'My Pronouns Are They!' Hysterical Kansas Students Inadvertently Make the Case Against Safe Spaces
Discussion between leftists and YAF conservatives was uncomfortable, angry, and necessary.
Leftist students at the University of Kansas showed up to a meeting of the campus's conservative Young Americans for Freedom chapter and berated them for opposing safe spaces—using increasingly hysterical and angry language.
Inadvertently, the activists made a great case against intellectual safe spaces.
YAF leader Gabe Lepinski had invited the leftists attend after a disagreement broke out between them on Facebook. (For an overview of that episode, visit Campus Reform.) A number of them showed up.
One of the YAF students—a white woman—was a bit edgy. But for the most part, the conservative students calmly attempted to debate the leftists while the leftists screamed at them.
"White fragility: look it the fuck up!" said of the leftist students, a woman of color. She later referred to the conservatives as "motherfuckers" before angrily pounding on the table. She even called them white supremacists.
"I don't study in the library because I don't feel comfortable, because I don't feel comfortable with people always wondering what my gender identity is," said another activist. Soon after, another person used a singular pronoun to identify the activist, who thundered in response, "My pronouns are they!"
After the YAF leader, Gabe Lepinski, referred to the group—which included men, women, and perhaps two trans people—as "guys," one of the activists exclaimed, "Do not call us guys! It's a fucking microaggression."
After about 30 minutes, Lepinski called an end to the meeting, but invited the leftists to come back next week.
"We'll be here," said one.
"How about I encourage my people to listen more and you encourage your people to listen more?" suggested Lepinski.
"Okay," a leftist conceded.
Many people won't read beyond the obvious, hyper-partisan headlines here—FRAGILE SNOWFLAKE SJW GETS TRIGGERED or I CAN'T EVEN WITH THIS WHITE SUPREMACIST ERASING TRANS BODIES, depending upon your ideological persuasion—and that's a shame. Because that's not what I saw. When I watch the video, I see two groups of people who really do dislike each other, and have strong disagreements, engaging each other in a conversation that is deeply uncomfortable and even a little scary. The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
And yet that conversation clearly needed to happen. It needs to happen many more times, in fact. It's going to be ugly, it's going to be offensive, it's going to be uncomfortable, and it's going to be hurtful. But it clearly needs to happen.
For what it's worth, I think the leftists raised a number of good points, even if their delivery was hyperbolic. One of the leftists, a black woman of color, talked about the myriad ways in which her high school failed to prepare her for college. I have no doubt that some of the privileged members of YAF could benefit from hearing that.
But here's the thing: If the left's vision of a safe space was enacted throughout campus, they could have never had that discussion. The leftists continuously screamed insults and hurtful words at the members of YAF: what if YAF had responded by saying you make us feel unsafe? Would that have shut them up? Should it have shut them up?
I'm a little surprised, in fact, that more conservatives have not yet begun to use the language of the left for their own purposes. There is no doubt in my mind that a conservative involved in that discussion could have easily felt "unsafe" in the leftist sense—the triggered sense—at various points.
This is why it's so critically important to stop public spaces on university campuses from being made "safe" (to the extent that safe is a synonym for comfortable). There are a lot of difficult discussions that need to be had, and the fact that they make some people upset isn't a good reason to shut them down.
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"My pronouns are they!"
My name is Legion, for we are many.
Oops, I just triggered him...her...xir...whatever.
"My pronouns are they"?
Screw it. Let the terrorists win.
Nuke us from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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Yup. Nothing to do now but glass the planet.
Was my thought as well...
Are you sure that wasn't "My pronouns are bae"?
I fear we live in a "Postnoun" society.
When I see this sort of hysterical and aggressive safe space confrontation, I can only think of this: http://www.dailymotion.com/vid.....friend_fun
Xeer should be used.
My pronoun is an unpronouncable system, sort of like "the artist formerly known as prince" only more ambiguous.
Talk about ahead of his time!
My best friend's sister makes $89 an hour on the internet . She has been out of a job for six months but last month her check was $14750 just working on the internet for a few hours. Go this website and click tech tab to start your work... Now this website... http://goo.gl/bvaZx7
My best friend's sister makes $89 an hour on the internet . She has been out of a job for six months but last month her check was $14750 just working on the internet for a few hours. Go this website and click tech tab to start your work... Now this website... http://goo.gl/bvaZx7
I'm a little surprised, in fact, that more conservatives have not yet begun to use the language of the left for their own purposes.
Maybe some of them have principles.
::looks at modern conservative movement::
yeah no.
To be fair, some college students in conservative organizations have not yet discovered they are libertarians.
Well it's super easy to get laid in college so I can't imagine any of them coming down with the requisite blue balls to become libertarians.
Ooooooh, sick burn bro.
Wait, I got something for this.
Not if you are in an engineering school!
Well, a Kansas YAF chapter isn't *necessarily* in alignment with the broader conservative movement.
Yea the only people that have principles are the 3 percent of the county lonely enough to indentify as libertarians. Listen to your self it's pathetic.
Well, there's you. The only non-libertarian so lonely he hangs out with libertarians.
So you're saying Sam has to be Tony?
I'll buy that.
Your self? Meaning yourself? Your usage is pathetic, Mr. Haysom.
Why couldn't Sam Kinison show up here to troll?
He's hooking up with an Indian lesbian to ruin a wedding
Ahem, it's theyself.
"Listen to yourself" is not the same as "Listen to your self."
I mean I guess "kill all Muslims" is a principle. Just a really shitty one.
The world gets a lot safer and better though.
Was Stormfront too boring for you today, Suicidiot?
astoundingly appropriate alias!
Yeh, this sentence piqued my interest.
What's so surprising, Robby? This is not how conservatives roll.
At all.
There is no doubt in my mind that a conservative involved in that discussion could have easily felt "unsafe" in the leftist sense?the triggered sense?at various points.
Perhaps they could have. But unlike leftists, they're not sniffling pussies.
That, and the lefties would have screamed back something along the lines of "Good! I'm breaking into your bubble of whiteness and privilege! Now you see how oppressed I feel every single day in the library (where I'm not actually screamed at by a visibly aggressive person, but I imagine it to be so).!:
I'm pretty sure privilege makes it impossible for them to be unsafe, in the left worldview.
I'm pretty sure privilege makes it impossible for them to be unsafe, in the left worldview.
I think that's a bingo. As a fairly large man who's earned a few scars and lumps, I'm not really intimidated by 'scary' confrontations because I'm generally the scariest one in the room. I can afford to be confrontational, in other words. As such, I have an obligation to sit down and shut up and listen to people less-privileged than me. Which makes less-privileged people more privileged than me and the more pathetically weak and oppressed they are the more powerful they become. So the only question is why would I put up with that sort of crap and play by their rules when I can just punch people in the head and make them shut up and those are my rules?
