn’t kill Lincoln"
someone shot the security guard?
Let me ask you this, White Knight...
When the protester grabbed the fire extinguisher and biffed it at the officer, do you believe it was premeditated murder or just an accident that he died from it?
Do you think that the protester grabbed the extinguisher with the intent to use it as a murder weapon? An "Ah-hah, I can kill people with this fire extinguisher, it's the perfect weapon", moment? Was the officer dying of a stroke at work the next day, all part of the plan?
(Anyone want to bet WK tries diversion rather than answering, and accuses me of Canadianisming)
Why does it matter, unless one is grasping at straws trying to make the fact of the killing go away?
It matters because you're claiming the mob deliberately murdered a cop. There's a lot of implication there and I've unpacked them.
Either affirm the implications of your accusation or quit making it and fuck off.
He won’t. He’s a lying shitweasel. He will disappear or change the subject.
Blunt force trauma to the head *can* cause a stroke as clots form in ruptured blood vessels.
When you realize that they have 2300 officers, I doubt that there is anyone outside of immediate family who really know anything accurate beyond the fact that he is dead.
"Blunt force trauma to the head *can* cause a stroke"
So can being a fat out of shape security guard.
I posted the video directly above of his being clobbered in the head with a fire extinguisher.
Again, White Knight…
When the protester grabbed the fire extinguisher and biffed it at the officer, do you believe it was premeditated murder or just an accident that he died from it?
Do you think that the protester grabbed the extinguisher with the intent to use it as a murder weapon? An “Ah-hah, I can kill people with this fire extinguisher, it’s the perfect weapon”, moment? Was the officer dying of a stroke at work the next day, all part of the plan?
You’re claiming the mob deliberately murdered a cop. There’s a lot of implication there and I’ve unpacked them.
Either affirm the implications of your accusation or quit making it and fuck off.
'Clobbered in the head...'
transitive verb
1 : to pound mercilessly also : to hit with force
Your video shows the rioter tossing the extinguisher into the crowd of helmets. It bounces off a couple of them then clatters to the ground.
The article then goes on to say:
Moments later, a rioter tosses the fire extinguisher toward a group of officers below, striking one on the helmet. It’s unclear if the cop who was plunked was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42. He died at a hospital Thursday after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the melee, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
You know who my favorite insurrectionist is?
Alexander Hamilton.
Lin Manuel Miranda is dreamy.
Yes, the insurrection from your kind is massive and pervasive. The one from our side, which included people from your side, was a tiny irrelevant blip.
Once again, you’re evil, and we’re good.
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And in the process, America got a glimpse of what public-sector unions, regardless of the profession they represent, really do.
And then they averted their gaze, scurried on past, and nothing else happened.
I’ll admit I didn’t read the whole article. Maybe later. But I was assuming from the tone through the title and the first part of it that Suderman thinks that they’re might be some changes that come from this.
They’re won’t be. Like Ken has said repeatedly, at least for the next two years, and probably much longer, the only changes that will occur in this society will be changes that the Democrat Party want. And they don’t want the teacher’s union to have any less power than they do right now.
“the only changes that will occur in this society will be changes that the Democrat Party want”
At the Federal level, but there are plenty of Republican-controlled states.
I look forward to the coming examples from those states of a reduction in power from teacher’s unions.
Could happen. Maybe you could put your energy into helping it happen instead of sitting around every day complaining how you are a victim of oppression by the Democrats and the news media.
Maybe he could create new names after getting banned and still act like a victim in every thread.
" complaining how you are a victim of oppression by the Democrats and the news media"
Poor White Knight, nobody is getting oppressed by him here no matter how hard he tries.
When have I said I’m a victim of oppression Dee?
Every day. You are constantly whining.
Pretty sure that's you and sarc. We're the "mean girls", remember.
None of us whine. That’s what you leftists do.
Everything is so terrible and unfair.
Wisconsin in 2011
The teacher's union does not need to have this power, if parents exercise their responsibility for education of their children. Parents who created these children are financially responsible, not taxpayers. Home schooling and private schools will do.
Except in a lot of these places, the teacher’s unions, and politicians that they support, are actively fighting to kill competition to government school monopolies.
In principle you’re comment is valid, in reality it’s not always realistic.
They even try to outlaw home schooling.
It's all about the Power to Steal.
Of all the missteps and public policy failures of 2020, few were more egregious than the failure to reopen public schools for young children.
They're not public schools, dumbass, they're indoctrination camps and day-care centers and we as libertarians should be celebrating the fact that so many people are being given the opportunity to see for themselves what a miserable failure the whole idea of public education has become.
So far, I don't see the indoctrination in Math classes. In other classes, however, it seems the grandkids are being fed progressivism.
Oh there are alot of math teachers pushing to have critical race theory applied to math class. Its infureating
This is why we need McCarthyism back. Progressives poison everything. Including our children.
Time for them to go.
This should be illegal.
Not posting for some reason.
For example, an elementary school teacher in Cupertino, California required third-grade students in math class to categorize and rank themselves in terms of their “privilege” based on race, gender identity and religion.
It was all part of an exercise in Critical Race Theory.
City-Journal reported on the story here.
That’s going to be a ranking without much spread since Cupertino is pretty much a monoculture in which every kid’s parents works at Apple or similar company.
Everyone who works for Apple and their children are the same race, gender, and religion?
Have you been to Cupertino? It’s close.
Asian: 67.48%
White: 26.95%
Two or more races: 3.26%
Other race: 0.99%
Black or African American: 0.91%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.32%
Native American: 0.10%
Take it youre most offended by the Asians.
Not offended by anyone. "Canadian Trump sycophant" wasn't even on that list.
Ouch, he called me out as a "Canadian" again. Sick burn White Knight.
Take off, eh? Hoser.
