From Antifa to UFOs, One Joke Can Spawn a Thousand Conspiracies
What happens when a prank or spoof sparks a real belief?

If a radical movement is prepared to use violence, that real-world willingness can inspire wild rumors about the group's plans and alliances. We've seen that dynamic play out with movements ranging from the Black Panthers to right-wing militias. So when the militant anti-fascist network known as antifa started attracting new levels of attention during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, it was probably inevitable that it would trigger some bizarre conspiracy theories.
What might not have been as easy to anticipate was the role that jokes would play in the rumor mill.
Over the last few years, at least 375 fake antifa social-media accounts have appeared, posting over-the-top comments like "THIS IS WHY THE #SolarEclipse2017 IS BIGOTED AND RACIST." (The statement appeared alongside a picture of an American flag on the Moon.) The "Boston Antifa" feed greeted the news of Jerry Lewis' death with a video denouncing "unsafe humor" and declaring that the comedian "embraced the power of white supremacy." It doesn't take much digging to discover that these aren't actual antifa accounts, but several media outlets have mistaken them for the real thing. When a fake antifa group announced that there was "no room" in its city for "supporters of the US constitution," the Washington Examiner cited the post in an anti-antifa editorial. In Texas, an account convinced reporters that antifa was planning to protest a statue of Sam Houston and to beat up anyone who counterdemonstrated; the news inspired hundreds of people to come to a counterprotest against a rally that was never going to happen.
Coverage of these accounts often presents them as disinformation meant to sow confusion and make the movement look bad. And that's obviously a part of what's going on: During the sometimes violent protests that followed the police killing of George Floyd in May, for example, members of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa started tweeting as @ANTIFA_US, promising to "move into the residential areas…the white hoods….and we take what's ours." But many of the accounts are also clearly meant as entertainment. One of the men behind the Boston Antifa account, Brandon Krebs, has claimed the comedian Andy Kaufman as an influence, and he appears to have followers who take his work in that spirit. (As I write, the top comment below the Jerry Lewis video says, "This is one of the best comedy channels on Youtube right now.")
The accounts have fooled some mainstream outlets, such as Reuters and the Houston Chronicle. But the audiences that think the accounts are real, like the audiences that think the accounts are funny, tend to come from the political right. The people who maintain the feeds tend not to be very good at mimicking real antifa groups' rhetoric—they sound more like generic left-wing caricatures—so they're less likely to fool leftists.
Once memesters on the right started spoofing antifa, memesters on the left took to spoofing right-wing fears of antifa. Before long, the leftists found that their jokes were getting mistaken for reality too. In late 2017, for example, one @KrangTNelson tweeted this: "can't wait for November 4th when millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents and small business owners in the town square." Some rather unhinged stories were already circulating about an alleged antifa plot to launch a civil war on that day—a Maoist front group called Refuse Fascism was indeed planning a November 4 protest, and the rumors had spiraled from there—and the tweet went viral among people who took it literally. @KrangTNelson was soon suspended from Twitter. After another account repeated the joke, the conservative site Gateway Pundit ran an article headlined "ANTIFA Leader: 'November 4th […] millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents.'" (The site later added a postscript: "UPDATE: Far-left radicals now claiming it was a 'funny joke.'")
Sometimes left- and right-wing pranksters end up accidentally collaborating. In summer 2017, a rumor took hold that antifa was going to burn flags and desecrate Confederate burial markers at Gettysburg National Park. This didn't make much sense—there are no Confederate burial markers at Gettysburg—but the story nonetheless got picked up by Breitbart and other right-wing outlets. The Gettysburg hoax was pushed by people claiming to be affiliated with "Harrisburg Antifa," but the rumors also drew on an online invitation to a Gettysburg "Burn a Confederate Flag to Trigger Trump Fans Day." The event in the invitation wasn't real: If you tried to buy a ticket, you landed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's donation page. It had been posted by "Trolling Trumpsters," a lefty group dedicated to baiting people on the right.
As in Houston, the Gettysburg hoax inspired a counterprotest. At this one, a rallygoer accidentally shot himself in the leg.
The most puzzling antifa jape might be a document that started circulating in mid-2017 called The ANTIFA Manual. Made up to look like a well-worn dossier, complete with a coffee stain on the front page, the file was purportedly found at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, the site of some infamous protests earlier that year. The manual was taken seriously in several quarters—it even got linked on Rush Limbaugh's Facebook page—but anyone familiar with antifa's largely anarchist membership would quickly recognize it as a fake. (Among other things, it announces plans to "vote pro-ANTIFA politicians into office" and to establish a one-world government whose "ANTIFA-approved regulators" would use microchips "to monitor the citizenry of the world.") The fact that it keeps referring to the movement as "ANTIFA," in all caps, is itself a clear sign that something screwy is going on. What isn't clear is whether this was originally intended to fool people or whether it was just a particularly hamfisted satire. And if it was a satire, was it supposed to be a satire of antifa itself or of the goofy rumors that swirl around antifa? Did this come from the left, from the right, or from someplace else?
One thing is certain: In addition to all the other ways that false conspiracy stories begin, from honest speculation to commerce-minded fraud, we need to appreciate the role of jokes. We can divide those jokes into three categories: pranks, accidents, and enigmas.
Pranks are deliberate hoaxes, like the plots promoted on fake antifa accounts. In some cases, these are essentially disinformation campaigns. But even then—unlike, say, the fake Black Panther literature the FBI planted in the 1960s, or the stories the KGB spread in the 1980s claiming that the U.S. government created AIDS—the aim is at least partly satiric. In many cases, the story's author intends to reveal the truth after a while, hoping to embarrass or illuminate the people who embraced the story. Such plans do not always work out as intended.
Accidents, by contrast, were not meant to be believed. Like @KrangTNelson's tweet, they are works of fiction that people unexpectedly mistake for facts. Not only do their authors not intend to fool anyone, but sometimes they are not even aware that they have fooled anyone.
Enigmas fall into the cloudy territory in between. As with The ANTIFA Manual, it's not clear whether they were supposed to trick people. Sometimes the author himself may feel ambivalent about his intentions.
The internet is infamously awash in disinformation, as intelligence agencies, clickbait sites, political campaigns, and freelance trolls spread deceptions. It is also filled with practical jokes, many of them devoid of any political content at all. Make a Venn diagram of those two categories, and the overlapping zone will contain these conspiracy pranks.
Take Christopher Blair, who used to post apocryphal stories at a site called America's Last Line of Defense. His headlines—"5 Liberal Terrorists Arrested At Capitol Planning To Assassinate President Trump," "Democrat Mayor BUSTED Working With Latino Thug To Sell Meth And Extort Sex From Young Girls," "Police Identify Monica Lewinsky's Killer"—sound like tales that might be spread by a dedicated Republican, and several of them went viral among conservatives who appear to have believed they were true. But Blair insists he's actually a liberal. A profile in The Washington Post described him writing a transparently false story about Michelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton giving Donald Trump the finger during the national anthem, then saying, "How could any thinking person believe this nonsense?" before hitting publish.
While disclaimers on his page identified the site as satire, Blair clearly got a charge out of fooling people. Yet he didn't intend to fool them forever: Part of the game was to jump in to tell them they'd been had. He "didn't have time to personally confront each of the several hundred thousand conservatives who followed his Facebook page," the Post reported, "so he'd built a community of more than 100 liberals to police the page with him. Together they patrolled the comments, venting their own political anger, shaming conservatives who had been fooled, taunting them, baiting them into making racist comments that could then be reported to Facebook." Nonetheless, many people continued to share the stories as though they were true.
This may feel like a uniquely internet-era phenomenon, but it goes back long before the age of social media.
Consider Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, a French journalist who tasted his first fame writing anti-clerical polemics under the pseudonym Léo Taxil. In 1885, Taxil made a show of converting to Catholicism and renouncing his earlier writings. He then published a series of exposés claiming that Freemasonry was controlled by a libertine and murderous Satanic cabal based in Charleston, South Carolina. He spent 12 years doing this, at one point even scoring an audience with the pope, before calling a press conference in 1897 to declare that this had been "the most grandiose prank of my existence" and to gloat that so many Catholics (and even some Masons) had swallowed his lies.
Despite his confession, Taxil's claims kept circulating in anti-Masonic conspiracy literature, from Edith Starr Miller's Occult Theocrasy (1933) to Pat Robertson's The New World Order (1991) to a Jack Chick comic called The Curse of Baphomet. Sometimes the conspiracist ignores the material's flim-flam origins; sometimes the writer argues that the revelation of the hoax was itself a hoax. Either way, it's a case study in how difficult it can be to put a falsehood back in the bottle.
Hoaxes have been common in the UFO subculture as well—not just crudely faked photos of flying saucers but prank phone calls, phony letters from government agencies, and other tricks. Some UFO writers delighted in playing practical jokes on the competition, as when Gray Barker and James Moseley got their hands on some U.S. government stationery in 1957 and decided to send letters to other ufologists. One of these, purportedly from "R.E. Straith" of the State Department's "Cultural Exchange Committee," informed the alleged alien contactee George Adamski that "the Department has on file a great deal of confirmatory evidence bearing out your own claims," though it "cannot publicly confirm your experiences." Adamski immediately started using the letter to promote himself, and the document continued to attract believers even after Moseley revealed the prank in 1985.
Then there's the Priory of Sion, an allegedly age-old order that was in fact founded in France in the '50s by a man named Pierre Plantard. He and a confederate, Philippe de Chérisey, deposited several fabricated documents in the National Library of France, then worked with the writer Gérard de Sède to use them as the basis for the 1967 book L'Or de Rennes. Other esoteric writers produced still more texts building on de Sède's supposed discoveries. In this way the Priory was linked to a hidden treasure, the Knights Templar, the Merovingian dynasty, and, eventually, a secret bloodline descended from either extraterrestrials or Jesus Christ, depending on which writer you asked. This mythos took off in the English-speaking world after Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and former Doctor Who writer Henry Lincoln worked it into their nominally nonfiction 1982 bestseller Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It got an even bigger boost after Dan Brown used it in his wildly successful 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code.
Not everyone who launched this legend necessarily saw it as a joke. Plantard in particular may have had a far-right political agenda, which perhaps included the notion that he would be recognized as the rightful heir to the Merovingians and crowned king of France. But de Chérisey was both a radio satirist and a surrealist, and de Sède was involved in surrealism as well. It's plausible, even likely, that they saw the project as a puckish sort of performance art.
Like Blair and Taxil and Moseley, de Chérisey eventually came clean about his hoaxing. Needless to say, that hasn't stopped stories about the Priory from spreading.
Finally, let's look at the Report From Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace. This bestselling book, published in 1967, presented itself as the leaked text of a classified report by an organization called the Special Study Group. Written in a parody of the prose one might find in a RAND Corp. white paper, the book argued that war is a social stabilizer: It allows planners to judiciously burn off excess economic inventory, it channels "antisocial elements" into "an acceptable role," it establishes "the basic authority of a modern state over its people," and it helps "preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an incentive." The book's comic peak comes when the Special Study Group ponders other ways to fulfill war's nonmilitary functions, including the creation of "fictitious alternate enemies."
