'I Hope Jeb Runs,' Says Dubya, Arizona Has Harsh New Revenge Porn Law, Pics of Oklahoma's Satanic Statue: P.M. Links


  • "I hope Jeb runs" for president in 2016 and he can "give me a call" if he needs any political advice, George W. Bush said today. Hopefully that endorsement is enough reason for the GOP to run in the opposite direction.

  • Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed one of the nation's harshest "revenge porn" laws yesterday. It is now a felony to "to intentionally disclose, display, distribute, publish, advertise or offer a photograph, videotape, film or digital recording of another person if the person knows or should have known that the depicted person has not consented to the disclosure."
  • Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is using Donald Sterling's racism controversy to rekindle his personal crusade to make the Washington Redskins change its name. Doesn't this guy have anything better to do in his own jurisdiction? Pick another fight with some ranchers, perhaps?
  • Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) recently called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom." Thompson responded to backlash yesterday saying, "but I'm black."
  • A Russian diplomat was detained in Ukraine today under suspicion of espionage. Ukraine also relaunched its military draft today in response to increased separatist violence.
  • Remember when a Satanic Temple in Oklahoma launched a campaign to get a goat-headed statue displayed on the front lawn of the statehouse? Here are the first pictures of the statue.

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