Prison Food Is a National Tragedy
Jails and prisons are punishment enough without throwing dangerous and unhealthy food into the mix.
Earlier this month, a 7-year-old Guatemalan migrant, Jakelin Caal Maquin, died while in federal government custody. Reports suggest she may have died from a lack of food and water. Her family, their attorneys, and the public want answers.
Maquin's death is just the latest case to highlight—among many other things—the failure of government to provide adequate and proper nutrition to people in custody.
Earlier this year, Corey Fluker, a recent inmate in a Cuyahoga County, Ohio, jail, sued the state, arguing that the water he's served in jail made him sick. (Foodborne illness is rampant in prisons. "Incarcerated people are six times more likely to contract foodborne illnesses than people on the outside," Governing reported earlier this year.)
Fluker, whose charges were dismissed, claimed county jail officials knew the water and food served to inmates were dangerous but failed to act. The jail did so only after guards complained about conditions. According to the lawsuit, reports, the guards and Fluker alleged "staff members served inmates food on broken trays that smelled like sewer water," that dining trays contained black mold, and that some food served to inmates was "rotten and slimy." A subsequent federal investigation found "inhumane" conditions in Cuyahoga County jails.
Elsewhere, a federal lawsuit against wealthy Montgomery County, Maryland, over the paucity of food served to prisoners in jail recently secured class-action status. Class representative Perry Hill claims he lost more than 16% of his body weight during his jail stay.
"His meals at the jail consisted of oatmeal, a breakfast cake, or cereal for breakfast; a sandwich and vegetable, and maybe fruit for lunch; and a chicken patty or beef stroganoff and a vegetable for dinner," reports the Daily Gazette. The paper also notes he was so hungry he resorted to eating toothpaste he bought at the jail commissary.
The media is focusing increasingly on prison food. In 2015, VICE took a long look at the uses and consequences of substandard food as punishment. The investigation looked particularly at Nutraloaf, "a blend of several different kinds of food mashed together and baked into a flavorless loaf." It appears to be universally reviled. The Economist took at deep look at the awful state of prison food last year.
And earlier this year, South Coast Today looked at jail food in Massachusetts. The paper described a dish dubbed "Chef's Special (Chicken)" as consisting of "three steamed chicken hot dogs, without buns, served over rice… with two slices of untoasted wheat bread, unfrosted brownish-yellow cake, a scoop of flavorless mixed vegetables and a packet of mustard." After an earlier investigation, inmates at the jail had only recently been allowed fresh fruits or vegetables—two apples each week.
Controversies over the quantity and quality of prison food have a long and ongoing history. In 1965, while performing live at Folsom Prison, Johnny Cash famously asked a guard to hand him a cup of water, which he sipped and threw out in disgust. Many prison riots have arisen out of unheeded pleas for higher-quality food. One of the chief demands of prisoners during the deadly Attica Prison uprising in 1971, for example, was for better food.
If this scant history of government-supplied prison food details some of its problem, then is privatizing the prison food supply the answer? Despite some early success stories, many efforts to do so appear to have failed to date. Private prison foodservice providers have been plagued with many of the same problems as their publicly operated counterparts.
Why? The reason appears largely the same one that exists with government foodservice in prison: prisoner-consumers either don't have the choice to shop elsewhere or can't afford the offerings at prison commissaries. Whether a prison foodservice provider is public or private, the paying customer for general foodservice is the state, the prison, and, ultimately, taxpayers—none historically sympathetic to incarcerated people—rather than the prisoners who must eat the food.
If neither public nor private monopolies provide nutritious choices, one solution is to introduce more choice. That might come from outside charitable providers—churches, culinary schools, or restaurants and grocers seeking to prevent food waste outside the prison walls (akin to what I proposed here to improve the nation's school lunches), say—or from competing vending machine operators. Another possible solution? Better oversight of prison foodservice, perhaps by prisoner-advocacy groups.
America's prisons and jails do a terrible job feeding people behind bars. What's the solution? Of course America should imprison far, far fewer people than it does. But the nation must also provide those it need imprison with basic human needs. That starts with safe and nutritious food.