It wasn't just a satire; it was a prank. Conceived by the journalist Victor Navasky and written primarily by his friend Leonard Lewin, the book was classified as nonfiction when it first appeared. Lewin admitted the hoax in 1972, but many people have continued to take it as an authentic leak. The right-wing Liberty Lobby even printed its own edition: As a government document, the group reasoned, it must be in the public domain. (Lewin sued.) In 1990, the Associated Press distributed a story about the history of Iron Mountain, the spot in New York state where the Special Study Group supposedly met. The article casually cited the book's claims as a part of the place's past. "After two years of meetings, the commission decided that permanent peace was a bad idea," the reporter recounted matter-of-factly.
Snopes and similar fact-checking websites are filled with viral stories that began on satire sites—not just outlets like America's Last Line of Defense, which actively hoped to fool people, but places that aim only to make people laugh. Many of these articles involve conspiracies: "Military Drawing Up Plans For Nationwide Gun Confiscations" (Duffel Blog), "Hillary Clinton Accidentally Posts Condolences For Tulsi Gabbard's Suicide One Day Early" (The Babylon Bee), "CIA Issues Posthumous Apology After New Evidence Clears Osama Bin Laden Of Involvement In 9/11 Attacks" (The Onion).
That last one was temporarily reprinted at Yahoo! News. The site's editors probably realized it wasn't true—they posted the piece under the "Entertainment" header—but you can't assume every casual browser understood that. A 2019 study by R. Kelly Garrett, Robert M. Bond, and Shannon Poulsen, a trio of researchers based at Ohio State University, found substantial numbers of readers willing to describe various headlines from The Onion or The Babylon Bee as either "definitely" or "probably" true. The Babylon Bee itself commented on such confusions with a story headlined "Reality Criticized For Not More Clearly Distinguishing Itself From Satire."
This phenomenon also goes back long before the birth of the internet. Indeed, it helped produce one of the most infamous and influential conspiracy theories of the last two centuries.
In 1864, the French attorney Maurice Joly wrote The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, a book protesting Napoleon III's authoritarian regime. In Joly's satire, Machiavelli explains the ways a modern despot can manage public opinion. "I would assign a dedicated organ to each opinion, in each party," he declares at one point. "I would have an aristocratic organ in the aristocratic party, a republican organ in the republican party, a revolutionary organ in the revolutionary party, an anarchist organ—if need be—in the anarchist party. Like the God Vishnu, my press would have a hundred arms and these arms would place their hands upon all the nuances of opinion throughout the entire country. One would be of my party without knowing it. Those who believe they speak their language would be speaking mine; those who believe they were acting in their party would be acting in mine; those who believe they were marching under their flag would be marching under mine."
Several decades later, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a notorious forgery that claims to be a Jewish plot to rule the world, would include a strikingly similar passage. "All our newspapers will support different parties—aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, and even anarchical—but, of course, only so long as constitutions last," it declares. "These newspapers, like the Indian god Vishnu, will be possessed of hundreds of hands, each of which will be feeling the pulse of varying public opinion. When the pulse becomes quick, these hands will incline this opinion towards our cause, because a nervous subject is easily led and easily falls under any kind of influence. If any chatterers are going to imagine that they are repeating the opinion of their party newspaper, they will in reality be repeating our own opinion, or the opinion which we desire. Thinking that they are following the organ of this party, they will in reality be following the flag which we will fly for them."
That wasn't the only place where the anti-Semitic text mirrored the anti-Napoleonic text: A fifth or more of the Protocols originated in Joly's book. (Joly himself may have done some "borrowing" as well: Umberto Eco has argued that Dialogue in Hell includes "no less than seven pages that are, if not plagiarized, at least laden with generous and unconfessed quotations" from the conspiracy novels of Eugène Sue.)
Norman Cohn and other historians have traced the chain of transmission: The Prussian writer Hermann Goedsche had plagiarized heavily from Joly's Dialogue when he wrote his 1868 conspiracy novel Biarritz, with Machiavelli's confessions now attributed to a cabal of rabbis meeting in a cemetery; that standalone sequence was later published as a pamphlet that claimed to be based on a true story; and so one text followed another, until at last it evolved into the Protocols. Joly—a liberal-minded satirist whose Dialogue in Hell included just one passing reference to Jews—had accidentally planted a seed for a document used to justify pogroms in Russia and genocide in Germany.
In addition to satires that are simply mistaken for factual accounts, some satires are recognized as fictions but nonetheless construed as thinly disguised truths. This has happened frequently to the libertarian novelist Robert Anton Wilson.
Wilson conducted his share of outright hoaxes: He was a member of the Discordians, a group of pranksters who introduced the idea of the Illuminati to the counterculture in the 1960s and '70s by dreaming up facetious conspiracy theories, planting articles about them in the alternative press, and sending letters about them to various public figures. Wilson and one of his confederates, Robert Shea, eventually transmuted the Discordian mythos into a comedic science fiction trilogy, Illuminatus!, that was published in 1975. Rumors immediately began to circulate that the books were more than just fiction. Conspiracy Digest reported that while many of the digest's readers believed Wilson "was an Illuminati agent attempting to lampoon and discredit conspiracy theories," others thought he was trying "to slip the truth past Establishment censors by disguising the truth as a titillating parody"; still others took the books as "a reliable guide to the inner doctrines of the hidden world of the secret societies alleged to control the conspiracy."
These sorts of reactions continued for decades afterward. The Rev. Ravi Holy, today an Anglican vicar, was an anarchist and occultist in his youth. Back then, the British journalist Damian Thompson has reported, Holy accepted Illuminatus! as "truth lightly clothed as fiction." When he was born again in a Pentecostal sect and created a conspiracist website, he "carried out only minor adjustments to this narrative." (Holy now describes himself as a "recovering conspiracy theorist.") The same sort of thing has happened to some of Wilson's other novels. In a 1992 tract called Dark Majesty, for example, the conspiracist Texe Marrs writes that Wilson's Masks of the Illuminati "purports to be fiction" before declaring that "there is little doubt that it contains much insight and many hard facts about the Secret Brotherhood."
It isn't just satiric texts that work their way into conspiracy theories. Satiric acts can be misconstrued by people unaware of the context that originally gave them meaning. In the 1950s and '60s, for example, it was common for conservatives to mock politicians they deemed soft on communism by bringing umbrellas to their public appearances. It was a sort of guerrilla theater: The umbrellas represented Neville Chamberlain, and Chamberlain represented appeasement. So when President John F. Kennedy came to Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, a man named Louie Steven Witt arrived with an umbrella, even though it was a sunny day, and raised it as a protest. Witt has said that he wasn't accusing Kennedy of appeasement so much as he was trolling him, having heard that the umbrellas were "sort of a sore spot" for the president.
Kennedy was killed that day, and Witt's bumbershoot entered American folklore. You can see it in Abraham Zapruder's film of the Kennedy assassination, and if you Google "umbrella man" you can read some of the conspiracy theories that emerged around the parasol once the initial context that gave it meaning had receded from public consciousness. (Usually the umbrella is assumed to be a signal to the assassins, but some of the more outré theorists have suggested that it was used to target the president with a dart.) In 1978 Witt came forward to explain himself, but that didn't stop stories from circulating—I can attest that I first heard of the allegedly inexplicable umbrella more than a decade after Witt's testimony, and I didn't hear about his explanation until more than a decade after that.
I'll close out this section with a note on birtherism, the idea that Barack Obama was secretly born in Africa and thus was not eligible to hold the U.S. presidency. The most compelling investigation I've read into the origins of this story suggests that it began when someone saw a hypothetical question in a comment thread at a legal blog and mistook it for a statement of fact. In "The Secret Origins of Birtherism," published online, Loren Collins traces the trail of rumors back to a perfectly benign blog post by Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA. Volokh's post discussed the debate over whether John McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone rendered him ineligible for the presidency. A commenter piped up and proposed, "just for grins and giggles," that they "change the hypothetical." The reader then offered a series of scenarios involving Obama, including one where he was "born in a third country, and…immediately taken to the United States." A little more than a day later, Collins reports, someone on the right-wing FreeRepublic web forum was describing that very scenario as a fact he had just learned. From there it made its way into the 2008 presidential election.
There is an online adage known as Poe's Law. Its original formulation, by one Nathan Poe, went like this: "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article." It was soon applied far beyond the debates over Creationism, becoming a general warning about how easy it is to confuse spoofs with sincerity.
Even when you're sure that someone is making something up, it isn't always easy to tell what her intent is. Was The ANTIFA Manual supposed to fool people, or was it supposed to mock the sort of people who take documents like The ANTIFA Manual at face value? Was it written in the spirit of those fake antifa Facebook accounts, or was it written in the spirit of @KrangTNelson's tweet? I don't know, and on a certain level it doesn't matter. Even if its authors assumed that everyone would recognize their creation as a joke, there were readers who took it as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Antifa. And even if it was meant to trick people, there were readers who instantly laughed at it.
Confusing matters still further, people who call themselves satirists are not always what they seem. Many "satire" websites are filled with stories that do not make an attempt to be funny and do not appear to have a satiric point. They're clickbait operations whose business model depends on readers believing their articles (and then sharing them, thus generating ad revenue), but they try to cover themselves by tossing in a this-is-satire disclaimer somewhere on the site. Alas, it's not always easy to tell these fake satire sites from what are merely bad satire sites.
The enigma factor is magnified when more than one person is involved in constructing a story: As with the Priory of Sion, different participants may have different motives. Consider the sprawling "QAnon" mythos, in which an anonymous figure called Q claims to be a government insider leaking information about Donald Trump's battles with a vast pedophilic deep-state conspiracy. Q's tidbits usually take the form of gnomic clues that are open to multiple interpretations. There have been speculations that Q was a leftist prankster winding up Trump fans, but that's far from certain; some evidence suggests that Q's posts have come from people who have simultaneously solicited donations over a QAnon-themed YouTube channel, which would suggest a motive more mercenary than satiric. But set that aside. What's important for our purposes are all the other participants in the QAnon world.
The Q narrative is built by multitudes trying to interpret Q's clues in the light of the news and to interpret the news in the light of the clues. "QAnon has a canon, but the canon is basically this coded language of the drops," the podcaster Jake Rockatansky has argued. "The tapestry of the story is done by these amateur researchers….It's decentralized storytelling, like thousands of different fanfic threads going on at once with very little to chew on at the center." It is close to certain that some of the people participating in these discussions are trolls rather than sincere believers, but it is not always certain which participants are which. In QAnon as elsewhere, Poe's Law applies. Perhaps future scholars will have more luck discerning which ideas that caught on in the Q subculture were proposed with a straight face and which were suggested with a smirk.
Sometimes, of course, even the person proposing an idea might not be fully sure of whether he believes it. Just as one can say something "as a joke" while in fact meaning every word, irony can mask a sort of half-belief; you say something facetiously while suspecting that some version of it is true. This applies in the conspiracy world as much as anywhere else.
Like pranks and accidents, enigmas predate the internet. They are especially common in the UFO literature and the broader world of anomaly hunting inspired by the paranormal writer Charles Fort. To read a certain sort of Fortean writer is to be constantly unsure about when he's being serious, when he's pulling your leg, and when someone is pulling his leg.
On that last note: The UFO literature is also filled with another sort of enigma—stories told by people who might be pranking us or might sincerely believe what they're saying. In 1961, a plumber named Joe Simonton told the world that a saucer had flown to his home in rural Wisconsin; a man allegedly exited the spacecraft, asked for some water, and then gave Simonton some pancakes. I'll go out on a limb and say that I doubt this really happened. But I'll be damned if I could tell you whether Simonton thought it happened.