I’m sure ‘communist traitor’ isn’t either. But here you are.
Wow. Way to miss the point.
I wasn't disputing your point. I agree with you about Critical Race Theory being an inappropriate thing to inject into elementary school math.
I was just adding an aside about Cupertino.
WHEN math homework requires group solutions rather than an individual's it is indoctrination into social rather than individual responsibilities.
Remember, "2+2=4: A perspective in white, Western mathematics that marginalizes other possible values."
2+2=5 is woke math.
Woke math:
What do 100 Capitol rioters and 69,999,900 remaining peaceful Trump voters add up to?
70 million white supremacists.
Biggest institutional failure is still the media.
We can fix that by creating government media agencies, and public unions for reporters, right?
No. Calling them out for their bias and not granting legal benefits for shutting down opposing views.
Fuck off lefty slaver. Take your censorship and shove it up your fat, lonely ass
Utterly unsurprised that you're a complete idiot, too
Lol, Jesse is now a lefty. I'll have to admit I didn't see that coming.
Hey Jesse, I take it you're going to team up with White Knight to tell us all what a blessing it is for horrible, horrible free speech to be properly regulated.
They switched their profession to socio-political advocacy instead.
It's hard to survive peddling real, hard news and fair and honest opinion. However, if you switch to advocacy you can be well paid by a billionaire (WaPo, Reason) or a dogmatic subscriber base (NYT, Jacobin), to parrot their beliefs. And, if your advocacy has mass appeal, you can survive on advertising, like Fox.
So yeah, they're failures as journalists, but huge successes as shills.
Actually, most (commercial) media has been doing that forever. Lately, few have pretended to be objective--and even declared that objectivity is racist.
Yeah, deep. I had to explain manspreading to a woman friend. First I laughed when she told me what it was, then I explained the equipment differences to her and how sometimes it required a little extra leg room. Women seemingly won't be happy until men are women too. Then they will be unhappy there are no men available.
With journalism, I heard a feminist on television say that the Biden decision to let trans men compete against women in women's sports was a misogynistic attempt by men to destroy women's sports for their own gain. Never happy with the result they clamor for.
"Women's sports" are, of course, actually illegal under Title IX, as a program or activity that excludes some students on the basis of sex.
After all, Title IX reads:
Luckily for us, the internet lets anyone create their own media outlet!
Actually, it does, and it’s a great leveler.
Only if you control the servers
I also find it ironic that Amazon went to the NRLB to try and force an in person unionization vote because mail in balloting is not secure and could result in fraud.
How is this ironic? Amazon has an interest in stopping unionization. They want to make the unionization process as difficult as possible.
They supported the general mail on balloting for the election. Their claims are mail in valid are not secure for their union elections. Do you need a map?
Mail-in voting has been used in state elections for a long, long time.
Not universal dumbass. And many of the states in question changed rules last minute and don't have the experiences to validate ballots dumbass.
None of which applies to Amazon.
An episode where White Knight pretends that mail-in and absentee voting are the exact same thing, and then moves the goalposts to "only Amazon" when called on it.
They are exactly the same thing. It is evidence of Trump fans addled minds that they cannot use accurate terminology to describe the difference between mail-in/absentee voting and massive, sudden scale-up of mail-in/absentee voting. The latter is what you actually have problems with, but to accurately describe it would mean you’d be obligated to help make sure it works well instead of bitching about it. Because, let’s be honest, Trump and his faithful never wanted it to work.
Requested absentee ballots and mass mailing of unrequested ballots are in no way the same thing. Statements like that are why you’re considered to be a filthy liar and a buffoonish idiot.
It also showcases why your kind need to be dealt with.
Absentee voting isn't remotely the same process. The only thing in common is that people's votes are transported by the US Postal service.
Let’s be honest, this is going to be Hydrogen dioxide all over again, huh.
This dumbass child actually believes everything he's told
fuck off White Knight 2 because you got banned
"Their claims are mail in valid are not secure for their union elections. Do you need a map?"
It's not 'their union elections.' These claims are disingenuous. Amazon wants to stop the union. They don't care about the integrity of the election. It's smoke and mirrors.
The whole 'public servant' designation is entirely true, but it is the opposite of what you might expect. It is the public who are the servants of the SEIU , AFT, and police unions.
Speaking of institutions. Some interested media are actually going through the rest of the declassified documents from the trump russia investigation.
Many people called into question conflicts of interest with McCabe who helpedead it.
And it turns out the whole russia narrative started very early with Hillary Clinton for political reasons. She used connections on State and the FBI to push the conversations to add an air of legitimacy to her campaigns found rumors.
We also now see that one of the Ukraine primary impeachment witnesses, Fiona Hill, lied to congress as she told them she only found out about the dossier and Russian concerns when the dossier was published. Interviews with Steele show that Hill knew of the information and helped Steele foment connections during creation of the dossier.
More well run institutions.
So what will Ms. Hill’s consequences be for lying under oath?
A spot in the Biden cabinet.
I've not seen a photo of her. Would she meet Biden's high standards for hair-sniffing?
"He". Fiona Hill is a man. Or used to be, at any rate. And you're not going to convince me otherwise, I've seen the pictures.
Almost guaranteed to be in Biden’s cabinet then. Ability and competency not a pre-requisite, just make sure you fit into one of the minority categories.
Nothing exudes competence like a diversity hire. This might be the least skilled cabinet in history.
Public, i.e. government services, are the least democratic option.
My own criteria: if I can choose among different suppliers--or even choose not to engage--then my personal liberty, aka Democracy! is enhanced. When I am forced to engage with a monopoly, especially one that promotes an agenda counter to my own, then I lose liberty.
More failed institutions. The WHO is only now issuing guidance on incorrect PCR thresholds that produce far too many false positives
Good thing we shut down everything.
