Carrying the Torch of Freedom
Reason magazine is published with the help of supporters who invest more than the price of a subscription by making contributions to Reason Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We are grateful for their support of our journalism and public policy research.
In this issue of Reason, we acknowledge members of our Torchbearer Society, a community of people who advanced the cause of "Free Minds and Free Markets" by making a contribution of $1,000 or more in 2019.
John Aglialoro & Joan Carter
Charles E. Albers
American Airlines
American Institute for Economic Research
William Amneus
K. Tucker Andersen
Douglas Anderson & Mary Barnicle
Doug Anton
Robert & Linda Archibald
Armstrong Fdn
Arnold Family Fund
Rob Arnott
AT&T Inc.
Charles Atkins
Atlas Network
Dennis & Jan Austin
The Bader Family Fdn
Brian Balusek
Charles Barker
Randy & Beth Barnett
Roger Barris
Cornelius Bates
Ambassador Frank & Kathy Baxter
John Bayley
The Beach Fdn
The Binsley Family
Anna & Chris Bissell
B. Daniel Blatt
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Blumel
Richard C. Blumenstein
Nathan Bohney
The Bond Fdn
Robert Borden
Botway Family Fdn
Valerie Brackett & Nikolaos Monoyios
Bob Bradley
Stuart Brainerd
Paul & Lalitha Brakke
Jeffrey Brennan
Bryan Lee Briggs
Eric Brooks & Anne Duke
Vicky & Peter Bross
Austin Brown
Mary & Montgomery Brown
James D. Bubb
Kurt Buchwald
Jennifer Bukowsky
Paul Butterfield
Campbell Family Fdn
Drew Carey
Walter Carr
Alan M. Carroll
Jim Caruso
Dominic Castaldo
John & Nancy Celick
Chase Fdn of VA (M/M Derwood S. Chase Jr.)
Christopher Chesney
Linda Chirico
John Chisholm
Edward & Alicia G. Clark
Lloyd L. Clucas
Richard W. Cochran
Harvey Cody
Betsy P. Colburn
Steven A. Colson
The Commonwealth Fdn
William B. Conerly & U. Christina West
The Conru Fdn
Alan Cook
Richard Cooprider
Peter Copses & Judy Mueller
Bill Coughran
Don Cowles
Melanie Craft
E.L. Craig Fdn
The Critelli Family Fdn
Charlie Crocker
James Cronk
Raul Damas
Beverly Danielson
Dennis Danzik
Ervan Darnell
Michael Darrah
Ken W. Davis Fdn
Kevin DeLuca
Thomas DiBianca
Larry Dickinson
Alan Dlugash
William H. Donner Fdn
Jeremy M. Dover
Dr. John E. Downing
Prof. R. Paul Drake
Rich Drewes
John Duncan
The Dunn Fdn
The Echo Valley Fdn Fund, a fund of the Northwest Connecticut Community Fdn
Linda & Bryant Edwards
Robert Eldred
Bryan & Mary Jeanne Elliott
John Ellis
Robert W. Ellis
Geoffrey P. Ellison
Erik Engbrecht
Equable Institute
Dr. Jay Allen Erlebacher M.D. & Marlene Erlebacher
John P. & Kathryn G. Evans Fdn
Fairfield County's Community Fdn - Donor Advised Fund
John & Faith Farr
Ryan Farr
John Fehsenfeld
Jordan Feiger
Peter Feist
Tim Ferguson
Grant Fesler
Bryan & Barbara Fields
Felix Finch
Daniel Finley
Flagship & Spotlight Event Support LLC
Peter Flinch
Perry D. Forstrom
Steve Fox
Freedom Fund of Community Fdn Sonoma County
Benjamin Freeman
Alex Friedman
Pamela Friedman
Alan & Susan Frost
Daniel Garland
Shannon Gates
Bob & Sandy Gelfond
Rob Gerritsen
Debbi Gibbs
Jerry Gibbs
Matthew Gilbert
Preston Gilchrist
Greg Gill
Nick Gillespie
Cai & Robin Glackin
Gleason Family Fdn
Paul F. Glenn
Bill & Sandy Goble
Chad Goote
Grant Gould
The Grace Richardson Fund
Robert H. Graham
Dolores Grande
Robert Granieri
Burton C. Gray, Jr.