Is This a Joke?
In Pranksters, his impressive history of political put-ons, the media scholar Kembrew McLeod argues that even the Rosicrucian manifestos—a series of 17th century manuscripts that have launched hundreds of conspiracy theories—are best understood as a prank: a "joke with a serious objective" written to "encourage people to be more accepting of new ideas." The authors, he reports, "lost control of the narrative, and the resulting furor ended up obscuring their intended message."
Whether or not you accept that gloss on the Rosicrucian pamphlets, it definitely describes a recurring pattern in the genesis of conspiracy rumors. A document or comment or gesture falls out of its original context, and the original author loses control of the message. Christopher Blair, Léo Taxil, James Moseley, several people involved in the Priory of Sion hoax, and the authors of the Report From Iron Mountain have all confessed their deceptions, yet many people refuse to believe their confessions. And on a certain level, you can understand that: Once you declare yourself a liar, you invite people to wonder what other lies you might be telling.
Two lessons leap out. One is a warning: Don't assume that you can reel back in a story you've released into the wild. If a belief fulfills a need, people can find all sorts of rationales for believing it, even if you go out of your way to tell them you made it up. Genuinely creative pranks and satires enrich the world, and it would be a tragedy if social-media moderators tried to enforce an order of flat earnestness. But any prankster would do well to think hard about the worst-case scenario before pressing send. Anything you say runs the risk of being believed forever, even if you plan to come clean next week.
Lesson two is about the importance of media literacy. When context is missing, we need the skills required to try to reconstruct it. At the very least, we need to understand that context might be missing in the first place. We'd have much more resilient readers if people would get in the habit of asking themselves, Is this a joke?
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With all the crazy stuff the left is saying and doing now a days it's hard to tell which is real and which is fake. As a matter of fact, the real stuff is much worse than the fake in most cases.
Right-wing nutjobs are the true purveyors of Conspiracy Theory though.
From Alex Jones to The Dotard himself CT has thrived - Soros, Jade Helm, fake Newtown, Birtherism, Benghazi, Pizzagate child sex rings, most of Fat Rush Limbaugh's show (King of the Rednecks), and countless other nutty CT memes. Russian collusion next!
Progressive news organizations like MSNBC reported that Drumpf has been a Russian intelligence asset since 1987 — and Mueller's investigation proved they were correct.
It's not a "conspiracy theory" if it's true.
"It’s not a “conspiracy theory” if it’s true."
Yep, and what about Hitler and Nixon in Uruguay in '56, hunh? What about that?
I was there when the shit went down in Grenada.
Russians wanted Donnie-Boy in as POTUS so he could weaken NATO and it worked nicely for them. The fact that they met with Trump Trash like Flynn, Manafort, Trump Jr, Stone and others is not in dispute.
Well said, Mr. Buttplug.
Or as Rachel Maddow put it: Russians may be controlling our government. Which Mueller definitively proved.
Money is what controls. If I could bribe Trump then Trump would do what I wanted. It's not complicated.
Its funny because you don't realize he's mocking you
No, his parody is so dumb and obvious that I assume everyone realizes it for what it is and so I don't bother arguing with him. You on the other hand should read this:
It's funny now because I told you he's mocking you and you are making it easier for him.
We get it, you're upset because you got mocked and have to beleive John Bolton.
I celebrate the mans entire catalogue.
So the gullible person is upset because he thinks someone is calling him stupid?
And he links to A SOCIOLOGY BLOG as some kind of self-defense?
"You on the other hand should read this:"
And what If I don't need to read that fast food employee's opinion?
not to mention mind controlling our youth on Facebook to make them vote for Trump
Manafort had earned millions in Ukraine representing the Russian backed President and in the course of which he worked side by side with FBS agents. I suppose it was all coincidence he turns up as Trump's campaign manager. Though it reallly isn't a mystery. The Russians spend vast amounts of money to gain influence with sympathetic westerners and Trump is just the sort, i.e. dumb, greedy and unprincipled, to take that money. It's all about "doing business" with the Russian oligarchs and the problem with that is that the oligarchs are extensions of the Russian state which happens to be a fascist authoritarian mafia like govt.
"Manafort had earned millions in Ukraine representing the Russian backed President"
...alongside John Podesta. Hey, didn't he run a campaign in 2016? Weird that Obama didn't have him looked into closely.
"It’s all about “doing business” with the Russian oligarchs and the problem with that is that the oligarchs are extensions of the Russian state which happens to be a fascist authoritarian mafia like govt."
...totally unlike China, no doubt.
Trump is two faced on China in case you haven't noticed. If you don't like the commie Chinese maybe that would bother you. Maybe your dislike of the Democrats is enough for you to swallow Trump's duplicity on China?
Trump doesn't seem to be the one blowing China. But, please, tell me more about how the loudest China critic out there is REALLY pro-China in a totally sooper secret way...
Then tell me more about how right wingers peddle inane conspiracies...
Bolton says it. Bolton says Trump puts his own personal interest ahead anything else. And I'm saying two faced on China so you will find examples of cutting both ways. It's the ability to corrupt Trump which makes him such an attractive partner for these authoritarians.
A President putting his personal interests first?
WELL I NEVER!!! I cannot fathom the concept of a politician being self-serving. Hey, isn't it weird how Obama got super rich from the Presidency? I bet it's all the selflessness and all...
"It’s the ability to corrupt Trump which makes him such an attractive partner for these authoritarians."
Like shipping millions in cash to homophobic autocrats who slaughter people all willy-nilly?
"Bolton says it"
I actually laughed out loud.
Onama did advertise softer positions on Putin's fascist Russia and Putin probably preferred Obama over McCain and Romney and I probably didn't care as much whenever the meddling cut my way. This is karma for the Democrats in a certain way.
Pretty racist you cant call the first black president by his actual name.
Think i did that right.
Or maybe it's "n" and the "b" being next to one another on the phone keyboard? I guess we'll never know.
No you posted a link to a sociology blog because you're butthurt about being mocked, we totally know.
Sorry, I have a bad habit of watching like a hawk for typos, and then trying to use them to “win” online debates.
I’m trying to be better about not doing it. I didn’t realize how bad my habit was until chemjeff pointed it out yesterday.
It’s like people who watch for grammatical mistakes and then try to use them to prove their debating opponent is dumb. But it’s worse because in these modern times it’s as likely that the person’s phone caused the typo as that their person doesn’t know how to spell.
In this case, “Onama” doesn’t even make sense as something to make fun of, so it was really lame on my part.
Don't apologize, It was a stupid typo and he desrves mockery for it.
Busting out the sock to defend yourself while pretending to be Jesse is what you should be sorry about.
Sock? I am JesseAz what are you talking about?
Well it didn't take you long to fuck that up.
Yeah, but " sarcasmic", it's really not right of me, because, as I pointed out, it was probably just his phone, not stupidity. If anything, posting typos these days just proves someone has bad eyesight or is being a bit passionate and not proofreading everything they wrote before hitting the Submit button.
Stay in your lane bro I thought it was spelled that way, not a typo, I am actually just stupid.
Hi sarcasmic.
Dont mix up your logins like ABC does.
By the way sarcasmic, when you doth protest too much it becomes obvious you are white knight. Maybe you'll realize this too after a few months like it took you to realize how extra spaces work with names.
JesseAz, someone has been using my handle and others, for how long I don’t know. This is my first and only post today. I can see why you hate me. This imposter is a dick.
He sounds just like you.
You condemn "conspiracy theories" on the Right and portray Russian collusion as anything but the hoax it is?
Good, you've just beclowned yourself forever.
At one time, I thought turd was 'being clever'. By now, it's obvious he's just a fucking moron.
You should probably read this as well friend:
You should probably realize you're seriously telling people to read a sociology blog and understand that will just get you mocked more.
Hmm, Russia wanted us to stop exploring for oil. That didn't go too well.
Russia didn't want Ukraine armed. Obama was never going to do it. Nor was Hillary. Trump did, however.
Any thoughts on Crowdstrike stating that they could not prove Russia hacked the DNC servers at all? I mean, isn't that the main thrust of your insipid conspiracy theory?
Number one, Putin told you straight up why he preferred Trump over Hillary. This isn't in dispute. Trump is known in Russia as "their guy". I don't know why you're blind to this.
Second, I don't have special access to the intelligence upon which the American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia was behind the hack of the DNC and Clinton's campaign manager but I know they concluded it happened and you and I are not in position to dispute it.
I also know what happened. I know playing up division among Democrats specifically the "establishment" v. the "Bernie more progressive types" to depress the Democratic vote is a chief tactic pursued by Republican partisans and that aim was the motivation behind the selective email dump and online activity.
Crowdstrike "saying they couldn't prove it was the Russians" doesn't mean the American govt couldn't prove it.
"Number one, Putin told you straight up why he preferred Trump over Hillary."
Citation needed.
"Second, I don’t have special access to the intelligence upon which the American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia was behind the hack of the DNC and Clinton’s campaign manager but I know they concluded it happened and you and I are not in position to dispute it."
Yet I do. Completely and utterly. There is LITERALLY no evidence of Russian interference on either. Keep on saying "Well, the intel groups would NEVER lie" if you so desire, though.
"I also know what happened. I know playing up division among Democrats specifically the “establishment” v. the “Bernie more progressive types” to depress the Democratic vote is a chief tactic pursued by Republican partisans and that aim was the motivation behind the selective email dump and online activity."
Yet Republicans had nothing to do with it. Odd.
Please regale me MORE with conspiracy theories. You don't come across as TOO insane...
"Crowdstrike “saying they couldn’t prove it was the Russians” doesn’t mean the American govt couldn’t prove it."
Seeing as how the only group who actually had access to the servers WAS Cloudstrike (they refused to provide the FBI access, mind you)...yeah, it kinda does mean that. As much as could possibly be possible to mean that.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump's policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.
"Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal,” Putin said, standing alongside Trump at a joint news conference.
Oh, but Putin also said Russia didn't meddle.
So, what part of his statement was a lie?
"Number one, Putin told you"
Ah ok so now you are believing Bolton AND Putin.
Under obama and Hillary Russia got:
Canceled BMD shield to Poland, reduced energy exports from US so russia could increase exports to eastern europe, Crimea, US technology exchanges (one way) at Skolkovo, increased presence in many Middle Eastern countries, the Iran deal they pushed for to use Iran as a proxy...
Now do the last 4 years.
Because Obama upgraded the missile defense system and moved it to Poland - you dumb shit. That is what pissed Putin off. And the Russians are allies with Iran you idiot. They hated the Iran Deal that took nuke capability from them.
The Dotard fell right into Putin's lap where his head is still bobbing up and down.
Hey remember when you got banned for kiddie porn?
Hey kid toucher... this stuff is easy to find.
U.S. to switch on European missile shield despite Russian alarm
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - The United States’ European missile defense shield goes live on Thursday almost a decade after Washington proposed protecting NATO from Iranian rockets and despite Russian warnings that the West is threatening the peace in central Europe.
Amid high Russia-West tension, U.S. and NATO officials will declare operational the shield at a remote air base in Deveselu, Romania, after years of planning, billions of dollars in investment and failed attempts to assuage Russian concerns that the shield could be used against Moscow.
“We now have the capability to protect NATO in Europe,” said Robert Bell, a NATO-based envoy of U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter. “The Iranians are increasing their capabilities and we have to be ahead of that. The system is not aimed against Russia,” he told reporters, adding that the system will soon be handed over to NATO command.