And, as Ra’s pointed out in his own cites, the scientific community has been openly discussing changing the PCR guidelines since August 2020, at least.
The Trump Administration task force, headed by Vice President Pence, could have paid attention and worked to revise the guidelines, but they took no such action.
Trump himself spent the last three months of his presidency, focused on his personal grievances and spreading lies about the election outcome. No time for actually doing his job.
Youre still pushing this retarded talking point? Trump did not force the CDC to go against any if their scientific recommendations. PCR rates were set by long term employees you fucking idiot.
You really will defend the left at every step no matter how idiotic.
You in no way disputed my point, that the Trump Administration could have been more engaged, but they were not.
You going with "Trump should have forced them and since he didn't their negligence is his fault" is so you
There is a whole spectrum between not doing anything and forcing them. I’m just taking about supervision, about being engaged.
Pence did what they could without intruding into the state's domain.
You call him some sort of authoritarian tyrant, and then bitch that the administration didn't exceed its mandate.
How very schizoid of you.
"Trump himself spent the last three months of his presidency, focused on his personal grievances and spreading lies about the election outcome. No time for actually doing his job."
Can you grasp straws that thin with your tiny hands, you TDS-afflicted piece of shit?
"teachers unions failed students and parents"
But did they fail teachers? A teachers' union is not a children's union or a parent's union. It's silly to expect a union to cater to non-members. Also this applies to police unions. They exist to represent the interests of the police members, not the public in general.
That is the point, public sector unions are in an adversarial relationship to the public interest.
You could say the same of any union. They represent their members and not the public. You could say the same of defense lawyers. They represent their clients, and at times are completely contrary to the public interest. Our society is shot through with adversarial relationships.
But if I don't hire a defence lawyer, or buy a non-union product* nobody is going to show up at my house with a gun to arrest me. If I don't pay the teachers union (taxes) people will show up to my house with guns to take my money
*I worked non-union construction and the union crews would call the cops on us every day saying we didn't have permits, which we did. Sure enough the cops would take ~2 hours to "verify" that the permits were legit
“*I worked non-union construction and the union crews would call the cops on us every day saying we didn’t have permits, which we did. Sure enough the cops would take ~2 hours to “verify” that the permits were legit”
Just another example that collusion is ok when one side does it.
^^ proof that tulpa really is a retarded ditch-digging laborer
Whose retarded lefty sock are you? Guessing WK. Possibly sarcasmic.
Just accept the fact that the entire world hates you and even lurkers come out on occasion to let you know it
So sarc then. So broken.
It's just so low level it's sad
just fuck off White Knight 2 because you got banned
fuck off White Knight 2 because you got banned
Convinced that you're a teenager
" If I don’t pay the teachers union (taxes) people will show up to my house with guns to take my money"
Public defense lawyers are paid with money that is stolen from you by jack booted government thugs.
"I worked non-union construction"
That was presumably your choice. You could have chosen otherwise.
It was my choice. It was not my choice to get harrased by the union workers. All union workers are lazy retards that hate people that can get work done
"are lazy retards that hate people that can get work done"
Welcome to the future. Unions are a not a bad alternative vehicle for political expression. Much more democratic than now where our elders deign to offer us a chance to put our stamp of approval on another one of the gerontocracy.
You have a lot more say in a relatively small group like a union or a condo board, than you do for state or nation wide offices. They give members a higher wage and more influence in workplace affairs. They can also contribute funds to their international friends, the downtrodden workers of Palestine, for example. You need a certain mercenary spirit to get into it, though, I admit. Unions tend to view management as enemies, which doesn't bode well for a harmonious, well oiled enterprise. The antagonism between union and management works both ways.
Are you defending union workers calling the cops on non-union workers for bogus reasons to slow down productivity?
Yes he was
"Are you defending union workers calling the cops on non-union workers for bogus reasons to slow down productivity?"
I can think of worse solutions. Three or four goons with baseball bats in back alleys, for one. These unions play for keeps. If they are in construction, they probably have access to dynamite and such. You should read about some of the battles between unions and the plutocrats some 100 years ago.
Against the Day by Thomas Ruggles Pynchon is pretty good if you like a long shaggy and adventurous dog story. A good deal takes place in and around Ludlow colorado, site of the infamous massacre.
" can think of worse solutions. "
OMFG he IS defending it
"Three or four goons with baseball bats "
Cops are goons with guns you fucking idiot.
I recommend you check out Pynchon's Against the Day. It's a rollicking story of adventure and revenge set against the labor unrest of a century ago.
"But if I don’t hire a defence lawyer, or buy a non-union product* nobody is going to show up at my house with a gun to arrest me. If I don’t pay the teachers union (taxes) people will show up to my house with guns to take my money..."
Facts are irrelevant to trueman.
" pay the teachers union (taxes)"
There's no such thing as the teachers union tax, or taxes, either. Get your relevant facts straight for once, and find someone else to bore.
"There’s no such thing as the teachers union tax, "
Hi fuckwit yes there IS
In your mind, apparently yes. In reality, there is no teachers union tax.
Most private unions have an adversarial relationship with their employers. Not true for most public unions.
"Not true for most public unions."
A lot more can be accomplished by a spirit of cooperation. It's true that both sides can cooperate by squeezing the public dry, Thanks in part to apathetic voters who keep returning parasitic careerist politicians to power. And it's not just unions who are in on the game. Corporations are massively more cozy with the government when it comes to spending public money.
"A lot more can be "
so when you're proven a liar you just ignore it
So then, teachers are not saints?
Some are, but the unions that represent them aren't. Nor should you expect them to be.
And I shouldn't be expected to pay them
And nobody expects you to tell government workers what they do with their money.
Your paying tax is your choice. There are families in the hills of Kentucky who not only avoid paying taxes, they also milk the government handouts that are available. And they've done it for generations.