The Honorable C. Boyden Gray
Matthew E. Greco
Richard & Helen Greenberg
Nicholas Grey
Barry Griffiths
Philip Groff
Dan Grossman
Mark Guenin
Denis Guenthner
Aaron & Victoria Haberman
Robert Hadley
Henry & Jean Haller
Greg Hamer
Jeffrey & Marilyn Harding
The Steve & Lana Hardy Fdn
Dale Harmon
James R. Harris
Theodore Harrison
Ronald Hart
Justin Hartfield
Matthew Harvey
Philip D. Harvey
Fred & Robin Hassani
Ronald Hayden
Christopher Hesse
Christopher Hibbert
Kenneth Hicks
David Hoesly
Andrew Hofer
T. R. Hollman
Dave & Jacky Hood
Philip Hoover
Norma Horvitz
R. J. Hosey
Aaron Howald
C. Tycho Howle
James R. & Jane F. Huddle
William Hurt
Richard Ingham
John Inks
Craig Ivey
Steven M. Jackson
Richard E. James
J.W. & Ida M. Jameson Fdn
James D. Jameson
Eliot Jamison
David & Constance Jenkins
Keith Jennings
The C & A Johnson Family Fdn
Gary Johnson
Malcolm Johnson
William J. Johnson
G. Bradford Jones
Paul & Laura Jost
Patrick Joyce
Rob Kampia
Gerald J. Kaufman Jr. Fdn
Don & Mehri Kaufman
J. David Kelsey
Terry & Matt Kibbe
Lupe Kindel
Manny & Willette Klausner
Bruce & Alisa Klein
The Kleinschmidt Family Fdn
Charles Koch Fdn
Charles Koch Institute
Timothy Koller
Will Kopf
Richard J. Kossmann, M.D.
Christopher W. & Anne K. Kratky
Ronald A. Krieger Charitable Fdn
Michael Krupp
John Kunze
Dan Kyler & Colleen McLaughlin
The Lampert Fdn
Jay Lapeyre
Dr. Eric & Marcy Larson
Kent Lawrence
The Lawson Family Charitable Fund
Joel & Mary Ann Lawson
Jascha Lee
Lisa Lee
Ken & Eileen Leech
Frances Hufty Leidy
Stuart Lending
Richard Levi
Ken & Frayda Levy
John Lewis, California Senator Ret.
Kevin Lewis
LGBTQ for Liberty
John & Anne Lindl
Paul Linthorst
Tom Lippman
Liquid Web LLC
Bruce & Nancy Littlefield
Diana Lopo & Maryellen Tria
David W. Lyon
John P. Mackey
Bartley & Maricela Madden
Guy S. Mahaffey III
Alex Marsh
Jack Marshall
Max Marty
David R. Mason
Richard Masson
Bud Mattern
Roseann Mattern
Robert Mattingly
Travis May
Keith & Sara Mayers
Mayhall Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Fdn
John B. Mazur, M.D.
Albert Mc Callum
Wesley McCain
Jeff McConnell
Randall & Evangelina McElroy
Gene McFaddin
Robert McGrew
Paul McMahon
Brian McNeill
Francis & Denise Menton
Joe Mertz
Michael & Lori Milken Family Fdn
Kenneth O. Miller Jr.