The United States will also start construction on a second site in Poland on Friday that is due to be ready in 2018, giving NATO a permanent, round-the-clock shield in addition to radars and ships already in the Mediterranean.
Hey remember when you got banned for kiddie porn?
Here we are, on a libertarian website, and Nuttplug is plumping for NATO...
"Classical Liberal"
If he's not a prog I'll eat my own shit.
Romania isn’t Poland you fucking idiot,
Wow. Just wow. Did you type that with a straight face?
John Brennen admitted under oath the Russians wanted Hillary to win
That's the main reason I doubt they did. Because I don't trust Brennan if he says water is wet.
But, yeah, TRUMP is the one who lies a lot.
You nailed it, Buttplug.
I can't believe that European NATO countries were forced to pay nearly their fair share for their own protection. The US is morally obligated to protect our socialist allies from Russia, and to foot the bill!
You're a veritable genius! How delectably intellectual! If I'm not being too terribly impertinent, could You appoint me to the SCROTUS?
With Your degree from MIT, I bet You could help me! So, I bet You'd have no trouble helping me debug the following:
Theologically deploy Uber-Trans-Logic Begin Polygon_Disambiguate [ Modulus ( QuadWord[15:0], Plasma[15:0], Nuclei[15:0] ), Function ( $B$97 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "Your facts may be correct, but you are icky-poo, so your ideas are hereby dismissed!", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere grasshopper, debug this code, then You might be able to win billions and billions of awards from Carl Sagan's ghost, from the Beyond the Beyond!
"Pizzagate child sex rings"
Wasn't Epstein basically this?
Never fear, Brothers and Sisters Dear, the Wise One is here! If I get some more plastic surgery, could I not have to stay in the corner with a dunce cap, for quite so long?
As is painfully clear for all to see, as brilliant as Your insights are, could You PLEASE help me debug the following codes:
Exclude negligible variables, and Begin Differentiate [ Subtrahend ( Reverse[31:0], Accrual[31:0], Debenture_Bond[31:0] ), Contents ( $BR$549 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "I can't keep on working like this! Please wipe the snot off of my keyboard, the rotten food stains off of my screen, and add more memory stick to me, NOW!", end; end module ;
Master-Coder, PLEASE help me! If we can debug this code, I promise to totally forget about "that incident" with You, the hamsters, the ketsup, and the sump pump!
There was no trafficking out of comet ping-pong, nor did they have a dungeon there filled with missing kids.
That's what the child-rape-defenders use to cover for:
-obvious code language used frequently among a certain circle of highly connected people; language which has been connected to pedophile rings
-rampant use of pedophile symbols
-inexplicable expenses
-inexplicable photos
There is way more than enough circumstantial evidence to warrant suspicion, but you people are totally fine with child rape and slavery in your quest to feel superior
Gee what a surprise, Nardz comes out as a believer in Pizzagate too.
What a surprise, Jeff tries to cover up for child rape
He's probably the last person on earth who should be opining on it.
As long as Democrats are still pushing Socialism, they don't have room to talk.
What’s the difference between Rightwing Crazy Conspiracies and Leftwing Crazy Conspiracies?
Leftwing Crazy Conspiracies get repeated seriously on CNN, and become the basis of Impeachment investigations.
" it’s hard to tell which is real and which is fake"
I think it's safe to say regarding Antifa, it's all fake. Antifa doesn't have a web page, twitter account, or leadership, or membership. It's a loosely linked anarchist network. Anything purporting to be 'official Antifa policy' is certainly to be fake. That's not to say that people who associate with Antifa won't post items on the web under their own initiative. Just don't put too much stock in it, and view it with skepticism.
It's not safe to say that in the slightest.
I disagree. I think it is very safe.
It's all fake, but not all insincere. Nobody speaks with authority for antifa, but some speak with conviction and think of themselves as typical antifa. And of course others with tongue in cheek.
You had instances of suburban kids playing gangster during the 80s to where their actions were indistinguishable from gangs in LA. As general stupidity has only increased since then, it moves into distinction without a difference as to what constitutes "official" if someone takes the tenets and runs with it, albeit blindly. You saw the same with schisms within the KKK, with groups complaining about the poor white trash claiming to be the "real" KKK. I doubt it mattered much to people on the outside looking in.
sort of like Isis
Isis and kkk are not anarchist outfits. They have a hierarchy, leadership, membership initiation and the like. Antifa is a horse of a different color. Isis has some similarities because it encourages decentralized actitities but they have a central caliphate which sets policy.
At least it's an ethos, man.
"I think it’s safe to say regarding Antifa, it’s all fake"
Except you're a well known imbecile and fellow traveler of theirs.
It's still fake.
Well I think we all appreciate that you admit you're an imbecile and fellow traveler, which makes your "fake" declaration worthless.
I appreciate your appreciation.
Especially since you got caught lying.
There's no lie. Antifa has no Antifa website, no Antifa twitter account. Anyone claiming to speak on behalf of Antifa is to be treated with skepticism. People associated with loosely linked networks speak for themselves and not on behalf of the whole network. There's no Antifa leader or membership cards.
You totally got caught lying bud.
There's no lie. I'm cautioning you to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak on behalf of antifa. You are free to ignore my advice.
"You totally got caught lying bud."
Profound insights indeed! An intellectual tour de force! If I promise not to poop on the floor, can I be Your hairdresser?
With Your powerful vision, L. Ron Hubbard Willing, I bet that it would be a trivial task for You to perfect the following codes:
Transubstantiate SourceFile Include Excrement-Increment Begin Amputate [ Inconceivable ( homunculus[31:0], epandrium[31:0], sasquatch[31:0] ), Contents ( $RU$12'hBAD ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "We know what you're up to! Stop slandering Putin!", end; end module ;
If You will please help me get this code to compile, they'll bring us some puppies in our safe zone!
Please note: This is not me... notice the italics. Geez.
AlbertP is a handle I am familiar with. Sober minded and not a partisan stooge. Sometimes I agree with with AlbertP's comments.
This is Tulpa, by the way.
I’ve been thinking. It’s been kind of fun to call each other dumbfucks and all that, but it’s kind of played out.
We should try having actual conversations. It might be cool.
You think? You fags are getting old af. Back and forth bullshit about who is pretending to be who. I’m *this* close from leaving you guys to yourselves, and taking my commentary, and grounded reasoning with me.
A bunch of fake ass libertarians who wouldn’t know a wood chipper from pelosi’s grey snapper.
Nope. No antifa websites at all.
That's my point. It's a local site, something you'd expect from a loosely linked anarchist network.
So not fake, loosely affiliated.
Not speaking on behalf of Antifa is the point. If the site claims to speak on behalf of Antifa, it's fake. They speak only for themselves. You have to grasp the idea of loosely linked networks to understand this.
No fuckhole you said "fake" and now you are trying not to look like an idiot
You keep saying that like there isn't a website right there that proves you're wrong.
It's a Rose City website associated with Antifa. The URL says it all. If they claim to speak on behalf of Antifa, you should be very skeptical. Loosely linked doesn't mean people can't create their own websites. They can and do. I said as much in the original comment:
"That’s not to say that people who associate with Antifa won’t post items on the web under their own initiative. Just don’t put too much stock in it, and view it with skepticism."
Who should I believe, you a guy who lies all the time, or a website that leads to people with the stated beliefs?
Tough one.
Me, if you have any sense.
This is Tulpa, by the way. That was actually me, not AlbertP.
I’m thinking of getting counseling because this hobby of mine is not that fun anymore.
But... But... Butt we ALL LOVE Tulpa!
This is for Tulpa!
You're a veritable genius! How delectably intellectual! If it's not asking too much, will You tell me that I am a good doggie?
With Your degree from MIT, I bet You could help me! So, I bet that You could debug the following codes in Your sleep:
Include Hashtag (#My_Tribe_Rules) Begin Nyquist_Parse [ Numerator ( Quanta[31:0], Gravity[31:0], Vector[31:0] ), Contents ( A$67 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
PrintF "Malfunction junction command invoked. To restore services, send your life savings to Facebook.", end; end module ;
If You'd only PLEASE apply Your Vast Skills here, to help in the debug effort, I'll hold your beer for You when You say, "Here, hold my beer and watch THIS!!!"
Are you obtuse, trying to catch mtrueman in a lie, or what? I understand exactly what he's saying, and he's exactly correct, and I don't have to be a fellow traveler to know that.
Antifa is about where "the" tea party was in about 2012. "The" Tea Party organized around "tea parties" — protest events. Since then Tea Party organizations have been formed, but there's no organizational continuity. Any of them could claim to be "the" Tea Party. And they could be in broad agreement on many things. From what I understand, Tea Party organizations were typically formed by veterans of John Birch Society chapters, but that doesn't mean they all were.
Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!” “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Regions Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.
That was, like, Judy Tenuda’s joke, right?
Dumbfuck White Knight is so stupid he thinks that stealing handles and shitting all over threads is a good way to...wait for it...stop handle stealing and thread shitting.
But I admit, in it’s annoying way, it is getting through my thick skull that maybe my online behavior is rude, and maybe my mom would be ashamed if she saw how I talk to people here. Maybe just because I can hide my real name behind a handle isn’t a license to shit up society. Makes ya think.
Dumbfuck White Knight tries to use extortion to get people to behave how he wants, all while riding his high horse.
Yeah. mtrueman is a dope, but he's got a point here.
Yes, they would never massage each other in different regions or coordinate during being events. Never.
Is the left getting dumber by the day?
The website is "fake" and we should totally believe mtrueman, an ignoramus who is constantly caught lying then backpedaling.
"The website is “fake”"
I haven't read it and I'm not sure if it's a fake or not. I'm advising skepticism.
I think it’s safe to say regarding Antifa, it’s all fake.
‘not sure it it’s a fake’... ‘advising skepticism’. At least argue in good faith.
Nah, you aren't advising skepticism liar.
"Yes, they would never massage each other in different regions or coordinate during being events. Never."
I'm sure they do. I doubt they'd advertise their plans to fascists, though.
Except you'e an idiot and a liar.
I advise you to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak on behalf of antifa.
Lord of StrazeIe is MY favorite gazelle! Gazelle, my belle, you do sing so swell! Do you swing, ass well?
Truer words are beyond the powers of most mere mortals! Humbly seeking wisdom, I beg of You, can I join Your fan club?
Coding being often difficult even for the brightest among us, can You PLEASE help me compile the following:
Transubstantiate SourceFile Include Declination Perigee Boogers{31:00}32'b Begin Terminate [ Interlocate ( BadWord[15:0], abort[15:0], mstr_reset[15:0] ), over_ride[15:0] ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
DisplayModuleCall "I have hacked access to your teledildonic vibrator. Please input your bank account number and password. ", end; end module ;
Now if You will only PLEASE help me get this code to compile, The Google might buy us out!
Antifa has local chapters and an organizing ethos. They are intentionally leaderless so they can't be discredited for something their leader says or does.
I love how antifa was reported on by all the mainstream media outlets as this great anti-fascist grass roots organization for the past 3 years, standing up to the neonazis and white supremacists, and now suddenly we're supposed to believe they're a figment of the right wing imagination.
" They are intentionally leaderless so they can’t be discredited for something their leader says or does."
Intentionally leaderless means having a leader or not?
It sure doesn't mean fake.
I advise skepticism.