"their money."
is my money idiot
Don't give it to them if you don't want them to have it. Stand up for yourself. This is what a Kentucky hillbilly would do.
"Your paying tax is your choice"
ok i get it you're retarded
The founding fathers were correct. Government overreach and excessive power is the enemy. The only solution is to reduce the size and reach of government. Start by privatizing schools and remove the guaranteed funding. Go program by program and shut all of them down.
^THIS +100000
"More than anything else, what connects police and teachers unions is the determination to guarantee their members' jobs."
The Power to Steal = Wealth.
"The decision to close schools also hurt the careers of working mothers. By September 2020, about 1.1 million adults had dropped out of the U.S. workforce; 865,000 were women, according to the National Women's Law Center."
So, one of the purposes of public schools is to babysit so mothers can work? Is that really the proper reason for them?
The wife of one of my coworkers was one of those women. They figured out as a couple that she was largely working to support their children's daycare and it did not make much sense for them financially to continue that as well as she had issues her boss asking her to work outside of normal schedule.
"It's time for the left and the right to take a hard look at their favorite public-sector unions."
This is bothsideism.
The worst abuses by the police unions are in places like New York City and Minneapolis--cities where the police unions and their contracts have been under the supervision of Democrats for generations. In fact, the ultimate reason why they've been supervised so poorly for so long is because the people who live in those cities are so stupid, they won't vote for anyone but Democrats no matter how badly they're treated by their local Democratic party.
The teachers' unions, who are so deep in the Democratic party that they might as well be referred to as the Democratic party, did make it obvious that they don't give a shit about what's good for their students, what's good for the parents, or what's good for the taxpayers. And they're about to be rewarded for this with a giant bail out of their pension funds courtesy of Joe Biden.
Technically, we're paying for it out of our future paychecks, but Joe Biden is the one who will be signing the legislation to bail them out. If we wanted to get real basic about it, the reason the teachers' unions are about to get their locally controlled pensions bailed out by the federal taxpayers is because people were too stupid to reelect Donald Trump, to whatever extent you contributed to that outcome, even with your inaction, you are responsible.
We certainly aren't about to make a difference with either the police in Minneapolis or the teachers' unions of New York City by pretending that both the Republicans and the Democrats are equally to blame for these fiascoes. If you're planning to run interference for the Democrats with blame shifting and whataboutism, why not just be a full-fledged progressive? Do you get more mileage out of pretending you're not a progressive apologist?
I bet your parents are proud of you, too.
“This is bothsideism.”
So? There is a lot to criticize about both major parties.
Yet you only criticize one and defend the other. Lol.
"By pushing to keep schools closed even as evidence mounted that in-person classes were relatively low-risk and remote learning was ineffective, teachers unions failed students and parents. By pushing to protect bad cops in the wake of multiple scandals, police unions failed the public they were sworn to protect.
----Peter Suderman
If White Knight really can't understand why the Republicans don't need to go take a look at their "favorite unions"--because of police brutality in Minneapolis or because of teachers' union led lockouts at public schools in New York City--then she should get off the internet and go read a book. Obviously, there was no Republican involvement in any of that.
She seems to keep falling into a trap of not really knowing about or understanding the things she reads. Does she think of herself as an intelligent and knowledgeable person? Because she doesn't seem that way. She may be like 14 years old.
A lot of people think these people are being dishonest. If they can't follow a simple comment and understand what it means, there are other explanations for that than dishonesty. If she can't understand what she's reading, she should probably just go work on that before she starts voicing her opinions about what other people write. Or go to a site where all people do is talk about their feelings!
For instance, IF IF IF I respond to something that says both Republicans and Democrats need to take responsibility for their failures in overseeing the law enforcement unions in Minneapolis with an observation that there hasn't been any significant representation from the right on the Minneapolis city council for at least 50 or 60 years, her observation that Republicans also make mistakes doesn't make much sense.
Maybe she just doesn't understand what she's reading.
Maybe she's being evasive, or dishonest, or trying to distract us, or something, but Occam's razor says that she probably just doesn't understand what she's reading. When we point out that there hasn't been any significant Republican representation on the city councils of New York, Chicago, and Minneapolis for decades and decades, she may not know that. She may not know that it's the job of the city council to oversee public employee unions and their contracts with the city.
It's fair to assume that most adults know these things, but not all of them! Some of them don't know much about anything.
My statement was about a broader range of problems than just their union loyalties.
"My statement was about a broader range of problems than just their union loyalties."
Really? And why was that?
Was it because talking about the Republicans' responsibility for the unaccountability of the police in cities that have been under the absolute control of the left for decades is absurd?
Was it because talking about the responsibility of the Republicans for capitulating to the demands of teachers' unions in places that have been dominated by progressives for decades doesn't make any sense?
If my point still hasn't sunk in, read more books. If you still think your statement makes sense in response to mine, get a tutor.
Ken has presented a very good argument that you are stupid or dishonest.
In response you say that you are not stupid, but that you were making an off topic comment to divert from the discussion. This is a form of dishonesty.
I think we should take your claim of dishonesty under advisement, but it was a very stupid attempt at dishonesty, so you could be both.
"There is a lot to criticize about both major parties."
When it comes to the actions of and accountability for public sector unions, there isn't.
This isn't a particularly subtle or sophisticated point, either.
Remember in early summer when we were actually getting people on board with police reform?
BLM set the movement back decades.
Almost makes you think none of it was really about police reform.
BLM was hijacked by George Soros. As long as they stayed focused on police reform they were doing some good for the public but they weren't doing any good for the Marxists. Give them some money and they can afford to expand their mission. It always works the same with any bureaucracy, the amount of work expands to fill the allotted budget and then some. Now BLM is indistinguishable from any other group of commies, they all want the same radical transformation of society.
