
Sexual Harassment Charges Not Enough To Get San Diego Mayor To Resign

But he will take a sexual harassment class


SAN DIEGO -- Mayor Bob Filner, facing calls for his resignation amid allegations that he sexually harassed female staff members, said Monday morning that he will not resign.

"I'm not going to resign, and here's why," Filner said in a statement.  "As your elected mayor, I fully expect to be accountable to the citizens of San Diego for all of my actions. 

"But as a citizen of this country, I also expect -- and am entitled to -- due process, and the opportunity to respond in a fair and impartial venue to specific allegations.  I do not believe I am guilty of sexual harassment, and I believe a full presentation of the facts will vindicate me."

Although Filner last week admitted to treating women on his staff poorly, he stopped short of admitting to sexual harassment. He also promised to seek professional help, take a sexual harassment class, and apologize to women he may have offended.