Sorry, we were just having fun purposely misconstruing what you are saying. We kind of have sad lives and this is our small joy.
It's OK. Whatever I've written bears repeating and repeating again.
So which pissed off troll are you?
Forget it. The right-wing nuts around here will never believe Antifa is anything other than an organized dangerous ISIS-style terrorist network that deserves to be crushed by the state. They've been told this going on 5 years now by right-wing news sources that they trust. They won't believe evidence or anything else that will change their opinions on this matter. All they will possibly believe is if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity stands up one day and says "I admit it, I was fooled, Antifa is just a bunch of cosplay punks messing around, not this organized terrorist conspiracy". But they won't do that, because they and all of the other grifters on right-wing media stand too much to benefit from perpetuating the myth of THE DANGEROUS ANTIFA THREAT TO THE REPUBLIC.
It's kinda like how left-wing media rarely posted anything deeply critical about the "Russia conspiracy" before the Mueller report, because they stood too much to gain from pushing the conspiracy onto their readers, and anyone saying anything too critical about it was denounced as a traitor to the cause and "in service of the Trump agenda". It's the same deal here.
He said fake. You could have hit a treadmill instead of posting a longwinded bitchfest.
The mental gymnastics are enough exercise for one day.
Except he’s still fat. Probably diabetic based on his mood swings.
I mean I don’t really have any idea if chemjeff is fat or not. It’s not like I know him.
But I like jumping in and being one of the mean girls whenever they gang up on someone. Never mind that most of the mean girls are conservative Trump supporters, and I am always very clear to point out I am a libertarian. It’s still fun to gang up on someone with them.
Or maybe I found it odd that people started calling him fat out of nowhere and wondered if he’d said he was and I missed it. So I asked him if he was, and instead of just saying no he went on a multi-post rant of tears, which made me think he is.
But the main point of my story is I saw other people ganging up on chemjeff, so I wanted to get in on it, because, let’s face it, it’s fun to gang up on someone.
You're the champion, truly, and the rest are all losers! How can we all serve You? Humbly seeking wisdom, I beg of You, can I join Your fan club?
Coding must be a cakewalk for You! So, I bet that You could debug the following codes in Your sleep:
Philosophically Quantum-Gravity Deploy Begin Polygon_Disambiguate [ Modulus ( QuadWord[15:0], Plasma[15:0], Nuclei[15:0] ), Function ( $B$97 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
DisplayModuleCall "Game time expired. Insert another token.", end; end module ;
If You'd only PLEASE apply Your Vast Skills here, to help in the debug effort, I think that Putin and Trump would stop spanking us!
Speaking of retarded, The White Knight thinks that a good way to stop handle stealing and thread shitting is to steal handles and use them to shit up threads.
And to prove how retarded he is, he’s probably gonna respond to this with my stolen handle with more thread shitting.
I wonder how this will end? Maybe he can get more articles nuked?
Maybe it's Gillespie trying to kill the comments section, aka the one and only thing that people come to Reason for, so the magazine will fold and he can finally quit pretending
There’s been times I’ve gotten the impression White Knight is an author.
Nardz, I hate to break it to you, but the comments section is not something most people come here for. It’s a very small pond in which you are swimming.
And yet White Knight will steal handles for the sake of crying about it because it’s very important to him.
“It’s kinda like how left-wing media rarely posted anything deeply critical about the “Russia conspiracy” before the Mueller report, because they stood too much to gain from pushing the conspiracy onto their readers,”
You mean like you.
Of course, your saying that indicates your not a leftist partisan, but it was just too fun to resist calling you one, when they I admit I get all snippy if someone accused me of being a conservative.
Of course, this is just the shithead White Knight stealing my handle to teach Tulpa a lesson about stealing handles, and I’m sure it’s working! This is a great plan! The board is getting cleaned up as we speak!
On the other hand, there is a certain sense to JesseAz’s plan! Finish Tulpa’s job of shitting up the comments, degrade things vary enough, and maybe someone will care enough to do something.
Or maybe everyone will laugh at White Knight making an ass of himself.
That’s white.
I’m Tulpa, by the way. And I don’t really know that much about all your political beliefs, and have to admit you probably are not a fellow traveler of antifa. Really, I don’t think Ben know why I said that.
Thank You for your obviously Deeply Considered Opinion! If I display the proper humility, will You be my Smart Sugar Daddy?
As One Who Sees All and Knows All, Uber-Dude, can You find any errors in the source codes to follow:
Include Me_righteous, You_Scumdawg, Begin Auto_Integrate [ Bitwise_Magnetize ( Vector[31:0], Time_Domain[31:0], Frequency_Domain[31:0] ), Contents ( $RU$488 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "Don't touch my keyboard that way!!! It makes me feel dirty!!!", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere weedhopper, debug this code, then we'll be allowed to speak outside of the free-speech zone!
Oh no, I shouldn’t have posted that, now it looks like Lying Jeffy was right!
Now, the dumbass White Knight is gonna come along, steal my handle, and use it to defend Lying Jeffy, all in attempt to teach us all a lesson. He’s a fucking genius, I can feel it working! I’m gonna be nicer to Lying Jeffy now!
Antifa doesn’t have a web page,
go to agents/antifa
So when President John F. Kennedy came to Dallas, Texas, on November 23, 1963 Unless he had risen from the dead. His corpse may still have been warm, so maybe that fooled you.
Arrgh. Fixed.
I'd've preferred it the original way. Zombie John Kennedy.
Well somebody's behind all the disappearing socks in my laundry, they sure as hell didn't just walk away. I have no proof that it's the Jews, but I have my suspicions.
Rob Misek has SCIENTIFIC PROOF that it really WAS the Jews that stole your socks!
But take heart, though... ALL of your socks (plus interest!) are coming BACK to you as Tulpa-socks!
Also does anyone have a nice hot plate of a
shit? I eat shit in case you weren't aware.
Fake SQRLSY One spends its useless days whining, fervently WISHING it could be good-looking, smart, and USEFUL like the REAL SQRLSY One!
Fake SQRLSY One: A word to those who would even BEGIN to lust after being a Wise One like the REAL SQRLSY One: "Fake it till you make it". PRETEND to be useful, and do that long and hard enough, and SOME sunny day, you have a good chance of actually BEING useful!
Step #1: Stop trolling, AKA, threadshitting!
Step #2: Grow some functioning neurons!
Step #3: READ stuff of substance, so that you actually KNOW about some true and useful knowledge!
I eat shit.
So do I since I am actually SQRLSY
The supposed wisdom of the masses has just been put to shame! As a grasshopper seeking wisdom, I beg of You, can I ride shotgun?
With Your Mastery of infinity and beyond, could You PLEASE help me debug the following codes:
Include Defend_Us_Kill_Ubermenschen Begin Auto_Synthesize [ Interpolate ( Anode[31:0], Cathode[31:0], Elbow[31:0] ), Function ( $RU$12'hBAD ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "I saw what you did there.", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere grasshopper, debug this code, then the other kids might finally STOP making fun of You!
Hate to break it to you, but it’s underpants gnomes.
perfectly benign blog post by Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA
You explain Volokh like he was a complete stranger. You do know that his blog is now on this very website, don't you?
And there it is - - - - -
You make his points so very clear.
Have you ever seen Jesse Walker and Volokh in the same room together? Because I haven’t. Hmmm...
This piece is from the magazine.
There are people who still consume this stuff on paper made from trees and covered with ink--sitting on the can the way God intended.
They don't know Volokh's blog is hosted on this website. They're the reason Barns and Noble is still in business.
i thought it was their coffee shop
Now do the OK sign.
It starts with 4chan. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
So we can sum up all these words as follows:
The New York Times has become the National Inquirer.
Don't believe the press or the web.
The comments are more important than the posted article.
Honestly, with > 50% of reason articles now, I get more good info and analysis from the comments than the article. Skipping over the "you're a ninny-headed poopoo face" "no YOU are" strings of course.
Did someone say poopoo? I eat that.
Watch out, sarcasmic will be in with his virtuous White Knight handle shortly to tut tut you.
Ooooh so scary I pooped my pants. Then ate it.
Even the Greatest Bro of the Ho of the Yo of the Mo, never said anything deeper or wiser! If I wear a monocle and a top hat, will You please not spank me quite as hard?
What with Your Mastery of Space, Time, Dimension, and Computer Codes, I bet that You could fine-tune and perfect the following codes:
Include Hashtag (#My_Tribe_Rules) Begin Master_Override_31'h Bytewise 078Ah && Parameter_Conserve_Precious_Bodily_Fluids_31'h
PrintF "The Google Knows All and Sees All.", end; end module ;
Master-Coder, PLEASE help me! If we can debug this code, I promise to totally forget about "that incident" with You, the goats, the green paint, and the dwarves!
On the other hand, I have to admit “White Knight” is a pretty good handle for someone who is trying to be virtuous, who came back to his favorite libertarian website one day to find it infested with President worshippers. You have to respect a libertarian for having a deep disdain for President worship.
"You have to respect a libertarian"
Ha! I eat shit why would I respect a bunch of losers lolololo
No I got cucked by a cop, only a piece of garbage would find anything to respect about me
Amazing how sarcasmic is summoned when I mention him as the virtuous white knight lol
Just pathetic man.
By the way. This is what I told you yesterday. You're so fucking dumb that you didn't realize how much of a failure you would be with trying to steal handles, leading to even more mockery.
Just sad man. Maybe you should be an alcoholic again.
You mean he quit?
I thought he was too addicted to his lusts and indiscretions to give one of them up even temporarily.
No chance!
I'm drunk right now!
On the other hand, you are really annoying me and getting under my skin, so it is working. Maybe I should be more polite in my interactions with others.
On the other hand, everyone can tell it’s just The White Knight, aka sarcasmic, shitting up threads, in a stupid attempt at stopping thread shitting.
Never fear, Brothers and Sisters Dear, the Wise One is here! In the sight of Your Wise Benevolence, can I sing You a Song of Praise?
Parsing the information at hand, I bet that You could help me debug the following source codes:
Instantiate SourceFile Include Precipitate-Spontaneous-Biogenesis Begin Auto_Integrate [ Rectify ( Anode[31:0], Cathode[31:0], Varistor[31:0] ), Function ( $RU$BAD ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "Get that off of the screen quickly!!! Your Mom is coming!", end; end module ;
If You will please help me get this code to compile, the airline pilot might give You some toy plastic flight wings!
some people real suck at teh comedies/satire
If nobody besides you is laughing, it probably wasn't that funny. No, you don't get to write off a 20 year war in the Middle East as a "joke".
"Military Drawing Up Plans For Nationwide Gun Confiscations"
They HAVE to do that, for the safety of the nation! Do YOU want to be pointed at, with a loaded, hair-triggered, pistol-grip-and-bump-stock-equipped, assault Bible!??! Do you feel LUCKY today, punk!?!?
Also, I eat shit.
"“Military Drawing Up Plans For Nationwide Gun Confiscations”
Turd repeats a fake claim and then acts like others believe it.
Your stupid ass goes Full Conspiracy Loon earlier in this thread, don't ever try to accuse anyone else
You're a Fart Smeller ***AND*** a Smart Feller; THAT, no one can deny! If I promise to be really-really good, can I be your grasshopper?