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The Korean prison food.
Another possible solution? Better oversight of prison foodservice, perhaps by prisoner-advocacy groups.
So, then, there's no solution.
The same party that thinks it is inhumane to allow people on food stamps to buy soda is furious.
Yeah there's a solution. Prisoners should grow their own food and cook it themselves. It's insane that taxpayers should be on the hook for treating them like babies
Per Wikipedia...
"Cuyahoga County is heavily Democratic in voter registration, having voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election since 1960 except 1972."
This can't be right. Progressives will tell you only Republicans could be so inhumane.
In other news, prisoners have complained that the mandatory attendance program has made it hard for them to hang out with their friends at the bar and really impeded their vacation plans.
if you are serving out your responsibility to the state, you are accepting your punishment. you should not be subject to additional, unadvertised, non-judicial, extra-legal punishment through deprivation of nourishment or non-food-grade ingredients in your food.
The last report I saw said that the girl had been in custody for only eight hours but had gone without food and water for a couple of days while traipsing through the desert.
If so, this story isn't an excuse to hop on the bandwagon about how the government isn't spending enough adequate services. Not everything that happens is an excellent excuse to write about whatever you want.
You're actually doing your cause a disservice if you're using examples that don't really apply to whatever you're trying to accomplish.
Kinda like an episode of Adam ruins everything?
The reports I have seen indicate that she and her father were dropped off close to the border.
The official cause of death I have not seen but it looks like the hospital is saying she died of septic shock which brought on multiple organ failure. She had a fever of 106 at the second border station where she was resuscitated. She got treatment from border patrol and the air ambulance would have been able to start full life support. She died hours later in ICU.
She had an infection which was not recognized until she was spiraling down.
If this is true, you would think the media would report it.
Why would you think that?
You need help?
It was reported.
Start here
Antelope Wells is a lot closer to the border than the initial reports said. The town where they initially said she was picked up was at least 40 miles from the border and further than that if she'd walked from Juarez.
So, it appears that if she went without food and water for days, it was on the Mexican side of the border.
And if you had picked up this child given that possibility what would you do next?
Of you weren't an idiot and knew that forward operating posts aren't level 1 trauma centers and have remedial nurses and supplies, would you ask the same question?
"Of you weren't an idiot . . .
I'm not an idiot--even if I don't know policies and procedures and the signs of deadly dehydration in children.
But I didn't assume that the Border Patrol treats everyone like they're paramedics. Did I say anything that would give you reason to assume otherwise?
Merry Christmas.
I wouldn't pick up anyone right at the border and assume they were starving to death or dying of dehydration.
Ken, you just assumed she had been deprived of food and water.
You ever had the flu, some bug, just got to where you could not eat or keep things down a couple days?
So we all know what it means. Every parent knows to push fluids, watch fever, and keep contact because things can go downhill fast.
I've come close to sunstroke in the desert down that way myself. It could have been for any reason, but assuming she was undernourished and dehydrated because she'd been traipsing out in the desert for so long is a pretty fair assumption. Of course, she could have been dehydrated for other reasons.
My point was that we shouldn't be blaming the Border Patrol or the Customs Department for what almost certainly happened before she was in their custody. Having been picked up so close to the border means they had even less reason to assume she was severely dehydrated. Before my temperature shot up from dehydration, you never would have known I was dehydrated until my fever developed.
Incidentally, amoebic dysentery is prevalent in Mexico, too. Wiki says 480 million people a year get it worldwide. Yes, there could have been a number of reasons why she was dehydrated. And I don't know what the Border Patrol was supposed to do about it other than what they did.
Given her water and called 911?
They weren't picked up on a big city. For fuck sake. How dumb are some of you? They weren't an ambulance ride away.
That's basically what they did.
They called in a helicopter and flew her to a hospital on an emergency basis.
Again, what more could they have done?