Roy Miller
The Modzelewski Charitable Trust
Ana & Luis Mola Charitable Fund of the Community Fdn of Broward
Charles G. Moore
Thomas R. Moorer
Eduard E. Morf
Robert Morff
Rodney Morris
Jerald Mosley
Tom & Allison Motherway
Peter W. Moyer
Todd & Karen Moyer
Thomas Nagle
Geoff Nathan
Nancy Neale
Joe & Jack Nelson
Robert Nevett III
Rob Nicoski
Adriane Niehaus
John S. Nielsen
David Nolan
Alex Obaza
Sarah O'Dowd & Christopher Saari
Gerry Ohrstrom
George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Fdn
Laurie & Andy Okun
Andrew R. Olma
Wayne Olson
Peter Pankey
Roy Patchell
Elena & Michael Patterson
Rob Patterson & Robyn Smith
Bill Pennock
William Perkins
Luke Perkocha & Lena Wong
Thaddeus Perry
Mel & Phyllis Persicketti
Peterson Family Fdn
Patrick Peterson
Matt Philips
L.E. Phillips Family Fdn
David & Wendy Pitts
Robert Pollard
Robert W. Poole Jr.
Sam & Elke Powell
Fred & Karen Reams
Reasonable Person
Doug Reed
Robert & Ruth Reingold
Jason Revzon
Alan Reynolds
Reynolds American, Inc.
Richard Reynolds
Sandra Rice
Howard Rich
Mike Richey
Richard Rider
Jake Ring
Daniel Robin
Gil Robinson
James Rodney
The Roe Fdn
Gary Roewe
James B. Rogers Jr.
Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller
Randy Rogers & Tracy Kirkpatrick
Leslie Rose
David Rowe
Michael Ruddick
Chris J. Rufer
John Runnberg
Robert Sanborn
Carol & Jack Sanders
Joël V. Sanders
Sarah Scaife Fdn
Dr. E. S. Savas
Eric Schaefer
Sue Scharf
Heidi Scharfman
Cynthia & Grant Schaumburg Jr.
Eric Scheie
Alex & Donna Schlegel
Kenneth Schmeichel
Steven Schneider
Roy Schneiderman
Chuck Schumann
John Schupp
Martin Schwartz
Jo Ann Scott
Ryan Searfoorce
Searle Freedom Trust
Laura & Carlton Seaver
Geoff Segal
Michael & Lauren Semeniuk
Jared Shapiro
John Shepherd
George Shopp
Gary & Genie Short
Daniel Shuchman
Jeffrey A. Singer, M.D.
Carl & Amy Singmaster
Dale Sipma
Harold Skolnick
Smith Family Fdn
Smith Family Fdn (NC)
Jeffrey A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith
John Sparduto
John Stagliano
Bill Stahr
Stanton Fdn
William M. Stocker III
Steven Stockmeyer
Matt & Angela Stone
Mr. William Sumner
Cynthia M. Suprenant
James D. Taylor Jr.
Harry E. Teasley Jr.
Andrew Terhune
Charles Test
David Thayer
Mark Thompson
Margaret C. Thomson & Brian Thomson
Tom Throop
top dog TM
John P. Torrance
E. C. Traver
Robert Tribken
Cynthia & Richard Troop
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Troy
Edward W. Turville
Dallas B. Tuthill, M.D.
Mark Ulrich
Matthew Ungs
James Valentini
Jeff Van Dyke
Sylvia Moestl Vasilik
Lou Villadsen
Vital Advised Fund
Terry & Wendy Voigt
Jim & Gayla Von Ehr
Wakerly Family Fdn
The Andy Walker Family
Dick & Pat Wallace
Michael Walsh
Kathryn Washburn
Watson Land Company
Mr. & Mrs. James Webert
Richard W. Weekley Family Fund
The Weiler Fdn
Andrea Welker
Mark & Johari Wels
Kerry & Helen Welsh
Stephen Wershing
Harry L. White
Wayne G. Whitmore, M.D.
Keith Whittington
Whole Foods Market
Dr. Chuck Williams
Jason Williams
Nyna Williams & Mark Newsom
David Willms
Andrew Wimsatt
John Winegarden
Capt. Jim Winkler, USAF, Ret.
Andrew Winner
Julie Wolf
Joseph Wood
Karen Wright & Tom Rastin
Tom Yengst
Fred M. Young
Robert A. Zadek
Pierluigi Zappacosta
Scott Zeller
Marty Zigman
Marty Zupan
Contributions are deductible in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. Donate at or by contacting Britt Paul at 310-391-2245 or
Reason Foundation
5737 Mesmer Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90230-6316
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