
Spitzer Says That He Has Changed Since Prostitution Scandal

Begging for a second chance


Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's said Wednesday he was guilty of hubris and horrendous judgment, his eyes welling with tears as he explained how he's personally changed in the past five years since he resigned in the wake of a prostitution scandal.

In a tough interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Mr. Spitzer talked at length about the scandal that led to his downfall as he begged the public for a second chance. Mr. Spitzer admitted he lied about his sexual activity, but he said he believes there's a difference between lying about public and private matters.

On Sunday, Mr. Spitzer announced he would attempt to collect enough signatures by a Thursday night deadline to secure a spot on the Democratic primary ballot for New York City comptroller. His comeback campaign has placed his past back in the spotlight.