What's wrong with sniffling a pussy? Scratch that - that would be creepy as fuck.
Why are we misspelling that word?
Because that's how pussies get colds. Admittedly, it is cute when they sneeze though.
Like when my penis cries tears of happiness?
I like how the "white fragility" and "you can sneer but we can take it from you" chick is the one who wants safe spaces.
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
So the leftists said things that were objectively offensive but the conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive? YOU, ROBERTO SOAVE, ARE THE ABSOLUTE THIRD WORST.
Exactly I doubt the coverage here would have been quite so nuanced if some anti-weed protestors acted like this at a meeting with pot heads. If if pro-cop protestors threatened liddle BLM protestors in this manner.
Go on. We are hanging on every word.
Well, given that anti-weed protestors? (like - the government and its quangos?) and pro-cop protestors are pretty open about their willingness to have violence used (or use it themselves) against those they oppose - yeah, I doubt even Soave could finesse a 'they kinda sorta have a point' when talking about them.
"Quango." New word for me. Thank you.
That is a truly loathsome concept, though.
I'm surprised you've never heard of quangos before.
It's just slang for quangoroos.
Pay attention to what the Brit government are doing - 10-15 years later ours will be trying it.
that you Gerald Brovlovski?
You mean skankhunt42?
Fist, I kind of checked up on the implied moral equivalency of screaming, physical intimidation, cursing, and well, not doing any of those things.
But then I thought "Whoa. I need to check my privilege" amirite?
Robby's point isn't that they were equally wrong, but that both sides said things that the other side found offensive, and used that as a point to demonstrate why the leftist conception of safe spaces is wrong and counterproductive.
You're the fifth worst.
-----The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.-----
You know, it's a good thing that I went to college in the 80's. I would have never made it in the modern college scene. The first time someone 'physically intimidated' me, I'd have probably responded badly*.
*badly = beaten down the little dick until he/she/xe/it/whateverthefuck couldn't stand up for a week.
You know, it's a good thing that I went to college in the 80's.
No kidding. I went to a big state school, something like 10,000 students at the time, all races, creeds, sexual persuasions, and all we were really concerned about was avoiding 7am classes and finding decent parties on the weekends.
I really appreciated how descriptive he was in talking about that black lady of color. Yknow, to distinguish her from the uncolored ones. That's a distinction most authors are too scared to talk about.
I would have gone with ''fat bitch.''
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
I can't post, apparently. What I meant to also say was
I'm not one to gang up on you, Robby, and I'm not doing that here, but come on. Using common, colloquial language and, from what I can tell, merely existing, is not the same thing as being objectively aggressive.
Along that line of using common colloquial language, there was this gem:
I like that double qualifier black woman of color. Newspeak is a lot of fun.
Is that to suggest that there are white women of color?
Damn pinkies.
Rachel Dolezal would like to have a scream at you.
Is that to suggest that there are white women of color?
Apparently, a white woman can indeed identify as a POC. See, also, Rachel Dolezal.
I just thought it was interesting that he said essentially the same thing twice. Just made me think of Newspeak, since it was a double plus good type of statement.
Prostitute whore?
And there's her problem and the problem I see so many people - from this 'black woman of color?' to PhD's 'relegate' to the life of an adjunct professor.
It may have been part of the responsibilities of the high school to prepare you for college but ultimately its *your fault* for not figuring out what you needed to do to succeed. After all, if the high school failed you what restitution will have to make? Not a damn fucking thing. In fact I would be that its budget has been increased so that it can 'better serve' its students.
Let's fix the high school by pumping more money into the teacher's unio--I mean the school system. That way they can prepare these snowflakes to get gender study and interdisciplinary study degrees, then complain about being underpaid baristas when they are 35.
Why do we always leave parental responsibilities out of this particular equation as well?
"Black woman" is an objective physical description. "Of color" is her self-perception of the broader category she sees herself as part of. I actually think that phrase "black woman of color" gave a more vivid description of this person than either part alone, even if it is a bit redundant.
You are standing before a heavy oaken door set into a wall of fine masonry. What do you do?
I use my lockpicks to open the door.
*Rolls D20* After a few minutes of fiddling with the lock, you hear a resounding CLICK and the door swings open.
Inside, you see the following:
A potion of greater healing.
200 gold coins.
A black woman of color +1
Whom are you referring to? The lefties or the righties?
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language
The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive
Doesn't really seem to be saying they are equivalent. Robby does seem to have to throw something like that in every piece he writes. But I definitely come away from this one knowing with little doubt of who the assholes were.
Robby probably does do that a little too much in general, but I actually thought it was important for him to include that here. It helps demonstrate his argument to leftists against the concept of safe spaces.
I don't get why people read that as him equating the two things. I mean, he pretty explicitly does not equate them by saying in once instance that they "used extremely hurtful and offensive language and were even occasionally physicall inditimidating" with no qualifiers whatsoever, and in the other he says they "said things that the leftists thought were offensive." To me that's a pretty clear indication that he doesn't actually think the conservatives were being offensive or that they were acting in an equal manner.
If you read the entire article, it seems obvious to me that he's using that insight (that both sides said things the other found offensive) to tear down the foundation of the leftist argument for safe spaces.
Because Robby wrote it, so he must be trying to defend the screaming leftists, not making an important point in his thesis.
I don't get why people read that as him equating the two things.
He's not the only victim here.
That video microagressed me and now I need to check my privilege into a safe space.
Did I say that right? Not too good at this new lingo.
Are you white? Even a white male?
Then you don't need to be doing anything but shutting up.
You tell him, Cracker!
Aaannnd... scene. Good job. Take 10 while we prep the other set.
Really, how is one supposed to interact with that?
I don't know Rico Soave here thought the behavior here was about equivalent so I'd expect you to react the same you do when someone uses the colloquial guys formation.
It's like every word Robby used here was designed to make you flip your shit and embarrass yourself.
Projection it's a hell of drug. Look if you want to stop carrying water for plutocratic leftism and become an actual libertarian I am sure as hell not what's stopping you. Maybe that way the cognitive dissonance will die down.
Point out the leftist swamp that is most Reasonoid writers is a joy for me you are the one who seems angry and defensive.
Don't you have to be a libertarian to administer the libertarian purity test? Or do you just insult libertarians every chance you get as some sort of displaced self-deprecation?
I insult cosmotarians because it's a ridiculous harmful ideology promoted by people with humorously thin skins and little control of their rage.
What is it exactly that makes me a cosmotarian?
And yet, in this very thread, you . . . here, your own words.
"Yea the only people that have principles are the 3 percent of the county lonely enough to indentify as libertarians. Listen to your self it's pathetic."