Almost like BLM is a is a socialist terrorist organization that doesn't care about police reform
That's absolutely right.
The reason they don't already have recreational marijuana in places like New York is because the law enforcement unions own the Democratic party (and they don't have a referendum process to go over the heads of the Democratic party like we do in California).
The reason we won't see major and lasting police reform in places like Minneapolis and New York is for the same reason. The reason the Democratic party won't make any lasting changes in accountability for the law enforcement unions is because the law enforcement unions own the Democratic party--and the Democratic party controls everything in those places.
That's why they had these outrageous terms that let them escape accountability in their union contracts. When you're in a one-party government, who wins the general election doesn't determine who wins the seat. Who wins the seat is determined by who wins the nomination of the one party that controls things--and the nomination process is controlled by the law enforcement unions, the teachers' unions, etc.
In a democracy, there is no substitute for swing voters. If the majority will always vote for the same party--no matter how badly that party manages things--then you may technically have a democracy, but you're not getting any accountability from the voters. Why should the people on the city council give a shit about what the voters want if the voters will always and only vote for the Democrats' nominee anyway?
In these states the primary election is for all practical purposes, the election.
That's Wrong.
What wrong?
I wish that crazy bitch Nancy Pelosi knew she was playing with fire. I'm sure she's smug about Trump's impeachment - she knows it's not going to work but it will distract from *Biden slipping in his radical anti-American socialist agenda as fast as he can all the while mouthing platitudes about "unity" as he slits our throats. Later will be time enough for "healing". But when you have to surround the federal complex with fences and keep the National Guard on standby to protect you from getting strung up by your tits, you have to know that you've royally pissed off a shitload of people.
Nancy, you're betting they're sheep who can be easily manipulated into accepting any scraps of shit you care to feed them. The problem is, with all the lockdowns and the coronavirus scare stories, you haven't managed to threaten a lot them enough with just how badly you've gotten their nuts in a vise, you've taken everything away from them and now they've got nothing left to lose. It's very basic political strategy you've fucked up - you gotta give the people something to hope for if you want to keep them docile, you've gone full vindictive bitch and taken away even their hope. You fuck with Trump and you're gonna find out just what the old man meant when he said "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine". You have good reason to be afraid, Nancy, you're just not afraid enough. Yet.
I think she absolutely lost her shit when the hoi polloi sat in her chair and fucked with her computer.
The people losing their homes and businesses to rioting were just abstractions to her, but when the plebs entered her palace and touched her things it became intensely personal.
Rioting to her was always just a political tool, but now she was confronted by the limits of her power and it enraged her. To challenge her like that wasn't a protest gone wild, it was traitorous insurrection.
Historically, kings and queens dislike it when the peasants intrude on their comfortable lives. If they survive the discomfort, examples need to be made.
“Choosing to close schools also hurt the careers of working mothers.”
How is this relevant? The objective of schools is to educate children.
Is it? I would argue that the only value of public schools is free child care. Move it to zoom and the value drops to 0.
"Is it? I would argue that the only value"
He said objective. You appear to be the problem of which you speak.
Shit-weasel Suderman spews weasel words:
Culturally and politically, police have long been linked with the American right.
Except for all those donations and endorsements of progressive politicians, their affiliations with other public and private sector unions, and the fact they are largely paid by and enforce the laws written by left of center governments.
Per CDC today, 25 million Americans have tested positive for covid so far. But studies have found 3 – 10 times more Americans were infected with covid than tested positive. With increased testing, that ratio now appears 3 – 7 times (depending upon location), or 100 - 150 million Americans.
Herd immunity occurs after two thirds of people (in families, workplaces, communities, counties and/or states) have been infected or vaccinated, and the risk of infection declines by half when/after half of people have been infected or vaccinated.
Despite no news stories, the herd immunity process has been occurring in thousands of communities, hundreds of counties, and more than a dozen states, led by the Dakotas. By the time 10% of Americans receive covid vaccines, herd immunity will have already protected most Americans from covid.
But Big Pharma, Democrats and lamestream media propagandists continue to deceive Americans to believe that herd immunity can/will only be attained via mass vaccinations. Recent news stories indicate that Big Pharma (and likely Biden's CDC and FDA) plans to make/sell enough vaccines for all Americans (including everyone who is already immune due to a past infection).
107 US counties have surpassed a 13% covid rate (i.e. positive tests), and are very close to achieving herd immunity
(as of 1/22/2021).