They called the helicopter once they got to Lordsburg. Which obviously means that Lordsburg doesn't have medical facilities either - only a jail. So 6-8 hours at the border port - 90 minutes by bus to Lordsburg - another 30mins to 1 hour at Lordsburg waiting for a chopper. And that is ALL known ahead of time.
It is mgmt incompetence by the CBP not to have contingency plans in place ahead of time AT Antelope Wells. That crossing is one of 48 along the border - and one of only a dozen or so that have to be stand-alone.
Which would mean an aid station pre-positioned AT that border port (with supplies ranging from a FEMA type station - cost $30k - to ambulance-type equipment (without the vehicle - in a room) - cost $200k). That is NOTHING for an isolated work location anyway - that cost $11 million to build and prob $1-3 million/yr to maintain.
And fly out backup direct from El Paso if/when the border port is overwhelmed w a large group like that. With armed backup and/or med backup as the need may indicate.
She didn't go without food or water for days. Most likely, the bus transporting them dropped them 5 miles south of Antelope Wells (can easily see the road junction on a satellite map) and the coyote told them to follow the road to the border post to claim asylum. That's the 90 minute walk that the dad says happened. She was probably a bit dehydrated and hungry from the couple of weeks or so traveling - with some opportunistic infection. But the reality is that if a nurse or EMT had been choppered into that border post when that many people showed up - her fever would have been detected 8 hours earlier and she would have been choppered back to El Paso (which was obviously the only nearby hospital) - which is HUGE since 105 is a critical shutdown point for fever.
Oh look, a thug! You do know you are only using this post to deflect from actual harm.
Oh look, facts!
"An autopsy was scheduled to try to determine what killed the girl, who appeared to be dehydrated and suffering from shock and apparently had not had anything to eat or drink in days, they said.
The girl was found Dec. 6 near Lordsburg, New Mexico, by U.S. Border Patrol agents. She was in custody for about eight hours before she began having seizures"
That's from the link in Linnekin's story.
Noticing the facts doesn't make anyone a thug--although going off half-cocked without knowing the facts is typical thuggish behavior. Take a look in the mirror.
Oh look, a thug!
What the hell?
I'd be in favor of prisoners growing their own fresh produce.
They do raise their own food in the state penitentiary located in my home county in Tennessee. They raise all sorts of crops and also run a dairy. I haven't heard of anyone starving or having too little to eat there - perhaps other prisons should consider following this model.
I agree. Ever notice every documentary on prisons show buff prisoners in the yard lifting very heavy weights? Someone is eating fine and has plenty of protein to buff out like that.
At the close custody prison where I once worked there were no free weights because inmates once used them to attack staff. They had one weight machine in the gym, but only pull up bars on the yard. Many of them improvised by doing things like putting books in their laundry bag and using that to do curls in their cells.
She died from dehydration because her Dad didn't give her adequate water on the trip, not because of government officials. It takes 4 days to die from it you meat-headed shitsack! FFS, why did you ruin a perfectly great article by opening with a blatantly misleading section?
It's called propaganda.
Propaganda is what you just read.
That is not what happened.
You are going with ignorance then? Do you know the level of medical personnel near the border? The girl wasnt found in downtown Abq.
Even in the best of circumstances people die from infectious disease.
She was in the worst of circumstances.
Guess it's risky to travel through the desert to illegally sneak across our border. Perhaps,the blame should go to her father for putting her through this in the first place.
That is without question true.
It is still worthwhile for the border control to review policies and procedures in light of this occurrence.
The story they are telling is that the smugglers have been dropping off large groups who turn themselves in at small remote outposts unprepared for such numbers. They have water and some food. Transportation is an issue. They are increasing staffing from what they are saying now and including a medic of some kind to be there. Seems reasonable.
One problem is you have a group of people doing something very risky and basically illegal. Some of them barely speak Spanish let alone English as seems to be the case here. The father came from a remote village speaking a native language but could get around in Spanish. So getting a good history is a challenge. You need to do some kind of screening exam and triage.
Because it is always good to learn something.
It is not that difficult to set up a hydration protocol.
Here is one example I found.