"Well it's super easy to get laid in college so I can't imagine any of them coming down with the requisite blue balls to become libertarians."
I think you're so fucked up right now that you really don't care what you're saying and just want to fight. And frankly, that's boring. I'll take Tony any day of the week over a chimpanzee - shit flinging for the sake of shit flinging.
I don't think you realize it but as you're missing your mark, you're the only one getting covered in feces.
I'm pretty sure it's a Tulpa handle, one he usually trots out when immigration is brought up.
"Please accept my apologies, ma'am, but also allow me to suggest that your shrieking "MOTHERFUCKER!!" at me might be perceived as a macro-aggression."
"I'm a child of incest and I find your use of "motherfucker" as an insult extremely offensive. Check your out-bred privilege."
There's nothing to interact with. Just ridicule.
"My apologies. I now understand that "guys" is offensive to you dudes."
End it with 'you chicks' - I think that would grind the stake in more effectively.
I bow to your mocktastic skills, sir.
"How about I just use 'fucktards' instead."
And when they object to gendered pronouns, just start referring to each one individually as 'it.'
I have 5 sisters. They would routinely use "you guys' to refer to all-female assemblages of their friends, even after I pointed out to them that "you gals" was available for parallel informality. This suggestion was met with scoffing. Apparently, using "gal" went out with the Andrews Sisters and Damon Runyon stories. So, is it back in? What's the trans equivalent: "You gols?" "You giys?"
Preferably with bullets.
-----Really, how is one supposed to interact with that?-----
You aren't. You're supposed to shut up. Haven't you read your cis-hetero shitlord welcome packet?
Jeez. to the gulag with you.
(but more seriously, the purpose isn't to receive an interaction, it's to make you shut up)
Talking to us is microaggression. You should shut up and listen!
This will end with the conservatives being annoyed at the leftists disruptions, saying something mildly offensive or aggressive, and getting their ability to operate on campus revoked or being kicked out of school. Talk is fine for reasonable people who are open minded. For others, not so much.
And reason will be there to explain why the conservative kids basicslly had it coming.
And reason Robby Soave will be there to explain why the conservative kids basicslly had it coming.
I mean really, your whining is more consistent than the writers' perspectives.
Your whining about my point out how left wing Reason is isn't going to change anything.
What service is it, exactly, that you think you are performing? And you could have at least been a little more creative than "I know you are, but what am I?"
Who needs to be creative when you are actually whining like a little bit@h. I'm not performing any public service, I am not nearly as grandiose as you apparently. It's just fun for me to point out how left wing "libertarianism" has become. All my life libetarianism have screamed sell out and slaver at conservatives so it's just hilarious to watch as libertarians sloppily service the hard left.
Fun fact: the dissonance between the fever swamp of your mind and reality cannot actually be put to any useful purpose.
Some libertarians cut the right too much slack, some, like Soave, cut the left too much. Most hate both sides with a passion because they're two sides of the same coin.
Dammit, I had a bet the term "cuck" was going to come out before the eighth counter-riposte. What the hell kind of football-fucking monkey fight is this?
Who needs to be creative when you are actually whining like a little bit@h.
Bitah = Bitter?
In the Desert. By Stephen Crane. (some trigger words removed)
In the desert
I saw a creature,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter?bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
"Because it is bitter,
"And because it is my heart."
Hahahahahahaha. These fucking pussies.
I'm so glad my daughter goes to college where apparently sanity rules and idiotic shit like this is met with rolled eyes and snickering. Because if I went to parents weekend and came across these fuckheads, I might just jerk her ass out right then and there and demand a refund.
Oh that's beautiful. I'm gonna enjoy that line for a while.
How does that person know people are always wondering about their gender identity? Seems pretty narcissistic to me.
Because if they did not wonder, why did that person go to all that trouble to look like that?
"Hey, Mickey. Oh, not much, really. Kinda bored. I was actually wondering if you wanted to go down to the library and just watch the people inside to see if we can guess their gender. What? No, I really don't think it's weird.... Why, what's wrong wi-hello? Mickey? You there?"
"Narcissist" can be a gender. Shit, anything can be a gender. Like, shit, for example.
I thought that too. I don't think that person knows the difference between someone wondering what his gender is and wondering what the actual fuck is wrong with him.
"Dude!" "Sweet!" "Dude!" "Why do you think I am a dude?" "Sweet!"
Because you have to decide- would or wouldn't.
He/she/they is going to have to either get over it, or make it more obvious what their gender identity is. And also needs to learn that just because you think your gender identity is the most pressing issue of the day, it doesn't mean anyone else gives a shit. I bet very few people if any in the library have ever wondered that.
It should just wear a sign on its head stating its gender and no one is left guessing, problem solved.
And libraries have books with words in them! Do you know how many microaggressions there must be in your average university library??
I seriously doubt they're getting a bunch of comments from people coming up to them questioning their gender identity in the library.
Makes me think about that old Saturday Night Live sketch about "Pat".
She later referred to the conservatives as "motherfuckers" before angrily pounding on the table.
But not with her shoe?
I am disappoint.
Shoes are a cultural appropriation. So are tables and pounding on them, especially with shoes.
Except that the U.S.S.R. was a bastion of white male privilege and anyway is defunct, so there's no culture left to appropriate.
"I don't study in the library because I don't feel comfortable, because I don't feel comfortable with people always wondering what my gender identity is,"
Like anybody even gives a fuck.
There's an argument that has been gaining surprising legitimacy lately. It goes something like: "I'm imagining what you're thinking, and I don't like it, therefore you should do what I tell you."
You know how it always feels like in traffic the person next to you is trying to cut in front of you, even though 99/100 times, if you step back and think about it, you realize they aren't even aware that you're there? That's how these people feel all the time.
"Lately" ???
Lena Marshmallow Dunham?
" I have no doubt that some of the privileged members of YAF could benefit from hearing that."
Not subtle enough, guy, you'll never get any bites that way.
I wonder if it became more subtle since we've become able to easily pinpoint the "trigger phrase", for lack of a better descriptor, the last couple of weeks.
I hope so - evolution in action. Our little Robby, growing up so fast.
Just wondering, which of the YAF members are the privileged ones? Do they wear a lapel pin? Have a certain haircut? A little ink in a conspicuous place?
Yeah I was wondering about that too. As if one's father had to own a yacht before one could become a member of YAF...If Robby means white middle class men he should just come out and say it.
+1 Dog whistle...?
Is hysterical screaming the sole method of communication for campus leftists?
Have you seen the videos of what passes for debate (as in organized debate competitions) these days?
Sadly, yes, I have.
I heard sometimes they go topless.
::thinks about it::
Would watch
Is hysterical screaming the sole method of communication for campus leftists?
Well, there's also physical intimidation
No; sometimes they call for muscle, too.
