A.M. Links: More Sequestration Nonsense, Targeted Killings May Happen on U.S. Soil, Cocaine Study Seeks Subjects in London
Only HD Wallpapers President Obama's not sure he can avoid that sequestration he signed into law. Janet Napolitano, meanwhile, is doing her part in the fearmongering by warning that sequestration may cause airport delays.
- Targeted killings may not always involve drones, and may have happened on U.S. soil.
- Rahm Emanuel may deem himself a potential presidential candidate in 2016, but his approval rating in Chicago is somewhere around 20 percent.
- A cop in Washington Park, Illinois that's the subject of several open investigations is accused of arresting and tasing a local woman for no reason.
- A twenty year veteran of the DC police force was convicted of trying to steal her brother's identity.
- Montana's on the verge of making the consumption of road kill legal. Who knew it wasn't?
- Ann Coulter called libertarians pussies on the Students for Liberty edition of Stossel.
- King's College London is looking for healthy males aged 25 to 40 to snort cocaine.
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