Any medic can learn this. You can also be in contact with the hospital and transportation with just a phone.
It is not that difficult to set up a hydration protocol.
Why? Should police bring Gatorade when stopping other criminal activities like car hijackings, shootouts, bank robberies in case someone involved a kid who was dehydrated?
Anyway, the evidence now indicates that the girl probably died of septic shock, not dehydration.
I've been a long time advocate of an all carb donut and cheese puff prison diet along with reading or TV being the only source of recreation and entertainment. No protein, no weights, no exercise of any kind. I'd like my violent criminals to be fat, slow, and weak on release.
I'd never thought of that.
Great idea.
I'm on board
You just describe most of my inmates. Our facility doesn't have weight lifting for inmates, most lady about watching t.v., and one of the most common comments upon release, "I got fat in here, my clothes I wore in are tight".
"His meals at the jail consisted of oatmeal, a breakfast cake, or cereal for breakfast; a sandwich and vegetable, and maybe fruit for lunch; and a chicken patty or beef stroganoff and a vegetable for dinner,"
Wow, Oliver Twist never knew how good he had it!
Better offerings than the last time I ended up in a hospital.
The article also places the situation in Cleveland out of context.
Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Michael Nelson has been waiving bond requirements for non violent offenders because of inadequate staffing in the Cuyuhoga County system. That is long past due. It does not relate to food in prisons. It has to do with local jails.
I essentially started three weeks past and that i makes $385 benefit $135 to $a hundred and fifty consistently simply by working at the internet from domestic. I made ina long term! "a great deal obliged to you for giving American explicit this remarkable opportunity to earn more money from domestic. This in addition coins has adjusted my lifestyles in such quite a few manners by which, supply you!". go to this website online domestic media tech tab for extra element thank you .
Yeah, well, Google Translate has room for improvement.
Keep bitching prison inmates and we'll put Michelle Obama in charge of your food choices.
Hey now! Cruel and unusual punishment is a violation of the constitution!
That's funny!
New England prisoners complained when they were fed lobster repeatedly.
This should make people think about the consequences of becoming a criminal. We should outsource prisoners to private prisons in countries that know how to take care of them for cheap, like Turkey or China, and then return whatever is left at the end of their sentence, for citizens. Illegals would be sent to their home country.
Amen to that!
You are demented.
Who is the criminal now? You are.
have you been paying attention?? we do that, in the US, every day. & the result is contracts with minimum occupancy clauses that give an incentive to unnecessarily incarcerate. add to that excessively aggressive "law & order" prosecutors who stack charges & then plea down to guarantee they can maintain a high conviction rate because they "got em on something, anything". this all screams for reform!!
I was going to read this article, as I don't know much about prison food but had at least assumed it wasn't dangerous- thus the headline made me curious.
But then it started like this:
"Earlier this month, a 7-year-old Guatemalan migrant, Jakelin Caal Maquin, died while in federal government custody. Reports suggest she may have died from a lack of food and water. Her family, their attorneys, and the public want answers.
Maquin's death is just the latest case to highlight?among many other things?the failure of government to provide adequate and proper nutrition to people in custody."
And reading further seems futile, because the author is clearly not serious.
Thanks; you beat me to it.
Do the guards even know which wine to serve with the beef bourguignon?
Dunno, but those ingrates in New England has a sharp and crisp Chardonnay with that lobster.
I hear proposed prison reform will now include taxpayer funded tastings, including various pairings to answer just such questions.
Muscatel with seafood and Mad Dog 20/20 with beef. Best served in a bottle wrapped in a paper bag.
I'm a sergeant at a penal facility. The food may suck, but it meets the inmate's dietary and caloric needs. As long as I've got officers working for me that come to work, and eat the same food as the inmates, because they can't afford food after rent and bills, I'm not interested in making things better for the dregs of society that we house. You want to fix something in our system? Start by paying officers, road and correctional, better. Very few work only one job.
I am sure the salaries are quite large!! for those in the offices and administrative staff...its exactly the same where handicapped are cared heavy with highly paid state required do nothing staff who NEVER go near the clients.
