
Sen. McConnell To Be Challenged By Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Grimes in 2014

Polling from Democratic firm shows the two tied


(Reuters) - Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, will face a 2014 election challenge from popular Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.

At a press conference on Monday in Frankfort, the state capital, Grimes said McConnell is vulnerable to defeat.

"Kentucky is tired of 28 years of obstruction … tired of a senior senator that has lost touch with Kentucky issues, voters and their values," said Grimes.

A poll in late May by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling found McConnell and Grimes tied at 45 percent each. The poll also showed McConnell with a 44 percent approval and 47 percent disapproval rating.

McConnell immediately fired back in a statement accusing her of pursuing a liberal agenda.