Sexism. Women don't have muscles.
I haven't listened to her complaints, but it wouldn't surprise me if she makes the same points men and women of all races make about this.
Well, maybe not Asians.
I am still stuck on "... a black woman of color.....".
it wouldn't surprise me if she makes the same points men and women of all races make about this...
Well, not libertarians. I doubt she brought up the whole "schools that are run by teacher unions and other liberals" point.
a black woman of color
As opposed to a black albino.
I think she's a woman of black color.
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
She actually said this:
"Civilization is something that white people invented as well"
And implied that it was a bad thing, as if she would have been better off being enslaved by an African warlord without access to treated water or medicine.
I'd say 40 percent of this comment board would agree with her and claim that civilization is just collectivist deviation from libertarian utopia.
How the fuck do racism and anarchism become the same thing in your mind?
I was obviously commenting on the think civilization is bad part. Use context clues. For the most part libertarians here are extreme SJWs so of course they wouldn't think civilization was an all whites affair.
For the most part libertarians here are extreme SJWs
What an astute and accurate observation. Yeah, man, it's all "rape culture" this, and "white privilege" that.
There is plenty of talk of white privilege on these boards and I'm not sure down with the SJW movement except for the rape stuff is exactly the sweet spot a political movement should look for.
And it sure as hell wasn't Reason that broke the UVA rape hoax open no that was the dirty alt right. Which is pretty emblematic of libertarianism in general.
Apparently your definition of "extreme SJW" is "anywhere to the 'left' of Franco" which is utterly nonsensical. What these boards have is multiple opinions. And that is apparently beyond the pale for you.
There's not much to the left of fascism.
I'd say your powers of estimation are off.
What the fuck am I reading?
I think he blacked out and doesn't know what he's writing.
No one really invented civilization. It emerged. And it didn't exclusively emerge among white people, not that it matters.
I agree, for sure. This lady is just insane. Africans had civilizations just as Asians and MesoAmericans did. What people like to leave out, however, is that they were often even more violent and horrific than what European civilization eventually did to them.
Whah? Al Gore, bra! Right after he created the Earth.
As far as I can remember, it emerged first in the middle east. Not sure of the racial makeup of the society, but I would have guessed persiany-araby kinda something.
I'm not sure how accurate that teaching was though, as it clearly developed in several other places around the globe.
But whitey was probably among the last.
Going back 10,000 years, the large majority of the ancestors of Europeans weren't in Europe anyway.
White people, at least as it's commonly used today, did not even invent civilization. Unless Iraqis are suddenly considered white by anyone other than the Census Bureau these days.
The peoples of the Middle east are Caucasian. Just like Europeans. They are, very likely, the first of the homo sapiens to start down the 'lighter skin' path.
We certainly would be better off is she had been.
Yeah, screw those white assholes in Egypt and Sumer.
Seriously, do they not teach history that starts before 1700 anymore?
According to Progthink, all of History prior to the Storming of the Bastille was just white people shitting on everyone for no reason anyway. So why even bother?
One of the leftists, a black woman of color, talked about the myriad ways in which her high school failed to prepare her for college. I have no doubt that some of the privileged members of YAF could benefit from hearing that.
Why, exactly? I mean, maybe these YAF members are really sheltered and unaware that there are disparities in the US educational system. That's a valuable thing to be aware of. But maybe some of these YAF members are from rural areas where the educational system is also pretty poor, and were themselves unprepared for college? Or maybe they come from upper middle class households and went to prep schools, in which case, good for them. No one should apologize for having advantages that are come by honestly, or even just through luck.
Well then you can't feel smug while you bitch and moan after finding out college is harder than coloring with crayons in high school. Fuck all these whiny bitches. I hope they are so stressed from the supposed microaggressions and other imaginary slights that they - as a subspecies of humankind disappear from the Earth due to early stress induced coronary disease. Darwin for the win!
I am outraged that I am not a trust fund baby who attended Harvard and makes shit loads of money.
I suspect that the YAF members for the most part are aware of the inequities. They also probably know of a possible way to improve them: school choice, vouchers, etc.
Oops, I see Fusionist addressed that below...
Reading books is hard!
I hate to point this out but the most privileged person in the room was the Black gender confused SJW.
The only way they could keep her out of a university would be if they discovered she was actually a white heterosexual male with no psychological disorders.
increasingly hysterical and angry language
And yet that conversation clearly needed to happen. It needs to happen many more times, in fact.
It's almost like we weren't born yesterday.
"One of the leftists, a black woman of color,"
As opposed to a black woman on non-color?
"talked about the myriad ways in which her high school failed to prepare her for college. I have no doubt that some of the privileged members of YAF could benefit from hearing that."
The national YAF organization gave Club of the Year Award to a chapter whose activities included taking part in School Choice Week, and I would suspect there are other examples of YAF chapters promoting school choice, which is a helpful antidote to the problem of unprepared HS graduates.
What, exactly, do the screamers do to promote good education at the high school level?
She's a black woman who identifies as a POC! smh at this ignorance
Just to be clear, school choice activism means extending to the privileged some of the same education advantages - namely, choice - as already belong to the privileged.
The Transparent-American community resents your flippant dismissal of their existence.
Except that they, you know, *weren't offensive. Wait, you're trolling us right here, right?
But I didn't see any 'conversation' there.
I saw two groups, one - charitably - making an honest invitation to the other to discuss their differences (or maybe, uncharitably, they knew what would happen and set this up as a troll) and the other, screaming and yelling mostly non sequiturs, and trying (and failing) to use the things they've been taught will shut up debate (microagressions! You didn't use my preferred pronouns which I failed to tell you about and you have no obligation to use anyway! You said something in an innocent manner without intent to offend but I'm going to pretend offense anyway!) and screaming incoherently in between.
Then, at the end, one of the SJW's forgets that the point of them attending was not debate or communication but intimidation and gives the win to the YAF by saying that maybe next time they will listen a little more. They didn't listen at all so any listening on their part would be an improvement. Assuming that their sister survives her self-criticism session.
Fucking character limits. What is this, a website for millennials?
I'm having trouble telling who is being tongue in cheek about that line and who seriously doesn't get it.
It's going to be ugly, it's going to be offensive, it's going to be uncomfortable, and it's going to be hurtful. But it clearly needs to happen.
Oddly enough that is exactly my go-to come on line with the ladies.
I most assuredly should *not* have laughed at that.
Makes two of us.
Me three. Good one, Hyp.
And you have a better than average batting record, I bet. Of course, the fact that you lick your eyebrows while saying it has to have some positive (depending on your point of view, I suppose) effect?
The ranting woman seems to think all whites go to high schools with broad AP curricula and go to college debt-free.
We all have millionaire parents who pay for our schooling. It's true.