People in the care of the state are the responsibility of the state.
If you dont like it, dont work there. If the state does not like it, dont incarcerate so many people for victimless crimes and then care for them in a half-ass manner.
Correctional officers, road workers, and police officers get paid plenty. They tend to abuse their positions and waste large sums of taxpayer money.
We need less than 1/3 of all correctional workers to supervise the most violent criminals in the USA and the rest should find another job.
How about this. Better food for the inmates and better food for the officers that work under you.
It is easy enough to make people suffer. But, we should remember, there are a diversity of reasons that people end up in prison. Not all of them are "the dregs of society" and not all of them are bad people. Sometimes, the law itself is an ass. Furthermore, many people in and out of prison have been mistreated all of their life. Why make the world an even worse place on purpose?
Releasing all who violated no individual rights would pretty much empty the prisons to the point where those remaining could have quail and caviar for the same outlay. This is win-win, as improvements go.
Start by paying officers, road and correctional, better.
Oh, bullshit. Correctional facilities have got to be the best gig for lazy, over-glorified security guards in existence. Little meaningful oversight, wage and overtime abuse, guaranteed pensions, and a job where you're nearly required to sit on your ass in a box for most of your ship.
Correctional "officers" are scum, barely much better than the inmates they oversee.
With 2% of our population in prison and nearly 8% labelled felons, you cannot pretend your job is any longer a matter of justice and safety. You are a tool of violence against your fellow man, a betrayer of your oath and a willing servant of oppression. Keep your bullshit to yourself, traitor.
I couldn't be less sympathetic.
I suggest President Trump hire Michelle Obama to improve prison food. I mean after all look what she did for the school lunch program.
perhaps this problem will solve itself?? if enough prisoners die they may then have a fresh supply of meat??
Mr. Linnekin deserves great credit for this contribution. A tip of the Mad Elf to you, sir!
"Whether a prison foodservice provider is public or private, the paying customer for general foodservice is the state, the prison, and, ultimately, taxpayers?none historically sympathetic to incarcerated people?rather than the prisoners who must eat the food."
But having the state pay for health care is just peachy! They'd be super careful! The VA proves it!
Reports suggest she may have died from a lack of food and water.
All the other illegals housed in that facility survive on Lefty magical beans and fairy dust.
I just assumed they drank their own urine and resorted to cannibalism.
I can speak to the quality of jail and prison food in Seattle and at the Montana State Prison a century ago, because both institutions had similar inmate-labor intensive farm and dairy systems that provided a hearty diet. Both systems had their own bakeries, so inmates got oven-fresh bread every day, fresh eggs, fresh milk and butter, and their own butcher shops (with real knives) so that there was a meat serving with every meal.
The institutional farms would can their own vegetables for the winter months and make jams. The Montana farm produced Turkeys for the holidays, the Seattle unit Turkeys and geese. Both grew potatoes and corn.
The dairies produced rich ice cream. By contemporary standards, inmates ate really well. By modern standards, Michelle Obama would have a fit at how heavy their meals usually were.
What really killed the inmate farm system in Seattle was that the land became too valuable and the County sold it off. In Montana, inmate labor outside the walls beginning in the 1930's was constricted because unions and local small businesses hated the competition. Gradually the state began paying for more of the diet and it became more "scientific" and much cheaper, 50 cents a meal up to maybe 80 cents today. Ugh!
Well, to be fair, competing with prison labor IS a problem if you are a worker and want a decent wage for your effort.
Probably, the same minimum wage that applies on the outside should apply to prison labor, with maybe half of it going to defer the costs of incarceration and the other half going to the prisoner. Then they can buy their own food.
Baylen Linnekin, "Prison Food Is a National Tragedy", Reason, 22 Dec 2018.
Jails and prisons are punishment enough without throwing dangerous and unhealthy food into the mix.
