Trump Tower Gets Pre-Debate Protest, Gary Johnson Says Elections Not Rigged, Failed Landing on Mars
NASA A "wall" of taco and other food trucks was part of a union protest against Donald Trump in Las Vegas ahead of the final presidential debate. Hillary Clinton has sent Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama to campaign in Arizona in an effort to flip the traditionally Republican state. Gary Johnson denied elections were rigged or that he was high during his "Aleppo moment."
- A civil rights lawyers group is suing Virginia for technical difficulties with its online voter registration on the last day to register.
- Ecuador confirmed it had shut down internet access for Julian Assange, who is staying at the country's embassy in the United Kingdom, because of his "interference" in the U.S. election.
- A police van repeatedly rammed Anti-American protesters in front of the U.S. embassy in Manila.
- For the first time in 40 years, Saudi Arabia executed a member of the royal family.
- Three Al-Jazeera journalists were arrested in Somalia after reporting on an attack by Al-Shabaab.
- The European ExoMars Schiaparelli space probe has likely failed to land on Mars.
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