Does they know about the monocle-polishing mines?
I am sure she will go ape-shit when she finds out about the "whites only" ATMs......
Elite College admission test:
"If Biff and Muffy set sail on a yacht going 20 knots, while Trevor and Amanda start from a yacht coming in the opposite direction at 15 knots, what kind of wine goes with the lobster?"
"What are the best sunscreens to protect white people from skin cancer when they go to the beach?"
"Trick question - Carlos and Consuela hold parasols over their white bosses to obviate the risk of exposure to the sun."
"If a work gang of 10 slaves, working 14 hours a day, manages to pick 50 bales of cotton, how many bales of cotton will they be able to pick the following day after the overseer starts liberally applying the whip?"
"How many gallons of mint julep do you need to have on hand when hosting a meeting of the directors of your all-white country club?"
Lobster? How delightfully upper middle class. I only enjoy the finest abalone.
A vintage white (of course!) from your family's private cellar, right?
Champagne. It's always the correct answer.
Pfff, you philistine; prosecco is preferred by the refined palate.
A casual shoe for yachting?
-What is a blucher? Now open the door and let me in!
Anyone in Maine can tell you, BEER goes with Lobster, you effete snob!
Actual elite college admission exam:
Names of relatives who are alumni of or faculty at this institution:
Total amount donated by family alumni to the institution during the previous five fiscal years:
Are any buildings on campus named after any of your relatives?
To which fraternal society do alumni relatives belong?
Highest Masonic degree held by related alumni and address of chapter where awarded:
In the space provided below, please draw the secret symbol of your Order:
Please detail desired post-graduation employment. Please indicate whether you prefer a sinecure on the east or west coast.
What, you don't think every white person at Kansas University went to Andover?
"There is not a soul in academia that does not recognize institutional racism! That's part of being an academic!"
Why are progressive academic settings so oppressive? Why are they governed by such cis-shitlords?
I'm triggered by the lack of PM linx.
Robby is probably still recovering from having to watch that video.
He's too busy snacking of Fruit Sushi.
Friday, Friday, Robby's thinking about the weekend, weekend.
I'm waiting for someone to say. "My pronoun is "My Lord"!".
It doesn't really matter what pronoun(s) they pick, what they're really saying is "My pronoun is 'Master'"
As the kids say these days...
"yeah... no."
If that was a 'conversation'.... H&R comments are an Intellectual-Round-Table Forum of the World's Pre-Eminent Thought Leaders
H&R comments are an "Intellectual-Round-Table Forum of the World's Pre-Eminent Thought Leaders" when we're discussing things.
Thank you.
Are you saying we're not the world's pre-eminent thought leaders?
I see Rico is on Linx duty today...
He'll phone it in in 20 minutes or so.
He's trolling all of you again.
It's not trolling if you don't do anything.
The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
objective reality = oppression
Everybody knows that.
The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
Never change, Soave.
Do we really need another World War to rediscover some priorities?
I'm beginning to think so.
I don't study in the library because I don't feel comfortable, because I don't feel comfortable with people always wondering what my gender identity is.
Maybe going out on a limb here, but I don't think anyone gives a fuck.
The person recording should beaten for vertical recording.
It's mobile-friendly ... unlike you!
What's weird is, my phone shows landscape video just as well as vertical video. Huh.
You should be flattered. If they're wondering its because they're thinking 'hmm, I might hit that'.
Sexiest video evah.
Are these real leftists or just full-time victims?
"I don't study in the library because I don't feel comfortable, because I don't feel comfortable with people always wondering what my gender identity is,"
And paranoid and narcissistic as well.
I'm sorry but I'm starting to see why some around here take you to task, Robby. I don't see good points. However, I do observe, based on what I've read and seen, what can in some cases be mental instability.
Yeah, I'm almost all the way through the video. There are some calm, reasoned people trying to have a dialogue on one side, and on the other side, it's petulant, self-absorbed rants from people who are in serious need of psychiatric help.
Rufus: I couldn't waste the time to watch the whole thing, but ... yeah, there is nothing worthy about the SJW's "arguments". It was really just assertion and nonsense.
While conversations need to happen, I'm not sure that counts as a conversation or anything constructive. More of that, I don't think we need.
By conversation they mean capitulation.
Though, if the same people do come back next week, I imagine it will be somewhat less shouty. Once they cry themselves out, something reasonable might begin.
Cry themselves out....ahahahahaha....you kidder, you.
The only thing these people need more than a conversation is to leave each other alone.
"The wall being built is violence, okay!"
Apparently, some of these college students enslaved some of the other college students for over 400 years. They do not look anywhere close to that age.
Jesus, that trans library guy is so combative about the plans to reconvene next week.
Shouldn't it be "My pronoun is 'they'"? Or is he pointing to a group of pronouns and laying claim all of them?
We're not sure, are we other Barry?
"our pronouns are they"?
but that would make it too obvious they were retarded, I suppose
Appeasement signals weakness or inferiority and thereby invites aggression and, possibly, violence.
RE: 'My Pronouns Are They!' Hysterical Kansas Students Inadvertently Make the Case Against Safe Spaces
"My pronouns are they!
This statement makes a good case for more money to be given to public education with results like this.
But then, more money solves all problems.
Holy crap would that room be fun. Given that I don't give a flying fuck about what any of them think of me or themselves, ya, trigger machine here. Fire away you little whining cunts.
As they say in cycling, harden the fuck up motherfucker.
If you put Milo in the room they would have all shat themselves and curled up in little balls on the floor.
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
I don't think we've given Robby enough crap for this...so I just want to point out that since he's comparing what he finds offensive with the leftist language with what the leftists thought were offensive with the conservative language, isn't he basically calling himself a leftist?
I thought we've established what leftists think is 'offensive' is ludicrous. Hence why we mock it.
So I agree. Not sure why Robby had to go 'meek relativist' here.
While im often wont to agree with complaints about Robby, this doesn't fit for me. The overall article potrayed the SJW students as unhinged, while it potrayed the YAF students as calm. Even this part of the article is evidence of that. He is showing how the SJWs were objectively offensive and frightening cimpared to how the YAF students could only be thought of as offensive in the deranged and immature minds of the SJWs
The article keeps referring to the 'leftists'. But I am 100% convinced after reading the article that it would be perfectly legit to replace 'leftists' with 'retards' on every occasion.
Nearly all leftists are retards. The ones who aren't are the misanthropes who believe they're going to end up telling the retards what to do.
I know a lot of white people who were valedictorians at small schools and were not prepared for the college I attended.
Context is everything.
Nobody is as butthurt as conservatives in the presence of a social justice warrior argument. They just don't use the same jargon.