Linnekin: "Earlier this month, a 7-year-old Guatemalan migrant, Jakelin Caal Maquin, died while in federal government custody. Reports suggest she may have died from a lack of food and water. Her family, their attorneys, and the public want answers. Maquin's death is just the latest case to highlight?among many other things?the failure of government to provide adequate and proper nutrition to people in custody."
Wikipedia: "Caal was among a large group of immigrants who turned themselves in to authorities upon reaching the New Mexico border on December 6, 2018. They were placed on a bus, and her father indicated that she was feverish and vomiting. No medical attention was provided until they arrived at a border patrol facility ninety minutes later. Eight hours after being taken into custody, Caal began to experience seizures, and her body temperature spiked to 105.7 degrees. She was then airlifted to a hospital in El Paso, Texas where she died the following day."
That was some pretty fast acting prison food.
Or a cut'n'paste of an unrelated headline tragedy into another situation, that trivializes both.
"Her family, their attorneys, and the public want answers."
The answer is that her father put her at risk of life and limb by taking her on a multi-day desert journey that ended in a criminal crossing of the US border that involved days without any medical supervision, and (possible, in fact likely) without adequate provision for proper hydration and diet. This led to her death. And yet, as far as any reporting is concerned, the father is not under arrest for child abuse, let alone negligent homicide.
The other relevant answer is from one W. Shakespeare; kill all the lawyers.
Note this is unrelated to the clickbait headline; how did it get into the leading paragraph? Shoddy reporting?
(Bad enough clowns conflate legal immigration and illegal border crossing, now they throw illegal border crossing in with random articles.)
You should write the LP to restore inspection to the migration plank. The 2016 platform was not bad, but a hostile infiltrator deleted enough of the plank to welcome terrorists with biological weapons into These States. Better to delete the rest of it than to leave the mangled plank as a weapon to alienate voters.
She died after being in custody for 8 hours.
It doesn't matter whether her family is ALSO at fault. We have to do our part so that any child who is taken into custody is taken care of. Period.
A little 8-year old girl not unnecessarily suffering and dying is why. And everyone else who is similarly situated.
Some simpleton put opposition of the humane death sentence in the LP platform--with not a word about being put to work to make restitution as provided in the 13th Amendment. The upshot is that you will be taxed for most of your life to support the border guard supervisor Juan David Ortiz, who admitted to murdering foreign girls--and Robert Dear, the "Warrior for the Babies" who killed a policeman in Colorado in front of multiple witnesses. Better to hang force-initiating confessed murderers caught red-handed than enslave us to keep them from the rope. Ayn Rand once observed that mindless opposition to the execution of monsters was worse than what it opposed. Atlas was being written as National Socialists were hanged at Nuremberg--at least one of them by his own hand!
She was in custody for 8 hours. One does not die of dehydration in 8 hours you fucking idiots
How dare you ruin the narrative the open border narrative!
Just a reminder... this article started with some incredibly stupid biased unsubstantiated poo poo! Everything that follows is therefore just poo poo! WTB: Editor!
People in Custody of the Government in the US:
Full Time Custody:
Prisoners convicted of crimes
Innocents awaiting trial
Poor people who are infirm - temporarily or permanently disabled including the elderly
Mothers and families on welfare
Part Time Full Custody:
Students in schools
People on welfare
People on parole/probation
Innocent people released on bail
Infirm Middle Class (landed) people getting care at home
Single people on welfare
Part Time Part Custody
Everyone else except those wealthy enough for gated estates, private medical, off shore assets and a private jet that can fly without a flight plan (or some other way over Trump's Great Wall of the Americas)
Let us not forget dear Joe Arpaio who actually poisoned jail food to make prisoners suffer more.
Your citation fell off.
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Let them eat each other. Win-win.
I essentially started three weeks past and that i makes $385 benefit $135 to $a hundred and fifty consistently simply by working at the internet from domestic. I made ina long term! "a great deal obliged to you for giving American explicit this remarkable opportunity to earn more money from domestic. This in addition coins has adjusted my lifestyles in such quite a few manners by which, supply you!". go to this website online domestic media tech tab for extra element thank you .