Crowley, CO – 29.8%
Dewey, SD – 23.2%
Lincoln, AR – 22.2%
Chattahoochee, GA – 21.8%
Norton, KS – 21.8%
Bent, CO – 21.6%
Bon Homme, SD – 21.5%
Lake, TN – 21.1%
Trousdale, TN – 20.8%
Buffalo, SD – 20.4%
Buena Vista, IA – 19.8%
Ellsworth, KS – 18.5%
Alfalfa, OK – 18.2%
Eddy, ND – 18.2%
Dakota, NE – 18.0%
Jackson, AR – 18.0%
Childress, TX – 17.8%
Lee, AR – 17.4%
Lafayette, FL – 17.2%
Nobles, MN – 17.0%
Lassen, CA – 16.9%
Hale, TX – 16.9%
Foster, ND – 16.9%
Big Horn, MT – 16.8%
Seward, KS – 16.8%
Menominee, WI – 16.7%
Pawnee, KS – 16.5%
Sheridan, KS – 16.4%
Logan, CO – 16.3%
Walsh, ND – 16.1%
Ford, KS – 16.0%
Wayne, TN – 16.0%
Texas, OK – 15.9%
Finney, KS – 15.9%
Yuma, AZ – 15.8%
Lee, KY – 15.8%
Aurora, SD – 15.7%
Morton, ND – 15.4%
Stutsman, ND – 15.4%
Potter, SD – 15.4%
Santa Cruz, AZ – 15.3%
Nelson, ND – 15.2%
McKinley, NM – 15.2%
Lyman, SD – 15.0%
Lincoln, CO – 14.9%
East Carroll, LA – 14.9%
Lubbock, TX – 14.9%
Burleigh, ND – 14.8%
Benson, ND – 14.6%
Dickey, ND – 14.6%
Sioux, ND – 14.6%
Chicot, AR – 14.5%
Madison, ID – 14.5%
Maverick, TX – 14.4%
Cass, IL – 14.4%
Davison, SD – 14.4%
Rolette, ND – 14.2%
Toole, MT – 14.1%
East Feliciana, LA – 14.1%
Woodward, OK – 14.1%
Faulk, SD – 14.0%
Oglala Lakota, SD – 14.0%
Plymouth, IA – 14.0%
Lawrence, IL – 13.9%
Douglas, SD – 13.9%
Haywood, TN – 13.9%
Nemaha, KS – 13.9%
Griggs, ND – 13.8%
Colfax, NE – 13.8%
Beadle, SD – 13.7%
Minnehaha, SD – 13.7%
Lamb, TX – 13.7%
Gove, KS – 13.7%
Scurry, TX – 13.7%
Crocket, TX – 13.6%
Stark, ND – 13.6%
Fayette, IL – 13.6%
Kearny, KS – 13.6%
Golden Valley, ND – 13.6%
Whitfield, GA – 13.6%
Wilbarger, TX – 13.5%
Grand Forks, ND – 13.5%
Crawford, IA – 13.5%
Clinton, IL – 13.5%
Pickett, TN – 13.5%
Republic, KS – 13.5%
Ramsey, ND – 13.4%
Potter, TX – 13.4%
Culberson, TX – 13.4%
Towner, ND – 13.3%
Sanborn, SD – 13.3%
Madison, LA – 13.3%
Sevier, AR – 13.3%
Obion, TN – 13.3%
Henry, IA – 13.2%
Dodge, WI – 13.2%
Coddington, SD – 13.2%
Jones, TX – 13.2%
Okfuskee, OK – 13.2%
Sioux, IA – 13.1%
Jones, IA – 13.1%
Ward, ND – 13.0%
Jerauld, SD – 13.0%
Rush, KS – 13.0%
Webster, IA – 13.0%
Wright, IA – 13.0%
20 states with the highest covid case rate (i.e. positive tests) are
ND – 12.7%
SD – 12.1%
UT – 10.4%
RI – 10.4%
TN – 10.3%
WI – 10.0%
IA – 9.9%
AZ – 9.8%
NE – 9.7%
AR – 9.4%
OK – 9.4%
KS – 9.2%
IN – 9.0%
AL – 9.0%
ID – 8.9%
MS – 8.8%
NV – 8.8%
WY – 8.7%
IL – 8.7%
MT – 8.6%
So far, 7.74% of Americans (25 million) have tested positive for covid.
PubSec unions have been showing their "true colors" ever since their were public sector unions. Calvin Coolidge had some of the first pig-unionists shot and fired the rest. We didn't have to "wait until 2020".
FAKE NEWS SUDERMAN. There's no recognition of police unions in Georgia. The cops called in quick and a bunch of them quit because that was totally a "good shoot" by both legal and department training and policy standards but a politically grandstanding DA indicted the officer for murder.
Pig unions get their members good pay and benefits and fight for their job security but it is DAs and judges who let them get away with murder.
So what's your solution to the DAs, fuckface?
"Both left and right". Kay, let's take a look at some numbers:
Now, I don't know much about who exactly they were contributing to, but I'm going to stretch my guess and assume that 87m wasn't going to the non-existent 'right wing' in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.
According to OpenSecrets, Fraternal Order of Police gave way... way... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwway more to Democrats than they do to Republicans, up until about 2020-- probably when Democrats began their nakedly racist attacks on the police and as per usual for Democrats, exactly suggested the wrong remedies.
Some more data
From the same OpenSecrets link, top two Senators receiving Police Union contributions are Patrick Leahy and Amy Klobuchar, by a country fucking mile.
Only in the 2020 cycle, was there a sudden jump to anything representing a 'Republican'. Donald Trump and the RNC received large contributions with...*clears throat* Joe Biden right behind them in third place.
So until we have a 20 year backlog of "the right" vastly outstripping the DNC in police union contributions... the public sector union issue is predominantly a left problem.
"the public sector union issue is predominantly a left problem."
It's hardly a problem if the democrats keep getting elected. Thanks in part to a gormless republican opposition who are afraid to make statements and adopt policies that can be construed as anti-police.
no imbecile it's still a problem
Not a lefty problem, as Diane Reynolds (Paul.) claimed.
In the six days since Biden issued 23 Executive Orders (which
was 22 more than Trump issued his first day in 2017), Reason has published just two articles about these disastrous actions by Biden (one by ENB and one by Binnion, both endorsing Biden's order for illegal immigrants) that would reverse many of the excellent achievements by Trump.
In sharp contrast, Reason published thousands of articles smearing Trump during the past four years, and hundreds of articles smearing Trump in just the past six months.
The worst of Biden's 23 first day Executive Orders will:
- concede world dominance to China (e.g. rejoining Paris accord and the WHO),
- destroy tens of thousands of US energy jobs,
- replace women's rights with transgender rights,
- sabotage Canada's trillion dollar investment and ability to transport oil to US refineries,
- waste Billions more US taxpayer dollars,
- give millions of more low paying US jobs to illegal immigrants,
- invite an invasion of the US border by tens/hundreds of thousands more of the poorest Central Americans).
Why no Reason articles about these disastrous actions by Biden?