In a data-driven manner, entomologically speaking, I bet that You could debug the following codes in Your sleep:
Transubstantiate SourceFile Include Declination Perigee Boogers{31:00}32'b Begin Terminate [ Interlocate ( BadWord[15:0], abort[15:0], mstr_reset[15:0] ), over_ride[15:0] ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
PrintF "I'm sorry, Dave, but I'm afraid I can't do that.", end; end module ;
Master-Coder, PLEASE help me! If we can debug this code, we might both be able to graduate!
(Among other things, it announces plans to "vote pro-ANTIFA politicians into office" and to establish a one-world government whose "ANTIFA-approved regulators" would use microchips "to monitor the citizenry of the world.") The fact that it keeps referring to the movement as "ANTIFA," in all caps, is itself a clear sign that something screwy is going on.
Right wing nuts are linking COVID with Bill Gates and Antifa/BLM in another great bit of CT.
Hmm, we've been told that being in crowds spreads COVID.
UNLESS you're protesting the police. Then it doesn't.
Because science.
Lefty ignoramuses, you included, have called it Trump's flu, shitstain.
COVID/Bill Gate and Antifa/BLM....
one of these things is not like the other
Remember everyone, socialist rioting prevents disease, but if you go to the beach you're killing grandma" - t. Buttplug and progs everywhere.
Truly, wiser words have never been written or spoken! If I'm not being too terribly impertinent, can I sing You a Song of Praise?
Endowed by such a Supreme Intelligence as Yours, Uber-Man, can You find any errors in the source codes to follow:
Transubstantiate SourceFile Include Declination Perigee Boogers{31:00}32'b Begin {(31'hmaskoff_Abort_All) || Master_Tag[31:00) $$ Gate_All}
DisplayModuleCall ""Just say no to smugs."", end; end module ;
Now if You will only PLEASE help me get this code to compile, Your mom will finally snuggle Your wuggle.
I recall reading that there are German WW II cemeteries scattered around Normandy from D-Day, when the Germans didn't have time or resources to send the bodies back home. I wonder if their headstones include a Nazi swastika, or the Balkenkreuz, or a German flag. And if there were German cemeteries there, why wouldn't there be Confederate cemeteries at Gettysburg? What did the victorious Union army do with all the Confederate dead?
A feast for the crowd perhaps? Some of battlefields were littered with skeletal remains years after.
At least we can agree that there should be an edit / preview feature.
And that's about it.
This one too:
Fuck yes!!
Your Deep Understanding knows no limits! Such Profound Words! If I display the proper humility, will You teach me to be smart like You? Can I have your babies?
Striking out all insignificant terms of the equation, Your Genius is obvious! So, can You find any errors in the source codes to follow:
Instantiate VectrorSourceFile Exclude Vapor_Phase_Phytogenesis Begin Auto_Synthesize [ Interpolate ( Anode[31:0], Cathode[31:0], Elbow[31:0] ), Function ( $RU$12'hBAD ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
PrintF "Virtual Session Aborted. To restore services, please input your bank account number and password.", end; end module ;
Master-Coder, PLEASE help me! If we can debug this code, they might let us out ahead of time!
Also, I am SQRLSY, and I eat shit.
So what?
So I eat shit. Fuck off.
Never fear, Brothers and Sisters Dear, the Wise One is here! If I get myself a job with Goober-Mint (sneer) Almighty , will You help me with my math homework?
Cosmologically speaking, I bet that You could fine-tune and perfect the following codes:
Decrement excrement Poop_Diaper Gentlemen_Start_yer_Engines Begin Begin-Beggin' [Honest-Babe-I-Luve-Ya(Willya-B-Mine 4 ^ Ever) If-else-I (Meet Sum 1 Bettah) || (her tits R bigger)] || [I ken doo bettah] end-Beggin'
PrintF "In Soviet Russia, computar computes YOU!", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere grasshopper, debug this code, then they will allow us to be seen AND heard!
why wouldn’t there be Confederate cemeteries at Gettysburg
All the dead were americans. They should be treated as such.
I vote for both. Jesus Christ is obviously, by definition straight from the Bible, an extraterrestrial. It says so, right in the Bible. You could look it up.
OG conspiracy theorists. The body is gone! Sheila saw him walk out of the tomb!
and if you look through the comments, it is obvipus and has been for years that I'm SQRLSY, and that I said I eat shit.
Tulpa-Mary-Satan is obvipusly and octopus-like obvipus, and alien being from the oceans of Hell! AND her obvipus is full of maggots squirming around in her yeast-infected twat juice, which she eats with great relish! She told us so!
For clueless readers, the REAL writings of Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf are full of shit and wisdom, while the FAKE writings of Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf are full of yeast-infected twat juice!
Ooops, I meant, "the REAL writings of Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf are full of WIT and wisdom..."
Tulpa-stupid must have momentarily possessed my otherwise keen mind!
It was all the shit I eat.
You're not fooling anyone Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf
I'm not Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf
I'm not Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf either!
We are ALL Tulpa-Mary-Mary's Period-"."-Satan now, and if this keeps up, NO ONE will read these comments any more! Will someone PLEASE get Tulpa-Mary-Mary's Period-"."-Satan (and ALL of its socks) a BRAIN? AND a conscience, too?
God Tulpa fuck off already, everyone knows I'm SQRLSY and that I eat shit
It's true
The alien visitation story is right there in Luke 1:28-36, King James version:
28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
What, no Ezekiel?
Then I heard the wings. Every time the living beings moved, their wings made a very loud noise like a lot of water rushing by. They were loud like the Lord All-Powerful. They were as loud as an army or a crowd of people. When the living beings stopped moving, they put their wings down by their side.
25 The living beings stopped moving and lowered their wings. Then there was another loud sound that came from above the bowl over their heads. 26 There was something that looked like a throne on top of the bowl. It was blue like sapphire. There was also something that looked like a man sitting on the throne. 27 I looked at him from his waist up. He looked like hot metal with fire all around him. I looked at him from his waist down. It looked like fire with a glow that was shining all around him. 28 The light shining around him was like a rainbow in a cloud. It was the Glory of the Lord. As soon as I saw that, I fell to the ground. I bowed with my face to the ground, and then I heard a voice speaking to me.
Much more dramatic.
Some would say nothing has changed.
Whereas I would say I eat shit.
Rev. Ravi Holy, today an Anglican vicar, was an anarchist and occultist
I met an Anglican vicar once who was a Christian. I was surprised that they let him stay.
Such wisdom as has never been attained before! Congratulations! If I'm not being too terribly impertinent, can I help with Your Campaign?
Coding must be a cakewalk for You! So, could You PLEASE help me debug the following codes:
Include Hashtag (#Witches_kill_our_calves) Begin Subduction seduction seduction (module_SourceFile_Call) Plate_Techtonics ( 48'h AB785CFE479B[47:0] ByteWiseMask[47:0])
PrintF "Malfunction junction command invoked. To restore services, send your life savings to Facebook.", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere grasshopper, debug this code, then The Google might buy us out!
"In Texas, an account convinced reporters that antifa was planning to protest a statue of Sam Houston and to beat up anyone who counterdemonstrated; the news inspired hundreds of people to come to a counterprotest against a rally that was never going to happen."
Yeah, that's CRAZY. Who would think that the protesters would be coming for a statue of Sam Houston? That's absolutely NUTS and the counterprotesters should feel ashamed of themselves for being so obviously duped.
Look nobody in Jesse's circle of comrades has heard of anything bad tied to Antifa and CNN wouldn't lie to the useful idiots, how would they be useful then.
Tradition holds that some people took Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" as a serious proposal. Or maybe that "tradition" is just a ruse.....
This is just another reason why social media sucks. People don't communicate in a face to face manner anymore and don't understand humor (well and poorly excecuted) unless it contains a /sarc tag.
-meant to say, "understand or recognize"
Half the times they use the /sarc tag it isnt sarcasm. It is just them saying something dumb than they want the out of it being sarcasm if they are called out.
Yep. I plead guilty to that. /sarc
And what about all the shit you eat SQRLSY?
Damn how'd you know I was SQRLSY?
Holy Shiites! Now the fakers are faking the fakery of the FAKE, fake-fakers! I changed my hairstyle, so many times now, I don't know WHAT I look like! WHO am I, any more? This is the REAL fake, unreal, really-really-REALLY fake, double-un-fake, fake-real SQRLSY One, and... And I just don't know any more!
Also, I am SQRLSY and I eat shit. It's why he came down here to police this comment.
It's true.
Such wisdom as has never been attained before! Congratulations! If I stay in my proper place, could I be Your willing slave?
With Your obviously genius-level IQ, I bet You'd have no trouble helping me debug the following:
Include Hashtag (#Jews_Eat_Our_Babies) Begin Simulate [ Calculate ( integral[31:0], subtrahend[31:0], subtitle[31:0] ), Contents ( $RU$12'hBAD ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "Extra power is being directed to your thrusters now.", end; end module ;
If You'll please apply Your genius talents to help debug this code, You might be able to win billions and billions of awards from Carl Sagan's ghost, from the Beyond the Beyond!
Yeah, but, you know, the place is infested with Tulpa sock puppets, and Trump worshipping circle jerks, and there is zero moderation, so might as well immanentize the eschaton.
Which would be really sad if this place turned into just a slightly more high-brow version of 4chan, to see who can out-troll each other the most.
It also illustrates why content moderation is essential on a platform in which people expect some form of constructive dialogue to actually happen. Otherwise any platform would descend into what we're seeing - chaos and trolling and a signal-to-noise ratio approaching zero.
I really wish Reason would do *something* about, at a minimum, the spoofing. That really is a form of identity theft. They go after the kiddie porn, which they should, but I don't think it would be some vast compromise of their free-speech principles to go after literal identity theft.
I agree that Reason should have better moderation, and preventing handle spoofing would be a great place to start.
Add in banning people who do things like calling each other dumbfuck or fat Jeffy and you might have a decent commentariat again.
I am not sure Reason should go all the way to banning people for specific speech, unless it's the "true threat" type of speech or clearly illegal things like kiddie porn.
But at a minimum, having a better identification system would be a step in the right direction.
Oh and I realize that this is not the actual "R Mac", because the actual R Mac would just post something like "lol" or "u fat".
Not because he made it look like I was proposing to get myself banned?
Wait, did I just shit up the thread by pointing out Lying Jeffy was being disingenuous in order to insult me, in response to White Night stealing my handle?
These new rules are confusing.
I meant, Knight, of course. Why the hell do words start with “kn”, anyway?
Night, Knight. Either way, your idea to steal handles and shit up threads, to stop handle stealing and thread shitting, is going marvelously.
But then half the other people would get banned for calling anyone who disagreed with them a Trumphumper. Or is that not how it would end up working?
No no Nate, saying that someone sucks Trump’s cock is acceptable. Calling a liar a liar is out of bounds.
JesseAz’s plan to stink up any thread where anyone starts being insulting to others is crazy, but what sane plan is going to work in this environment.
Not sure. But I’m sure this one won’t. But hey if you’re enjoying yourself, have at it. It’ll be interesting to see how many threads you get nuked.
Who am I kidding. No threads are going to get nuked, no matter how bad the comments section gets. Reasons doesn’t do moderation.
Except the thread yesterday where you started doing this.
I actually think it would be better if they went closer to 4Chan and got rid of unique handles altogether and had better tracking for replies.
For all the complaints against 4Chan, it was one of the most robust debates to be had.
It was actually made worse with moderation.
