Nontroversy Over Dylann Roof's Background Check, OPM Director Out, Brewer Defends Trump: P.M. Links
(Public Domain)
Public Domain The FBI says Dylann Roof shouldn't have been able to buy a gun and a "loophole" is to blame. Looks more like mere government incompetence to Brian Doherty, though.
- Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's appeal went nowhere.
- Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer defended Donald Trump over racist comments.
- It's not been the best week for walking Subway mascot Jared Fogle.
- Additional child pornography news: Six minors were charged with posession of child porn because they sexted each other.
- OPM Director Katherine Archuleta resigned in the wake of revelations about the data breach.
- The Confederate flag no longer flies over South Carolina state house grounds.
- Watch Reason TV's latest interview with Peter Schiff.
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