Donald Trump

Why Trump Will Wreck the Constitution Worse Than Even Hillary

He has not a constitutional bone in his body


Libertarian law professor Ilya Somin has an excellent piece arguing why libertarians and conservatives should worry more about Trump appointing the next generation of Supreme Court

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justices than Hillary. (And it's not because Trump thinks that judges sign bills and there are XII articles in the Constitution.)

He notes:

Trump is not just a conventional Republican candidate. He wants to remake the GOP into a "workers party"(as he himself calls it), similar to the big-government right-wing nationalist parties of Western Europe, such as France's National Front. Like Trump, these parties combine xenophobia and protectionism with a strong authoritarian streak, and support for an expansive welfare and regulatory state (so long as the beneficiaries are primarily people of the "right" racial and ethnic background).

If Trump wins the presidency and his agenda is seen as a political success, he will have the opportunity to move the GOP further in a National Front-like direction. And a Trumpist/National Front party will have little use for limited government-originalist judicial philosophy. To the contrary, federalism, the separation of powers, and many individual rights limitations on government power would be an impediment to its agenda. A Trumpist GOP would, over time, seek to appoint judges in line with its priorities.

And if you want some proof positive that Trump is less wedded to the US Constitution than his first two wives, check out my piece in The Week today where I list six of Trump's many constitution-busting proposals. Indeed, no amendment will be safe under Trump.

"All of them betray Trump's contempt for federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and basic American political norms," I note. "They also show just how ruthless he will be in discrediting anyone or anything that comes in the way of his political ambitions."

Go here to read the whole thing.