Nevertheless, the hypersensitivity on the left is obviously ridiculous, and the right is obviously too bigoted. I think everyone should calm down and learn some manners. They have served us well for a long time.
They just don't use the same jargon
Unlike SJWs, Tony, most people stopped throwing temper tantrums and screaming like imbeciles by the time they got out of kindergarten. So yeah, most people are a little unprepared for adults who behave like 3 year olds.
Did you eat all your crayons already today? Your mum needs to stop letting you on the internets.
I understand intuitively why the fact that conservatives spend 100% of their time whining and bitching about the poor oppressed white Christian doesn't quite feel as annoying as SJWs airing of grievances, but I can't explain it rationally. All they do is whine. They wouldn't have a politics without minorities to blame for all their supposed problems. I guess it's an alpha monkey thing. I mean look at who their leader is.
But hey as a member of an oppressed minority I say the lefties are also idiots, at least in the sense that their strategy is woefully dumb and counterproductive. Each side's extreme feeds the other.
But hey as a member of an oppressed minority
Are you living in Saudi Arabia? Nobody's fucking oppressing you for being gay.
How the fuck would you know?
Because I live in this country too. Your oppression olympics bullshit is tiresome. The only reason you think the current leftist strategy is "counterproductive" is because it doesn't validate your victim complex. But you aren't a victim of anything.
You couldn't possibly know that if you don't live the life in question.
"We're not as bad as Saudi Arabia, therefore it's all good" is of course a horrible argument.
Not that you're wrong about me personally.
How could you know then that white Christian heterosexuals aren't oppressed if you haven't lived that life?
See Tony, your worldview is inherently self-contradictory.
"We're not as bad as Saudi Arabia, therefore it's all good" is of course a horrible argument.
It's a good thing no one made that argument, then.
Not that you're wrong about me personally.
I never had any doubt.
That is exactly the argument you made. You said I couldn't be oppressed because I live in America instead of Saudi Arabia.
No, the argument I made specifically and emphatically is that you are not being oppressed. At all. Period. Whatsoever.
... for your gayness
Would you prefer the term disadvantaged? I actually don't begrudge an attitude of "suck it up, life isn't fair." In fact I embrace it.
Taxes should raise on billionaires. Suck it up. Life isn't fair.
But you're not disadvantaged. You are afforded the same rights as everyone else.
If you're referring to other people's opinions about you being gay or something, then your taxes analogy could not be more inane. The idea that you have as much a right to other people's approval of you're sexual orientation as citizens have to their own money is pretty damned troubling.
Tony's a collectivist; the mere fact that he's gay makes him oppressed relative to any straight white male. Much like how Obama is oppressed relative to Kelly Thomas.
This is why collectivism is evil.
The idea is that all else being equal one's minority status confers disadvantages. Obviously Obama is not oppressed relative to anyone, except perhaps white presidents.
The idea is that all else being equal one's minority status confers disadvantages.
And it is a shitty idea that should be discarded like the trash it is.
Seems pretty obvious. Not sure why you're so butthurt about the idea.
Seems pretty obvious
To a racist like you, I'm sure it does seem obvious.
Obama is a hell of a lot more privileged than Bush in the way that the media excuses every one of Obama's abuses of power and never calls him out on his gaffes (not to mention the complete silence of the anti-war left). No, I'd say Obama may be the most privileged person in recent history.
Sitting Presidents usually are. Even in Zimbabwe.
Bush got away with a lot more and while his legitimacy was questioned it was because he was appointed by the supreme court not because of asinine racist rumors about his birthplace.
Haha, that's great. Because all white people are born in the US.
Seriously, drop the bullshit about birtherism being about race, it's not. It's about his dad being from another country genius.
Cue Tony's go to response "well I just know it's about racism, I can't prove it, but just seems so obvious to me how can it not be."
McCain was literally born in another country and nobody gave a shit. What could possibly be the difference hmmm.
McCain was born on a U.S. military base to two U.S. citizens. Not exactly a questionable scenario vis-a-vis citizenship.
Less questionable than Obama's having actually been born on US soil?
Bush ... was appointed by the supreme court
Bullshit. What is it with the left and their inability to accept electoral defeat? The Supreme Court did nothing more than say that the laws of Florida can't be thrown out the window just because Al Gore didn't like the results.
You people are pathetic. Move on.
If the loser of the popular vote wins the office, with the help of a partisan supreme court, I'm going to go ahead and call that democratically suspect. But carry on defending the worst president in history.
Tony, your biggest disadvantage isn't that you like to sleep with men; lots of people do that. Your biggest disadvantage is your brain, and that's obviously not fixable.
Preferring the company of men means I have to live a life of walking on eggshells and lies and careful assessment of each and every social interaction I have that's not in a gay bar. But I wouldn't trade it for the banality of straightness. It's so much fun. People born in the sticks to holy rollers don't have it as easy as I have.
Oh poor you, some people don't like what you do with your weewee, how oppressed you are. Clearly the government needs to step in and make them change their opinion of you or else.
Also, if that's what it means to be oppressed, then I must be oppressed being a white person living in a predominately black neighborhood where I can't go outside at night for fear of being threatened and harassed with racial slurs at the least. But I guess the guys on the stoops are just righteously indignant about my white privilege.
I'd totally settle for white heterosexual Christian men stopping their constant whining about how oppressed they are.
To reiterate myself (seems necessary with Alzheimer patients), individuals are oppressed. A white christian man who is made to pay half his salary for life to an ex-wife who is perfectly capable of working and had no children just because gender norms and sexism in the courts tend to do this is more oppressed than the ex-wife who gets to live off him indefinitely.
The fact that one is a man, or white, or whatever, contrary to your insipid worldview, does not render him/her immune to getting fucked over by society or (especially) the government because of some accidental characteristic of birth. Nor does it warrant the casual dismissal of such wrongdoings by people like you who seem to view any suffering of a member of the perpetrator race/sex/whatever as either irrelevant (because I guess you assume the patriarchy will reimburse a man who loses his livelihood or his children to sexist family courts, or a white person who loses a job to "reverse" racism) or because you think it's them getting their 'just deserts' because someone who looked like them did something bad.
The solution, as ever, in all cases, is to regard people as individuals, rather that as mere fleeting instantiations of broad demographic categories. But this I suppose is what happens when people idolize Platonism so fucking much.
As a member of multiple so-called "oppressed minorities", I just say that you are an idiot.
It seems like at KU, one side has manners and the other... not so much.
Really there were only about 6 people doing most of the talking, 4 SJW and 2 YAF. Most of the others were pretty chill. ALL the over the top shouting, and intimidation came from 3 SJWs who seemed to be feeding off each other's rage. Exclude the agitators and something approaching civility and understanding might emerge.
Tony's definition of manners: do what I want and you won't get hurt.
