Here's a great argument for school choice from the bankrupt city of Stockton, California.
Watch above as physical education teacher drags and pushes a 14-year-old girl into a swimming pool. Some details via California's News 10 ABC:
A Stockton Unified School District physical education teacher is facing a charge of corporal injury to a child, and is on paid leave, after video surfaced of him trying to force a 14-year-old girl into a pool during a P.E. class.
Denny Peterson, employed by the school district for more than 10 years, is seen on video for 95 seconds using strong force to drag the girl toward the pool at Edison High School. The incident happened in late August, and much of it was captured on video by another student.
Gilbert Somera is a Stockton attorney representing the girl and her family.
"Regardless of her participation (in the class) it should disgust you how this man put his hands on a 14-year-old girl. She said multiple times, 'my top is falling down,'" Somera said. He is preparing a claim and likely a lawsuit over the struggle.
Paid leave, folks. Your tax dollars at work.
Anybody think this sort of shit would pass muster in a school system in which students and parents chose which schools to attend?
And while we're at it, anyone think we'd still be wasting as much time and resources on phys ed if the education of children (rather than catering to the needs of existing teachers and other interests) was the primary goal of K-12 schooling?
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