The Volokh Conspiracy
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My Upcoming Speaking Engagements [Updated]
My upcoming public speaking engagements over the next several months - almost all of which are free and open to the public.
For readers who may be interested, here is a list of my upcoming speaking engagements for the next several months. All are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.
August 29, Panel on "Trump, Constitutional Crisis and American Democracy,"American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 4-6 PM: "Trump and Some Weaknesses of our Constitutional Order" (tentative title). The other panelists will be Victoria Nourse (Georgetown Law),Richard L. Hasen (UC Irvine), Josh Chafetz, (Cornell Law School), Henry Olsen (Ethics & Public Policy Center & Washington Post),
Matthew Glassman (Senior Fellow, Government Affairs Institute, Georgetown University), and David Karol (Panel Chair, University of Maryland, College Park). Unfortunately this event is open primarily to paying participants in the APSA conference.
September 12, Stranahan Lecture, College of Law, University of Toledo, Toledo OH, 12-1:30 (tentative time): "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration and Political Freedom." Part of the Stranahan National Issues Forum, which is an annual lecture series.
September 17, Cato Constitution Day Conference, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, 2:15-3:30: "Knick v. Township of Scott: Ending a Catch-22 that Barred Taking Cases from Federal Court." Panel on "Potpourri" (miscellaneous cases. Information on this event (including registration)is available here.
September 26, University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY, 12-1:15 PM: "Federalism and the War on Drugs" (sponsored by the University of Kentucky Federalist Society).
October 15, Delaware Law School, Widener University, Wilmington, DE, 6:30-8 PM: "How Trump's Plan to Build the Wall Tears Down the Separation of Powers," (sponsored by the Delaware Federalist Society).
Oct. 23, Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government, Jesus College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, Peter North Room, 1-2:30 PM (tentative room and time): "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom."
Oct. 24, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, UK, 12-1:30 (tentative time):"How Political Decentralization Can Increase Freedom and Happiness"
Oct. 25, Case Studies in Self Governance Conference, Kings College, London, UK, 9-10:30 AM: "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom."
Oct. 30, George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC, 4PM: Debate on Executive Power over Immigration (tentative title). Debate with Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute (sponsored by the George Washington University Federalist Society). Yes, this will be an Ilya vs. Ilya debate (the third time such an event has occurred). For a guide to telling the two Ilyas apart, plus links to previous Ilya vs. Ilya debates, see here.
November 9, Conference on "Dispossessing Detroit: How the Law Takes Property," Panel on "Privatization of Land and Urban Renewal," University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI, 2:15-3:30 PM: "How Eminent Domain Harms the Poor" (tentative title).
November 14, Panel on Sanctuary Cities, Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Washington DC, "3:30-5:00 PM: "How Constitutional Federalism Protects Sanctuary Cities." Open to participants in the National Lawyers Convention (members of the media can attend for free).
November 16, Panel on Property Rights and Original Meaning, Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Washington DC, 11 AM-1 PM: "Property Rights and the Original Meaning of Public Use." Open to participants in the National Lawyers Convention (members of the media can attend for free).
November 22, Conference on "The Ethics of Democracy," Georgetown University, Washington, DC, exact time TBD: "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom."
NOTE: I will update this post, as necessary, when I have additional information about the exact times and/or locations of some of these events.
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