Tsarnaev May Face Death Penalty, Give Me Your … Medically Credentialed, Merkel Sees a More Centralized Europe: P.M. Links
Jonas Bergsten The "weapon of mass destruction" charge lodged against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev potentiaally carries the death penalty. He'll be tried in civilian court, by the way, and not as an enemy combatant. Shockingly, he and his brother didn't bother getting licenses for the guns they used to battle police.
- Banning political advertisements is not a violation of human rights, claims the European Court of Human Rights. Hey, Europe … I do not think "human rights" means what you think it means.
- Authorities have so far found no evidence of ricin, or even of research into making ricin, at the home of the man accused of mailing poisoned letters to the president, a senator and a judge.
- An immigration bill being hammered out in D.C. includes incentives to attract foreign physicians to the U.S. Well, who else will work for Medicaid-level compensation?
- Eurozone members, says German Chancellor Angela Merkel, should be prepared to surrender some sovereignty as Europe seeks to regain stability. Insert Godwinning comment here.
- Flight attendants are still upset that airline passengers are again allowed to keep their Swiss Army knives with them when they board their flights. Truly, that is the first tiny, tiny nick in the edifice of American security.
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