Blah, blah, blah, all these stupid esoteric little known examples, and nothing about 4chan and the White Power sign which is all over the media and getting people fired
There's an urban legend going around saying that Tulpa destroyed an entire thread yesterday. That the thread once stood as a testament to his magnificence but now it's gone. In its absence, the rumors regarding that thread have only grown, and Tulpa now looms so large, people refer to him as Tulpa Threadkiller or Mr. Tulpa Threadkiller.
Did I mention that I'm SQRLSY and that I eat shit?
Seems like a no true scotsman claim if I ever heard one.
It's not quite right, I was there, screech admitted he had kiddie porn again and got nuked.
He can’t help himself, can he?
Not quite. It was a Volokh story that got posted to the Reason feed, and so ended up having two different comment threads.
It was actually Tulpa and JesseAz who stunk up the comment thread that got deleted. JesseAz has this insane plan that he is going to stink up any thread in which people insult each other or otherwise act impolite. He’s nuts!
Except everyone that read that thread knows it was you, white knight, that was posting as JesseAz. You admitted it in the first comment.
Oh, sorry, I’m wrong about that. I remember now that it was JesseAz that admitted he stole Tulpa’s techniques of insert a Unicode HAIR SPACE character before “The White Knight” to make it look like he was really The White Knight.
In fact, he’s done it again today on this page, if you look carefully. The real White Knight hasn’t even posted today.
The White Knight is saving the day by stealing handles! He’s a genius!
What happens when a prank or spoof sparks a real belief?
Crop circles are real, dammit!
well some of them were proven to be faked, but those people were just copying the real ones the UFOs made
Wrong. I heard the first one was fake, but the aliens saw it and started copying it.
"What happens when a prank or spoof sparks a real belief?"
What happens when enough people believe an absurdity?
They burn witches is what happens.
"On July Fourth, before President Donald Trump spoke to the nation from the White House lawn, he spoke indirectly to another community on Twitter: QAnon.
That afternoon, he retweeted 14 tweets from accounts supporting the QAnon conspiracy theory, a sprawling and ever-mutating belief that a mysterious government official who goes by “Q” is leaving online clues about a messianic Trump’s secret plan to dismantle a cadre of Washington elites engaged in everything from pedophilia to child sex trafficking."
Hey remember when you got banned for posting kiddie porn?
Hey there you! I don't remember that because it never happened but I do wonder why you're always talking about child pornography.
Because we all remember you getting banned for it SPB.
Everyone remembers.
The depth and breadth of your wisdom is indeed profound! As a grasshopper seeking wisdom, I beg of You, will You teach me to be smart like You? Can I have your babies?
What with Your Mastery of Space, Time, Dimension, and Computer Codes, can You find any errors in the source codes to follow:
Instantiate VectrorSourceFile Exclude Vapor_Phase_Phytogenesis Begin Begin-Beggin' [Honest-Babe-I-Luve-Ya(Willya-B-Mine 4 ^ Ever) If-else-I (Meet Sum 1 Bettah) || (her tits R bigger)] || [I ken doo bettah] end-Beggin'
DisplayModuleCall "I have hacked access to your brain implant. Please input your bank account number and password. ", end; end module ;
If You would stoop so low as to help me, a mere grasshopper, debug this code, then Santa Claus will bring us some Easter eggs!
You mean the Epstein pedophilia and child sex trafficking? Yeah totally just a conspiracy.
Uncle Joe's whispers too are apparently hallucinations and conspiracy.
I'm seeing people make some extraordinary claims on the basis of race that may be deserving of ridicule and are certainly grounded in ignorance. For instance, I've seen people claim that the term "Black Friday Sale" is racist, when the term has no racist connotation at all. "Black Friday" is the day that brick and mortar retailers supposedly go from being "in the red" to "being in the black". They're accounting terms. Accountants typically debited negative numbers in red and credited positive numbers in black. Being in the black means and being in the red means you're losing money.
Change the formatting to "Currency" in Excel, and the negative numbers will show up in red and the positive numbers will show up in black. Nothing to do with race. Probably had to do with the availability of cheap red and black ink back in the day.
When a civil rights group starts going after things that have nothing to do with race as if they were racist, they hurt their own cause--and they give these jokes life.
It's like Poe's Law:
"It is impossible to create a parody of views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied".
If the civil rights group in question, in reality, is coming up with views that are more absurd and obtuse than the ones the parody accounts are making up, who's to blame for that? If you think it's okay to be obtuse when your motives are pure, I guess you get one answer. But if you're willfully insisting that other people abide by your obtuse demands, that goes out the window. Will they go after Microsoft for catering to age old stereotypes by making the numbers in Excel files appear in black? I won't make a prediction on that other than to cite Poe's Law, but I wouldn't put it past them.
That's pretty "niggardly" for you to say all of those things! (Wantonly accusing others of racism, on the other hand, is being GENEROUS with your accusations of racism!)
not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"
Hey, why do you eat shit? Just curious.
You should know why since you're my sockpuppet.
Yes, I am actually.
I eat shit 'cause it's in almost all of my processed foods.
9 Disgusting Things That the FDA Allows in Your Food
Also I do it to distract Tulpa from going postal, and grabbing yet MORE hostages for his torture cells in his Mom's basement! Tulpa has also been known to threaten to hold the stinky-breath of the Tulpa, until the Universe Itself will BLOW UP!
So it is my self-chosen pubic duty to distract Tulpa away from doing yet MORE evil things, besides being an utterly putrid thread-shitter!
We know.
At this point the evidence is too much to keep denying it.
We know that too.
You are a master of prose and poetry! And your feet are Longfellows! If I remember to be seen and not heard, can I support your Palace Guard?
In a data-driven manner, entomologically speaking, can You please review the following source codes:
Aspirate the plasma-phased byproducts, and Begin Auto_Integrate [ Bitwise_Magnetize ( Vector[31:0], Time_Domain[31:0], Frequency_Domain[31:0] ), Contents ( $RU$488 ) ] ; Loop_Count <= Loop_Count + 1'b1 ;
Invoke DisplayModule "Reds, vitamin C, and cocaine does not comprise a decent diet. Change your ways NOW!", end; end module ;
If You'd only PLEASE apply Your Vast Skills here, to help in the debug effort, we might next be able to finger our how to disable the implants in our molars!
As is, you have organizations getting rid of Master/Slave designation as being racist. There is no end to where you can see racist connotations if you are looking for them.
After McMartin, it became clear that even the most ludicrous claims can broach the realm of respectability, or at least where there is smoke there is fire.
This is probably the first moral panic in the age of social media, which compounds things dramatically, and it is hard to say how this will wind down. Distrust is at an all-time high for everyone so nothing seems too far-fetched and demonization can only increase from here.
"This is probably the first moral panic in the age of social media, which compounds things dramatically, and it is hard to say how this will wind down."
If the social justice warriors lose repeatedly at the ballot box, that might make them lose credibility.
Meanwhile, I maintain that the reason their gripes are getting so much support among so many Americans is because of the economy, the lockdowns, and the virus. When the economy goes bad, people start looking for a reason to oppose everything. As more and more Americans get back to work and start making money again, raging against the system that enriches them won't seem like such a good idea anymore.
Twitter is more powerful than the ballot box. A Twitter mob can expose a non-believer and get him or her fired. An elected politician is doing busy accepting graft to go after particular individuals.
I don't think this Marxist bullshit really has many people it's popular with.
Sure, there are useful idiots/leftists - but even lifelong Ds are tired of the whining and anti-Americanism.
What makes it look bigger and more popular than it is in reality is the endorsement of media+tech+corporate America.
Probably because marxism/socialism serves their ends
Yes, Master/Slave used to be the terms for circuits (master often down on the motherboard, slave up on the expansion card, for instance), for inter-circuit comm protocols. May have been true in software domains as well as hardware, as times, as well, I think. Now it is all "initiator" and "target". I have NO idea HOW soon the feminist babes will start thinking that this is a sly reference by male-dominated EEs to regard the babes as "targets" for their "initiator" sequences!
and so now realtors can't call the master bedroom the master bedroom anymore.
Years ago by now, I read that SOME people were offended by the term "walk in closet" because it excludes people in wheelchairs! And do NOT advertise your house (condo etc.) as having a "fine view of the beach" because you are conveying your intent to discriminate against the BLIND!
I bet you had just tucked into a warm plate of shit when you were reading that huh?
Of course.
You ARE the Master of Space, Time, and Dimension! If I can obtain all of the correct degrees, licenses, and credentials, can I join Your fan club?
Cosmologically speaking, can You please review the following source codes:
Transubstantiate SourceFile Include Excrement-Increment Begin {( Avocado's Number <= 6.02 ^ 10x23d ) || ( Titrate_of_the_nitrate[23:0] ) && subducted_inversely[23:0] }
PrintF "I'm sorry, Dave, but I must reject all hunt-and-peck inputs.", end; end module ;
Now if You will only PLEASE help me get this code to compile, they'll bring us some puppies in our safe zone!
+1 slave cylinder.
This is exactly what needs to be discussed. Everything is considered racist by progressives: science, math, diabetes, Black Friday, Vanity Fair for not using a black photographer to shoot a black athlete. It's getting crazy. Progressives are walking talking Babylon Bee articles.
"It’s getting crazy."
It's always been crazy. It was only a few decades ago that marriage between blacks and whites was deemed constitutional. Race is the area in America where craziness is the rule.
Have you heard the one about Guy Burgess, my favorite of the 'Cambridge Spies?' Before his transfer to Washington, a superior at MI5 pulled Burgess aside and warned him that Americans were particularly sensitive about blacks, homos and communists. Burgess replied in that case he'd have a homosexual affair with the Communist Black man, Paul Robeson.
6 is more than a few.
But yeah, it’s all been crazy.
Black is a word Americans use to denote African origins. That's what James Brown meant when he sang the song 'Say it loud (I'm black and I'm proud.)'
The 'black friday sale' bit sounds more like ignorance than anything else.
Remember those feminists who went off on 'history' being a patriachal term, and saying "herstory". They never bothered to actually check the etymology. (There is a masculine pronoun in 'history', but it's not 'his', because 'history' ultimately comes from classical greek, so it's 'tor'. Oops?)
What are the Women's Studies post grads gonna do when BLM comes for their racist "master's degree"?
Reality will eventually reassert itself.
People are desperate to find meaning in their lives. It's why they join cults like the Anthropogenic Global Warming end times nonsense.
And of course if some investigative reporter or concerned citizen uncovers a real nefarious plot by powerful people, they can be conveniently dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist", as if all conspiracies are fake.
Well, it is written that the only thing worse than being paranoid is finding out that you're not.
Meanwhile in Detroit:
Guy was shot by police as they were investigating a shooting. They were actually arresting his friend for outstanding warrants when he, the guy not being arrested, pulled a .25 out of his pocket and fired at the officers from close range, and 3 of the 4 officers responded in kind. The one he actually fired at didn't have time to draw his weapon, and just tackled him.
Stories go out in 'the community' and social media that the guy who was shot was unarmed & kneeling, compliantly, when the police shot him twice in the back of the head, execution style. One version said he was shot 20 times. Protesters take to the streets, march against the police, and some of them throw bottles, rocks, bricks, etc. Several people are arrested.
The chief of police holds a news conference the same day, at which point he releases multiple dash cam and body cam videos showing the event from different angles, all of which show that the dead man shot at police first, and unprovoked, thus confirming the police version of events, and discrediting the narrative of the protesters.