"Nevertheless, the hypersensitivity on the left is obviously ridiculous,
Hands Tony a ribbon.
"and the right is obviously too bigoted."
Takes it back.
"Racism didn't exist until Obama!" Are you that lady?
Of course it existed before him. But it was getting better for a long time. Now, it's gotten worse.
Because of Obama.
He's hardly that powerful. But stoked the fires and rode the wave.
Not sure about the connection but the world didn't begin and won't end with The Great Pretender.
"People who oppose affirmative action are worse than Hitler."
Are you that guy?
And that guy wasn't some county campaign manager, he is a US fucking congressman.
using increasingly hysterical and angry language !
I am shocked that the youthful and virtuous Robby has used the misogynist's word hysterical to refer to the language used by the gorditas voicing their opinions. Please, we must avoid the crazy-woman trope - and hysteria is definitely a loaded and vile word, evoking the old notion that women were shrill and emotional, made irrational by a uterus.
Now if youthful Robby were to refer to Jackie Coakley as hysterical, then that's another question.
Were you being serious with that ''hysterical'' bit?
"My pronouns are they!"
How about this, sunshine: you call yourself whatever you want, and I'll call you whatever I want. As far as I'm concerned, your pronoun is "nutjob".
People are entitled to be called what they want. They aren't entitled to scream at you for an honest mistake.
People are entitled to be called what they want.
Bullshit. Only some people are "entitled" and you know it.
Referring to a rule of basic manners. See, apparently there needs to be more education on this matter.
What rule? You call people bigots like it's going out of style.
But if you prefer I'll call you Dr. Bigot, even if you're just a PhD.
... who am I bigoted against?
I'd use "one" instead of the equivalent version of "you," but you'd just call me an elitist.
"Hey, one, would you mind getting me a bear? So how was one's son's baseball game? They lost? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did one's kid get to play at least? That's good. By the way, is one planning on going to happy hour tonight?"
Yeah, I'd like to hear you have that conversation.
I've always liked Henry Kissinger's response to fawning reporters after he'd bee appointed Secretary of State.
Reporter: Should we call you "Dr Kissinger" or "Mr Secretary"?
Kissinger: "Your Excellency" would do.
I'm not so sure, Tony. The unreasonably sensitive shouldn't be allowed to dictate the English language to the rest of us.
Should have read further down before commenting on the hat, but also, "they" is just one pronoun. I was hearing "my pronouns are they" as Yoda being possessive of his pronoun pile.
It isn't just an honest mistake: 1) no one knows this person and thus no one knows their "pronouns" and 2) they are demanding "goodspeak"--that you change how you talk. I'm going to use "y'all".
People are entitled to be called what they want.
What's your next guess, rent-boy? You have no right to choose what I say.
True, but good manners require you to call people what they want to be called. You are free to be a rude asshole. Nobody's going to jail for that.
Give it time...
Well being an asshole is subjective, so ill take it.
So if I want you to call me President Obama you'll oblige?
True, but good manners require you to call people what they want to be called.
I guess you don't have good manners then, do you? Who are you to lecture other people on manners when you don't even have any?
good manners require
Fuck you.
Good manners require one to tell people what they would like to be called--before screaming at their 'insensitivity'. One cannot be expected to divine the thoughts or preferences of another, particularly another of which one has no foreknowledge.
Additionally, pronouns are usually put to use when one is speaking of another in their absence. Why, then, would pronouns enter into an introduction at all? To presume that one will be spoken about at a later time is grossly presumptuous, to say the least.
No, they are not. People will generally treat you with respect if you reciprocate, but it's a voluntary thing.
There's never an excuse for rudeness.
Like when people call you a tiresome fag?
There are plenty of excuses for rudeness. For example, I think being rude to you is perfectly fine. You deserve having a drink thrown in your face.
Needs to happen? No. If I want to live in fantasyland with pretend genders and pretend pronouns I'll go to a Ren fair. Meeting with these idiots lends them legitimacy, and there is zero common ground.
Say your goddamn pronouns!
So, a black woman's school did not prepare her for college--no doubt a school run by democrats--but in what way is that the YAF student's fault?
The SJWs were upset that the YAF people didn't use the right pronouns--but how in the world could they, the people are strangers to each other!
One of them won't study in the library because he/she/it imagines that people wonder what their gender identity is. Ooohh, did they LOOK at you funny? But from my experience in libraries (and just about everywhere), people ignore each other. When did we all become liable for the paranoia of others?
There seems to be a heavy requirement for mind-reading, and an assignment of collective guilt for stuff beyond anyone's control. And yes, injustice happens to white people too. Some teachers are jerks to ALL their students. And no, a university doesn't CARE about you, it can't.
It's faux rage designed to be a red herring to shut out any opposition, before any argument is made. It's designed to move the goalposts immediately, change the debate and keep everyone punching in the fog.
It's a form of narcissism. Many people, and the Left has these people in spades (I hope that use of "spades" isn't offensive or triggering for you) who are incapable of comprehending there are other, legitimate points of view and that efforts to be polite aren't a sly way to be offensive.
"The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too"
Let's not feign equivalence here, Republicans and Democrats you can do this to, they are the definition of "separate" but equal. The Left was in their ultimate "safe space" of a state school and tried to silence discussion with Alinsky tactics and faux rage.
You are right though, at least they met. Sad statement in the state of affairs however.
So the leftest didn't decline on the basis that they might make the young conservatives feel uncomfortable?
HIlarious SJW berates Lyft driver
I thought this was fake when my son referred this link to me, but it's been confirmed as real. Astonishing stupidity.
That video is hilarious.
So did it ever make Gawker?
What makes that loon think anybody gives a flying fuck about her gender identity?
The liberal university, the liberal professors, and the liberal MSM that all make money off of delusional & mentally unstable people like this.
Believing that people are thinking about you, looking at you, talking about, and judging you is normal for a teenager, but is considered generally abnormal for an adult. At the extreme end it's mental illness.
Every person who is a mature, fully-functioning adult knows that nobody who is in the library when you are in the library is thinking about you at all. Or, at least, the possibility is unlikely enough that we don't care. Even if somebody is wondering what your gender identity is, you have no objectively way of knowing that. Short of the person telling you, you are making an illogical, self-centeted, slightly paranoid assumption. It is pure projection.
Teenagers behave this way, and we tolerate it because they are expected to grow out of it. When an adult behqves this way, we try to get them help.
Safe spaces should be kept well below freezing. Wouldn't want any snowflakes to melt.