That's not true. Nick Gillespie wondered in a subhed how the Biden administration might become awful, but we have to give him a couple of years before we hastily rush to judgement. Fairness and sober, analytical thought is the centerpiece of modern journalism.
Oh, you forget codified racism for federal employment.
And of course, the same day Biden imposed an unscientific, nonlibertarian and nonsensical 100 day mask mandate for everyone who steps on federal property (including the great outdoors of National Parks) and everyone engaging in interstate trade/travel (including truck drivers who are driving alone), Joe Biden violated his own order by not wearing a mask at his inaugural on federal property.
When ask why Biden violated his own policy, his press secretary responded by saying that Biden "was celebrating" and therefore didn't need to wear a mask.
The adults are in charge.
Even if they do not know exactly what it is they are signing or if they are getting their words fed to them though an ear piece.
Not one article by Reason criticizing (or mentioning) the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer police state in DC, as 24,000 national guard troops are still in DC a week after the inauguration (and Pelosi plan to keep there another month, year or permanently),
And not one article by Reason criticizing the thousands of lies in the week preceding falsely claiming Trump supporters were planning violence in DC and at 50 state capitols.
Nope they ran an article praising the size of the inaguration
And yet White Knight claims that Reason's embarrassed by the comments.
I think it they should realize that the readership is embarrassed by them.
They are. I was told that directly by a high-level executive at Reason Foundation.
Why would Reason care about what all the CACCLS who don’t subscribe to the magazine and proudly proclaim they will contribute nothing during webathons think?
Lol, you do realize that I don't believe you one little bit.
The White Knight
October.22.2020 at 3:18 pm
It means conservative and conservative-leaning libertarian, and I coined it.
"They are. I was told that directly by a high-level executive at Reason Foundation."
You're such a fucking retard. Literally a spambot at this point:
Praising the *smallness* and lack of pomp. That is “praising the size of the inaguration”, technically, but not what that sentence would be taken as without more context.
You're pettifogging and misdirecting again.
Bill and Kuckland's entire point was that Reason ignored the 24,000 national guard troops are still in DC a week after the inauguration, and only talked about the inaugurations size.
You wrongly attacked the incidental and then pretended it was the whole point.
Do you really think everyone here is so niave and credulous as to fall for such a lame trick? This isn't reddit you know.
Where were there articles that said anything stronger than that they *might* be planning something?
Yeah, early indications seem to suggest that the TDS isn't translating into fierce opposition to Biden around here. We may be looking at a pro-Biden apologist fest for the next four years.
It's probably unsustainable.
This is the first few days of the next 100, and the next 100 days will be nothing but authoritarian policy following socialist policy following authoritarian policy . . .
Being pro-Biden from a libertarian perspective 100 days from now will be like being a member of the Flat Earth Society.
"When satellite images showed Earth as a sphere, Shenton remarked: "It's easy to see how a photograph like that could fool the untrained eye".[17] Later asked about similar photographs taken by astronauts, he attributed curvature to the use of wide-angle lens, adding, "It's a deception of the public and it isn't right".
We need a catchy term for phenomenon of people defending Biden to the point of absurdity, like "TDS" was for people who suddenly forgot everything they used to know when Trump was in the picture.
Maybe we should refer to Biden apologists as members of the Biden Gaslight Society.
They're neolibertarians.
Progressives in Libertarian Guise.
(Oh, to be sure, they each have their 'libertarian' stance - most are big on pot, a couple may like their guns, none of them want to cough up more taxes, but other than those outliers everything else about them is down with rampant statism.)
Just wait. In about six months or so they will have to address Biden's "sudden" mental decline.
One they never saw coming.
"Why no Reason articles about these disastrous actions by Biden?"
I blame Twitter. If Biden wants more Reason articles, he's gonna have to learn to Twitter like Trump. Notice it was only after Twitter banned Trump did Reason's focus start to shift.
you've already established that you're a retard who thinks taxes are voluntary
Today in interesting libertarian commentary.
Some more fun commentary.
"Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good." -- Woody Allen
Abolition of public sector unions is a nice fantasy. Let us turn to the priorities of the Nation.
Go fuck yourself. Abolition of public sector unions is one of the priorities of the Nation.
Mr. Suderman, I generally agree with you. But there are families of 3 dead Cobb County School District teachers that would strongly disagree with your conclusion about the safety of reopening schools.
Whence comes the attraction of "conservatives" (including many actual conservatives) to the police and their unions?
"...and their unions."
You know why you added that qualification, as sure as you know it's a fallacy.
Conservatives oppose gun control. Police unions favor gun control. Strange that, isn't it?
Police unions favor gun control? I’ve never met a police officer who was for gun control. They are all pro gun ownership rights.
"I’ve never met a police officer who was for gun control"
you're an anti-social shut in loser, that's why
"Strange that, isn’t it?"
Not at all. Conservatives have an ideological ax to grind. Police know from practical experience gun control makes their job a lot easier.
right but you're a retard who thinks taxes are voluntary
Shlubs like you pay tax because they can't conceive of an alternative. You need to rouse your inner hillbilly.
More commie propaganda from the commies at unreason.
El presidente biden is so proud. Good thin america el presidente biden runs a banana republic,
The White Knight II: The White Knight Rises!
January.24.2021 at 7:02 pm
"Let’s see. What is a stroke again? Oh, yeah, broken blood vessels in the brain."
No, it isn't.
"Where was he hit with the fire extinguisher? In the head.
You cannot make this one go away with casuistry."
And you have yet to make your fantasy other than a fantasy
As a TDS-addled lefty shit, you can hypothesize all you please, but strangely, given the bias of the media, it simply said he died of a stroke.
I got dollars to donuts you don't have one bit of evidence backing your fantasies, and I note you also didn't bother to support your bullshit that they were "armed".
Why not try, just once, to argue in good faith?