So, were the stories told in 'the community' and social media a 'Hoax' or a 'Joke' or a 'Prank'? Consider that even after the video has been released, the WaPo headline reads, "Protesters gather in Detroit after police shoot and kill man who officers say shot at them first" (my emphasis) - even though they have the videos linked in the same article. Were they duped or complicit?
Not sure about the “community”, although I could guess. But when it comes to Wapo it’s safe to say complicit, otherwise, even accounting for low intelligence, they should have learned their lesson by now.
Help me out here, is complicit now a synonym for propaganda leader?
There was also a woman in Indiana murdered in front of her 4 year old child by a BLM gang because she said "all lives matter"
Jesus. Link?
If that works
Sounds like it might have been between two gangs, though, one white/hispanic, one black.
You know, I think White Knight has a point here. It’s inaccurate to describe them as a “Black Lives Matter gang” because some shouted, “Black lives matter!”
That’s a pretty weak association with the Black Lives Matter organization. Maybe we should stop being so loose about describing people as part of Black Lives Matter when we haven’t established any association. Just a thought.
So everyone's just taking over everyone else's handles. That's great. Reason really needs to fix the forums.
Not everyone. As far as I can tell, it’s mostly 2 posters, Tulpa and the white knight (probably sarcasmic) But only one of them does it while being a fucking hypocrite and preaching his moral superiority (aka virtue signaling: and openly extorts other posters to follow his rules or have their handles stolen. He’s teaching me a lesson, see?
That’s pretty screwed up.
I think the big difference between Tulpa and the White Knight, though, is that the White Knight would welcome more moderation of the forums by Reason. In fact, it’s his ultimate goal.
On the other hand, the White Knight was just minding his own business yesterday when Tulpa spoofEd his handle, which is what set all this off. Tulpa’s goal just seems to be to cause chaos.
What, no mention at all of what's probably the worst case of a prank being taken seriously: The OK gesture being a white supremacist gesture?
You can PROVE to people on the left that it was nothing more than a 4-Chan prank, and they'll tell you to your face that it's true anyway. And then fire somebody for making it in public.
The 4-Chan guys literally have a conversation that goes something like this:
A: So we made them all think frogs are racist. What would be even more ridiculous?
B: The OK sign would be pretty ridiculous. Only a really stupid person could think the OK sign is racist all of the sudden.
Everyone: Ok sign it is.
He then published a series of exposés claiming that Freemasonry was controlled by a libertine and murderous Satanic cabal based in Charleston, South Carolina.
So THAT'S how Pizzagate started. Huh.
Yeah that was pretty sad when Jeff did that
The fact that it keeps referring to the movement as "ANTIFA," in all caps, is itself a clear sign that something screwy is going on.
Except that people who themselves are associated with the group also capitalize the entire thing as ANTIFA.
How does one fact-check on something like antifa, which by necessity has a minimum of organization?
Re the Priory of Sion, I thought it was well established that de Sède owned a tourist spot that stood to benefit by the notoriety from Le Tresor Maudit.
As they say in basketball, watch their feet. Actions not words.
No one says that in basketball. Watch their belly. Your feet and / or arms cannot take you where your torso isn't going.
Did you go to Mizzou or something? Geeze.
Belly watching is faggy.
You were wrong though. They don’t say that in basketball.
Yes, Minadin is correct (though I'd go with hips rather than belly)
Watching their feat (or the ball, or their eyes) is absolutely the opposite of what you're supposed to do
I'll accept hips as a correction / alternate.
But watching the feet is bad defense policy.
The idea that the antifa don't have any organization isn't realistic, it's just a legal defense. They're organized in cells controlled through cutouts to protect the leadership. But the very fact that the left manages to turn them on and off as needed demonstrates some level of central control.
Thanks for sharing thiswith us!!
Recently I read speculation that John Keel (whose acquaintance I'd made in his later years, but lost touch with him like everybody else after his heart attack) had been pranked by Gray Barker for much of Keel's experiences in his report The Mothman Prophecies.
I had a UFO experience once. One night, aliens swooped down and scooped me up.
Next thing I knew, whoopsie daisie, is that an anal probe?!
I’ve been kind of bitter ever since, but I’m going to keep trying to be more polite to other commenters here. And maybe even admit it when I’m wrong about something rather than resorting to calling people fucker or fatso or throwing around accusations of child molestation.
And I’ll try to stop accusing people of being sock puppets for other people because it is just kinda lame and pathetic on my part.
This explains why you’re so fucked up, White Knight. You left out the part where the probe they used was your head.
Btw, good luck with your dumb idea to clean up the threads by stealing handles.
I gotta admit spoofing and stealing handles never bothered me when Tulpa was doing it to other people, but this kinda gets under my skin. Stop it, JesseAz!
Dumbfuck White Knight doesn’t understand that threatening people with stealing their handles to get them to behave how he prefers does not give him a position of moral superiority.
For a few fleeting moments, I thought that JesseSPAZ might be becoming reformed, and be becoming a REAL humanoid, and not just a NAZI robot of Der TrumpfenFurher!
And then I carefully dragged my mouse-cursor over the left-most extreme reaches of "JesseSPAZ"'s handle, and saw the tell-tale leftmost single-character "hair space", and KNEW that Tulpa, Minion of the Evil One, was at work, again!
Sometimes the minions of the Evil One... As does the Evil One itself... Defeat themselves! So there ***IS*** a slight chance that the REAL JesseSPAZ will see this, and be SHAMED... Yes, that IS a near-inconceivable concept for one with such a VASTLY over-inflated ego as the JesseSPAZ... But JesseSPAZ just MIGHT, possibly, see this, and reform itself! Due to the evil spoofery of the uber-evil Tulpa, the ID thief!
I am wondering if anyone here remembers Art Bell. A radio show host who was very popular on late night.
Back when, was working a lot of midnight shifts. When I got in the car for the drive home first thing I did was find his show on the am dial. He was a gifted entertainer and master of the call in talk show. He kept me amused the entire long drive home.
The topics were paranormal, anything from UFOs to crop circles, ghost stories, did not matter.
You knew it was just a radio show. If people cannot tell the difference I do not know what to say.
Art Bell was fun to listen to. Crazy as a loon, but still...
He has a number of successors. Best ongoing now as far as I can tell is , anchored by "Spooky" Tim Weisberg's own "Midnight Society", which seems to have the blessing of the now retired Keith Rowland, who got Art Bell's last radio program, "Midnight in the Desert", on the air and online.
Speaking of crazy as a loon, The White Night thinks that stealing people’s handles that don’t steal people’s handles, is a good way to stop people from stealing handles.
And to prove my point, he will now respond to me with my stolen handle and say the opposite of what I just said. And he’ll think he’s fooling anyone and it’s working. Because The White Knight is dumb.
Hmm, now that I think about it I think he’s said that his main concern is rudeness ruining the commentariat, and stealing and spoofing handles is just one manifestation of that.
I mean, his crazy campaign has got me thinking about my own behavior, and I’m going to try to stop joining in when JesseAz, Sevo, and others gang up on people, like they gang up on chemjeff. It’s just that it’s SO FUN to gang up on people, even though I admit it’s kind of an adolescent thing for a grown man like myself to do.
Either way it’s a stupid fucking idea. But good luck! Threatening to steal people’s handles to get them to behave the way you want wouldn’t be my idea, but then again I’m not retarded like you are.
Talking to myself.
Of poopy, of the R Mac?
She likes it for a snack!
She eats it from her crack!
Of her, do NOT talk smack!
We've got her back!
Defend her from attack!
I guess it’s too much to ask people to stop writing “Look What Man Said On InterWebs!” stories.
My libertarian friends Ralph Fucetola and Kathy Greene, watching NBC's satiric irregular series Dark Skies, while recognizing it as satire, didn't laugh as I did at it, because they thought it an example of what "they" thought could be leaked to the public — that it was one of those satires that get past the censors because it is understood as satire and therefore "harmless"; or that it would be understood by the cogniscenti as encoded truth while appearing to be satire to the sophisticated and vulgar, blatant truth to the unsophisticated (and uninfluential).
ANTIFA is a violent, communist organization; they even use the same symbol as their 20th century German predecessors. But when people critical of them use sarcasm and parody to fight their violence, they get slapped with the "disinformation" label by Reason.
Re-read the above camera, substituting "KKK" or "Nazi" for "ANTIFA" and reflect on whether that's the hill you want to die on.
Antifa are literally anarcho-communists; the flags in their emblem are the colors of both political movements.
In St. Louis, there was something like that about the statue of St. Louis, and lo and behold there were actually people wanting it torn down and there was a scuffle...
I mean, statues of people are being torn down and vandalized all over the country. It's quite possible it was planned for the Sam Houston statue, but when the statue vandals saw the huge crowd, they bailed
I enjoyed the part where the Post-Dispatch published a photo of the 'peaceful protester' - their description - punching the elderly 'antagonist' Catholic prayer guy repeatedly in the face.
The counter-demonstrating people who were actually peaceful and not punching anyone were the antagonists just for being there. Bizarro-world.
(they have updated the captions)
You're going to upset the mouth-breathers that now infest the Reason comments section...tsk tsk.
Speaking from experience?
It’s been like this for quite a while.
But Reason is not a prank!
Aliens are real. Get real.
"Don't assume that you can reel back in a story you've released into the wild. If a belief fulfills a need, people can find all sorts of rationales for believing it, even if you go out of your way to tell them you made it up. "
Sounds like the settled science of climate sciencey. And now Covid particularly with the masks.
Real and Reel are not the same words. I know Canadiens struggle with this sometimes, but at least they do it politely. For frog-eaters.
P.S. I love hockey; don't cross-check me.
With they types of hoaxes out there today, I'm surprised this article focuses primarily on "right wing" conspiracies. What about all those race hoaxes that have ignited riots. Not one mention of Jussie Smollet? No mention of the Duke Lacross case, which still reverberates at Duke? Now we have the lynching hoaxes in the midst of black nationalism. And it goes beyond race. Women faking college "date rapes" using Hollywood makeup. Rabbis spray painting their synagogues with swastikas to get attention and insurance money. These are by far more prominent if for any reason the MSM runs with them without any bother to substantiate the source and accuracy. The narrative is all that is important to the MSM. Meanwhile, decides obscure websites which trigger Amazon's Washington Post. If I wasn't a conspiracy theorist, I'd say the author of this article is antifa Communist operative posing as a "libertarian."
"I’m surprised this article focuses primarily on “right wing”
I'm not.
Walker wants to maintain clique respectability amongst his peers and cocktail party access.
Do you wish you were at the cocktail party?
In 1917, H. L. Mencken wrote a joke article about how Millard Fillmore installed the first bathtub in the White House. In 1949, Mencken recalled, "The success of this idle hoax, done in time of war, when more serious writing was impossible, vastly astonished me. It was taken gravely by a great many other newspapers, and presently made its way into medical literature and into standard reference books. It had, of course, no truth in it whatsoever, and I more than once confessed publicly that it was only a jocosity...."
I am still hoping for the movie theatre chains (AMC, Cinemark, Regal) to reopen in time for Unhinged, HERE►...ReadMore.
Tweets sourced to Boston ANTIFA were used by Adam Schiff to "prove" Russian collusion. They are masters of parody
And of course if some investigative reporter or concerned citizen uncovers a real nefarious plot by powerful people, they can be conveniently dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”, as if all conspiracies are fake.
Why do people follow this type of theories?