Am I wrong in thinking I heard the black woman of color basically state that she was, due to her racial and family background, not prepared for university? If this is the case, WHY is she in the university? I don't attempt to run the Iditarod dog sled race if I have no dogs and no sled, nor any knowledge of how (or why) you would run that race. Is the purpose of university now to allow everyone in to wander around and complain about things, or is there an ACTUAL REASON they built the place? If education is to mean anything, it is the administrations' who have to defend the first purpose of school, which is not to provide a safe space for socialization, but to teach and to learn, with the premise that furthering human knowledge is a fundamental virtue that is to be valued above personal comfort. Personal comfort is the first thing we sacrifice in ANY endeavor we find valuable. If comfort is your primary goal, stay in bed.
(Brought to you by CasperLisaSleepysMyPillow.com.)
"One of the leftists, a black woman of color, talked about the myriad ways in which her high school failed to prepare her for college. I have no doubt that some of the privileged members of YAF could benefit from hearing that."
A few things wrong with this. What is 'a woman of color'? A colored woman? Well then say that. As a matter of fact every woman, unless she's an albino is 'of color', i.e. pigmented. Lets call this what it is: race baiting.
Why was this woman's high school solely to blame for not preparing her for college? I'd like to hear from her high school teachers as to her ability and dedication as a student.
Lastly, how does this 'writer' know the YAF students are privileged? How does he know they didn't earn what they have? The word 'privilege' has become the favorite accusatory curse word of the left to be used against anyone it deems to have succeeded because of talent, ability, and hard work.
"Privilege" is SJW-speak for "white". And male. And not gay. And possibly "not poor".
Basically "Privilege" is anything that can be identified to label you as less victim-worthy than me, therefore less moral and therefore inferior and beholden to me.
"Privilege" is usually another way of saying 'had good parents and made good life choices, unlike us.'
Use/mention FAIL
The leftists used extremely hurtful and offensive language, and were even occasionally physically intimidating. The conservatives said things that the leftists thought were offensive, too.
It's funny how Soave has to couch his language here to try to create an equivalence.
I like how that works...
My pronoun is "honey". Unless you refer to me as "honey", you are microaggressing.
My pronoun is "master". Unless you refer to me as "master", you are microaggressing.
The mistake is trying to engage with these cunts in the first place instead of just laughing at them.
conservatives rather calmly receive angry belligerent frothing leftists at their meeting and actually try to have a civil conversation.
Tony: "Ok, they're both kind of asdholes, but the conservatives more so, right?"
Honestly, I think this is the closest thing to sense we're ever going to get out of him. May as well give our resident Ghibelline a round of applause for at least shitting in the bathroom if not getting it all the way into the toilet.
It's not sincere. He's "calling out" the left for deviating from his orthodoxy, nothing more.
I've been consistent in criticizing the hypersensitive left. I'm a free speech guy, and I care about strategy (a good strategy rarely involves screeching about pronouns).
"I care about strategy..."
That's puzzling. I don't think I've ever seen you actually try to earnestly convince anyone of anything. Then again I guess 'operating from the assumption that you're already right' may be a valid rhetorical strategy, if not a sound one.
Can someone please teach these kids to hold the damn iPhone horizontal when they video?
Hate these tiny vertical images.
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There is one problem with this article it assumes that the SJW's might actually listen one day. Trust me these particular animals have brayed and barked for so long they can scream hysterically for days on end without once getting lightheaded or loosing their voices which only take on a tone that is a mix of glass and gravel grinding together with the soft sound of nails on a chalkboard.
The will pound tables, throw fits, damage property and then claim they are living in fear of the people they have threatened, intimidated and in many cases physically assaulted.
There is no cure for SJW induced insanity at best you can hope to forcibly sterilize then medicate them into oblivion. Even if you had an infinite number of SJWs speaking to an infinite number of audiences not once in a billion billion billion years would one of them string together a rational thought. You would have more luck getting ISIS to sponsor a gay muslim wedding between a Jew and and Ahmadian.
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"My pronouns are they!"
Your medications are in need of review.
Wouldn't it be "Their pronouns are they?" Or at the very least "Our pronouns are they?"
Oh, shut your fucking mouth, Tony. I grew up in 90s Alabama. Montgomery, to be precise. I came out at 17. You're desperate to the "Other". I never got any pushback. Wanna know how? I approach everyone as an equal. Not everyone "gets it". Not every has to. Here is what they got: someone who is trustworthy. I had their back if needed. They could confide in me. I am reliable. I am a friend, to men and women, not just when it's fun, but when "being a friend" is a fucking drag. Lo and behold, guess what happened? I got a rep for being a good, reliable, trustworthy guy to know. I'm golden. Man up, or sell your victimhood elsewhere. It has no currency here.
Well said.
But victimhood is all that Tony has! It makes him special!
I was using the term oppressed minority flippantly. My life is great. My friends are great.
As I said, nobody is more oversensitive than you guys. It's just not called political correctness when it's conservatives demanding the parameters of people's speech and ideas, for some reason.
My life is great. My friends are great.
...and yet you constantly take time out of your "great life" to come here and desperately seek attention. Why is that, rent-boy?
It finally came out, the very light skinned supposedly black gal wants a check from the government. I would like to see her DNA analysis. I would say she is maybe 25% African. I am 2% African with red hair and freckles.
Conservatives do use the sentiments of the Left. The caterwauling about Kaepernick and other athletes joining him in using the Anthem to protest is a cry for a safe space. They whine how it's offensive.
There are many more examples, but in one way the Left has succeeded in framing discussion in this Republic: victimhood is powerful.
Seeing these narcissistic Special Snowflakes has made me do 180? on a dearly held principle - that mandatory military service is a evil equivalent to slavery. A few weeks with a Marine DI will show them just how *not* special they really are....
Conscription is still slavery, and if it were reestablished in this country it would enslave everyone, not just the special snowflakes.
I think they're right. You shouldn't call them "guys".
Call them "hivemind" instead. "Hey, hivemind, will whoever is holding the brain please state your case?"
Waste of time talking to these SJW people.... unless you are doing it for the benefit of third parties just to show how batshit crazy & profoundly intolerant they really are.
I disagree. Uncomfortable, necessary discussions can still be civil discussions. What campus activist, especially activists who claim to value safe spaces, can justify uncivil speech? The manner of delivery for the activists' speech, described in this article, is clearly unjustified.
Treat others as you would have others treat you. If you encounter people who do not follow that rule, do not deal with them. Nothing good will come of it.
Ol' Robby S is too intimidated by the lynch mobs to come out and say things directly. So he has to be subtle and leave it to the reader to pick up on it. His description of the difference between the two groups was pretty clearly an example of that
It is a bit like the way the Soviet system had to be criticized by its citizens.
After the requisite two minutes hate was over, the YAF leader should have asked three questions:
1) Is your position that all of these charges or racism/sexism/ect. are immutable and inherent to my person, due to my gender and race?
2) Is there any counter argument to your position that would convince you that you are wrong?
3) How much money do you want from me?