Rand Paul Votes Against NSA Reform Bill, Sex Offenders Don't Have to Give Up Internet Names, Netflix Shelves Cosby Special: A.M. Links
fuzzcat/Flickr The USA Freedom Act, aimed at curbing National Security Agency surveillance abuses, fell two votes short of the 60 it needed to proceed to the Senate floor. Sen. Rand Paul voted against the bill because it would have extended a Patriot Act provision allowing for phone records searches.
- The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a California law intended to fight sex trafficking violates the First Amendment by requiring registered sex offenders to turn over email addresses, Internet names, and other Web information.
- Netflix is postposing a planned Bill Cosby comedy special in the wake of accusations that the comedian sexually assaulted several women, including supermodel Janice Dickinson.
- Uber said Tuesday that it's investigating the claim that one of its top executives tracked a Buzzfeed reporter who was writing a story about the company.
- District of Columbia residents will face fines for not shoveling snow from sidewalks in front of their property this winter.
- Bob Marley's family is launching an international marijuana brand called Marley Natural that will sell "heirloom Jamaican cannabis strains" and cannabis-infused lotions.
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