
Vaccine-Denying Pastor's Flock Smote with Measles


Copeland Ministries

There's been a scary outbreak of measles in North Texas this month, and local health agencies are pointing to the Eagle Mountain International Church of Tarrant County as the epicenter. The church is part of the megachurch network Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Copeland, according to the Dallas Observer, is:

far from the most vocal proponent of the discredited theory that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine causes autism, but, between his advocacy of faith healing and his promotion of the vaccine-autism link on his online talk show, he's not exactly urging his flock to get their recommended shots.

In fact, all 11 of the confirmed cases in the county seem to be traceable to a overseas visitor to the church.

Tarrant County Public Health, on its Facebook page, states that eight of the 11 patients diagnosed with measles have recovered. The patients' ages range from four months to 44 years. Only three of the patients had been immunized for measles.

His daughter, Terri, who is the pastor of this particular part of her father's flock, says that the church will sponsor two vaccination clinics in the coming weeks. Better late than never, I guess.