Well, that's easy to determine; you're a TDS-addled lefty piece of shit whose acquaintance with facts and evidence is fleeting at best.
Stuff it up your ass, fuck off and die.
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[I'll start at the top for those that don't already know - Full disclosure, I am a public school teacher and union member in an open shop state controlled by the GOP, Florida]
"But there was little sound reason to believe that schools were particularly unsafe. Children represented a tiny fraction of recorded COVID-19 cases, even in areas with significant outbreaks, and an even tinier share of deaths from the disease. Research in other countries found that virus transmission among schoolchildren, or between them and staff, was rare."
This is an incredibly weak summary of the current state of scientific knowledge on school transmission. Peter Suderman is building a huge case that teacher unions are neglecting the children, being overly fearful of the pandemic or mainly just for the sake of their own power and influence. You would think that he would do a lot more to bolster that case than this single paragraph with no data or references to actual research, along with a one-line quote from a press release about a report from the National Academies.
Wired had an article a little over a week ago about the the current knowledge of school transmission. Most of what we do know does support having schools open, whenever possible. But the data is more uncertain and varied than Peter Suderman would have us believe, particularly as practiced in the U.S. This is because of our extremely local education system, where 50 states + D.C. each run their own school systems and leave a lot of decisions to the 13,000+ individual school districts.
The takeaway from the Wired article is that schools should be "last to close, first to re-open" in a given community, as a general rule. But this does depend on many factors, the main two of which are:
- how much community spread there is - opening schools has not seemed to spike local cases where incidence of infections were lower, but it did seem to affect infection rates in areas where it was already higher
- the safety of schools depends on how well schools are following guidelines on social distancing, mask use, and ensuring adequate ventilation - schools that opened without requiring masks and other measures did see outbreaks.
The best way to get kids back to school is to control the pandemic in the community itself. Too many resisted the obvious measures as infringement on their freedoms and some politicians on the right both responded to that and fed it for political purposes. They rushed to reopen bars and restaurants in May at a time when schools remained closed, since it was near the end of the school year anyway. Instead of a summer of getting things under control to make going back to school safe in August and September, the debate had to continue because so many states spared the initial wave were seeing big increases in infection rates.
In my district in Florida, we went with a hybrid of in-person and remote learning where I run the class live via web conference (not Zoom, but similar software), while some students are present in class. This is not functioning well, as it splits my focus and it is difficult to maintain participation from all students, but I might get it running decently before the school year is over.
The factor here is that this is a parent choice. The district is not mandating one way or the other whether students are at school or online (unless they actually test positive). Even when students are not attending online properly or doing their tasks reliably, the schools can only encourage parents to start sending their kids to school. I teach high school physics and fewer than 1/4th of my students are coming to school.
I have a lot of problems with how libertarians and conservatives view public education and the policies for which they typically advocate. I won't go into that here, as that would be off topic. On the issue of pandemic response, I do agree completely with the need for students to be in school as much as possible for the sake of their education and their mental health, socialization, monitoring of child abuse, and even nutrition for the students that rely on free and reduced meals provided at school. The author here did not take the opportunity to properly delve into the data and evidence and instead chose to focus entirely on portraying teacher unions as monolithically self-interested. He doesn't note the enormous variation in power and influence of teacher unions in different states, as a particularly egregious part of his effort on that.
A balanced approach would have compared the efforts of states with total GOP control to manage the pandemic in their schools to those with dominant teacher unions and looked at what worked and what didn't. But that wasn't the premise of the article, of course. The article took all of that analysis and effort to understand the situation as being done and the conclusion that unions uniformly opposed the science as proven.
"Wired had an article "
we're done here
"we’re done here"
Yep. I guess so. Can't be reading any publications that might challenge what you want to believe. I'm not a libertarian, but I read articles at Reason. I'm not a conservative, but I'll read opinion articles in the Wall Street Journal and National Review. What do you do to evaluate information from all sides?
Stop being a cowardly little bitch and treat it like its any other common virus humanity has lived with for millennia.
And get the fuck out of Florida.
"Stop being a cowardly little bitch and treat it like its any other common virus humanity has lived with for millennia."
Right, because that has been working oh so well for us to have so many people treat it like it is no big deal.
"And get the fuck out of Florida."
Why? I was born here.
There shouldn't be unions for Government jobs. This would mean that unions would not be allowed in the Government School system, however unions would be allowed in private schools. There would not be a police union, but unions would be allowed in private security firms.
If government employees are servants of the people, then it is a conflict of interest to allow a union for government employees. The rub is that the interests of these government employees is not likely to be addressed by the government.
The solution is to privatize the majority of functions that the government employees are performing. In a sense the government would outsource operations to the private sector.
For example the postal service would be contract with private firms to deliver the mail for geographical locations. For example for the city or for the county level. There would be service level agreements that the private firm would need to meet, with penalties for failure to meet the SLA's.
The various private firms can innovate within the guidelines to increase productivity, enhance offerings and satisfy the consumers they serve. Because the firm is private, then unions would be allowed and there wouldn't be a conflict of interest.
There will be the check that the contracts expire and a competing private firm could win the bid for the next contract period. There still would be a government postal service, but largely just a small department that manages the contracts and drafts the SLA requirement.
This same mode can be expanded to the vast majority of government functions.
That was FDR's view, which is why he opposed public sector unions.
But unlike FDR, today's mainstream Democrats (and public sector unions) are mostly left wing communists (who deceptively claim concern about children, public safety, environment, equality, etc.).
Next week Suderman will explain to us how conservatives support for "the troops" must naturally translate to support for the Pentagon.
True. The real root of what is going on is bankruptcy. These blue cities are bankrupt and now considered “too big to fail”. We’ve all heard that term before. It’s insanity that NYC, Chicago, Los Angles and Newark were not in bankruptcy, long before the mean tweeter.
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