
Ezra Klein Explains Why You Should Consider Voting For Gary Johnson

The Washington Post's house progressive (OK, OK, he's not exactly alone over there) Ezra Klein explains today with astonishing succinctness why you should consider voting for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.


The Washington Post's house progressive (OK, OK, he's not exactly alone over there) Ezra Klein explains today with astonishing succinctness why you should consider voting for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Without further ado:

This election isn't a collision between a candidate who believes in unregulated free markets and a candidate who believes in state control. It's not a fight between big government and small government (just look at Mitt Romney's plans to boost defense spending by $2 trillion). It's not a choice between rugged individualism and compassionate communitarianism, heartland values and coastal elites, or even Keynesian stimulus and austerity economics.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are well within the American consensus. In fact, they're well within the Acela Quiet Car's consensus. They're blue state, Harvard-educated technocrats who like their information in chart form and their advisers sporting PhDs. They both believe in the genius of free markets, the necessity of a federal safety net, and the importance of a strong military. They don't question the wisdom of the drug war, drone strikes or even most of the Bush tax cuts. Their records show they govern prudently, analytically, and honorably.

Genius of the free market? Obama? Really? Anyway, on the whole Klein's right and that's why I voted Johnson this morning.