Paul Opposes Tax Ploy For Reviving Trade Deal, Trump Eyes Exclusive D.C. Real Estate, FDA Takes Trans Fats Off the Menu: P.M. Links
Gage Skidmore Sen. Rand Paul opposes a small business tax-based ploy to revive the recently failed trade deal. The House voted today to delay the deadline for doing anything about the bill until the end of July.
- Donald Trump's self-marketing ploy presidential campaign kicked into gear today as the real estate mogul and egomaniac announced his intention to move into an an exclusive property in Washington, D.C. Or at least keep himself in the headlines.
- Did the St. Louis Cardinals illegally hack into a Houston Astros computer database? Inquiring feds want to know.
- No trans fats for you, the FDA benevolently decides on behalf of all of us. Baylen Linnekin recently explained why this is a bad, and presumptuous, idea.
- Discussions of racial identity are now a thing, as the Rachel Dolezal trainwreck continues. Here's a discussion topic: We move past obsessing about skin color. Or did I just microaggress?
- Russia plans to grow its nuclear arsenal this year, which is all sorts of swell with the U.S. basing heavy weapons in eastern Europe.
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