
Ted Cruz, Superhero


From the folks who brought you We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids' Book of Freedom, comes Ted Saves America, a do-it-yourself encomium to likely GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz. The eight-page supplement is a follow-on to last year's Ted Cruz to the Future, also published by Really Big Coloring Books, Inc., which featured Cruz surrounded by butterflies shooting finger guns at a (presumably grafted) tree with trunks labeled "U.S. Constitution" and "Ten Commandments."

In this election-oriented update, the heroic Texas senator battles giant serpents representing the forces of "Obamacare," "High Taxes," "Illegal Immigration," "Injustice," and "Lawlessness" without even mussing his Reaganesque mini-pompadour. He also soars on the back of an eagle and gives a thumbs-up as he strides confidently across the White House lawn.

"The Ted Cruz to the Future supplement is designed to be used as an educational tool. It does not constitute an endorsement of Ted Cruz," a disclaimer at the bottom of one page reads. "The coloring book is based on a fair and objective review on this positive role model and real life superhero."