Farewell, Ron Swanson
A libertarian nation tries manfully to hold back the tears as their fictional hero rides off to the woodworking contest in the sky
Over at The Daily Beast, Asawin Suebsaeng has a fun little piece talking about the embarrassing lengths to which libertarian and conservative publications and organizations have gone to venerate one of the best libertarian characters in the history of television, Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation, which airs its final episode tonight. Sample:
Swanson's demeanor and staunchly libertarian outlook have made him a (regrettably fictional) hero to conservative observers. "He is, let's say, an unlikely hero in the age of Obama," National Review declared. "Ron Swanson's 12 wisest quotes about the government," The Daily Caller compiled. "Swanson's staunch libertarianism is sprinkled throughout the series—and he's a hero of the show, not a heel of all the jokes (as you would expect from Hollywood)," the Heartland Institute raved. "[A] lovably awesome libertarian character," Reason blogged. The libertarian Cato Institute has cited the character both on social media and in policy analysis. And The Washington Free Beacon named Swanson "Man of the Year" in 2012.
Moreover, Republican congressman Joe Wilson (of "You lie!" fame) wrote an op-ed for Politico in 2010 that praised Swanson: "America has a new champion of limited government and spending restraint," the piece reads. "Regrettably, Swanson is not running for Congress."
I'm quoted in the article, but the best quip comes from Luke Kenworthy of the Kochtastic youth-issues organization Generation Opportunity:
Ron didn't just teach us about taxation through a lunchbox demonstration—he also spoke eloquently on the more important subjects, like craftsmanship and bacon.
Reason on Ron Swanson here, including John Payne's November 2011 piece "Ron Swanson vs. the State."
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Nice post, Matt. Great show. Ron will be missed.
We named our youngest after this character. Ron Swanson Meriwether the IV. He looks just like the mustached lad on the cover of the recent Reason magazine:
Seriously. Ron is the best. I wish he had a late night cable news program.
the IV? something doesn't add up here
When our youngest was born, I changed my name and those of my father, his father and his paternal grandfather, posthumously of course, just to make a point.
My great grandfather's name was Adolf Benito Meriwether Jr, so I changed his name to George while I had the paperwork handy. His dad was an asshole, though, so fuck him.
I have to admit, that is a storied family history!
But how do you know your great-great GD was a prick?
When he was a kid, he got his kicks sneaking up on Mrs O'Leary's dairy cows and scaring the crap outta them.
Joe Wilson was awfully prescient. I think more people should call out "you lie" at politicians' speeches.
He was the only character, other than Rob Lowe's, that didn't irritate the holy piss out of me. I've tried watching Parks several times, but I just can't stick with it because Ron was basically like Eddie Murphy on early 80s Saturday Night Live--someone who single-handedly kept the show alive through his sheer awesomeness. If he hadn't been on there, it wouldn't have lasted past the second season.
I guess it's not unlike Sledge Hammer, which was meant to lampoon excessively violent police ( a la Dirty Harry). But he was just so likable that he was embraced by conservatives
I just came here to say that Asawin Suebsaeng is an insufferable prick, or as they say in ol' Siam, man bpen ai hia.
You misspelled "Bo".
Never saw the show, and, strange to admit, I'm sorry I didn't with this guy as part of the cast.
I don't recall any horrified reviews, either. Was it under the radar of the print news or just good enough they really couldn't gripe?
Never under the radar, man. What's not explicitly stated -- and therefore, missing -- in Matt's well-crafted article is that Swanson is a parodic shot at libertarians (we should all be able to have fun at our own expense.) That's why no complaints. Plus, Swanson is close to non-parodic at times, just dead funny, and maybe the writers felt sympathetic towards their characters. He manages a parks and recreation (hint: gov't) department in Indiana and is a caricature, but one that took off. Sometimes characters do that to writers instead of vice-versa, I guess. One of the head writers used to write for Fire Joe Morgan, a baseball web site that was very funny back in the day.
My personal opinion is that Swanson was the libertarian impulse in a bunch of great writers trying to parodize him, and even they saw the beauty in him.
"Capitalism- God's way of separating who is smart from who is poor."
Some Swanson awesomeness.
Oh, roarsome. Thanks, Suellington, before we fade into the internet ether again?
Looking forward to the extended version of the finale to be released on Netflix. I also think the final season is going to seem really dated in the near future. Still, a fairly good send-off.
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